Exploring Angelus-Rosedale Cemetery, Part 2 - Famous Graves and the Graves of the Famous

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before we begin our second walk and Rosedale I must correct a couple mistakes I made in part one in the segment about actor Lewis stone I said this best remembered for the role of Judge James Hardy in the popular Andy Hardy series produced at MGM and starring Andy Rooney of course what I meant to say was the star of the Andy Hardy movies was Mickey Rooney it even says Mickey in the script that I wrote so - Mickey wherever you are I give you my sincerest apologies and to the actual Andy Rooney who once said if you have a 50/50 chance of getting something right there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong I apologize to you too sir my second slip-up was on the birthplace of silent film comedian Eric Campbell when the Scottish film Council placed the Cenotaph in the cemetery in the mid-90s it was still believed that he was born in denoon Scotland the claim seemed to originate when Campbell began working with Chaplin in America however in 2011 a relative came forward with proof that the larger-than-life comedian was of English birth it's unclear why he would have said he was a Scot but in Hollywood a town whose industry is make-believe it's pretty much business as usual I want to thank my viewers who so kindly pointed out my errors and I give special thanks to Ken Griffiths for the fascinating information he sent on Eric Campbell now that that's all cleared up let's begin part 2 Angeles Rosedale was established in 1884 and was the first cemetery in Los Angeles to welcomed persons of all races and religions and in 1887 the founders added to the site the first Crematory west of the Rockies at the time it was only the second such facility in the United States to offer cremation with its shaded walks an expansive lawn covered landscaping the cemetery became a popular tourist destination one that was worth writing home about as can be seen in these postcards dating from the early 1900's for nearly a century and a half families of chosen Rosedale as the preferred resting place for their loved ones we're now many generations are interred side-by-side over the next hour we will meet a diverse group of people from pioneers to soldiers politicians to business moguls and even an all-star cast of movie stars there are even a few surprises in the mix but as different as they might all be they share a common attribute that in their own way they changed the world in which they lived behind every plot there is a story and every story is a chapter in the history of us all so come walk with me and take a step back into our shared past here at Angelus Rosedale Cemetery you [Music] when 22-year old Horace Bell arrived in Los Angeles in 1852 he found a town where to use his own words there were more Desperados than any place on the Pacific coast to put an end to the lawlessness he joined a volunteer police force called the Los Angeles Rangers with their shoot first and ask questions later style of justice they cleared the hills and valleys of bandits and murderers always gained for adventure and new opportunities he joined with mercenary William Walker in his failed attempt to overthrow the government of Nicaragua in 1856 a year later he fought with Benito Juarez during Mexico's war of reform when the American Civil War broke out Bell returned to his native Indiana and joined the Union Army as a scout where he rose to the rank of major at war's end he returned to LA and at the urging of his wife became a lawyer he was an outspoken critic of the corruption that ran through the city's government in response the reform-minded Bell published a weekly journal called the porcupine with the motto fearless faithful and free he used the periodical to expose crooked politicians judges and police officials during his tenure as publisher of the porcupine he caused the removal of four Chiefs of Police one of them chief Henry King stormed into Belle's office and fired a shot at him before being overpowered by Bell and his son in 1881 he published reminiscences of a ranger a memoir of his early days in Los Angeles the book is considered a classic and his dillan print today after a long eventful life major Horace Bell died on June 29th 1918 he was laid to rest at Rosedale beside friend and foe alike Mayor John Greg Nickels was a contemporary and a friend of Horace Bell as a fellow member of the LA Rangers the gun-toting exploits of the city's chief executive is mentioned in Belle's reminiscences in April 1851 Nichols son John Jr was the first child born in the city as an American citizen from 1852 to 1853 Nichols served as Ellie's mayor he was the first to be elected after California's admission into the Union his second term as mayor lasted from 1856 to 1859 both in and out of elected office he led the city out of its violent beginnings and onto a course of expansion and growth visible from his humble resting place are the spires of the modern metropolis that he helped build mayor Nichols died in 1898 at age 85 interestingly neither his or his wife Florida have their names inscribed on their monument however the names of two of their sons Louis and Thomas are inscribed there are several more of LA's early mayor's buried at Rosedale one worth noting is Arthur C Harper who was also a fellow grave explorer shortly after he took office the LA Times reported on his visit to the old city cemetery where he reminisced about the people he knew and even inspected the looted tomb of Robert Carlyle who died in an infamous 1865 shootout Harper probably would have been better off had he stuck to touring graveyards because as a politician he was most fabulously corrupt almost from the moment he took office he gave patronage jobs in return for favors it was also alleged that he took bribes from owners of brothels and gambling parlors although he vehement ly denied the allegations Harper resigned from office in March 1909 as recall efforts were underway Harper wasn't all bad he initiated designs for the new Civic Center and oversaw the construction of the first motion picture studios after leaving office Harper served as vice president and general manager of the consolidated pipe company in Bakersfield California he died on Christmas Day 1948 while visiting his daughter for the holidays in reminiscences of a ranger author Horace Bell said one of the first persons he encountered when stepping ashore in Southern California at San Pedro was Phineas banning banning was the owner of the stagecoach line that brought bail and many others into the fledgling City he famously sent his drivers off with the cry now lads mind your helm and let her drive as LA's prosperity increased so did bannings he owned a large section of land about 20 miles south of the city named Wilmington after his place of birth and Delaware his home still stands today and is operated as a museum during the Civil War he donated a portion of his land to the US government it would be called the drum barracks and served as the Union Army's southwestern headquarters until 1870 in return he was given the honorary rank of Brigadier General and for the remainder of his life he insisted upon being referred to as general banning he campaigned to connect LA to the rest of the country by rail and organized the Los Angeles and San Pedro railroad which was Southern California's first railroad in a life filled with accomplishments bannings most lasting contribution was founding the Port of Los Angeles at San Pedro it wouldn't gain federal approval until after his death but it remains one of the busiest harbors in the world due to declining health Benning was in semi-retirement when he died in San Francisco on March 8 1885 at the young age of 54 he is remembered today as the father of San Pedro Harbor and as the man who opened Los Angeles to the world dr. David Burbank left New England in 1853 and settled in San Francisco he was a dentist by trade but his interests were in land by 1870 he moved to Southern California and was the owner of the providencia and San rafeal Ranchos where he raised sheep in 1887 he sold his property to the providencia land water and development company of which he was a shareholder he and his partners laid out the plans for a new city that would bear his name toward the end of his life dr. Burbank was building theaters and play houses on the west coast perhaps it is fitting that the current town of Burbank is a mecca for the entertainment industry dr. Burbank never sat still in fact the term workaholic might have been coined for him he remained busy to the very end of his life which came On January 21st 1895 he rests here with his wife Clara and his daughter Addie Remy Nadeau was a teamster by trade and he came to Los Angeles from Quebec Canada in the early 1860s he owned and operated a fleet of 20 Mule teams that delivered supplies from the city to the silver mines of Inyo County later he invested in beet farms and vineyards with his fortune secured he opened the Hotel Nadeau at spring and first Street in LA it was the first four-story structure built in the city among its modern conveniences was an electric elevator upon his death in 1887 the Los Angeles Times summed up his productive life with the following words he was a man of much strength and character a Republican by conviction but never a politician nor an office seeker his qualities of mind and heart won the respect of all who knew him he leaves a wife and four children Remmy Nadeau's monument is one of the most distinctive at Rosedale here it can be seen in this postcard from the early 1900's when it was completed in the year following his death nothing like it had ever been seen in the city in fact its construction was considered a newsworthy event the Herald newspaper described the monument in great detail they said that the statue on top made of Carrara marble took an Italian artist nine months to carve the entire memorial they said cost $15,000 over a half-million dollars today at the foot of the monument as a simple headstone that is easy to overlook inscribed with Remi Nadeau's initials it marks his actual resting place whether seeking our own private island or a secluded slice of beachfront property it seems that humans have an almost spiritual calling to the sea there can be no doubt that it is the reason people pay so handsomely for an ocean view and the beaches of Southern California are famous the world over through music story and film [Music] [Applause] [Music] long before the Beach Boys got around and Frankie and Annette partied on the sands of Malibu the potential of the California coast as a personal and public playground was recognized by some of the 19th century's greatest capitalists and a few of them are here at Rosedale this neoclassical mausoleum holds the remains of Colonel Albert Beecher Hotchkiss born in Pennsylvania he was an attorney for the Southern Pacific Railroad as an early settler in the Los Angeles area he was at the center of the Southern California land boom his greatest investment by far was in the coastal community of Santa Monica and it was there that he built a home on the cliffs that overlook the ocean [Music] Colonel Hotchkiss was one of a few prominent citizens who successfully worked to achieve cityhood for Santa Monica in 1886 after his passing in 1905 the colonel was laid to rest here which is about 12 miles from his home by the sea the mausoleum that attracts the most attention at Rosedale is this red sandstone pyramid it is one of two such mausoleums in the cemetery it is the resting place of George Rufus Chateau and his wife Clara George already owned a successful retail business in Michigan when he received his call to join the building boom in Los Angeles in 1887 he put together a group of investors who purchased the island of Catalina with designs to turn it into a resort with a small town called Chateau city his brother-in-law operated two hotels on the island and it was his wife who convinced him to rename the town Avalon George later sold his interest in Catalina to the banning family as he turned toward mining his life ended tragically in a train collision in 1893 his wife Clara Ruth would continue to add to his business empire as well as organize many charitable institutions until her death in 1942 the most striking monument in Rosedale was built in the memory of businessman and real estate tycoon Frederick Hastings Rindge coming from an aristocratic New England family Frederick moved west where in 1892 he purchased the entire 13,000 acre Spanish land grant called Rancho Malibu he intended it to be the location of his country home by the sea but after the addition of an adjacent 17,000 acres he ran a successful cattle ranch on the site over the years the property would include its own railroad and Dam Frederick Rindge who suffered ill health most of his life died in 1905 at the young age of 48 leaving behind an estate valued at nearly two billion dollars today his widow may continued running the Malibu ranch for the rest of her life however most of her time and fortune was spent fighting the state of California in court over the road they wanted to build across her property eventually the road that became Pacific Coast Highway was built and she was forced to sell portions of what was the last intact California Spanish land grant in existence after May's death in 1941 the Rindge family continued to be great contributors to the Malibu area the site of Pepperdine University was donated by the family today the only memorial to Frederick and may Rindge is here in Rosedale its design is reminiscent of the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria that for centuries safely guided ships to harbor whether the resemblance was intentional or not it seems appropriate for the couple who built a personal Empire by the sea [Music] located in section five in the northeast corner of Rosedale is a group of ghostly white headstones that predate the ones around them a memorial marker proclaims that they are the last fragments of LA's first non-denominational cemetery that sat atop fort Moore hill in the middle of downtown burials and what has been called the Fort Hill Protestant or City Cemetery began as early as eighteen forty seven but LA's rapid growth quickly put the graveyard at burial capacity in 1886 it was closed permanently and the slow process of relocating the bodies began in 1913 the city purchased this space for the unclaimed bodies still buried on the hill by then the old city cemetery was in an advanced state of deterioration from repeated vandalism and neglect [Music] the cemetery was also the setting for criminal activity on July 21st 1901 the LA Times reported the curious story of an early morning duel at the Masonic burying ground the story goes that at 5:30 a.m. a one-horse hack drove up to the gate and three men got out and disappeared into the shadows a few moments later two shots rang out breaking the morning stillness a newspaper boy out on his rounds witnessed only two of the men returned to the hack that hastily disappeared down Hill Street never to be seen again investigators combed the cemetery but found no trace of the third man was it a duel as the newspapers suggested or a simple prank or might it have been something more sinister such as an execution it's another story lost to time and the only remaining witnesses are these headstones [Music] here in the Sun dated photo taken at the city cemetery we see the headstone of Charles Volney Howard who was killed in a gunfight at the st. Elmo hotel in 1869 today the very same headstone along with its unfortunate owner resides in Rosedale by 1940 the clean-out on the hill was thought to be complete but over the years the bones of LA's unknown pioneers continue to be unearthed by construction digs at the old site with every new discovery some as recently as a few years ago the remains are interred here at Rosedale it makes one wonder of the unidentified bones belonged to trapper Andrew sublet who was killed by a bear in Malibu Canyon and became the first recorded burial on the hill in December 1853 legend has it that after Andy was buried his faithful dog buck refused to leave the grave the grieving hound also refused to eat or drink and soon after joined his old master and death [Music] perhaps the bones were from one of the four soldiers who are rumored to have been buried on the hill in 1847 after they were killed when a gunpowder magazine exploded at Fort Moore or they might belong to 30 year-old Mandi Ballard who died in childbirth in 1871 Rosedale wasn't the only cemetery to receive transfers from the hill but nowhere else in the city will you find is clear a picture of what once was as this graveyard within a graveyard [Music] a walk through Rosedale reveals monuments and memorials not only for the dead but for the living as well this impressive stone was placed for the Los Angeles typographical Union post number 174 in 1967 the Union headed a strike against the Los Angeles herald-examiner that became one of the longest in modern history lasting 10 years the strike was a contributing factor to the newspapers demise in 1989 on Memorial Day 1908 a great celebration was held at Rosedale this blurry image recalls the day the Stanton post of the Grand Army of the Republic comprised of Union Civil War veterans unveiled a massive cannon called a Rodman gun after its inventor it is a 10 inch smoothbore Columbia that was used for coastal defense during the War Between the States in the 1870s it was converted to an 8 inch rifle today more than a century after its unveiling the iron relic keeps constant vigil over the boys in blue [Music] a short distance away another monument was erected by the United Spanish war veterans and the ladies auxilary it was unveiled on Memorial Day 1914 by Thelma Moyer the seven-year-old daughter of the organization's post commander the memorial plaque was cast in bronze from one of the guns recovered from the battleship Maine that exploded in Havana Harbor in 1898 and led to the spanish-american war beyond this stone are the graves of those who fought in two of America's most defining conflicts of the 19th century among their silent ranks is Lieutenant Colonel Allen Allensworth born a slave in Louisville Kentucky in 1842 Allensworth served both cruel and kind masters in violation of existing laws he was taught to read and write he escaped from bondage in 1863 and joined the US Navy and became a captain's steward and Clerk after the war he was ordained a Baptist minister who later served the US Army as a chaplain in his 20 years of service he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel the highest rank attained by an african-american up to that point after retiring from the Army he founded the town of Allensworth in Tulare County California established as a settlement for african-americans where they could learn self-reliance and self governance the town is now a registered Historic Landmark Allen Allensworth died in 1914 after being struck by a motorcycle in Monrovia California [Music] before the Civil War Benjamin chambers Ludlow was a physician and the brother-in-law of Salman P chase the future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1861 he raised a troop of cavalry the following year he was transferred to the Army of the Potomac and became the aide-de-camp under generals Joseph Hooker and later George Meade Ludlow was then appointed chief of cavalry of the department of Virginia and North Carolina under general Benjamin Butler in that capacity he was brevet Brigadier General for gallant and meritorious service after the war he returned to his medical practice in Cincinnati Ohio in 1885 he moved to California where he spent the remainder of his life [Music] Mr Bowen was a private in Company C of the 127th Illinois infantry and took part in the crucial siege of Vicksburg in 1863 in advance of an assault on the Confederate stronghold on May 22nd General Ulysses s grant requested 150 volunteers for a forlorn hope a Victorian expression for suicide mission the volunteers including private Bowen would form a storming party to go in before the main attack their tasks were to build a bridge across a moat and install scaling ladders against an enemy embankment as the assault got underway the storming party suffered terrible losses of the one hundred and fifty volunteers nearly half were killed the attack was ultimately a failure and the siege of Vicksburg would grind on for another month and a half Mr Bowen and the other survivors of the forlorn hope were all awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor after the war he went back to work as a carpenter he later settled in Los Angeles with his wife during the Civil War private William Mayes served in company K of the 11th Iowa infantry in June 1864 his regiment took part in General Sherman's Atlanta campaign near Kennesaw Mountain on the 15th of June private maizes company engaged the enemy in a fierce fight noticing that an injured comrade had fallen between the lines Mayes and a companion ran into heavy fire at short range and rescued the man he served for the duration of the war and mustered out of the army in June 1865 afterward he became an attorney and was later a managing director for the Los Angeles title abstract and Trust Company on November 27th 1899 William Mayes became the recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor for his act of extraordinary heroism in rescuing his wounded comrade 35 years earlier [Music] [Music] trust ramayana lived a long eventful life born in Lancaster Pennsylvania he served in the infantry during the Civil War on April 6th 1865 the Union and Confederate armies fought their last major battle at the tributary of the Appomattox river called sailor's Creek during the intense fighting trust room stormed a key Confederate position and captured their flag for his heroism he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor after the war he moved west into what was then called Indian Territory once there he was placed in charge of Indian Affairs in 1881 he became an express agent for Wells Fargo and personally escorted vast shipments of gold and silver through dangerous territory he continued to work until 1925 when he retired to his home in Phoenix Arizona and it was there in 1937 he died at the age of 92 trust from Connells body was then taken to his daughter's home in los angeles for interment you [Music] luis tape and barney enlisted as a private in the seventh new york state militia though young he was possessed with a rare talent to lead men and combat at the age of twenty-one his meritorious service made him the youngest brevet Brigadier General in the Union Army he died in 1904 at the age of 60 after being struck by a runaway horse on the streets of Englewood the newspaper said he didn't hear the warning cries because of deafness suffered during the war in 1861 at the age of fourteen Welford Bridwell enlisted as a drummer boy in the Confederate Army he used the name clay Buford to avoid being discharged because of his age eventually he served in the Virginia infantry under general Longstreet and was wounded in the Battle of Sharpsburg after the war he joined the US Army and fought in the Indian campaigns taking place in the Arizona Territory it was for gallant conduct with the fifth cavalry that he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor after leaving the army Buford served under Indian agent John Clum and was captain and chief scout of the San Carlos Apache police Buford and clumb are credited with leading the party that captured Geronimo in April 1877 later he became a rancher and was elected as an Arizona territorial legislature in the 1890s he moved to Los Angeles where he died in 1905 after a life so richly lived the obituary that appeared in The Herald noted simply the passing of a Mason [Music] from the very beginning Edward Lee Baker juniors life seemed destined for adventure he was born in the Wyoming territory in a covered wagon bound for the Rocky Mountains his father was a French fur trader and his mother a former slave at age 16 he joined the army as a buffalo soldier he served in the 10th cavalry during the Indian Wars and was promoted to sergeant major making him the highest ranking enlisted man in the regiment during the spanish-american war the 10th cavalry was sent to Cuba on July 1st 1898 during the Battle of Santiago his company came under heavy enemy fire during the fight Baker observed one of his men tumbled down an embankment into a river injured and weighed down by his pack the man was unable to get out of the water instantly Baker left cover to rescue the drowning man with bullets raining down around him Baker pulled a man from the water and carried him to safety for his selflessness and courage he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor after 27 years of distinguished service Edward Lee Baker retired from the Army in 1909 at the rank of captain his final post was with the Philippine Scouts a distinction noted on his headstone you Baker was also the grandfather of jazz saxophonist Dexter Gordon you in 1914 this monument was unveiled at Rosedale dedicated to the memory of a young wireless operator who was lost at sea when the oil tanker SS rosecrans broke up in a storm his name was Lawrence prudent and the tragedy of his loss is heightened by the fact that he wasn't supposed to be aboard the ship that fateful day but he emerged as one of the story's heroes Lawrence grew up on Venice Beach where his father owned a cafe and it was there that he was drawn to the sea he was also fascinated by wireless communications pioneered by GUI Elma Marconi he sought to combine both of his passions by serving in the US Navy but his enlistment was rejected because of a heart condition though disappointed he was not to be discouraged using his Marconi experience he was employed as chief wireless operator aboard a merchant steamship owned by the associated oil company in January 1913 Lawrence was set to take a few weeks off at home while his ship was held up for repairs before going home he made the last-minute decision to fill in as wireless operator aboard the SS Rosecrans on its voyage to Portland Oregon the ship with a crew of 36 and a cargo of 19 thousand barrels of fuel oil entered the mouth of the Columbia River early on the morning of January 7th a powerful storm with gale force winds of over 60 miles per hour buffeted the tankers sending it off course until it ran aground on peacock spit at Cape Disappointment as the crew made efforts to free the ship lawrence began broadcasting distress calls the following message was received at 5:15 a.m. steamer Rosecrans on are sent assistance ship breaking a fast and stay at my post no longer operators at the Cape Disappointment life station dispatched rescue boats but they were unable to reach the doomed ship in the storm meanwhile prudence sent a final chilling message water rushing into cabins can't stay much longer the rough seas made rescue attempts nearly impossible of the 36 men aboard the rosecrans three survived the break-up out of the 33 lost only six bodies were recovered the rest including 18 year-old Lawrence prudent who stayed at his post till the end were never seen again when the design for Lawrence's memorial was finalized it included the appropriate inscriptions a dramatic representation of the shipwreck and a portrait of the young hero that is now missing finally they added another more intimate detail whose meaning is lost unless you dig into the record in the days following the sinking Lawrence's father sent a description of his son to the newspapers in the hope that his remains might be identified it went as follows height 5 feet 9 inches hair blond eyes blue teeth all good except one gold crown on molar tattoo on one arm of a bathing girl on other arm a snake encircling a sword with the words honor fidelity and death the designers borrowed from this last small detail but instead of a sword they substituted an anchor and replaced the snake with a ribbon and a cord but the code that Lawrence prudent lived and died by remains forever unchanged [Music] of the tens of thousands buried at Rosedale there is one name in particular that seems to turn the most heads the name is Maria Rasputin the daughter of the mad monk of Russia Maria was born in her father's ancestral village of pokrovskoye in Siberia for most of her early years he was away on one of his many pilgrimages in 1907 grigory rasputin who had a reputation as a holy man and a healer was called upon to cure the son of tsar nicholas ii and the heir to the russian imperial throne after Rasputin prayed for young Prince Alexei who suffered from hemophilia his health improved from then on the holy man was brought into the royal families in her circle where he had great influence jealousies among the court flared and it wasn't long before plots against rasputin's life began to formulate they resulted in his brutal assassination on December 17th 1916 which foreshadowed the fall of the Romanov dynasty and the rise of the Soviet era after her father's death Maria fled Russia with her husband and lived in exile in France when her husband died in 1928 she became a popular cabaret dancer she said her popularity was owed to her name and not her dancing from there she went on to become a circus lion tamer when a reporter asked where she learned to tame wild animals she replied it wasn't difficult after having been in a cage with Bolsheviks her circus performances brought her to the United States in 1935 over the years Maria authored several biographies about her father that debunked some of the myths about his life and death however many of her claims are disputed by historians her most controversial allegation was that rasputin's murder was not politically motivated but the result of having spurned the sexual advances from Prince Felix Yusupov Maria spent her retirement years living on Social Security and income from a few odd jobs when she died in 1977 the walls of her home were found to be covered in photographs of her father the mad monk of Russia [Music] in the world of magic the name Houdini is synonymous with the art but the man Houdini idolized was Harry Keller and he is buried here at Rosedale as a boy Keller became obsessed with magic after witnessing the performance of a traveling Street magician afterwards he learned all he could from books he apprenticed under different magicians for several years before going out on his own while still in his 20s he took his act overseas traveling it across five different continents Keller was famous as a stage magician who set up lavish productions using props and theatrics these surviving posters give us an idea of how mysterious and thrilling his performances must have been with signature illusions like the levitation of Princess Karnak self decapitation the nested boxes and the vanishing lamp he entertained audiences until his retirement in 1908 over the years a friendship grew between Keller and fellow magician Harry Houdini the latter sought his advice during his efforts to expose the techniques used by fake spiritualists in 1917 Houdini convinced his hero to come out of retirement to perform one final show when the old magician finished his act he ceremoniously passed the baton to his younger colleague who in turn declared to the 6,000 people in attendance that Harry Keller was America's greatest magician it was the Dean of Magic's last public performance afterward he returned to his home in Los Angeles where he died on March 10th 1922 the marker above his grave was dedicated in 2001 by the Academy of magical arts Rosedale Cemetery is the final resting place for dozens of stars from the Golden Age of Hollywood their names might not be familiar but many of them appeared in some of the most iconic motion pictures ever made in Section D to the left of the main entrance is actor musician Dooley Wilson he began his career as a jazz drummer who made his way onto the silver screen late in life Dooley's film career was brief but he will forever be remembered as Sam the piano player in the 1943 Warner Brothers classic Casablanca appearing with a stellar cast that included Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Bergman and Claude Rains Dooley plays a central part in one of the film's most memorable scenes where he sings as time goes by to tormented ex-lovers Rick and Ilsa [Music] you [Music] also buried in Section D as Monroes Salsbury he began acting on the stage before moving to films in 1914 during the silent era he had a busy career and made several films for legendary director Cecil B DeMille in the early 20s all's burry retired to a citrus farm in Hemet California he made a brief comeback at the dawn of talking pictures but his final starring role was in the 1930 serial the Jade box he died in virtual anonymity while at the patent State Hospital in 1935 here in the Pioneer Circle is the mausoleum of real-estate tycoon Horace W chase his wife Cary and their granddaughter Arlene Arlene began her dancing career in vaudeville before joining the Ziegfeld Follies on Broadway where she appeared in the chorus line of numerous hit shows in the early 20s she helped popularize a provocative new dance craze called the shimmy the shimmy was considered scandalous at the time and along with bootleg booze it was singled out as a threat to American society besides dancing Arlene had entrepreneurial interests as well and for a time owned and operated a tea room but at age 25 her life was tragically cut short by tuberculosis during the early silent era a new kind of villain beguiled her way onto the silver screen these femme fatales were called vamps for the way they drained the life from anyone who became tangled in their web [Music] actress Louise glom who was known as the spider woman started playing vamp roles in 1915 when she starred in Thomas Ince as the toast of death over the next five years she appeared in dozens of such films some with such risque titles as shackled love madness and sex glom once rivaled Theda Bara as film Dom's vamp queen and was considered the best actress playing such parts but as the vamp craze ended glom was already typecast and subsequently her film career began to dry up by the mid 1920s she had left Hollywood and spent the remainder of her life in retirement upon her death in 1970 she was laid to rest at Rosedale beside her husband of 38 years Marshall Ambrose Nealon was one of the most respected and highest-paid directors of silent films he was one of the favorites of America's Sweetheart Mary Pickford as he directed several of her biggest blockbusters in 1921 Nealon went through a highly publicized divorce from his wife Gertrude BAM brick one year later he married actress Blanche sweet with whom he'd been having an affair they too divorced in 1929 when talking pictures debuted Nealon had difficulty working in the new medium by then he had a reputation as an alcoholic that coupled with clashes with studio head Louis be mayor put his career on skids by the mid 30s he worked piecemeal and was forced to drive a cab to support himself his last work in Hollywood was in the role of Senator fuller in Elia Kazan's 1957 classic a face in the crowd when Marshall Nealon died the following year it was rumored that his old friend Mary Pickford paid for his funeral Joseph Meyer whose remains reside in this fine mausoleum was president of the Meijer Oberlin Brewing Company of Los Angeles the company produced the popular East Side beer so called because the brewery was located on the eastern banks of the LA River after Meyers death in 1905 newspapers covered the construction of his elaborate mausoleum and marveled at its estimated 65,000 dollar price tag or roughly two million dollars today [Music] the Angeles Rosedale mausoleum and Columbarium is comparatively small given the size of the cemetery in which it resides the reason is that its original purpose was as a receiving vault or place where bodies were kept prior to burial or cremation it was converted into its present function sometime during the early 1940s with the conversion came the addition of the sunrise corridor and in one of the niches you will find Asian American actor Honorable Wu his career began on the stage where he headlined Ana touring revue featuring entertainment from the Orient later he was a member of the Chinese Drama League before making his Hollywood debut in the 1936 Shirley Temple film stowaway from then until 1941 he appeared in only seven more films including mr. moto takes a vacation with Peter Lorre in the titular role and in two installments of the Ellery Queen series starring Ralph Bellamy four years after making his last film honorable wu passed away at age 48 in los angeles also found in the sunrise corridor is someone who will be of interest to those who appreciate the McCobb it is writer director and producer Todd browning and if his name isn't familiar his films will be as a boy of sixteen he ran away to join the circus and the experience would greatly influence his art throughout the 20s he made seven films with the man of a thousand faces after lon Cheney they include the unknown a twisted tale where Cheney plays an armless knife thrower with a secret and the now lost vampire story London after midnight Browning's dark melodramatic output featuring abstract plots focused on physical and psychological deformities drew strong criticism but the medium also gave him his greatest and most enduring success with 1931 s Dracula starring Bela Lugosi Dracula gave him a free hand on his next project for MGM which turned out to be a horror story set in a traveling sideshow freaks featured carnival denizens who unite to protect their own from a beautiful but sinister Acrobat columnist Louella Parsons gushed that freaks was more fantastic and grotesque than any Shocker ever written but it proved to be too much for audiences of the day the original 90-minute cut was deemed too shocking and was shortened to just over an hour the film was shelved and remained unseen for decades Browning would never enjoy as much creative control again he retired in 1939 and lived the remainder of his life in seclusion on the way to our next visit we passed the mausoleum of clara baldwin stalker the baldwin hills area of los angeles was named after her father lucky baldwin clara was renowned for three things her fortune her philanthropy and her jewels the only thing she collected more prodigiously than husbands was expensive diamond jewelry in fact her spending was partly the reason her son sued her to have her declared legally incompetent so he could gain control of her estate at the time of her death in February 1929 it was estimated that 15 percent of her net worth was tied up in jewels it led to rumors that Madame stocker went to the grave wearing her finest baubles any would-be grave robber should know her collection in its entirety was dispersed in accordance with her last will and testament so she didn't take it whither not far from the stalker mausoleum is the resting place of anime wall she began her career at a time when Hollywood standards were governed by strict discriminatory codes despite that she managed to become the first asian-american international star Ana was cast as the lead actress in 1922 s the toll of the see the film was the first to be shot entirely in technicolor 's to strip color process [Music] later she starred alongside Douglas Fairbanks in the Thief of Bagdad the film was a huge hit and made Anna a household name in 1926 she was on hand for the groundbreaking of Syd Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood despite her popularity and a continually missed out on parts when Studios cast Caucasian actresses and Asian roles eventually she moved to Europe where she had the freedom to expand her talents but by 1930 she was back in the United States one of her last major roles was in Shanghai express with Marlena Dietrich afterwards she was relegated to playing stereotypical characters in B movies in 1961 she was set to return to the big screen but her plans were cut short by her untimely death at age 56 the headstone marking her resting place bears the name of her mother in English Anna's name and her sister Mary's are written in Chinese below you [Music] [Music] Ernest bubbles Whitman was an actor of both stage and screen in 1930 he appeared on Broadway with Spencer Tracy in John Wesley's prison death row drama the last mile in the 30s and 40s he appeared in over 40 classic films some of his credits include John Ford's prisoner of shark island the road to Zanzibar with Bing Crosby and Bob Hope as well as stormy weather with an amazing assortment of talent from Lena Horne Cab Calloway and Fats Waller in 1939 Whitman played the assistant to a vulture Ascar pataga in Gone with the Wind after a stint on radio in the Beulah show Whitman made his last film appearance working again with director John Ford in the Sun shines bright he passed away in Hollywood at age 61 [Music] of all the Hollywood legends internet rosedale perhaps the most notable is Hattie McDaniel throughout the 1930s she appeared in numerous films including I'm no angel with Mae West judge priest starring humorist Will Rogers and the little kernel with Shirley Temple and lionel Barrymore don't let me see you take none of them cookies it's a good thing I didn't see you take him in 1935 she played Jean Harlow's made in China Seas the film also starred Clark Gable had he would work with Gable again four years later in the Civil War epoch Gone with the Wind the film was a smash hit and has gone down in history as one of the greatest ever made Gone with the Wind went on to win eight competitive Oscars the most ever won for a film up to that point Hattie McDaniel in the role of mammy made history by winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress becoming the first african-american to take home an Oscar [Music] throughout Hattie's career she was mainly cast as a domestic servant which drew criticism from some in the black community they felt it added to black oppression by perpetuating negative stereotypes but the characters had he played were always greater than their station in life she gave them wisdom determination and self pride proving that no one was her better when had he left us at the young age of 57 it was her wish to be interred at Hollywood cemetery however the owners at the time did not allow african-americans to be buried there so she was laid to rest at her second choice Rosedale if you're ever called upon to name a true legend you need only give one name Hattie McDaniel you you [Music] the Victorians had a term for expansive cemeteries like Angelus Rosedale they called them quiet cities it is a quaint and even poetic expression but one that I feel is not entirely accurate because for all their stillness they're anything but quiet for these are not just places to keep the dead they're storehouses of memory and within the memories flow and intersect with an almost harmonic quality like that of an invisible chorus and if you allow them they will guide you toward discoveries you never expected the stories I have shared with you over the last hour are only a tiny fraction of what can be told but it's my hope that they have given you a clearer picture of what can be found here or in any cemetery anywhere in the world additionally I hope that you will come away with a sense that there are no small lives and that no one is ever truly forgotten especially if you take the time to walk in places like these and listen to the chorus of the ages [Music] you [Music] thank you for watching if you liked what you saw please give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends it really helps a lot and if you enjoy these videos and are interested in becoming a sponsor click the link in the description below to go to my patreon page even $1.00 per month goes a long way to bringing you more of these stories and if you haven't already please subscribe now for more grave explorations
Channel: Grave Explorations
Views: 55,792
Rating: 4.9171314 out of 5
Keywords: gone with the wind, casablanca, california beach, medal of honor, hollywood
Id: hAbg61V0dXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 14sec (4214 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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