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yo so guys and welcome back to the what's good podcast Simon me no guess we had one we had a really good guess yeah they couldn't make it last minute uh missed a transport opportunity so we don't have anything planned that's like theme today yeah chip chip yeah he got two drugged and missed his flight can't confirm that's true but you never know anything with chip but I will say usually I've heard in the past that he's quite a flaky done wow no I'm joking what also is he definitely literally misses flight so you can't you know there's no problem there we will sort it out in the future um coming soon chip so this one's gonna be like a wild west which usually the best podcast because we have nothing to talk about we don't even have many topics bro this table's wobbly apple juice for two-year-olds the table's wobbly I was trying to do it on here which meant that the straw kept bending it's a paper straw I'm gonna get one it's a two-year-olds he just told me it was a two year olds and now Apple not a sicko you have to do it on a pillow use this pillow I can do it okay but it's harder with the pillow podcast you had to look away there it's harder on a pillow like this still didn't end up messing the podcast anyways they want this I try to put straw in it I saw a tick tock yesterday actually this morning and I wanted to bring it up to you yeah see it's nothing to do with you is it about mind and magicians no oh you thought we were having a conversation about this it was fortune tellers was what you forgot uh yeah was it that no just there is something to do with that so basically there's this woman who what sued her parents for giving birth to her what oh no oh well uh okay so she sued them because she didn't consent to being born it's true she hadn't agreed to the to the fact that she is gonna have to grow up and get a job and stuff like that right it's awful no I'm joking so life's amazing that happened a while ago and she got a bit of like virality during that can I guess where's it going okay she won I don't know no where this is going is she's now had kids huh yeah huh and the whole thing is like what the [ __ ] you have kids you sued your parents yeah so here's her thing okay she goes to psychics who speaks to her babies and tell her that they want to be born so and she's out for permission yeah so she's saying anyone who's going to have kids you need to go to a either a psychic or a median or whatever it is a medium let's say they didn't try to contact me in any way before I was born okay if you wanted to be here this part that's why I sued them yeah now it's different like I know I've said it's like unethical to have children before but it's different when you adopt because uh it's not my fault that they're here she dubbed I don't know well if you didn't you can't ask the kid like do you no no but she does say it here if you are pregnant right now you need to go hire a psychic medium and ask your child if they actually want to be there oh okay well keep in mind if they know if they don't you have to terminate them yeah hold on hold on okay so she may actually have adopted to be fair yeah I think she did but I was going to play devil that was Advocate I will do in a second but surely she adopted yeah but surely like if you terminate them then you're not what she's saying is my parents gave birth to me without my permission so if you get pregnant and you are pregnant you need to go to a second medium and ask the psychic to get in touch with your baby through telekinesis whatever it is yeah to then ask them if they want to be born or not yes if they say no then she's saying you're also giving them permission to determinate because yeah they've said no I don't want to be born yeah okay well it's the child choosing I wish I didn't say that part because now I will say she's got a point in terms of none of us have had permission to be live this life and some people have lives that they don't want to live and I can see that as a I don't agree with this I'm just saying I don't think and then also in in the psychic part at least obviously it didn't work because it's not there's no such thing as psychic abilities but you did try and ask so technically you've asked a question and at least you'd let them know at least you said look what I don't know it was good until I heard she's gonna recommend 10 minutes I don't think I don't think even even Devil's Advocate I don't think no even the devil on the shoulder is going you're a [ __ ] idiot I agree I agree he's like you need Jesus that is so stupid yeah it's stupid it's really stupid I agree wholeheartedly especially again usually when I say [ __ ] I don't mean it I just like I actually don't agree at all so the next time you have a bad day just so your parents just say you know what yeah I didn't want to be here but I do get by the way I do get that like having to go get a job I have to do all these things is can if someone's not happy it can be it feel like a burden man like wow yeah it's not your parents fault no it's not well if it is though it literally is their fault it actually is although actually hold on hold on hold on okay lady can't you swam the fastest to get to that egg don't swim give up give up you may have just ruined her haul yeah I have courtroom oh yeah Jerry did she win did we find out it was it will uh hoax what do you mean it was satire I don't think he's lying he's not even what the um I don't ruin it for his Nick yeah you can't you can't ruin this the hilarious mom wants to both understand how ridiculously out of control some people's thoughts have gotten and she's very close yeah you know she got hated yeah given death threats and she's like I said she won five thousand a month huh I should claim that okay yeah no this is one of them like I did it realized the backlash well don't we oh I was just kidding yeah just kidding yeah now Jack's on us yeah it's fake yeah it's not though that's stupid stupid argument um that's cool anymore ladies we should I saw a tick tock of a guy going to work in his laptop then falling on a banana peel into his golf bag and his golf clothes to go and play around the golf that was funny no no it wasn't worth bringing over but I wasn't gonna bring it since she wrote a tick tock I thought let me did I did I like any other pictures I don't normally like these kind of tick tocks and there's the new Jacks with you you marked up no you are sick how's life Life's good man did you get did you get paid the money from the um video I did yeah wow you know you've lost your privilege to be on videos that involve a prize now yeah well you know what I actually it's the game's the game man I didn't even tell him to open any specific box that he would even enjoy I just pointed to a box that was full of cool stuff and they all were they were all full of cool stuff yeah to be fair as well I would say that I don't know how she get paid by the way I'm not talking about that but I'm saying also I reckon more than cover those videos yeah how many videos are you gonna do we may have another one coming up there was something like really cool that someone else could have got and I ruined it did you point to a box or just a direction we were trying to figure it out I just nodded at a box yeah but he took him away from his side and then there was one bad box and he took him away from that but also I don't think any of you oh we need to remember the TV I don't think any of you got the ability or foresight to notice the videos coming up and then get him to not go well we do we potentially might be doing another mystery box video well there's no time not to go huh who's gonna time not to go you me it's my video if you see him now and I'm gonna say he's gone if he accepts another bribe we also I'm not allowing him to know which box is good that's what I'm doing if he can work yeah but he's not allowed to know what because all I'm hearing he's just saying look you can't come in today but he's 5K up true it's not like it sounds like a down to me you're saying this I have a new set of golf clubs and a poke table yeah that's not my sandwich family by the way you're not allowed to know what's in the boxes that's what it is okay true do the crew get yellow card equivalents now we keep joking because there's a few times where Khan's been like a little bit late and we always say to him you've got to edit a video for us yeah I remember a long time ago when he broke the battery that time remember really early on yeah since then he's been on point yeah yeah he was a minister for he's out of control no no listen I gotta have a sandwich nice what three new edges nice degrees on them as well nice my sandwich was really [ __ ] yeah I see yours yeah uh well we had an idea of that box video because I think it did well yeah actually 6.9 uh as of recording this was it yeah I mean if I remember you saw it earlier sue me no I saw it on my own phone but just now no my own phone well on the way to this podcast today oh 618 I think on the phone it runs up well we spoke about the potential idea of like what if we got other YouTubers to make the boxes so we didn't even know although around better what you made the boxes we did speak that one we did speak about that one but it was more like than we wouldn't be evolved heavily true but I am free if you do that okay we make a box for you so yeah so I don't know so yeah so like I'd say to you okay if you had uh 10K yeah you can buy what would you put in a box so some knowing you're not getting it wait you know the one you know the shipbox that was in the video yeah is that still value of 10K yeah that's jokes because it's four of them were flights yeah obviously I can't just go like here's a pound yeah misplaced the rest yeah um but no yeah I'd be sick actually yeah yeah and then none of us would know either so you couldn't get your own box like yeah yeah got his own box uh by the end we like knew okay we know we've got JJ's box is the last one and also when Jay did open in say your box as an example you still know of it so even though that's good because I don't know it'd be nice for you to know nothing yeah so that's what we're thinking yeah and then we could always invite them down and we could have some sort of twist where it's like you guys all get to pick one item from a box or something like that you know like the six people seven people who do it okay you guys you're still didn't you in your one yeah so you guys can all cheat you will pick a name out of a hat so you pick Toby yeah you have Toby's name you get to pick one thing out of Toby's box yeah Toby's now hoping that he has 10 good things because you're gonna take one yeah those are games you could do yeah stuff like that you could do like you could do maybe or like you play a game against Toby to figure out if you get to steal one what's the game that you guys well not you guys sorry that Harry and Ethan failed to figure out in the countdown that was countdown you know the video oh the Pint like who Golden Balls is it no well no it was like uh carrot in a box was the oh sorry I think there's the one where they did it with a pint and they were like you have to try and get the other person to drink the pie but I'm thinking of the one where it split or steal something if you vote Vick and JJ sorry oh yeah you should do that for a box you know like do you take this or do you swap it um but one box could have nothing in it or something like that you know but yeah I'm cleaning I'm not involving ideas we might hit you off in the last second give me five minutes Define the idea right there no I like mystery boxes yeah man usually they should do some you should do some Pokemon you've said that for a year yeah I've probably posted about 15 videos on the Pokemon Challenge last year well while we're on the topic side let's just get us out of the way Wheel of Fortune was this weekend's video it's not out yet so Randolph can't have seen it it is it's a video right where we start doing it and after about 20 minutes ago that didn't make any sense 20 minutes unlike you after 20 minutes no one wanted to be there is this one where you guys are getting hurt yes it is I said no so immediately that we have a wheel like The Wheel of Fortune Wheel you spin it have you ever seen the series called Wheel of Fortune by Spencer yes good good series good series based on what with a fortune yeah hey what's his titling with me though what because usually you go like a different title do we like deal or not to deal that's copyright I know what's this one I don't know because how can you recreate that how can you fake that wheel of Parts Wheel of Fortune Wheel of punishment yeah yeah let's go there sorry continue I'm ruining the whole podcast we have like three punishment things on it out of 20. just said that three times I would say every like every like third spin there was like a one in eight chance of getting punishment and it was like one in three were a punishments well we didn't know what they were straight away I think Josh gets the first punishment award whoever was on his team and Harry's just like oh okay we'll do a punishment straight away Golf Club squash ball and it's red ass oh my God how far away five yards and Harry's thing who swung it Harry yeah and he missed like the first two and then he he was like now you've got to get hit a driver did he go full swing it's it's so bad Harry so he hit Josh first in like the ankle yeah and then in the wall yeah it literally didn't bro he had no idea how stupid this well the ball speed when I hit my drive and I don't hit very hot very fast comes out 130 mile an hour ball speed 130 miles an hour yeah another driver so he was a squash spot he hit Josh first in the leg and Josh kind of went like ah and we were like okay it looks awful but it might not be that bad because the squash was quite squishy yeah but it's hard more than a ping pong ball right oh way worse even people were 135 now I'm probably [ __ ] killed but we we go through all the punishments and he gets back to that and then I think he so is Josh and Ethan yeah and Josh did the first one so Ethan had to do it yeah so he does it hits Ethan obviously Ethan's got stitches hits Ethan and he's like got this huge like bruise and Neri stitches yeah and then we literally say like Harry you don't understand how bad this is so I pick up a squash ball and behind him from like this far away I just got like this yeah that hard yeah and he's like oh okay that's a lot harder than I thought yeah and I'm like so you didn't even know how bad this one hit him with it no he refused to do it well yeah then we had other punishments like uh Toby and JJ had to put uh deep heat on their balls and he put a small like dollop in JJ's hand and they were going to share it dollop like a like a like a and then they were going to share that okay and I was like you like use that I said no no if you're splitting it you've got to have more on each so that's when I have a roll on that's why my correction was that oh no yeah like cream yeah I forgot Harry gave them a stupid amount and then again they had to put it on their balls and they were screaming for the next I bet a little bit feels good yeah you've used a little bit it would be like tingly like oh oh I put on my foot the day and I was like yes but but on this was pain I could see on their faces they weren't like overreacting yeah videos from the chat recently but the hair removal yeah imagine doing that oh no but yeah then we made Harry do that one again yeah and he did it and started like almost crying and realized he had messed up with the same amount yeah pretty much yeah yeah uh he also made a couple people uh Josh and Ethan I think again had to have like a dirty pint yeah but like have a big Sip and it was gross really like I I genuinely I wouldn't have done it because it had fishing okay yeah like yeah uh tuna yeah yeah they had like not bad fish though if you if you're in a delve into Fishers I think that's did this one start with canned tuna yeah that's that might be top of my like I'm not doing it really yeah tuna's not bad what okay what would be if you had to what were your first one to eat yeah like a fish finger okay nice good smile now one that's not really fish yeah you can like close your eyes and finish chicken yeah after that like a tuna steak Yeah like a salmon like a smoked salmon no what really when you look at that Salmon's one of the worst ones really yeah really yeah how is everything that looks like the texture of that it's like fishy that's what you mean well okay yeah tuna steak looks again like a meat yeah I've never had a tuna steaks is it not is it quite like steak Yeah Yeah similar like the way you cut it it tastes different I don't like canned tuna but I like tuna proper yes guys this guy's um the other bad forfeits like we had one that was just you get duct taped to each other the surprise paintball is not involved well that was the golf club kind of thing similar yeah but we had duct tape to each other which me and Vic got which was fine we had red ass with the football yeah I've been there I got here it was like that's fine oh there you go yeah those are the three I was like these are awful yeah I'm trying to remember there was more someone get duct taped to the wheel yeah that was that was instead of being duct taped to each other [Laughter] there was definitely some more me and Vic got let off easy we just didn't get punishment that was bad yeah whereas the others all got yeah dictate their mouth could be a problem well I got duct tape to Vic but facing the other way yeah you know sorry that's not a big one that's just like you know not face another man but if you want to you can um I I read a story I heard a story on a podcast about someone you know the tape you used to stop yourself snoring or stop yourself um someone misunderstood that and use duct tape in the morning I had to really pull that off and um hurt them let's say that Jesus you know but um so out of ten uh John took office time to be fair I think it's I don't think he'll do that great it'll do all right it's a game shark yeah yeah yeah yeah we filmed it before the mystery box okay same day oh the day I arrived from Dubai now yeah seven a.m straight to this year it's horrible yeah are you are you glad you did it that way around yeah that was my like a so tiny message me almost like which way do you want to do it for like which one first and I was like everyone will genuinely be gassed by the mystery box so make that second because if otherwise you'll use all the energy in the first and then Wheel of Fortune be like oh God now we just got punishments would you ever do Wheel of Fortune too if it does well yeah but we wouldn't let Harry did the worst thing is when we did hide and seek at Zoo so I was trying to think of some like mini forfeit games for the mystery box and then he was thinking of the forfeits of this and I said oh we don't want them to clash like you know I don't want red ass so tell them let me know what the forfeits are and we can kind of bounce off each other and he was like oh yeah I'll message you never did and then this happened but yeah it was it ended up being quite funny because we're all there going like we don't want to play yeah we get to one point where we're spinning the wheel and we're just guessing letters we know aren't there so we don't have to go again wait how's the game besides punishment the game was quite good yeah yeah um Wheel of Fortune is always our favorite game to play in Vegas yeah there's a couple a couple of them were like there was one that was like sidemen quotes and it was I think it was like choke on Rice slip in the shower which is what Ethan said in GTA which we all knew that quote really well because we were there whereas Harry was like this one's really difficult and we lit someone goes I think they went like s and they saw slip and shower like they saw them everyone went I've got it it's chicken right what yeah so it kind of ruined it for him a bit but I think it was good this should be a decent video I think it's uh I don't think it's like a top tier Banger because I think it's a solid Good Vibes in it though Good Vibes yeah isn't Alex in this one no all right what so no one was in it no okay so they tried to get Randy couldn't and failed and then got no one yeah we actually had Danny Ahrens all right so then I think we had Denny and we said well we couldn't have one guess we had to have two or not oh [ __ ] sorry yeah push out Danny lovely guy I think we had him for that but I mean he's been in loads recently yeah killing it killing the game I hate these things by the way you know this apple juice it says per 100 milliliters that's how much you know contents has got in it but then it's 200 million years I haven't do that so you just double it yeah no no no I can do the math don't worry they're like um oh per 100 grams it's like 500 calories but the sandwich is like 600 grams just so how much it is half of it who has a half a sandwich you share it sandwich quit in half I'm sorry one quit in half equals two no because if you go to like so if you go to don't [ __ ] do that Tesco's right yeah all right and you buy a sandwich yeah it comes in half all the time yeah but that's one slice of bread what each half is a slice of bread so why is that one sandwich why isn't one side is technically a sandwich it's not half a sandwich but it but like if it's 600 grams then it's half you have half of it no but my point is right so you've got these you open the sandwich you take out both Yep this this half yeah this is a sandwich this isn't half a sandwich this is a sandwich no yeah I get your point there that's a good point but I'm saying it's 600 grams just to just say how much 600 grams is yeah but what what if you were having a bigger sandwich you'd always do it based off yeah on the [ __ ] packet or how many calories that is they normally do right they do they often they say they still they say no no this one doesn't they say they they say 100 grams or per packet they do both this one just does one I'm saying if they don't it does but this is also for children as you said listen man kids can read by the way and are still somewhere else yeah even the comments like Randy's being so stupid here I'm not you're all wrong about what about the whole um you you I I said JJ you were being stupid with that no you just misunderstood the point you misconstrued the point we both did I didn't have a point just real quick my point uh actually you weren't here for this let's listen to me listen to this yeah you understand how fantasy football works okay right listen I said yep JJ because he's watching so many FPL content and is watching so many you know um boffins he will get disheartened that he's not doing very well in the overall Rank and then he'll kick quit that's what we and you both said listen Okay I was saying you can do badly in FPL globally but you still are not going to be bottom two of your mini league because someone could be doing even worse than you are no you said the opposite that's what I meant though that's what I meant yeah but you said you said he might do really well in the global one no no you said he might make a team that does really well in the global league but do really bad in your league I didn't mean that that's what he said right Nick I meant the opposite yeah I meant because and also he tweeted saying by the way he tweeted saying don't read the comments because they're also wrong you're also wrong as little guys that guy agreed with you oh but he's wrong apparently no no he's right I didn't read that one he's right no no but then Jada tweeted by the way he's saying I'm gonna get top ten thousand yeah and that's so that's so well that's so good like yeah I know I know Chris won our League last year I bet he was like 300 000. and that is really good still by the way yeah but yeah um so I'm saying he might get like 20 000 in the world I'm like oh I'm doing so bad but could so you know that makes sense yeah what you said was he might do really well globally but do badly in your league what I said my point against that was you doing well if you're doing well globally you're doing well and yeah along on the same page because I was actually walking around live going like is a good time it was a horrible horrible argument yeah but it was just on different different sides of it because um that's what I was saying you could do [ __ ] in global but pick one play that no one in the Ali has and that player will carry you in our league but not in the actual real League yeah so this is some true story and also doing well in our league is just not coming bomb three that's all you gotta do you got there's no there's no price there was a props winning but Chris didn't collect so what was it uh everyone pays 200 pound to him [Music] surely all you should do right because you're going away for it yeah we all paid a grand anyway to go away so I thought I would just say that whoever wins gets to like pick certain stuff yeah like I do like he should get firstly he should get first choice of bedroom yeah yeah yeah uh any meal like maybe let him off a couple of the meals yeah I agree I agree yeah yeah um there's got to be something for winning yeah I I yeah yeah I agree because it's a and also too Fair the satisfaction is really good I imagine but by the way you know in our league um even I was only in last year not in Prior but whoever won the league the year before loses the next one every time yeah it's a freezy one then came bottom um I think jmx one then came back on and then Chris one something like that but yeah yeah um did the did film in both seven videos in the same day affect the energy I thought we moved on from that to be honest but we already spoke about that yeah and I know we spoke about that no you were you weren't listening Nick actually asked me that question I was written textual is import text uh how many of the top 100 films have we about three years ago before we had Nick and John oh let's do it again I mean you did see this earlier and didn't say that I only remembered I just remembered okay guys we're gonna go through the top 100 no we're not gonna do the top 100. we literally said top ten well come on then okay let's do 100 films you want to go through let's go yes no no I don't do that no because you want to say okay like have you seen the short shank with them yes it's really good film yeah but I I never understood why it's rated number one am I allowed to say that I I understand again as in like it's an amazing film and I would say if someone said if you've seen it I would go yeah it's amazing yes yeah but I'm not saying it's the greatest film of all time yeah I've seen other films where I'm like that that was really really good and then like this one I was like I was because I knew but the thing is I went into it knowing it was rated number one so I probably stopped me a little bit because I was like I just broke out of prison but like I mean I mean pretty much did that yeah just watched episode one yeah literally episode one hit it in 50 minutes and then 50 minutes because it took like 30 years um a lower meta score than the other films as well does that mean what is a meta score Mexico is like people right critics all right oh whereas IMDb is like a database of like regular people vote for it I would rather listen to regular people than critics yeah yes I think they would put artsy films higher yeah they would yeah Godfather think I saw it when I was really young I've never seen it and I would love to him I wouldn't watch it now you've never watched Matrix none of them so it's when someone says yeah amorphous is the other guy with the pills yeah yeah what I'm gonna touch it though I think it would be you'd find it really dated now the idea would be cool I was a kid once as we know and um my dad was watching the movie Matrix and I saw him dodging the bullets yeah but I think if you watch that now you'd be like wow this it just looks bad true oh yeah if I can come I can get over that but Godfather I think I saw it when I was really young yeah I don't I don't watch it it's three as well isn't it it's but it's now it's three hours not watching it you know it's three hours as well Oppenheimer three hours two I heard everyone say it was amazing that times comes out everyone's seen it probably have you seen it no I'm gonna go last week I didn't know it was like gonna be like that yeah like we got invited to the premiere yeah you should have gone whilst busy but that's why I said no should have been like yeah um yeah and then just give me the ticket I also probably could have got one if I tried yeah Sofia Baker there yeah if he if he's there yeah although you know I had to get 40 000 views handing out tickets like this two million or something yeah he's celebrating now don't I don't know very good films list I haven't seen that either haven't seen it sorry yeah 12 Angry Men never watched that what is that 1957. there's some sort of films you've seen 12 Angry Men is it good it's actually good exactly so it's a it's like um jurors having a debate over like uh it is only an hour and a half it's like a play It's like a play so it's all like set in just one setting Jack has seen every movie he is the movie have you I haven't seen every movie no but have you got a letterbox literally have you got a letterbox account oh wow those people who have them accounts are such snobs by the way actually I bought the program for a year as well because you yeah you just no you just said everyone who has those there's a snow but I had the account no but I I'm not one I I didn't watch the movies I couldn't read it actually wait you don't have the account anymore you've become less of a snob no but it's not there's no TV shows I'm a TV show guy I know but you still used to be like a TV and film snob well I am still no you're not anymore because before it used to be like you're watching TV wrong you're you need to watch the best shows anime stupid and now your letterbox ran out yeah yeah and now you've seen Attack on Titan I love that yeah did you know that's in my top three shows of all time yeah yeah um you can collect me I felt rude sorry Nick [Music] but uh no I've always been more TV than movies I like TV shows better to be honest Lord of the Rings Return of the King yeah it's good amazing it's good which one is that third third one third that's my favorite one really good you're not very character from Lord of the Rings here we go Agron Aragon that's right yeah [Laughter] I think he's like the most basic one I can't remember actually he used to throw a sword around he's like he he's annoyed me Legolas was the cool one really yeah when he Chucks his shield on the floor and surfs down the stairs on his shield while firing arrows that got me hard I thought for a minute I was gay yeah I would be gay for the Aragon I mean he is a good looking man and when he opens today part elf mum oh no no he's part he's elf what about Legolas he's off too oh I thought you're talking about yeah yeah anyway back to the movies bro I bet you haven't even seen Return of the King wow Spiderman have you seen have you seen Return of the King I feel like you've probably seen the first Lord of the Rings that's one where the ring falls into the lover that's the first one [Music] one oh true Spider-Man across the spider verse I haven't seen that yet the first one that's the new one I haven't seen that yet I haven't either and I hate the first one I can't go it was it came out uh like let me guess you watch something playing no I haven't watched it I just said that the first one no I went and saw that okay amazing oh yeah you did I watched that in the cinema and it was like it was sick but uh that one came out the week of my wedding so I was in Italy that's him and we got I got invited to the Premio like a private screening but it was the day I left to it to go to Italy it's a few minutes freezer was saying as well like he always always has always said no to like premiers but oftenham I came through he's like no no yeah yeah and like you know what I might start going to a few just because yeah I said no and then this one came up and I was literally like I'll be there I'll be there 100 I'm getting married I've seen it when I was very young that's one to watch yeah sure is that the one with the three boob woman one boob woman three boob woman I think he's like a porno Total Recall I'm thinking of which one's Pulp Fiction it's with um Samuel Jackson and John Travolta Royale with cheese yeah around with cheese they are I feel like I've watched it with my oldest brother yeah I've watched my oldest brother but I couldn't yeah um yeah couldn't this is not too old by the way you know he's talking about like uh this one's not too old although it'll probably come at the same time let's not watch the whole movie Nick sorry and then Inception oh yeah yeah I still don't get it but it was all right it was all right I think this is another one by the way that the amount of people would put it number one no I do like it at the time it was a big thing like do you get it or not I don't know like I just feel like everyone was like really you know people who love films right and like yeah Jack but I'm saying like back in the day I know this because the time it came out was when I was like a youth right and if you've if people want you to say you don't get it oh my God you don't get Inception I hate them people I hate them so much I think it is amazing but I don't I I don't think it's even near my top five really do you like um what's the other one that they did Shutter Island no no uh let's face one still haven't seen it no I should watch that one we've spoken about it multiple times and I've said I haven't seen that and it keeps coming up we've done it like four years it's on the it's on the plane every time I go and I'm like everyone goes no no you can't wait yeah exactly young Sheldon you can no I watch if you want to you because the new season just came out if you want to watch out on the plane you can no I watch the shittiest movies I'm playing Step Brothers or something else no bro the one I watched recently was the it was might be the worst film I've ever seen in my life it was um some kid who can like see he can like touch something and then see into the future or like where that person's gone like that no I will film a new film quite new I'll be able to you I you won't have seen it but what were you gonna say I was gonna say I was on a plane once in uh it was almost to Vegas somewhere so business class and I was too scared to ask for headphones um so I watched Conor McGregor documentary on mute with no subtitles I'm just guessing what's happening and I really enjoyed it did you have Subs no no no subtitles I also watched um Alexander McQueen documentary look good as well as foreign no no that one's set in a lot of places actually uh which one Good the Bad and the Ugly oh yeah it's like a famous Western isn't that crazy Lord of the Rings The Two Towers isn't that crazy how that came out in 2002 and they'll see the two too America from the trio at the end where they do the you know the buildings interstellar's there as well One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest it's not on there's no way yeah have you yeah is that good uh that is a good film Jack Nicholson oh that one actually happened with them yeah yeah in color he pleads he's sane but it pleads Insanity like a criminal when he's in yeah I've seen that yeah so that he goes to a mental institute instead of prison oh nice and then he's just stuck to a load of crazy people is that old being a mental institute because I watch which one's that 1980 you know everything um I don't know if I've seen that they all blend into one and I've honestly I've got so bored of stuff oh yeah okay I've seen that oh you're just gonna take the top of it no I've seen that one um I saw all the Star Wars up to the one where there was Darth Maul and he had the red face and that was sick too though like looking back I just don't care about more sick right he's actually sick he looked cool he has got a double ended sword yeah and he had like spikes on his head my brother uh called Paul an ice clone dot Pole uh same brat Ryan yes in that two minute two no seven no I know they go what's in the box Silence of the Lambs no read about it though it's cool Green Mile great film actually yeah tear Joker A New Hope yeah I thought that was a new one nice put it away not seen that was the anime I had ever seen city of God have seen that not seen maybe two he has uh maybe Life is Beautiful oh yeah this is [ __ ] yeah now you're going into like artsy old films yeah I don't watch I think old films have I think these are voted by Nostalgia Merchants yeah I agree since I'm right there is good though he's really good I've heard about that it's a wonderful life 1946. well that's everyone just coming out the war going like yeah this is amazing yeah that's the first time a film were invented the Christmas Christmas film though all right yeah yeah what's your point Christmas isn't black and white anymore that's true also Christmas is that film is that film black and white yeah so why is there color on the thumbnail you can't see it in color can you race like a color version because remember life was called In Color my dad told me that um like the war was fought in black and white yeah yeah and low-key some greens yeah and frame rate as well was awful no frame rate was good was it yes you fast what what are you about I think too fair when you look at all videos that everyone's walking really fast I think it was actually in like High frames Hello friends what are you on about I don't know what you're talking about maybe it was like shot in the frames but then framed scaled up TV so I swear yeah oh well everything was really really fast look him he's moving fast this is how I imagine James frames filming on his weekends like he'll be like Oh I'm gonna take the the old camera let's leave it like that okay what we got what else we got yeah now I'm interested in what oh I thought you said more films but you don't mean that no I was excited to my films we've got some unpopular opinions from the uh yeah you a lot on Instagram so this is from the this is from the fans of what's good by the way and by the way we wouldn't crunching some numbers our podcast gets bare um like views and stuff so thanks for that and also keep listening to us on Spotify And subscribe And subscribe because we actually need a we need a big push to hit a million 500 a day but remember if you all just push once that makes the daily average less yeah do you want me just put everyone subscribe now and then I'm gonna get 100 yeah we'll just go just go on your mom's computer right now yeah because we don't care if you're real and we also we just we just want the plaque we don't want Bots though I don't know we just want the plaque we'll happily hit it get the plaque and go back under we just won the plaque the plaque and the uh new studio yeah by the way um to introducing guys this is from you guys yeah so cute I mind so if anything weird happens here it's all on you yeah even if a Randy says something stupid okay well Aiden you says parties are overrated highly oh depends what they are and who they're for and who's going good party when everyone so that your wedding when you know everyone there is like a safety person you know yeah I get that that's the thing a good party is it's not rated highly enough yeah yeah exactly but I do understand I agree it's a random party yeah you're not known to you there there's no way of knowing until after the party you're like Dan has a good party man yeah and also I don't ever call anything party do you no it's like a get together people who leave parties without saying goodbye save up to two days per year I've started doing this we're just leaving yeah because back in the day I was like see you back in the day I was coming from Nottingham right driving all the way down I'm gonna say bye to you all or say now I'm like you know what No One's Gonna Go like oh I wonder what I'm doing just go home I'll see you all tomorrow fair but sometimes we just think we've lost you like if we did a troops meal oh no and you just disappear no no problem not say that I'm saying more like if it's like a seven party I'm not gonna come like see everyone I'm gonna go you know I know what you mean well okay how it is if I walk past them I'll say bye yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna leave and say bye to the people that are on the way yes and I'm gonna get a listen like okay done this person I get that it's called a French exit a French exit yeah or Irish goodbye I'll go that one okay Irish goodbye sound sexual what a friend checks it doesn't French exit sounds like an [ __ ] French exit sounds like an urban dictionary like Scotch bonnet type thing yeah uh Austin yeah OST says pineapple best pizza toppings I've said it before and I said it again I hate this discussion uh bro just if it's on it just eat it yeah and if you like it cool if you don't like it don't even yeah if it's on a pizza and someone goes do you want a slice of this and it's on there I'll later there are way worse things to get on a pizza than a pineapple yeah people heat up people people heat up pineapple and eat it off a stick yeah it's not the weirdest thing when people say pineapple's the worst pizza topping that's just outrageous yeah like let's talk about grapes on the pizza that would make sense come some people would like that not me that sounds like okay sorry what one literal poo it's gross that's worse than pineapple yeah it's worse exactly also sometimes you get the meat Feast ones and it looks like a little bit of poop it does it looks like a rabbit dropping so yeah yeah or hair I saw him by the way I won't play golf today yeah deers running around nice I almost hit one the other day it literally jumped out in front of me yeah and then jolted back in just before and I had a heart attack that can really damage the car you know yeah but it didn't hit no yeah yeah and also it kills a deer yeah I didn't hear it but me and Tyler were talking about this if you hit okay you're driving tomorrow yeah you're driving right yeah Dave Runs Out boom you're here yeah we did uh call my insurance company what to fix your car you well yes accident what about the deer probably grab it by the legs check it out just off the road I mean to be honest yeah like honestly not in terms of animal cruelty but like what else are you gonna do because you're not meant to cool like you're not in a cool animal services or anything unless it's a dog so even if you hit a cat you're not meant to JJ watch out yeah so JJ I might just come down here oh I thought it was another day and I really wanted to um oh no I did reply that [Laughter] no that's because of me though oh is it that's because he put a picture of boo yeah and oh yeah I replied to it saying every time I post a picture of the dog you roast me and now he post a picture of his cat and nothing yeah where he was going dick rider yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but nobody because like you I said that MPC thing you said yeah and now I went to like yeah it's okay um next one needed a bit of you know sprucing up that's why lag 9000. I really dislike summer and it's heat I'd much rather walk in the rain than a hot summer day well it depends there's levels to this like torrential rain no it's the worst thing but that light rain that we had when we played golf that time was fine it was really really not even getting wet I would love that and then again it's a nice sunny day like 20 degrees really nice you know you're getting warm you get a bit of a tan you know it's just very comfortable um but then yeah like 40 degree is awful you know when it's like stupidly hot yeah and it's uncomfortable yeah that or like really bad rain every day for the next year extremely hot really I I would go stupidly cold over I'd rather go like Estonia in -20 and wear like coats and hats and be out and blow into the air to see Steam come out I'd rather blow yeah um no but I'd rather that rather like cold Icy snowy than rain rain's annoying because it stops you doing stuff I'd rather a cold day than a hot day but I'd rather a very like you know warm day over a cold day too like that you'd wear that well that was just because it was a funeral it was funny I know a lot of people that dislike summer though yeah but they don't dislike summer they they hate the heat yeah so that's that's a fair one also Direction like it's harsh sometimes like nice cloudy day but warm cool I also feel really guilty making videos in the heat oh yeah yeah we could yeah you could do for land video Amy Lou exes can be friends without it being awkward they can be friends without being awkward but I don't think they can be friends for long it's not close as well if it's like a if it's like a friend that you go and still go into the house having like tea takeaways and like you know maybe that's a bit weird but casual friends yeah you can you cannot hate your ex yeah yeah fully you know but I don't think how you do it you can't go to the cinema with your ex no and still if you're still if you're trying to look for a relationship yeah well you could we could in a group you could and that's fine yeah like four or five of you it's like yeah we had a friend group so I'm not gonna ruin the whole friend group yeah but it also depends on how long you're dating for like if you if you date someone for six weeks oh yeah that's fine I was gonna say the opposite really I think the shorter if it's a really quick thing like if you dated someone for like six months yeah and then you're trying to hang out with them it is a little bit awkward I think but if you hang out with them for so long yeah yeah like years yeah then you could be friends yeah because you're like you're very short you could be friends because you're like middle period we got on really well but we realized that this part didn't work out but yeah we did obviously we were together for so long that the Friendship part was there yeah that was real you know whereas a short one there's like it's just a little like yeah this is the fling and now yeah I feel you Rachel Jordan won mids better than Jordan won highs I agree yeah to wear I like high tops fair for like a bit too much is that an unpopular opinion that's a no well Rachel I don't know I feel like no I just think that's like a that's a proper just normal preference yeah yeah because I don't know how to play basketball originally maybe yeah Sean Philly is not better than Chris Toby Theo Simon Manny no or ethernet football he's not even top seven that is outrageous what it is is because I'm hating him man you're welcome and thought you know what he can't get away with it um I haven't seen Philly play that much I haven't seen any of them play that much well you've seen Toby more than anyone else yeah Chris I think Noah and Manny are better than Philly Theo Theo Chris Toby in Philly Ethan's very well to get that list I know I'm sorry but he's better he plays we'll also say all these are better than him it depends on the day I think like Theo can be better than Chris Toby and Philly well with a good hip as well yeah Chris charity matches hasn't like the second one he was really good but the other ones he hasn't he know her in the most recent one he ran away from Noah but like Toby is a really good person to have on your team who would be in your seven aside YouTuber in my seven aside YouTube football team who would I have no I'll go YouTubers like no yeah I'm not gonna take any of the do you include Noah back in that uh no okay I would have why he's not YouTube he's probably got his channel he does YouTube he does YouTube okay UK YouTubers you're seven aside football team you're one of them thank you no no on your team you're not mine I don't know who I'm having in goal uh doesn't John can't now it's a Christmas John well sorry could be he I mean he could if he counts I'd have him Charlie Morley then I don't know if he can't answer though because he's not playing like he doesn't do YouTube and go yeah Kieran Carlin sure seven aside he's really good he plays in golf yeah it's killing Colin all right um then me is the second one I'd have Manny yeah Manny Chris do Toby crew Theo Toby Philly Philly why not just that that list that they put that is literally it yeah I'd have that I'm sure yeah why would shavine has done the research as well wow Philly of the pH you're nuts I feel like we don't need to keep making this yeah no we don't uh but that is that is an outrageous opinion by the way the fact that you put Philly is not better than yeah he scored the best goal in in the charity match yeah why is it in haterade man yeah tips and Prime all right Bethany I like beans on Pizza I just look like that's not even they that's not what we asked I like these on Pizza thanks Bethany but you know to be fair I reckon that's bad you don't see that Google Heinz Pizza I think it needs to be more of a dip waiting to see this okay they sell it in like shops that looks disgusting I know Iceland that looks disgusting type in type in Heinz uh Iceland products there's loans remove Pizza Man products there you go there they go fishing filled hash browns with beans in again these probably do bangs they're definitely bad they look gross different look uh Heinz Creations Italian beans The Zed beans Burgers I would love to do a video trying all these weird ones I'm doing a video similar to that yeah with Talia because she never ate like the really like no you mean [ __ ] stuff uh Turkish turkey dinosaurs or so she had them a couple times their friend's house they're definitely in our own house every now and then it was the rare occasion now and then I feel like my my rare occasion was like a really like bougie meal that was the rare one whereas normally I'd have turkey dinosaurs in Spanish and it's amazing chicken calves where cells was the other way around uh homemade all the time so I want to have one where she would have had smiley faces I want to get a bunch of foods that I had when I was a kid like pizza fingers crispy pancakes yeah all of this stuff what that's what it's called British oh yeah what yeah beige British smarty faces whoa pizza fingers weren't beige crispy pancakes were kind of yellowy orange finger food on the color spectrum also I don't I I'm always amazed at these things that happen in life when like you go through you go through the tick tock or you go through Twitter and you see someone say something and like everyone in the country agrees that we did that as well as a kid and I'm like how like like picky tea for example what picky tea yeah it's like you're like hot Summer's Day yo so that's picky bits yeah yeah I would never even use that phrase someone just said it the other day well listen man you let's just say that your household is not the average householder hey we still had that well one why didn't you we just didn't call it picky bits or picky tea tea she can put some bits out no you probably call it like [ __ ] yeah go on what 12 course tonight you know let's go I don't know yeah mission in tonight Mission star meal tonight I've never had a Michelin star meal I don't think yeah actually maybe an assignment video yeah anyway no so uh when would I I'm just I'm just surprised I don't think I have not that I know of anyway maybe I have hot Summer's Day you've got like little ham that's you know egg salad PC okay next one Dan kendru Teslas are bad you're wrong we need to get personal man he's just wrong though but now look he's got a [ __ ] look he's got a [ __ ] Laurie's proper picture says well I just was like I don't want to hear the noise I'm like I I don't give a [ __ ] I don't care like and I get it I get it I get what you mean guys yeah apparently you can't have this in the UK right it's the Cyber trucks I've really won the Cyber truck but you know how wide your car is I know there's no point are you trying to go through those things in London yeah you can't do it they've just started doing them like they're actually nice but I just think yeah anyone who says oh I just want to hear this it's like you're going to buy a car for that sound for the first three weeks or you're gonna buy one that you drive like like Ethan bought his dream car so yeah yeah he did but they bought a sick one whoa he always wanted like his dream car was the Nissan GTR yeah sure oh so that yeah yeah he got it and then Josh wanted the R8 bought it drove it three times at our house and then sold it yeah yeah it's just like well you know the sound the sound is nice every now and then just [ __ ] watch a video uh Josh has a little hatchback and Ethan has a Lamborghini Eros Iris too fairly like when Bez made that goal he probably never thought he's ever gonna get a GTR yeah and then he did and got enough I mean the Urus was not even out no it was yeah but it was also it was like a four day decision yeah we were in we filmed the video in it Dubai right la oh yeah where we got driven round in three cars that was like our day was wherever we went we got three cars and he sat in that one and was just like this car is so nice can I drive it for a minute drove it went home when I want one got it Toby had been saying for four years like the Urus is the dream car that's what I'm getting at some point I even came home just bought it yeah true true it made Toby buy it yeah and I also will say that like I was so shocked when I find out how much that car was I don't think Euros yeah maybe it was like that's like like 68k right all right saying something like that no the Aventador does that's way more in it yeah oh was his one that much I think he was near I swear almost like 60k I swear I think his insurance was I think his insurance was yeah probably actually Harry had the Gallardo that one is he also had a special edition yes it's not his but yeah yeah agato yeah okay 6K to that okay well again I don't look at Lamborghini prices so if I know the Euros was funny um next one George says beaches are very overrated agree hate him oh hate him why limp played volleyball for 10 minutes let me play football kick a ball about five minutes you're not going to see do you hate to see how you do it's a bad version of the pool salt water gross there's things in there yeah gross you also come out of it immediately on sand that's the worst part that is the worst part yeah and hopefully sometimes we just fry the little little Taps that I like that yeah it's just yeah beaches suck now look but like I used to go on beach holidays all the time as a kid and I miss them now oh I went out there recently in my family and I actually leave before the day before I take half on the beach foreign [Music] yeah Jamie never forget that Carlos Christmas is overrated big mistake it does get it does get a little bit overrated when you're the older you get without kids well yes I know I I agree I agree by the way it's like it was like the dream of Christmas like Disney World the dream's so good you get to it you're like damn Auntie's a bit you know annoying now your girl you realize actually she's the [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't mean that Tony my aunties I'm joking you're all blessed but it's not as good as when you were a kid you know and then once you have a kid I'm sure it's back to being amazing when they get a bit there when they get yeah when they're like their first Christmas is probably just like last year we're like you love it you live in Christmas and she's like but she's drowning no this year she'll be sick yeah yeah for like six months she's yeah she doesn't know what Christmas is taught how to tickle now also half a favor how to tickle no I'll stick on there okay you do it but she actually started to do it on my foot now like um are you ticklish yeah so like before I was I was like no no no yeah did you go too far all the time what did you mean by that he tickled me tickled me the appropriate amount for a dad I'd say that that was funny then we all laughed we should laugh more but um but I'm saying like no just tickling a bit like you you panic stop panicking no I don't think so I'm sorry um I don't know his name he's the guy who's like a mustache handsome guy as well he's like stop it he's like you've almost killed me because you take them in I used to get dead angry like stop oh yeah funny I know what you mean yeah I mentioned the JJ thing in the video the other day I was reacting to something there's a clip where you were in a go-kart and he comes over and starts tickling yeah and I was like he has this weird Obsession especially with you yeah it's just like if you're ever in a position where you're a little bit vulnerable like you can't leave where you are like a seat where you're strapped in or whatever he'll just do it yeah the worst time was on tour uh I like pinned down by everyone and security and he for him to tickle me oh my God I was like laughing and I'm like I'm not having a good time yeah you can't not laugh yeah but no um Apple just sit there and she'll take my foot and look at me and I I I originally I was laughing fakely now I have to actually laugh because it's tickly I have to say stop one point you're gonna accidentally kick her because I probably will you get a natural reaction yeah yeah like why is he tickling you here so why is he filming in this frame rate [Music] when Jason does it you are [ __ ] yourself boxes as well [Music] it's because you're just in that's in my office you're just like I think what happened was I'm pretty sure on like I don't know on Reddit or something like that probably I don't know anyway next one Josh says if you go out in your car topless as a guy you're a wrong no not our Josh by the way Josh Stevens um I I think unless it's a hot day I also hate when people walk around topless not because I had another body for it but I just feel like it's just weird man like it is a bit weird if it's sunny fair enough like tan you know whatever I do think it car's a bit weird because it's like especially it's leather yeah on you know you got like the stickiness whenever we've done a shoot where you end up like super wet or like sweaty because you've been running or whatever yeah um but I always say to Ethan I always say to the other my I'm backing this off and I'm just driving home without it yeah and everyone's like young and did the same and I don't know if anyone actually does because I don't I always I always get to my car no I get to my car and I think this stinks but then I'm like do I want to just not wear a shirt and have the sweat out on my seat and everything it might smell all the time I think I'm sure I'm gonna drive home and see if I was looking I'm not no no but I'm saying like right for this if you want to reason if you've got a reason for it then you feel wet then of course yeah but then if even then I don't after in in Ibiza after the champagne chafee says people who can sing well should sing bad on purpose during karaoke I do actually and I'm not trying to call out Talia here but I I do people who can't sing you just start doing nothing and you start singing I'm like we trying to do like we get it you can sing she sings it all the time I know but she's just practicing right the person well no but some people do it on purpose yeah I think karaoke though I hate I mean I hate anyone who tries to force anyone to sing because I hate it I hate karaoke but anyone who doesn't sing everyone goes come on sing oh don't be boring come on but then they'll do it to a good singer and be like and then as soon as they start seeing they'll sit down be like oh sure enough yeah you forced them to sing I hate that moment when people Force you do anything and I hate it because like sometimes it's literally not because you're having fun you're enjoying it and someone then makes you feel bad for not having fun yeah I'm having fun but like I don't sometimes I don't want to do that the last time I went to karaoke everyone tried to force me to do it and I was having a really good time as soon as they started forcing me to do I was like I'm just not I don't want to be here yeah I want to go home now and for me like people go oh can you rap like rap for us I'm like no I don't know live stream Pokemon they're like oh how much I mean like how many donations to the channel for you to start rapping my zero I was like I can't do it without any music anyway like you just wrapped she's just gonna I cannot think of anything more cringe I think if I think if I start a rapping like that I stopped crying the embarrassment I think my eyes like watering with how embarrassed I am okay uh Soph asks whoever asks the person out pays for the first date I quite like that you know I think that yes I think and by the way I think in any situation if you are the one asking someone to go out not even just for a date you should be willing to then pay so if I said to you do you wanna play golf tomorrow I should have to pay for you no I think more so but no but you should be prepared to because for example I've been in this situation before where I've asked someone could just say no they can say no but then you go now come on man come on come on so if you want to go for a meal with someone and you're like come on come on they might not have to forward it or might not be able to budget in with their week or whatever yeah and you're like and you're like come on please man please you get there order this order that order this the split it it's like I get it I get it if you're pushing them to come yes so yeah so if I said to you like I'll join a play golf tomorrow oh no like no I'm all right and I'm like no come on like just come to mind blah blah play golf weather then I get it yeah yeah but if I said to you John play golf and you said yeah I shouldn't have to be even willing to pay for both of us yeah and I I agree by the way also got a bit of an extreme example it's kind of expensive but like I just think like you know sometimes when people Force One to come on something they don't want to do and then they've got to pay for it as well it's like I don't want to be in the first place oh you're boring man you're boring come on come out you know but this I mean I think it should always just be 50 50. someone can offer but if oh yeah yeah if you ain't offering back I'm the one yeah leave run Isaac socks are good at first when going to sleep then they get worse yeah I agree if you wear socks when you sleep that's weird I agree but I used to be a sock wearer I used to look and I used to love it I shouldn't have to fall asleep without socks on it that makes sense never I've changed yeah because I realized when I used to play Wars I actually changed by accident though no no I started I like it I now I can't see the socks on they feel so trapped so enclosed and like feeling the sheets between my toes I love that now in the air oh I've got storage I'll tell you in a second that's right actually okay going to bed last night yeah spider oh yeah picks up some clothes to move them and spider came out of it okay and I was like I cannot go to bed knowing that it's in here so I have to kill it sorry just anyone who loves spiders uh and it's and you know the worst thing about spiders and on a carpet squash them they just survived yeah this coffee just goes down with them yeah so I for example like put my suitcase on top of it didn't do anything you know it had a candle I saw a hard candle I was like if I shot the candle it kept coming back so why didn't the end was I just like cut it with the candle and then stood on in the on the candle of it and like did like this yeah listen on the audio I'm rotating my ankle but some wrist but I'm sick of my ankle um and then I was like and I waited there like 10 minutes while looking at it just see it kind of came out because I didn't open it again in case it screwed off quickly um then I put a uh a actually you know like a mini box without that one in it on top trying to add some more weight to it and just went to bed so even now it's still under there um so I was dead because it's just you know that's that way so like seven spiders a year yeah apparently Smith but I'm like this spider is in my room I could crawl up me and go into my mouth I feel like it's quite likely that maybe not seven but yeah or maybe it's like a couple and I just yeah I don't want that in my life I don't want Spider in my belly foreign okay Ellie says David Attenborough voice isn't soothing that's just wrong no I agree what he's got a nice voice and it's great entertainment to watch and hear him but I don't fall asleep listen to it because he sounds like he's gonna die folks I'm like just bro you know what sometimes this isn't this is I'm sorry I'm sorry this isn't you by the way he's gonna die now he's gonna come out on the day he dies and everyone's like look at this guy man how inconsiderate I was recording this he ain't dead yet this is a this is not you if he dies one my a big pet peeve of mine is when people do David Attenborough voice no no because you were taking the piss out yeah okay but you know when people are like they do they they do it and they're like oh we've seen oh wow it's not the same and as much as you can do a good impression it's not the same it's not you're not an old man just get out of it now yeah yeah never do a David Attenborough impression no no it's weird Shelby only go to a concert if you know all songs of the song I disagree so much because sometimes you realize how good someone is if you can enjoy your concert without knowing the songs that they are amazing yeah and sometimes you go to a concert just to experience for the first time you don't know who you are you know let's let's see them at their truest form live also what I dislike we headed to post Malone I don't and I I partook in it while we were there because like you have to but I don't like looking at the setlist before I hate it what's the point Josh does it just yeah Josh does it every time and then he comes over and goes oh the next song's gonna be this better now what's the next one I don't want to know yeah and I enjoyed it at the time because I'm like but then the reason I enjoyed at the time was why I don't want to enjoy it I also reason I don't watch trailers before movies either yeah but if you if you're committed to go then you don't need to watch a trailer huh I hate people who do that yeah people I know someone who watched a TV show or a film goes to the end first watches that thing goes back oh yeah that's Psychopathic man back there in your life is a Sweden yeah enjoy the enjoy the concept man like you know yeah the one time I didn't enjoy it as well was uh what was I went to the movie guy handsome yeah I like that one that one was okay because you sometimes you want to know what is it yeah what is it and you see the set and you're like do I recognize that set yeah oh it's this oh that's why that makes sense and also if you know what the settings you also know when it's gonna end and I hate that as well yeah I told you before my thoughts on Comedy well you see the whole thing of like uh when when someone starts playing a song like you just hear the first couple notes yeah yeah you don't get that because you're like oh yeah I know it's this yeah yeah I don't want to know cheers Josh that Taylor Swift she does a different one-off song she does a um acoustic version of a different song every time no one knows imagine this though at Glastonbury if you had to know every single song by every artist well that's the other thing is you're never going to know all the songs by the support Acts sure so if you're gonna what so I can't go see Drake yeah because he's got someone else performing with him yes shall we now what now you look so stupid well one of the like one of the best people I ever saw alive was actually not not the top but they were very good was One Republic they were spoiled but I I knew apologize and that was it and they came they were like yeah we've been in the jungle writing this album I apologize what you just said actually it was amazing yeah what why should I apologize because you [ __ ] cares about One Republic man why I'm joking I'm joking Too Late to Apologize who the [ __ ] are you say that I agree but it's just like I feel like I I forgot the existed they don't know you exist I know I don't either you can say about me but no at the same time yeah but if I really liked it I didn't know any of the songs except that no I do yeah so that's what like name one of the song from them uh [ __ ] uh Counting Stars as a bait one I I don't know if you're correct so that's that's a huge one that's you'll know that song I probably do yeah featuring JLS no all right Luke Bryan says that stomach is better than Allison tips got a point by the way yeah but I don't agree we've got a point underrated very underrated yeah very underrated yeah yeah Josh orange juice is so much better than Apple Juice uh wrong I just drink both and grow up yeah I like both in different days sometimes and also I don't want too much of one you know I love as well I love going to a hotel and look well one thing I hate about hotel drinks so [ __ ] small the cups yeah I just sit and drinking more before I sit down but I like picking one you've got water with a bit cucumber in it or you've got Apple orange sometimes you whack a weird one in like what the [ __ ] yeah do I say guava I think I was wrong yes you you don't pronounce it you said what what did you say guava yeah you're right you're right he said guava I thought you said you don't anyway um why would I say guava is it afternoon because that's very Nation I'm supposed to say that yeah interesting that's a remind reading Tick Tock today did you do it on me no no oh no it was like this whole thing of this guy right it's not gonna work but he he makes someone pick a card right so pick a card in your head okay don't say it okay so you know what it is yeah okay now tell me any other card in the set that in the deck seven of diamonds okay so what his logic was is men are really bad at lying right most guys don't change the the color of the suit because they think that's too obvious so you said a diamond so it's probably a heart the one you're thinking of and then you went for a seven so it's probably uh this this part I can't really gauge because he only said one part but I would say it's probably like a Jack or a queen or a king of hearts what was it three of Hearts you got that right that felt so worthless well his logic was it was a ten so the person went to the other end of it and said three so I went to seven because it's it's um double plus one yeah we've just got enough the fact I've even got that which I think of a card well he knows it now yeah now say another one four of Spades you're thinking of two of clubs night holy I was thinking of tour clubs no you weren't I was I swear no you weren't I'm gonna try it all week I'm gonna do this to everyone me I'm a goat with this I was thinking of two of clubs so the same budget you did yeah so Club but then off it mad yeah I fell for it okay we can do this in life you know try it with like Talia yeah okay Jamie cross should we do this his last one yeah having a [ __ ] after the shower is better so wrong that's disgusting why would you go clean yourself to then dirty yourself what James you need to be tested that's so odd I really don't like this Jamie's made me feel very uncomfortable oh nice next one yes some you know it's bad when yours smells bad though yeah yeah sometimes you fart and you're like oh my God if that's the case got it no you you've never had a fart of your own no yeah where you're literally like yeah I can't remember the time I did it well I don't remember the exact time yeah no but yeah but I know it's happened multiple times yeah yeah because then I don't even want to stay there so I'll fart near someone and then I run away also I can know if it's bad they didn't affect me the same but I know if that's bad you know I've had ones where it's like I can't stay here no I I do agree yeah just it's different yeah situations all right our last topic for today yeah an interesting one we've got 23 emotions people feel but can't explain in fact John was in his feelings when he wrote this well how are we going to read them if they can't explain them yeah the realization that each passerby has a life as Vivid and I get this all the time as well I hate it NPCs yeah but then yeah and they're all you yeah inside but I'm thinking no one's going home and like doing stuff I still think I'm the most important person in life right well to you yeah I know you have a child so maybe not [Music] no I'm saying I'm saying I think the thing is right you know when I was a kid I'm almost like life doesn't roll around you I was like yeah it does though your life does it literally this is literally my life and existence doesn't no but okay well I'm saying I don't know that all I know is who I am you could all be props Chris Truman Show fake so I don't know this like obviously I'll be nice to show but fake I mean actually people because I think someone's watching me now I'm checking it's nice but I'm saying I'm saying like you could be you and I could be fake I could just be your imagination that could be a dream to you yeah you don't know this this could all be a game in the future where someone's come back to live at this time imagine imagine we're just Sims oh okay well we got we got Opia the ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable feel that dog yeah feel that shot it then yeah stop looking at me man mono chopsis the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place I'd say I'm on a copis no fair feeling of being out of place I get it not the other two that one didn't wow me try and read this next one then what was that that dot between of the E I don't know um bits of sweetness of having arrived in the future seeing how things turn out but not being able to tell your past self no I think a robot wrote that the strange wistfulness of used bookshops that's probably you mate you are stopping my education I'm sorry about the next you know when I when I see right when I see Harper carrying a book ever she'll never carry a book she's never gonna read a book The only time she'll carry a book is she's like at home and going from the sofa to do this if I see her holding a book ever in my life I'm gonna go your dad thinks you're a [ __ ] loser you can say that it's true only in public no issues at home if I'm there you can walk around your house if I'm there it's in public you can walk around your house in a book I'm at your house that means yours is now public true no okay but by the way I still want you to read the book well I've already burnt it so robitosis the unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat I hate this one I barely ever get this I hate this one so much do you have a thing right do you ever so sometimes when I'm lying in bed yeah and I'll put my head on the pillow you can hear yourself yeah you can hear your heartbeat yeah but it sounds like Ants Marching into my brain that's weird yeah that's no one else it's really weird obviously yeah but it sounds like imagine like if you could put a mic you know the film ants yeah when they all started yeah but when they start marching if you put like an ASMR mic in that and they're all marching so you'd have like a unified yeah it's half time though that's what I hear I think your heart's gonna be wrong no because I still have like a normal heartbeat like that like well your heartbeat beats twice that's it it goes didn't all right okay so yeah oh yeah sorry I'm wrong then yeah maybe you are yeah like this marching scene yeah I hear that as my heartbeat I [ __ ] hate this movie I'll tell you why it's just B Tech for his life they just didn't animate the answer right canopsia the Eerie forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but are now abandoned yeah by the way that was [ __ ] covet I remember I had one cab journey through me where Kobe was activated um and London was empty and I was thinking that gave me any Eerie feeling though it was super Airy it's like what is this place we've all known be as busy as hell and I can't see a single person you made me think Eerie though I think it made me like more amazement yeah yeah but I can also see what if you okay if you weren't in a cab and you're on the street that'd be weird I did but I went on a do you know when you're allowed like exercise oh yeah that's me too I jogged I joked Center Point down Oxford Street yeah and I jogged however long like say like four or five k or whatever and saw about six people in the whole thing yeah okay and that's the busiest Street in London at all no I was more like this is this is amazing this is you can both both spectrums are there right you read the next on the break yep so we have Mao Bauer trial get to kite that was decent yeah we get kite an explicable urge to push people away even close friends who you really like that's just I thought it was like yeah you have that no but I have like I want to run myself into the middle way as itself at the moment all right I put a knife into a toaster there's a phrase for that as well introduce your thoughts right yeah lapel David French thing no I like that one lapel disease sounds smarter than intrusive thoughts yeah thoughts makes you sound like a serial killer again again I think this is your brain telling you not to do it I think I read it that's what it is because I used to have the same thing about um Harper and my balcony in my flat yeah I know you said yeah and then it was it was not it's like more like don't go into the balcony so it's a good thing yeah I'm saying it's crazy though like don't put the knife in a hypothetical conversation that you can compulsively play out in your head I have this all the time I told myself no not with yourself oh as in like oh if I go tell Nick right now oh yeah this oh he's gonna reply this and then I'm gonna get pissed off and then I'm gonna do that oh I hate when you think how I hate when you have a conversation that's gonna go well and you go to the person bring it up and then just like no I'm like well actually I have [ __ ] to say I'd pre-written my lines and you don't let me know that's that like the you've had a conversation in your head yeah but you can't go back to the back to the store you should have said this yeah yeah yeah the amniotic Tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm yeah have you seen there's something in I think America or somewhere or Australia I don't know maybe Google it it's worth looking at [Laughter] what I hate as well by the way is everything that everyone on Instagram it's like it's gonna be busy now yeah and it's like if you're linking me yeah everyone else yeah and there's nothing worse than going and they always go look at this sweet spot that no one knows about and then get there it's just Q yeah and I hate queuing not because it's not not being entitled but just hit the queuing yeah it's worth queuing for it's not worth Tombstone or something let's do a few more Verma darling no it's 23. all right the frustration of fun we need to count though oh yes we can do 13. we can the frustration of photographic something well something amazing when thousands of identical yes I have this all the time at concerts yeah yeah and also I'm also like I get Phil in the moment I do get it because sometimes you want to film and look like at something I get it once yeah you don't need to film the whole concert yeah and also I've seen people I saw a golf Roma's about to hit his shot or titles and everyone's filming it I'm like why don't you just like watch it at home because you also I would rather see myself on TV watching it yeah then look at my POV of what the shot was and also I hate when people are clearly friends and both filming yeah one of you film it and send it send it man yeah yeah that's the same when you go see someone in a concert and like so my rule is always okay I'm gonna take one picture and I'm gonna film 15 maximum maximum 15 seconds of maybe my favorite song yeah but then there's this urge I don't do it but there's an urge to like I film a song and say Drake yeah I do so I've uh Started From The Bottom I don't answer but what I filmed that and then two songs later he does a song and I'm like I [ __ ] love this song I want to film that one true and I just get that over and over again yeah I mean you can I think again it's fine why why do I bother I'm there I've never I don't think I've looked back at videos of concerts there's one in my head and two turtle one was Kanye and Jay-Z coming on one of those big stands yeah I'll probably watch that again soon but not the whole thing just like watch the artistic and I filmed one of um post Malone I fall apart I thought it was really nice as I watched that back but but and I will say I I literally will watch it back okay I filmed that with no I'm I wanna watch this moment because it was so good but I feel like so many people just there the whole time yeah and like that's like but my logic is someone's filmed it better than you yeah I agree so why not watch this I agree and enjoy the moment because if you're like if you're like okay I'm watching this moment back because it was so sick the moment you're watching back you didn't enjoy that much because you were just filming yeah I agree yeah yeah what about people who film themselves at a concert like wants to do selfie of their face well they do the same they do the same thing every time where they're like say fall apart's playing yeah they're filming themselves and they're like oh I fall apart dancing around and as soon as they stop filming face down looking at their phone figuring out what they're gonna capture it like that and then they're not enjoying the rest of the song yeah there's a spectrum it's okay to take a photo oh it's okay to Source a video but then I'm like if you're doing it the entire time then it's what's the point and then and I also think like it's also sad when you when you look at a video you see everyone filming yeah I hate that I'm like until he's being filmed as well the one thing I hate though is when so when we saw David Guetta and Ibiza yeah I took a photo and I was actually taking a photo of David Guetta yeah but in the photo everyone's on their phone yeah and part of me really wanted to caption it the whole oh you know like did anyone film it or something like that yeah but then I'm like I'm one of them yeah yeah I'll take a photo of that but I went like this watch on it says listen I just put my hands up take a photo and made a weird sound of it yeah I kind of wish I didn't do that anecdotech a conversation in which everything everyone is talking but nobody is listening there we go sorry conversation no I'm saying Everyone likes to under their own voice more than the person I'm talking to I like yours more than mine are you just saying that I do I hate my voice last one barely but get out of it can we get 14 no no that's okay that's all right yeah ellipsism a sadness that you'll never be able to know how history will return out well I didn't have that until now what I don't get it so you don't know how history is gonna turn out because you're gonna be dead yeah because it'll be Rewritten by people in the future so we don't know like what this will be in like 100 200 years because we'll be dead but also okay we weren't also we won't know I'll see you the sadness of not knowing how the present will be perceived in the future yeah but also I think this probably also counts you don't know what 100 years it's gonna be looked at in the future so we know what the 1800s were like oh 1900s like we're never gonna know what this is other Futures yeah yeah I'd love to know what this era is like in a thousand years oh [ __ ] man now I'm sad I didn't like I didn't know this until now well there is one last one number four team it is the fatigue generated by senseless violence well I mean listen I didn't like that one no no Vance is bad what was your best one there what was the what one hit you that last one just hit me the hardest yeah the history one uh the hot one this whole time I've been here for another heart but go I think mine were these uh the what's the first one the first one all the time the realization that each pass about yeah yeah I saw some as well although this one I don't agree with you know how like I saw someone on Tick Tock who had over 100 000 followers say and they were filming a stadium that has a hundred thousand people in it and they were like isn't this crazy that I have more do it do it yeah yeah but this is yeah you put it and I agree that is true but that's not how followers work they was like it is way more but it still it still hits you like yes but like they all don't like your thoughts don't just sit there no I know but like the first time I went to Wembley for example no you think yeah yeah and it was like however many seats that say 80 000 of three years I was like okay 80 000 people if 500 000 people watch your video yeah I think I'm gonna need naturally as that I know it's that's not how it is but like that's how that's the only way you can like see it as a scale yeah I I don't think of it as well because like for example I was watching that video and thinking wow you know imagine that time's right but no but I'm not even like what was that also it's different yeah you know number seven I think also hit me the justker one down like that if you can Nick [Music] yeah the hypothetical conversation not for me as much yeah it does yeah mine's a little monkey doing this it's a symbol inside of my head well yeah um let us know which one hit you the most and I guess we call it there for today yeah thanks for watching um chip you know there's no hard feelings uh we'll do it soon yeah thanks for watching peace peace peace peace
Channel: What's Good Podcast
Views: 175,122
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Keywords: whats good, miniminter, randolph, podcast
Id: 7Ayn2EJ0hEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 49sec (5329 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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