Explore Day + Unclimbable Chute

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today we are headed up with Caleb Levi Braden and leppy brenon good thing you got your scratchers down there Levi get all that cooling you can the problem when you're trying to get to the Snow Line this time here is wherever the Sun beats down usually the snow's melted out and when you're on the North bases there's still lots of snow on the road so we only parked like a kilometer up today but we're probably going to be fighting the dirt here for like another five kilm we were just going to go up here and kind of tree ride do some fun riding but last minute change of plans we're doing an adventure ride I'm kind of St cuz we haven't done a a tree bashing Adventure in a while never been up this road before we're going to go up here and see if we can connect some stuff the tricky thing here today is we've got soft mashed potato snow down here in the valley and as we go up we'll be going into the freeze level damn this is a crazy Valley in here w [Music] hope no don't definitely don't want to go there why do we have so many can guys with us today yeah that we're almost have numbered you're going to be disappointed in me but I put a can on my 146 so I can't really give Levi [ __ ] today for his loud pan I could give him [ __ ] yeah I'm giving myself [ __ ] it's pretty loud can we climb out of that you think uh yeah I think like up through here side hross hop over back we could go up the up the drainage behind us but doesn't really look that exciting or we just keep going up the valley yeah keep pushing up the valley I think that looks cool yeah I think we can shoot right up that it looks like it [Music] Caleb Pig get shoot straight up that little piece we're just looking at I don't no I think we can not sure how sketchy it' be holy some big Avalanches came through here so we're just going to continue up the valley here see how far we can make it might get to one little waterfall spot that we have to go around oh okay here's our waterfall I don't know if it's side hilling up and around kind of almost looks like there'd be a line right there what do you think we got two stucks already what do you think of our waterfall dude this is sick it's my my soul stimulated you ready to go go up that yeah it shouldn't be bad it looks like there's a line out the left okay let's do it let's do it Caleb's going for it what a crazy CRA bastard I don't think I'm going to push it I'll go waterfall line right there oh it doesn't look nearly as bad now that I'm sitting here no nice the waterfall Line's actually probably the easiest eh I don't know if it's the easiest but it's not bad at all it's a straightest shot we got braen [Applause] not sure what his plan is there oh yeah here we go elevator yeah he is oh he [Music] stopped what a weirdo I love food I just came up here to eat a sandwich and drink a Red Bull with the view yeah Levi coming for another attempt taking a different route up oh nice oh oh he didn't make the last little bench oh oh my God he lost it oh oh oh oh oh he's good how you doing there Ley are you trenched in are you good yeah I went a little bit too high so I Tred to come down and then I just trenched myself a little bit I'm just going my sh [Music] I always do that every time I make lunch I forget to put this back on [Music] makes it look too easy eh yeah that didn't look hard at all what the hell man washed out let SC do things now we're on top of the waterfall oh yeah Levi you're doing good nice work hang on the willow slowed him down nerve-racking when you uh when you have like a cliff below you yeah you going to try and go from there guys got to do a hop over first make it more [Music] [Music] [Music] technical there's no risk there's no reward no confidence in that [Music] guy let's go kitty power well I'm nervous for him he's only rode like four days this year nothing like getting thrown into the fire a brand new like new to him just bought it oh no oh oh oh you okay oh yeah he's going to catch that tree there and perfect wild nice nice he's a good Rider got braen on the cat now see how this goes not working quite like he does on his Polaris no he's going to slide down collector there elevator there nice perfect it's like a nice little path yeah it looks that way Brand's going to hit this icy icy spot and rock it down it he's getting into's digging into the ice he's got Edge there it's getting slower not faster now it R get away from it oh I I don't think he's trying that one again oh no it's good yeah I my it's good it it landed on it ski if we look here we've got mosquitoes snow mosquitoes they're flying around all over the place Ley hurt his ankle when uh he kind of got rolled over there by the sled so hav Bren going back to the trail then Braden is going to come back up to this point here yeah we'll watch Brayden come up here we're trying to do a big loop here but it kind of SED in and I could not see anything thought it was is going to get sunnier as the day went on not cloudier want to just go up in there for a bit yeah just going to play in the trees in here while we wait for Bren on a yeah we're getting where we want to go you can see like we want to kind of keep side hilling like this and slowly wrap up to the left yeah still looking too bad at all no that was good how far do we want to go well we can see brav is still going down still going down I guess we may as well keep going then maybe we can break above the clouds that'd be nice it does look kind of light up here actually oh there is some blue sky up there look at that right up and over the Rocks I get a little thin yeah it looks thin loop around this knob and shoot up to the left [Music] you can drop down somewhere here I just don't know where I think over there why is it above freezing up here that's weird I don't know about going down this not like this that's for sure I need some warm gloves [Music] headed back down to meet up with brayen he'll probably be rolling up there as we're rolling down there can't tell if this just rolls out or what no yep there's nothing there y perfect timing we could just hear him rolling through the trees all right here he [Music] goes he wants to go straight up [Music] [Music] [Music] nice woo need drink water now how's outline way better yeah yeah we're we're right behind you there Caleb ah you're stuck now you're not let's just get a vantage point see where we want to go into this I actually think we want to get on the right side of the drainage more technical on the left what do you think the left side or the right or straight up the gut straight up the gut the r [Music] [ __ ] no [Music] oh [ __ ] [Applause] ha nice Rock Dam damn [Music] [Music] [Music] never [Music] [Applause] left come on oh I'm so tired he says [Music] [Music] oh here Levi coming what line is he going to [Applause] [Music] pick uh-oh hopefully it doesn't doesn't get on it skis there it's rolling and stop was a highspeed re-entry attempt I think downhill hop over or re-entry you couldn't tell making them work for it on the 146 oh now we can see up here this is men oops throwing that tree sweet Levi's up we're good I don't know if we should go over there now and check if we could drop that other side we were looking at or if we should just look at going this way he's said going straight up I think the route I actually want to go is that way but I mean it might look cool up there I don't want to have to go down that I guess I'll go ah it's not that steeve it's just shy to like Bren slide was really working for [Music] it I got the high mark [Music] oh Caleb stuck I'm [Music] stuck wo try we going to try and drop in uh I don't know I think we could drop straight right here or that way sorry that way oh yeah it's perfect ain't no thing what you it might be a bit of a drop off that next bench we're looking at here though that's good yeah it's fast [Applause] ni that's a that's a good loop I like it oh gets Rocky yeah if it wasn't for the Rocks down there I'd say just send it but yeah you got to be really careful with how many Shar there are what about around the other side of this knob loop around it oh this one's mint yeah that looks nasty from down here [Music] go down here towards the the lake they can uh there's some fun stuff in there yeah pretty there wow it's deep in here I remember this fun little shoot that me and Braden pulled last year so I wanted to come to it hopefully the guys Loop down to the lake there's Caleb okay I was here with Braden so he'll not to look up here yeah kale kale I saw him turn on his GoPro he knows he knows a [Music] drill it's deep today see how Bren makes out oh just lost all the speed on that pillow [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on right out the top no [Music] a [Music] [Music] not sure what someone's a little stuck wasn't sure if he was going at first can I come join you I'm right in the center so maybe let me get out of the way and then it's all yours is there an exit let's see if we can find Caleb's shoot here Caleb climbed this wild or tried to climb this wide looking shoot from the bottom oh my God that would be so sick yeah okay look at this thing hopefully he tries to give this another go and adjust my SK and I'll try it again there we go sounds good that's what I wanted to [Music] hear I don't know if I can get the momentum through the corner I believe in you headed back down for one more shot a money shot [Music] [Music] you got to Loop down to braid and then get back in [Music] it there's no way to get going on this [Music] now he's got to turn around on this skinny little Ridge cuz he still wants to come up goes going back down is super sketchy shovels out looks like we're making a Runway Caleb just can't really pull it together today dude I tried I tried hard not hard enough nobody's as disappointed in me as I am in me [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you think I think he's going to hook up hard here he let some speed hell yeah sound like there's a lot of room up here uh you're like you turn out and do a hop over and then drop back into it so you're blaming me not blaming you I'm just saying my sub conscious played some tricks on me yeah you knew the line was there so you it didn't take much for you to take it exactly or you thought the line was [Music] there light work and he's up this point in the day here we are headed out but my GoPro was dead so I thought it' be a good time to use the X4 single lens mode so just use it like a regular action camera I did have it pointed down on my chest Mount though so it was a little low I should have had it higher like this so you're more looking over the bars but overall it worked pretty well I love it going down here [Music] [Applause] ah ah one two don't start this again I washed out and then I tried to like shoot the Gap one one two thanks guys you catch you on the next one yeah oh yeah son of a gun man was that fun or what oh yeah that rough [Music] why Braden Park so close to me I just wanted to be close to you man
Channel: Muskoka Freerider
Views: 45,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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