Speed restoring a vintage travel trailer in 24 hours!.. what did we get ourselves into?

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what are you doing here oh you scared me um I am Gathering things from around the house that might work with a trailer Justin just informed me that we're not going to be taking the westcraft the 38 westcraft to modernism and we leave tomorrow so uh instead we're having a trailer a new trailer we just purchased delivered to us there and I have no idea what I'm getting into so I'm trying to gather some things from the house and around my office um out of the spare bedroom closet to see if I can't pull this together from the photos uh this trailer that's coming I'm super uncertain what I'm getting into I mean some of the photos I see it looks really really awesome and then other photos that I see it looks really really scary I know it's missing some doors and drawers I know some windows are missing um it's super dirty it's been sitting for a million years and somehow Jess and I are going to need to pull this together and make it something that uh is showable at the palmm Springs modernism show we don't want to freak Brad Taylor out and how long did you say that we'll have while we're at the rally to decorate uh the trailer we leave tomorrow which is Wednesday and the trailer is getting there sometime on Thursday the trailers are loaded into the event on Friday and then it's all show from Saturday and Sunday so um this should be really exciting or stressful one or the other check that stuff out the day came when John could no longer join in performance another Jerry how are you good to see you hi got our work cut out for us I think today but any day is a good day westcraft for sure Jerry hey you see you man good to be seen how are you buddy this is where the wire was taped for the tail lights but he took all the tail lights off the wire made a I love this front and back it's still there see underneath definitely how's that floor look it's painted somebody painted the floor oh no you never know yeah well we're going to put a new floor in it anyway but okay wait the tow guy is look up okay we'll get out of the [Music] way [Music] stick my B out real quick let you get Tire all right that was scary all right hold hold on hold on I can't really go that much lower come on down again or pull up go forward go up up up forward we have we're going to drop the boom tell you what we'll do do you have a snatch block yes sir let's run it on this and then we'll keep it low easy [Music] money look at that you guys knew what you're doing you're good keep coming not now keep coming you're good I'll yell out if I have a problem yell at me we're we're lined up perfect like he just perfect that's right now when it touches we'll stop and I'll pull forward always have a peanut gallery that's like giving as [Music] suggest all right we're good good behind the tire get out I'm got to pull this one forward take that one off oh I'm sorry w how do you plan on doing this in a day well with a lot of help from you and your mom what we're going to do is clean it first let's get everything clean clean clean and out of here and then we'll assess it and figure out exactly what we can do to make it look a little bit nicer as a good found original that's what we're going to do bringing an UNR stored trailer to a trailer alley yeah that's not something that we typically do but um we just thought it'd be something different something fun good original trailer it's dirty but we're going to do our best to clean it Stage IT and uh with your mom and her skills I have no doubt it's going to show amazing so Justin what are your thoughts is it better or worse than you thought I think it's about exactly what I thought it was going to be um you were hoping for better I was hoping for better preparing for the worst you know um it definitely is going to take today yeah to work on it for sure let's go get some supplies some cleaning some uh a broom broom to say the least a broom well let's go in and um get some stuff and worst case scenario if we decide just to keep it closed and put the awning out in front of it yeah and um and just have a good time and enjoy modernism we're in Palm Springs the weather's beautiful yeah you know I mean shoot we picked up a westcraft yeah they all need restoration so worst case scenario we just hang out and enjoy ourselves and tell people about a cool find you know yeah good but I'd really like to clean it up I'd really like to like impress people well let's give it a shot our amazing skills let's do it I'm uh I'm on board so we just went to go get uh some dinner cuz we've been sitting in the Lowe's parking lot for 5 or 6 hours now and uh we come back and of course right after we turned the time lapse off that's all I can do except for the metal there's now Cabinetry which I can't even tell tomorrow which I can put on it obviously look new but this is just a temporary fix if we end up taking this trailer home it's going to get tiing down it'll get all the electrical done so that it actually has tail lights on the back but yeah to be safe going home or going to the hotel good right hand it looks like we're missing a right hand you turn it off yeah you can turn it off uh press on the brakes again off the brakes on okay yeah we're just missing a filament on that side okay that's okay oh on the temporary lights yeah oh man that's okay okay all righty so let's unplug it and then reroute all these wires through and are we grill taping them to the side of the trailer or what are we doing I'm not I'm going to crawl underneath yeah I'm going to go through the frame bring it out the front and go to the back bumper oh W I don't want anything attach to the body so okay I'm take this off and clean this off tomorrow so that that's not on there not baking in the sun okay then I'm going to unplug this and uh run these wires underneath okay okay call the shimmy right there shimmy along the ground and pick up as much chewing gum and things like that as you can as you go along all right so now I'm going to go back under and pull all the slack and strap to FR did it guys we did it high five high five YouTube audience oh there's am okay is that um oh it's you troublemakers all yeah how are you always good how are you find in your are we made it Palm Springs beautiful I'm getting a little sunburn on my forehead while I'm putting the trailer together looks like it's going to be a beautiful weekend so leave it up to Anna to Stage things now I'm going to get the awning set up get things stabilized have a good weekend be fun try I'll hold it you got that corner okay we'll see we we estimated on the length too okay hope you measured this to see just like that's kind of the hard thing about coming down and buying a trail or getting a trailer another the next trailer cuz they don't get to see what you did to the last I know you're like oh yes yes okay the awning is up I've got Justin sweeping the rugs and I think we've done just about as good as we could do in 24 hours with this trailer so it's all done and ready for the show tomorrow uh it's here in Palm Springs and it's going to be running Saturday and Sunday and I'm not 100% sure of the dates what's the date the 24th February 24th and 25th so hopefully we can see you here
Channel: FlyteCamp
Views: 14,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: westcraft, vintage trailers, travel trailer, flytecamp, 1938 Westcraft Master, camper, vintage, restoration, Vintage trailer restoration, travel trailer restoration
Id: tqd2tlMfF5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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