Exploring Minecraft's LOST Version...

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how can a version of minecraft be lost well a long time ago when minecraft wasn't as popular people didn't think to save the new updates because well why would they which unfortunately means that a lot of these snapshots just don't exist anymore and one of these is alpha 1.1.1 a buggy version of the game that was only up for 205 minutes before it was gone and today we're gonna check it out i haven't played this before so i'm not quite sure what world one is if this is a pre-owned i don't know christmas was in old minecraft i feel at peace oh there's no running oh on a free sapling thanks there's another one over here hey sheep i love you oh no it's gonna be cold in the winter i'm sorry please i insist it's for you so here's some law apparently it was only available for 205 minutes because there was a chronic glitch that made the screen turn completely great if you weren't using an intel graphics card so it's a bit of a miracle that we aren't seeing grey right now let's see what's on top of this mountain we could make a house up here like a lighthouse i'd have to get a wall for that but i don't want to hit any more sheeps they're going to freeze oh my god wait okay that is the place to be look at that get some of this double triple od no wait double w tr hey hold on how do you spell wood w double that doesn't work i give up w double o d see here's where our lighthouse is going to be oh and there's the last sapling it has this wonderful view this reminds me of my beta world this is exactly like it oh my god this view wow okay i've got all over here what if it is the same wall if it was christmas what if it actually is um i just had a really good idea actually we don't even need to get the red part of the wall if we use snug do you know what i'm saying i get it and it's snowing so it's not gonna run out i wonder if there are beds in this version of minecraft i've played a lot of old versions and they're like oh yeah we've got clay we've got bricks we have beds no oh my god there's a little viewing station down here this is so cool i'm actually gonna try you know what usually when i make a house i don't try i used to try back when they look like this but when they started looking like this i kind of decided you know what it's not worth it but i'm gonna try with this one is the snow falling like faster that's stuck the snow is appearing on the grid stop disappearing as i'm deleting it this is a fun mini game hypixel should have had this stop it stop no my shovel broke i lost so i'll be a red here and a red here and then we'll put a snow here and then there's right there and snow here and let's say yes look at this this is unique how many houses do you go into with a checkerboard patterned wall checkerboard pattern floor no that's been done to death keeps the damp out it keeps the moss out but does it keep the swag in no oh frick no actually no i said i was gonna try didn't i and that means not putting a random wood in the wall even though i really want to actually it just dawned on me last time i played this version of minecraft there was no red dye am i gonna have to use redstone oh my god please no no lighthouse um okay i have an idea it's okay oh no no no no the sun's going i'm gonna die we have two options we can either use dirt because when you turn up the saturation it looks red but that's kind of ugly and i said i would why did that scare me so badly oh my god what the heck inside of a cloud what oh okay what was the other option oh yeah or we could use green from the trees and it would be a colorblind lighthouse we're gonna try and find some iron can i make this brighter 3d anaglyph whoa that looks like my outro screen this is really beautiful oh my god oh no you got the regular moon and the blood what happened to my heart am i freezing what what what it's just the colorblind i was talking about beautiful big cloud aside we need to go mining still oh i thought i thought i saw something in real life i was like what was that flashing it was just my gaming keyboard there's a snow cactus there that makes total sense what if instead of running i speed up the footage check out how fast i can run ah no iron i probably made this brighter for you guys but this is what it looks like for me i can't see anything should i dig straight down would i dare i actually would i'm gonna do it oh it looks like my cliff has a face it's like oh if i had the time i would go with the pump into the side of that hill you know like mount rushmore check out how fast like a mine why is it bright oh my god i mined straight onto iron there was a guess now i can make shears awesome you don't know a fun piece of trivia before i made my squido youtube channel i made a youtube channel it was all going to be an alpha minecraft things are going to be slightly wrong and like herobrine is the default player i don't know why i thought it would be interesting much like if you want to see me role players here at brian out for minecraft wait haven't i already done that this is not like my most viewed video no past me was a genius oh the top of the furnace that looks really congruent yeah looks good oh no punished for saying yes what no no no no maybe it's the other way don't do this to me minecraft please don't say this no i need to check this can't be real please don't tell me this is true this is worrying me 1.7 no i played it 1.4 there were shears it's a joke this is oh wait this is beta 1.6 oh my god oh oh my god what am i going to do for my lighthouse then actually hold on do i have the biggest brain in existence don't answer that i have a theory if i place this here and then i turn on the 3d it's kind of red we've got a kind of red kind kind of maybe i would believe it it is a genius idea but i said i would try and that means i've got to actually make it look good come on think squido so all we've got is dirt wood and cobblestone i know being an artist means being able to work with limited tools but come on netherrack maybe that's a really red block but first let's check if the nether is in the game [Music] what if i made what if i put no i could put lava in the walls i want to jump over here should i do it no because i could have a brown lighthouse would i want to brown my house why is there so much snow sand sand is yellow yes we're gonna have a yellow lighthouse maybe it's like a tourist trap like ah this is where the herobrine chicken live i miss my chickens oh wait what oh it's over there brb let's get some of this sand whoa what the heck what the heck polka dot pattern go away snow why is there no disco pattern up here is that like a floor exclusive special oh it's doing it again no it's doing it again alpha minecraft does this sometimes i can't stop walking help no no no i let go of d for backwards it's going to send me right off this cliff no i don't know what i did i'm not possessed anymore that's nice there it's got charm i feel like i'm desperately pleading with a god that doesn't exist it's a good house i will give it a roof as scholar fans will know i am vehemently against roofs i believe they are a burden on society but today i'll do it for you guys plus i heard an alien i said that again what the hell it's catapulted i have a really strong arms come on squido i can do it i can make a good house ah i'm really trying i've got this my checkerboard wall is complete it looks nothing like a lighthouse now it's time for the roof the part you've all been waiting for under the part i have never ever done i can't believe i'm doing this oh my god oh my god she's done it squido minecraft has actually made a roof she did it so i bestow upon me a real floor as well boom house i know you shouldn't leave your trees hanging but um no no no no one's gonna look everyone will be looking at this ocean which i've got to build their window to okay that was the main feature how did i forget cloud is so beautiful today this is so cool what do you guys want to name this lighthouse leave a comment below there are some other old versions i want to check out so let's see what other versions are applet i love apples pc13 i guess it's the oldest version of minecraft known to man this is what the cavemen were playing in like negative one million oh my god is this minecraft it makes your imagination run wild doesn't it oh my internet's back i thought i'd actually make a real video no this is fun i'm having fun this ah what did i do oh oh my god oh my god okay if you press r it reloads the world all right you guys ready squidoh yay are there any other buttons i can press well that was fun game it's an intriguing title oh it's gone maybe this one will be different welcome to my world you're looking jovial as ever hey it's really quite intimidating can i trap him i want a pet steve oh my god that's so messed up he's just in the ground now i'm sorry please yes run away run away insane bridging montage that wasn't part of my insane strategy bye there is a version of minecraft where when you spawn there's an obsidian wall i want to show you guys that guys look uh the sun is purple apparently and there's this like obsidian axis i don't know why they added this it got removed like one update later isn't this weird though it's like if an anarchy server just grew over and nature reclaimed it there's nothing going on here i thought that'd be something cool oh wow it seems we've quite literally reached the end of the road i guess that means i have to stop for now thank you for watching also reminded to like and subscribe please this is a weird horizon wow but i hope you enjoyed it and i will see you guys in the next episode bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Squiddo
Views: 916,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft creepypasta, being a dumb tourist, squiddo, minecraft letsplay, minecraft challenge, herobrine, minecraft lava rising, minecraft farlands, alpha minecraft, minecraft glitches
Id: OakXbTpKwmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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