Exploring the S.S. Bonaventure from Star Trek: The Animated Series

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televisions and starships with ample missiles to make even JJ Abrams jealous I'm Aaron Harvey and today we have a very special episode nearly a year in the making as regular listeners know I have a bit of a soft spot for the SS Bonaventure the starship seen briefly in the time trap after Tristan Riedel and I recorded our review of the time trap that's episode 23 if you want to go back and listen Lonie mcafee trek FM listener and i were talking about the ship and how we had seen some 3d renderings done by fans but none of them really felt like they were giving the ship its due some seem to exaggerate the clunkier aspects of this pre TOS ship while others outright altered the design and even got the albeit strange registry number incorrect so we decided to take on the project of creating the definitive essence Bonaventure and today we're gonna share those results and because we're Star Trek fans we also worked on where the Bonaventure might fit into the timeline which is expanded quite a bit since 1973 and we've looked into some of the real life history of ships named Bonaventure and because we know that you'll want to see the images that we're talking about will be posting photos in the babel conference that's Trek FM's Facebook user listener group and we'll be putting together a video version of this podcast for trek FM's YouTube channel we recorded this episode in bits and pieces as we worked on the project so at times you may hear us mention Star Trek Discovery but we're coming from a viewpoint of having never seen the show so much like the bonaventure we too were caught in a pocket in the garment of time so without further ado I'd like to welcome my fellow warp 7 program designer Lonnie McAfee hey Lonnie welcome to the wood panel den hello hello it's good to be here yeah it's it's been an amazing journey working on the Bonaventure you know like I really didn't think just reaching out to you random like that would lead to sexually fleshing out a project like this so it's been really it feels like the the time that we spent we made have actually been able to build a real starship yes it'll do like a week or two and it's you know it's not gonna be you know Oh we'd have to take a month of her to do something really detailed it's like three months later right it really does feel like it should be a vehicle of some sort at this point yes yes what I know that you made a 3d print out actually at the the library down in San Diego which actually has free 3d printing which is awesome right it was really cool until I actually saw the finished product which is like a slinky that's been sitting to the surface of Venus just moldering I don't know but it's a cool conversation piece it was interesting to see it like starting to come to life at least it's like you know we eventually will probably have this in some other incarnation at least in a solid form actually let's back up a little bit and kind of explain to people what we're talking about so the Bonaventure is the starship that we see in the time trap which was the episode where they discover sort of when it's a pocket in the garment of time I think is what the the person and that one of the people that were stuck in there and it had there were a bunch of different races that over the years had gotten stuck sort of in the Sargasso Sea of of time and there are all these spaceships from different time periods in different places really bizarre looking ones you know and and we later found out the reason why there were so many detailed ships is because those were rejected concepts from Episode one just hunched over a sketchpad for days of days on end yes and that person was Bob Klein and the Bonaventure this is kind of an interesting historical fact is the first Federation starship that was designed after the Constitution because the Constitution is what they reused in the original series over and over again they didn't have a different ship and then they went to the animated series and the first thing that Bob drew when they asked for a derelict spaceship was the Bonaventure and then they're like no that's wrong and then he drew another one and another one and another one it was a hundred of them and which is why we have some ships in the turret until he got to what they called the the watermelon ship which sort of looks like watermelons on vines which I like now I that's what I see when I see unfortunately cuz I really like this ship design it's very cool yeah it is very outside the box and very uh it's functional in its way it does really get the point across I always felt it was like more of a space station than a space ship but yet you know I'm like I don't sure what the propulsion was supposed to be but if it was an organic living ship maybe it was something related to that I mean when he saw the the living ships and next generation you didn't really see a viable form of you know transportation sort of propulsion they always had some kind of like flagella or something like all right you're in space yeah not underwater right so but yeah so that was cool so that's that is where that came from and the bonaventure has an interesting registry number the one zero two eight one NCC there's like no dash in there but when you look at it it's it's also odd because they put it on the nacelle and it sort of wraps around where the the engine sort of pops out and we'll be posting a lot of pictures in the babel conference for people to to see and I'm sure they'll be one on the cover art but and my first thought is like come on Bob Klein you had one job no we asked him that and apparently he did have it in the right place but they're like oh no it needs to be bigger people need to see it right which I guess makes sense but at the same time they never brought it up but you saw it four on screen for like four seconds they never talked about it again it wasn't like the number it was larger than one 701 so like all right even yesterday's enterprise they'll mention the registry so they didn't even do that so right well and when you look at it the way it's wrapped around the nacelle you know what you and I were sort of like playing with is that it's 102 81 like there's a space and then it's ncc or something like that and when we talked with Sam from Trek yards he was saying just make it NCC 102 so right okay 81 is the 81st contract or it's a class 81 starship or whatever something like that or a flirt no not the 81st Fleet that would be weird they did not have that many many ships but we'll get into what we sort of retcon later the history of the ship from what we learned from Scotty is that she was the first ship to have what drive.install she vanished without a trace on her third voyage obviously this was made in 1973 so there was no you know first Star Trek first contact there's no next or next generation Enterprise nothing so you could say that and now it makes absolutely no sense well we hadn't even established what year the five year mission began and you know like that was an exact old season two of TNG and if you listen to some of the things like oh well that was your war ended like 300 years ago like no that doesn't work right and we see on the Elysian religion council there's a woman in sort of a almost cage era looking sort of reformed you know bigger collar she's white has a white shirt on which I'm assuming is sort of like maybe medical or something like that I just guessing by the only time we've ever has ever seen white has either been sort of well and motion picture was like Admiral but like doctors sort of like the well I know well they did have a couple other crew men in white and it wasn't really clear whether they were medical staff because I think medicine like McCoy had blue and they had a few medical staff that were just whatever color their medical division was and the original series didn't have any kind of variation like that I don't think she's wearing a kind of a version of like the Delta it's more of a no how would you describe it sort of a diamond like this or like a ninja story so the you know the assumption is that this is actually the Bonaventure uniform and if this is supposed to be the first ship with warp drive and you know I think even in 1973 they would have realized that the cage has to take place somewhat further after that there was warp drive invented and that probably wouldn't have a similar uniform it would have changed so you know you and I had talked about it is that there are a lot of ships floating around in that Sargasso Sea and some of them have NCC registrations on them proper and registrations on them by the way so it's possible that that actually is you know a future unifor uniform from a more for a moment right a later era between the launch of the body in the cage yeah yeah and that is our nickname for the Bonaventure by the way cuz the Constitution is the Connie and instead of typing Bonaventure over and over and over again we just called it the bunny and it rhymes with Lani right right I don't want to get the three confused but yes the LAN Avenger there someday someday there you go well actually it's it's the Aaron Harvey the Aaron Harvey Avenger you know 3-methyl does not really roll off to now it just doesn't have a ring to it so no we'll just we'll just leave it as actual name later in the counter clock incident which is the very last episode of the animated series we meet Sara April Robert April's wife and he was the first captain of the enterprise so the cat Enterprise has had three captains in total when we you know get to the end of its run that we know in the movie era I guess you could count Decker for about four seconds yeah but so Sarah and and McCoy and Kirk are all you know chatting on the bridge and bone says you know Jim I didn't realize how many of the tools that they used in sick bay were designed by Sarah Jim I didn't realize how many of the tools I use in sick bay were designed by Sarah as the first medical officer aboard a ship equipped with warp drive I'm afraid I had to come up with new ideas all the time your modesty is unnecessary mrs. April your achievements as a pioneer doctor in space are well known that does not make any sense at all because it's like her age you know we guessed based on the fact that the retirement age of Starfleet officers is what's actually mentioned in this this episode and they're both being retired that she's only 70 so if she's only 70 the Federation existed before 70 years before this episode right so the Federation could not have been established without warp drive if it doesn't make any sense that's has to be chalked up to it's a cartoon but I thought maybe it might just be her dry wit it's like oh you know is the first doctor ownership with warp drive you know like kind of that like I'm so old and it's like aha you know it's like yeah it was right there with dr. Quinn Medicine Woman so you know retconning is a really interesting process what do you think about like what can you actually get away with and and it's sort of it talks about to respect to how history is kind of malleable to like you can you can see how people put a spin on actual history just to make you know it's kind of odd it's like oh well that works and yeah yeah just just to reconcile it with itself in order to tell a coherent story you kind of do have to step back and like all right like this doesn't add up I need to all right we have this artifact from later let's stick this in here and now everything kind of at least is a coherent puzzle you know mm-hmm yeah and we we were talking before we started recording that you know Mike and Denise basically do the same thing with the encyclopedia and the chronology it's just you can't take every single date or timespan mentioned and reconcile them 100% it just doesn't work I guess you could say the time travel messes things up and depending on when you saw the show that number might have actually been correct well that would make a really difficult book to read but to sit there and try to say oh the antares class freighter didn't exist in the TOS era that was it they're around until das right I mean inserting things like that really just kind of gives it that that wider appeal of being in you know a broader universe yeah and I really like that you know when they did the remastering which normally I don't love when they do things like that because it's like okay like Star Wars oh that that looks really bad already and it's only been a year you know they were you could tell that these people really loved what they were doing because you watch it and it's still you know I I will forget at times it's like oh this was not how it originally looked you know because they really try and make it feel like okay if these people had the technology that we have now how would they shoot it how would they light it you know all that stuff so precisely they're not just compositing in a treble and Captain Kirk's quarters for no discernible reason they're actually you know contributing to the depth of the episode by inserting things that would have been there like when you see speaking of trebles the trouble with tribbles when you watch out the window of the k7 you'll see the Klingon and enterprise ships like orbiting and there's really interesting when they're talking to each other and they cut back and forth and you cut into the room with the with the station administrator and then you see out the window the enterprise which they're talking from so it's like it's kind of cool that they they you know that would be something that they would probably try and do right absolutely but it doesn't look at a place so taking the ship from the animated series the cargo ship which instead of just using a constitution over again or whatever that you know they I don't think we even saw the ships then I'm not sure in the I mean you would see like the ultimate computer for example I mean you you would see other kind of Constitution class ships no I meant when they were talking about the grain ships oh I don't think we ever I think they just mentioned it I don't know if we actually see it Oh gotcha to it but so I think that was yeah so you know and we get to like you said broaden the universe which is really kind of cool and that's that's kind of what we're talking about with what we decided to do with the bonaventure we're just like okay how can we make this ship actually fit in to the Star Trek universe and make some sense and you know be an important part of history without being you know like oh why did we never hear about this ship before that makes no sense right without causing more problems creating more questions than it answers right we found a really interesting point in time that kind of works because a lot of things were going on at one time they were doing a few different designs of ships that sort of you know they kind of disappear and maybe reappear later in TNG as a future or you know it's just the general idea is still there and they'll mention that class of ships but we don't really see it we don't we only see a small sliver of the Star Trek universe there's no reason to think that you couldn't have another ship that looks sort of like that if you look at one ship in the Navy that doesn't mean you know exactly what the entire breadth of the US Navy looks like there's all sorts of things so or Air Force I guess an Air Force is actually a better better analogy or analog because you know you have all kinds of you know flying wings you have jets you've got bombers that are still around from world war ii you know there's all sorts of things more especially for geeks like us who want to pick apart everything that has tina cells you know Yeah right before 28 note yeah we've we have seen a lot of ships and let's go some much worse than others and some better than others so when we were looking at the time periods we looked at kind of the the post enterprise to early Federation time period as if you you look at all the cannons stuff a lot of ships disappeared in that time period we have the Franklin we had the there is a what is it the datalist class that crashed on the planet and TNG right the Essex the Essex there were a couple others and I don't have them off top my head but it was just like okay this kind of seems like an interesting time like you know the Federation's forming there's a lot of stuff going on there's post Romulan war cleanup right you know it makes sense so so when we started you know figuring out the time period we thought okay this will be cool we can look to kind of post annex design as well as the Daedalus class and for those of you who don't know what the Daedalus class is it is basically instead of a saucer there's a sphere and the engineering section is more what tubular I guess you'd say right just more barrel like almost yeah perfect cylinder and it's got like those weird ridges around it the Daedalus I think was an early Jeffries design right yes yeah it was if you look at some early Enterprise designs there's that the very first enterprise design is sort of this it's just a saucer basically right yeah it looked more like a UFO than it really should have and I think that's that's when you know Gene Roddenberry was like no we don't want to make it look like a spaceship we don't make it look like rocket so which is kind of funny because now it looks like a spaceship and a rocket when you kind of look at it but so you know we we look at that time period we thought okay that's cool and so we started thinking it's like this design when you look at it it's a much kind of what snub-nosed I think somebody once described it as a pug right you know I don't know if it was me but that's very apt yeah yeah sort of like a pug version of the enterprise with some actually pretty cool in the cells right it it almost feels as if they're sort of like Oh JJ the cells in a way you know like if they're if you're doing an original series version of that ship like that's their beefier nacelle they did they just give the ship a good weight to it just like the way you would imagine it moving kind of this has a good proportion to to the balance of it underneath the bottom if you imagine the enterprise kind of being that smooth bottom so there's sort of like a little bulge in it almost like the kind of the guppy effect that you got in the Excelsior a little bit right and you're like okay that would could be really weirdly you know balance but on the very back end of the upper part of the engineering section there's sort of a kind of a protrusion that comes out and counterbalance is that the other direction right right so it's pretty cool that it it it is you know it has extra stuff on it when we talked with Bob he was saying his his goal was to make something that looked like it fed it in the Federation universe but be clunkier and a little more old-school than the enterprise that the enterprise was supposed to still be the you know the hero ship they didn't want anything that was like oh that ship looks cooler it's almost kind of an old roadster where the enterprise is a Mustang or something it still still has its own appeal but it's not the be-all end-all at that time you know right and one of the things that we kind of lucked out on is the very end of the nacelle is never shown you don't ever see the the back end of it so we took some cues from the NX like at the the very back end of the the cylinder has sort of a little bit of that styling from how they're in a cells work and we actually was cool we got to show this to Doug Drexler and he kind of you know gave us some some pointers and even suggested the the Aero Delta design on the side is the one that they he used for the annex refit right which was an excellent call I mean that really ties it into that era and it gives the ship overall a good sense of just being okay Starfleet's at Starfleet and the Federation are starting to mature a little bit and they're starting to zero in on what is really gonna be required in a starship it's neither really the Franklin nor the Essex it's it's something kind of a blend of the two you know right and we kind of talked about they first started constructing it during the Romulan dwarves to be more of a frigate right the kind of the thing on the back that we said that was sort of like looks now sort of like maybe a control tower for the the shuttle bay could have been there basically the the planning room or the war war room area you know where you would kind of monitor the ships coming in and out and your secondary bridge basically if there was damage on the main bridge although I think we talked about there's no saucer separation in this version because that's it seems like it'd be a bit of overkill yeah but actually I do like the idea that you had brought up of that app section above the shuttle bay being doubling as a launcher like a missile or yeah a warhead launcher if you look at some of the more current renderings of the Daedalus class they have something that's sort of like that on the back so I don't know if the the people who sort of were we're looking at that time period we're also looking at the Bonaventure or not but it does fit there you know it's like so in the original incarnation like the front side would have more of the torpedoes and missile launcher and the very back end was sort of the the room where you were a launch from and have your control center basically and we haven't built a shuttle but we did talk about the shuttle sort of being the evolution of the shuttle pod kind of the the in-between state between a true shuttle like in the one 7:01 in the TOS era where it has its own warp nacelles it it basically can function as its own mini starship right and you know the shuttle pod had I think we figured out just impulse engines so this was sort of the the big getting of the in-between stage of that so you know very low warp right it probably only designed for travel within a system or to the next system but right and that well you wouldn't want to go too far in the size that it is either and it still has the kind of the the arm signet the swingarm grabby thing that we talked about because once it goes into the shuttle bay they can pull it up and move it out of the way right as a because the shuttle bay is not super huge and in fact we should probably mention the size of the ship we talked about it being 212 well between a hundred ninety-five and two hundred and twelve meters it sort of fluctuates we one thing we still have to do is go and take the window measurements and make sure that we have everything kind of sized the right way so it's within you know 50 feet probably 50 foot Spock oh no that's right well no he hadn't been invented yet or hadn't been been cloned at that point somewhere out there was what's-his-face Knik ulis v was floating around looking for for a place to go I guess just a twinkle in regular sparks regular-sized Spock sigh yep we had debated whether we wanted to put nacelle caps on those little end cap long things if you see on the cage version of the enterprise and where no man has gone before sort of looks like I don't know like a kind of antenna or a oh yes cried the man I guess it would be antennae like it's almost I have picture them as many navigational deflectors to protect the purser well no I mean just the look just like trying to describe them like little lightening rods or whatever they are yeah exactly so and we you know you don't see those in a neck in the NX class you don't see it in the Franklin you don't see them on the the Daedalus class so we decided to forgo that it you know not to disparage anyone that uses those but it's almost kind of a lazy way to Telegraph that era yeah I'm really curious when discovery comes out if we're going to see any other ships that have those and you know what were they for maybe they were just an experiment that was only on the enterprise for that one one you know five-year mission all right well you remember when one of those broke off and hit deck four let's not do that again yeah that does not sound like a great so yeah so we decided that you know we were not gonna we're not gonna add that in but before we go too far down the you know how we created it and what we did with it we worked up sort of a history of the bonaventure because the name bonaventure goes back like 500 years of ships in in British culture at least we were joking that we hit the wall in the conference room with all of the ships it would be have like a plaque at the end this is continued on deck to inquiry right because it's just you know I had to cherry-pick like a couple out of the past that sort of fit we're gonna start out the with the HMS president which is not the Bonaventure but becomes the Bonaventure it was a 38 gun fourth-rate frigate of the Royal Navy in the 1650s and it went through a refit much like the enterprise in the motion picture and it was renamed the HMS Bonaventure after a previous ship that blew up which seems like maybe not the best idea but okay right not so good of an adventure but yeah well maybe it was an omen or like no no much maybe it was a something to honor the people who had died on the ship and then it went through three more reef it's where they they would basically stretch the deck out I think by the end it ended up being over a hundred feet larger all around because they there was one in 1683 1699 and 1711 and each one of those it kept getting more and more guns and lighter and the last one in 1711 was a basically complete rebuild two new Navy standards so it almost became a new ship at that break it's sort of the like the one 701 a because I can't imagine much was left of it hopefully it worked when they first launched it you know they didn't have such a great first few weeks that's that's coming Tuesday right oh I guess the be had even worse first yeah no I get that was that's what I'm thinking sorry yeah the B well this would be let's see it would be the ABC there's B the C I guess if you're gonna go by that I guess this was alright for a while but it had a bad few weeks well and honestly I think none of these Bonaventure's really end up being like oh it stayed around and became a pleasure cruise ship ready or something like I think they all kind of meet pretty bad ends which is it works with the name of the Bonaventure of the of the enterpreneur the the ship the in the animated series - I mean but then again that I guess that's the life of a naval ship you know I always have loved from early America as the Constitution's oh yeah drew we're gonna skip ahead from 1650 to 1939 because between 1650 and 1939 in the research that I was able to do and you know knowing that we weren't going to write a book for this it was a there's a lot of very similar you know just it frigates and and tall ships basically that kind of carried that name the ship from 1939 is a the HMCS Bonaventure the CVL 22 which is a Dido class cruiser as a Dido or Dido I'm Dido because I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life music no I'm not and and everybody makes fun of me for that so if it's in US if it's a soundtrack and in a movie or something I'll probably know it and I might not know this was launched in 1939 and then it was commissioned on May 24th and 1940 so I guess was it was built in wasn't really named which is interesting because we did this we found this out after we did our history of the Bonaventure and just remember that later when we talked about it and then it was lost March 31st 1941 not lost like the Bonaventure in the animated series it was just destroyed somebody actually saw it get blown yes and I'm assuming during world war ii and the captain henry jack egg Edgerton his previous command was the hms enterprise coolest thing ever i think that so much that just dies everything I do kind of wonder I don't I'm sure Bob Klein didn't necessarily have a hand and just the kind of fitting things together but just naming the ship on adventure I wonder if that kind of factored it impossible I don't know we should find out I'll have to go back into my notes and see if we can find out if there was any information on that like if it was in the if there was a notation in the script or something to that effect but going back to the history we start venturing into all the other versions of the bonaventure that people tried to previously ret Colin I think basically into like well you know in in the animated series that couldn't possibly have been the first ship with warp drive so what if we call something else the Bonaventure so and this is this is going in chronological order in the universe that we put them not necessarily in the order that they were designed in in our actual timeline in 2061 there is the first warp ship that I'm thinking was maybe like a prototype filled device you know unmanned test vehicle which you know they do that with new with modern ships but they don't ever say oh that was the first ship with such-and-such it's always the one that's been flown or manned or whatever you know we don't I don't remember the name of the rocket that went up before you know a mercury that was not without it's not a person like it probably had a number or something yeah exactly and I mean maybe this one had a frog and a monkey on it and that became frowned upon and they just didn't mention that part afterwards maybe well yeah I imagine like Zefram Cochrane out collecting frogs in the month right like throwing them in there and like okay let's see what that bends in and who knows maybe the ship was a warp ship but it just didn't go war bird didn't work or some hole which you know you would hope that they did actually test it in a way that somehow they knew it was going to work before just throwing people into it right or even just measuring the output of the warp engines before they actually go bending the space-time continuum maybe they exactly just wanna you know make the flash and then the ship doesn't move but like okay that put out you know five thousand Giga quark the Cochrane's or whatever and now we could go back home yeah so this ship was seen in the background of the classroom in a Deep Space nine Episode and it was done a few months before first contact I think was written or at least that we knew that there was gonna be the Phoenix and so this was a design that Mike Okuda came up with like this is the first warp ship it was like the Bonaventure the Bonaventure see 1-2 one you know he was like okay so now this is basic I think was removed from the chronology or removed from the encyclopedia but we thought okay well we could put it back in there and just make it pre Phoenix so it's the it's the you know the Vulcans just happened to not be flying by when the test ship was going it's technically canon I mean it it's not necessarily canon as a starship but something called the Bonaventure from that era existed it was on screen so it's can write whether it makes sense we don't know well you know and who knows maybe the the time-traveling that the Borg did messed that up you know you know it could be could be the next ship of course is the Phoenix that was a warp ship 2063 so the next version of the Bonaventure was in Rick's turn box space flight chronology and that was made in 1980 something it was done in the 80s so this one had a crew of 45 people the fuel was matter/antimatter and we put it in 20 67 I think they had it somewhere between twenty fifty nine and twenty 77 or something like that that it was a Cochrane class cruiser it's the U n SS Bona vender it was introduced as were Earth's first warp drive ship utilizing an alien warp guidance system and it went work 2.5 so instead of making it the first again which it can't be not all of them can be the first that maybe it's just it was one of the first like more than two people ship has that feel kind of the team of scientists going out to explore earth to I guess or Terra Terra - I love that blast shield at the back that yeah if you look at it it does have a feel of more of a NASA type spaceship like it were you know some of those the fusion drive ships that you see Illustrated worth like a big back cone and then it does seem like they did try to make a kind of like - protruding cylinders on the side where you could see those kind of becoming the the warp drive like maybe that actually comes out like it does in the Phoenix and then the front has a you know sort of detached or not detached but it's sort of a section on the front that looks like it could have you could become a saucer right sort of sorry to cut you off but I believe in the space fight space fight all right we have three no space mates right space flight and space white in the space flight chronology there's actually another angle of it where those two those two nacelle type protrusions actually are kind of out to the side like like the Battlestar Galactica oh okay oh that's right there is a like an illustration that he'd kind of a painting that he had done I think right and instead of the front being kind of open they have some kind of plasma conduits going to him like you can see in the image yeah that's sort of where all of the Bonaventure's stopped they don't nobody has tried to put it any later than that there was a website where they talked about it being in 2115 which I still think is too early and I know that people have said this couldn't possibly be like a hundred-year-old starship because it's too much like the enterprise well the enterprise from the TV show enterprise looks kind of like the enterprise and very true the refit that we never actually saw on screen but was designed really starts to look like it and this is when you know we talked about it being sort of from this time period if you look at battleships go back a hundred years from 1916 it looks it's got the same silhouette it's looks very similar to what we have today it's just smaller and the technology isn't as good right it's like all right if it happens to be steam power then it might look a little bit different but other than that if you don't happen to know to look for that you're gonna you're not gonna make that distinction yeah so I I don't have a problem personally with it looking kind of like a Constitution class because we've sort of established that that's you know saucer engineering section tuna cells is sort of what this era started to establish so in 2149 we've got the franklin in 21:51 there's the NX class 21:55 it was refitted and this is now where we come into the next version of the Constitution which is from the ships-of-the-line book that was out I might have been in the post of the calendar first I'm not sure how they put those together and it was the NCC 1000 it was a bonaventure class and there was you know wasn't really said specifically that this was supposed to be a replacement for the bonaventure that we see in the animated series but I think people kind of looted to that it's got the deflector dish that sort of pushed out a little bit more and a bit you know more pointed like the the cone the cone of the dish is less flattened right it's deeper it has you know it looks like it's basically taking some design cues from the NX so we were saying that it would be interesting if that was sort of the you know experimental class where it's just sort of like it wasn't really meant to be a ship that was going to be produced but it's sort of like okay we're we're taking what we learned in the NX and we're applying it and what can we do here are some changes right it's it's basically the X PRIZE ship yeah essentially and then if the Romulan war had not started that same year who knows what would have happened where how that how old it have evolved but Romulan war started in 21:56 and it went till 2160 it ended rather quickly it's kind of interesting is a four years war so it was supposedly the Klingon war according to the fafsa game thing so it's just I don't know if for years Wars or just well the committee that you're what people want to have can't figure it out by then yeah yeah Birds done so we you know what we posited was that during the earth Romulan war the United Earth Starfleet and the UESP a began developing you know the first warp seven engine so it was a ship that was constructed with this test engine you know the bonaventure that we actually see in the animated series eventually and but it never got finished before the war was finished it was you know it was getting built everything was set they were about to launch it and then basically the war's over and it just sort of sits there for a while where everybody figures out what's going on and the Federation is formed like the next year in 2161 so it essentially becomes the Federation's first new warp powered ship it's you know it is the or one of the first ones and kind of the reasoning we had that you and I were talking about well for the the registry number is that it was like who knows what we're doing there's different aliens that read in different directions and then it's like okay so they put the one zero two eight one NCC on or like yeah that's okay well that doesn't seem to work right and so that you know that maybe the next one then they they fix it so we kind of figured that you know new Federation this ship that was you know originally designed to be a warship becomes a ship of exploration there's a really nice message in that you know we're catching up to where the ship eventually takes off we say that in 2162 it's been launched and it had Scotty said it disappeared after his third voyage and if you ever wanted to write a story about this or you wanted to turn it into you know some sort of book or whatever I would say that the voyage doesn't necessarily have to be like one trip like it's like okay we went to Jupiter that's a voyage maybe she had to well I made that would check that negates it yeah exactly no we basically you know give it like maybe like three six month missions something to that you right so they it it goes out it does its thing comes back I never understood that they always had like you know these really long missions but then somehow then they're like reset back to where they came from really quickly right oh you know I hadn't seen where it was we had a disappearing in 2163 because I for some reason 2174 popped into my head hmm I think that's probably like the latest we'd want it to disappear just because of the way they said you know the the people who were on there although when Spock said you know some of their descendants could still be on the ship I'm assuming that let's say in the 21 60s that people's lifespan is still probably pretty much like it is now maybe a little bit better but I don't think we're reaching the point where you know Kirk can live to 137 or whatever right maybe live till 90 instead five right right so if you say that and then you know descendants probably mean kids or grandkids maybe that would have to put it back you know a certain certain length but the thing is time doesn't work the way that they thought it did when they first arrived there and when he said that so there's no reason to stick to what Spock is saying it's just it just went in there and then the time stopped so there could have been any time really and it's still you know we said some of their descendants might be but I think the person on that Legion Council is actually somebody from the Bonaventure who is yeah I mean there's there's no reason why they they said they don't age like you know they they were gonna give the Klingon a hundred year penalty basically for using and he's like what I'll be dead and they're like no time doesn't flow the same way so it's like okay then there's no reason why this can't be the actual people who've just been around for a hundred years they probably don't have children I would imagine in a place with you know extreme resources they probably don't have a lot of kids running around yeah I mean you'd have to seriously you know put in some kind of lotto ticket I don't know yeah that would be that that's where the story part would actually be really interesting exactly actually there was yeah there was a novel by Dayton Ward oh not a novel but I like a novelette set in Kirk's time on a Starfleet Corps of engineer ship where they figure a way to go in and out of the time trap without having any problem and they only just offhandedly mentioned it's like oh you know the engineer would certainly like to look at that ship and then that's it so you never really find out but you but they do you know he does make them mention it's sort of like oh when you've been around for a hundred years and you've lot of it's like oh okay so it is sort of what we thought it was just they just don't age so if we want to do that it could be 20 70 something but I kind of like the idea of you know maybe a little bit later than maybe like 20 21 70 that gives it exactly 100 years one discover it and I think that makes a good amount of sense because the well I mean I guess it's not really dependent on the experience of the crew or anything but it gives it a chance to be a ship and like okay they go on a mission in their loss to no way it just what okay between 21 to I was right no I'm sorry I just felt bad yeah yeah launched at 2163 they did 2162 they disappear in 2163 it's like that that's true yeah so that would give us I am NOT quick on the math we need the Star Trek you later so that would be I mean if you say one five-year mission and then a couple specific missions you know but did they have five-year missions then I think that's how I guess they didn't know I would imagine that's kind of a new concept yeah I guess out for that long but I think I was thinking like six months seems like a pretty but the valiant or whatever that was before this went out to the edge of the universe or whatever but well that I don't know I can't take that as canon even though it's on the film or on Big Show the Meno three-hour tour and they ended up out there for like ten years or whatever maybe it's three hours or three years why don't we say 2165 that that's legit that works I mean that gives three years is kind of a long time to be out doing stuff in it right but not long enough that it's like something we should have known about in the original series that's a good point yeah if we're looking at the time period that this launched and some of the people were around we thought well maybe somebody from the enterprise would actually be on the bonaventure and then I was looking at the screen shot of the elysian Council and was just like wait the woman from the Bonaventure looks like crewman Cutler what kind of that same Bob Lee an older a little bit a little bit wiser but kind of that same general look and I was just like I showed it to you and you're just like like yeah I think that works Doug Drexler thought it was great I thought that was fun so so that's now my head Canon is that that the woman on the Elysium council is actually I guess it should be dr. Cutler by then I was like the you know if she's gonna be on the the kind of the flagship well in what I'm I was gonna say she she's an exobiologist and she's specialists in entomology their insect members of the Elysium Council uh-huh okay words we thought that might actually be the insectoid creatures from the the Xindi very possible yeah yeah I did I like the idea and then when I was doing some research it's like all the stories that she's in like they put her into books she served with T'Pol on a ship and it all stops all the books felt like a year before we had the ship of the bonaventure going out so I'm like oh okay well that works you know it could be her so far it hasn't been negated by anything so so that's our fun our fun headcanon she has too much personality not to be on a ship yeah has as much personality as the bonaventure that's true trip and Archer we're talking about you know oh and now they have ships that can go warp 7 so the question is is that warp 7 in original series time or did they adjust the warp scale or in between because we know they adjusted the warp scale into a TNG time so I'm wondering if there was an adjustment in between the enterprise era and the original series and not only that I mean the warp scale is exponential so you know the difference between warp 1 and work 2 is not really that much but then work 3 is just this huge jump and then what for is this giant jump and that you know like they're just were six point nine and then warp seven it's still huge dude it's like breaking the sound barrier basically it's like okay yeah we had planes back then but then this guy broke the sound barrier and then we had real planes yeah right okay so yeah so that that is kind of what our thinking was and if you watch the original series before they kind of got their lingo under under you know not under control of it so they sort of figured out how they wanted to present things it was lithium powered spaceships they were crystallized lithium and were like you know they basically had the science person kind of them so you know that's a real thing and maybe you should change it to something fake because we know what the properties of lithium are so you know if we want to kind of work within that that universe of terminology we could say that this was the first crystallized lithium warte powered ship that was housed in a dilithium crystal converter assembly so it's somehow using those lithium crystals and who knows maybe they're like different lithium crystals and lithium that we have on earth maybe it's just a variant of that or something oh all I can think of is they're they're flying around giant galaxy note sevens and galaxy note 3 oh no and then they explode right hopefully whatever I think lithium crystal I always think for some reason like watch batteries for some reason or watches oh yeah yeah yeah I know what you mean so eventually you know when we get to 20 to 45 when we have the enterprise it's still running under lithium crystal at some point I guess in the original series it switches over to dilithium crystal completely or maybe that was just maybe it kind of always had been and it was just left over turn of phrase that older engineers hadn't gotten used to or something like that but so the idea is that that it was sort of that first modern drive and that's what what Dayton Ward used in his story that's been sort of the modern retcon of how can this Bonaventure be the first star shape with warp drive and also being the first starship in the Federation it also kind of works too so we've got like two firsts if you want to put it that way you know and I'm sure there are things that we talk about and are like oh that was the first this and somebody's like no it is and it was you know actually right well you're in thing or whatever it was a lot of it might be just the matter of like okay this was the first one that did just have the new were the new dilithium assembly bolted on it was actually part of the right the ship you know yeah that's true of course there there's a really fun truck yards episode where they tried to discover where is the engine room on the enterprise you'd think that would be an easy answer but it's not right and we actually had that conversation about like where would we put it and I think where we actually have ours makes sense so which is in the engineering hull which I don't think it's always called that but the secondary hull just at the base allowing the plasma conduits to go up the the pylons as opposed to the the 17 or one where it's like where the impulse engines are something like that yeah sometimes and then I don't know it just really depends on I think Andy Probert did a blueprint where it was sort of like behind the shuttlebay kind of closer to where the pylons are and where if you know those when you see the engine room they have those that kind of quarter or those things get yeah and those like the one on the left actually goes to the pylon on the right and vice versa there's a sort of cross and go a different dren like I guess it's kind of interesting Probert i yeah give you a thumbs up yeah and so you know that's kind of where we we netted out and then you know we were sort of like playing around like oh and 2270 they had did a constitution class phase to refit that led the way to the enterprise you see in the movies using the old Excalibur frame that was damaged in the attack of the with the computer the m4 so what it was though and five yeah you know is the the USS Bonaventure NX 1978 for the year but it's like okay now I'm just going into territory that I don't need to like play around with it would be interesting to see a TNG era Voyager era you know Bonnie refit I don't know what that would look like but that would be kind of Awesome I mean I I almost pick the Nova as as the equivalent of the Bonaventure in that time now okay I can see that maybe not it may be not the same look but yeah well I think that the a lot of the things that we're done in the Bonaventure all of the the technologies that were tested like that eventually makes its way into a lot of other starships so it's it's more like okay this is the base and then it kind of pieces it's almost like the the root of a family tree right right exactly just like the the age-old debate between the in X and the akhirah it's like alright are you gonna have that same debate between the 1701 and the 1701 D I mean right it's kind of a dead horse you know yeah well it seems like with enterprise once you get past the original it's like whatever ship they were building that's the coolest we're just gonna slap that name on it it doesn't really seem like it's a a design evolution it's more of a just it's that's the next ship just like oh is it fast does it have a lot of guns okay yeah let's put a K on are there places to put ambassadors that we have to shovel back and forth right okay we're good but that kind of leads into you know we're talking where things go and how we're putting this together it leads into sort of how we actually built this thing and you know all the the steps that it took to get to where we we have something that looks functional you know we we were talking about Doug Drexler earlier that's one of the things that was fun we get to show kind of along the way as we were working on it the blueprints and then like the early renderings and then some drawings and texturing or I mean sorry some renders with textures every why is your spaceship so dark alright well crank the light up and he said it was really interesting because he showed us an early annex design that actually took cues from the Bonaventure right it was just like because you know what I I sent show these to the ship to some people they're like I don't know what that is like you know if you don't watch the animated series you're gonna have zero idea what the ship is and even if you do you might not remember it because I was on screen for like four seconds yeah and even if even if you caught a glance at that you this is kind of easy to mistake for the tos Enterprise like if you're not if you're not a ship geek yeah for the people who are like oh this is so ugly so it's like it's not that radically different than the original series there are some really interesting elements to it and you can definitely see that it is an older you know version but it has the same family traits in it it's just the you know it's the the less attractive sibling I guess well and when one of the things that we notice that other people who have done bottom edge we're not the first people to to try and kind of put this together but most of the other ships don't use circular saucers no where it's like they're sort of almost like toilet seat shaped or just most just visually unappealing shape I don't know no definitely and you know without them seeing those things we wouldn't may not have made been inspired to do it right right but looking at it it's like okay maybe you know the first thing we thought of is maybe it needs to be that shape to have the the profile that you see in the series and it doesn't it just did it it could be a circle it could be you know I suppose it could be a weird oval shape and as long as it was I kind of yeah like it just you know it is a little weird because the it's the bridge section and the kind of the top dome is off-center from this the way the whole saucers together so it's not like concentric circles it's sort of like a circle with it offset but it sort of works because it offsets the stuff in the back I don't know it's like for a design that was only done quickly just to show like hey this is what we can do no change it and you know and then never revisiting that design it really it was it was pretty well thought out yeah it does fit together very fluidly and yeah like you were saying the the oblong saucer it well it's not really hot long but it's kind of off-center horizontally I guess but it the only thing that that kind of throws me off is just the alignment of the running lights and the docking port that just there's no you can't make it it doesn't make any sense right there's no specific place to put all that yeah we tried to kind of line it up with the sensor dome we're like okay we'll use the sensor dome as the which is the kind of glowing dome shape but the underneath the saucer that's sort of like that's the center point in the bridge so if you go if you draw a line down from the bridge it does go to the the sensor dome and so we just sort of centered everything on that and it does sort of work in that sense but it is it is weird when you go to like put the lights and the stuff it's like there's no normal place to put these you know we showed it to Bob when he was out when we interviewed him and he was just like wow that's really great and at the time you and I were playing around with the we call them the fins on the back there the intercoolers and we only had one on each pylon and it did look more like fins or something it's just like it just didn't look right even though you never saw two of them in the drawing because of where it was the perspective you were seeing and so we asked him it's like would you put another one on there and he's like yeah if I was doing this you know if I had planned this out more I would have I would have looked at the enterprise and saw that there was one on e to their side and and even though they look different I would have put them in and we did and it just it made the ship so much better it was weird I don't know if it's just cuz we're so used to seeing two of them on a nacelle or maybe but yeah it just disproportionately made it look ten times better just yeah I don't know it just made them yourselves look independent I think that's what it is yeah it that's true it looked less like a wing or something like that and more like okay this is a functional engine that's doing something and and we also kind of dialed back the pointyness a lot it yeah it did feel a little bit like Tom Paris playing with the Delta flyer and Tuvok is like no we don't need these fins we don't need this can you imagine Tom's version at the Bonaventure oh my god I want to see that the Delta Bonaventure the Bonaventure fly Delta triangle flyer ah that's it I think we found our episode I think we did so you know we basically what let's talk about the what we each did I did the lies of the blueprints I took the the screenshots of the show and then like okay here's this side and then I had to do something that I hadn't done in a very long time which was like okay now I have to design out all the different sides of it and I tried doing 3d a very long time ago and I think it's just because this the programs were clunkier and we actually alpha tested the videotoaster way back in the 80s and the instruction manuals that they gave us were not really designed properly which is that was one of the things we were supposed to be testing so everything I designed came out just off I was you know trying to make a pyramid that they wanted us to build and it came out like a Chinese throwing star so you know because everything it was all flat I'm like this is not good 3d like what is happening it was like and it just put me off of doing this so it was really like okay have to put all of that that mental baggage of not being able to make this thing work behind me and like okay how would I actually you know and when I handed them over to you I was actually surprised that you weren't like no I can't use this that it kind of worked oh yeah it I mean you're you're orthos were really good in the sense that they were consistent there were no just weird overlaps or weird areas where something was completely stretch out of proportion I've seen those two where you're like that can't possibly be the right view is that other yeah not how any of this works no but uh they they really worked out as far as what you see on the screen and once I translated them into 3d they I I didn't really have to do a lot of major tweaks to him I mean I I did have to kind of compromise between one view or the other in certain areas but other than that it was it was a very straightforward project I mean a lot of the areas I had difficulty was more the limitations of my own modeling skills trying to make this joint between two parts work in a way that I know that must have been what you were going for just just those kinds of aspects of it right and I didn't want to over design it cuz I wanted to actually leave something for you to do as it's not like it was an assignment but I mean like for a place for you to be creative like you did some really interesting things with where things join together and the way you did the edges of the the saucer and stuff and it just if you look at some of the other designs that are out there of any kind of spaceship that people have put together online a lot of times the seams are just like it's a point just right you know they come together and it's like it's really sharp and it's like it just looks too much like a computer did it yeah and that that can be such a disappointing part of an otherwise perfect model like you really do have to take into account how the lights gonna hit it from different angles what what a physical property you're trying to emulate just how it would have been welded together or how it would have been attached just different different interactions between surfaces you really have to keep that in mind yeah and also with the texture that you provided which was interesting because it it's sort of an Aztec and it's but it's not at the same time so it doesn't really feel out of era right it's it's kind of a random and I'm gonna get into some technobabble but um just a procedural time watch Star Trek I think yeah exactly I'm gonna tag the tech and you know try to reroute some kind of plasma feed the EPS system but yeah it's a procedural tile that is just gonna map even over the surface no matter what the shape it's gonna mold to that shape and one one kind of challenge I had was just getting that getting that varied enough over the surface to make it not look like it was just a texture that I splattered all over the ship right but also have it to where it's not chaos so I think I think we were able to strike a good balance just between the feedback I was getting from you and just visually kind of comparing it to other ships from the era that that we would see right yeah no I think it I think worked really well and it also see it feels like it it might have like a little bit of the way it hit the light hits it like maybe reflects off of it almost has like a dimension to it I don't know if it actually does or is it feels like parts of it are raised or it's like almost like it's a bump texture or something like it's right it's got a really subtle bump to it and then there's also an effect where where light hits certain areas it's going to reverse the contrast versus other areas I don't know if that makes sense oh yeah okay there's kind of a positive and negative space so that when when you when you see the model move you're gonna see certain certain areas become highlights at certain areas become shadows so it almost the pearlescent effect of the right here at enterprise but it's cool because it does feel it fits more like with a battleship kind of early metal you know it's not even it feels like it could predate the original series Connie because that had that you know the the clear not clear code that that that Super's the smooth code it has a name and I can't remember it off the thermic code yeah I'm sure that came up later I don't think that's ever that's been canon but that makes sense I mean you know so this is kind of cool we we have some exposed RCS thrusters yep which is reaction control system the Space Shuttle had that it's just basically weather maneuvering thrusters right there's basically can so if imagine the enterprise is I think it'll be like without impulse engines or I guess no it could well it's it could also be for flying around in orbit right it's just for regular maneuvering I believe you even have an impulse if you're let's say you're trying to avoid something you're you're gonna try to twist on your axis you can arrange those thrusters to create that that a radial motion the way it was designed that you actually gave it the proper weight in places so that you actually have the the thing that's underneath the ship and you use that as an actual ballast or for mass not for weight because it's phase well right right so you made that part of how the ship maneuvers it's a positive thing for it which is kind of cool it's not just this thing that's glued on the bottom and right is it there it's like it it kind of is a thing that works with the ship right I always felt like the new cells were a little too tall yeah well they are right it just gives well the way we we put it together it really doesn't have that awkward look to me maybe it's just because it's because I had a part in it yeah oh just biased but there are a couple like if the the the dead straight on view is probably not my favorite view it's probably my least favorite right that's where it really looks like wire than the cells you know 20 stories tall grass hopper or something yeah like you're waiting for it to like somebody pull them down and they spring up or something I don't know but all the other angles look okay but with them that high like that it just seems like it's gonna spin out of control if you if you twist you know but with that like that animation that you created yeah exactly which I won't be showing anybody because they're made stomachs but yes no this morning Lonny sent me a video of the ship sort of I guess doing the rollercoaster maneuvers I don't know what it was like woo so it was going all over the place which is very very cool but yeah please don't be on that ship without gravity what is it the the dampeners the disclaimer the inertial dampeners have been oh yeah that's probably true so well they had to has some kind of inertial dampeners or everybody in that starship would be dead and yeah oh and good good call on the coloring of the RCS thrusters because originally they were gold just to kind yes kind of first saged the the aesthetic that they would take on in the TMP era but i think the silver works a lot better it kind of keeps it grounded in that NX era although i'm glad that you decided not to go with the gold that kind of copper in X so one whole plating oh right yeah I think the TOS Sierra kind of look is a lot more fitting for it and it makes more sense in context of the on-screen appearance of it well even if you look at the the refit of the enterprise that Doug Drexler did it's starting to look that color too it's looking more more grey and you know fitting into that that era very so and in kind of talking about you know of the era we were looking at you know we have this one angle is like is there any kind of thing that we could put in there that oh you wouldn't have ever seen in the animated series but might be kind of cool to show the time period that was from and we decided to put the United Federation of Planets pennant that sort of read almost college looking minute thing that that you see in the early original series on the back of the saucer section sort of like at the back of the bridge and underneath on the the secondary hull so if you're on the top or bottom whichever way you're coming you'll see this the United Federation of Planets pin it especially because you know the Federation was just formed when this thing launched it's still a point of pride if this was gonna be the ambassador ship it's gonna be going out to the furthest reaches and making first contact so and you know obviously if we really really wanted to put it on there we probably would have made it more more prominent but for what we're doing it makes sense because we we really wanted to keep it as much as canon as possible and tweak you know change as little as possible because you could take this and just really tweak it out and do crazy things to it and make it look really interesting but oh yeah well and you you did a really interesting take on the are they the intercoolers they're the the glowing parts of the inside of the nacelles right right I decided to go with a kind of a 50s retro look just yeah just to kind of reflect the that superstructure on the primary Hall how it's gone yeah that curve to it just kind of get it give it a little faster of a you know what I like the fact that you know these this is a warp 7 engine it's it's brand-new and it's gonna be a little bulkier than right you know the the word five looks beautiful but it's also very streamlined because it is at the end of the generation of warp one through four you know this is like a whole I'm assuming that there's some new science behind it so you're the those inside pieces are just bulkier so you know you got your back end that's bulkier you got larger things that almost look like fins that have to vent all the the excess heat so it's I think it's kind of cool that you chose that because it works really well and it kind of reflects the the pointy or deflector dish to that that big right a little bit yeah yeah it just I wanted to give it a little different aesthetic just same as the missiles how it was going in a slightly different direction and then they decided to go with the more monolithic iconic Constitution you know yeah well and you know if you look at the Daedalus class and this next to each other they kind of feel like they're related they both have like some awkward bits to them we really basically absorbed this ship and I think I know it better than probably any Starfleet vessel at this point we thought well wouldn't it be really cool if this was an eagle ma ship because the animated series is sort of an untapped resource and which is interesting because we saw a tweet not that long ago from Ben Robinson who we've shared these designs with and he said that you know as long as we make it clear that these are fan concepts right now that we can show them we did a mock-up of what the bonaventure might look like as an eagle Moss ship and I loved that you were able to change the texture and the lighting and everything to make it it it's incredible to me because when we were first designing the ship when you were just getting the structure right of course I'm jumping ahead to like why does it look like a toy that's like calm down it's like yeah just put textures on it to have it look like something but you know it looks like a what like where's the windup Keys but although there was one video that did sort of it did but just on a real quick side note Doug did provide some excellent feedback as far as the lighting for the real version of it yeah it really did pay off and I think it did play into how I textured the the Eagle moss kind of toy version evidence yeah and I love the the way that you took the the nacelle caps and made them sort of like that transparent plastic right right I took a lot of pride in that yeah it looks fantastic so you know we did we mocked up what the front of the magazine might look like what the the thing like we even did like the fake ordering page where it's got the story the ship is sitting there the you know it with the multiple views that you can scroll through which you and every time I put this up I've wanted to click on it and do something with it's like it's not working oh that's right it's not real what am i right I was embarrassed to say it but senior likewise and then we did a kind of a photorealistic like what would it look like with the other ships I have my the enterprise-c the one 7:01 refit the Antares ship from the animated series the the robot grain ship and then the Bonaventure sitting next to it and it it goes really well I think it looks kind of cool it really does in the proportions just really work with that kind of display and I haven't seen these images in a while and I have to say they really are kind of on point I you did great work with the mock-up and just kind of making this fit into that real scene you know it basically Lonnie did kind of the modeling and the lighting based on a photo that I had taken and then I took that and then REE went and went in and kind of did its the Photoshop quote-unquote magic of making things not look quite a hundred percent like modeled or so I don't know what it is it's like you have to mess things up a little bit you have to make the not so crisp you have to exact some grain to the photo you have to if there's just all these little things that you would never really want to do if you were going to do a pristine product shot say right if you're trying to make it look realistic and like it actually is is there then you have to kind of do those things and just details like there on the bubble inside the stand or inside yeah yep yeah that's right I've totally forgot about that yeah the plastic stands if you look at the Eagle maw stands have sort of I guess it's where when the plastic is snapped off of well you know whatever it's injected to it's got an air bubble from where the injector was I guess I get when it gets not sure when it gets like and hold out of the mold baby it just kind of dips down at me but when we modelled it obviously because it's it's a 3d shape it didn't have a bubble built into it so we added that in in post and yeah no it was it was a lot of it was a lot of fun it was lot of work but it was I think it you and I both learned a lot about what we're doing you know in non Star Trek related things and I think it was a great project just for for increasing our own skill set so turning the network into Trek yards isn't the only thing we've been doing this week here's a listen to some of the things you've may have missed elsewhere on Trek FM previously on Trek dot F M warp five did you know that it's the same planet they're talking about no yeah so it is so it's krios prime like that like she also comes from krios Prime right so in the make up is the same on everything right so like that was it okay I did have that I'm like okay the only thing I can see is that they have the same makeup that was the only thing and I was wondering why it was the same and now I know why did I not make that connection you guys are so smart the edge a Star Trek discovery podcast well when I was thinking about where do I find peace I found it so ironic because it seems in opposition to what my fear is and then I think gosh Amy where my peace it's when I am alone and then I was thinking well that's stupid because my greatest fear is being alone the 602 Club yeah I mean it kind of goes back to what I was talking about gosh well for the last two films that we've talked about to say that what I want for Roger Moore is a sense of dignity for the character continuing mission now on today's show we have a very special guest who has steered the good ship enterprise through some perilous adventures thought of dastardly villains and willed the ladies all in a day's work he's now vacated the captain's chair by order of Starfleet Command and is now being railroaded in a new order more about that later will you please welcome to continuing mission mister vic Mignogna that was a very creative narrative you just put together there I love it I'm quite quite quite witty sir well it's high praise indeed thank you and think well it's a pleasure to join you and thanks for having me and that's what else is happening on Trek tunne family so check out the shows and get in on the daily Trek talk you'll find them at iTunes stitcher tune in Spreaker and the windows podcast directory for Xbox and Zune you can visit our website at Trek dot FM and view our podcast directory and stream all of our shows right from the website we'd also like to invite you to leave us a rating and review in iTunes not only does it help us know how we're doing it also helps other people find the show before we go I'd like to thank our patrons normal augh erik extreme and Juke him thank you for your support and if you want to become an associate producer of a trek FM show all you need to do is become a patron of the network at the $25 or more level go to patreon.com/scishow fam and find out how you can become part of the team that's patr yo n comm slash Trek fm when you're not you know designing spaceships from a hundred years before the original series where can we find you online well you can find me at Lonzo v dot deviant-art comm where i will be designing ships from hundreds of years from now and you've done some really cool renderings of the original Planet of the Titan ship the ones that you know discovery is based on but these are the actual like study models that you've sort of turned into 3d models that look you know like chips yes like what we've done with the bonaventure great fun yes it's it's actually it's given me a great respect for the design especially just because there have been several iterations of it that that McQuarrie sketched out and you know you can can Adam it can Adam yeah absolutely and then you have the version from comic-con which I'm looking forward to seeing the actual discovery but yeah yeah they're the one that I've been drawing a lot right right and yeah your Art's been getting around like crazy I mean it keeps getting mistaken for official stuff which is yeah we've had some really fun conversation yeah this was the first time that I actually was sort of a before the curve on any kind of fan art or anything so I I think it was within four days of the discovery being revealed at are unveiled at comic-con that I came up with the the ortho the top view and then I kind of filled out the rest of it right I didn't really want to say anything at the time but I'm like how do you bust out with that model like two days at yeah like like I think I was waiting for client feedback on a project and had a lot of free time and a lot of it's like okay I'm gonna do this I don't what's like very much like we did with the Bonaventure except we had no kind of profile or anything is just like all these little bits and snippets of everything so it's like trying to glue all of those together right it was a an interesting challenge well apparently it speaks to people I mean that kind of does seem to be the definitive discovery for the moment yeah yeah I get a lot of like I really hate this [ __ ] but I like your posters and I like how they look in your poster right right okay it's kind of supposed to look like the same ships either I've done something dramatically different or you're just not giving the ship a chance which probably is the later but and if you can find me if you want to look at that those posters that we're talking about at geek filter on dribble which is Dr IBB ble I don't know I guess probably because dribble with one B was taken and you can look on Instagram and Twitter basically any social media except for Facebook is all done with filter which will I blog a few years ago and I have yet to bring it back I need to do that this year well geekdom geekdom needs a filter that was the idea originally it was like i'll look at all the stuff that happened in a week and then like here's what you really need to know and then you know life happened so your city needs your errand but i sort of filtered in on like Tron Legacy I did that for quite a few like like probably two years I followed Neville page that's how I actually met him Neville works now on discovery and his the one of the hosts on face off are the judges so you know I would interview the people who did the designs and the the actors and all that stuff and so that's sort of it it became almost a Tron blog and then I had my heart transplant and it just stopped you know kind of they wouldn't didn't really want me blogging during surgeries priorities and through your your blog stopped at that time or you stopped so I'm glad the blog exactly instead of the alternative III but but then I my goal this year is to kind of bring that back hopefully some time towards the towards the summer or fall you know if we've been in this wood-paneled in a really long time I mean like it feels like maybe a hundred years yeah no they were not alright we're gonna get out of here thank you so much for listening to us talk about this ship for so long and remember there is an animated series [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Trek.fm
Views: 28,773
Rating: 4.6595745 out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, SS Bonaventure, Starships, Podcast, Trek.fm, Saturday Morning Trek, The Animated Series
Id: PyYRr_g3OY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 37sec (5317 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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