Exploring MEGA HACK V8 for GD 2.2!

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[Music] hey guys it's Zev and absolute has released Mega hack V8 which is basically Mega hack for Gom 2.2 so here's a menu and I know uh it's pretty pretty uh pretty limited right now uh as you can see it's uh uh coming sou uh so let's start off with the new ones we have music un Locker which basically allows you to play um um like basically allows you to play music in the normal music if that makes sense um and treasure room we already had that unlock unlock icons yep unlock shops we just unlock all the shops and stuff like that so here we have all the shops and Bam unlocks the shops for us uh um and yeah you can also have menu color colors so like you can change it to that change it to this you can change it to the original Mega hack color which is nice and um yeah it's pretty nice and cool honestly and we have um blur we have tabs we have full screen which basically just blurs the whole thing uh which I actually kind of like but nah I'll just do that we have also we have um speed hack which is basically slows down the game if you all don't know it slows down the game a lot and here's the thing that I really like thing in gon trash that only sets it to 240 HZ physics well um you can bypass that and now you're going to have 360 FPS physics now uh which is going to be pretty cool and also we have Force platformer which is basically what it says in the name it forces you to play in platformer as you can see playing stereo minus and platformer which is nice I guess that's basically it uh I'll be sure to make another video on this um when more stuff comes out and these stuff get ungrad out so yeah uh anyway uh have a good one guys and see you in the next one
Channel: Zev
Views: 10,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r4C8rRUd8PM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 21sec (141 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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