Exploring a $4 MILLION DOLLAR Gun Vault!

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in order to see one of the best outfitters and gun rooms in the world you're gonna have to go to Texas [Music] above Houston Texas is one of the world's most famous Outfitters gordian Sons seeing as we were only a few hours away at the Nationals the guys and I decided to go and see what all the fuss was about walking into that main shop I was amazed [Music] before I give you a proper look around let me show you one of the best gun rooms in the world [Music] where to start is the hardest thing so we're going to come in the vault door and turn left and the first thing that is probably my favorite thing in the whole room is this this is an abiotico and salvinelli cuatro Kane which means four barrel it's 410 27 inch and the Joker mod sell this gun only weighs 7 pounds eight and a half ounces this gun is pretty unbelievable because it operates off a single trigger so to operate the bottom too you just pull pull the trigger twice or you your two cameras on top it goes bang bang clicked click for the bottom two it is a non-ejector because making this an ejector would be next to Impossible this gun is a hundred and ten thousand dollars I think all things considered versus the value of some of the other guns in this room that is insanely good value just look at it it's a seven and a half pound which is a 12 ball game gun hammer gun with four barrels that mount and moved oh I'm gonna say like a gun but this could handle really badly and it doesn't what an amazing thing you've got a farmer side by side a couple of luchinis and you know one of my favorite makers in the world a Luciano BOCES this is a wild series side plate it's it's just about isn't it it's just nice the wood is beautiful the engraving is beautiful and the Cruiser form thing at the end it's just it's lovely it's one of their sporting guns or clay guns 56 000. a load of brownings in America and more and more brownies like animal brownies and a few routines but to get into this room they're not just reading is there ridzini custom shops so I remember doing the factory tour and seeing a few of their models and going why don't you sell these well they do they just don't sell them in normal shops they sell them in shops like this this is a br552 custom side lever you know it is a red zini they are built to the standard Virginia build to but this is 26 Grand 26 000 is actually suddenly a very affordable price for a side lever side-by-side shotgun that you can get done in more or less whatever spec whatever stock style you want and it's beautiful and it's a side lever if I could be one of the most or certainly one of the best value side levers on the market you have all of their other Custom Shop stuff they're pigeon guns and all that kind of thing they have a full collection of Winchester Model 21s Grand Americans apparently when the book was collection is one of the biggest collections of 21 Renovations ever I don't get them um probably a little bit of English haven't spent enough time here to truly appreciate about it so I might find someone who's an expert who could actually maybe fall in love at some point what is it pair 410 rounded action carved fences Makai Browns I should have realized that from the rounded action from a distance really but I've never seen a 410 one [Music] that is a fine fine thing that is very beautiful [Music] birdies more birdies more purdies some Hollands some more birdies these guys are I believe one of the biggest best gun dealers for Rigby and clearly one of the biggest deals for Purdy in the country given they have everything from the Overland Woodwards the oven under 30s the trigger plates the best side locks down to 410 caliber and a pair of 410 Hammer guns these are a very rare Beast if you scale the 410 hammer and Trigger down you couldn't use it practically this is designed to be able to shoot and be able to and use properly it's got a safety catch as well that's a lovely touch but isn't that special the pair is 365 thousand dollars I mean it's one of the rarest and finest pair of guns in the world [Music] all right a party with deep carved engraving look at that you will not see one of these every day that's wild isn't that beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] they've got custom glasses [Music] A really lovely collection of custom sours got the Valhalla gun here again look at that beautiful Engraving holding on there vikinginess [Music] and we step back and got varieties again no gun room is complete they've seemed to have covered just about every base look at this is this not one of the best looking bottoms of paparazzi you've ever seen the side plates I could perhaps take a leave that they are inherently very very masterfully done and beautiful look at the tail on that Pheasant it's a insane skill I just think that's the color of the Woodcock against the gold is unreal uh Beretta spavieri some other custom bits some SLS and some DTS and they're dwarfed by these little Beauties 28-ball modern era brand new Stephen Grant side levers isn't that darling I mean it Grant side lever is a really iconic thing but to have a 28 ball it's modern the stock spec is modern the grip size is modern it's a very usable shootable gun opportunities to touch things like this do not come around often and finally before we leave this room into the I don't want to leave this room they've got some febre fabries they have the side by side and they're classic over and under again there's something about the way they have February shots it's just it's nice they are beautiful beautiful lady guns and that pair is 125 000 which by comparison to buying a new pair it's great value remember there's a pair of guns over there for nearly 400 000 bucks life is about perspective although I appreciate that many of us won't get to touch there's a kriegel facencia oh there's I see I shouldn't be allowed in place like that isn't that nice it's quite a rare thing and strangely I do like that lock plate design I think because the bottom sort of tweaks up as well they are interesting guns all right stop hold on I clearly didn't stop and spent another hour in here This Gun Room is heaven oh I mean this is just a room where you fall in love with guns there's not a gun in here that isn't special and worthy Holloway and Norton best for 10. there's guns in here that you dream of you drool over you put posters on the wall of and they're all here in one room this isn't like a an auction where there might be one or two really juicy bits everything in this room is Juicy and this is why this gun shop has the reputation it has and why I'm so excited to be here let's get out of here and show you the rest of the store foreign Boyette yes sir you are the assistant manager of gordian sounds yes take us around you wanna have a little look about yeah tell us about how long has it been here what's the point yeah absolutely so uh we opened in May of 2017 yeah um so I've been here a little over five years and we specialize in hunting shooting and fly fishing really uh internationally we are obviously based here in Houston Texas to have a lot of guys going hunting and fishing here but really kind of all over the world it's got a real Global feel you've got showful yeah we've got shovel yeah a little bit of everything we've got we're the biggest second dealer in Texas we carry a Beretta it's got a bit of everything absolutely and you could yeah you go everything from your camo to your Tweet you know in five years we've kind of figured a lot out stuff that does work stuff that doesn't work um not all the brands that we brought in from the UK necessarily sold super well so instead of having three or four we can nail that with one or two I do a lot of guns we have one of you guys yeah a lot of guns both filled and sporting over unders side by sides Caesar Guarini rosini Beretta obviously some semi-automatics as well with Carrie shapui and then the vault is full of some pretty cool stuff as well so why did Gordy and Sons start this was Mr Gordy's dream he uh he envisioned uh well it's he just really wanted to have one of the nicest stores uh on the planet really to Encompass his passions he's a hunter he's really a bird Hunter quill are his passion he loves grow outside he loves driven stuff as well he loves bird hunting and then his uh he's got a couple Sons hence the sons and Gordy and Sons one of the sons is passionate about fly fishing so we've pretty much got it set for about two-thirds or three quarters of stores is hunting shooting and then about a quarter is fishing what does the average customer look like in my head this was going to be super super high end but you've got uh Benelli Supernova yep and uh M2 tactical Yep this is clearly not all the Vault stuff no it's a it's it's a little bit of everything we don't really do a ton of like handguns or any of the real tactical stuff it's a very pretty ad there are some beautiful handguns some collector stuff and uh we dabble a bit but you know long guns for the most part are our specialty but you know our customer looks like a lot of different we have guys that come in looking like you or I and then we have the awesome yeah very very handsome I think yeah touching into middle age really handsome yeah yeah tall to Shorter yeah the height is not a factor not really a factory it's mostly handsome it helps and then we got the guy that comes in and uh you know some shorts and a cut off t-shirt so from Duck Hunters to you know that highest end driven stuff it's just a little bit of everything yeah you kind of cover all the bases we want to be as welcoming uh we don't want to be exclusive or we don't want to put anybody off and you know that's something that we have struggled with a bit is people's perception of us is that we are you know elitists we have a ton of regulars so we have people coming in you know daily we're always Fuller we're usually full unless there's a big ball game on or something like that but you know somebody comes in and maybe they just want to grab a cold drink and hang out a little bit tell us about a hunting trip tell us about a fishing trip and then they're in and out and then we have a lot of first-timers roll through too which is still exciting for us that people are still discovering us especially being only five years old we don't do a ton of average advertising some magazines that sort of thing but word of mouth is definitely our biggest thing well I mean I knew about you from 5000 miles away yeah well so you're doing something right [Music] this is Joe the head gun so it would be the senior gunsmith here Guardian Sons I'm also the Gunsmithing manager so I wear a couple different hats here you have a really impressive Gunsmithing Department appreciate it it looks old wealthy there's not much we can't handle up there we do quite a bit and if we can't do it in-house we know the the right people to be able to send it to so we're pretty confident what we're able to do had a couple of guys go to uh kriegoff for training I've been to London London for training with Purdy and Rigby uh Germany trained with onshoots finer foul with our skill stops yeah we do a lot of one-off pieces something comes in broken on a best kind of party at Holland something like that we're able to make one-off parts and refit them and do all many places can do that with the skill set and experience you have given that this is your Mainstay is fine right speaking of Fine Guns none yeah in my opinion it is a fine gun maybe not best quality absolutely fine built to last they they're just gonna stand obviously they have withstood the the time the American Market was uh real hot on original superposed your pigeon grades Diana grades we had I don't even remember the number anymore but we did buy a big collection we've run through almost all of them but the Diana grades super grades uh are not super grades Diana grades pigeons um some of the fighting things like that we've had through our real sought after here in the US and sub gauge what should people be looking for when they're buying one obviously that uh you know they did have the saltwood era and we want to make sure that we tested for saltwood they had this ingenious idea back in I believe the the mid 70s that they would dry the blanks cover them with salt to extract all the moisture out of the wood it did an amazing job what it also did an amazing job at was rusting all of the steel that it came in contact with gun bacon yes absolutely so uh every once in a while if you pulled the stocks off the forehand off you will see rust or even pits where people have gone back in and reblued things and tried to make as good of a looking gun as they can with what they have obviously those don't bring as much money no but it's still who came up with the idea was fired yeah out of a cannon hopefully yeah I mean the concept is great like how can we drive it was faster without killing it right but just be patient yes that's in my opinion that's the best way spend the money and the time do it right stack it let it air dry down the road you're if you have an air dried piece of wood you're going to be much happier with it down the road you're not going to have the the problems with the with the gun bacon gun bacon rusting your gun or having very brittle Kiln dried wood what does the strip and clean cost at Gordy and Sons we'll do a standard box lock for about 330 dollars for any of the side locks which require a little bit more time and effort a little more knowledge we're up into the 450 range and that's our starting price what what you get with that is we will take every part out of the gun clean them individually inspect them put it all back together proper service we also do quite a bit of stock fitting so we have the ability upstairs to bend stocks we do in a couple of different ways we'll use hot oil sometimes we'll use steam just kind of depends on what what the wood requires what the job requires if it is something that has a really robust long tang in it a threwable things of that nature where they need to go a long ways then we start removing wood to try to get the the cast correct and the drops correct we do a lot of drops drops and make sure that uh it's going to stay that way in the Houston humidity and the heat we can bend a gun if it gets left in the vehicle or sitting outside in the sun it can go right back to to you know the Woodhouse memory just like everything else so it can go right back to where we started my opinion is is that uh if if there's enough wood there and we can make a slight modification to round everything back off and finish it us making it look original I would rather take wood generally we see about an eighth somewhere in there an eighth of an inch makes a huge difference yeah a lot of times we see where the the butt stocks are just not flat so they have these lumpy bits in them where that makes the the customer's head sit funny so we just flattened that off and clean everything up and make it like it's supposed to be and it makes for a much easier shooting gun for the customer man thank you for letting us in your Workshop yeah absolutely real nice and thanks for letting us distract you from work for a few years appreciate you guys thank you shops don't really get better than this great people working there some great products on the shelves and one of those atmospheres that just feels like hope if you're ever in Texas and like guns fishing conversation and coffee this place should be at the top of your list [Music] foreign [Music] guys to talk about these These are custom fit guards they are custom molded ear protection they have multiple options from valve to full electronic these are Electronics I own three different pairs and I use them all for different applications and love them all equally the way it works is simple you get your ear Impressions done CFG can do that either at many of the shows they go to or at their home base or they can even come to your house they have approved ear moldurers all over the world so if you are interested and not in England get in touch and they can point you in the right direction once they have those Impressions the mold of the inside of your ear you tell them what you want quite simply it arrives sometime later guys go and check them out we've worked with them for a long time they're one of the first people to approach us to support the channel and rich is a lovely lovely guy custom links in the description
Channel: TGS Outdoors
Views: 660,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the gun shop, gun, guns, shotgun, shotguns, rifle, rifles, shooting, shoot, botley, botley gun shop, ammo, ammunition, tgs
Id: X5TY4wWxvKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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