Exploring Seattle: Pike Place Market, MoPop, Sky View Observatory & Fog Room (Alaska Part 2)

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[Music] so good morning everybody welcome back to the channel and welcome to a drizzle uh Seattle Washington for day two of the trip this is our last full day in Seattle we've got lots planned you know kind of expected a little bit of bad weather while but it's it's not windy it's not cold uh cla's just getting ready it's only 7:00 a.m. I'm going to pop back up to the room right now and we're going to take it from there with a bit of breakfast we've got quite a lot on today so hopefully we'll get around it all and we'll show you everything we see before moving on tomorrow back to the airport [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] [Applause] and your broken hands they just [Music] me over the so Claire's join Mish is equipped with umbrella today Tok and Seattle uh attire I guess so we're heading down to Pike play Market we're going to eat some breakfast first in a little place we've picked out I'm going to hang there for a little while before moving on and I'll check out a couple of e in there I might get some bits and Bobs I'm going to try and uh try different things all day today so hopefully I don't get too full so uh we'll take it from there I'll see you down at the waterfront again we starting out a bit of Brey right here at bco Cafe or bco beastro bit of breakfast some of the places at Pik Place aren't open as yet so let's get some grub to set it off now problem is I'm so tempted to get some really tast in it like dungeon s crab eggs benedict my God that sounds so good but I do want to try some bits and pieces in the market I don't want to over phase myself I've just gone for a waffle just to put me On's G for a nice Benedict good get potatoes down Sobo Cafe were legit but now like any other visitor in uh Seattle we need to go to Pik BLS Market which is just around the corner if you wanted to start off with a nice breakfast that place is uh pretty cool it's here on First Avenue and you turn right at this Junction and straight onto [Music] pikel so here we are that's the famous Public Market here at par place we to take a look around might try a couple of bits I can already smell the fresh fish from here we'll get in it started raining again so it's com out a good time follow start throwing some fish around [Music] so cla's less impressed with seafood but more impressed with it price at flowers price flowers so cheap I mean look at some of these bouquet up here $20 You' pay at least 35 some of these P that is yeah $20 for that easy easy you're impressed with that aren't you I am and I wish I was staying longer so I could buy him S A Punch I'll buy some I'm old what are you laughing for you know I'm an old romantic hi hi mate is this a place where you throw the fish around oh cool might catch some action you never know we're just talking to some of these guys right here and this place is really well set up they've got their own merch they're doing little show for the crowds and but also if you buy anything from this they they'll ship it anywhere like other countries everything it's uh they got a bit of a setup going on here to say it's just like a [Applause] market more the Wild and the crowd all buys a fish and ships at Home Folks if you cheer that was a verbal contract you just [Music] [Applause] [Music] signed so want a places I wanted to visit at the market is this place called Beach's cheese and this is a real uh Staple in Seattle this place and when you come inside you can watch them making it how cool is that wow and they've got all the work into the place all on public display that imagine doing that for a job throwing cheese about and yeah that's going to uh that's going to smell pretty pungent in there I've got no doubt you see this is why I didn't want to eat too much at breakfast across there all these cool places down there and I've I've got to try something all these people out they're trying bits and pieces while watching the guys make chees so uh let's try some yeah just said do I like mac and Che I'm going to try the mac and chees cuz it's a bit of a speciality in this place a couple mac and cheese so uh it's on a look [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I've gone for a tub of the old beaches cheese this is a mac and cheese with salmon oh this is going to be really tasty let's get into it yeah W look at that going to get stuck into that one I've been on a diet I'm on holiday this is going to fill me up I think cuz he's quite um this is a small one as well so c yeah oh man that's really nice that Salmon's good good you need to this now I did plan to go to about three places in this market to try it food but after that I'm really stuffed so I don't know if I'm going to do so cla's joined the line right down there you're probably wondering what are they all queuing for that's right they're just queuing for a Starbucks but this is not just any Starbucks this place here at Pik place this is the first ever Starbucks so those of you didn't know Starbucks originates from Seattle this one here is the first ever won 1912 um P place they actually opened its first store this one right here in 1971 yeah right all quirky little place we're going to nip in's going to get a l might get a bit of merch and we'll take it from there it's a very uh popular giant but yeah look at how long this line is I'm going to have to find CLA all this and see where she's gone might be here a [Music] while look that logo right there is the original logo from the early 70s and it's the only Starbucks that holds that logo on the store so's going to grab a latte and maybe some mer one of the cups hope she enjoys it it took us about half an hour to C just to get in here so she picked out the P Place version the I Bean mug yeah don't break that you're not going to get anywhere else other than this store really cool this place is so busy it's unreal these guys just do not stop serving all day we're just finished in Starbucks and this is the other place I wanted to get something to e it's called peroski peroski another another place it's really popular it's got a long line again buto smell them uh Apple rles from here yes a bit full still though let CLA really wants to go in we 30 minute long weight Starbucks coffee so we ended up joining the line we just can't help ourselves and we're going in peroski peroski for some treats so as a wise man one said we're going in it's a tiny little place but it was so popular again you can see them making things in the back just like at the Beach's cheese lights we've got a warm aru peroski nice oh my God that looks nice and we also have a apple cinnamon look at that bad boy Jesus is as big as me head left of that bad boy so you're going to love that CL loves an app cinnamon tast I officially can't breathe I'm about say this area com bust because of GRE anymore you could just go on and on and on we all eat is I'm not eating again for the rest of the day I don't think anyway we'll Le in um Parkplace Market it's really cool down there I enjoyed it and we're heading back up to the West Lake Center to get on the Seattle monil it's going to take us all the way up to where the Space Needle is and we've got something we want to visit up there and the mon rail itself looks interesting it we built in like 1960s so it's going to be cool to see got it started it's already started on day one that finish as oh quite cool what are you doing are you buying a Christmas de like everywhere we got not everywhere now but obviously Seattle I need one for scattle obviously obviously standard standard of course me being me I'm going to have to pick myself a cap up so going for the Seattle seaa at it's for the collection I like that one the latest purchase [Music] so there's quite the line for regular tickets to purchase but if you got the AR like as you can get straight on and uh we're just waiting on the mon rail which looks really cool actually it only goes one way to the where the Space Needle is and it were built in 1962 along the same year as bu the Space Needle as well for the uh Seattle World Fair back in the 60s so yeah it's a old system and I believe it's only one of four in the whole of the United States that's still operating uh I couldn't be wrong on that but I think that's right [Music] well there's one things for sure this thing's fast it's not hanging about is it [Music] so yeah the Seattle mon is pretty cool Journey again using ARA card $350 each and it only stops right here at the West Lake Center it's it doesn't do uh multiple stops yeah dead convenient if you want to come around to where the Space Needle is the mopop museum the Glass Museum the space needles are just through there it's all like one big Park there's a hell of a lot going on in this little area so going to get stuck into it [Music] so we have just got off the monal right there which is bang at the side of the Space Needle itself it's a really really cool structure at it space needle especially how old it is like say it we're built in 62 we'll be able to see the elevators they go down in that middle uh bit and uh yeah offers good views I think there's a restaurant up there but we aren't actually going to be going up there we are going to be going up somewhere later on that's a lot higher than that so we chose between the two Space Noodle is actually really expensive to go up CL if I remember rightly was it like $60 each or something just to go up it so I think I might be wrong on that but I'm sure it were about $50 $60 each the monal track actually runs through there which is the mopop museum building and it runs all the way through this weird what shap building is the Museum of popular culture where we're going to visit and check it out so we're at the mop pop Museum are the Museum of popular culture going to purchase tickets here at how much CL 35 $35 each is it you can just we just change the of surge prices so it depends how we okay okay so it changes throughout it's like uber yeah but yeah we didn't want to book it because we didn't want to be restricted to a time but you can pay on the gate which is no problem I'm going to get in and check it out as soon as you come in this small in you greeted with this uh guitar Tower as it's called it's made out of the all in it's really cool it's massive as well runs all the way up there awesome [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so there's a Jimmy andrick section in this Museum we were born in Seattle 1942 um we died in 1970 we only 27 years old Jimmy HRI I didn't know that actually I thought it were older than that so so not just Jimmy Hendrick but nana St scene here in Seattle it's where grung were basically created is pretty cool uh exhibit here Nana Pearl Jammer from seatt as well and they're actually playing here next couple of days I think it's a shame I weren't here for it I I like to have seen them live that would have been really cool yeah they're playing in this area Space Needle is and some Exhibition Center whether it's this building I'm not sure but they're definitely next couple of days I know there's also a cool Indie gamees section in there where you can interact with a lot of stuff it's got some history of gaming and things like that always been interested in that sort of thing showing you the old uh computers of back in the day my first one will probably on here at some stage the commodor Vic 20 were my first computer if it pops up on there it's going to be early ages if it does definitely got this cool thing you can choose any year and it puts like some of the pop culture up on the screen so I born in 79 so uh that's how it work wman that came out in 79 oh really we all had wman didn't we and we've gone for Claire's birthday stting the bag now 76 it's rocky rocky came out in 76 I didn't realize it were that old I thought it were like 7980 at least all right okay pretty cool classic M recent 2023 oh it's when uh the guy went to Congress talking about uaps or UFOs as they more hardly known it's the first movie I ever went to see Dark Crystal first movie you ever went to see in the cinema Dark Crystal God Dark Crystal I we're actually wondering what that was and is it what you Mar and Mindy that's so old I can't remember that with Robin Williams back in is it that where you us to say nanu Nano or what oh my God I remember that show funny show yeah 1978 to 1982 such a shame about Robin Williams he were absolute wedge so the mle poop Museum I thought were quite cool lot of exhibitions in there I enjoyed it I mean I don't think it were worth $35 I think or 25 it' be more reasonable what it were but some parts were closed yeah it's a shame actually because there's actually a horror section called scared to death what were closed but that's unfortunate cuz that been cool to see so much stuff in there so good the music exhibitions like the Hendricks and the Nana thing really cool to see for any music fans definitely yeah so we're just in the Park area around the space needles and this side of us around here we're going to have a look around here for a little while before moving on got still got plenty of time but the the actual uh building of the the mopop museum behind me mon so it's a really cool building actually I'll try and get some better shots of it in a minute yeah it's decent just far we just come to the base of the Space Needle when you look at it right from the bottom it's a pretty big old structure see the elevator going up right there we're not going up it because we are planning to go to the Columbia Center later which is like the biggest building in Seattle that's got a viewing deck and we're going to try and get up there for a much higher view of the city which should be interesting and I think we're just going to just G to another a look at gift shopping here see what it's saying [Music] uhoh here we here we are again not in this you've already got one from let's not go crazy don't really tell you the yeah you're going to have to buy another suitcase if you buy one in literally every destination we go to you didn't say you're not you what yeah I don't know about that this is where you guys come from but this guy is giving it large look at this go look at this boy goo he's really putting the Shi in he wants them tips big come on [Music] lad Las [Music] Vegas from Las Vegas he going it's from Las Vegas just said a sh you should have get him more than a dollar so yeah this is actually we the chahul L Gardens and Glass Museum as well for anybody interested it's full of um glass exhibits and whatnot we Haven got time to go to that one though we're just having a look around it looks I think there's some sort of folk um concert or something going off up here I were're just saying usually tell the folks Like A Folk Festival going on it's for you to enter cool VI everybody relaxing chilling out yeah we're going to be moving on shortly so let's [Music] go so yeah this area around the space needs pretty cool area there's lots going on definitely a cool structure to see love to see anything like that fantastic bit of architecture from back in the day I'm sure it's had some big refurbs since it were first opened especially in the top area where the restaurant and viewing platform is going to pop back on the mon rail now to the West Lake and then we're going to jump in a no because there's something uh somewhere me and cl want to visit before uh we carry on lat's activities so we'll see you back on the mon Rail and uh head back to the West Lake Center it's Memorial Day tomorrow I believe so yeah that's probably one of the reasons why it's so busy around there every day is a school day [Music] so we've just come north of um Capital Hill vioba and you're probably wondering what we're doing in the cemetery but we've actually come to visit the grave of uh quite a legend and I'm sure each and every one of you watching this video will know exactly who it is when we get there so yeah let's go check it [Music] out that's right guys it's the grave site of Bruce and randomly right here in Seattle people lay flowers lots of people come to visit this grave site Legend right there there I grew up on uh Bruce Lee movers and whatnot as a youngster but I didn't know until actually quite recently that it were it were laid to rest here in Seattle I just presumed he were lat to rest in San Francisco where he were born and where he went back to but apparently he spent about five years living in Seattle and he went to and like Seattle University and whatnot there's a son Brandon tragic what happened to him during filming of the crow such a shame but yeah two legends right there and we thought we just take time out and come and see [Music] this just have if it is you still [Music] be we both decided didn't we when we saw that with uh would like to visit that yeah I mean I went I visited statue in Hong Kong when we went statue it's uh yeah it's like I say I grew up on those uh movies of Bruce Le's an Hong Kong Cinema in general when I were younger and I used to love all that and yeah really nice to get to visit that way and again I just presumed it were in San Francisco cuz that's where they were born where he went back to and he worked in a restaurant I believe it called Ruby CH and I think they featured it on that old movie they did about him but he's actually in Seattle so yeah we're going to head back back now to the Grand Hyatt we're just uh in the area of Capitol Hill around it really nice area it is too um we're going to freshen up get changed and head down uh Fifth Avenue downtown and pick up the rest of the day and evening from there and finish again some nice [Music] cocktails I so we're heading out out for the last day time in Seattle before moving on tomorrow um we're heading down the Fifth Avenue areas a few places I want to see we're going to get some nice drinks and possibly go up the Columbia Center Tower and check out the views but CLA starving already this morning yeah yeah it's been a while since we but yeah we're going to pick up bite to eat we've got a reservation at half s in another nice Rooftop Bar just to finish it off so uh yeah CRA on call but I'm not going to take you n I'm not going to talk to you you do that say I'm not going to feel you no I'm not going to talk to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] so yeah welcome to the Columbia Center and the sky view Observatory entrance is right here so let's get it [Music] so you got to save yourself on these little kiosks here and there's absolutely nobody here I expected theq $25 per person so this is where we enter and there literally only me and CLA here it's $25 each and I I was incorrect earlier actually when we were talking about the Space Needle it's not $60 each but it's actually like $46 each what it C were like $93 for two which is really expensive to be fair so considering what this cost it's it's [Music] nothing show me how you see the world can you tell me how [Music] wey [Music] so here we are at the top of the sky view observatory in the Columbia Center kind of got the place for itself and this is the 73 floor this is eyes my my ears are pop like I W pop oh wow yes some cool views check for contacts down there there's a freeway and you can go all the way around so we'll point out that's area over there is kind of where we went to the Bruce leag grave site ear Capital Hill area over there really cool view on the Seattle skyline right there from above see the Space Needle right in the distance and uh just for a bit of perspective we went on the Great Wheel yesterday CLA and just look how much higher we are in this Building compared to that it's right down there look middle of screen yeah it's pretty high what a few of the crew ships are leaving uh to go to Alaska and back I'm guessing but we're not getting our cruise ship from here we're still um 4 days away from uh taking our cruise but yeah this is really cool we look down below yeah I need to double check I don't even know how high we are actually I'm going to have to check on the information boards behind us definitely worth the uh $25 to come up here in my opinion got a bar up here restant I'm so surprised at how quiet it is I expect it be like loads of tourists in a place like this I mean they were queueing Mount Corner to get on Space Needle which is understandable but this place is definitely uh very quiet Seattle icon zard the hammering man he's might seen a couple of shots of me take that yesterday and there's the mopop museum we went to Seattle Great Wheel we went on yesterday the uh Seattle Public Library we've just passed first skyscraping ' 04 the Alaska building not sure which one that is that's the little one we just seen that were built in 931 that one with a pyramid on top Space Needle of course 605 ft 1962 and of course there's the Columbia Center where we are now 937 ft completed in 1985 so yeah it's quite old still so that was the Columbia Center really really worth it that that's that building now we're just reverbing to the uh with the pyramid on top we're just going to head down here cla's picked out a little cocktail bar to set it up and then we're going to get some drinks in chill and we've got a reservation for one of the best cocktail bars at 7:30 so going to hit up a couple of places now so just one block from the um Columbia centers this hotel called the Arctic Club Hotel and CLA picked out a that she wants to visit in here first and we'll grab a couple of drinks [Music] [Music] sat the evening we're oldfashioned I don't know what's going on with cl it looks like she got a slice of cake in a drink what's the of that like mad mad no I don't know it's just bit you want you want a dessert where you drink oh nice so yeah that were awkward when you realize you crashed a wedding party we just sat there like two spare parts minding his own business you know we have a couple of drinks down in the polar bar in the Arctic Club a little bit of a sketchy area around there I wouldn't recommend it too much but decent enough drinks really pretty strong drinks so couple of places to it up now have more drinks a bit of food and whatnot say last evening here in uh Seattle we we won't be going to bed too late because we're up about 5:30 6: a.m. in morning cuz we've got a uh 9:45 flight so we've got to uh be up pretty early and we're going to hit the Link light rail again back to the airport so we're not going to drink ourselves into the early hours tonight that is a that's a definite CL into a stoer into a [Music] sto so we decided to come home back to England just get we at the elephant castle pu and restaurant we're just passing by so we thought we poping for a drink might as well might have a beer in there see what's cracking and then we're we'll be heading to the fog room for his reservation which is one of the cooler bars and the rooftops again here in seatt looking forward to that one so I'm going to go for an alisan space dust IPA can't beat one of them last time I one of them we're in the Lakeside at the wind and cla's going for a bees but what I didn't realize we further down the menu is the all important you missed that one you first favorite s so you got be and that is gin lemon juice Pon syrup lemon twist sounds citrusy yeah it is I'm good with the old alian space so it's a nice drink this one I like this I've had it before Bottoms Up and we're cheersing ching ching cheers yeah so we're having a top up before we move on and Claire definitely have to have a Kim Crawford it's a favorite I've got Tov yeah we can't get any to Seattle I regret having a I tell you now we hav't even got to that for room yet we're going to be a bit pre at win tonight it's got to be it's got to be an early one we can't go over at top these cocktails are more or less on a par well no a little bit cheaper than Vegas def out about $18 each the the reason kind of place City you're going to pay that anyway I'm about a lot longer than we wanted to in elant Castle there I'm not going to lie had a few drinks and we're we're heading to a the fog room which is a really cool uh Rooftop Bar and by the time we finished I reckon uh maybe a bit foggy we're going to sus May a b we're going to need uh we're going to need that early night I reckon let got it started raining again but you know know we are in Seattle good times I'm I've enjoyed my time in Seattle obviously we'll finish up this video uh before we leave but yeah so far I've had a good time [Music] here so here we are at the Charter hotel and the fog room uh rooftop lounges are just up here so we're going to get in we've got a reservation booked looks like it's going to be good [Music] he [Music] I'm going to try this Paradiso Paradiso cuz there's a lot of ingredients in it that I haven't got the hell what they are digging never heard of it just take Chan know never heard of it I'm going to go you're going to have a my tie yeah I'm have a my every time I have a my tie you like it yeah yeah exactly this place looks pretty [Music] legit what we saying in fog room play don't know yet but this isn't the color I thought it were going to cool very nice drinks definitely even though Claire don't even know what her drink is she just knows it's but to be fair for views you can't beat what that place altitude altitude and this Rooftop Bar has actually got a roof yeah if I were going to choose between two altitude I definitely what favorite but this place is really cool though offer some good views as You' just seen on camera but nice drinks good quality service and like a lot of things we've done in Seattle it's quiet everything's you know it's not it is Sunday but it's very quiet lot of things we've done while we've been here I've been really surprised at how quiet it is because we thought obviously this is why we made reservations for rooftop bars we thought we were going to have trouble getting the table I me satday night we thought oh yeah which it were busy in that altitude bar but you could get a table I think whether or not that would let you off if you didn't have a reservation I don't know but still I think all things we've done here you we could have got away with not having a reservation for anything cuz it's been like quite a bit I mean they're still they're not cheap cocktail for $8 to $20 yeah you're playing your standard which is a bit cheap in the Vegas but not much more it's a standard cocktail price in any City I would these days really but yeah good good drinks good service we're enjoying it cheers to that CLA yeah cheers let's go B [Music] enjoyed that yeah but I could finish my drink so we just too pissed yeah we too strong honestly I've got to get a flight in morning it's just we've had a good time we've had great times in SE it's been good [Music] so we're back in the room and that's it for Seattle we've just done two days here and tomorrow we're moving on but Seattle I've enjoyed it for me personally I've had a good time and uh everything we've done I think it's been a good experience CLA what do you reckon it's a nice place it's a one andone for me mhm um but I've enjoyed what I've done yeah everything we've done has been quality the food's been good the drinks have been good and we had a good time it's been everywhere we've been I felt it's been really quiet it's not like overly busy for a weeker yeah it's it's a quirky place the layout of the city I think it's quite cool I love the old um The Greenery thing and the lighting and the the like oldfashioned side to it I think that's that's quite cool the service we've got has been excellent everywhere we yeah so this is just day two of the trip it's a long trip and tomorrow we are moving on we're heading back down to the West Lake Center to set the Link light rail back to the airport and we are flying to Anchorage Alaska for three nights in Anchorage there's no cruise yet we're still four days away from taking a crew so we're heading to Alaska tomorrow we're staying in an Airbnb yeah we've been planning this trip for a long time it's going to be really cool we've got a lot of Brewery Company um places to go to in fact in this trip we've looked at a lot of bars yeah yeah yeah Seattle for me has been a good experi erience I've enjoyed it I really have Claire out of the whole yeah out of the whole trip Seattle the place you weren that bothered about bed at all I want to come here at all it's fair to say though I've enjoyed what we've done yeah I mean it surprised me we've been lucky with weather even the market I didn't think i' enjoy the market place was cool for me the that beach is cheese place the food that will legit that place if I going to pick one place out of all the placees I've met that place were awesome and I'm really happy that we got to go to Bruce and Brandon Le's um gravite that were only like two or three week ago we s like sort of found that we didn't realize it were in Seattle so we were like we've got to go we've just done day one and day two we've got to get some sleep cuz we it's a really early start tomorrow we have to get yeah we have to get up about 5:30 in the morning to set off at 6:30 down back to the West Lake Center we're flying out to Anchorage at 9:45 and then we'll start as maining body of the trip in Alaska next stop is Anchorage and we will see you in the morning guys so with that being said CLA we will see you in the next one take care when it all breaks down I'm reaching out for you
Channel: Nicky Furmage
Views: 3,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alaska, seattle, alaska vlog, alaska trip, seattle vlog, grand hyatt seattle, grand hyatt rooms seattle, pine street seattle, seattle tacoma airport, nicky furmage, claire furmage, nicky frumage vlogs, Pike place market, Pike place seattle, seattle center, the space needle, Seattle monorail, fog room Seattle, sky view observatory seattle, Bruce Lee, Bruce lee grave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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