Explore OUTBACK AUSTRALIA- OFFROAD HYBRID - Oodnadatta Track / Travel Video

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foreign [Music] along the old nadata track this is why we love the Outback we take in some beautiful Outback campsites millennia's back burning things on the Fire so sit back as we take you along 620 kilometers of gravel road [Music] welcome to another episode where dad's got new thongs we've been running on one plugger for about a week now just hobbling around and uh we're finally erased a bit of civilizations and Mum and Dad if you're watching they're looking good yeah they reckon these are like loser thongs aren't they sick we just spoke to my parents and they were having a good old laugh at Nick's new thongs um but that's all we could find out here anyway so wouldn't add a track yeah so we're actually recreating Millennia and I did half the track about five years ago without any kids just us two complete different setup a lot more time yeah so we're gonna do it the whole thing now which will take us up towards the Simpson desert and uh today we do let our tires down a lot actually for anyone wondering where the under data track is it lies between Marla and Mari we've actually done the southern half of this track five years ago and now we return with a whole complete different setup three little boys to complete the 620 kilometer Journey we had roughly 120 kilometers from roxby Downs to the intersection of the udata track via the ball field road with mines out this way they keep on top of the road conditions so we're at the intersection in no time at all We're stopped for lunch because the boys have been otters hungry hungry anyway so this is an Artesian spring which is pretty cool heaps of salt the boys had a taste is it nice look at mum look at mum look at that they're not the biggest fan but um rats for lunch with a bit of fly well one rat we got one wrap we got more in the uh truck I think I hope bit of a healthy wrap yeah the next track's pretty cool though it is yeah look at the boys anyway so we're gonna have some lunch and then um Carry On and see if we can find camp we're done with lunch and we're back in the car and then on the data track is definitely [Applause] I thought we did it rocks were like you know this but like you could probably see in the car we're not even moving oh this is like nothing yeah congregations here are perfect but yeah I mean it changes all the time though um it is so arrowed out here though like as far as you can see it's just flat a few trees a lot more traffic a lot more traffic yeah we passed probably 10 cars already yeah that's all good I'll just reminiscent amount of Glory Days [Music] it's very bloody cubes and now it's a lot noisier too the track runs through pretty arid and remote areas with an annual rainfall of between 100 and 150 millimeters a year is however home to the world's largest working cattle station Anna Creek Station it covers 15 746 square kilometers of this sort of country an area that's bigger than some countries our next point of Interest along the track is Lake air well this is our next stop that right there is the lake Air South this is the lookout now the boys I've just had to we've had to bring the thunderbucket out there was like six Vans here it wasn't their doll yeah and Lennox just guys need to poo need to poo so we got the thunderbucket out right there and he had a poo with a view poo in front of like air but this is pretty cool this um I like air makes up 22 percent um of the continent yeah of Australia um yeah the Basin so I think it's like 10 000 square kilometers this Lake absolutely awesome and at the moment we're pretty lucky it's very rare that there is water in this Lake normally it's just a dry Salt Lake but there's water in there because it's been flooding so it's pretty pretty cool to see water in Lake air are you walking down there uh no no too hot it um it is bloody hot and the Fly the next level and that looks like a long way down we were lucky enough to see the lake with a bit of water in it this time it's Australia's largest Salt Lake with a catchment area covering three states and one territory 15.2 meters below sea level is the lowest point in Australia thank you [Music] so obviously they ordered out a track follows this old gone Railway and that's it there this is pretty cool this is the one of the last Railway sightings Still Standing on the other data track and it's only just up from that Lake air Lookout the water tanks and all that sort of thing up there and water treatment plant and I'm guessing this is where people stayed pretty cool you've got to take your time and stop at these things along with the data otherwise she's just a straight gravel road but um I always love it I always say when you all love to live back in these sort of days because I just reckon it's like the Wild West have a look at it [Music] again you're scared what's going on I don't have a Tanny now Kenny this is where you would have waited for the train now yeah [Laughter] you can um you can actually Camp here should we no yeah I am would you stay here big fella yeah I would I think it's cool I um they certainly made things to last didn't they back then what about the chippies nowadays nah no chance no if I built this week a couple years yeah I'm not a chippy anymore our next stop before fighting camp for the night was a couple of Mound Springs nestled in a Conservation Park just four kilometers off the internet track these are Blanche Cup and the bubbler thank you [Music] have a look at the bubbling that that is cool I don't know if we missed these the first time we come or these they've just opened this but um that's cool look at that and you might be thinking that's just a bit of a water source or whatever but out here like have a look around it's unreal in the middle of nowhere game in game in game in game in ladies I'm allergic to exercise go away [Music] so about 1K from the other place there's Blanche cup Springs and out of the race again Phoenix came to get there girlfriend go boys go boys go boys stop Finn stop Finn they've been cooped up in the car for half a day so this is their little Spurt of energy come on Big Mama [Music] wondering why I've been in the driver's seat all day is because no millennia kind of midday with a lunch at the Southern Comfort [Music] she's not allowed to drive because you've got to be zero with the truck who's the silly one she's keeping that quiet she showed you me little wraps but didn't show you the drink next to it stop talking say we bought Elena a present see anyway we're here at coward Springs uh 30 bucks a night so don't charge for kids under Fire and the boys are pretty excited to have a dip you excited boys it is so cool they've done such a good job here yeah and it's been five years there was nothing here I know initially at last time we were here just had the springs and a couple of gravel sites out the front there and now she's nearly a full-on caravan Park yeah it's cool it is very cool what are you working you love the Flies do you the Springs were pretty busy when we were there so it was hard to get it all to yourself so we had a quick dip today and planned to come back early tomorrow morning that's if we could get in to the little nugget oh Elena has two sets of keys for this Caravan and she's lost them both yeah well let's all play Melania it's locked I've got a piece offering for you though this is my second piece offering guys the first was a chocolate that went half the way now this is the full way so we can be friends now apparently I'm only the wrong for not losing the keys we're not starting this part again anyway uh chops and then um chops and veg for tonight eh yeah looks like I am might as well just leave the bottle of Southern Comfort out whilst we're getting ready for tea the coward spring campsite offers long drop toilets and hot showers the hot showers are heated by a donkey the stake in the donkey at Linux I reckon she's full mate for a donkey hot water goes into these Pelicans is it hot are we it's not it's beautiful at the time of our stay here it cost us thirty dollars per night and it did say welcome get a cute little face and then there [Music] is where we stay oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] toys so um he's the best better cook now oh yeah this has happened that was a rocky mistake it's a bit fancy having chopped it yeah you are feeder your trackies no Cutlery you've turned into an animal this trip it's less than I have to wash up yeah that's true um anyway we're gonna sit here smash this with the Flies see you tomorrow see ya oh the slides are thick this morning I must stink yeah a couple of days between showers God good morning that that relentless ly keeping a fly net on because I just love him and his little face but we're headed to the museum that's here so I'm gonna see check this out [Music] after having a look at the Museum and the history behind coward Springs we took a self-guarded war before having one more dip in the spring before moving on for a bit of a travel day [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're back back in the truck and um we're headed north towards Buddha dada and um just a gravel road it's pretty similar to what this whole track is yeah and then I don't know what we'll do if we stand under that'll be pretty surprised with um there's been no dust in the little nugget and it hasn't got any dust suppression in it really good like normally I'm a bit pedantic of that sort of thing but yes nothing yeah and I mean the truck cannot be all the seals on that a lot of bulletproof we haven't got fingers crossed we haven't touched a bit of wood I haven't had any issues with the chocolate apart from the charge equalizer but fingers crossed fingers crossed it's not over there it's not over yet all right so we've moved on and we are at William Creek Hotel yep and uh we're going in to get a beer and see if they do some hot chippies yeah see what they've got fuel they've got service they've got a campground it's got everything yeah a bit of everything anyway we're going in to have a look [Music] just can't get it free [Music] somewhere down the line man are you staying here are you gonna stay here come on Ben let's go I sleep in here yeah let's leave him here love you one two three four nine one see oh good job man one more yeah [Music] whoa all right welcome to Lenny's Gourmet cooking [Music] yeah while Enya's getting ready I'm biting in but that right there is starlink and it gives you internet anywhere you go but it's not turned on a lanyard is not allowed to use it to look up a recipe you'll do it all on yourself Big Mama [Music] dream job Jam drops that's without any drinks eyes are ridiculous and big love because we had to melt the butter so I don't really know what we're doing but you always put butter and milk with stuff so I'm guessing this is how it's going to go so first ingredient flour Chuck it in there Lennox gonna put the sugar in [Music] how much do you put in 100 Chuck it all in keep it going we come out with diabetes it means we've done it well oh my God hey bin what's next [Music] coconut how much coconut eight three okay you put three coconut in then [Music] yep no no okay don't be coconutty and sugary all right we'll give it a stir do that and then what we might do is put a bit of milk in there okay let's you can stir if you like okay okay fins go no don't eat it let's mix okay perfect good job mummies go um oh thank you this is my cooking show all right I think my consistency is pretty good so damn drop sort of like have a thing in the middle [Music] what were you think it was what did he say though [Music] you're cooking show what you keep saying [Music] and we'll check her in five minutes all right and I forgot I'm gonna put some on the top it's not helping me it's been about 10 minutes now and I'll only get sidetracked very easily she's well she's playing with uh little Lou at the moment look [Music] Elena how's your uh stuff going laughs all right there's a good chance it's black why are you running then oh I think it's been a little bit more I've been feeding your time oh yeah this fact today what surprises me they're not bad at all not yet oh we're gonna have to spin around oh no that's hot he would know why it was hot I thought I thought yeah I thought I had you no I couldn't smell burning so it wasn't [Laughter] [Music] crispy [Music] she burnt my birth and legs bad to the Chris no they're not yeah they're not let's put a bit of jam with him they should be all right I was sitting here on our chairs and elenia went very quietly together to get the Peg and I thought oh with urgency so I quickly ran over and grabbed the GoPro and they're burnt oh no they are too give me the concert here it's not very good round two is going in it's gonna be better this time it's about the third time you've checked that Elena how did you get a little smoke coming off at all oh that side looks a bit crispy she looks a bit golden I wouldn't say crispy golden oh they're coming out I can't be bothered anymore all right round two let's see what you think black on the bottom oh well it's a big mouth I'll save Adeline yeah not too bad would you let me make them again um probably not yeah it's not bad and a glue Lily oh look at all the Flies do you like mommy's Jam drop well I didn't think I did too bad the second lot was pretty good still don't think a light Jam drops so I probably won't make them again but um anyway I think that was sort of a success happy half then one did all right on the other anyway so I'm gonna make Nick I'm all cooked out so I'm gonna make Nick make dinner with chicken burgers I think and then we're gonna take it up on Sunset to the Historic Railway guy boys [Music] how cool is this this is the algae the old um Railway went on so cool Nick did I say it right do you want to go I don't know whatever you said it's fine that is so cool you can actually walk on the old bridge oh that's a bit scary sunset foreign [Music] foreign every morning we all have to have a sword for it anyway pick up time so we ended up stopping at the pink Road here yeah good nada and um the reason for that was we're trying to suss out water and there's not much water availability out here no no not at all and from here where we travel we didn't really have a plan but we had to come up with a plan for the Simpson desert didn't we yeah we did so we're filling out with water fuel everything here and then we're headed straight for the Simpson desert yeah so Dalhousie Springs yep um and this just happened to be you have all the stuff here for us anyway and a nice shower yep we'll see on the next one thanks for coming yeah we had the best time on woodenada yeah it's so much to say and it's just amazing to be out here pretty cool Countryside yeah it is all right see let's see well we had an absolute cracking time on the ordinary track and if you haven't done it it's one to put on your bucket list if you're new to the channel and you've made it this far into the video hit the Subscribe button so you don't miss out on any upcoming episodes especially next week as we take on the infamous Simpson desert [Music] massive thanks to our patreon community and I hope to see you on the next one foreign foreign
Channel: Elnick.Adventures
Views: 34,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vacationer caravans, Australian hybrid caravan, Oodnadatta Track, Isuzu NPS 4x4, Outback Australia, Projecta Power Management
Id: jR5zxFZKkVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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