Exploring the Kitsune Ancestry in Pathfinder 2E: A Starter Guide

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hey I'm Jake I make RPG supplements and videos about Pathfinder 2 or p 2 I love pu 2 and as a longtime player of d and d and others I want to share my thoughts on things I find along my journey like the Kitsune the foxlike shape-shifting spirit folk from Japanese myth it's An ancestry that is so flexible and fun they love trickery Illusions and Blasting foes with their sparkly tail juices the reason I love the kitune and I think their main claim to fame is their close association with shape shifting of all the ancestries this one feels most like a spirit given physical form to start off with you get the change shape ability which works as a disguise for whatever the other shape is that you change into and you can stay in any of your forms for as long as you like you can choose what other ancestry you look like though it's usually human when you change shape you can choose a Heritage also that gives you a Fox alternate form instead of humanoid if you like and you can take a feat at fifth level to choose the other of the two forms humanoid or Fox so by fifth level you can easily have three forms that you can shape shift into your Kitsune combination feature two-handed tailed clawed fox head person human or Fox it could be elf instead of human or something like that or could be interesting and you can also choose a feed at fifth level that lets you change into any person for an hour per day shifting faces you basically cast osor disguise but it's physical transmutation instead of Illusion so you're physically turning into somebody else it's just neat and there are first level spells that give you a variety of abilities like a ranged unarmed attack it's a little Spark from your tail and it works as a sling technically so you can make multiple attacks with it you can even use Flurry of Blows if you're a monk it's a flurry of tails and if you're more interested in melee instead you can take retractable claws cuz foxes have retractable claws you can even choose a special familiar no matter what class you are little Aon Stone Little Rock that talks to you and floats if you want and you can take days forbidding mord or ghost sound as a feat very very flexible options and the dark Fields Kitsune is the coolest of their heritages because they have a unique power if someone in 60 ft becomes frightened the Kitsune gains temporary hit points they're just bolstered by other people's Terror sounds like something that's out of Spear of folklore there are just so many directions you can go with a Kitsune my favorite thing to do which is I know strange is to really just double down on the whole shape changer theme so you make a Kitsune beastkin which gives you an unarmed bite attack by just taking beastkin as your versal heritage and you can choose CH whatever kind of animal you like to change into as well that way if you chose like Pig for example you can shape shift into a human Fox Kitsune pig or Kitsune Pig hybrid it's a really fun disgusting flavor to add to your roleplay this is how I made my Kitsune inventor it's great fun there I'll put the video at the end of this video I Feel the kitune are a good format for making any kind of shape-shifting and just take the bones and put your own meat on it like why choose beastkin to make a werewolf if you wanted to play a werewolf when you can choose a Kitsune instead you get the automatic change shape ability they start with two forms anyway at least and you can take other powers for more fun especially if you're allowed to say that your ancestry is mixed with another so you can take their Feats that are like closer to what a werewolf would have like rat folk or orc it sounds good to me anyway and you can just flavor it however you want like I have cheek pouches because my werewolf forms faces extra bloated and flabby and just say you look like a wolf instead of a rat it let your imagination go wild you change into a wear rhinoceros or something it opens the door to a lot of different options for roleplay I think that my favorite thing is still weirdly taking like multiple shape changing ancestries like a nauy and Kitsune just cuz it's freakish weird anyway so if you like the video and think I've earned it give it a thumbs up or share with a friend to tell the algorithm cards there's something here worth your time and hit the Subscribe button to see more videos like this and remember foxes often carry parasites and infectious diseases so if you're playing with one remember to wash your hands but seriously for Fox sake wash your hands anyway now after this you can see this video that is that inventor Kitsune build that I talked about and over here are the rest of the Jake takes videos including the anati which I mentioned which are freaking cool
Channel: Wisdom Check
Views: 388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ttrpg, Pathfinder Builds, PF2e, Pathfinder 2e, Pathfinder Classes, Pathfinder Archetypes, Archetypes, Pathfinder Ancestry, Paizo, Pathfinder 2 builds, Pathfinder Second Edition, PF2e remaster, PF2, pf2e beginner box, pathfinder 2e, pathfinder, pf2e character creation, Pathfinder Kitsune
Id: l6K-nk1Ejyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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