Export Hair with COLOR from Blender to Unreal

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hello what's up guys today this is a different video I just want to show uh something that I had trouble with so I was having an issue where I would export the fur of the character to a real but it was very hard to solve how to make it so the fur takes up the color of the the skin of the texture so I will show you how to do that here first of course you need to have the character UV with the texture on top of it right very simple and I would do this using the new blender hair system so you go you select your mesh you go to curb and select fur let's say that I'm using this for this is just an example you click here you go to data properties attributes and you you click on ADD queries and you click here add color you can also add roughness so you've got custom here and you have roughness row Ness okay so let's go to Curves and here you have to select a surface UV coordinates here you select color you just select roughness and can you just select width it radius uh I forgot to mention but you have to use this I don't call uh groom exporter I had a had some issues with this add-on uh where um the mesh wouldn't work or it wouldn't export you have those issues try to install the other versions for me the the version 15 seems to work so and then you hit uh here export you can type uh whatever name you want here so let's say oh my God this finally works because I spent the whole day yesterday trying to make this work and it didn't work uh then you go to Unreal you go to import select your file oh my God this finally works with this one you open it and you can see the the room imported says that it has root UV it says true it has to be true and has color it also has to be true for this to work so you import and you here's a here's a the groom but this is not it you have to do another thing for this to work so you select the room you double click it uh let's add some width so it's easier to see here uh you create a new material and it has to be a hair material so this one you click here material you go default shading you go to hair and here we are going to do something new we're going to add a hair attribute hair attribute you get this attribute node and you are going to connect the root UV with your texture so I already imported my tester here the same texture that you use here you need to use it there so you have it here and you connect the root UV to your base color of course you can do other things after that maybe you can blend this resulting color with other stuff to add some variation stuff but this is just the basic of how it works and then you add where's the new material this one then you go to materials you open a slot here and you add the material uh you have to also check here do on the search bar you go to strand and you check this one it's called use with hair strand you click OK there and just save it and then you will see that the fur has the um have the color information from the model and then you can of course put the model on top of it and have a lot of trouble doing this yesterday so I hope this works and you can of course you can refine how this uh fur looks and using you know blender tools and that kind of stuff but that's it all right I hope this was helpful take care bye-bye subscribe
Channel: Storypaintings
Views: 4,370
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Id: AnzLNdYvt34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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