EXPLORE HISTORIC BOSTON IN A WEEKEND | How to see everything in Boston in a weekend

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so my best friend and i just took a trip to boston massachusetts and we had the best time now let me tell you we did not have a lot of time to spend we had one weekend that's right so we have three days that i'm going to show you everything that boston has to offer from paul revere's house and little italy to fenway park and harvardyad we are going to see it all just you wait here we go so when i go on a trip and especially if it's a trip where we don't have a whole lot of time to waste i am going to pack in as many things as possible so as soon as we landed in boston we hit the ground running first up was the boston tea party museum and ships they do a whole reenactment with people in costume and you get to throw the tea overboard and it's so much fun you gotta do it next up we headed to beacon hill now beacon hill is one of the older areas of town and it is absolutely stunning you can see some of the classic brownstones and our favorite street was charles street it was just gorgeous you can see where robert lee frost lived all sorts of places there's plaques everywhere that someone historic was there lived there worked there it was it's just truly incredible to see one place you really want to check out is acorn street now here's the thing you cannot go down the street is private property but acorn street is actually a real cobble street from the actual american revolution era it's crazy to think that you know horse-drawn carriages were pulled along such a bumpy street and you can imagine what the ride would be like we are so spoiled right now but around the corner you can head to the cheers bar if you grew up or were alive in the 90s like i was then you are aware of the show cheers this is not the actual bar but this is what the bar was based off of so the real show was shot in the studio but this is the bar that they saw and they thought you know what this is what we need to make a tv show about it's really fun to experience it and beacon hill itself is just gorgeous to walk around and see the beautiful streets follow the red brick trail now i am going to preface this part of the trip by saying i am not a history buff i do not remember historical dates and facts and all of that i'm terrible at it i'm sorry if that's what you're hoping for in this video you're not going to get it but what i can tell you is that the freedom trail was something that we really wanted to do while we were in boston because it takes you from one end of the city to the other and it shows you all of the important historical places along the way the church that paul revere rode into to light the first lanyard to tell that the british were coming places of burial for like john hancock and for samuel adams and for ben franklin's parents i mean it's just amazing to be in the same place that our founding fathers walked the streets of so long ago now since neither one of me or my friend were history buffs there was a lot that we didn't know of what we were looking at and why it was important and i'm going to be totally transparent in that so i did find a brochure online that the freedom trail i believe it's dot org puts out that has bullet pointed exactly what you're gonna see at that particular location that stop that you're at and why it's historically important it was so helpful and it was great to be able to read those you know line items instead of having to feel like you needed a full you know explanation as to what happened there at a certain point it got super surreal for us to realize that the places we were entering were places of huge significance for us as people and for us as americans i mean these buildings have held important conversations and meetings and things that have shaped our country into where we are now and the freedoms that we have now it was just such a beautiful place to be able to kind of put all of that together and all of those facts that we've heard about growing up in school into an actual physical building that we could see and go wow okay so that's where that happened so the freedom trail in general is two and a half miles one direction so we started at the boston commons and then ended at the uss constitution the ship you can stop along the way and do different things and that's exactly what we did so we would stop and have a bite to eat or try something new or do a little shopping and it was an entire day experience that we just kind of meandered and had fun and then we took an uber back to the hotel at the end of the day but one place that we really liked was quincy market now it is a little bit touristy but if you are looking for something to eat or something as a souvenir to take back home this is the place to get it they have all different options it's really pretty they have an inside portion infiniil hall or behind finale hall and then they have the outside portion which has a whole bunch of different types of restaurants and shops and it's kind of more like an outdoor mall in that location i tried the lobster bisque and it was really good i liked it although it didn't have enough chunks of lobster for my liking but that's me [Music] continuing down the red brick trail we ended up in what felt like our ancestors um bar district so the bell in hand is famous as the oldest continuously run tavern it's been around since the late 1700s and it is just so cool we didn't get to go inside because they weren't open while we walked by but i would love to go back and have a pint of beer there probably samuel adams because that's the thing um but it was awesome then we continued on to the north end so the north end is also known as little italy this was my favorite part of the whole trip like favorite part everywhere you look it smelled like pizza and lasagna and just oh my gosh the smell i wish i had smell-o-vision right now it was amazing the place that we ended up going for lunch was paulie's paulie's is famous for having the best lobster roll and i totally agree i put my stamp of approval on that because the hot and buttered lobster roll there was amazing it was packed with lobster no it's not cheap okay the lobster roll in the chips was 25 but it was well worth it now after you have a lobster roll you have to go down the street to mike's pastry and get one of their cannolis they have all different kinds of cannolis and you can see the plethora of options they have available i got the simple chocolate chip every cannoli is five dollars each and they only take cash so make sure you have your cash with you so then we continued on down the freedom trail and we saw paul revere's house which is actually only a couple blocks away from the old north church so the old north church is where paul revere rode in on his horse and signaled with the lanterns that the british were coming so you can tour it i believe it was 12 each to go in and you can see the different almost like cubicles that the pews are set up in where families would have their own specific pew and then we continued down the freedom trail we saw another cemetery burial ground and we saw the skinny house now the skinny house is hilarious to me you know it's also called the spite house because one person wanted to block the light and the wind from their neighbor it is 10 foot wide at its widest point and at its narrowest it is six foot wide i would love to see the inside of that house because oh my gosh look how hilarious that is after we finished the freedom trail we walked around a little bit more and then we ended up back in little italy for dinner because why not like i said it was my favorite we had to go so we ended up at la miglia giorgio's restaurante we had heard that they had the best red sauce in boston so red sauce is like your marinara kind of thing and so we thought okay we're doing it let's go i got the chicken parm and i had enough for two meals and that's coming from a texan so you know it's a good portion size super good i told you we were gonna do it all this trip and we are doing it all so next up was the boston public garden this garden has been around since the 1800s now i can't even fathom the 1800s time frame but that's how long it's been around and it's absolutely gorgeous there's a beautiful lake that goes right through the middle of it and a bridge you can take a swan boat around the water and just see it from a water's view or you can just go on a walking path there's tons of people out there exercising and absolutely stunning i recommend walking through it for sure after walking through the gardens we decided we wanted to explore some more of the neighborhood so we were walking along the charles river and saw a couple famous universities on the other side of the water can you guess what they are that's right so on the other side of that water was harvard university and mit these famous universities i had no idea we're right next to each other but there they are so we started off in harvard square it's a great little area with lots of shops and restaurants and then we took a tour of harvard you can sign up for a tour ahead of time or get a guide right there on the spot but we had an awesome tour guide and he did a great job of explaining all the different places and and facts about the grounds and the statues that we saw and the buildings as well like only one of the dorms at harvard has air conditioning this texan needs her ac so sorry harvard you know i know you want me but i can't be there maybe next time all jokes aside we had a really good time on this tour we got to see where mark zuckerberg and bill gates's dorm rooms are we got to see the lampoon which is harvard's tongue-in-cheek magazine is and hear a funny story about conan o'brien and the greatest harvard prank ever it's just such a beautiful campus and i highly recommend that you go see it and hear the history around it back in harvard square i saw something on the way in that i needed to stop at and that was milk bar i have made one of the birthday cakes before which took a million ingredients and a ton of time and it was so delicious and i thought you know what if i ever see a milk bar store i'm going and so i did so i got the milk bar pie and it was everything i had hoped for and more so we aren't red sox fans but we did feel like we needed to see fenway just to say that we saw it if you are a fan make sure that you take one of the tours that they have available i hope that you enjoyed this weekend recap of boston in a weekend yes it can be done and you can have so much fun in just a weekend if you like this video make sure to like and subscribe to the channel
Channel: Stacy Anderson
Views: 150,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boston, Boston Massachusetts, tips for Boston, Boston post covid, Boston after covid, Boston during covid, Boston in a weekend, a weekend in Boston, Boston itinerary, historic Boston, Harvard, Historic Boston in a weekend, Pauli’s in Boston, Mike’s Pastry Boston, Freedom Trail, The North End Boston, Little Italy Boston, Fenway Park Boston, Harvard Boston
Id: kfwEo3KlXik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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