cancelled by my ex bestie's diss track (w/ Rainie & Will)| Perfect Person Ep. 58

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this is a head gum podcast [Music] hello and welcome to perfect first in the show where I'm perfect and you're a person today I did some organizations catch me at the dollar store buying 40 tool boxes for a single dollar oh yeah I got them and then they're on a shelf on my wall honestly I feel like the examples you give are usually pretty [ __ ] but this is actually a this is a good one this was like really strong like you took steps you've made progress yeah I don't necessarily think you as of somebody who like is always crazy organized uh I'm not even close oh and you've seen his Premiere files thank you no no digitally is different than physically I would say I have a digital organizational skill today by the way I downloaded this app and I [ __ ] crunched through all my emails getting to inbox zero you're talking to me Willis so but um no this is a new thing that I've been doing where essentially I want an organizational system but I don't want it to be like too like uh Pinterest because that kind of irks me so I was like you know what I'm gonna buy these [ __ ] tool boxes from the dollar store yeah and then I'm gonna put hello my name is name tag stickers on them for the lab and then I'm kind of making little kits each is like a little thing it's great I'm putting it I made a shelf and I put it on the wall I really genuinely think this is a per an example of being perfect as opposed to like wearing blue socks or whatever [ __ ] you normally how dare you wearing blue socks is the the Pinnacle of the miles Nation by the way I mean I think a frozen bagel actually thank you it's something that you forget about but you should not be forgetting every time you get Bagel put it in the freezer will sucks I rock is um you know it's controversial I'm a I'm a risk taker I'm an edged Lord people are not expecting for me to sort of [ __ ] bounce my ideas and my IQ off of their little tiny peanuts uh I'm sitting here so sexual I didn't mean it I just heard little tiny peanuts and I was like is that I'm in like a peanut sized brain it's like an elephant but what I heard was was not that because an elephant has the size of brain that's the size of a peanut or are they afraid of peanuts they eat peanuts [Laughter] they're coming to this podcast for facts about elephants you are not in the right place you are in the by the way I'm sitting here with the Wrecking Ball crew holy [ __ ] we've never fumbled it so hard by the way I forgot the plan I forgot the plan in the cold over there discussing before we even started rolling there discussing Randy says what if I say shut and you say ow okay we gotta do it at one more time I'm ready this time I was not ready so just set us up again I feel like we're gonna nail it this time okay here we go oh [Music] that's a little better it's I guess it it's like a better bad [ __ ] like a better bad thing but honestly the effort is rewarded thank you but um God we have so much on the docket today we really do honestly it's phenomenal here Will has returned from his Valiant trip that's right to the motherland of ciao yeah I took the bit really far and will look at me I missed you oh that's nice that was really nice okay well first of all I want to say it would have been tender except rainy demanded video look at me in my eyes and I was being sincere and not throw it wasn't a throwaway I missed will as well yeah I I missed you guys but I will say going on a three-week European Vacation pretty cool pretty cool if you're thinking about going to Europe I recommend it yeah and where did you go you went to Italy I went to France and Italy um it was for my parents 35th wedding anniversary 35 years of marriage yeah uh let's go so my mom booked the international travel otherwise I don't know that I would have been able to afford to go sure um and then we did nine days in a small village in France staying in a medieval house that has been updated to Modern conveniences so the walls are very crumbly and medievally but like it has like plugs and stuff it says Outlets yeah yeah yeah so you can charge your switch yeah oh I did bring my switch but I only played it on the plane because I was like I gotta [ __ ] see the country you know did you have oh my god did you have a baguette did I have a a back head a baguette oh oh my god of course we're the baguette sisters the baguette sister that's right I saw someone call us like something it was like that but wrong in the comments and I thought I was gonna remember it for the show and then I don't know bread cousins yeah I I mean did you learn any words that we could incorporate into the show well I learned that you don't say bonjour I learned that you say bonjour okay did you say merci beaucoup thank you very much um but no I studied no foreign shout out to the French their country respects pastries they respect ham um so um there's the full quote wow that's so cool will and I'm glad that you sort of went to the city of ciao yeah and you learned and that's why hence why uh we're drinking a little bit of Vino a little yeah because it's it's challenging it's definitely Spanish well people if you're trying to say it in Italian I forget what it is then maybe people may not know that this is chow after dark because it's a Monday it's Monday night I loved that will I loved that energy that you brought I also liked it well it was startling it was startling are you talking to me Willis I thought that was really good will and I'm wondering if we can just do another takes we have it clean yeah uh okay uh [Laughter] it's Monday night so yeah well basically it is Monday night so um we all worked today hence why we're recording at 6 30. correct so we're not stealing from the company uh of course we're not time thieves I would never be a Time Thief I would never well uh we've got to get to the phone lines because people are [ __ ] calling and at this point they called a million and a half years ago because we were gabbing before the show yep and then we're gabbing during the show as it should be um as it certainly should be but um I think it's important for everyone to know out there if you like the show you can subscribe it on whatever platform you're listening to it so you cannot miss an episode and you can get that Fang as it be Swang in and if you love the show you can consider joining us on patreon where we have extended versions of every single episode including this one as well as a saucy little Friday show where I get wild and wacky and weird I call back people from the show to get their updates and I also do while little thematic episodes that are fun huge for everybody very huge most recently I did The Weekend Boys group Logistics meeting where a bunch of my college boys and I went to a cabin and we dealt with Logistics in the studio oh that's good good and I know what she's thinking but it was actually thrilling oh yeah no I saw Eric's text about this and I I I gotta I gotta freaking subscribe so you were in a cabin you weren't camping no it was like when I said camping it was not even glamping that sounds like a really fun premise to me it was good yeah because you guys are all very funny and love to do bits and nothing's more fun than doing bits about boring Logistics and we went through the whole itinerary it's just really honestly real good so if you want to listen to that head on over the patreon but until then we have got some callers that are getting ready to stank hi miles so I just went on a girls trip a little recently just as of like two weeks ago and there was a little drum that happened on the trip I'm not one to get involved in the girl drum but I am it turns out I was the center of the drama I was the problem um so if you could just give me a call back whenever you get a chance that would be great also if you do call me back I have kind of a part two to this problem but it involves Rainey okay thanks bye well we obviously have to call it obviously this one made it through yeah oh my gosh I wonder if she has a mutual with me oh my gosh well because I was thinking first of all girls trip drama there's nothing the wrecking ball was you're absolutely honestly the one's pretty good yeah it's turning let's give this person a call back so we can get those hot Deets there we go hello you called perfect person and I'm here to call you back I'm here with the Wrecking Ball crew fantastic tell me all about the girls trip drama because if the wrecking ball crew loves one thing it's drama Cheers Cheers so true okay I need to unpack the store and set the scene a little bit because there is there's quite a lot to talk about here there's a lot of key players about two years ago oh yeah I got married oh my God you got married shout out to Matt yes and yes so I had um some of my college girlfriends were my roommates and there was one girl in particular can we give her a name her name is gonna be Beluga Beluga I love it this is very fitting for her and you'll figure out why in a sec so oh no oh bridesmaid in the wedding because her and I like we were you know in the same friend group she lived with some of my bridesmaids but personally her and I just were not we were not close friends right fast forward to recently I go on a girls trip with the same girls that I go on like a college little fun reunion week every single year and Beluga never comes on this well because she just does her own thing and whatever we were College friends not friends anymore exactly why she wasn't in my wedding so she decides to have her sister who is younger than us Peck four girls on the trip there's six of us total he chooses four to text and says hey Beluga is really upset that she's not on the trip so Beluga did in fact just get married as well and she asked about 12 million people that we went to college with to be her bridesmaids and of course I wasn't invited which is fine but so now it has like the plot has thickened because he has just gotten married does that make sense sort of so sorry so she just got married you weren't invited to the wedding to be were you at the wedding or just not a bridesmaid no I was just not a bridesmaid but there was also some other things that came up so I did not go to the wedding oh so yes so there has been no bad blood though I mean and it was for legitimate reasons I truly could make it so the four girls decide okay we're gonna go outside we're gonna call beluga and we're gonna talk to her you know and just work things out I'm like okay that's fine no worries whatever nothing that's helping the vibe more than a big group phone call in the middle of a girl's trip right yeah yeah yeah yeah day before we leave too so it's like it just ruins the vibe things are weird so they're like yeah it'll just take five minutes we'll be back in I'm like okay cool they are outside for 30 minutes and I'm like okay something's going on I can tell that like you know they keep putting her on mute and they're talking you know they're just like talking in between some girls are throwing up their hands one girl's not saying anything at all I can just tell like the conversation is not going well how are you watching this by the way are you are you inside like my nose pressed to the glass or did you find a spot in like the bushes yeah okay so I am embarrassed [Laughter] same thing so they're outside for a long time they come back in and it's me and the one other girl who was left out of the group chat but she's also you know on the trip with us we're sitting in there and I'm like hey how did it go kind of laughing like obviously clearly did not go well and they're like she's upset that she wasn't in your wedding and I was like my wedding from two years ago yeah what but she's holding on to that in a serious crazy way yeah I also don't know if you can be upset for not being in someone's voice yeah there's so many times where it's like my even friends that I I that I love it's like yeah they had a wedding party and I love being in the ones I've been in and the ones I'm not in whatever like you were invited like you invited her to the wedding she just wasn't in the party right yeah that's interesting I mean but like here's what I'll say it how close were you because if I wasn't in a close friend's wedding party I would be tiffed maybe a little bit most of the time it makes sense though it's like mostly people you've drifted apart from or whatever right well it's like you know what it is it's like a little puzzle piece scenario if you're looking at the rest of the groomsmen and I'm like wait how all these people but not me I would probably be tiffed but this person doesn't seem like they were close with you at all yeah did you have a friend falling out at some point in college no no not at all we were just it was one of those things where we were in the same bigger Circle but we like one-on-one I don't think we ever hung out one-on-one we never had like a deep conversation we would go on spring break trips together she would never really come on the trip to like make those core memories with us she wasn't beer bonging in Cabo with the girlies okay okay sure so I'm just not sure why where these feelings are coming from and basically the conversation ended well I think Beluga might call you sometime within the next two weeks and it's been a little less than two weeks since this has happened so I'm just like waiting on the edge of my feet for me to get a call from beluga and what I'm really wondering is how in the world do I handle that conversation this is a great problem and I know I think I have my diagnosis as a professional doctor but I am but I am curious to hear how rainy is involved oh my gosh I'm dying to know okay so rainy included in this problem but my rainy issue came immediately following this issue okay seems like a clickbait so it's not promise it's not but I just had two big issues so I had to throw them both in there yeah and it's anyway so if I could get an answer to this first then chronologically the Rainy chance I'll barter with you I'll answer your problem if you tell me this is my show now let's go off to the show well first of all um I think this is a situation where um Beluga is going through something that has nothing to do with you whatsoever yeah and this feels like beluga's having a bad [ __ ] week or month or year and she's choosing this opportunity to put it all on you the scapegoat for not being in your wedding but it sounds like it's like if I had a friend that was sort of a fringe friend and I see everyone hanging out and then I'm like I wasn't in her wedding and then oh there's a group chat and it's just like well actually like really like she's been the antagonist the whole time she's the freaking you know Snow White's mistress what is it the evil witch Snow White is not a lesbian yes Snow White's Evil here's the Apple [Music] so I think that she thinks that you're Snow White's witch and uh for some reason she's using this opportunity to be like it's actually all your fault but I honestly think it has nothing to do with you so what I'm gonna say is that it doesn't hurt you to be a little sweetie pants to someone that's having a nervous breakdown yeah it doesn't sound like you've really crossed any lines it sounds like like you do what you explained is a normal process people are really close in college and there's larger groups and then there are people who you don't see as much and it depends on where you all end up living and if you live in the same place it still happens like and it can be really nice to like maintain those connections but there's no reason that her not being a bridesmaid is something that she couldn't just accept it sounds like she definitely carried a grudge from that but then why is it coming up now I think miles is right I think she's going through a bad time and is like fixated on this trip well she was ultimately invited to and just couldn't come like like she's fixated on the trip and you as the scapegoat for a whole host of other problems you talking to Mary Willis so yeah I mean I'm agreeing with that Randy hit it I have big advice everybody okay this is what do you think oh somebody's mad at me somebody it was a weird interaction do they hate me you gotta turn that on its head they're in love with you because what I'm getting from this she's thinking about you constantly and you're not about her at all so I'm thinking you should probably have a crush on you no brainy this is I'm gonna say a rare rainy L yeah um well people do say the opposite of Love is in hate it's indifference right like if she if she didn't care about you in some way she wouldn't have this sort of anger towards you yeah she seems really caught up on you she was actually mad about this she would have brought it up two years ago yeah like like it that's how responsible people handle it and look there are people out there who just hold on to grudges and just [ __ ] get angry about it but it really does have to do with the other circumstances in their life and I think it's unlikely that she recently married is in love with you now here's yeah but well I love what rain is coming from though um you know what I'll say uh you know I'm curious what you guys think about this I'm sort of like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie you can kind of lie to someone who's sad where it doesn't necessarily betray anything or be a problem for you to be like look I get where you're coming from yeah I'm sorry that you feel that way you know hey look I didn't think we were that close but I guess we are and I do want to pursue this just talk kind of fart out a conversation yeah I don't think there's any downside to lying to this person and being like look I'm really sorry I get where you're coming from another big thing Randy has a second piece of weird advice retention round here we go we're okay ready let's get it ready [Applause] this is actually a piece of advice from my funky church that I went to during the pandemic okay okay anger is a cry for love so if she's angry with you then you lead with love you make it you heal it and it doesn't even really matter if you know yeah like I think like Miles saying you can be like really front foot forward caring healing energy yeah I don't necessarily know that you have to pledge to like pursue this friendship necessarily yeah like I I think Miles you're right you can tell some White Lies but I wouldn't say anything you're not willing to back up let's hang out let's get boba and then [ __ ] ghost the gal no no don't do that I I think you could say like you could make plans to see her but I wouldn't I wouldn't over Pledge on oh yeah let's be best friends and the thing is too is like we live in completely different states now so like that's not even it is yeah it's never gonna happen our lives are so far removed that it's like this I was just so blindsided because I truly because and and the girls were saying they're like yeah maybe a chat would be good like you could air some stuff out with her and I was like I I truly have nothing to say and that's not me being rude that's just like true yeah I just yeah and you could even say it you could say this in the conversation like I I don't have a problem with you like it this all happened based on just like friends drifting apart and I'm sorry if that hurt your feelings unfortunately that's kind of the problem it's the madman thing I don't think about you at all yeah exactly she's like oh my gosh we have this beef and you're like I [ __ ] have not thought about you like you're not on my mind I thought they were talking about [ __ ] some TV show out there for 30 minutes yeah yeah yeah yeah you like you said you had no idea that this was this whole thing was about you so yeah I think if you lead with love like granny said and maybe give her an opportunity to kiss you through the phone you know see what happens get me through the phone I just really need to know about do you guys have any more advice before we know stage okay close he's close okay we are moving on okay so immediately following this trip which was I'm from Tennessee by the way but immediately following this trip which was in Arizona um I decided to take a little trip on over to ural's neck of the woods in California to visit my sister who just recently moved out there whoa and it's funny that in this conversation we're talking about having weird interactions with people and you thinking they hate you because that was my interaction [Music] honestly rainy and I'm not mad I'm not mad at you at all I'm normal at myself because I acted like such a fool and you probably don't even know what I'm talking about so let me again let me set the scene we're dropping the streets me and my sister and we're she's showing me around you know I hadn't been out there in a while well she was like oh my gosh I've got to answer this email I need to pull over on the side of the road I was like okay cool we find a little parallel spot we drive over and in the meantime it's so funny because I was just talking about this podcast to my sister I was like you've got to listen to it it's so funny like they come up with the funniest advice it's like also really good and she was like oh no way who's on it so I was like oh miles and I was like oh there's a girl right there and then Ricky [ __ ] takes a [ __ ] spelled that to your car oh my God no that would have been much more like that that would have been much better but and this is really embarrassing for me to stay and I'm regretting it now but I was like oh there's this girl that comes on the show her name is Rainey I think she's so funny like whatever so funny and I was like if I saw because like I'm not one to like go out to LA and celebrity hunt but I know that rainy is in her influencer era so like if I saw if I saw rainy out in the wild like she would probably say hey to me you know she's trying to be an influencer girl so I kid you not we are literally in a parallel spot and I see a car like coming out of a parking lot somewhere in front of us waiting on the traffic to pull out in the road and I was like oh my gosh that is raining that is literally rainy it's pretty important and I'm like out of all places California is a big state like out of all the places we could be rainy is in front of us and so my sister also does not have automatic windows in her car she has like the roll down Windows so I don't know why but my first thought when I see rainey's face is to roll down the manual windows in my sister's car stick my head out the window and yell where were we yeah give us some geography so well so I was in Burbank and Randy kind of pulling out and I'm like tell sticking my head out the window in rainy you like looked over like you heard something and you were just like Gaslight like you just had no idea what was going on we made eye contact and then you just drove away like and I was like oh my God she hates me she doesn't even know me she likes a fan rainy guys it's a fan is the type of the episode by the way I we were all in bait of breath for rainy being canceled and I know it was a big exciting moment but what happened was that rainy folded onto the street yeah yeah because because I guarantee you Randy would have stopped and said hi well by the way Randy would have said ciao oh I would have made like only on recognize twice both times so excited I and I hate to say this I because it is weird that I made eye contact I probably thought you were yelling at me because I probably thought that's you're mad at me for driving poorly yeah because I do get that more frequently than people yelling Chow at me Randy's trauma Rainey thought that you were a mad bystander for her pulling on to the wrong Street and there's a chance I was like wait why is why are they young why what did I just do did I miss something you know did I just run over someone but um I would have I'm I wish I had said ciao that is so funny that you ran into Rainey and you had such a Negative experience God that's fine three or four times maybe and it's always fun and weird and uh but like yeah I will say I this is this is carte blanche permission to any listeners or perfect person out there if you scream chat with me I'm looking at you and I'm literally by the way say shout out to me any time of day or a week oh yeah what I'm doing it's the code word scream it and I will be like hopefully I will hear you I was shirtle I was shirtless in Big Bear and someone did not say ciao but they went miles and I was like do I know this person and they were just like hey I watch the thing like that's really nice to be very sweet yeah no it's um none of us have any real like serious cloud I guess miles has more than we do but I totally don't by the way like but like it it that's the thing like anyone who is like we're not at the level of Fame where it's at all annoying because I do not think of myself as a famous person like wow this is crazy I couldn't be more accessible yes people literally go you can call me on the phone whatever inaccessible you think I am you can call me on the horn so oh I don't think you should feel bad I don't think Raina should feel bad I think ultimately what happened is that cars are hard to hear in and maybe you should have yelled ciao again you know I was also probably listening to Young gray maybe by the way if Chow doesn't work you gotta follow it up with the bonjour I'm so sorry you had that interaction um thank you for calling in and um I'm gonna let you go but you're the best uh make sure your sweetie pants to the friend of yours that's being weird and ciao a million times oh I just made that just made my whole life rainy is not canceled anymore okay ciao all right okay that was the best one by far really you guys are upping your Chow in a huge one that's big and by the way really rainy your heart must have been racing that whole time you're like did I I thought it was gonna be I mean yeah what was the what did you think it was I think you thought it was somebody you actually knew in real life or somebody knew somebody you knew in real life I 100 at the beginning of that I thought she said oh by the way I like had this whole friendship with some guy you used today oh so you you thought that yeah it was going to be an ex-boyfriend situation yeah well we've got another little voicemail here with a problem about a beef so I'm calling because me and the singer-songwriters so now she's releasing a diss track about me and I don't know you know maybe I should say something maybe get some revenge or maybe am I am I the problem am I the [ __ ] call me back please thank you wow we've got to get the diss track on the show I mean we have to play it on the show hello hello you called perfect person because you've got a beef that's absolutely sizzling I'm here with the Wrecking Ball crew ciao oh my God it's a wrecking ball crew [ __ ] hell it doesn't failure by the way it's BP royalty baby and they're back at sisters [Laughter] we're gonna need some more details first of all I just have to double check in because we don't want to lead a horse to water but is the diss track already out or is it dropping soon no so actually some background is that I should have learned my lesson the first time it will actually be my second this track to come out no I am so jealous of you that is my dream no though we had like a little like a smaller fight like uh maybe a year or two ago and she released one then too but then we like became friends again it was all fine so this will be the second one and it comes out at the end of the month is it bad form for me to play the first district probably not right it's fine it's okay she published it she published it hey this is miles from the future editing the episode and I wanted everyone to know that I did reach back out to the caller to confirm that it was okay that I leave the diss track in even though we're gonna be using a fake name for the artist it was just too good not to include so I made sure to get permission to post it and that is the T okay okay okay so it's called the carpenter the Carpenter and what oh yeah okay here we go and this is a diss track against you wow that's long yeah we're gonna be playing just a little bit of this just so and comments are turned off oh that's gonna be a point for you okay here we go okay great start Cry Me a River her voice is amazing take your sorry body and get over it call me a stranger cause I don't wanna be your friend oh [ __ ] I've got the gates locked Swallowed the Key keep the bones in your closet [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] I'm really sorry but whatever drama you have is worth it because this is such a [ __ ] I don't know what this girl this girl could have [ __ ] murdered her entire family you to stop I'm adding to Spotify when I get in my car I'm really sorry to hear it but let's hear no no so I let her like we became friends again and she was like I gotta keep this up this is like that's my name but she's like that's this is yeah no it's I mean it is good and I think she has chops and I'd like to represent her but I am curious what the news so what was the what are the falling outs you guys keep I mean it's this hot and this cold it's like Taylor Swift's exes I mean from the from the from the song you said she said you break [ __ ] Hearts is this there is a romantic component to the fight is she in love with you well but that's a more reasonable question do you think she has a question I don't I mean like it's a rainy World Randy really wants me no no unfortunately okay that would be like the ending to this but no so the first site we got into was because um I actually was having like romantic like relationship problems with a mutual friend of ours like someone I was dating and she was friends with and you've got bones in the closet far away from her yeah which I'm interested in but that might be too deep for this body what are the bones in your closet that she's trying to keep people away from I don't know so that's the thing is like you know she's making music so she's gotta like she's saying the artistic like that is yeah but so yeah so the first song it's in the past so she was mad about something that you did to somebody else essentially like not even about yeah unless that was right and that was always my biggest problem with it because it was like it's not even drama that involves her you know what I mean yeah this is an ethical um conundrum for me because I'd really love to plug this [ __ ] you said I'm assuming that whatever you did what happened to you this mutual friend of yours it is just a normal dating thing and it wasn't like like oh you know you were screaming at her all the time yeah what happened what happened between you and the friend you know we were young we were still in high school and I think I was just in a place where like I was very on and off again about like how I was feeling about that person and like I admit it now like I'm I'm good friends with that person again like it was just kind of like you know I was being immature about the whole thing I think but for some reason like it really affected this mutual friend of ours like you know the girl who writes the music like she was just very upset about it all yeah right I mean I feel like when you're an artist I mean I get this no I'm sure she was just like oh this is like what an emotional thing and like that'd be a good song and like maybe she was sort of emotionally affected by it but then she really wanted to just like oh this [ __ ] Bops actually yeah so the first diss track I mean I gotta say it's great it's good um now what is the modern issue that you believe that she's gonna be writing a track about back in like february-ish um I had admitted to having feelings for a friend that she actually introduced me to um and so then like you know I told her how I was feeling she was super supportive of it but I found out later down the line that he had feelings for her and then like once I like he admitted that to me and so then I you know felt the need to kind of like come clean about how I was feeling because I felt like that might be affecting how she was handling the situation with him and then I found out that the second I told her I had feelings for this person she realized that she also had feeling for him the second that you said that she was like oh uh me too yeah like she was like yeah like because we had a conversation about it after and she was like yeah like you know just hearing you talk about him made me realize that I was like jealous and I was upset about it and so then the two of them started pursuing things oh Lord and like you know and like they hadn't even been like talking for like a week and they came to my Oscars party and they totally like you know I was running around consolidating that and that's at my Oscar's party and it was like because they broke up why were you Consolidated well because the girl kept being like I don't think I like him I think he's like ugly and like annoying and I'd be like then what are you doing like it didn't make any sense so she saw that there was a yummy meal being made she decided to eat up then she gets full absolutely oh I'm a little full and I don't want to eat the meal anymore but that's sort of prohibiting you from having that yummy little snack yeah and like I'm being really good about it like you know I'm really I'm distance distancing myself from the guy like I'm just kind of really trying to support her and what she's doing but it's clear after like two weeks of them talking but like this is not going anywhere like how he clearly does not like this how old are you I'm 20 um but they're older actually um they're like four years older so they're 24ish and like I cared enough about the two of them at this point to just be like I want you guys to be happy like if that's with each other then that's cool I said two weeks and it's clear like yeah she thinks he's ugly and annoying which somehow your words convince her like that's that's just weird on its own like we'll get to the end of the story but like it's something very odd to be like I want that thing that you want yeah you know and so the whole time too like that I was still like that I was into him like she would always try to convince me like reasons why I shouldn't like him like no like you don't want to be with him like he gets depressed sometimes and it was like what does that mean like yeah so does everybody yeah sometimes in life you gotta be sad I agree good t-shirt literally like things between them they're on not going anywhere and he starts flirting with me and like I've been trying to lay low but like I still have feelings for the kid it's only been like two months since that initial conversation at this point you know right so you know so we start kind of hanging out one-on-one talking more and you know before anything goes anywhere I immediately like tell her I'm like you know I really want to respect your boundaries and like he doesn't need to be around I don't need to talk about him but like this is the thing that's going on you know and I just wanted to be honest with you about that and she's supportive at first but like over the course of a week like each day like she just kind of got less and less supportive of it until one day like she texts me this long text while I'm at work and she's basically like you know because you're with him now like you're associated with him by proxy and like I can't speak to you anymore oh this person's sorry like troubles yeah like many musicians this person is not in control of their feelings no and like does not have emotional maturity because you clearly did the right thing by talking to her and like like you said she doesn't even like him what why does he there's this weird thing like why do you have possession over somebody else if it's I know people who are still weirdly possessive like ex-girlfriends from years past and it's like yeah that person is not dating you anymore get over it okay move on yeah I totally agree now I think it's a tricky era because I think that there is sort of a movement in the Friendship space where he's sort of like oh like that's my ex yeah and I think that it's interesting and like you there's no one can ever date him and I get that impulse when you're younger for two weeks they were an official like who gives a [ __ ] it doesn't count yeah it's a Young Person's game I think to be like um oh like I've claimed that person and now I want them it's like I oh you're playing with that toy I kind of want to play with that toy yeah but then when you get a little older I think it's just like oh no whatever everyone has a million X's yeah at this point like who's even keeping track um it's also like I think that it to me is indicative of when people have that sort of possession it's that they actually are not experiencing closure because they are removing too frantically through relationships to actually have them beginning middle end yeah yeah so it's like they're this she's like oh well like yeah actually I like him now and oh I actually don't want that anymore and it's like she never experienced what it was actually like to try to be around this person in an empathetic way and then she moved on before she was even done so she's feeling like oh well I've claimed him you know what I mean his actual closure it's like I don't know at this point I'm married with a baby but if any one of my best friends started dating an ex-girlfriend I would not care of course not and and that's the emotionally true response obviously when you're 20 and 24 it's different it is a little more uh raw and close to the vest but like I just don't think that you can lay claim on someone and like she's like you're associated with him by proxy like he's not this bad guy right yeah are you still seeing him I guess is the other question yeah so you know that was back in like beginning of Spring end of winter so we're still dating and things are going really great you know um but obviously like I just didn't answer her text because I was like yeah I was like mad and I was like there's so many things I could say like exactly what you guys are saying to be like your points don't make sense but like it just didn't feel worth it you know it's not worth arguing somebody into a position they clearly won't hold you know like how good of a friend is she like how it seems like she's not you know it's like I don't want to be friends it's like okay okay sorry it is really sad yeah when when people end friendships for like trivial reasons yeah right or even at all like by the way she's gonna be thanking you in that album goes triple platy because I [ __ ] think that she is a talented yeah that's the thing that's the weird thing about this is that the song we heard was good and if she's a good songwriter it seemed like like yes it's not totally fair to you don't get don't get us wrong but that song's no you shouldn't be friends I think you should get residuals honestly I agree great point the the emotional truth of songs is not based in reality though so like if she wants to live in this feeling like if she wants to come back and be friends with you again she might reach out but you don't have to like do you miss her do you feel bad about how it all went down because I do not think you did anything wrong no no and like that's how I know I made the right decision is like I don't miss her like any emotions I have it's just anger and that's because we were a part of like a greater friend group and I've really been trying to take the mature position and like not really talk about it with anybody like you know like really be respectful towards her but I have a feeling she's not doing the same towards me and my new boyfriend I know she's being messy she's being and so I've I've lost some friends in the process those people exist but they just I feel like they run out of steam so fast and those people are gonna come back around by the way things are like that girl talking that [ __ ] about you like the friends that it's sort of the thing of you don't want to go viral yeah drama exactly because if you do the people that are hanging out with you then are just like in it for the drama yeah it's kind of like hanging out with your drug dealer like people are hanging out with you because you got the drugs man like that's right it's not cause you rock even though you might yeah like I think that yeah if if you're somebody out there who's like talking by the way I love to [ __ ] talk don't get me wrong oh it's so fun I'm not about [ __ ] talking but I think that there's an element of it that it can't you really have to check sometimes if something is if you're talking [ __ ] about people who deserve it or you're just talking [ __ ] is talking [ __ ] is fun exactly but I also think like there there's a way to harmlessly talk [ __ ] and like not make people lose friendships you know like I think that there's lots of degrees of having fun with it and she's clearly of the mind that like that was my two-week X which means you violated the girl code and like you're you're you're in the wrong and I get that perspective but it's stupid as [ __ ] you have to by the way empathize with your villains I think that that's a good way when you are talking in the art of talking [ __ ] yeah it's important to empathize with your villains so if you're like yeah this person did this and this it was like [ __ ] so weird but I guess they're probably coming from this place no and they're probably you know what I mean like I think that that actually is an important element of talking [ __ ] because then you're you're trying to get into their head because we're all [ __ ] just people at the end of the day trying to figure it out putting our pants on one leg at a time okay here is that you jump into it I Jump Right In perfect person rules of talking [ __ ] number one empathize with your villains empathize with your villains you always have to be like if it's a if it's like a mutual friend you always have to be like no I love this person like I really I've like she's really cool that's the preface and then at the end you say but also like I guess like this is probably what's going on like I don't know they're probably coming at it from this angle and they maybe are like representing it I mean it's all [ __ ] insecurity anyway like when people are acting out it's usually because of some sort of feeling they're feeling in themselves so it's like yeah number two you can always talk [ __ ] about people who have higher power than you if you're a boss talk [ __ ] about the [ __ ] people who are the leaders in the friend group teachers absolutely yeah anybody who's in a power position is fair to talk [ __ ] about really with no consequences and you don't have to be that empathetic um although I will say like I just I feel like if you wanna I don't know it may not be worth it you may just need to let those friendships go but like I guarantee you if you reach out one-on-one and like had coffee with the girls that you are like you know you do this you could explain your side of it I think they would agree with you I do think we have to just prep for this or for the coffee or call or whatever because I feel like her side of the story that she's telling everybody is you started dating she was like oh wait what do we did you get did you give a fake name no your name's gonna be Daniela Daniela Daniela started dating my ex like a week after we broke up right and they're like they're like she didn't wait at all but it doesn't sound like that's necessarily the case it sounds like you asked yeah you were like can I do this and she was like yeah try to correct the narrative and just be like look I told you but this is also a person that like they may just talk [ __ ] I would say Safeguard the friends that you're losing yeah more so than against this person this person's too emotionally volatile that they're not going to be able to hear really reason maybe try to like patch up uh you didn't text this person back at all so like maybe try to find a resolution to that even if you're both at odds yeah you don't have to meet with her but you could send her a delayed text sorry that you feel this way I asked and that you said it was okay and like I didn't think you liked him at all like I don't understand the anger here and I but I'm sorry if I upset you and I I feel like I've lost some other friends because of it and it doesn't really feel that fair to me you know I think that I think you're right like I think that it's important to even if it's just to maintain those other relationships like talk that out with them and and try to make that work because it's it's hard losing so many people at once you know what I mean for something that just doesn't feel worth it yeah yeah again like I guarantee you she's dating someone else and she's gonna use this as fuel for a song and that's fine you talking to me Willis I just I can't wait for the new album to drop uh I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it um but uh yeah I'm sure I know it's really gonna be a banger and I think that she has a big music career ahead of her and I'm really sorry that that's true but thank you for calling in I do appreciate it and uh I wish you the best ciao yeah thank you guys oh let's just get a little another taste yeah [Music] [Music] drag me through the mud only for the weekend lose [Music] so here's to the silence I'll keep to myself I'll go to her house why don't you go to hell there's nothing to save here when you're too far gone okay I [ __ ] can't believe how hard that hit it's really good this could be your big break I'm going to be a representative because I'm gonna be an agent you're gonna get into music man I'm looking to be a music manager because this song is really good it [ __ ] is super good but it's really good her voice is extraordinary okay here we go another voicemail hello miles I'm just calling it because well I'm wondering is it ethical to not tell my roommates that our apartment is haunted um yeah that's by conundrum okay thanks bye I mean off the bat before we even hear more what do you think I'm thinking that it is a fine I think it's fine you don't have to tell them it depends on what you're doing I'm sorry if she's like I woke up in the middle of night and a man was dragging me down the stairs no no no that's not haunting no if it's really bad on it she's like I open the faucet and it was blood that came out yeah that's it depends on the hunting if it's a ghoul fine if it's a specter fine if it's a team payment you're gonna need to call the [ __ ] ghost what about a poltergeist throwing [ __ ] around it depends this is a nice [ __ ] you guys [Music] I heard that your apartment was haunted and I'm here with the ciao sisters [Laughter] um I'm sort of in the bath right now you're in the bath perfect time to talk no it's the chat we're the Chow Busters and we're here to ask you about how your apartment is haunted and whether it's ethical or not for you to tell your roommates go ahead yes so I I can really hear the icon I can hear the bathroom just the bathroom behind you no don't change let's see I was just like chilling in my apartment cleaning things up getting it ready because it was dirty when we got there yeah um at that apartment right now I'm at home with my family recovering from a concussion which could play into the ghost thing I don't know but I was um cleaning up and it was getting really late and I felt somebody poke me like really hard to back like in my kidney like really hard yeah I sort of freaked out I sort of threatened the ghost with my Dollar Tree exacto night smart um oh I think it was good yeah and I thought that was I thought we were good I thought like I'd set a boundary but I don't know ghosts typically I mean classically just adhering the boundaries ghosts really respect boundaries yeah just go should go to therapy that's right 20 23. five minutes later I just started feeling just dread and I got poked again but way harder and so I left and like as soon as I was out the front door guys it was just it was fine but it was like after I like crossed the threshold um so like so when did you move into this place oh my cousin he took care of it the next day and so I went back and it's just like good ghosts now wait hang on sorry sorry sorry what did your cousin take care of did he like do a paranormal ritual did he do it like a little Seance burn some Sage um sort of we're religious so he like said a prayer and he exercised honestly like The Vibes are so much better that is huge by the way a [ __ ] ghost Vibe check well I think it was just like I said a boundary my way but I think I had to set the boundary to ghosts way yeah you got to talk to talk his language yeah he was being toxic and you're like literally I am creating a boundary between our relationship you need to not be so toxic in my house yeah okay interesting yes I need space and I need my personal bubble not to be popped by your literally bruising little pokes pop that goosie yeah did you bruise yeah yeah yeah it was a it wasn't great interesting I've heard of things like this happen where it's sort of like the hey of the ghost hand or the and it'll be kind of like on your leg or from the movie yeah yeah but like I've like seen little ghosties before but I've never been like poked or anything so I'm not liking this new development well so what I think was happening is that this Goku ghost was just trying to say hi to you on Facebook yeah oh that's a great plan and he just didn't know how hard he didn't know his own power yeah he's logged into Facebook yeah clicking poke on your profile yeah literally you got poked by a toxic poked by a toxic ghost um exactly so got it so now you're wondering whether it's ethical or not to tell your roommates whether that this happened yes we because like the rude ghost is gone either that or it's majorly chilled out but I did have that experience in our shared living space so I don't know whether or not I should tell them warn them or if that's like just gonna introduce more bad vibes I'm thinking if I don't want if you have a situation where you're being poked by a toxic ghost and fleeing your home until the vibe Checker comes by you're gonna need to be telling the little roommates what's going on I think you should tell them it's it's fun it's funny like you said the bad ghost is gone the good ghost is back and like yeah you know a lot of people me included don't think it was surreal sure will be skeptical of the story I don't know what your roommates are like but we can come hang out uh they've they've already signed the lease right yes did the Ghosts sign the links this is the fourth name is not paying rent guys and I think I should charge the ghost is living rent free in your home my ghost roommate refuses yeah I think you got to tell the roomies because first of all I mean like this is just good fodder for conversation it's good fodder for convo and also that way like I don't know you just let everybody in on the poking situation and maybe the ghost is trying to warn you about some bigger ghost that's gonna come on by you know what I mean oh my gosh maybe it was like a little house and there are people living in the basement very spooky very parasite well yeah definitely tell your roommates because there's no downside they're not gonna be like I'm gonna move if because of the gun unless they're like really seriously scared of ghosts those people exist I think they're silly but they're out there like yeah but I would guess your roommates are going to be like at least somewhat skeptical of the idea but they will enjoy thinking about a ghost maybe being there also if it's solved problem solved we had a problem in the past and now it's over yeah you busted you busted the ghost yeah you got your cousin to come by and pray the ghost away pray the gods and that's beautiful and that is beautiful well thank you for calling in I think that you're going to be here wait can I get sorry can I get a like a little Anonymous name oh my gosh absolutely here it comes hot and fresh right I just want to say that you're referencing the famously anti-semitic uh Bankers you talking to me Willis I would love that to be in a rap song we gotta put it in a rap song well gang we're sort of nearing and Deering the end of the Epi yeah sad and um I do like how the fake name it's like a party favor at this point yeah people like really are like craving it people are craving it people are wanting it they're collecting it yeah um well we're about to get into our final segment I secondly like to call real this is a segment where we forced a genuine moment in an effort to learn more about each other and ourselves will now while you were on your vacation yeah it's you he definitely knows where this is going learn anything about your life sometimes I find that travel can make you look at your life slightly differently did you glean any hot pieces of wisdom yeah France I I feel like uh one of the first of all it's just really nice to be away from work for that long because so much of our Lives revolves around doing the thing that gets you cash and um and like I felt like it was also like not smoking weed for three weeks was really good for me and yeah sure I felt I've come back with a renewed sense of optimism and purpose and I feel like everything that I want to do I can do which I was not necessarily feeling before and I feel I also just went to a bachelor party this weekend uh literally uh I came back last night and I saw a bunch of my wonderful friends who I love and I just feel like I have so much love in my life I I just I feel I'm in a good place right now and I I do think that as bougie as it is to say like vacation really helped with that and I I don't necessarily know that I gained any crazy insight into me as a person but I just started feeling like I did though like like I can do it I can do the things that I want to do it's not hopeless yeah how was um stopping smoking and Wheaton was it like hard at first oh not at all this is the thing like I don't I don't do it compulsively unless it's around me because I just really enjoy exactly yeah and so I'm trying to make it more of a deliberate Choice um to make it not something I just do when I get home from work immediately like to try to prioritize some other things first but I can still smoke weed sometimes and uh so yeah I will say the one major feature of it as Earl Sweatshirt says in his song uh stop smoking pot at my dreams got my nightmares got more crazy because I stopped talking about I started dreaming way more whoa because when I'm when I smoke weed every day I don't really remember my dreams but I would have these crazy ones yeah none of which I really remember but like it was almost a novel experience that's so interesting yeah that was my primary takeaway from not smoking weed do you dream a lot [Music] uh I actually um I seldom remember my dreams yeah which is really sort of like uh frustrating Sarah dreams so intensely all every night she's like she's described it in ways she's been like it's like I live a whole other life and then I wake up and she's like exhausted sometimes yeah I can't believe I go back to sleep sometimes because sometimes it's like so visceral and intense and then at night I'm like all right time to let's do it again do you think I mean dreams are really [ __ ] crazy I mean this is really like what I love about the get real segment is it's sort of our time to do Stoner talk yes but I dreams are so [ __ ] crazy to me because sometimes I don't know it'll pull like old memories weird like you'll wake up and you'll be like oh just like that feeling often I have disaster dreams are the ones like I remember I had one dream and I was like on a boat and I had crashed [ __ ] and everyone's gonna be pissed at me and I was gonna be in trouble and then I wake up and I'm like oh my God I can't believe I don't have to be in trouble I had a dream last night that Justin Bieber was in love with me but he was upset because it was ruining his life because Haley Bieber was really upset but he was so in love with me but he was toxic so I was like um I don't know what to do and I had a boyfriend but Justin Bieber was like trying I was like I don't care like so in love with you he it was ruining Rainey I'm supposed to go to go to the Haley is upset and I was just like he was like can you actually just like give me a break because like I just like got with you it was toxic it sounds like you were cheating your boyfriend dude yeah also by the way how did you feel about the gym were you like whatever Justin I know feeling it's hard to yell [Laughter] I mean like I guess we're in an open relationship like in front of him well dreams don't have to make complete sense it's like you fill in the gaps right like if there's something like that where it's like I have a boyfriend but I'm hooking up with Justin Bieber like yeah you weren't in a relationship sure like you just add something like yeah your dreams are your subconscious sometimes it's so obvious like you ever have a dream where it's just about something you've been anxious about for the last couple weeks and it's like that thing going wrong and it's like here's my subconscious real subtle yeah wow dream talk is always something that I'm insecure about because it's like is this boring well I think it is no I mean it's something everybody [ __ ] does yeah it's also like I mean you know will was talking about not believing ghosts it's like our dreams in some way like where are you [ __ ] portal to another [ __ ] no they're just your subconscious flashing through people you saw that day um you say that as it by the way you said it's just your subconscious flashing other people like when you're in a dream trying to that's what's interesting to me I understand the rationalization outside the dream but when you're in a dream and you're like I am an NPC in a video game yeah and it is live it like I get it in theory that it's like yeah it's your brain creating [ __ ] chemicals but when you're in a dream nothing [ __ ] compared hey man when your brain creates chemicals it's real baby yeah you're telling me man that's just life the greatest chemical of all love serotonin oh well thanks for doing the show rainy and Will it's obviously the wrecking ball crew give my formal apology for saying Gringotts okay by the way you said green got uh so you could have just been referencing something let's do that nobody name funny name and now I'm ready as always you can follow Rainey started to stand up by the way she thought I had to plug this in her plug you are an influencer influencer now give it a follow by the way I saw 17K oh on Instagram yeah yes honey I would like to just say that I only have 8 000 followers and I'd really like to get up to the double ditch yeah but I don't really post or am interesting I do obviously have a big post coming up September one um no September five excuse me and a couple Easter eggs here and there well after this first of all follow my Tick Tock as will is in a few and you're going to be in one coming up by the way okay and also I I'll I'll put you in my story today you don't have to you can no I will well you have to pay rainy for it okay sure I really should be doing that by the way follow Rainey at raining tall it's raining tall it's training toll I'm at witwar w-i-t-w-e-r I have to spell it at the bank I loved that I really like that actually and you can follow me at Miles Bond if you don't already and thank you so much for listening to the show I appreciate being a part of your week and as always if you have a conundrum and you're not sure where to go or where to solve it if you're not sure what to do or how to do it if you're wondering um yeah well it's been a crazy Wild Ride you just need to close your eyes and know that Perfection is only a call away [Music] I said [Music] that was a head gum podcast
Channel: Perfect Person
Views: 64,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: advice, lifehack, podcast, try guys, Advice that will go for miles, perfection, Miles Bonsignore, milesbon, podcast gremlin, comedy, call in advice, seeking advice, wisdom, things i wish i knew, trypod, internet darling, phone call, call in show, podcasting, headgum, get real
Id: JhRjluNqcP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 20sec (3920 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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