Export formats for video Explained: Complete list From Davinci Resolve

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hi there are you exporting and delivering your  video files for streaming or are the files on   their way to be archived there are surprisingly  many destinations for the files we send away from   resol and you as the editor need to understand  the settings and options by which you can send   your work to the client post house or social media  platform for publication to use a metaphor if your   client commissions some grilled fish from you the  fish soup you deliver will not be kindly accepted   so you really need to understand what format and  settings are best for any given occasion that may arise first on the list is the audio video  interview the Avi is a simple standardized   container format which has been designed  specifically for storing and Playback of video   by Microsoft in 1992 as you might expect there  are now plenty of more modern and more capable   format options available for example the error  tolerance of the Avi container is much worse than   the tolerance of let's say the mkb container  the reason why the format is still available   in resolve is because there are some older  software or some older workflows that might   still require the use of the Avi format but if  that is not the case I would would avoid this   container as a thing of the past the Avi  wrapper format can contain a long list of   codecs but in the case of D Vinci resolve  it is supported for the highest possible   quality professional intraframe based codex of  GoPro cfor Grass Valley and Avi uncompressed raw C is an image format created and  controlled by the East manoda company   it was developed in the 1980s which means that  it's now over 40 years old the files use do cin   extension it was created for the purpose of  scanning enhancing editing And archiving of   physical Celluloid film into digital images  subsequently it has also been harnessed in   the use of compositing and VFX work cineon has  been commonly used for storing and exchanging   in digital intermediate di files which are high  quality copies of film scans that are used in   the post production process senon has had a wide  support by digital Film Production equipment and   it has been used in the production of films such  as the Matrix and the Lord of the Rings trilogy   although the image is contained in the cineon  format use only RGB 10bit color at least in the   export options of resolve it is is color managed  which means that the color values in the file   are stored in a way that is independent of the  display device which can be of wide variety such   as a film scanner some random video editing  software or some other digital intermediate system digital projection systems in movie  theaters use a format and a standard called   DCP digit Cinema package for Digital Cinema  distribution and exhibition or in other words   the delivery and Playback of video content DCP  format is fully dedicated for this one purpose   to serve digital projection systems as the name  implies DCP is not a codec nor a container this   kind of digital package could be best compared  to a physical Blu-ray disc DCP is a collection   of files that contains the audio video subtitles  and metadata of a digital cinema presentation all   the content you watch in a movie theater comes  from a DCP from the trailers and commercials   to the main feature a DCP uses an all inra  lossi kakado jpeg 2000 as its video Codec   wrapped in a mxf container the bat rate is  usually around 100 50 to 250 megabits per   second the resolution is either DCI 2K or DCI  4K potential cropping due to different aspect   ratios of flat meaning 1.85 to one aspect ratio  and scope meaning 2.39 to1 aspect ratio is done   from either one of the two base resolutions  of DCI 2K or DCI 4 okay DCP uses the DCI P3   color space which is closer to rec 79 than it  is to rec 2020 with a separately bought easy   DCP software you can create an encrypted DCP  output and master a DCP or IMF directly from   resolve DCP is a delivery format with basically  one purpose to serve the cinema industry in aing   theatrical content distribution it is thereby  limited to specific formats suitable for Cinema projection DPX digital Picture Exchange is a  society of motion picture and television Engineers   SM smpte standard it is an image format so a DPX  file stores a single frame of a digital cinema   image and it is used for video as a sequence  of images it can store high resolution images   metadata and time code and supports various color  spaces and bit depths the file format is created   and controlled by the Eastman codak company it was  developed in the late 1980s which makes the cineon   format its predecessor and DPX has thereafter  been more widely used and supported than zon   a DPX file can be either uncompressed or with  lossless compression senon files have used   lossless compression which means that although  the original data is perfectly reconstructed   from the compressed data the data still needs  to be uncompressed before it can be used the   DPX files on the other hand use uncompressed  data which means that DPX files can take up   more storage space than the cineon but the file  do not require any uncompression DPX also supports   a wider range of color adeps and can represent  a wider range of colors than cineon including   12bit and 16bit DPX has been the most common  format for dcdm Digital Cinema distribution   mastering DPX can support various features such  as high frame rate Dolby Atmos Dolby vision and 3D subtitles the exr or open exr image raster file  format was developed in 1999 by industrial Light   and Magic specifically for use in the VFX industry  for storing and exchanging high resolution images   so the most capable and most widely supported  option for VFX work currently available is already   25 years old needless to say the format has  seen quite a bit of advancements during its   existence openexr is primarily known as an image  file format but it is not a simple raster format   as the exr doesn't store images as a GD of  pixels instead it stores images as a set of   mathematical equations that describe color and  light values allowing for more flexibility and   Precision in HDR images open exr is more like a  mathematical recipe for creating an image which   provides greater detail and flexibility exr  is a so-called deep image format exr works as   a framework including libraries and tools  for storing and processing HDR images and   data openexr can store multiple image channels  images with multiple layers of data such as depth   motion blur and effects in other words you can  embed multiple render passes into a single image   sequence open exr is also used in a variety of  other Industries such as scientific visualization   Medical Imaging and Architectural rendering  the format offers two encoding categories in   resolve the RGB half option is for compressed  16bit color depth and the RGB float option   offers better color Precision with uncompressed  32-bit color depth the dwaa encoding option is   the default compression level for exr files it is  a lossy compression algorithm that uses a single   compression path to achieve high compression  ratios however it may introduce some artifacts   especially in the areas of the image with fine  detail dwab is a more advanced compression   level for exr files it uses multiple compression  passes to achieve even higher compression ratios   without introducing as many artifacts however  if you are working with high volume images that   need to be stored and transmitted efficiently  then dwaa compression may be a better choice this option of GIF Graphics interchange  form is in its own category as an image   format give image format is able to  represent multiple images in a file   which can be used for animations it allows you  to create short animated gifs from your video   clips to be shared on websites social media and  discussion boards it can be said that the anim   gives are now a bit of a relic being far from  high quality graphics and animation with its   colors limited to 256 and the maximum resolution  of 1280 to 1024 pixels the graphics interchange   format was developed by CompuServe in 1987  the compression is inefficient and there is   no support for sound or image transparency  either in 1989 an enhanced version of GIF   called 889a was released it added support for  animation delays transparent background colors   and application specific metadata in 2004 the  lzw compression patent expired in the US making   GIF free to use without any legal restrictions  the use of gifs has been long declining being   replaced by more advanced and before four files  which offer better quality with smaller file sizes the interoperable master format IMF  is a mezanine format designed for businesso   business content exchange the IMF format allows  the creation of multiple tailored versions from   a single Master for various platforms and  audiences eliminating the need for numerous   Master copies each version is defined by  a compositing playlist CPL referencing the   essence components in resolve the still image  frames are encoded using the kakadu Chek 2000   codec and the Material Exchange format mxf as  its file container Digital Cinema initiative DCI   an organization developing standards for  Digital Cinema introduced the IMF in 201   11 as a future proof and unified format for  All Digital Cinema distribution not only to   movie theaters but also to Digital television  and streaming services this means it is quite   versatile as a format the selling idea with  IMF was to offer a format for the studios and   creators that would ensure that their work would  be distributed with the highest possible quality   and accuracy another selling factor is the IMF  formats features against piracy it utilizes all   the tried and true methods of watermarking and DRM  plus some other non-disclosed security enhancing   features unlike the DCP Digital Cinema package  the IMF has many other uses apart from Digital Cinema jpeg comes from joint photographic experts  group it is probably the most widely used and now   over 30y old 8bit format made originally for  web images and photos with Hefty compression   and acceptable quality for consumers it uses  three component color space with 420 422 and   444 chroma subsampling as there are only three  color channels jpeg thereby has no fourth Alpha   transparency channel the jpeg format uses a lossy  compression so every time a JPEG image is saved   it loses a little more quality being old jpeg  does not support transparency or animation and   with jpeg you have to assume some amount of  artifacts and noise in the image depending on   the rate of compression of course if you choose to  export your videos as JBC your video frames will   be transcoded into individual JBC files which  can then be imported as an image sequence to   be played back in your timeline that said as JBC  files do not support metadata such as frame rate   resolution or color space it is not a proper  image sequence format jcks might look great on   the internet but using them in a VFX project is  a different story if possible try to find some   lossless more modern image for form instead quite  often rumaging through some archive you find that   a crummy jpeg can still be a lot better than  having nothing at all jpeg is used when you   need to send the smallest possible file size to  an image that needs to look good enough heif is   a much more modern and better option for jpeg by  offering a much better compression versus quality   ratio and support for animations and HDR images  the only thing going for jpeg might be its better compatibility the jpeg 2000 is both an image  file format and an image compression codec it   was released in 2001 as a more advanced option  for the original jpeg the image quality of jpeg   is inferior to jpeg 2000 as it uses lossy  compression whereas jpeg 2000 uses lossless   compression the jpeg 2000 can achieve compression  ratios that are significantly better than jpeg for   the same level of quality the original jpeg was  not optimized for motion video being a much more   general purpose as a format in resolve the jpeg  2000 format is used with kakado DCP and kakadu IMF mj2 motion jpeg 2000 is an open standard and a  file format designed and optimized for motion   sequences of JC 2000 images along with aociated  audio as in result you can export the JC 2000   codc with the mj2 container it is commonly  used for IMF and DCP workflows in 2004 jpeg   2000 technology was selected as the video coding  standard for Digital Cinema it has random frame   access which means that it allows easy access to  individual frames because of this the file sizes   with mj2 will be massive but it also means that  the format's error resilience is excellent as   the failures of independent frames don't affect  each other it says a lot that many medical image   ing devices and even Satellite Systems use the mj2  format to provide their videos as image sequence data the MKV stands for matosa video which is  an open format by Design This means that its   specifications are freely available allowing  anyone to create read or modify the MKV files   without restrictions the name of the format  comes from a matroska doll that contains many   other dolls like those dolls the goal of  matroska was to develop a container which   would hold an unlimited number of video audio  picture and subtitle tracks in one file MKV   is for video with audio and subtitles mk3d is  for stereoscopic video mka is for Audio Only   files MKS is for subtitles only matosa supports a  long list of codecs and in resolve the container   supports av1 h264 and h265 and most interestingly  there is support for the codec called ffv1 which   is also an open standard this has made MKV using  ffv1 popular among scientific communities and   larger organizations as there is no fear  of Licensing fees and any potential legal   hassles as there is no control by any commercial  Corporation one big reason to use the MKV over   MP4 is error tolerance if you record a video  as MP4 and your system suddenly shuts down the   file will be corrupted with MKV the recorded  file will be playable up to the point it was interrupted like the MKV the MP4 isn't  a single format but rather a container   that can hold various video and audio codecs  in fact as Wikipedia States the MP4 format   is a group of international standards  for the compression of digital audio   and visual data multimedia systems and file  storage formats mic4 Motion Picture expert   group apple and Microsoft among others have been  contributing to the development of the MP4 format   which is an open still evolving standard which  is divided into a number of Parts the format   name has remained the same but there have been  quite a lot of development under the hoood the   format has undergone several revisions  and additions over the years with various   organizations and individuals contributing  to its ongoing Evolution and refinement most   of the features included in MC 4 are left to  individual developers to decide whether or not   to implement initially MC 4 was aimed primarily  at low bit rate Video Communications however   its scope as a multimedia coding standard was  later expanded if you are uncertain on what   what devices and software will be used to open  the file you are exporting the MP4 option might be   your best choice as the MP4 has the widest support  and it is currently perhaps the most widely used   video format in the world with widest support by  various software and devices all the way from the   lightest live stream to a heavy bit rate video  file from a camera MP4 files are often assumed to   be quite small and while the MP4 format is indeed  particularly lightweight and customizable as a   container the size and the heaviness of the file  will of course depend on not only the used codec   within the container of MP4 but also on the  settings that the codec is set to function the   settings of the codec dictate the quality size and  latency of the created video file in resolve you   can use the Codex av1 h264 and h265 codecs with  the MP4 container the av1 codec offers the most   efficiency for the compression but while being  a fairly recent codec its support may vary the   h264 offers the least amount of efficiency  but also the widest compatibility from the   three codic options available the h265 sits  in the Middle with quite robust efficiency and compatibility the mxf op1a and mxf OB atom  variants of the mxf video format have been the   primary choice for not only delivering content to  TV stations and networks but also while operating   within the broadcast workflows this is largely  due to the fact that avit media composer with   Avid interplay have been the most popular post  production tools of the professional broadcast   industry for the last couple of decades while the  core of the mxf op1a and the mxf op atom formats   are open standard granting royalty-free use their  specific implementations by different vendors   include proprietary extensions and features  also certain metadata elements embedded within   mxf op1a files might be controlled by different  organizations or have some specific usage terms   an essential feature for live broadcast news  and current affairs production is the ability   to edit material from unfinished files while  the recording is still in progress you save a   lot of time as you don't have to wait for a video  file to be completed for you to start editing and   exporting the mxf comes from media exchange format  which tells us that its main function is to ease   the interchange between different systems and  platforms within the post production workflow the   mxf format was the first mezanine format created  specifically for these in between needs of video   post production the op comes from op operational  pattern which is not a codec op is a higher   level concept than codec op defines the overall  structure and content of a file format while codec   deals with the specific details of how the media  data is encoded and decoded the mxf format was   originally designed for long form content creation  archival and interchange between different systems   and platforms the Society of motion picture and  television Engineers SM smpte developed the mxf   container format in the late 1990s and its first  operational pattern imaginatively called mxf op1a   was released in 2004 Avid media composer used  primarily Avi andov formats until 2005 when   the Avid media comp composer version 3.5 was  released with the support for mxf op1a the op1a   operational pattern 1A is the original mxf format  and is considered to be the more comprehensive   and flexible format out of the two variants  offering more flexibility and control over   the media content op1a files can accommodate  a wider range of metadata and stream format   it also supports a wider range of codex audio and  video formats than mxf op atom as the demand for   smaller more efficient file formats grew there  was a need for a simplified version of mxf that   could be used in low bandwidth and realtime  applications mxf op atom was developed from   op1a and it was introduced to the Avid media  composer version 15 in 2018 while both formats   share the same core structure and features they  differ in their internal organization and Target   applications mxf op atom is a stripped down  version of mxf that retains the core structure   and features of the format but with a focus on  reducing file size improving performance and   lowering the latency op atom is smaller and more  efficient than op1a which in turn offers better   compatibility and support from external software  and devices and has better capabilities with metadata back in the '90s the gif image format  used a compression called lzw which required all   supporting software to pay royalties because of  this the PNG portable Network Graphics format was   created in 1995 as a free and open alternative  to give PNG is a lossless raster image format   with most notably having support for Alpha  transparency which is crucial for compositing   and layering visual effects a PNG image export  option in the deliver page of the vure resolve   allows you to save a single frame or a range  of frames from your video project as PNG files   since its Inception the PNG has undergone  significant development it has for example   gotten 16bit lossless data compression making it  suitable for high quality images although the PNG   format is usually associated with web design work  as it was designed for transferring images on the   internet with its chunk based file structure and  integrity checks it is used quite a bit in the   VFX industry a PNG file isn't HDR but it can  support 32bit images up to 8 bits per channel   for each of the red green blue and Alpha rgba  channels by far the biggest benefits to using   the PNG file format as a VFX artist is that it  can offer Alpha and lossless image compression   all while maintaining a relatively small file  size if you've got a lot of image sequences   that you'll be rendering out PNG won't fill  your drives like other formats they said the   PNG is not an image sequence format as PNG files  have limited support for storing metadata or in   other words only basic metadata capabilities PNG  files do not support metadata such as frame rate   resolution or color space which are essential  for image for image sequence formats because of   this it has no capabilities to work as a proper  image sequence format like DPX Tiff and open exr   can PNG video steel frame export options are  more modest than when using Tiff but the PNG   being basic can be turned into an asset as it's  being quite light to process when you edit using   some Cloud solution meaning that you edit your  video through a web browser you are most likely   using some form of image sequence format for  the video stream you are watching as you're editing the quick time. mov is an open  container format developed by Apple the   mov wrapper is able to contain a long list of  codecs including DNX HD dnxhr ffv1 GoPro cfor   Grass Valley h264 h265 jpeg 2000 MPEG photo  JPEG and uncompressed QuickTime was developed   by Apple for storing editing and Playback of  video in the early 1990s thus being one of the   first video codecs to support digital video  although although the mov format is open the   progress codec which the mov often contains  is not you don't have the option to export   your video as progress in Da Vinci resolve  when using Windows or Linux you can solve   this problem by buying a Mac or by using some  other preferably open-source codec as with the   rise of remote and more collaborative modes of  work and when using some Cloud work flow it has   become increasingly important that every member  of a team is able to open any file within the   same project thankfully this is possible thanks  to the nonproprietary Codex and formats another   painful example on patents and Licensing fees  asserting artificial limitations for Content   creators from doing their work is the fact that  in resolve you can export MP4 using h265 codec   being encoded by resolves native most highquality  encoder but the export is crippled by offering   only the modest main profile the higher profiles  are not enabled when you choose the Lesser quality   Nvidia as the encoder you can choose the encoding  profile from the main all the way up to main 444   10bit as these limitations are negotiable by the  corporations changes can happen at Fast Pace new   encoding options can appear as fast as they can  disappear usually to the surprise of the end user TI taged image file format created by Alders  Corporation in 1986 as a flexible and adaptable   format for high quality images using lossless or  lossy compression it can store multiple images   layers and metadata and supports various color  spaces color management and like exr files Tiff   files are HDR that can support up to 32bit color  depth Tiff is meant for exporting Steel images   that are high quality and compatible usually to  be processed by some professional resolve exports   video as individual tip frame file using RGB 8 or  16 bits with or without lzw compression algorithm   you can use the more advanced color managed XYZ  16bits compression codec with or without the lzw   compression algorithm for the video steel frames  uncompressed Tiff files are big they can almost   be five times the size of a comparable PNG G file  when rendering out sequences on a regular basis   this could quickly eat up any storage since the  release of Tiff in 1986 the format has evolved   significantly the original Tiff supported only  binary images having two possible pixel values   Tiff is used for high quality lossless photos and  images for printing among visual professionals and   even by the VFX industry with its lossless  compression and support for up to 32bit per   Channel HDR images Tiff is very compatible and  quite flexible as a format so one could say that   the Tiff format has been able to maintain its  relevance among visual content creators TI is   very compatible and quite flexible as a format  so one could say that the Tiff format has been   able to maintain its relevance among visual  content creators the teeth image format has   no particular features which would point it to  be used with video it lacks time code embedding   and is not easy on the processor for editing  efficiency and specific video features other   formats like cineform or DPX might be more  suitable if multi-layer compositing is crucial   then you should consider dedicated formats like  open exr the main function for Tiff in resolve is   its capability to be also an image sequence  format like exr and DPX which means that it   can be used for distributed Network rendering Tiff  has excellent compatibility and it is suitable for   delivering for dcdm Digital Cinema distribution  mastering and for Dolby Vision mastering
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Id: UMqu3gY02RA
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Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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