Giant Vintage Trailer Rally [Mt Baker] 168 Mid Century Campers Caravans RVs

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today we're in Linden Washington for a vintage trailer rally Mount Baker Vintage trailer rally over 200 vintage trailers checking this event all out so you can decide do you want to check it out next year [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi I'm Duke bossanova and I'm Willa bossanova and this is our Bossa Nova Life thank you [Music] [Music] amazing [Music] well may I look inside and check it out it's all original this is this is our favorite part of the of the trailer rallies let's go check them all out they're like awesome we take this trailer up and down for Service Roads and back country and oh wow look at this Lola you gotta check out the is this an ice chest or a refrigerator wow that is cool it's gorgeous oh my gosh it looks yeah and you can totally show the original countertops this is the design so pretty floors original mm-hmm love those lights oh wow how did I miss the lights leave it to Lola yeah yeah wow those are crazy oh the light above here is awesome that was pretty crazy I like how it's perfectly situated for your Keurig to fit right there that is a great little trailer Montecito wow it's it looks amazing but you were telling me you started working on this six or seven years ago yeah if I got it A friend gave it to me for free at the time I thought it was a great deal about sixteen thousand dollars later for all the materials and parts that I've had to buy I don't think it's such a great deal hundreds hundreds of hours very pretty Lola's excited to check it out Lola just loves the layout of the kitchen in here I do I always love these front kitchens look at this too it's so big we got we got another person in here just chilling similar I love this retro countertop style I've seen this before Boomerang it's only where to go so if you're gonna go mid-century go big or go home [Music] over here we have the second air float uh we had one up front that we were looking at earlier this one is incredible as they all are these are the ones that look like you're inside a submarine or something Lola vintage like Jules Verne movie everything's portals oh my gosh I love the way it curves around the bathroom yeah that's great right there this little kitchen area this also has a Marvel refrigerator and a full stove as well a man living large and luxury look at that boomerang table Lola I love that wow you're back here these are actually Windows they've covered them up so you could be back here looking out a portal at the world you these both open or they open and then they make a door right here so you have some privacy which is nice yeah yeah and sometimes people mention the lens that I'm using I'm actually using one of the widest lenses possible but obviously you're in a very small trailer and so there's not a lot of space you gotta try to get what you can get that's right amazing very cute I love it oh that's a great it's a full-on sink no you could do a lot of dishes in there and look at the size of this Bank cat well uh you could put like a like a full size or a queen size bed probably goes in here yeah man a little cooler yeah you're using as a step he's using an old vintage cooler as a step very cool I think he's just cut it in half well just so you know you got it I would like them too on Facebook YouTube zenith is this actually a Zenith it is actually a Zenith I've never even heard of a Zenith trailer is it maybe is it the same company that like television sets and everything no no it's uh Bulls it's a bull's Arrow oh it is a bull's Arrow okay so it's a wood framed bowls Arrow okay so it's a lower end model that's uh obviously I'm very familiar with both arrows but I've never seen the Zenith bowls there oh you're welcome to go inside oh wonderful I gotta check this one out this is a Zenith Bull's Arrow and it's got an ice chest in here it's a refrigerator oh it is an actual refrigerator the marble it's a real Marvel I love it oh a Mana for my own heart he's got rye engine the best of all the spirits oh wow I love that cutout on the table that's great cars is always so tight that Lola can barely like squeeze in right here and if he were to cut it like that maybe yeah I'll have to think thinking about it there we are that's pretty great yeah and this looks this looks like it's original it's like the countertop the everything is original um except for a little bit of wood repair in there yeah and it's got the full-on stove in bait in an oven a four burner Dixie usually you see like twos and threes this is great yeah we're really happy with it it's eight feet wide which is unusual well you gotta come and check this out oh my gosh look at the cutout cut out on the table this would be the problem solver I wouldn't have to squeeze I'd be doing all the squeezing instead yeah that's true [Music] foreign [Applause] if you have a vintage trailer what's the best thing to pull it with a vintage car vintage car check this out Plymouth power baby wow I saw this one last night he's redone the interior almost exactly like original it is amazing and then of course she's got the travelease one of our favorite trailers we looked at this one last year hey guys hello how are you I know we looked at this amazing trailer last year as well a little bit can I can I go outside real quick thank you so much you guys are always amazing I'm always jealous of all the places you've been yeah yeah and and this is what Lola and I were working on we had a 66 travelly so this is what we're doubly jealous [Music] oh wow yeah we did look through this one last year so we won't spend as much time oh yeah but if you haven't seen it this one is incredible all original I love it I love the like they almost have like a separate bedroom back here which is just awesome this is what we need this is what we need this is what we need yeah your little boyfriend door back here you have to get the second door in the back and then the full bathroom with a shower what come on not very common these traveling trailers have those full bathroom in the back and they that's what ours had I know unfortunately you know what though hey we're gonna hit another trailer yeah working on it oh my gosh custom shaved Ruth's been cut it's been chopped dropped shaved Lola French tail lights things got the whole bit but even cooler than that is the trailer that it pulls this thing is insane wow 1940 54. sport Ranger we filmed this one last year but we didn't actually get the seat inside of it so this year we either see inside of there and see how this all works I love the little door it's almost like getting in and out of like a boat or something oh wow they actually have a little ice chest back here look at this lights oh my gosh it's so cool we didn't even catch that good job guys looks great wow that is fun can you imagine it's got a hard top fiberglass hard top on it I love the the wheel wells are crazy on this oh look at that and then the back pops out actually slides out to add this to that extra space and it is a sport Ranger wow oh I love the tail lights a lot on this thing awesome what was unlocked she found a new pop-up I mean I [Music] foreign foreign [Music] how are you today I'm great how are you wonderful and we've interviewed you before with a different trailer but what have we got here today this is a bull's Arrow 1952 and it's a Montecito there's different various sizes and each name layout oh I like the couch so you found one that just fit perfectly here yeah it looks great thank you and it's a click clack so it'll actually open up to a little bit bigger than a twin bed yeah and we can add a pepper [Music] thank you [Music] oh another Aladdin [Laughter] [Music] let's go check out the inside of this Aladdin real quick always great little and I have a little Aladdin right now that we're using temporarily this one is great even has the original cutout under the sink awesome I love it these are always adorable propane light still in here I love these lamps original turquoise we even got ice cream trucks here that's how you trailer rally with ice cream that's right 100 yeah say hello you got ice cream trucks you got vintage trailers you got pretty ladies I want to hold you all day you got Margaritas you ask for darling this is the ultimate business trailer rally right here yeah we got a try five pulling in Aloha looks like you're suffering you got your try five pull on this trailer down the road at home oh wow I'm not familiar with these yeah and so they were made in BC nope nope in California Okay you're from BC they're even letting Canucks in here you never know maybe you look inside absolutely I love the the wooden flame screen door look at this kitchen I like how the stove comes over I've seen these before but I'm always in love with them and they're not super common in those shelves yeah those are pretty amazing wow oh you've got the little that goes oh this goes over the sink yeah yeah so yes my husband built it and it's got the original Hood yeah and the stove's original in the fridge he converted it from natural gas to propane oh wow stage aluminum painted it oh gosh can I look at that freezer I gotta take a look at that I love those those are great oh my gosh and then the whole I changed the layout of it when we bought it in Winslow Arizona until it home to British Columbia and he built the whole thing around the one-piece bathroom that's in there so the one-piece bathroom was new was we bought it out of an old camper it is amazing isn't it cool yeah I gotta take a look at this I haven't seen one before it is amazing it's a one-piece bathroom so it's all stainless steel nope or is it fiberglass oh wow I love that that is it's got the drain and everything so you can shower in here yeah you got your little sink in your toilet yeah wow behind here he built a cupboards with um so that it all lights up so that I can put my makeup on um that is amazing he knows what's important and yeah he built the cabinets he knows which side of the bread is buttered yeah that's right you guys totally gutted it totally gutted it right down to the frame so this is all new he built this cabinet oh wow I thought it was all original I mean he nailed it this is an old cabinet from the old one and he built this cabinet he had a really good job matching yeah well it just kind of and then he did all he did everything he built the walls he we welded on the frame to hold the bathroom and this looks like it's a single piece on the floor yep it is yep oh wow looks like you got a full-size bed back here yeah so the bed used to go this way oh wow and he changed it to go down I'm always jealous of a vintage trailer that has a full size or queen size bed nice and comfy in bed this one's amazing I love it it is amazing even the clock is included foreign we saw this one last year and I know what Lola remembers it because it has a champagne dispenser on the outside yeah this and this lady who did this one did this herself she's done multiple trailers yeah I think it's even more pink and crazy than it was last year can you go too crazy in a vintage trailer I don't know if it's possible amazing now this is a trailer I do not see very often dolson's are not common at all let's go check this one out nice may we check it out inside you can I would say this is one we do not see very often at all [Music] oh I love this little Coca-Cola handle wow look at that yes I like that upholstery the Upholstery and then look at the countertop it's really it looks so great in here yeah that's fun they've got the original propane light yeah it's looking fabulous I always love the metal on the back I know this isn't we're original usually oh this one looks like it's I don't know like I said I'm not as familiar with these as I am I like this little curved shelf up here look how cute that is yeah well as always checking out the size of the bed I know I gotta make sure it's comfy that's why what I'm looking for Avanti it's fun I like it [Music] we got Shasta on Shasta action over here once we get distracted by this though this is such a modern glassware it was great oh perfect knock yourself out you're selling this one yes oh wow this is a nice driveway right now you got only five huh it's an addiction right under the Betty four Clank for uh trailer abuse so I'm trying to break the habit oh wow oh I love those lights those covers are great an interesting little um I got another little yeah I don't think I've seen one like that before and you can turn on the LED lights and I can't really make it out in the daytime but yeah it uh really lets the trailer up at night yeah we've got more light set back in here these are great there you go get a better idea oh my God I I I I'm in love with those lamps now I gotta now I gotta go on a mission with Lola to find some for our new trailer you gotta come check out these lamps in here our YouTube channel is all about custom culture but this is a custom coach that's kind of similar to where I'm going I'm in a video Historical Society ice cream right now all right we got ourselves a Yellowstone trailer Lola very nice ones I love it hey how are you doing you're checking out the Yellowstone I'll let people know not to be confused with the TV show this is a vintage trailer no comparison yeah yeah yeah no TV soap opera was involved in this trailer yeah [Music] oh that's great this one before but you can never see them enough [Music] oh wow [Music] it's always so difficult to give you guys the type of size or like that even with the widest lens I can squeeze on this thing all right well they'll get you're getting ready to go check out these trailers we're going up to check the trailers out I gotta get myself a little drink to take them on so with our eyes almost every one of these Mickey's trailers always has an ice maker because you're out here for days on end and you gotta have your ice you need an ice maker so this one we've been really happy with it fills up really quick yeah and um just ready to go so got my got my eye yeah got your eyes [Music] and we're lucky freezeimer uh who this is I decided to sponsor this video this time for us they'd sent us this for free yeah admittedly we did not pay for this but uh we've had it going for three days straight now yeah all day every day and it just keeps cranking out ice cranking on Ice large pieces you can set it to smaller I believe you can set them smaller at about half that size I would say but we're kid we're sticking with large it takes a couple hours to really fill up it has worked very well for us yeah and uh The Price is Right was about 160 dollars for one of these it weighs about 30 pounds where you need ice it's about 80 degrees out here to 90 degrees sometimes with these vintage trailer rallies uh but if you want to there's going to be a link in the description of the video down below you can go to get yourself a freezeimer uh with the bossa nova discount I believe so there you go yeah Lola loves her ice look at this they're even playing Bossa Nova Bossa Nova music there we go [Music] I love the bump outs this one's great you guys actually sleep up there on the top bunk kiddos yeah and they probably roast in the summertime uh but they don't care I mean may I check it out inside oh yes okay wonderful oh great I have not seen this setup before what is this instead of like a normal Bank hat they got two fold down tables this is kind of fun I've not seen the style before yeah that's awesome and then they've got a gaucho back here that turns into a bag we'll pull out like that down there yes I have a little bathroom back there is this a travel lease it is Aristocrat okay I didn't see the outside when I came in I like that little light though that's super cute and I like their curtains it's pretty fabric yep I love it and they said the kids sleep up in the top block up there oh my god let's go get warm oh yeah well I can get one that's right that's right so is that tonight well how are you doing today I'm doing well how are you doing I'm doing well what is your name hi my name is Mike Raymond and where are you from Mike we're from Seatac Washington for a little bit and then you're moving to Montana here we are and you've also got a 35-foot Sparta net which is super rare and it's about what 40 numbers away from your buddy 40 45 somewhere in there yeah all right well tell us a little bit about it well we bought it in 2014 and completely gutted it the only thing that did not come out was a shower stall oh wow and probably couldn't but let's throw the wall off yeah it won't fit out anything so I moved it around probably a hundred times you know move it forward and work in the back and yeah yeah so you redid All the woodwork inside yourself yes replaced all the ceiling and wall panels uh rebuilt a couple cabinets that were rotten like the kitchen sink cabinet and the bathroom sink cabinet yeah look at this little guy yeah what if we got here that is a lowboy it's either this is a Northwest coach Little Dipper 1966. wow I thought it was like a low liner or an aristocrat or something it's it's that style we got the low floor entryway the Little Dipper because it can fit six free dining table or yeah or two beds they they always have these awesome little raised yeah areas I love it you can have a lot of friends over for cards but uh we're and we try to pull up our trailer and we're like we're gonna do a clam boil come on over and sit by the beach and come into Rosie's Diner Rosie's Diner I love it Rosie zeiner I love it and you need that on the on the west coast where we're the Pacific northwest coast to be specific where we're at it's cold on the beach you want to be sitting inside and it's wet a lot yeah we have ourselves another Northwest coach over here yeah those are kind of fun they're small I really like the way Rosie looks so that's great on the back now we're getting into Airstream on Airstream action it looks like this one's open over here but even cooler are the mini bikes got a Honda 70. that's a good reasons this is this is 1986 so not as vintage as we normally look at but it's great oh my gosh look at that this is like the Miami Vice era I approve yeah look at that NASA pillow I love it [Applause] it's amazing you want to go to space Campus Kid all the kids nothing says space camp like camping in a trailer yeah look at this kid 's kisses that's super cool there's a lot of space this is great all of the um spice rack there full on spice rack in there and then back here you've got not only a bed but it's almost like its own little private bedroom I love the windows in here so much window space it's so much light you want to back it up to the ocean can you imagine oh my gosh The View wake up in the morning hey I I can imagine that's what you need yeah actually my dream come true we need is an Airstream and the ocean so this I like the shower because it's got a little seat so often they know you know when you're shaving yeah sick and practical practical great it's the ever popular Airstream oh looks like this one got modernized wow look at the size of that galley that's incredible wow you guys really modernize it I love it that's what I would call a galley that's not even a kitchen that's like a full-on that's amazing I love that Peggy the Airstream it's my sister this year out take a quick glance inside this Airstream oh wow it's all original in here the 60s or 70s 73 that's what I was gonna say it's right up on that era look at this oh wow look at the magic shaft inside and everything well uh oh no you got to get out of here then wow only stay if there's a mint on the pillow well we are all back of the bus over here but when I see a Ford F-100 and an Elijah it's pretty amazing this is incredible I love it how many of these vintage trailers have you guys been to 35 or 40. 35 or 40. I love it you got the right rig for it and the illusion so did you guys do anything with it or is it like basically a new trailer yeah all right focus on the trailer Duke so cute inside here oh wow they did you get you did a nice job on this paint I love it it's got a little extra length oh it does yeah it actually really does space in there mm-hmm you could sit in bed and get yourself a glass of water it's great they have a Marvel so that's an original refrigerator that's great oh my gosh yeah looks like they upgraded the ceiling fan yeah it's keeping it nice and cool in here even though it's a pretty warm day this is what is so he did all that he had to yeah a really nice job really nice job like look at the rounded Corners down here on the dinette it looks so good yeah and this has been replaced but they did a really good job on it too I love the fact that they use the original lashes we have these exact same style in our Aladdin they're great so they redid the wood but then obviously reuse all the latches I will not open doors because that's rude because they're not here to tell me but there's all these little store I know there's good storage in here so [Music] [Music] Lola look at the size of it oh it's huge this is a this is a big one yeah can't wait to see inside is this yours what's it weigh not that much not much see it's I would be I'd be worried about it like Weevil and wobble and probably not too bad though no it's all aluminum frame yeah inside weighs more than it did stock because instead of got a lot of juice going in there Lola's gonna go check it out I'm gonna yeah risk the stairs and that's quite a lift that's that's easily five feet off the ground oh this looks nice and roomy ah this is comfortable I could see myself camping in this for sure oh wow yeah look at how roomy we got a nice long Bank hat in here yes then a bed up on top that looks nice and roomy I like that it oh this does oh one of the brochures yeah it's got a full stove sink Hood weight is 2100. 2100 pounds and Bottles all right um so I don't need to open this up but I do know that there's always a full shower or bathroom in here what the Fargo Lola the Fargo I like this track Canadian truck baby nice I love I love her yeah yeah I'm just gonna say I don't see Fargo Canadians are coming the Canadians are coming yeah about 18 years now yeah it's still the original paintball that had to do a little bit on the bottom end but did you pull did you pull this with that I did yeah oh mad respect that's a that's a perfect ride to do it with yeah yeah yep that is gravity and yeah that's back in the [Music] back so uh this is what is this an oasis 1959 yeah 1959 Oasis and that's all original wood it's set the very back in there looks like the original floors as well yeah [Music] yeah I mean if someone modernizes one because it was gutted I'm fine with that but if it's all original wood like this why would you want to paint it or do anything because this is so gorgeous wow this is just incredible now is this original or has this been redone it's original that is original it almost looks like a Repro and the and the backsplash wow yeah yeah and these are so pretty the cushions yeah I got cut out oh nice I love that yes those are the original brushes no no that's new and yeah they did this yeah this this will cook you out pretty quick oh yeah those will cook you right out yeah oh gosh I love it I love the little shelf above with this yeah this reminds me of being a kid because it would take like three people to set up one of these old tents like this they weren't easy to put up take a little look they have the bed in there it looks actually really comfortable all the long roofs back here we got dodges we got Fords wow I love it palera you guys got all the long roofs together yeah yeah that's theirs next door another low liner that's right little uh another low liner for Lola yeah yeah we know this lady from all the tiki events that we go to like I said oh my gosh so cute in here oh wow yep we were in this one last year and it still looks just as amazing as ever crazy so much turquoise I love what the fabric used on these seeds look at our little seahorses yeah these are some alola sort of thing she's got all the fishies and seahorses at home all the vintage ones do you love some fishes and seahorses I'm not gonna lie what about this though yeah look at these orange she's recovered all of these they look nice and video work is called an establishing shot so people know what in the world you're looking at all right we got ourselves a 1987 model oh wow okay the first thing I see is a full sit-down bathtub yeah this light comes on here little Ambiance mood lighting and these are low voltage high voltage double oh my gosh so wait wait this is backwards it's got the living room up front or in the back the living area and he like he said there's Windows all around so you could like Park and look at the ocean or the mountains or whatever your view is yeah whatever my view is there's a little china cabinet here I love the little china cabinet yeah a little Peak through and there's a little and there's a little light in here that shines down at night there was a lot of liquor in there over the years let's not talk about that behind you and then up front here we have is the much sought after twin beds yeah the Desi and Lucy style yes apparently that was the that was uh much sought after I mean that's because of the formative liquor they were drinking yeah they had the Fallen yes yes yeah this is gorgeous the bathroom that one like one section piece is amazing yeah I mean it's all one piece from the sink to the bathtub and the shower and they had to and they had to put it in before the clam shell went together oh yeah yeah because otherwise what are you gonna do that's right that's right it's just cleaned we've arrived at the party trailer well they did an amazing job as always and it looks like she's named Daisy yes she is very observant that way inside of Daisy oh my gosh yellow for days son so yeah they redid everything in this trailer and they always use such a great job these cutouts I love that that retro style that's a California basement a really nice job size of the bed you don't normally see a bed the size of one of these this is great wow that's a way bigger bed than I was expecting in a Shasta I need a big bed we have the Aristocrat land I always love the name of them it sounds like a like an 80s cartoon can we go in well thank you so much I was I was like well it looks like it's closed out no I can already tell one of the first things I noticed because I'm a detail guy I love the fact that you actually have original Aristocrats thank you those are great and I always love the scallops on these Great Bear well this is definitely original floor tile no I think that's that's a replica this is oh this is a full restoration yeah someone did a really good job then oh wow it's a great light fixture oh and all the handles it looks like it was gutted at some point oh yes yes all right let's go check this out just to be that so the same designs basically but yeah they took out the toilet and shower and this is something I'm always telling people this is what you're gonna find inside the walls this black drywall especially if it like that and you could grab that and just crush it with your hands you have to pull the skin off these old trailers to see what's going on before you get to work on them you'll end up with all that stuff mm-hmm it's a jewel of a trailer literally a 1957 Jewel right yes I've heard all about this one I hadn't made it over here you have to check it out though gorgeous that is a really original color I do not see on these yeah like a mint green is this the original backsplash yeah yeah I just thought normal like this is a great color I've never seen this color on one of these vintage stoves before either wow super cute well look you almost match it I I mean I coordinate well you got emerald green [Music] I remember this one from last year because it's a fireball and we do love our fireballs thank you we actually were looking at a fireball last year as well we were yes like an 18 quarter yes you sold me your emblems oh wow oh this is great got an ironing board and everything in here look at that that looks like it would burn you a little scary I don't think they actually use it Cactus calendar [Music] I love the fact that you guys have a telephone by the bed they're ready to go hiding out here in the front field is a Spartan and this is one of the smaller models which is they're always amazing solid aluminum frames nothing the rot oh my gosh these are just gorgeous these were top of the line back in the day what happened there you go oh yeah there we are yeah the time we're going to use it in the parade oh look at this this is like I'm used to the 35 Footers this is fun oh wow oh my gosh Lola look at the TV set on this one oh my goodness yes uh I could totally can't I feel like I just stepped back into like a Fallout yeah wow yeah I love the I always love it when I have a separate bedroom separate but equal that's separate they've got a full bathroom here it's a little sink and a little shower Lola there's a shower this is great the amount of lounge space up front here is incredible [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] signed over
Channel: BossaNova Life
Views: 29,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rockabilly, Tiki, Classic Cars, MCM, Mid Century Modern, Pin Ups, Pin Up, Duke and Lola, Tiki Culture, Kustom Kulture, Antiques, Antiquing, Thrifting, Kustom, Kulture, Atomic Era, Atomic, Bossa Nova, Duke, Lola
Id: WmDVnxeF_Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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