Exploring Campus Life: My First Impressions of Concordia University

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[Music] i'm sorry for the mess in here um i've been i've been editing yesterday's vlog at megan's and joshua's and reese's place fortunately i was able to like wash all of my clothes at their place which is nice however the dryer didn't properly work and that's why my room is such a mess right now anyhow you know what's today check out these i bought like i think like i bought like like 10 boxes of these at costco yesterday without even knowing it it looks much smaller today's the first day of classes for me i have my first class in like one hour-ish i'm a little early but better too early than too late right let's do a quick outfit check i got my brooks then i got a jeans and then i got a button up shirt and i pull over i kind of wanted to go with the suit with suit pants but because i wasn't able to wash my stuff before yesterday um all of my shirts are wrinkled and i i gotta iron them today so that's it i'm ready to go i think we'll leave soon [Music] right behind you and that was class number one i'm sorry i didn't film in there i will probably film in there like next time i have math class it was great let me quickly get to my place and then i'll you know i'll let you know how it was how was your first class as a german student at a canadian university my first class was math and i have to admit that it actually was quite fun the teacher is so nice like generally super someone's angry there the teacher is super nice like it's really really nice the only challenge though is like he has a strong french accent which makes it challenging but like such a nice guy um we went through a lot of stuff today was kind of an introductory sequence he started right away and just got into it it was fast paced and the like the biggest challenge for me as a german was the kind of like subject specific terms right i knew that i knew the word in german but i didn't know the english word so i think that's for me that's going to be the biggest challenge for me to acquire the vocabulary related to that subject especially in math right but apart from that was smooth sailing all the time through like it was really comprehensive and stuff you know you put everything on the board so you just had to copy it um so yeah it was really nice two tips um two tips for starting class and like you can do that in germany too like it doesn't really matter which country you're in i got into the first row do i contact with the teacher talk to them answer questions like it's such an easy way to get have a make a good impression like i raised my hands like the first like three four questions and after that he's like well i won't choose you i'll pick another one first so that means like right away i set the impression that i'm like interested in the subject that i am knowledgeable and that's like a really easy way to yeah just start with a good impression so these are kind of two tips and now i gotta work on the computer and afterwards i got something exciting planned [Music] i i'd like to talk to someone with regards to film production program so like probably fine arts how are you doing today bye take care there you go that was amanda such a lovely person um we were just chatting about my basically my class choice and stuff because there's some difficulty with that um i'm not i'm not just enrolled in one program i'm doing a major in business i'm doing a major in film production and a minor in business studies and there's certain requirements for each kind of category i wasn't really allowed to take the camera but i can't take my phone and if i wanted to show you the cafeteria see that's my lunch today veggie burger salad and this is basically what it looks like here it's pretty empty right now [Music] [Music] i have five more minutes and the only thing i know is that my class is somewhere in this building and it's huge no idea where else to go man so let's let's do the same thing again so it's probably going to be a lot of talking today but i kind of want to share my experience with you um i unfortunately i do not have the reference sorry like probably sucks this one's better right unfortunately i do not have the reference of like actually attending a european university so i can't really talk a lot about that but just being here is like really really great as i've said like it was like a proper movie theater there we were watching like we were switching between like the you know kind of old um aspect ratios and the modern like 16 by nine and like they could actually they they had like electric curtains and they would like cover up the white parts of of the projector screen um when we were watching like all the movies for example so that was insane but um i met like some really awesome people there quickly talked to the prof after class it was really really cool um yeah and it was like a four hour class but it didn't feel like it like it went by in like a second so um i really really look forward to this class nevermind the computer we are leaving alice and i will meet up with the president of the concordia space let me check program i think that's that's his position yes with the space concordia president um with regards to some future projects potential projects anyhow um yeah i mean i basically got to go back where i came from [Music] well the other shoes usually take a little while to get comfortable once you wear them a little bit they're the most comfortable shoes you've ever worn [Music] i'll meet them on the first story in the library gotta be quiet though it just doesn't exist my name is reuben i'm the current president of space concordia i also do a lot of the software for the satellites we have about four divisions so robotics spacecraft rocketry and space health and then we have another one called special projects that does like uh research uh little projects like like a drill uh the finance like all the like the the making sure that we're getting funding like sponsorships so there's like a really really large team a multidisciplinary team like we we try to basically cover like all that you can think of it's basically like a mini company it's essentially a mini company that we're trying to [Music] see that's what i love about being in a city i just like met up with with a team that builds like the fastest or like strongest um student rocket in the world just like that and those those opportunities they don't occur in the countryside you've got to be in a vibrant place to to get these and all of the folks over there seemed so nice um meeting with joshua and megan next we'll go to the um we'll go to the dollar store trying to get some of the things that i wasn't able to um that i wasn't able to get at costco yesterday and then i still got to sit down and do some office work before we'll meet up with the film production crew tonight it's crazy man i mean it's kind of rushed today and got some snacks just for the go to get some energy i think they're just coming there how are you good how are you yeah that looks like you have not bad so we are in dollarama right now trying to get some stuff for my room all of the things that i did not get um in costco i'm going to take this one for the shoes and i got this one for pants yeah it's like i think it's like exactly the same hmm so yeah with that successful mission i'm kind of ending today um i'll have dinner now and after that i'll meet up with some future fellow film producers and cameramen and just like other people from the film production program which is going to be super exciting but i guess i'm ending the vlog right here um and i'll see you tomorrow thank you so much for watching i hope you could take something out of this video and let me know in the comments what you want to see what i should show you from like the university what you want to see me do if you have any suggestions for like activities and stuff just let me know take care and stay on top of things bye [Music]
Channel: Philipp Klein
Views: 10,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Philipp Klein, PKPhotograph, concordia university, international student, back to university, back to school, concordia university montreal campus tour, concordia university montreal residence, concordia university montreal vlog, concordia university montreal reviews, study in canada top universities 2021, first day of university vlog, first day of university 2021, first day of college vlog, first day of college freshmen, first day of college vlog 2021, my first day of college
Id: VpxB9yu6o5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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