Exploring Richmond Night Market 2024 (Canada) | North America’s Largest Night Market Is Closing? 🇨🇦

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greetings from the night market in Richmond BC Canada everyone Amanda and I are here today to enjoy the night market part of why we're here is because this is the last year for the night market here the reason for that is because the plot of land that this night market takes place at is uh being sold is what we've heard so we're here to enjoy this while we can I don't know if you saw but Amanda just bought an Express Pass is that what it's called honey yeah how much was that Zoom pass a zoom pass how much 40 for five punches 40 $40 for five punches uh for five uh five punches so you can you can enter five times now we're going to enter through the zoom pass entrance hello all right and we're in so I imagine today is not going to be as busy as uh Friday and Saturday night which is not a problem for us uh it might be a good thing actually I remember we came here last year it was packed anyway let's go inside take a look around get some food have a good time and uh yeah enjoy this place while it's it's still possible all right we are inside let's take a look at some of the stuff that they have here by way of merchandise the food stuff is going to be down there uh it's good to be back this is one of the biggest night markets uh in North America some T-shirts here those are kind of cool oh my gosh wow look at that one going to slowly make our way to the food area W this is kind of cool a tusks is that what those are wow those knives $120 for that knife there so one thing that's nice about this time of year is that the sunset's really late sunset's at like uh 9:00 p.m. I want to say man is checking out sandals look at the prices $25 $15 temporary tattoos yeah all right we're at the food food Area Music everywhere we'll see what we can do yeah we'll see what we can do maybe it'll be okay because there's so many different songs playing over each other I know it's Sunday but it still feels like still feels like it's Friday or Saturday a little bit cuz there's a lot of people here on the other side of the food stuff there's more merchandise lots of jewelry we're checking out rings and stuff there's definitely lots of food though I think we got that last year honey that did we get that last year yeah let's see what we might want to eat as far as this being the last year for the night market I've heard though that theyve found a new location it'd be great if if that's true cuz this has been like a staple for so so long all right this place here is looking good to Amanda and I so I think this this might be the first place we visit we're going to eat a bunch of different things hi it's a Califor honey can you get me is there one with tuna is there a tuna one I'll do a tuna one that one right there looks good this is Taco Nuri everybody so we have our food here uh this one is yours honey the tuna one is mine oh M wow looks great uh what was the price on this $15 each 12 12 12 $12 each Canadian that works out to be something like I would guess $98 or $9 so good MH might seem a little expensive but I mean depending how hungry you are one or two of these yeah and you can be good oh my gosh told you this is so good this is such a good idea wow the seaweed um shell tuna seems really fresh just so yummy wow we are thirsty so we are going to get a drink from this place here this is one of Amanda's favorite uh booths for a beverage what flavor you going to get honey um I think I'm going to get some Rose light Rose light and how much are these drinks one drink $8 $8.50 Canadian converted to US something like six bucks I think while waiting for our drink no not yet met some familiar faces our uh friends family actually I know from uh Seattle my number's up that's uh I'm all chasing you so thirsty I am Rose ly sparkling drink from this place behind me here some lipstick on here it's so good you got to get this drink is so good want to say hi Seattle peeps hi all right we have more food to experience and I think we've identified a booth that we're going to hit up next it's somewhere over there right we're going to sneak up somebody what's going on man we saw your sister what's up buddy how are you good how about you good good good honey I'm really liking all these lights right now look at this great place to take photos next to all the neon lights we should come back and take photos at night yeah once it gets dark which it's starting to get dark now what time is it right now it's uh 900 p.m. yeah but I love these neon signs you saw uh what is it like octopus yeah oyster oyster or something or other that place that we bought these oysters from music was really loud I'm not sure if that's good for business or what I mean we bought it they went really busy there which uh sort of worked our favor but anyway let's go eat these uh seven 50 oysters 15 for two all right we got our oysters two of them one for me one for Amanda mine's the one with the chili although that's actually a lot of chili but I think it'll be okay wow looks really good oo it's hot really hot the Shell's really hot all right here we go so good yeah wow these are jumbo yeah I mean they're ginormous look at how how big they are really good gar garlic focused flavor Amanda's in the mood for skewers let's do the four for I think we're going to do this this uh vendor here four for $16 four skewers for $16 these took a while to get they were pretty busy back there I'm trying to figure out which one's lamb cuz Amanda does not eat lamb of these four one of these which one is lamb I want to sa this one I think this yeah you're right this lamb oh yeah this lamb I smell it that's lamb huh mm I don't e l oh I like it flavorful is good M lamb chicken is that chicken pork pork or pork pork belly one of them is chicken I think that's chicken that one's chicken and then this one here I'm not sure what this one is but I'm sure they're all good the seasoning is amazing let's check out some non food [Music] stuff those are super uh there I say cute if you're a pet owner some of these things will strike your uh your cord if you will your feelings C I really like how they have all these neon signs everywhere it's like a consistent thing throughout the market oh yeah Amanda suggesting that I should buy wig or hair wig hair same thing yeah W like that yeah I'll pass bald is beautiful I'll stay bald the sun has set and we're actually uh we're past golden hour we're in what's called Blue hour which why the sky is blue it looks fun over there kids play area on this [Music] side a concert the fair area like with the kids toys and games and stuff bigger than I thought Amanda wants me to try what is this they freeze it dried freeze dried huh so what double d double dried double freeze dried Skittles all right I'll try it oh interesting it's like it tastes like Skittles but it's like dry yeah very interesting tastes good good idea wow yeah like it's like they freeze-dried all all these candies wow Skittles White Rabbit interesting very interesting yeah this place is way bigger than I thought it was you're ready for dessert though right I know let's do that then we let's get one more drink after but let's do dessert first it's not like super hot right now it's like 70 some de but still you you get dehydrated out here wow honey what is that mango mango and mango rainbow sticky rice that looks good too better than that huh it's up to you I mean don't let me change your mind though if you you like cremola but this mango place here looks awesome oh yeah that looks very good oh you can smell it from here it smells so so good wow look at that dang that looks really good oh the rice is good how do you like it good good right yeah it's not overly sweet yummy M all right we're thirsty and we're going to do orange juice two of the two of these orange uh juices look at how they make them though oh you you du awesome oh my gosh yeah they put a lot of care into it too oh there you go that's yours honey take a see let me know what you think it's so cute it is wonderful presentation how is it fresh okay I I'll just wait to taste mine look at that in Thailand when I would get this every day fresh that's right southeast Asia you can get these every day for I did very affordable price you got to take small bus don't take a big one because you get only probably three of those mine's already all gone I didn't manage my drink very well yeah I mean it's it's amazing but there's not a lot a lot of juice in here uh cuz it's a small drink this place has been amazing we've enjoyed coming here each and every year and we hope that they keep it going I hope that things work out for the the Richmond Night Market who knows where they'll pop up next anyway thank you for watching this video hope you had fun with us cheers honey and now we're going to uh exit this place and go to the next episode all right thanks again for watching take care we see you again real soon uh peace
Channel: Lao Ocean
Views: 503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richmond Night Market 2024, Richmond Night Market, Closure, Canada, BC, Wanderlust, Wanderlust Canada, Street food, Where to visit, Where to eat, Largest night market, North America
Id: w5mzOoVoa5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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