Best Fails Of The Year 2021 | FailArmy

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just hold on to it [Music] so hey [Applause] okay so every time i just try to attempt some drinking water yo i can't even make a video anyways [Laughter] all the car blows down thank you one two [Laughter] scooter please fall over please fall go on buckle yes oh why didn't i think of that he saved her [Laughter] [Applause] well here's today's qualified captain yeah those little walmart straps are gonna hold that boat but check out that prop that's some high performance there real high performance oh god that even sounds painful all right so you have to stick your finger in here hey babe would you still love me if i was fat yeah of course but mom you are fat [Laughter] [Applause] so this guy taught me two things how to be goofy and how to cut hair so show me what you're about to do [Laughter] perfect see perfect perfect stay perfect perfect perfect see perfect what say perfect oh [Laughter] uh is the airplane coming wow oh god [Applause] [Music] good yes you did you drew on me where did you get that bad ass too [Laughter] that thing looks like it's got its own balls [Music] [Music] oh no it's broken yeah i love it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sofia you play too much [Music] wow oh [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] check this out storm's coming in that's all rain out there and lightning and this paracel are stuck it's so windy they can't reel them in oh dude if it snaps look dude he's you gotta he's gonna be scared is everybody panicking trying to help damn he's going oh [ __ ] holy oh my god oh my god hey [Music] dude they just lost that dude we can go ice fishing eleanor oh [Music] oh i mean this might have been a video time oh my god [Music] aah [Music] okay oh [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] there we go oh easy easy oh he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone no no oh my god oh oh [Music] what are you doing warming up my burrito oh you have electricity oh my god you're crazy yes [Applause] is your phone always on silent or what yeah most of the time baby it's okay it's okay i've never been to that one punch [Music] [Music] three onto the grass up to the grassroots [Music] do you like guacamole won't bite the water and the flower made like a paste and it was on everything [Laughter] [Music] hmm can we please do that again check you're fantastic like you just make my life complete just completely check it is complete it's a big rocket how we have to go so where are we going [Laughter] [Music] see if we can do this little challenge here oh my god go away babe i made a mess yeah yeah i can't stop my phone cause i got the egg yolk on it hey daryl did you hear about the bottle turn around [Laughter] oh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] good good good good all right cool watch your prop jump back just wait hold on stay where you are yes sir yes sir wait wait this stuff couldn't switch moving you're good i'm good okay you all good yes sir i'm good perfect sorry about that boys no worries that's all right all right so you're doing a science experiment he had to put the water at work hold on hold on hold on we had to put the water in the freezer here hold this for two hours oh my god and then pour the water it's not working i told you so it will [Laughter] [Music] wow wow how do you not like how do you not realize that okay ready on your marks get set go [Music] i'm sorry but um okay i'm writing this which is a tweaker mobile nonetheless right but when i gotta stop to wonder my guy what kind of aerodynamicity are you getting from that no no no that's 30. [Music] huh [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] hello hi there's an anime [Music] wow oh i'm nervous b i'm nervous yes yo who did this tj no no no no did you do this no huh no you didn't do this tj yes you did who got to them cupcakes tj no did you do it no but you you didn't do this no you did good are you sure this is your last chance no are you sure did you do it no come on [Laughter] get in your car oh my god [Music] what have you done what have you done well boys are a little too hard but i really hope [Laughter] how you doing what's your name why are you checking people's cars yeah i just got filmed with you looking at my car over there i got film of you over there you just went in my car over there no i did yeah yeah i got you so yes [Laughter] [Laughter] oh my god no no no no no oh no what the hell no oh my god oh my god no no oh god oh that's cool that's new oh god sorry oh oh that's in there oh my god i cannot believe this okay oh i got it for you brother i felt the thud over here boss was in my way and his body was in my way [Music] [Music] perfect do a lot of that jumping around like that [Music] oh [Music] so i'm trying to think would that be thirty two hundred dollars or six thousand dollars you're an idiot no no no no no i got all of that on my dash cam [Music] [Applause] that was perfect timing yeah there you go oh dude it's so soupy [Music] [Applause] oh hello [Applause] what did you do yeah that's it's not it's supposed to look like this or maybe even like that but what's this yes get back in your bed get back in your bed oh i can't why are you stuck okay where is it where is it where is it oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my god oh my gosh that is so awesome okay watch [Laughter] i'm just kidding you got it dude um [Music] mg we just now uh [Laughter] number two [Music] one two you got it marinara i swear to god all i was doing was blow dry my hair and i lost the back of it and it's now stuck my hair is stuck in the hair dryer oh my god it's actually stuck ow i can't get it out oh my god i'm gonna rip my hair out oh my god oh my god oh my god guys [Music] no no no [Laughter] so this is [Applause] oh my oh so god oh [Music] oh [Music] um he's an idiot yeah he's gonna get him [Music] [Laughter] that's hilarious [Laughter] [Music] oh i don't know i don't know but there's a mouse what [Laughter] like this [Music] can you roll your eyes i'm scared [Music] [Music] come on you can get the apple don't give up you got it oh it's on your nose okay come on roll it back over here oh it's going go get it get it you go get it get it [Music] way to go way to go oh you dropped the apple oh god [Laughter] oh [Music] oh my god we got ben vs richmond raceway all he has to do is make it to that finish line right here and beat the car that's going all the way around but we got the fast going crazy oh we ready to see this let's get it ready set go come on come on [Music] how did you lose bro all you do is crosses [Applause] i was so close and i got caught oh god you've got cocky ah this this will uh this will trend under the hashtag live fire cooking fail [Music] [Music] oh my god he almost got on me did you get that on film jesus christ [Laughter] hahaha oh i got a good view [Music] [Laughter] this is our driveway that's casey oh watch guys this this isn't good this isn't good at all [Music] they crashed that is probably out by digits plus something that's impressive that's terrifying this guy has been just diving into lanes i've never seen anything like that [Music] oh my god oh my god all right pull the lid off that's it it's a bye bye but to fly lay him out lift it lift finger that's why you can't get out that's it he's free he's free marvel marvel you idiot you idiot marvel's eating him marvel's just at it holy oh my god oh my god oh my god [Laughter] oh my god golly get it out go [Laughter] this one's just playing with the bars i think you're on a losing battle i think cat callier is a failure i think it is back to the box okay the milk and the cereal oh good job warren you try okay so i walked in through this door then i came this way through this entrance i pushed this thing right here forward and i thought okay i'll just go through here and then walk out there but there's a this thing doesn't move and neither this thing moves but this thing doesn't and i can't i can't push it back i'm i'm literally trapped in like a cage i i i guess i have to like call the police i i don't know what to do what the [ __ ] do i do there's people but like there's no point in yelling they're not gonna hear me i can't fit through here yeah i can't [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh sir no pause on the truck please thank you oh [Music] i don't know if that rings any bells no not hers oh [Music] my [Music] me and just carl here carl the bird friendly bird what's up come on [Laughter] my sunglasses [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] oh my god [Music] friday and a bird falls from a tree no this is how you give a bird how to fly 101 now first you want to take it you don't want to scare us gently you want to gently just toss it so you get the feeling of what aerodynamics are and now you're not making the hair i had to have more the cat's got it oh ugh oh did you just wreck no i pulled into the garage with the soft top back get down oh my god oh [Music] groceries just went flying oh my gosh oh whoa i'm just about to go way down no gary what baby can you give me a gatorade god oh [Music] okay oh and i got that on video and i got that on video so don't tell me to [ __ ] off say i love you i love you i love you no yep call me captain sabor oh hold up come here come here oh my bad [Music] [Applause] camera recording i was just joking hello um hi are y'all home oh man okay um um bye he's okay [Music] no that was a lot of work [Music] [Music] wow you're waiting on that good luck guys good luck guys oh [Laughter] oh my god he's so close hello right here hi okay only about five more stops but unlocking the door post it and put it down okay this guy you're like holy [ __ ] [Music] yo look at this okay [Laughter] [Music] ben okay [Music] game just [Music] that was not intentional okay now all this i can see is white oh that was a mistake that was such a mistake wow oh well don't do that oh it's it's got a what it's like a blurry white hue that's hopefully not permanent [Music] okay so i'm on lunch break right now and dave's uh downtown is doing drone delivery and the drone is literally coming up to my window with the food it's it's kind of struggling but i think it's gonna make it this is crazy oh it's dropping let's see it's like voice activated oh my god okay a little more a little more a little more oh god it's oh no okay all right come here no no no no no no no no oh dude that was like 14 bucks one two three we're just gonna not do this so you don't hurt yourself i already did she couldn't do it andrew we're sorry i tried [Music] hey we got it on video [Music] oh man yo is he driving you better not be driving away oh man you just messed that car up what's that plate say [Music] oh i'm still in it i'm still in it oh [Music] insane insane yo yo this is the middle of the altar right now [Music] look at this [Music] look at this insane tj it's insane i'm gonna look at walmart [Music] [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] hello welcome to cooking with lambs today some pulled pork [Music] touch the floor but just for a sec it's okay i'm gonna put it on the side yo i don't know if you ever knew this or not but crown doesn't break oh my god should someone like spot him hold your head back against that background yeah there you go i hate you i'll come back there stay in the grass or are you [Laughter] i'm so sorry [Music] all right you okay hold on i think [Music] [Laughter] wow oh taking her down took her down oh lit way to go way to go oh nice he's just rolling out [Music] hey guys guess what i don't think we're doing any more trees today don't think about it just do it right [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] come here [Music] [Music] oh god oh oh on his back that's all you're back what's wrong with it it's got broken look like i see it from the picture what got broken tell me what's broken right there look my hair yes look look right there it's broken look there's right there what's wrong with it that's a that's a army fail fail failure [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: FailArmy
Views: 66,359,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: failarmy, fail army, fails, fails of the week, funny fails, fail, failarmyyt, failarmy 2020, fail 2020, fails 2020, fail compilation 2020, fails compilation 2020, epic fails 2020, fails 2020 compilation, funny videos 2020, try not to laugh, fails of the week 2020, jukinmedia, jukin media, funny, 2020, funny fails 2020, funny 2020, funny video 2020, girl fails, 2021, best of the year, best of 2021, best of the year 2021, best fails of the year, best fails of the year 2021
Id: BNiTVsAlzlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 12sec (4752 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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