EXPERT - Developing mRNA Nanomedicines to Treat Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease

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[Music] deficient inactive or insufficient amounts of proteins in human cells can cause serious illness instead of treating their symptoms modern gene therapies target the cause of the disease these therapies help cells to make the correct proteins [Music] messenger rnas mrnas for short are important here they carry information for the production of proteins in the cells if arranged in a specific order the four building elements of an mrna can produce any protein to substitute the damaged or missing ones which cause the disease this is what the 11 international partners of the eu research project expert aim to achieve besides developing these targeted mrnas they are also working on the biggest barrier to rna therapy today delivering the vulnerable rna to the right place in the right cells without allowing the body defense to destroy them this is how the therapeutic effect is achieved to this end expert seeks to develop a delivery system to protect the mrna medicines expert has started with two fields of application for cancer treatment the mrna nanoparticles could train cells to produce proteins which jumpstart the immune system to attack the tumor for patients with heart failure mrna molecules could help to stimulate tissue regeneration without producing side effects once the clinical tests are successful the expert platform technology could pave the way for the affordable treatment of many other diseases in the future
Channel: Eurice
Views: 3,786
Rating: 4.8736844 out of 5
Id: kRKVzW4OhwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 5sec (125 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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