Exploring the Cheese Cave and Cheese Reveals

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hi I'm Kristen from hammock Haven farm and we're doing something a little different today I'm coming to you from the basement where we have our cheese cave which is actually just a wine fridge this is really not fancy and this is so not fancy that I have any checked what's in here before this video so this is not staged this is what is in my cheese cave right now so let's look in here now mind you we are just now getting into milking and cheese making season so most of this stuff is stuff that I made last summer last fall it's been in here a while I have not cleaned it up since probably February so it's been about a month since I've come in here and seeing what's going on besides throwing a couple new cheese's in here so without further ado all right I've got a two zone fridge here I've got a both set to 54 degrees this here is a little mini humidifier I don't run it often it tends to ice up the back in there but if we're having a dry spell I will run that sum or if my cheese would seem like they're drying out I'll run that in the past I've also left a little dish of water if I need more humidity but over the winter it's been pretty humid here so I haven't really felt the need front here I got a brand new cheddar and I just made it's all waxed and ready to age and when hs1 at least six months and looks like I pulled some of the wax off stuck on the shelf so I'm probably gonna have to dip that when I get the wax back out and just fix that one up this is just a tone style cheese it's got a natural rind then I rubbed with olive oil oops so I am you know stay nice and clean hopefully it's not too dry in the middle I can actually feel some give when I feel it so it's got a real dry ride I like to use these mesh mats you can get these on cheese-making comm I use these just to keep them right off the wood shell that the waxed ones I just have writing the wood shelves back here is a little Jack and it's from September 20th I like to write let me see you back turn this off reset okay I like to write on the outside the wax with Sharpie so I have the date that I made it I know a lot of people say to do a little piece of paper and just stick it in the wax but I find it those fall off and get lost and just don't work as well for me so Sharpie doesn't bleed through the wax or anything they're good three layers of wax on there this one here is a Colby and I probably wrote Colby in there yep this one I probably bring up and cut and see what we ended up with you can see a couple places on it where the wax cracked and we got some mold up underneath there it's no big deal it's not a ruined cheese you just cut it off it happens okay under here these are interesting this is a get it out well it's a wet Jack that really yeah this is really interesting it got really like almost mozzarella II and just kind of collapsed on me sing so that's from July 23rd of last year that would be an interesting one to cut and see what what we ended up with on that especially since I just ripped the wax off the bottom so bring upstairs and see what we ended up with hush up okay I do need to get some of these cut and sold and out of here this is another Jack from September and I made one that actually one in the American Dairy Goat Association amateur cheese contest and so I've got a bunch of these Jack's in here which are attempting to recreate my first-place winner really that one did I think I aged the first-place winner about eight or nine months so we'll leave that in there a little longer now this looks random I know it is the lid to a like one of those sheet cake Tupperware and I like to age my boomy rind cheese's inside one of those Tupperware's and what I'll do is then I'll put one of those cheese mat so that go showed you in this top shelf and then I'll lay out my little blue me Rhine cheeses and then I'll put this lid on cracked so it maintains a higher humidity but it doesn't doesn't get too wet in there if this is on all the way it will just get soaking wet in there just make a mess of your cheese so I can use the lid here to crack it more or less as needed to maintain my humidity for those gloomy Rhine ones then I haven't done the knee of those yet this year we'll have to get a video on one of those all right down here I got another Colby and this one's from September and again I got some mold going on under the rind on the side it's just where it gets knocked and the mold comes off or the the wax comes off and it allows air to get up under there perfectly good cheese just cut it off this puppy's a little scary-looking enough this is my experiment with a bandaged rind cheddar and this is a cloth bandage that's stuck on the cheddar with lard actually and supposedly when you remove the rind and cut it you peel all this off it's supposed to have really nice flavor and be really pretty inside it's about time to time to see what happened with that - maybe I'll stick that one up here and we'll see what we got going on down here I just have a few more of these little jacks they're just ones where I had some extra curd and so I made a small one instead of making another big one three of those these are about ready to cut they look pretty good so that's about it for the cheese cave if you have any questions just leave it down in the comments for me and I'll try to answer all I can think of pretty easy I did have to remove a couple of the show so you see here off to the side to make room for all of those that's all we did this is that Jack that I brought up from the basement and now I would say to begin with that this is a failed cheese which doesn't mean it's not gonna be a good cheese it's just one that didn't come out as I expected it just was all lumpy and really really stretchy I guess like a like a mozzarella or something so let's see what we got in here and it might be awful it's a good thing we're not alive right that could be embarrassing okay actually it looks quite beautiful smells good let's cut a chunk off of here and do the taste test that's kind of elastic texture hmm that's delicious it's got like a nuttiness to it hmm not so really tasty cheese hmm yeah so we got away from you too now I won't I'll save your spike for later that's really really good really good all right so failed cheese's sometimes aren't failures all right my son said that this one works whirring and actually he's kind of right it looks at it smells a little whirring it like all these fancy funky molds on the outside of this brought trashcan over here so I can peel the outside layer off of this then we'll decide what we're doing from there now again this was more than I would consider a failed cheese it was a I went with a traditional cheddar like one that you do the chattering method and everything and the curds just they weren't pressing together right and they just I don't know something was just off with it so I decided I would try this and see if it added some better flavor to agent this way I don't know just curious so you see I have two layers of muzzling over this and two layers around the outside so I guess we'll pull all this off I feel like unwrapping a mummy here it doesn't feel mummified so that's a good thing all right here we go what went on next here we go and the point of this is it's supposed to keep your cheese on the inside fairly clean of moulds which there's still some on there we have to clean this rind up some because this is down to the cheese here you can see it still got some some molds on there it's a little drier around the edges so it might have not had enough humidity the wax probably holds the humidity in there better than than this oh that's actually pretty darn cleaned up under that look at that you say get this thing out of the way and then I think we're gonna pause it here that we washed my hands and get all this lard and mold and everything off my fingers before I cut into this and then I'm tasting that on my pants here we go let's see what we got in here alright it is a little hard on the outside let me get some weight behind it and this might not have kept the humidity in as much as I would like whoa mitts there is softness to the middle so this is definitely one where you going to want to cut topside off all right let's say we got well it's a little drier as you can see around the outsides see what tastes like in here it's a nice texture down the middle I mean if you can you see it's not overly dry it's a nice kind of crumbly cheddar texture you know a traditional English cheddar texture and I think it would have benefited by some more humidity and the flavor flavor is delicious it's just a little just a little dry which I think even maybe if I had not aged Aquinas long since I've met humidity humidity wasn't high enough in there it would have been better good that's really delicious actually so this can show up on my cheese board and I'm okay with that we'll just cut the outside off of it hmm good job so failed cheese's Cheers well thank you guys for watching again if you've got any questions on any of this leave it in the comments for me I'm trying to answer every comment please take the time to hit that subscribe button down below but it's a big red button that really helps me out and it helps us to continue to bring these videos to you so thank you so much for watching
Channel: HammockHavenFarm
Views: 21,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HHF, Hammock, Haven, Farm, Goats, Goat, Cheese, Hammock Haven, Hammock Haven Farm, Goat Milk, Cave, Explore, Exploring, Cheese Cave, Caves, Cheeses, cheddar, bandage, bandaged, rind, monteray, jack, aged, wine, fridge, refrigerator, english, traditional, cheddaring, hammockhavenfarm, goat milk cheese, cave cheese, cheese making, cheese cave DIY, goat cheese making, home cheese cave, making goat cheese, aging goat cheese, homemade goat cheese, making goat milk cheese, aging cheese, wine fridge, cooler
Id: 2Q5_oJkex5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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