Exploration and First Days - Modded Vintage Story - Ep 1

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hello everyone it's chaos and we are back with a brand new vintage story playthrough it's been a few years since I had this on the channel um we just hit vintage story version 1.9.3 as you can see down here uh got quite a few mods in here and we're going to go over those real quick and then we're going to get into the world setup so let's go and jump over here to our mod manager because Vint store is amazing has built-in mod support unlike other block game so you know let's roll um we have advanced backpack construction system let you create linen and leather backpacks we got ancient tools adds useful ancient tools like a mortar and pestle for things we got animal cages adds cages for animals so you can catch transport and display them hell yeah Panzer Bjorn story makes Bears table duh like you could tame a bear you're going to be able to tame a bear automat markers self-explanatory better fire pit the V story vanilla fire pit sucks the entire fire pit temperature resets whenever you finish cooking a piece of meat or whatever you're cooking it's not how Fire Works Fire doesn't get colder because you finish cooking something so this fixes that um better Jonas devices I'm not entirely sure what this is um it's part of the tech stuff for vet story that you get to late game um so I'm guessing it makes the devices based on the Jonas like story and PC better sounded cool um better ruins now Vint story 1.19 already drastically improved their ruins better ruins just Stacks more on top of that like more ruins more better um we got block pick creative mode middle click it doesn't actually give me a block it just grabs the block if it's in my inventory and puts it on my hot bar that's it it's not cheating it's just better management Brick Layers um I believe this is just more brick textures or just more blocks uh Bullseye changes up how the aiming for the bow Works um takes away the randomness and adds it more like an FPS mode there is a command I'm going to have to run when we get into the game to actually make it work better uh it's a static targeting so the targeting will actually be bound to my mouse cursor and it will move the whole screen with it carryon carry very things like chests and stuff seller door adds doors for sellers because yeah that just makes sense you know you're going to build sellers in this game it'd be nice to be able to get in and out of them without having to tear open the wall chisel tools um adds more tools for chiseling this game already has a pretty robust chiseling system the Chisel tools mod makes it even better clay casting plaster molds for click clay production that's going to be great later on when we need to make a lot of things on a clay uh we got some libraries crateful imp improves crate storage ranic there you go Dana tweaks there's a crap ton of tweaks in there there's a good like 20 some mod mods on the Vintage Story mod database that are discontinued because they're now all compiled into Dana tweaks I'm not going to go through all of them all um Decor bizarre Decor blocks expanded matter expanded base game materials with new types and variants um extra clay forming more things you can make out of clay or more multiples you know just things you can do you can favorite items and never lose them it's perfect fever Stones horses hey adds horses to the game they are tameable and you can ride them fixed paths improves path blocks I think what this does is vanilla path block path blocks I can't say path path blocks have a pixel removed from the top of them like other block game does too it's really weird it's ugly they don't blend together well I think this fixes that so we're going to roll with that Freedom Units um the game does a really bad job of turning Celsius into the fahrenheit has a whole lot of floating decimals that just our janky this fixes that too uh from Golden Combs adds more beekeeping stuff Beyond just skips we'll get to that later on you can actually build hives which is really awesome jity editions self-explanatory 14 new rock tyes 18 new gemstones 15 Mo minerals compost of grass turn grass into compost hanging oil lamps you can hang oil lamps a lot of these are self-explanatory um the hell Hammer when we ever get that it's automatic forging for most things things herbarium a library HUD clock that's a visual thing you'll be able to see in game so I'll show you that Joy s get a sailboat more than just a raft we have a sailboat um there's a recipe for the linen tunic Firearms black powder Firearms I don't know when we're going to get to this but I'm pretty stoked for that that's pretty awesome medieval expansion adds a whole lot of medieval type content more clay adds red and brown clay deposits so now we have fire clay blue clay red clay and brown clay you can do things with them it's awesome more plaster more plaster types based on Villa wood types so you can it's different like plaster building blocks really cool stuff more torch holders oils adds oils finishes waxes and soaps plus their uses pet AI pies on the Shelf vanilla you can't put pies on a shelf fixed plant materials um this add a few new things let me look at the Wiki page here for it okay plant materials um adds some new ruins it also adds three new crops for fruits and metal apparently add two new fruit trees one fruit is a source of dairy and the other is a source of Health we got berry bushes that has speed enhancing fruit there's some brambles living Rock dead Rock grown Furniture chlorophyl blocks new type of plant-based cheese bunch of decorative blocks just more content um pots on the Shelf you can't put pots on the Shelf in vanilla no we can Perman of survival the number one mod that most people know for vintage story is primitive survival adds so much to the early game for traps fishing all sorts of stuff it's crazy um Prospect together is technically a multiplayer mod that is based on prospector info which adds a highlighted prospecting info thing to your map in game I think this is just a continuation or a port quick stack quick stack to nearby chests Rivers the game doesn't have actual Rivers has lakes and oceans but it doesn't have Rivers this adds actual flowing Rivers it's awesome uh rust creatures my God we've been going for seven minutes I'm still talking about mods rust creatures new Drifter variants and rust inspired enemies I've seen a video for these they look awesome so add add them Scythe more just adds things that can be cut with the Scythe sortable storage adds a sort aordable variant of vanilla chest labeled chest trunks storage vegetals and baskets woot stained beams you can stain beams self-explanatory status HUD U adds a new HUD information thing down here too just more stuff you can actually see about status for your character without having to go into your character page um sticks from firewood you can make sticks from firewood there you go still still necessaries there is an old mod called necessaries that the original developer has aband that adds a whole lot of cool things one of them is like a uh like a sifting rack um that has a whole lot of cool things you can look it up Zig the Hedge is necessary mod Stone Bake Oven large Stone oven used for baking Tallow candles all that animal fat has more than like two uses now you can make candles for it U temperature scales that's a code thing the dungeon adds a mod to bring procedural dungeon generation to Vint story yes World content dungeons hell yeah you heard that that was me drinking water um let's see Critter pack hedgehogs Ducks Robins wax wings squirrels Yaks and some more more animals more better natural Trail mod this one's awesome it adds trails to the ground as you and creatures walk them uh so the more you walk the same path the more of a trail it builds which is awesome like it's just just World lore and development I love it um underground mines um to go along with our dungeon generation there is random underground mines that seem to be massive but they're also really deep so they're going to be really difficult to explore they will screw with your tempoal stability and yeah more just cool stuff to do still useful stuff it's a it's another continuation mod there's a lot of mods that have been abandon in adventure story because it's been around for a little while and people get tired of modding and because you know modding communities for block games are not kind all the time um so people get tired of it or they get busy with life you know this is free uh VI's blocks V's blocks more blocks to play with visible high fertility particles this is a port of the original Terra predor teraa particles mod because high fertility soil and Tera preda have swapped places in 119 that's just it just adds particles that will float up above high fertility soil in the world now um these are default things by Tyron uh Library whole lot of tree seeds increases tree seed drop rate across all trees you don't get a lot of seeds from trees in this game this adds more like it just increases the amounts by a good amount it's mainly meant for multiplayer and is technically not balanced for survival but I plan on building a lot um because if you have ever watched me play any sort of block game I'm a builder so yeah we're going to need a lot of wood Wildcraft herbs and spices as more herbs spices seeds things like that and then last but not least wolf taming we can tame wolves like so we're going to be able to tame Bears wolves horses and the other default animals that you can tame in the game just really cool stuff all right let's go ahead and jump over to single player and set up our world all righty let's go ahead and jump in here into World creation um you might notice a weird little break in this video um I uh messed up the world generation on the first world and the rivers mod just didn't get to apply so I know it's changed now and we should get Rivers so scratched that like hour and a half of recording I did earlier but all the mods are the same um nothing else has changed so we're going to jump in and create a new world here uh let's go and roll the world a little bit here Awesome Kingdom World okay I'll go with that okay so we're going to start here um I'm going to do a 10day timer before monsters appear we're going to keep inventory com contents because I don't like death runs um death runs are tedious like there's no reason to do death runs it's e it's a waste of time um Seasons enabled player lives infinite lung capacity is going to be 2 minutes and we have plenty of time for swimming days per month it's going to be 30 days cuz I like really long Seasons so it's going to be fun uh true Winters enabled block gravity sand and gravel Cavin enabled um we're not going to do underground farming um I thought about doing underground farming but that just means I'm not going to build like green houses or anything so let's just not do that okay so let's go ahead and do creature Hol hostility fine player Health point we're going to start at 20 walk speed slightly fast no okay well we do we'll just do fast screw it um okay micro block CH most cubic blocks tree sapling growth time faster it's going to go really great with the uh the mod that adds more like sapling drops so we're going to do color accurate world map so our world map is actually color like the world is temporal storm stuff is fine temporal gear respawn uses infinite I don't plan on dying a lot but happens uh we're not going to be able to sleep during temporal storms because you might as well just turn temporal storms off if you can sleep through them um so this is where I screwed up the first time I was recording this um for the rivers mod you need to do a land cover scale of 300 to 400% and a land cover of 40 to 50% so that basically saying how much how much percent of the world should be land the rest is ocean 50% of the land and then land cover scale determines how much ocean will be between pieces of land 400% um let's go ahead and increase the upheaval rate cuz bigger worlds oh we need to change the world height to 320 blocks as well uh what's land form scale land form are the principal mechanic that shape the terrain they are what determine where the Lakes mountains Hills Flatlands Cliffs how common they are and optionally In what climate they can occur an increased landform scale means the same landform will occupy a larger area in other worlds you will encounter wider mountains wider lakes and wider Flatlands 120% that sounds fun world Edge traversible can fall down short we're never going to go out to a million blocks not intentionally a translocator might decide we go out that far but it's not likely uh polar equator distance we're going to do 200k how far in blocks a player must walk to reach the equator starting from polar regions only applies if climate distribution is set to realistic we are set to realistic so um I was going to do forestation and shrubs with SL somewhat more Forest but it basically feels like I just said Forest World um it's ridiculous so we're going to leave it at normal uh surface copper deposit frequency I would like that to be common and I'd like 10 deposits to be uncommon I know that probably seems you know cheaty but I don't care like I don't want to pan for all my copper for eternity so copper you know surface deposits copper are frequent and you know make tin slightly more common uh we're going to turn off land claiming class exclusive recipes and the auction house because it's a single player I don't need any of these multiplayer functions and class exclusive recipe is boring like I'm going to play a cometer so um let's go ahead and do our world seed we're g to [Music] do you know what I just had some tostadas so let's do a world seed of tostada that's nice and dumb um let's see here so and let's go and create our world this might take a little while because I do have that many mods so we'll see all right we're at the return again point of World Generation that's basically the end we just gotta wait for it to finish loading up and we our character creation oh did I start out winter world that doesn't seem right um okay so we're going to go ahead and make our character here uh we're going to do let's go with that skin color um we're going to go with a blue eye color going to do our hair type as um not long flowing I think I do messy dreadlocks and then do Viking dot braid and facial expression is going to be serious a mustache we're going to do a Sergeant no Sheriff no I said entric no not entric that's terrible we're going to do our horseshoe and then we're going to do a beard of no not full chops um Shaggy full there we go change our hair color there we go see ourselves dressed our underwear is going to be breaches boom we got breaches voice type is going to be a sa and we're going to do a very low pitch and like I said we're going to play a cometer um I just don't care to play the other classes like yeah they're some cool stuff like Hunters are pretty cool but I just don't want to deal with any like negative or drop rates or mining speed decreases so if you want to play class by all means go for it um I'm going to stick with commoner because I'm basic so confirm skin confirm class okay and my calendar just switched to spring so there we go um let's take a look at our map and see where we're at well I don't see any rivers yet which is disappointing but we got a nice big ocean right here it looks like where the world's generating okay come on give me some Rivers looks like we're in a basal area which is really cool I like basal um if I had to guess we're a balt anyway that's what it looks like we'll find out shortly yep oh okay world's hitching a little bit as it loads okay yes we got Basalt sand right here that's pretty cool to start okay let's go and pick up that flint and you guys have probably seen this if you're a vintage story Watcher but 119 added arms um you actually have arms I think one thing they did is change the field of view maybe not H okay um so our temperature is nice and fixed thanks to the Freedom Units mod it doesn't have a bunch of uh trailing trailing decimal points he takes that glorious Celsius and converts it into something my dumb American brain can understand and look at this we got native copper bits right here bam that Mark my map of course not all right I'm supposed to have a m a mod that marks my map when I interact with things it doesn't like I don't know why that mod doesn't work oh pass mod is working all right good deal so let's go ahead and move on a little bit here we got some BT Stones oh we got a worm come here worm we got some Flint over here that's great another worm so the worms are from primitive survival oh okay game pleas please see anything cool in the world generate yet uh looks like we might have some ruins over here uh we got a Trader wagon right here all I can see so far there might be some ruin over here that looks like it might be some from the uh the plant matter mod but yeah let's go ahead and I think let's go follow the coast for a little bit oh we got reads over here this is we need reads right away so let's go ahead we need to find a stick there we go got stick and we need to nap some Flint real quick like uh left shift okay hang on a second game is doing the setting that I don't like interface mersive Mouse mode off thank you I like control of my mouse when I'm in a UI like it's a really weird setting I don't know why they do that by default we go was that a fish or a squirrel that looks like a squirrel okay um it was hard to tell cuz it was in the water so it's like it could have been a fish like I can tell the difference between fish and squirrels but it was underwater and it was gray like you know so the trick for making the reason we made a knife is because Cattails if you break them with your hand the entire thing breaks and it will never regrow if you break it with a knife oh game come on you break it with a knife then the Cattail Roots stay and that's what we need witches hat mushrooms I can't remember if these are good to eat they are okay so we're going to grab as many of those as we can too because food um food is wildly important inent story like you will spend a significant amount of your time in this game making food like you can see we're already getting hungry like it's wild like we've been in the world for 5 minutes and we're already hungry so yeah 119 added arms uh and the animations don't quite syn up to the time it takes to break things which is something they've apparently changed in 119.4 which is currently in release candidate phase um so we might get an upgrade here eventually once all my mods update to 1194 or are confirmed working with it and that will change a few things so it's fine okay so the we're collecting these reads because they are how you initially expand your inventory so let me show you when you start the game you have the inventory of your hot bar and that is all you have to make and expand your inventory um and I know that sounds drastic for those of you coming from other block game but it's not actually that bad like it makes you think about what you're doing whoa okay why was I able to get in that tree that wasd weird Okay um so what we're going to do is we're going to open up our inventory here we're going to take these Cattails and we're going to make some baskets and it looks like we can make two whole baskets because it takes two Cattails of each stack here to make the baskets but now we have six new inventory slots which is amazing and eventually you can upgrade those even more you can get linen bags you can get like leather bags or like leather baskets or something like that um let's see where we're at okay yeah we were going to head to the coast we got distracted by Cattails so that stick I'm also looking for berry bushes oh speaking of we got blueberry bushes that are flowering okay so let's go ahead and Mark these cuz I want to come back for them once they've flowered so let's do fruit blue okay blueberries eight days there we go uh we got some more Flint here we got a little oh what is this we got some Granite over here that's nice okay all right oh got some more copper right here hell yeah there we go so marking your map when you find resources is wildly important um I mean just because you need resources like you're going to have to come and collect these things like I'm going to have to come and collect a crap ton of copper that was a snake that it's a worm come here worm wly worm so worms are added by primitive survival and they can basically be used for a few things you can eat them which is gross you can use it for bait you can place it on farmland or use it in a controlled environment to manufacture worm castings I don't know what that last one means I really don't uh what do we got up here is that is that a quartz row what in the world is that it looks like it might be quartz oh game lag come on there we go little bit of lag there uh the world gen is kind of brutal uh let me check something in my graphic settings uh what is my render distance VI distance yeah see it has this bad habit of changing your settings per World which is kind of annoying um oh look at this copper look at all this copper this is beautiful all right let's do another another Waypoint right here copper there we go can't tell what that is a wood Lous oh it's dead okay okay I can't Harvest it okay well I punched a bug and killed it um awkward sorry uh bug fans I didn't actually mean to kill it I was just seeing what would happen cuz it must be one of the new creatures that were added by one of my mods which is fine so that land form scale is definitely coming into play here these are some big mountains right which is great like I love the world gen in this game I tried to take her in with a few World gen mods like there's a conquest reforged one yes Conquest reforged from block game um they have started doing some V of story stuff or at least part members of the community have which makes sense um but they have their own world generator I didn't really notice much of a difference in the test world that I used it on but that could just just me be be being dumb so I'm not going to cancel that one out entirely I also tried PLS and valleys and that just the world was too much planes and I didn't see enough in the way of valys like I was flying around in creative mode testing that world like and I did not see much in the way of valleys or PLS well I mean everything was planes just at varying Heights it was strange I didn't care for it so I removed that and just went back to vanilla World gen oh we got some more worms oh oh those are fish nice so one thing we're going to need to do is start making string of various types and you can set string up with primitive survival across ponds and stuff like that and catch fish by baiting hooks on it or just putting hook you don't even have to bait it sometimes the fish are just dumb enough the bait of course helps as it does in real life yeah oh what is this oh oh my God is that a Pine Hollow with a linen bag in it no it's peanut seeds turnup seeds and flax seeds nice okay that's a good find oh lag there we go and we got some resin so let's go ahead and mark the map here for resin uh what do we want to do this as going do it like like that we're going to do yellow resin is important it's for sealing canisters and stuff so yeah grab that I probably don't need to be grabbing it yet but if I don't I'll forget grab some more Flint never have too much Flint especially early game almost done here the coast oh we got our first blueberries uh let's go ahead and harvest this yep we grew it we picked it now we don't want to wait for that one to harvest or to reform so we will take it wherever we end up settling at hey we got more Cattails let's go Cattail hype this is good stuff this is very good stuff cuz you can also make cordage with these things too um and cordage can to be used for making those fish traps I was talking about or those fish hooks we got more resin over here on this tree okay go got more resin here so you're going to spend a lot of time early game marking resources on your map that way you know where to come back to like I said very important like you need to know where these things are cuz not every pine tree gives resin which I guess is realistic I don't really know the dendrology dendrology that much I think that's tree tree uh more Flint let's get over here and see what we can find or something making noises it's weird okay got some burnetts what the burnetts are they just flowers or can I eat them I can't eat them okay let's grab all of the burnetts it's not a lot of saturation but some saturation I do apologize for the hitching in the game too I'm not sure what what's causing it it's very likely one of my mods but I'm just not sure which one so I do apologize in advance I don't see any rivers on my map yet this is disappointing so far like I followed the instructions but I'm still not getting many rivers yet we got a black current Bush here go ahead and we'll eat some blueberries I will eat those black currents too um it's not always the best just to eat the fruit right away but at the beginning of the game when you're starving you got to do it because you can eventually turn it into stuff you can make like jam and whatnot ooh turn-ups very nice okay um let's mark these cuz my inventory is kind of full at the moment uh let's do that and purple hey hey pigo really or bore whatever the hell you are I'm marking turn-ups hey hey hey hey come on now what's your malfunction bro okay fine I'll leave your turn-ups alone jeez I just waddled up to me and it's just like nah you in particular jeez I didn't even do anything like I just existed I'm sorry Granite Stone so we're moving into a granite biome that's nice oh we got onions so let's try and Mark these hopefully before the pig shows up onion we'll come back for those Hedgehog nice little hedgehog guy oh we got some more copper right here very nice actually I might as well just grab it right there we [Music] go right loose [Music] Flint one of these are these turn-ups yes turn-ups okay so let's go ahead and Mark these two we're going to do this icon we're going to do this one turn up okay let's grab some more cat pill while we're [Music] here we need to expand our inventory if we can expand our inventory while we're over here then we can go collect those vegetables and take them with us without having to come back and deal with the angry pig I probably should have just made a spear and killed that pig okay that gives us enough Cattails for another two baskets I think yes it does look at that now we have 20 no now we have 12 inventory slots which means we're going to go pick the vegetables and more Cattails because you can never have enough [Applause] cattails lag World gen lag oh let have a mushroom red wine cap let's see are you good for me yes you are you're very good for me oo uh let's mark that cuz theoretically these will regrow um I'm not sure for real but supposedly mushrooms will regrow in areas where you find them if you cut them with a knife so it doesn't hurt to mark them okay we got one of these buildings I was talking about a plant materials one a plant material mod one um it's got a living Rock living Rock glyph from the Moon on it hey pal seriously I will make a spear and murder you that's what I thought you want to die you want to die you want to die you want to die come on come on yeah you better run little jerk my gosh all I did was exist near you like holy crap dude these guys are dicks Rush room um God man than seriously got Sage that's cool um let's bark that I'm assuming we can use that for cooking at some Point go with green for sage don't ask me why I'm picking the colors I'm just picking them oh we got some spelt right here very nice I'm not trying to clutter my inventory too much if you know what I mean let's do another one of these we're going to do this spelt but grain is awesome so theoretically oh I didn't mean to cut that one but it gave me a seed so we got a spell seed nice this is not quite grown yet so we'll come back for this once it's grown that seems like the smart idea grab more of these cattails I'm going to definitely be looking through my logs after this to see if I can figure out which mod is causing the problem see if we can find any pitches in World gen that would be causing this for a mod and hopefully I can disable that mod without ruining my world look at this we got Ducks Mard ducks with a baby mallard oh my God they're adorable they have proper animations unlike other block G is that a goose or just another Mard what Ty okay well whatever it is whatever type of duck it is it's afraid of me who who come on now the transition to swimming is a little silly like oh suddenly your speed swimming we have to make another knife here soon but it's worth it for all these Cattails so this so I had to get my dog stop chewing on his bone he just grinding on that thing if you ever had it dog that's sitting there grinding out a bone with the teeth it's one of those really annoying noises one those like you love your dog but my god dude like give the bone a pie break oh okay so we actually get a c got a cattail rout so that's what you can do you can actually cut these roots with if you have the knife to get the roots and they are food like you can cook them you can't eat them raw but you can cook them [Applause] actually you might be able eat them raw you can eat a lot of things raw not that you should you should not eat the vast majority of food in the game raw because it does not give near as much saturation about to get to our first nighttime [Applause] too 7:30 right now okay and there goes our first knife so let's get up here on land and we're going to bang ourselves out of new knife so you can hold Al while you're in these mapping menus but you could try to um it's a little janky you used to be able to hold like I don't know if something I did change this or if the devs did but you used to just be able to hold while you were using the alt menu if anybody knows why I can't do that anymore please let me know CU it's irritating all right so we got our new knife uh we got some Granite Stones here we got some World gen lag we got a new black current Bush very nice we got two of those now for home um I'm not going to collect any more Cattails at the moment you guys don't need to see me just collecting Cattails for an hour think we are going to CCT the red curant yeah I know it's flowering but I'm just going to take it with me I shouldn't do that but it's worth it Valley herb a rare herb prize for its soothing Sal huh turns when Ground turns into one golden Sal interesting more of them so we should probably Mark these right here um let's do plant Valley herb go south I have no idea what a salve is good for yet I'm assuming it's a healing thing oh there's a lot of it too wow okay this is going to be good this is good stuff if it becomes a healing thing this is definitely worth collecting I'm not entirely sure how to grind it which is going to be interesting to figure out so what something I might do is move this world to my in Home Server and let the server handle all the world gen and that might help with my hitching so I might try that out and see if that makes a difference oh we got ton of red currents here this is going to be great this will keep us in red currents for a while um as it gets night time it's going to get real hard for you guys to see I will try to brighten it in post um but you just might not see nighttime until I have a torch got black cards flowering okay very nice very nice come on quit lagging there we go yeah if I can uh if I could Pawn World gen off on my server that'd be pretty great like I might just be able to load it up into a Docker container and just be like yeah just do the thing like I'd appreciate that a lot I still want to find a river so I talked about this a lot in my aborted playthrough but I want to find a river like I want to settle my base near a river like some people might think it's silly want but they actually have flowing Rivers like and I love the idea of that so well the mod actually adds flowing Rivers so which is amazing we got a creature over there might be an arox I think I've seen arox before in these gravel biomes oh that's a horse um I did add I did show you guys the horse mod that I added so those guys are tameable eventually I don't know how yet yeah those are arxs so that's great um let's just Mark right here we will do not the bees one um we'll mark them with a just a DOT um or theoretically I could maybe like capture those and like tame them or at least like you know breed them like and then they'll become tame so that'll be neat that was a fox oh we got a ruin over here oh this is a good one this is one of the underground M shaft ruins so this is amazing this is a great find um but these guys go all the way down to the bottom of the world and they are expansive M shafts so it's a great find and they also have some good loot here that is good for getting started um the other play through I got a tin bronze fals out of one of them which is just incredible like that's a great find uh let's see okay let's see what we get so this is a tool vessel that's perfect okay we got a flint knife we got a flint axe we got a flint knife okay let's keep the axe um oh it's get a little hard to see like I said I will do my best to brighten and Pros but we got black coal right here which is awesome oh we got a food vessel what are you my friend what are you spelt grain very nice that is worth getting rid of the Cattail roote okay World Jen come on now um heavily collapsed chest oh buddy chunks of native copper I heard the ding for something um tattered Crimson tunic so my commoner shirt is in terrible condition and we'll see what kind of condition this comes out as there is a bit of an issue with the uh the mods here or maybe the game in general right now this thing while it's in his chest says condition is good as soon as I take this thing out its condition is going to change tattered 27% so you see what I mean uh let's see here we need to do e um we're going to throw away the one blueberry bush um and I think we will throw away shouldn't do it throw away the resin chunks of native copper more more worth my time I don't why know why this red nighttime happens this used to be something that was supposed to be a bug so let's do this we're going to do here this is going to be M shaft because these things will be worth coming back to in the future so yeah I feel like one of my mods might be reintroducing the red Darkness cuz this was not this is supposed to have been fixed um I don't like it like got nine more days until monsters begin to appear which is great hopefully we can find a place to settle by then you know AKA a river game like where are my Rivers what am I hearing right now oh Lord what what hell was that oh that's a bear okay that's a bear okay that's a bear um that's a bear that's a bear okie dokie that's a bear H that was a bear it was hurting something else I sounded human or you know whatever passes for people in this game I think they're called seraps um come on world Jen I'm running from a bear if you could just not try to kill me that'd be great okay I think we're away from the bear they can't swi us animals can not swim as well in deep water as people can so that's pretty great um how many of these can I make I can make one we're going to cut some more grass here and see if we can make ourselves a bed to sleep away the night um we should probably throw something on the ground for now throw the turnup seeds on the ground I can always find more turn-ups like right a few more bear scared the crap out of me dude was just like oh that's a bear like is that enough to make another one yes it is okay so now we should be able to make a bed yep hey a bed fantastic oh is it get starting to get light out already well let's just sleep for a little bit okay it's 5:00 a.m. that should be enough yeah there we go I can see again hooray oh oh mushrooms on the tree mushrooms on the tree let's go Tinder hoofs uh let's throw away the one bit of think these are edible yes they are fantastic let's mark this on the map I did not do a good job clicking that Ender roof tree bearded tooth okay not sure what the difference is bearded tooth uh what's the difference of you it doesn't seem to be any difference but it's food I need food way more than I need those eight copper nuggets and yes I'm keeping the copper or chunks because those will yield way more copper as soon as I can make a hammer which probably will be longer than it would take me to get copper nuggets but it's still going to yield way more so uh let's go ahead and eat some of these guys real quick sge I'm kind of afraid to go back the direction we were oh more Copper at this oh copper copper got some turn ups these are M these are mature turn-ups too that's definitely worth taking turn up seeds off of those turn up seeds off of that good deal oh joy that's a wolf that's a wolf run away run away yep hey buddy I'm sorry I didn't mean to come near you um so wolves and bears will you up um if you play vintage story you know this if you don't currently play vintage story Bears will you up do not toy with bears or Wolves early game until you have like Spears and can actually defend yourself a little bit um just run we're going to go over here cuz it looks like there's a land mass over this way o o this is a Pine Forest it looks like really nice looking Pine Forest too please have Rivers all I want is a river game like oblige me all I want is a river just a single River I will be happy with one River like it's all I want is a single River but doesn't look like I'm destined to get a river off of this island or off this hunka land that is sad Panda moments um this is another Granite biome lots of pine okay we got some aoxs okay several days left before ready to mate nice okay yes I saw the resin I don't care I'm sure there's a ton of resin in here because this is all pine so oh wow look at that that's cool I half tempted to load up into creative mode and fly around and see if I actually see any rivers like I just really want to find a river like I don't know why that's so much to ask I might just make a copy of this world and create it with another seed or create with the same seed and go fly around in that world that way I don't spoil the purity of this one but I can also find a river and have a general idea where to go like so far the tostada world is letting us down Rivers here we go Lupine field here that's cool if you ever want flowers which we'll need eventually for bees especially with that bee mod that we have so yeah you know what I think I am going to create a copy of this world same seed in the same settings and try to find myself a river like I'm tired of wandering aimlessly looking for a river like it's really annoying that I haven't found one yet so I'm just going to insert this little clip here um because this is a copy of the world in creative mode and you guys aren't going to believe this but I just went the wrong freaking way from Spawn here's spawn I went this way there was a river this close so yeah we're going to load back up into the survival world and we're going to book it back in the other direction but I wanted to get a clip of the rivers here so we can just see this look at this they actually have a flowing current is this not the coolest damn thing like tell me this is not something vintage story needs like as part of vanilla oh look there's a Min shaft underneath here this is amazing and it flows right out to this ocean look at this this is why I added this mod like this is entirely why I added this mod because rivers are so freaking cool look at that stones with moss on them like it's massive too like it's an actual proper River I think the water might be flowing technically in the wrong direction if this is the ocean but this might be a lake there might be an ocean at the other end but yeah so I'm going to load back up into the survival world and we're going to book it back over here because I want to move next to the river so yeah I will see you guys soon all right so here we go we're back on the login the main screen here so you can see I made a creative test world it's the exact same set almost the exact same settings I didn't worry about some of the gameplay set they don't matter but yeah we're going to jump back into the world because I'm so mad that I went the wrong direction and there was a river that close to spawn yeah it's definitely worth it to hope it back to that River there's a lot of cool stuff over there there's a nice plane to live in um there was ruins over there uh there's all sorts of cool stuff like it's definitely worth going back oh so mad that I just went the wrong direction it's just absolutely infuriating okay we're at return again there we go folks I tell you so we're here we need to head back over here so we're going to go ahead and eat up some food we're just going to book it back can we our turn ups we're going to eat you two we're just going to go as far back as our little leg can carry us assuming the world lets us because you know World CH lag okay there we go yep all right good deal that was the worst bit of L I've ever gotten so we're going to swim we are going to swim and we're going to swim we're going to check some of these ruins here and see if there's anything good at them not that we have inventory space but that's a forge vessel okay flint and straw all right worth it let's check our map yeah we just need done swim back bro this freaking BS man like seriously like leave me alone my dude like I'm sorry I came within breathing distance of you I didn't mean to like I didn't know you were there just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming there's a fox hi Fox you swimming too all right good deal bro all right we're pretty much back to spawn over here but I just want to keep swimming and probably work our way Inland here soon the section of the river I want to get to is a little farther than what I showed in that clip um that ran down into some forest and as we know Forest is where bears live um we don't want to play with bears bears are bad news you know Bad News Bears is a cave oh wow that's a cave yep all right we're not going in there um let's go ahead and eat this rhubarb doesn't give much in the way of saturation but it's food and it will keep us fed on our way to the good parts of the world so these things are new to 119 tool um I think it could be used to Big thatch roofing so we're gonna go ahead and Mark this area we got plantains nice uh but I want to mark this area and Mark it for Tool um we'll do a light green and it'll be a plant there we go th very nice hi orox bye orox oh we got a ruin right here um anything good doesn't look like it but it's BT Cobble so that might be worth coming back to eventually as far as you know just getting a good building material oh we got a bigger ruin here too oo tool in there got a CO got a copper deposit down here too that's neat um a food vessel come here yes please daddy like I'm sorry Pine seed you are sacrificed for the rice grain we should probably mark this one pressing in would work there we go there we go copper a whole bunch of tool over here too very nice yeah we definitely just went to the wrong side of the world like this side of the world is so much better I am so much happier on this side of the world wrong run inventory I would like my Tinder hoofs oh we got another M shaft right here maybe we can find something good in this area so you can see one of these in the daylight now hooray okay we got a tool vessel we got a heavily collapsed chest a Jord robe okay um seriously a Jord robe so that is probably going to replace my pants no don't okay condition terrible oh Rusty gears that's a ni that's a nice find let's grab some of that copper we'll grab the sticks uh quartz junks cool let's see what else is here um so there's black coal here that's awesome got another food vessel oh some more rice grain very nice all right let's see if this tool vessel get is this anything good okay no not really okay well we got another we got another Stone axe um but we are oh that's obsidian oh crap dude come here obsidian is amazing it's one of the most durable things to make early game tools with so let's look around and see if there's some more hiding here got to be getting close to the river just have to be getting close oh those horses oh my gosh they they were so distorted by The View they looked like eldrich horor I be like what the hell is that okay yes I recognize this area this is near the river look at the river it's a river oh my God I'm so freaking happy oh this is what I wanted look at these ruins this is so good dude this is so good this is exactly what I wanted oh my God look at the current it's got a good current check it out oh this is aesome oh there's another mine shaft right here too Perfection this is the promised land ladies and gentlemen we have found the promised land somebody call Shinra we have found the promised land huzzah oh my God we have found it we have found it we have found the promised land look at this nice little nice little area just kind of settle down in a little bit collapse chest slate Roofing corner all right grab those sticks can never have too much stick come on go there might be some more stuff up there and I just can't tell from here let's go over here can I jump up there no not quite oh crap okay I didn't take fall damage okay so we got some wood Rubble we got some farming vessel here okay um just reads okay oh there's a hoe there maybe what else is there oh my God a copper Scythe bro a copper Scythe really let's [Music] go and there's a rift nearby another chest got some rusty gears here a lead Ingot wow okay that's cool uh let's go ahead and Scythe up the ground y y okay we need to make a basket or two a ground basket to put down oh yeah there's our Rift friend he was like oh you found a place to call home what would I what would you think if I spawned here like would you would you be upset so this is amazing this is exactly what I wanted to find so science Harvest a 3X3 area um if it wasn't clear but yeah this is where we're going to start our start our living at I am very happy I think there's a thunderstorm coming or I just hearing Thunder From The Rift I'm not sure um let's go ahead and make a [Music] basket read chests okay made two read chests [Applause] fantastic okay so just going to going to move all our plants over into that one oh okay and we're going to put our bed down here and this is our home for the foreseeable future so guys um I know this was a completely lacking in progression episode and a whole lot of me complaining about lack of rivers but we got what we were looking for we have a river and it's going to be awesome like it's going to be the best thing so yeah I will see you all in episode two and we're going to get around to settling this area and turning it into a village um eventually this whole ruin is going to get torn down um I want to do like a North theme build so a lot of the housing built into the ground with like thatch roofing and stuff over the top of it so yeah um look forward to the next episode and I will see you all then peace
Channel: KhaosSN
Views: 4,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vintage story, vintage story gameplay, vintage story ep 1, vintage story lets play, vintage story game, vintage story playthrough, vintage story guide, vintage story part 1, vintage story first day, vintage story 1 chunk, vintage story 100 days, vintage story 1.16, vintage story 1.17, vintage story first time, vintage story let's play, vintage story small world, vintage story tips, vintage story server, vintage story smallest world, vintage story one chunk
Id: c1RTtX7i9Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 11sec (4391 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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