Exposing My Wife to Vines that Shaped Our Culture

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hello everyone welcome back to water bottle asmr [Music] now i'm kidding welcome back everyone to the lush life channel mrs lush is joining me here today as always i am your host leon and joshua snake will be sprinkling on that slithery magic vine is is is an iconic in our culture as far as content creation it was really the pioneer in short form video six seconds and people really did some incredible things with it and it created a lot of careers the the paul brothers started on vine drew goodin danny gonzalez a lot of these big youtubers now i think originally got their start on vine uh and there's some vines that have just become kind of like cultural staples right that if you've been on the internet you know of them i feel like you don't have a lot of exposure to that did you even use vine at all when it was out no but i've definitely seen vines you've shown me stuff and of course i've seen stuff yeah of course and i'm sure there's been maybe compilations we've watched in the past that included vines but this is specifically to try and look through some of what may be considered uh some of the classics uh to get a feel for uh well just in case you have not been exposed to any of the absolute classics that everyone needs to know about we're going to try to get through a few of those today uh and see if we can appreciate fine rest in peace listen like why did it go away vine walked so tick tock could run there was a big mis big mismanagement of vine by whatever i don't know who it was specifically but the way they treated their creators so there was like the biggest vine stars like essentially kind of tried to unionize and go to vine and be like listen you guys need to pass more money and vine was like no and then they all left and vine with the beds so looks like uh vines a little bit of a lesson and treat the people that made your platform with respect and give them the value they deserve i believe there could be a lot more be to it than that but that's as far as i know here we go [Music] i love this as a son of a mother who's a piano teacher i love that right there what are these what's up what's up got your [ __ ] in the cup got dates so this it's so crazy how short they are i know that's it's gonna they're just gonna fly by but it's funny like i know i'm gonna watch through these and so many of these vines over the years have become so viral that like they're like commentators and stuff just use the little clips and like put them in their videos so they're just all gonna be like like a lot of these i don't even i wouldn't even have known from when they were originally big i just know cause they've been used for so many years now i'm in my mum's car broom broom get out my car what that's like literally you had to take i would love to get popular for that yeah it's it's tough to make something funny in six seconds i'll tell you i know like vine was popular before i was really doing much on the internet content-wise and i remember trying it and i don't know i tried for like 10 seconds i was like i'm not good with the six second stuff [Music] i wish it wasn't funny that's one of my favorite ones of all time [Laughter] that for some reason is wildly famous that clip really yeah i don't know why did not me not as much as this one holy crap significant that clip this is the i love it dude meme culture is is a different thing but that's how we communicate now you know like when with the proliferation these social platforms it's like we communicate through memes in six second clips and jokes it's just like it's it's a different world we live in now i wonder if a lot of people from vine are now on tech talk oh 100 well yeah yes a lot of people from vine initially moved over to other platforms obviously instagram's still pretty popular in a lot of vines snapchat there was what was called the vine invasion where they all kind of came into youtube but youtube you making youtube content's a lot different than making vi like you know what i'm saying like of course uh and tick tock is kind of the same thing but it's like a new generation it's like tick tock scooped up the younger kids now and is making them right but same idea hi okay what i'm so glad i'm so glad you thought that was funny because that's maybe out of all the vines we're gonna watch today the most prolific i need to watch it again i'm so glad you thought that was funny this one is absolutely been in every single youtube video ever since hi okay words that's just funny oh dude that's classic this that just made it worth it for me i was concerned i was not going to get a reaction out of you but that one i feel like that's like the goal every time we were just trying to get something out of me no but you know what sometimes it doesn't happen sorry folks just the fact that it was that one because every i would say 99 of the people at home watching this right now are familiar with that clip all right is it the type of thing that even though you've seen it like dozens of times you're still gonna laugh at it yeah yeah like i couldn't not i still love it i still love it and definitely you laughing at it was what drove most of the funny for me right there but wow excited oh man i feel like that was i don't know if he's the first dude that started that but that's become a thing now like cody cos didn't i do [ __ ] it's hard to explain i don't know if there's a name for it but it just is [Music] wait i think i need to see it again wait what just happened that was a lot faster dude i had forgotten about this one i've definitely seen it a bunch you have yeah yeah yeah just the lacrosse whip shirt off i wonder how many takes that check come on dude [Music] oh god jacob sartorius [Music] [Laughter] that's awesome i don't think i've ever seen that one if you don't know the john cena intro it doesn't make sense it's okay you don't have to understand all of it and his name is john cena disney channel white girl it wasn't miley cyrus her name was liz lizzy mcguire lizzie mcguire lebron james lebron john is that no nothing to do that's another one that's is culturally ubiquitous as that okay baby it's cold outside [Music] [Laughter] those don't exist is that why i've never heard of a quadruple a battery before google it i need to know if that's real well obviously it's a thing if you just had some but i mean i guess so but i've never heard of that either quadruple a batteries if i ever owned anything that asked for quadruple a batteries i would immediately throw it out it's double or triple or bust get off my lawn all right quadruple a batteries are a thing folks mystery solved excellent like how do you record that bass the bass hearing what like seeing the yeah it's just hey man there's a lot of smartphones around the world they're bound to catch something something bizarre once in a while radio shot you think it's funny ladies and gentlemen that's way better yeah just because it's target and the music it was just better there was an air horn in it so it's inherently better by default from the manatee county fair would you not eat my pants perfectly cut scream you know what i'm about to say it oh yeah classic i don't care that you broke your elbow i said whoever threw that paper your mom's a hug [Laughter] it's like a lot for your brain to catch up with it it's all happening so fast it's really i'm just like you try it it's just six second punch line after six second punch sign with no time suck and really the punch lines i'm like wait is that supposed to be oh way to go ball oh i thought it wasn't carl what could have been god he's like that dad that everyone's saying really talks about behind his back that gets too angry at hockey games that was like what a youth like a five-year-old oh they were maybe in like middle school [Music] that was good that was really good i like that that's so good yeah absolutely [Music] i just kind of wanted to keep going i know [Music] [Music] one of my all-time favorites uh do you not even know who bubernum is i definitely do you have to i've had to have talked about him before right yes he's had like two i believe two netflix specials since then he's incredi dude he's talented he's hilarious he's musical and he's also like incredibly self-aware and profound when it comes to the disease of like social media trafficking he's not from around here he is yeah that's that's why he's from he's from i used to i went to college i was friends with his sister's boyfriend or something i don't know what it was anyway that's my claim to fame me and bo burnham we're like this because i uh went to college with his sister's boyfriend or something thank you my mom doesn't love you check out a little real classic that one is oh yeah yeah i've seen that before definitely happy christmas oh yeah merry christmas it's merry chrysler have you seen you have to have heard of that before no the cribness no oh man that's christine sildel sal dicko who christine dixel daiko siddiko i don't know yeah she's she's a match she blew up pretty massive on vine big youtuber and then recent years it's kind of gone off the deep end and social media's kind of torque yeah she's falling off the social media map because she hates it and now she's just yells at republicans on the internet that's just from what i can tell on her social media accounts but she's got some very classic vines that christmas one being one of them hey it's your boy uh skinny penis excuse me dude tmi i know hold on i'm having a revelation here because it's your boy's skinny penis i've known that's been like a pretty prolific meme for years and i didn't if that was actual noel miller that was the originator of that that's i had no idea that's awesome if it was or if he was just doing a rendition of that there's only one thing worse than a fist boom a giant [Music] are you loving the [Laughter] wait that's how i feel about all these dumb things show me wait just get the [ __ ] off [Laughter] that's why oh it's so good and it's like you could easily like go through this and not catch on to that yeah yeah yeah for sure to be racist or anything but asian people dude i was just about to say i was like if they don't show this one this i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna have to find it manually because this is probably top five of like most famous vines do you have any like other ones in mind that haven't been shown or any other particular favorites no there's so many we're not i mean we're not gonna we're probably gonna only scratch the surface right definitely scratching the surface but this one we can we can end on this one because this is this is now one of my youtube contemporaries very very funny and good youtuber drew goodin uh this was this is his most classic internet moment on vine before here we go youtuber code work ahead uh yeah i sure hope it does that's it a little round of applause for drew gooden everyone a classic kind of his style of humor though in a nutshell he's he's very funny very dry would you call it yeah i'd call it a dry sensitive idea i mean huh a vine idea a vine idea well you're like seven years too late but no okay we could put it on tick tock and see what happens i don't have tic tac i do you could give me the idea and i'll take the crunch for it that'd be great road work ahead yeah i hope so oh my god hun god you it's i sure hope it does i'm sorry oh i didn't i saw the vine once don't i hope drew doesn't see this i'm embarrassed i'm embarrassed that uh some culturally relevant vines i know many of you guys are familiar with a lot of those as am i there's a bunch i'm sure we didn't get to but rest in peace fine gone but not forgotten really revolutionized the way we consume content and i'm happy that you came along for the ride with me on that one all right as always staying cozy by the fireplace or the fish tank sometimes but today it's a fireplace can't wait to see all the next video thanks so much for watching peace
Channel: Lush Life
Views: 315,479
Rating: 4.9772787 out of 5
Keywords: leon, lush, vlog, family, fatherhood, comedy, funny, reaction
Id: e7rTSt6OQJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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