Explanation of the Beautiful Names of Allah - (Part 17) al-`Afuww, al-Ghafoor, al-Ghaffar, at-Tawwab

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bismillah r-rahman r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen was father too was salam ala abdullah he was solely nabi'ina muhammad wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in and my bad so once again i would like to welcome all of you perhaps some of you didn't come last week so for this for some of you this might be the first time that you've been into our new setting in the Kalima villa for the brothers the space is a little limited for the sisters we have a bit more space upstairs but inshallah this new setup that we did this week the aim is to get as many brothers in this room as possible so that we don't need to fill up the other side of the villa where the people can't be involved and they a little bit you know they're a bit distant inshaallah as many of you know we rotate our classes on a friday night between the first week and the third week and then between the second week and the fourth week so the first week and the third week of the month we do the names of allah azzawajal and the second week in the fourth week we do general topics Friday night reflections so this week we are resuming our topic on the names and attributes of allah subhanahu wata'ala and we have reached the point of four names today and they are Allah foo and I'll go for and a far and at a web so four more names think so far we've done like about 16 or 17 classes something like that and some of the classes had more than one name in them so we probably reached somewhere around 20 names maybe me a little bit more a little bit less and in this class insha'Allah Allah we're going to do four names together and those names are our food and I'll fall and I'll go far and a toweb and insha'Allah Allah as always we have a methodology in this we follow the book of our share share a dress up and abdomen al better have favored whom Allah and we generally and even quote from the book in parts and we just like ad where it needs a little bit of explanation for people where maybe people might not understand we just add some points in there but the key thing about this is that we need to take different or generally the book in general follows this methodology that we first of all understand where this name of Allah comes in the Quran and the Sunnah and then we understand an explanation of what this name means and then finally we talk about how to implement it in our lives and the last bit for me is very very important because the fruit of knowledge is to act upon it it's not for us to sort of just collect information in our heads this is something that a lot of people do they learn lots about Islam but they just collect they just store information they become a bit like a human Google you know like they've just collected a whole load of information in their minds but that information has no practical application in their lives and in reality this is more likely to be a cause of punishment than a cause of blessings it's closer to being a cause of punishment to gather knowledge that has no practical implementation is closer to being a reason for punishment than a reason for Allah's blessings so it's extremely important that we study how to implement these names in our lives practically so we really understand the names and we understand what they should mean for us so that we can really make this a part our lives and if we just reflect upon the percentage of the Quran that deals with our laws names and attributes I'm not going to give a specific number but do we think it's small or do we think it's large any a large percent of the Quran deals with Allah's names or is just mentioned a few times a large percentage almost every ayah that you read has a name of Allah in it or is connected to a name of Allah or an attribute of allah' so it's important and that means that this is one of the most fundamental pieces of knowledge that Allah Azza WA JAL sent His Prophet with sallallahu I was at them and it has been said and I think we've quoted from this in the beginning of the the classes this famous statement man cannibal ur he are off canal Allah he are off well he a bird that he he up pull up what and Marcia T here that whoever knows more about Allah fears Allah more whoever knows more about Allah fears Allah more and does more worship of Allah and does less disobedience of Allah all of those things come when we know a lot more and when we implement that knowledge in our lives so that's just to remind ourselves why we hear what we're doing in sha Allah Ta'ala and we will begin with the explanation of these names Allah foo and I love or and Allah far and at a web so as usual the sheer heavy the whole Allah Allah he begins by mentioning the ayat of the Quran which contains these names and the first one he mentions is from surah al-hajj ayah number 60 that allah azzawajal says valley kawaman our car Bobby miss remar okay Bobby some abu jahal alliance or anahulu in Allah Allah a few 100 for allah subhanaw taala says valleca that being said any what is positive and whoever takes a recompense or whoever I don't want to use the word revenge because it might not be the right people get the wrong context from it but whoever takes recompense with equal to that that was done to them and then they are transgressed against any after they have you know they've only done what is fair they are transgressed against Allah will help them and then Allah says at the end of the ayah indeed Allah is our full 104 Allah is our full 104 two names are fool and go forth and generally in the beginning I don't translate the names to start with because till we understand what the meaning of those names are and then we can try to find the right the right translation for them indeed Allah is our full 1-var for now bear in mind what we have learnt in the topic of the the principles of the names of Allah that each individual name is perfect and when the names are put together it is perfection on top of perfection so it's like and it's it's perfect individual each individual name is perfect but also the combination of the names gives you a different perspective which is also perfect so here Allah joins between two of his names between a fool a fool and between lo4 and in Surat Annisa ayah number 99 allah azzawajal says fella iike a sallahu a yahuwah and whom what can Allah who a fool 104 are these people it is hoped that Allah will pardon them and this would answer when it comes in the Quran in normal Arabic we would say like as a hope or we hope that Allah will pardon them but in the Quran it's something that will happen because when allah azzawajal says that about himself that it's going to happen that Allah is going to pardon them Walken Allahu alpha-1 áfourá so here again we have a lava and alga for put together and notice that Allah puts them together with the word kana and the word car now when it comes in the ayah the word kana when it comes in the ayah it means always and this is a point the Sheikh is going to bring later on that these names never ever ever the meaning of it never leaves allah subhanaw taala it's not like sometimes Allah Pardons and sometimes he doesn't pardon or that sometimes a lost parent Allah is forgiving and sometimes he is not forgiving Allah is always a can Allah Allah is always and forever our full 104 analyze our just said in surat al-ahzab ayah number 73 where to bilal mock me Nina will mock me not why can Allah who are fool on Rehema and Allah Azza WA JAL accepts the repentance of the believing men and the believing women and Allah Azza WA JAL is for Rahim so now we have Allah for and we have ar-rahim put together so we have a love for ar-rahim we've already done in the names of Allah being the best or of mercy the one that bestows his mercy so you have to keep these in mind for the link of them then Allah Azza WA JAL said in sort of that ayah number 14 yog fear only mania who are you at the boo mania sure what can Allah Hoover for or AHIMA Allah forgives whoever he wants and punishes whoever he wants and always is a life for ever is Allah before right so we have here alpha 4 along with al Rahim and allah subhanaw taala surah taha ayah number 82 what in nee love affair on the mantle Barrois our Manawa amylose oil aha semadar and indeed I am refer to the one who repents and believes and does good deeds and then is guided remember these four we will need them later on and indeed I am far to the one who repents and believes and does good deeds and then is guided analyser which I said in Surat al-baqarah what an actor were bribed him I am akka web our rahim at a web and then he mentioned ar-rahim the best or of mercy so let's just take a moment just to look at where these words come from so we had four words we had a life o Allah for Allah follow up a life who comes from the word apple an apple generally in English we say about an apple but we're gonna come to the meaning later we say to pardon any when you say a so - I pardoned the person and I'll go for an alga far both come from I'll go fron I'll go for and I'll go far both come from the Arabic word hoof run like when you come out of the bathroom you say hoof Roenick and they come from the Arabic word Quran and Quran is to forgive me so when we say forgiveness and then I tell what comes from the word Toba so the word for repentance but now let's see what the Sheikh explains about these different names so he says I laugh ooh and I foo is the one who wipes out the bad deeds and this is important that we focus on this the meaning of the word offal we might say in English it's - pardon but the literal the proper meaning of it is to erase to erase a sin and there's a difference between erasing a sin and forgiving a sin and accepting repentance those are different things so the key thing here is that this word apple like we see a llama in NECA I for one to hit bulla a foie fat Vienna or Allah you are Allah foo you love Allah you love this concept of after wiping out the bad sins far for Anna so erase our bad sins so the me the core meaning of an apple is as the Sheikh said who led em her say yet the one who erases blocked out wipes out the bad deeds Voyager was on an InMail sea and he overlooks the sins that you do to wipe out to a race and to overlook he said and the meaning is near to the meaning of her for its close in meaning that's why the Sheikh put them together in one chapter because the meaning is close to the meaning of forgiveness pardoning and forgiveness are close to each other but he said our food is more it's more emphatic than the work of all so the word ifou is even more it has more emphasis more power in it even than the word law for because he said the meaning of war on so this is Allah for Allah Father the core meaning is to cover up and the core meaning of Allah is to erase so now we have we understood that the meaning of a fron is to cover up so when you really are saying over our neck you're asking Allah to cover up your sins oh Allah let anyone else know about them and don't let anything bad happen because of them that's what you're asking a lot our gel when you sail off Roenick or Allah cover-up my sins and don't let any bad effects come to me because of them but the sins are still there in essence they are still there you just asked a lot to cover them and to remove the effect of them the bad effects of sins that come like we talked about in Friday night reflections last time we started talking about the bad effects of sins this we started the topic and test get enough the bad effects of sins so when you ask Allah by his name's Iloka for and alfaab you are asking allah subhana wa ta'ala to cover and to stop the bad effects of your sins and when you ask Allah by the name Allah fool you are asking Allah to wipe it out and erase it as though it never existed in the first place and the Sheikh he said and erasing something is more emphatic than covering it up any erasing something is more has more emphasis when you say like erase it it's more than just covering it up you know if you take those tippex pens and you write something and you you know you cover it with tip X or you take a an eraser and you erase it as though like it never existed so this is the difference between a raffle and for example Allah for now we might ask the Sheikh he said but he said be careful about something here he's going to teach you a benefit here he said this is when the two names come together but as for when the two names are mentioned separately they both cover the same thing and they both cover the meaning of each other so when you say go Franek you are asking Allah to cover and erase because then it's on its own to cover and erase and when you say a llama in a car for one to hit Buddha for a fire for any you are asking Allah to erase and to cover but when you say o Allah you are a full one car for you are asking Allah with our food to erase and with our for to cover and to stop the consequences of those sins from happening to you so it's not the case that we stopped making dua for it stepfather we stopped seeing a stout for Allah because a stout fella comes from Quran you're asking a lot to cover it I start with your Allah or Allah cover my sins up cover up my this is the literal meaning a stealth or Allah I seek for you or Allah to cover up my sins and to stop any consequences from happening but this encompasses the meaning of erasing it but when the two come together in one ayah the difference between them is that Allah who deals with erasing and wiping out and I'll go fron deals with covering and stopping the consequences of that sin from happening so now we've understood generally what we say is Allah who is the Pardoner the one who pardons the sins and overlooks the sins but even overlooking is the wrong word because the essence of overlooking and pardoning still keeps the sin there so even I don't think that pardoning or overlooking is even the right word for in English because you pardoned something that's already there like it's okay I've pardoned you answer but the essence of Allah who is to completely wipe it out as though it never existed in the first place so maybe you can say that our foe is the eraser of sins or the one who wipes out the sins and I'll go for is the one who forgives and conceals we don't find maybe it's okay to use that I mean in English we don't have the exact right word so we can say the pardon or the forgiver but I wanted to make a point to share doesn't make here but for you guys it might be for those who don't speak Arabic you're still thinking but there are two names were for and Ghaffar those both go back to frong just like rahman and rahim both go back to Rama so the difference between them both of them contain emphasis but I'll go far gives that extra I need that extra thing or that Allah is constantly and and always forgiving since both of them contain that meaning one of them maybe contains more than meaning on the emphasis of it being all the time constantly like it's never a stage where allah is not forgiving since it's a constant thing and that Allah Azza WA JAL comes back to it again and again I even if the person sins again and again Allah subhana WA Ta'ala continues to pardon and overlook and forgive and wipe out the sins again and again and both of these containers lr4 and al how far but maybe a father has that bit more emphasis or O'Connor or emphasis under the regularity of it and the consistency of it and the the amount that our last panel - Allah forgives even though both of them have our what we call Seattle mobile over both of them contain extreme emphasis both over for Al Gore father and now we come to the meaning of actor web I tell what we said at a web originally comes from Toba so actor WAP is the one who accepts the Toba of his servants but how does he how does that like what does that mean he he like in Arabic we say table allahu alayhi we say tada Futaba Lavo alayhi Muhammad made Toba so Allah accepted or took his Toba what does it mean for allah azza wajal - to take his his Tober what does it actually mean the shear he said it means two things it means for Allah to give you the guidance to make Toba the tofu to make Tobin I want you to think about this people ask the question about Iblees why doesn't it please just say stop for Allah all this time my beliefs is being told you're going to Jahannam you know this is gonna happen please heard the Quran it least knows what is in the Quran why did it please not just say I stopped for Allah then Allah oh Allah forgive him because part of the meaning of this name add to up is you cannot make tawba unless Allah guides you to be able to make tawba so the thought never crosses it blesses mind even though he hears it you tell him he doesn't go into it doesn't cross his mind to make tawba because Allah Azza WA JAL a toweb hasn't put that inspiration to make tawba within him because of what he knows of his sin and his disobedience to Allah and his causing people to be misguided and his hatred for Islam Allah never put the idea of Toba into his heart and if Allah Azza WA JAL doesn't put the idea of Toba into your heart you will never make tawba and that shows you the desperate need that we have of allah subhanaw taala and how many of these names did we say the outcome is that you realize your need of Allah is origin you realize how much you need allah subhanaw taala because unless Allah Azza WA JAL gives you the towfield the success to be able to ask for Toba you will never be able to ask for Tova and that is why Allah Azza WA JAL said from my table I lay him Leigha to bow in allahu wa tewara him in surah Tauba then Allah accepted their repentance in order that they may repent okay let's think of that again Allah accepted their repentance so that they could repent in the future so the ability to repent it came from a loss of Hanna Tala and indeed Allah is to work at a web the one who is always accepting repentance and the second thing that the meaning of a toe web so the first thing is Allah gives you the ability to be able to repent and the second thing is that Allah accepts your repentance when you do repent so Allah gives you the ability to repent and Allah accepts your repentance when you actually ask Allah for it so it's not only that he gives you the ability we still have a few seats inshaallah like and others one down here in sha allah allah gives you the ability to repent and allah accept your repentance as our lives origel said wahoo a levy Jakub a total better anybody yr4 and he say yet why LM o metafile on three things Allah told you about himself in surah surah ayah number 25 he is the one who accepts the Toba from his servants so in the first ayah it's talking about how Allah guides you to make tawba in the second ayah now Allah is the one who accepts the Tober when you make it I wear for and I say he asked and he pardons he wipes out the bad deeds why animal matter alone and he knows what it is that you do so Allah told you three things about him in this ayah that he accepts Toba that he wipes out bad deeds and he knows what it is that you what it is that you do then the Sheikh he said well a fool while macula min la maza me there to heal a hakuna in lurk Italica he said Allah foo which is pardoning wiping out the sins and Almagro Quran any war Allah is MPH illa Allah Muhammad Allah's forgiveness and his concealing of the since our from the l-'azim of his that meaning he is always like that he is always like that it's never the case that he sometimes forgives and sometimes doesn't sometimes pardon sometimes doesn't on one day he is pardoning on one day he is not pardoning no Allah Azza WA JAL is not like that it is a constant always with him and he is never anything except being iPhone awfully and he's always like that it is never a time when he isn't like them and the effects of this and the things that come about because of it constantly encompass his creation in the day in the night so his pardoning in his forgiveness having compass the creation with all of their sins and their criminality all of the evil things they've done still his forgiveness and his pardoning and his wiping out and conceiving of the sins it has encompassed everything always so he subhana WA Ta'ala has not ceased and will not cease to what I raised the sins and overlook them and to pardon and to forgive he'll always be known as that and he'll always be described as that as Allah Azza WA JAL said in a logic Anna I for one ha for ah indeed Allah is always in astana is for this Milazzo mine it's constant it's constantly I for one or fora and allah subhanaw taala said where can allah who are for one hora as we're assigned certain desire number forty-three and number 99 as we heard before then the ship he goes on to say that the shortcomings we have that are present among all of creation what do they deserve if we look at what the shortcomings we we as as Benny Adam forget about just the Muslims for now just look at Danny Adam look at the shortcomings that we have what do they deserve they deserve to have multiple forms of punishment but allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala his pardoning and forgiveness repel those things that really should happen it would be right for those things to happen it would be correct for those things to happen how do we know this because Allah Azza WA JAL told us in surah Fateha ayah number 45 well oh you are sido la una sabe marketable Metallica ala llahi ha min dabba while acting you a hero whom Allah age anymore sama for yoga guru whom for inula I can every body he bore sirrah Allah said if Allah were to take people to account for what they had done he would not have left a single animal alive on the earth that said that is a powerful statement that's something that should make you stop and think if Allah was to take you or Abdullah to account and me for the sins we had done wallah you would not see a living being left on the earth but Allah subhana WA Ta'ala delays them for a time that is recorded agile which is Messiah it's being recorded it's been decreed when their time comes then allah subhanaw taala is always seeing Basia he always sees what his servants do and this is from the perfection of his forgiveness and his pardoning because if it were not for the perfect forgiveness of allah subhanahu wata'ala and his mercy and his gentleness with his creation he wouldn't have left a single thing left alive on the earth and likewise is the statement of Allah Azza WA JAL in sultan al ayah number 61 well oh you are little la Vanessa be willing me him at all la hermandad y liking you a hero home in a jameson mafia da da la estación SI item while I stuck the Moon Allah said if Allah were to take the people to account for their oppression he would not have left a single animal alive on the earth but Allah delays them for a prescribed time and when their time comes they cannot delete anything not even a single period of time they can't delete it by a period of time and they can't bring it forward by a time and from this is what is recorded in Asahi hang in Bukhari and Muslim from the Haditha abu musa al-ashari rhodiola han that he said the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said later AAHA dune or he said laser shaven Apsara allah azza semia whom in Allah in whom Laird arun allahu wa la da what in Naju let you IV him why or whom there is no one or he said there is nothing which is more patient in risk in the v the bad things I need that he hears that allah subhanaw taala not finding a good translation for that there is no one who is a sport and there is no one who is more patient Allah either from the I need the evil things that people say that allah subhanaw taala he is them saying about him than allah subhanaw taala they say that allah has a son and yet allah continues to let them live without any punishing them and he continues to provide for them allah subhanaw taala continues to give them health continues to let them live they say he has a son they say evil words about him they say he has a partner they worship others besides him and he keeps on giving them keeps on providing for them there's no there is nothing that can have that can be more any subhanallah forbearing maybe is the right word then allah subhanaw taala look at what allah azzawajal here's his creation say and he is everything he's a Sameer he is every single thing what does he hear his creation say he hears them say Allah has a son he hears them worshiping idols he hears them calling upon the dead in the graves and yet despite all of that that allah azzawajal he is all of these evil words this adder these evil words that allah subhanaw taala here's still Allah Azza WA JAL you I fear Him he gives them Allah fear and he keeps them like healthy and safe in their in their homes and he keeps on providing for them this is something that is any honest we said this hadith any the as best as we can translate his insights in Bukhari and Muslim and the Sheikh he goes on to say that the Eifel of Allah is of two types the pardoning the forgiving the wiping out of the sins it is of two types the first one is a general kind and this is that Allah Azza WA JAL pardons even the most criminal people and the Kafar the disbelievers by delaying their punishment that they have done the cause for it and he they've done what deserves that punishment to happen and if you just think about that as an example think about the the Wanaka the she-camel with regard to the people of the mood and either the she-camel that came out they killed the she-camel what did they get allah subhanaw taala allowed them three days they had done what deserved the punishment immediately but Allah Azza WA JAL allowed them a time allah subhanaw taala from his infinite pardoning and forgiving is that even the kaffir and the mujrim' even the criminal and the disbeliever he gives them some time he gives them another chance an opportunity or a time for them to be able to change even though they have done the causes of what would bring about his punishment they've done what necessitates his punishment to happen and they've done what necessitates for all of the blessings of Allah to be taken away from them they say evil about Allah by cursing him by making partners with him and other things that they you know they do against allah subhana wa ta'ala and yet Allah Azza WA JAL keeps on giving them their safety and security in their homes and keeps on providing for them and their health and he keeps on giving them the blessings those that are apparent and those that are hidden and allah subhanaw taala put the whole dunya out in front of them they see these evil words about Allah and Allah still put the dunya out for them yes we know as Muslims that all these people will have is the dunya this is their gender they will not have anything else in our era they will have Jahannam but still do they even deserve the dunya they don't even deserve the dunya and they don't even deserve that Allah Azza WA JAL has given them water to drink after what they've done to Allah subhana wa ta'ala from these evil words that they've said in these evil actions they've done and they've ignored the rights of Allah they don't even deserve to be able to breathe the air but still a lot Azza WA JAL gave them the dunya from his hour fall from his pardoning and his forgiveness and from this pardoning and his forgiveness is that Allah Azza WA JAL has delayed for them a time so some of them will have an opportunity to be to be guided and to repent some of them will not some of them will have an opportunity to be guided and to to repent to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and this is from his pardoning and his gentleness towards his creation Subhanahu WA Ta'ala that is his general forgiveness and pardoning but then there is a specific kind of forgiveness in pardoning and that is a loss of Hanoi Dallas specific pardoning and forgiveness that he gives to the people who make tawba and the people who make his step father and the people who make two eyes to him and the people who worship Him and those people who are afflicted by calamities but they expect the reward from Allah when a calamity happens so whoever makes Toba to Allah with a sincere Toba sincerely for the sake of Allah that is comprehensive any I told that is we say when the Sheikh is explaining what is the meaning by tow Burton now saw her what is the meaning of this Toba that our lives our chances Tobi's Anasuya when he tells the believers to make tawba to him a Toba that is not sue what does it mean he says it means that it is only for the sake of Allah and that it is am and Sharmila it covers all the sins that the person has done and there is no terror there's no like you know doubt or reluctance inside of the person where he's like should I ask for it or you know it's hard hearted he says all of forgive me and stuff for Allah and then he gone it's not like that it's pure and there is no Islam he doesn't keep on doing the sin he try stops doing the sin this person Allah Azza WA JAL will forgive them no matter what the sin is even if it is covered even if it is for soap it is the most open so billions even if it is the most evil of sins every single thing Allah Azza WA JAL will forgive if a person makes towba that is sincere for him that covers the whole sin that he wants to make Tova from all of the sins that he can recall that he doesn't have any reluctance in it or doubt in it and he doesn't keep on just you know doing the sin and not caring and he as does the sinister stuff for Allah and he tries his best Allah Subhan Allah Allah will accept his tober and he said all of them come under the statement of allah azzawajal kulia a body alladhina as far for allah and for see him la tuck on a poem a rock matilda in allah al ferrozzo nova jamia in hoo-hoo-hoo rahim sorta zoom up ayah number 53 see all my slaves that have transgressed against themselves do not despair of the mercy of Allah indeed Allah forgives all sins even share even shirk even cover even cover even read the apostasy even apostasy even say even say every single sin any sin that a person does if they turn to Allah Azza WA JAL with sincere repentance Allah Azza WA JAL will accept it from them but if they die having committed shirk and they haven't repented from it by the time their death comes then therefore those people there is no forgiveness for them in the La Jolla of Pharaoh in Sri Lanka be Allah does not forgive you to make a partner with him meaning if you die in that state without having repented but as for during your life there is no sin that you cannot repent from and that is why the famous hadith of the man who killed 99 men and he said to her he came to a worshiper to an abbot he said I killed 99 men is there any forgiveness for me he said no after you kill 99 men there's no forgiveness said okay miss we'll make it a hundred we killed him then he went to the island and he said to the island is there any forgiveness for me I said yes how I forgives all sins there is forgiveness for everyone for no matter what you have done but you need to do this and he sent him to go to the to surround himself in the town where the good people where they worship Allah and they're fearful of Allah in that town go to that town and then he went to that town and on the way he died and in some of the narrations it's mentioned that our lives Orajel caused the earth to be folded to make him nearer to the town of the good people and to accept him into paradise even though he killed a hundred people there is no sin that you cannot make tober from if you make that effort and you fulfill those conditions and the share he said the text from the Quran and the Sunnah that mention Allah accepting Tober from his slaves no matter what the sin they are so many the motivator and he said even I'll still farmer Jerrod now here we have to understand something what is the difference between Toba and it still follow because we sometimes mix these two up we like say a stock fertilize let me say to somebody make Toba and he says I stopped for Allah but what's the difference between Toba and it's still far it comes back to the meanings we said in the beginning towba is repentance it requires lots of different things it requires you to feel sorry for what you have done it requires for you to have a determined intention never to do it again it returned requires for you to stop doing what you're doing it requires for you to make up for the harm that you've done to someone else it has conditions and rules it requires lots of things asked for is still far it is basically asking Allah to cover up your sin and not to bring any consequences so in theory a person can make is still far without Toba but they can't make tawba without is there far any their Toba has to contain is too far because if they've made sincere Toba part of that sincere tober is they want a lot to forgive them but a person can ask Allah to forgive them from something even if he hasn't fulfilled all of the conditions of Toba yet because some of us who Allah we haven't fulfilled all of the conditions of Toba I we don't like we we want a lot to forgive us we want Allah not to take us to account but we haven't quite got to the stage where we were gonna say like I'm never ever ever gonna do this again so at that point you're at the level of is still far you want a large L to cover it and not to bring a punishment for you but you haven't quite got to the stage where you really have all of the conditions of tow were present but if you have all of the conditions of tober present then you automatically have brought the conditions of his dick far as well so he said even the Sheikh said even and instead of our Alamo Jerrod the person who just does it still far without proper the conditions of Toba just is still far even he can get his sins forgiven I mean how much is the forgiveness of Allah that even the person who doesn't bring the conditions of Toba can still get his sins forgiven by asking Allah Azza WA JAL to forgive them and he mentions a highly of courtesy in which Allah Azza WA JAL says and hadith Qudsi remembers a hadith narrated by the prophets my solemn about which it comes the prophet saw Simon rates it from Allah in which our lives our judge says yeah bana Adam in Canada I would any war are jolt any are thought to alaikum I can a vehicle without overly Oh son of Adam as long as you make - I - me and you have hope in me I will forgive you whatever you have done without well are overly anything I want it doesn't matter to me I'll our bali it's like I don't care but that's not the men of the right word in English because that's like gives it consider it it's the wrong sort of meaning nobody it doesn't matter to me I will forgive you and it doesn't matter I'll forgive you everything you did as long as you make dua to me and you have hope in me I'll forgive you no matter what you've done yeah banner Adam lo Barajas una vaca Ana and sama global Ava's una vaca Ana sama from Mustafar turning over to a koala daddy o son of Adam if your sins reached up to there to the top of the heavens the roof of the heavens and then you ask me to forgive you I would forgive you and it doesn't matter I don't mind it doesn't matter to me you have an atom low I hate any big horrible out of the hot ayah from malachite any LA to sheikh la sharika hola Chico be Shia let a tato kabhi kabhi hammock fella ok back allah so allah allah wa salam o son of Adam if you came to me with the or something like the size of the earth in sin and then you came to me without making a partner with me I will bring you the same amount of forgiveness it is said that this is our Raja Allah hardest that this hadith is the single hadith that gives you the most hope of any hadith in some of the scholars included this day had a difference of opinion about which hadith gives you the most hope but this is included in the hadith that people say it is auto jalaja DS there is no hadith that gives you more Hope than this hadith as long as you make dua to me and you hope in me I'll forgive you whatever doesn't matter forgive you everything even if your sins reach the roof of the heavens and you said o Allah forgive me I would forgive you and it wouldn't matter to me o son of Adam if you brought me the equal of the earth in sin and you came to me without making a partner with me I would bring you an equal amount of forgiveness I notice here that it doesn't mention a Toba it's why the sheiks talked about real estate follow modular just seeing a star thorough lock and bring you this so how about if you see a star for Allah with the conditions of Toba this is even more and even closer to the forgiveness of allah subhanaw taala and this hadith narrated by the materially and likewise from the pardoning of allah azzawajal is that he has made the good deeds and pious actions wipe out or as an expiation for the evil deeds and sins as allah azza wajal said in surah hood I am Number 1 114 al hasanat youth hypnocil yet indeed the good deeds wipe out the bad and as is found in the hadith narrated by lima laughs monitor Midian Hakim and others were at Paris Sayed tell Hassan at attempt ha ha follow up a bad deed with a good deed and it will wipe it out this is from what this is from the apple of allah subhanaw taala that allah azza wajal from his offal is that he has made it such that if you do a good deed after a bad one the good deed will wipe out the bad one and from this is that Allah Azza WA JAL from his offal is that he causes calamities to happen to you that these calamities that happen to you in yourself or your children or your wealth wipe out your bad deeds so next time a calamity happens to you what do you remember this is from the mercy and the pardoning of allah subhanaw taala that this calamity has happened to me some of the people they say what life's punishing me we say to them if this was the the main the serious punishment of Allah you would not be alive to be able to tell the people that Allah is punishing me like the people of art and the people of the mood and the people of El most horrific act and the people of the people of North and they did not live after that to be able to say that Allah is punishing me Radha Allah Azza WA JAL is giving you some of the minor punishment some of inaudible a dinner in a minor punishment as a way to wipe out your sins and a way to make you remember and turn to Him in Toba so from the pardoning of Allah Azza WA JAL is that he tests you in your self and your children in your wealth especially the one who expects his reward from Allah when these things happen and he begins to have patience and contentment so she accept patients and contentment two things you have to have patience you have to have contentment patience is the first level and you aim to get to the level of contentment where not only are you just patient for bad things that happen to you but you become content with it you become happy that oh Allah this is what you've decreed for me I'm happy with what you've decreed for me even if that means that you have lost some one's life or some loss of children or loss of wealth but you're happy with what allah subhanaw taala decreed and that is something that is easy to say and extremely difficult to do but the Sheikh here mentioned something that I really wanted to highlight notice how two people can be afflicted by a calamity how do we know which one is being punished and which one is getting the forgiveness of Allah soldier we know it by the action that the person takes when the calamity befalls them if the calamity befalls them and they have supper and river this is the person that our lives our gel is giving them a calamity to forgive them and if you see the person gets angry with Allah and he becomes like those people said like only becomes like those people that our lives are just spoke about them for a melanzana Adama botella horrible for a karma who when I a man who fire code or Rabia krumin well I'm not either mebut allahu picado really here is kaho for your cool arabiya Han and Keller Elijah Virgil said as for them as for the man or the men when Allah tests them with something by giving them everything they want for a krama who Ana Rama he gave him everything he wants every blessing he needs he says rob the akram and my lord is really good to me and when he gets tried by losing some of his wealth he says a lot bi Han and Allah doesn't care for me Allah is disgracing me when you see a person like this this is his response to the calamity this is the punishment of allies Oh a gel that is there to wake him up and to make him I'm not part of the pardoning of Allah anyway because it's allah azza wajal forgiveness that he didn't take him away for that sin that he did that he left him a chance to repent but this is closer to punishment because his response to the calamity is not a response that is pleasing to Allah so Jay gets angry with a lot like allah subhanaw taala mentioned I didn't say if I'm not mistaken so to Toba there are those people who with regard to the Sadaqat that when he's given the sada cut they're happy and when they don't get the solder cut he their home is cut wood then they get angry and they they get furious and they say why have I not been given when you see a person in that situation this is closer to the punishment of allah azzawajal and when you see a person that is suffering a calamity and you see a suburb and a rebar you see patients and you see contentment then this is closer to the forgiveness of Allah Azza WA JAL even though there is a certain amount of overlap because at the end of the day Allah Azza WA JAL causes these calamities to happen as a result of our sins but also to remind us to turn back to him but if you see the servant after he's been reminded and the calamity fell and he said in ur lillahi wa inna ilayhi roger own and he has subber and he has patience and he has contentment then this person is a person who has achieved the desired result out of the calamity they have turned back to Allah Soprano to Allah and so now Allah Azza WA JAL is forgiving their sins and pardoning them but as for the one who is angry and discontent with Allah Azza WA JAL this person has yet to achieve the benefit from the calamity of making Toba and turning back to Allah Azza WA JAL even if the cause of that calamity is the sins of the sins that we have done as a las ocho said for halal facade to feel very real bad we make a separate a deenis that corruption has appeared a land and at sea because of what the hands of men have earned and then the ship he said from the huge forgiveness of Allah Subhan Allah is that the servant does the biggest sins and the most criminal things and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala keeps on being loved leaf with him we did a lot leaf in in the previous time with our last keeps being subtle and gentle and kind we said that our last panel Allah Allah thief one of the meanings is that he blesses you in subtle ways his blessing comes sometimes it comes in front of your eyes you can't miss it sometimes the last planet Allah gives you blessings in very subtle ways that you didn't see it at first and then it turned out to be a big blessing Subhan Allah so Allah keeps on with this look this gentleness and this subtlety with his slaves even though they do the worst of sins and allah subhanaw taala opens the servants heart to Toba and Allah accepts that tober from them radha allah is happy Alya Frosch allah subhanaw taala gets happy in a way that is befitting to his Majesty in his supremacy when one of his servants makes Toba even though Eliezer I need you and Hameed now think about this Allah is the most rich he doesn't need anyone he is the one deserving of all praise he is not benefited by the obedience of his creation and he's not harmed by the disobedience of his creation but still Allah subhana WA Ta'ala becomes happy with the stir with the Toba of his servant that's from his forgiveness and his pardoning that Allah Azza WA JAL becomes happy with the forgiveness or the the Toba of his servant even though the sin of that servant didn't harm Allah and the Toba of that servant didn't benefit a lot but still a loss of hano to Allah becomes happy and we know this from the hadith of Muslim in the hadith of Anna savini Malik and Rohde Allah one from the Prophet SAW salem that he said that allah is a shed Dullahan is even more happy with the Toba of one slaves when he makes Tober to him then one of you if you were upon a riding beast in a barren land then the riding beasts ran away from you and it had on it all of your food and drink so the man despairs of the food and drink and he comes to a tree and he lies down in the shade of the tree without any hope of finding his riding animal again so while he is in that state suddenly that riding Beast comes back in front of him so he takes the the Rings or he takes the part of what is tied around the Beast takes hold of it and he says because he's so happy oh Allah you are my slave and I am your Lord and he mixes up the statement cuz he gets you know when you get so happy and you just you say something that you got your words mixed up he got so happy that he says oh Allah and to Abdullah in our book or Allah you are my slave and I am your Lord he makes this mistake because of how happy is and Allah Azza WA JAL is more happy than this person when one of us makes Toba and yet that told that didn't benefit a lot anything and it didn't harm Allah Azza WA JAL when we disobeyed him with these huge sins and the shady thing look look at the story of this person making Tova the first thing he did he did a scene in front of Allah that is the most disgraceful and evil and huge sin and yet in the end allah subhanaw taala is happy for him to make tawba upon Allah this is an immense amount of forgiveness and pardoning from allah subhanaw taala and then the Sheikh he be he goes on to talk about the benefits of this for the poor for us in our lives and he says it's important here for someone to realize that the servant of Allah knowing these great names opens up a huge opportunity for him to reach the highest levels with Allah subhanAllah he says especially if a person does Mujahideen nafs he fights against himself to fulfill what these names mean I need to fulfill the meaning of these names in his life I to implement the meaning of these names in his life says if you he he does jihad or Neffs he fights against himself to be able to achieve the meaning of these names in his life and he understands what they mean there is no knowledge of the names of Allah will take him to al mohammed and earlier in the highest stations with allah subhanaw taala the highest places in paradise by knowing these names and by implementing them so the one who sticks to is there far so one of the meet one of the things we take from this name is Lu Xun will is still far that we always keep on doing it step farm ID over and over and over again we keep on asking Allah Azza WA JAL by his name Allah for and his name allah father to forgive us to conceal our sins and we keep on asking Allah for his Apple by his name and our food we keep on asking him for his forgiveness like in this to our Lama in there - one two hit Bulova - oh Allah you are a laughs ooh you love pardoning and wiping the sins or wipe out my sins and you keep on making Toba all the time and you keep on hoping for Allah forgiveness so what did she say so far is mentioned four things that you that come out of knowing these names number one your constant is still far number two constantly asking Allah to pardon you to wipe out your sins number three constantly making Toba number four never losing hope in the forgiveness of Allah number five Albert I mean who note he said that you are far away from despair you be really you know one of the meaning you get this name you don't feel despair you don't listen to this and think that's it for me you know like I've got no hope no you have a hope now and that you see the greatness of our last forgiveness of these sins so you see that there is no sin that is too great no matter what it reaches no matter how big it is no matter how evil and criminal acts in is there is nothing that is too great for Allah so jail to forgive he said that a person who is always asking for the forgiveness of his Lord and always hoping for a lot to pardon him PO is always asking for the pardoning of his Lord and I was hoping for him to forgive him this person he is Allah higher than having he's in the best kind of situation the best kind of situation and he said and in this place think about what Al Bukhari and Muslim narrated in this are here from the hadith of Abu Huraira from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in that which he narrated from his Lord Azza WA JAL that he said a servant committed a sin as never I've done them been a servant committed a sin for Col he said Allah ma fille them be or Allah forgive me and he concealed for me and wipe out for me the sin of mine for Carla table arakawa to Allah as never AB didn't burn for Alima and nella who robbed Daniel fear of them why a hold of example allah subhanaw taala said my servant committed a sin and he knows that he has a lord who forgives sins and punishes because of sins i meaning he wouldn't have asked me to forgive him if he didn't know that I could punish him and I could forgive him some mad then this person does the sin again for a DNAR then he does another sin for Karla a robbery he says my lord he'll fill leave em be my Lord forgive my sin then a lotta bollocky WA Ta'ala says my servant has committed a sin and he knows that he has a Lord that forgives sins and punishes because of sins then he goes back and does it again does the sin again so my adder Verizon M for Karla I rob my lord it will Philly them be forgive my sin then a lotta bollocky WA Ta'ala says I've never abdi them been for a Lima and nella Horeb ban euros don't know boyhood abysm young fellows dumb boy who's a besom said my slave committed a sin and he knows that he has a Lord that forgives sins and takes people to account for the sins they do a am al Mercado refer to like do whatever you want for I have forgiven you any meaning and the chef said be careful here meaning as long as he remains in a state of always making Toba and always coming back to Allah and always asking Allah to forgive him do whatever you wish what I have forgiven you and this is in the state of the one who keeps on doing the sin but like the scholars say he doesn't intend to do the sin that he's not it's not like he's insincere each time he says forgive me he really means but Allah to forgive him but then he just he does the sin again and Allah in the end Allah spanish Allah says in a man man Fahad Allah for toric do whatever you want for I have forgiven you and the Sheikh he said the tail causes all the ways to achieve our laws pardoning in his mercy the doors are open the tools are not closed for anyone Allah will always be Allah has always been and will always be a foreigner for ax and Allah has promised the one who doesn't break his promise he has promised to forgive and to pardon as long as you do the things that will bring his forgiveness and his pardoning you just have to do what he told you to bring it to Bing to bring his forgiveness that's all you have to do as Eliza L said what in Neal our far only mentor burr what our Manawa I'm in a slightly handsome matter and this is going back to the ayah that we said at the beginning and indeed I am always forgiving for the one who repents and believes and does good deeds and then he's guided so that is what we have to aim for it's not for us to just say herself for Allah and keep living our life but I start fear Allah and let me try to make Toba let me try to perfect my belief let me try to do as many good deeds as I can let me try to not fall back into that sin again I'm mad inshaallah ladder concludes our discussion on the topic of these four names and we ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala who is Allah who I love her for a follow-up to forgive us our sins to erase our sins to guide us to be able to make tawba and to accept that Tober from us and to make us in this state as long as we live analyse our gel is the one who is able to do that and he subhana WA Ta'ala is the one that we ask in our door arm so insha'Allah Allah we will conclude that we will briefly ask if anyone had any questions they wanted to ask because I think last Friday I didn't give enough time for questions generally I tried to keep the talk for about an hour we kept about an hour and 10 minutes now but generally saw that people are not too late you know everyone has their own things to do but just briefly if anyone has any quick questions they wanted to ask or anything maybe they didn't understand or they wanted any clarification they welcome to ask okay so this is a question if a non-muslim who dies upon disbelief and upon apparent disbelief any can we say that they are from the people of the Hellfire there's no doubt that the disbeliever who dies the first point is there's no doubt that this believer who dies upon the disbelief is from the people of the Hellfire there is no doubt about that and if we can be sure like in other words we have what is called tactical mana we can be sure that this person died in the state and we don't have any doubt about that then in that case the situation of that person is clear and at least we can say we're not allowed to ask Allah to forgive them like a lost planet Allah mentioned in surah Tauba that is not for the Prophet and those who believe to seek forgiveness for the mushrikeen even if they are from their close relatives after it has become clear to them that they are from of Harbhajan so if we can be sure that the person died in that situation but in general the situation we have is that we any in we try to speak in general generalities rather than in in with regard to individuals simply because often we don't know the reality of what happened we don't know the person repented didn't repent we just know what we read about them in the newspaper any like 5 years ago they said something terrible about Allah and today they died at the end of the day the apparent is we say they're from the people of Jahannam any that's what appears to us yet but the situation is one of which requires it requires a person to be careful about what they say but generally the basic principle is that we don't testify paradise or Hellfire for anyone except the ones that our lives are gentle and His Messenger solemn testified that for but if someone dies in a state of apparent disbelief then there from the people of the Hellfire and the important thing is that we treat them as such like even even if their issue is between them and our lives they made Toba on their deathbed that's between them and Allah but we give them the hokum of the catheter which means that we bury them in the graveyard with we don't say maybe he made tell buy let me bury him in the graveyard of the Muslims we bury him with the Kafar and we don't ask Allah to forgive him and so on and so forth so he doesn't have the ruling the person who dies like God doesn't have the ruling of being a Muslim however is it possible that he made Tober between him and Allah that is possible and that's possible in some cases any unless he died openly any saying so it's possible but we still give the ruling of the Cather to him and we treat him as a Cather and whatever is between him and allah that is between him in our lives origin but the kafir does not have any forgiveness for him in the hereafter analyze origin knows best I think I gave a comprehensive answer to this question the question was regarding the people who have a party any one of our last names as a part of their name like for example their name is Abdullah leaf or Abdul Ghaffar or Abdul Ghafoor or Abdul I foo or up to toe up for example and what is the ruling on removing and calling that removing the AL and calling that person for example of leaf we answered in detail I think in the first very first names of Allah at the very very first one I'll give you a summarized answer here but I think for the detail one in the very first names of Allah lecture I think we we spoke about this I am not mistaken but I'll give you a summary answer in sha Allah there are three broadly yeah about four maybe three two or three different categories in this regard the first thing is there are names that if you remove al from them yet there are three if there are names that if you remove al from them you can use them for four people for example Latif Latif means subtle somebody can be subtle I can be subtle you can be subtle so you can call someone not if someone can be Raheem merciful you can be merciful I can be merciful and Allah Azza WA JAL called the prophets is Ellen bill meaning or are often rahim so you can bureau off you can be rahim there are some names that you cannot be even if you remove al like some ad-rock man and so on either allah means god and you cannot say that this person is a God even if you remove the God the only God and you just put call them God you can't call a person God so you can't call them either if his name is Abdul Allah you have to call him Abdul Allah you can't call him either and you can't call him summit the one who needs nothing and everyone else needs him because that's only true for allah azzawajal and you can't call him rock man the one who's mercy encompasses every single thing that's Oni Eliza and then there's a third one where you can keep al but the meaning of Al is not the same as the meaning of all in the name of allies origin like for example the statement of a person if he says JA al Malik the king came the king here is not the same as the King there the king is not the same as the king so this is a case where someone might keep Al and say this is how the who al Malik this is the king but the meaning of the King is not the same as the meaning of the King and if the two are different in meaning and in application and those are the three any categories and you should be careful which one of these names you use that the person is careful to put up or for a girl to put Emma in front of it motorart cannot be used for other than allah azzawajal because al motor al is is a name that contains pride and superiority over the people and the person who is the one who is superior over everyone else and high above everyone else and that is only allowed to use for our lives over jail because this is a name of Kippur it's a name of pride and pride is only valid for allah subhanaw taala Allah Azza WA JAL he is the one who his upper garment is the garment of pride and he Allah is the one who is deserving of being described with the words of pride and as for pride among a las creation then this is blame worthy so he has to be called abdul motile and so on you can go through the meaning of the name and see is the name is that a name that is appropriate to call someone like merciful or like something or is it a name like the most or the only that you can't remove it from and if you have questions you can ask inshallah now [Music] that's a very good question and that's a question actually your question gives us the a part of the answer any the brother he said many times we hear people say if you read this name as so many times this will happen and he said is this written in any of that hadith and that's why I said that the question answered the question to a certain extent because this is the question you to ask somebody call her to borrow Hanna come in kuntum Sarathy bring me your proof if you are truthful because these statements cannot be said by Allah they can't be said by your opinion you have to have a proof for them so if someone says if you say yeah bas 812 times this will happen safe call her - Veronica mean quantum sada pin you have to bring me a truth a proof why because as we know putting a number on something putting a number on something that doesn't have a number in the Sharia falls into the category of innovation one of the types of innovation is giving a number to something that there was no number four in the Sharia and generally I don't know from the top of my head I don't want to make a comprehensive statement but from the top of my head I cannot recall a hadith that mentions seeing the name of Allah a set number of times that will bring you this calling upon Allah with his names yes seeing a particular sentence with the doís in it three times like for example saying the name of Allah three times because the Prophet SAW has a mission to make two are three times when he would make two is but as for saying ya bas it or saying yah Allah a set number of times to bring something I don't know of a single Hadees in this regard I don't even recall a fabricated Hadees in this regard I need to the best of my recollection there could be but I don't recall even a fabricated Hadees disregard and most of these things are from the chapter of what we call from the the category of hadith we say la se la la who they don't even have a chain of narration or even a rich they're not even written in the book of Hadees I need somebody just made them up and this is a very very sad situation because the profits I seldom said in a hadith which is probably the most famous hadith that has ever been recorded from the prophets I solemn Moncada Borrelia muta amid and fell yet about nada whom in an arc whoever lies about me deliberately let him take his seat in hell so the one who says and brings these statements and says say Abbas said 12 times saya carry him three times say this two times say this seven times say this in the morning this in the evening unless he brings an evidence for this he's in danger of coming under this hadith paliotta boa either human and not let him take a seat in hell because he is alleging something to be a part of the religion and a part of the Prophet SAW Salem's statements which did not come from it and maybe the only escape he will have is he didn't say the prophets I'll him said it and he's saying it from his own desires so he's guilty of another major sin which is speaking about Allah Azza WA JAL without knowledge one of the major aims of the Shaitaan were intercooler ala llahi Malachi the moon that you say about Allah that which you don't know so one way or another this person is putting themself into the gravest of danger of Jahannam by doing what by telling people to say the names of Allah I need be careful coin bidder is a dangerous thing that the reason we're always talking with Abid every day so you people just keep talking bida bida bida all the time because it's something that is so dangerous because you never feel you're doing anything wrong nobody ever says oh allah forgive me for that salah i prayed o allah forgive me for that talk I gave or Allah forgive me for telling the people to recite your names but if they don't ask our lives our jail to forgive them for this they're putting themselves at risk of punishment so the situation is serious so when people send me these names sometimes I upset people and I send them back and I say he will lie he don't say something you don't have an evidence for give me your evidence so say what you mean why I need an evidence to say the names of our life you don't need an evidence to say the names of Allah but you need an evidence to give them a number of times to say that will bring a certain reward analyze our journals best so I wanna inshallah we will stop there I will still be around Sean if anyone has questions but just so that we give people a chance to to go we took a little bit extra time mashaallah subhanak a llama will be handing a shadow and la illaha and estado field oka what I too late
Channel: KALEMAH
Views: 7,819
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Allah is Al-`Afuww (The Pardoning One) by Shaikh Muhammad Tim Humble, Tim, Beautiful names of Allah, names of Allah, Allah, Al-`Afuww, al-Ghafoor, al-Ghaffar, at-Tawwab
Id: iXkI0GdYEcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 3sec (4863 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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