Exploring Crazy, Beautiful Kathmandu & Nepal Travel Tips

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trekking in the Himalayas generally means in the mountains but not to the peaks yo here we go exactly here's hair hose also I I was on my way doing like a little a little loop and then gonna meet you there but let's let's go ahead and now I'm here yeah sure go so far so far just in Katmandu [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey there this is Katmandu on a sunny day in December December 17th and I'm going to walk into the center of the city and show a lot of amazing stuff along the way Katmandu is definitely one of my favorite cities of Asia really fascinating a lot going on it is pretty packed and busy but you'll see as we get into the smaller side streets then it gets a little more sort of quaint I can't really say mellow because it can be really busy in there as well and so I wanted to make this video a twofer two-for-one you'll get some practical information about traveling in Nepal and trekking in the Himalayas as well as see these streets of Kathmandu here I just got my trekking permits let's get across the street here and I'll cover information about that in a minute here you can see one of your options for getting around the city or the country these little minivan bus things there was a bus station down here into the right with regular sized buses and then there's these fans you can see and the little buses so I just arrived three days ago coming from Goa India this is my fourth time Nepal I've done four treks so far three separate trekking routes but four tracks I did the Annapurna base camp trek twice and I'm going to be doing another trek taking off either tomorrow or the next day little shrine here let's get over the overpass and then I'll get back in there and get into the smaller streets of the city centre and so I realized this is going to be a distracted video of me navigating and all the noise and these motorcycles music and lots of stuff going on and so it's not really the best situation for a informative video it would be better to record it in my room far as understanding me and everything but this way it's more interesting and you get to see Katmandu in the process so let's get down here and then I'll get onto the information and so the first thing is visa info and there's really good news in that regard which is that depending on your country of course but as a American citizen from the United States and many other countries you do not need to get a visa in advance to visit Nepal you don't need to mail your passports somewhere and wait for it to come back you just get your visa on arrival in the airport when you land it's a pretty simple process actually I didn't even need any photos so you might want to bring some just in case you'll need little pictures for other things like forgetting your trekking permits it's always good as a traveler to have some little uh you know passport size photos with you just in case but I didn't need any for getting me up either and so there's three different visa options the 15 day visa which I believe is $30 the 30 day visa which I got that was $50 US and the 90 day visa which I believe is a hundred bucks and they accepted various currencies I had 50 euros a 50 euro note and they accepted that and gave me $3 u.s. change and then boom you're in and you can enjoy Nepal so just need a valid passport as always then you should have six months validity on your passports for entering most countries and so next prices so Nepal is very affordable that's the main thing you need to know is that it is almost as cheap as India basically I have a very nice hotel room not fancy or anything but a nice little clean quiet room for $15 a night with attached bathroom you can find it cheaper food is very cheap depending so I'm going to try to get to the Tamil area in this video and show various parts of Kathmandu along the way but Tamil is the main backpackers travelers area with lots of guest houses [Music] and restaurants and trekking offices we can buy all your gear there are so many of these little shrines all throughout Kathmandu it's really cool so a kind of crazy market are square with various sellers of all kinds of stuff you are here Hasan I guess it is us on Square and it says to Tamil and so like in Tamil then you can spend a fair amount at restaurants that are spending your restaurants but even if you get a little crazy and get you know a big meal and a couple drinks whatever then maybe you'd spend twenty twenty-five dollars but you can eat so much deeper than that I had a doll box it is called doll is the classic lentil dish and dal Bhat is the complete meal that includes dal and another curry and rice and poppadom and maybe like a salad and some yogurt and I had that at a restaurant right in Tamil and it was two hundred and 240 nepali rupees the current exchange rate for the US dollar to the rupee is 110 Nepali rupees to one u.s. dollar and so 240 and Nepali rupees is about two dollars and 25 cents for a full complete meal okay so I want to end up particular direction and it might have been the other way over there but I'll keep on going this way now the cost of the trekking permits so you have to get two different permits one is a entry for the area that you're going trekking in and the other one is called a Timmy's card it's like trekkers information management system and the the permit for entering the national park was 3,000 nepali rupees and that the permit for the tombs card was 2,000 so that is 5,000 and that is less than $50 that is like 45 bucks so really not bad as far as what to see in Nepal Katmandu is as you can see it really fascinating city but there is much more to see even than just wandering around here there are all kinds of things to visit in the area the monkey temple various [Music] stupas Buddhist stupas Nepal is a mix of Hindu and Buddhist in a previous video then I learn about the goddess Kumari and looked it up later and the Kumari goddess is the only goddess that is worshipped by both Hindus and Buddhists and so Nepal is a mix of Hinduism Buddhism and Islam and various other religions but it is majority Hindu and there is also a significant amount of Buddhist here so there are Hindu temples and shrines and Buddhist temples and shrines stupas and whatnot and so there's tons to see in the area around here the bhaktapur ancient city is really fascinating I think he could do hikes from around here and get some views of the Himalayas I haven't done that myself at the beginning of the video here then you might have noticed some hills around the city Kathmandu is not really in the Himalayas it's more kind of on the edge of them Nepal is kind of half in the Himalayas and the southern half is more like plains and not as interesting Wow okay we got it take a look at this this year so this is a stupa hello good afternoon sir how are you I'm great how you doing I actually want to get some t-shirts I'm going to look at the stupa first okay so a stupa is a Buddhist symbol of enlightenment and they have a specific configuration of the number of different levels to the stupa and they represent the various stages on the path to enlightenment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so there is Ganesha so Hindu listen alright so I am here in the shop and just bought three t-shirts for two thousand and the poly rupees that's like eighteen dollars or so so great price first week he has amazing variety of dragon also and Oh mani padme on Buddha idea the Buddha eyes good luck yeah and top of the world Everest Nepal and baby Buddha and yak yak yak yak yak I'm looking forward to seeing some yaks in the Himalayas traffic jam here Nepal style these guys are all on the trail I'm hoping they don't get aggressive at all or get kicked in the head by this horse my name is Adi Adi Adi Adi I say okay and name again of the stupa TJ who is too far yeah so if you want to find this shop then it's the stupa right there there you go because business is down you were saying it's business is not good now no good before one month before was it better one month little bit bit a little bit better for our numbers we did we'll be bored down down down yeah it's got their 150 shot I will be sold for the time yeah yeah yeah this is enough you can't live on this yeah yeah because you have so many t-shirts they're just waiting yeah alright so tamil is right there to the right however I want to show a little bit more and so I'm going to do a loop that I did before and get back to Tamil going this way so let's see where it was I I think the Nexen kind of be a last important thing I wanted to talk about is the trekking in the Himalayas one of the all-time experiences as you can imagine so there are four main trekking routes in Nepal that are kind of easily set up for tourists there's much more than that but the four main trekking routes you can see the hills up there are the Everest base camp trek of course important to understand that that does not mean climbing to the peak of Everest that is going to the base camp which is the real base camp that climbers would go to on the way to you know climbing to the peak of Everest but when you're talking about just trekking as a guitarist or whatever then you're just going to the base camp or trekking around in the Himalayas and lower elevations than doing the peaks which of course require a whole lot of experience and also cost a lot of money so trekking in the Himalayas generally means in the mountains but not to the peaks yo here we go exactly here's hair hose also I I was on my way doing like a little a little loop and then gonna meet you there but let's let's go ahead now I'm here yeah so far so far just in Katmandu a little stroll in this neighborhood myself earlier today looking for things to film yeah ridiculous you know if you later after we've had a coffee are you coming for food yes yeah I'm starving so you do this afterwards because in there they have a rickshaw with here little garage or here okay yeah I've never been back in here before then you come next to a laundry they've taken over a soccer field and they're yeah I saw the laundry right there - yeah I came this way because my hotel is back up that way as well and I just got my trekking permits and so I yes that's actually what this video is about is well like travel information for Nepal in general but I was just talking about the UH trekking what is this like like a potato I love potatoes it looks a lot like a ginger but it's different but it's all too I have to go home and cook it in hot weather this gagarin pani come on finally yeah you're no different that means hot water ah tora tora hindi yeah it's like a potato cooker like sweet honey potatoes like this way and I've seen us well yeah one bag please how much one pot sixty to be sixty local trains to say that I only roll with the large notes do you have station and all the small stuff yeah there we got some big notes some little notes 1000 that's about 10 bucks 100 that's about a dollar and I might have exact change 50 Wow look at this guy you are a true high roller no down is that all from today okay is that all your earnings today one day you make all this from peanuts they're starting that's not peanuts right there huh no no that's some serious cash you doing well thank you sir okay thank you very much give you you due back your camera all righty so some of you might recognize this guy yeah Kumar from Harold's videos Harold and I just had a lunch and he is taking a flight in just a couple hours in Kumar came to the airport and so Kumar has been in some of Harold's videos and you've gone on some some fun adventures around Katmandu what's the cable car which is called the cable then John drag it is Kerala then two al kilometers that's nearby only 12 kilometres part is done drag the cable car sir okay and what's the city you went to a hotel do legal hotels duly kill yeah okay kilobit apartment okay also also not too far so it's the next day wanted to give a quick little tour of my 15 dollar hotel room this right here is the sleeping bag that I'm going to be taking on the trek with me there's my backpack the electricity is off right now so can't really see in the bathroom but attached bathroom and now going to head back outside and go show some more of Katmandu including the tamil area I have some shopping to do in order to get ready for the trek I'm heading out tomorrow morning [Music] [Music] so Harold Boulder's hotel where I was hanging out with him and Kumar is right down there this street there and the funny thing is that my hotel was two buildings over from his and that was totally unplanned my coming to Nepal had nothing to do with Harold being here I think I'd actually booked my flight before I even knew that he was here and so that was just total coincidence and then I emailed him the day before yesterday and he said that he was flying out yesterday and we could meet up for lunch or something and so I was on the way to meet him had a restaurant when I ran into him there just coincidentally so that was just kind of a funny chance meeting and so one of the things that I have to do today is replace these shoes I bought them in Tbilisi Georgia and they kind of make my feet hurt and that is the last thing that you want on a trek and a Himalayas is bad Footwear so the sleeping bag there I had washed right here on the right Saguna dry cleaner laundry and so I bought the sleeping bag but it was used it was 4000 rupees and the guy said that he would buy it back for 2,000 so only pay two thousand rupees and that is only like 18 bucks for the use of the sleeping bag also you can rent them per day some places and that might be cheaper depending on how long you that guy had a GoPro on his helmet depending on how long you're trekking for the track I'm doing will be about a week and maybe I'll do another Trek as well I'm not sure yet so this is a way of walking into Tamil you can see some nice restaurants eco cafe and eatery Himalayan Arabica beans coffee shop so things are getting kind of a little bit fancier and so yesterday when I ran into Herald then I was in the middle of talking about the trekking in the Himalayas and trying to give some info about that and so I was saying that there are four main tricks in the Himalayas there's much more than that but the main ones are the Everest base camp trek the annapurna base camp trek the annapurna circuit trek which is in the same area as the base camp but a different track it takes longer about three weeks and the langtang trek and all of those you can do without a guide or a porter and so you can see we're getting to a up-to-date trekking shop and I need to stop into some of these and buy stuff and so all of those trucks have lodges along the way where you sleep and they make your food for you so you don't need to take a tent you're not wilderness camping you're staying in lodges hiking up a trail I have a map of the trekking route and so you don't need a guide you don't need a porter a guy to carry your stuff for you but you can have a guide and/or a porter if you want and that is appreciated it helps the economy give somebody a job but I just prefer to Trek on my own I am the experienced wilderness backpacker I've done tons of wilderness backpacking you know with a tent nobody else out there by myself stuff like that so it depends on your experience level for one thing if you have not done much hiking or backpacking before you might want someone with you to a make sure you don't get lost or whatever alright so we're kind of deep into the trekkers travelers area of Tamil here money exchange place I need to find a ATM here we have an ATM I'll come back here and a minute just want to show a little more of Tamil here and there is much more to say about getting ready for trekking in the Himalayas and I made some other videos about it the last time that I was in Nepal in 2016 so hello that would be a whole long video explaining a lot of different things and so what I'm gonna do is put a link down below to the videos that I made before with tons more information on trekking in the Himalayas how to get prepared a gear how it works how much it costs I have a whole playlist of videos there about tips for trekking in Nepal so look down below for that check this out a little bit of a hazard hopefully they're not live wires apparently not I just touched one holy moly so this was going on on another Street a couple of days ago as well so there's some sort of a replacing of the electrical wires which is I'm sure badly needed [Music] hello's here fine how are you United States yeah alright this guy is trying to talk to me and scuse me that means that he wants something obviously not always the case sometimes people just want to talk I've had some good conversations with people just walking down the street but I get shell that guy was trying to hustle me all right so I'm going to finish this video here look for the link down below and tomorrow heading for the Emily oh so excited for it it's gonna be an early morning a bus ride a day out to where the truck starts and then get up into the mountains alright see ya [Music] all right so we're here in or 2k restaurants I'm here with Jesse C Lewis really good stuff at the same time he's just done Eastern Nepal he wanted like mention that of that Trek kenshin Jenga and we just got back from party a national park we did some walking tiger safari walking among the wild tigers and rhinos that was quite a drill and you've been a nepal for two months then Paul nearly 2 months so we've had a wide variety of experiences that couch and Ginga chapters retract it's three weeks I've been on for 17 hour Holly bus rides that itself is worth the price of the visa a great are ready to hit the beach in Thailand oh yeah and so this is the start of a one-year traveling trip the first couple months and so check his channel out link down below there's gonna be lots of lots more coming yeah this guy is one of the inspirations for me to start my channel so if you like his stuff I hope you like my stuff right on and we got some great looking food here so this is like a mixed bed and some rice chapati and I got a like brunch omelets potatoes beet carrot juice alright that's it tomorrow heading for the Himalayan see
Channel: Gabriel Traveler
Views: 421,503
Rating: 4.8998017 out of 5
Keywords: Gabriel Traveler, Gabriel Morris, travel, traveling, budget travel, travel video, adventure, adventure travel, world travel, tourism, holiday, vacation, backpacking, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nepali, Himalaya, Himalayas, mountain, mountains, trek, trekking, Everest, Mt Everest, hike, hiking, Asia, Asian, south Asia, Nepalese
Id: otP2Tc9S5N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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