Experiment: How Long Are the Lines in Disney's Hollywood Studios?

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hey everybody it's molly with all ears and i'm here today with a brand new video now we've done this at some of the other parks and now it's hollywood studios turn without fast pass capacity increasing are the wait times accurate am i going to spend my whole day in line or are they overestimated are they underestimated what is going on with the wait times i am here at hollywood studios today i'm going to check out the most popular attractions and let you know what the posted time is versus the actual time i'll share tips and tricks on how to navigate this park along the way i hope you're ready i hope you're excited let's get to rides thank you thank you throughout this video today i'm gonna be hitting up seven of disney's hollywood studio's most popular attractions that means tower of terror rock and roller coaster slinky dog dash toy story mania mickey and minnie's runaway railway smugglers run and star tours of course ryze the resistance is here as well but they don't have a wait time they use virtual boarding groups so that's not really helpful when it comes to wait times it's about 10 15 right now the park officially opened at nine but if you've watched some of my videos before hollywood studios you can actually usually get into the parking lot around 8 15 and therefore start getting into the park and into the queues before the park even officially opens so the fact that it's 10 15 right now the park's been officially open for about an hour and 15 minutes but they've probably been letting people on rides for closer to an hour and a half for an hour and 45 minutes we're definitely behind the curb it's definitely already really crowded here if you are coming to this park i absolutely recommend rope dropping which means getting here as early as possible which means getting on the first form of transportation you can from your disney resort or getting to the parking lot about an hour before the park opens because by this point it's too late the crowds are already here the lines are already long even the coffee lines are long look at this but we're gonna need a coffee to make it through our first queue coffee has been acquired and now we are gonna head into toy story land now in my videos i definitely do not recommend going to toy story land this time of day i think you should go to toy story lane at night actually because it looks really really cool at night and you're probably not gonna have to wait long that long of a line but today's the wait time video so we're gonna track we're gonna go for the longest wait in the park to start that's slinky dog dash 90 minutes 9-0 you'll also see that toy story mania has a 60-minute wait right here uh tower of terran rock and roller coaster both have at least a 60 minute wait as does mickey and minnie's runaway railway basically the only attraction i'm doing today that doesn't have over an hour long wait is star tours but that's fine that's fine we're gonna go i'm looking for the end of the slinky dog line now i'm shocked that i haven't seen it yet considering it's posted at 90 minutes because not long ago with the distance markers out it would have been all the way wrapped down by voyage of the little mermaid at a 90 minute wait but the distance markers are no more or maybe it's really not 90 minutes either way we're going to find out together bad news friends i start i saw one slinky dog go that had no one in it and i started getting suspicious my spidey sense is tingled and a cast member just came out to say that they are closed for technical difficulties so we will not be riding slinky dog right now but hopefully we'll ride it later so let's check the app i'm assuming the next longest line is smuggler's run so we may go to the galaxy right now now another good tip i have about attractions going down is if they do dump the queue and no one's in line keep an eye on it and maybe don't go that far because if if you don't go that far and it opens back up you can hopefully get in line really fast and then only wait like 10-15 minutes for it to come back up that's happened to me over at splash quite a few times so down times happen unfortunately but sometimes you can use it to your advantage with slinky dog dash temporarily closed the next two longest lines are 70 minutes at either smuggler's run or at mickey minnie's runaway railway since i was next to toy story land we're going to hit smugglers run first what breedlove and i discovered on our last video here is that you may want to hit smugglers run first thing in the morning because it usually has a very long line and it's usually pretty accurate as to how long it is but if you rope drop and come to smuggler's run you can get on very very quickly so we're gonna head over there and get in line and see how long we have to wait all right here we go looking for the official end of the line it looks like they're not using the backstage area anymore that they were last time i stood in a long line for this which is why it is so crowded right outside the falcon let's see let's see i appreciate that they're not using the backstage because i do think it ruins the immersion of this land but it also is now going to be very very hot to wait right outside the falcon in the sun and it kind of blocks you from getting good pictures where do i go why am i so confused i found the end i found the end thank you all right let's start the clock a very cool detail you can look for when you're here is that on the bottom of the millennium falcon right here there's actually a little millennium falcon you can see it right there but we are about to be in the official part of the queue it's been about 25 minutes outside in the extended queue and we're about to go in i'm gonna wager right now that this is longer than 70 minutes that's just my guess though this could move faster than i think i would like to point out that single rider is open at this attraction single rider means that your party will be split up and you will be put in with another party that needs an extra seat field most likely if you do single rider that means you will be the engineer the engineer is the least fun position so and you miss you miss a good part of the fun of the queue so if you've done this attraction before just want to ride it again do single rider but the fun part of this attraction is riding this with your family and doing the mission together if you've never been on this attraction it's a simulator that puts you inside the millennium falcon there's three positions the gunner the pilot and the engineer pilot is for sure the most fun could you potentially pilot the millennium falcon there's two of each um the gunner shoot the missiles and the engineers basically just push buttons this attraction has a 38 inch high requirement it is a simulator it's kind of like if mission space and star tours had a baby so if you get nauseous on simulators you may get nauseous on this one it doesn't really bother me that much especially if i am the pilot because you're in the front um i get more nauseous sitting in the back as the engineers so we'll see what position i get today this is definitely a must do i'd say if you're a star wars person but if you're not for me the funnest comes when you ride with a bunch of people and you get to see how bad your friends and family are of highlighting the ship so we'll see how long it takes today one thing that's good to know is some fun things to do when you're waiting in lines especially at a park like hollywood studios where you're likely going to wait in at least one decently long line and a fun thing you can do here in galaxy's edge is you can use the play disney parks app and the data pad which actually is exclusive to galaxy's edge and it puts you inside the action you get to choose if you want to be a smuggler or part of the resistance or the first order and you'll be sent different missions you may be asked to do different things like translate things or hack into crates like this when you're in this attraction queue you will actually correspond with honda onaca who owns this transport company so it's a really fun way to keep yourself entertained when you're in the queues especially uh throughout this land i did a video about it that will link for you so you can learn a little bit more about the data pads at almost the exact 50-minute mark 5-0 i've made it inside so maybe we will hit 70 minutes i don't know if it'll take 20 official minutes to get up and into the pre-show that is one very exciting thing pre-shows are back for the most part around the parks um and disney stops the clock when you get into the pre-show not when you physically get on the attraction so that's when we'll be stopping the clock as well because at that point the attraction has begun all right but if we can get pre-shows back why can't i have cat sack as kettle corn to eat why is it still in the crates here and not in my mouth it's been about 65 65 minutes and we're at my favorite part of the queue where you get to overlook the millennium falcon we're pretty close to loading in for the pre-show so it does seem 70 minutes will be pretty accurate which is shocking me it has been 73 minutes 7-3 and i'm headed into the pre-show i actually love this pre-show it's one of my favorite parts of the attraction because the hondo onaka animatronic is amazing after the pre-show you wait here on the gangway and this is where previously the cast members would give you a little token thing that said what position you'd be but i don't know if they're still going to give those out we will check it out when we get there but this is right before you board onto the elephant itself we made it into the chest room which is right before we go into the cockpit definitely get your picture right there at the chessboard if you are a thank you ah there it is yes you got one excellent my friends millennium falcon smugglers run check posted wait time with 70 minutes to get into the pre-show which again is where disney counts the wait time was 73 minutes to actually sit inside the cockpit was about 80 minutes i do love that free shows of wreck i think that on audio animatronic is absolutely amazing i would not recommend waiting 70 minutes for that attraction just even now it's less it's still posted 70. but look all of that crowd that was out there is gone that took me about 20 minutes right there so it'd be like 50 right now so my recommendation for millennium falcon smugglers run if it's a must do for you and again if you're a star wars fan you're gonna want to do it the family in there with me i was in with a party of five they put us all together um they were laughing and they were cheering and they were having such a good time so i definitely recommend doing this one with your family especially if you've got star wars fans um first thing in the morning is a great time or later in the afternoon when things start to drop but keep an eye on this one i don't think it's worth 70 minutes if it's a really busy day 45 50 maybe it's where i'd cap it but i bet you can do less but but look how much less crowded it is right now anyway we're on to another attraction we are headed back to toy story land slinky dog dash is reopened it is posted 90 minutes again on the my disney experience app so we're going to go check that out now one thing i would like to throw at you when trying to plan your hollywood studios today is the weather if it thunders and lightnings and thunderstorms like it does basically every day during the summer here in florida slinky dog dash will close slinky dog dash is the only one of the big attractions that will close because everything else is indoors smugglers run rises with resistance target air rock and roller coaster mickey mini's those are all indoor attractions so in the summer it is smart to try and get your outdoor attractions out of the way early so i think rope dropping slinky dog might not be a terrible move or you can gamble it and if it does rain hope that it goes away it often does it often pours for an hour and then it goes away but it has a 90 minute wait again and i can see the back of the end of the line it's pretty close to where we were before for the 90 minute posted wait and we're going to see if that holds true slinky dog dash is such a cute attraction of course it's here in toy story land and the entire land is themed about around being in andy's backyard so you've been shrunk down to the size of a toy and andy himself set up this slinky dog coaster using his slinky dog toy as well as a dash and dodge car track it's got a 38 inch higher requirement it's perfect as a family coaster it's got a little more bark than it looks like i make that joke every time but it crushes every time and it's been about 11 12 minutes and i'm almost into the official part of the queue this land has a ton of gold details but one of my favorites is on the back of the dog tag for buster um you can actually see his name that's what the wait time is posted on is buster's name tag you can check out my trapped in toy story lane video as well for some more cool details and fun factoids about this land but obviously as a huge buzz lightyear fan this land is one of my favorite places it's the detail is absolutely incredible and i really do enjoy this attraction line update line update line update attention toys what's wrong with that position wow couldn't have planned that but as i came on to sing my line update song and give you a 45 minute line update they came on the uh pa system the cast member said that uh inclement weather is approaching and that if it gets too close to disney world they will have to stop slinky dog dash but for now they're gonna keep rolling which is literally what i was talking about beforehand is that it will rain here in the afternoon so you want to get slinky dog dash out of the way but it is the 45 minute mark which should be half of the 90 minute posted weight i don't know if it's gonna take a full more 45 minutes i'm inside but this cue is like deceptively low 55 five five minutes in i'm right here i only have one little like loop around before i get to the load platform so i'm gonna bet it's not 90 minutes i don't think it's going to take 35 minutes just to loop around this wall with slinky in the crayons and get over there where the load is i also i'm hoping the weather holds out it's definitely looking stormy and gray out there so let's hope it can hold for just a few more minutes it's been one hour and four minutes and i am so close to loading they're still coming on periodically to make the weather warning announcement so i'm literally hoping that it does not happen in the next 10 minutes all right here i go i am next to load do not start raining please [Applause] wow [Music] we made it on to slinky dog dash ended up total weight about 67 minutes so more than 20 minutes less than the posted wait time which is awesome um i still think that coming here first or in the evening time is a better effect however it is about to rain most likely and as you heard that weather call so i would check the weather um and help that impact your decision on sleeping dog dash but i just love this whole area at night it all lights up and it looks amazing so all right we are now gonna go take a quick break and have some lunch while i was in line for slinky dog dash i placed a mobile order for the abc commissary which isn't too far away i definitely recommend mobile ordering in advance when i i put the mobile order in it was about 120 and the earliest spot i could get was two which is in about 10 minutes so that was a good move on my part because now i don't have to wait 40 minutes like i spent the waiting time in the line so i actually recommend putting in your mobile orders like when you get into the park if you can um just because certain places like uh woody's lunchbox will fill up really quick and you don't want to be hungry and then be like oh i'm gonna put my mobile order in and then it not have a spot for an hour or so cause that can happen so put your mobile orders in early and then you can enjoy your food i just lied to y'all to your faces through the screen and i'm so sorry um i don't know why i would walk to abc commissary and out of toy story land and not just go ahead and check off toy story mania it only is a 30 minute wait i have 10 minutes so i can go get my food anyway but the whole window for the food is half an hour so i really have 40 minutes until i can get like left in my window basically you get what i'm saying posted 30 minute wait we're gonna hop in right here and uh start the clock toy story mania is a really fun attraction no height requirement which is great because a lot of rides in this park have a height requirement it is that 3d shooting game with all the toy story characters it's one of my favorites because it's fun every time no matter how many times you've been on it you can always keep playing trying to get a better score i like to bet my friends and family loser buys drinks monkey bars popcorn pretzels whatever you want let's just say i don't have to buy a lot of snacks when i'm with my family and friends in the parks because i've played this one a lot but it's super super fun and definitely a must do in my book anyway what's crazy about toy story mania is that you probably remember you may remember when this was it like this was the ride in hollywood studios and people would broke drop and run as fast as they could to toy story mania to get the paper fast passes and now toy story mania is i would consider it a filler attraction now let me explain what i mean by filler attraction i'm not trying to insult toy story mania i just told you how much i loved it i call filler attractions attractions that you can typically get on even on a busy day in less than 30 minutes and they have them at all the parks so these are the ones you want to watch and put in between your big long lines so at this park it would be star toys toy story mania lightning mcqueen racing academy muppet vision 3d alien swirling saucers the mickey and minnie shorts those attractions that you can just kind of like pop in in between the really long waits so they have them at all the parks i would consider at magic kingdom the filler attractions to be on a mansion again this is nothing to do with how much i like the attraction i understand hannah manchin is excellent haunted mansion buzz lightyear space rangers finn the people mover enchanted tiki room country bear jamboree carousel progress those are all great filler attractions over at epcot you've got a lot of things um seas with nemo and friends journey into imagination with figment sometimes spaceship earth grand fiesta tour the movies in world showcase and over at animal kingdom you've got different things like some of the shows the bird show um you've got cali river rapids you have got navi river journey sometimes that line can get along though triceratops spin you get it use your filler attractions in between your long lines it's been about six minutes and i'm already inside to the very very cute here cute queue here in toy story mania i love the viewfinders if you look at it it's actually a giant viewfinder disc this one is disneyland and you can take a look at the pictures and over yonder is peter pan and then you've got more of andy's toys throughout the queue domino's crayons barrel of monkeys it's really really cute just like the rest of this adorable land also i just noticed a cool hidden mickey wow right there in the clouds amazing look at buzz i love him so much he's the best ever and oh jessie's there they're up ahead i'm always ahead and mr potato head all right mr potato head i'm glad you're back and i was very impressed with the fact that you picked up your hat it's been about 20 minutes 2-0 and we are already inside andy's room pretty close to loading so it seems like it'll be a little under the 30 minute posted weight but pretty accurate nonetheless sometimes [Music] it was about a 23-minute wait for toy story mania but i can see people putting on their rain gear as we're leaving which means it did it start raining it i think so a lot of people have poncho's on but maybe i just missed it it's clearly wet right here oh it's misting i think i time sat perfectly and missed the rainstorm go us rain psa it's probably going to rain at least one if not every day of your vacation if you come to orlando in the summertime it's just what happens it's probably going to be an afternoon it'll be like a monsoon disaster storm for like 30 45 minutes maybe an hour and then it'll go away plan accordingly know where your outdoor or your indoor attractions are maybe plan a meal in the afternoon to beat the rain but also always pack your rain gear even if it says it's not gonna rain don't listen it's lying to you it's gonna rain um so i always have my rain jacket and a hat um and it's much better to have your own stuff than buy ponchos here because they're very expensive if you want to go the pancho route i recommend getting a bunch of them at like the dollar tree and then you can literally just throw them away after you're done using them and not worry about putting a wet poncho back in your bag either we are scooting to abc commissary where i've mobile ordered my lunch abc commissary was not somewhere that pre-closure i would have recommended as your quick service selection here it wasn't never my favorite but they've really had a renaissance of the menu and they've got some really fun unique items like fish tacos shrimp tacos some really good bowls salads they've definitely elevated themselves quite a bit so it's a pretty good spot and i have ordered something that is part of that new rebrand new menu a buffalo chicken grilled cheese which sounds amazing so i'm gonna let him know i'm here and wait to pick up my order all right just a few minutes later and my order is ready so i can go get my lunch all right a cast member directed me to window one even though it said window four he said this will be shorter so here i go got my lunch got my cup for my tea and i asked for a water cup i'm gonna get some ranch and some hot sauce and some silverware and grab a seat but look at all these condiments look at that i am so excited about this lunch grilled cheeses are low-key one of my favorite foods they're like my number one comfort food i eat them at home a lot but this is a buffalo chicken grilled cheese so it's got buffalo chicken in there with the cheese and then a buffalo dipping sauce i also obviously got ranch and then on the side you had your choice of apples fries or the salad and i went for the salad because it looks really interesting a lot of times at restaurants if you get a side salad it's just like a generic caesar but this one actually had some walnuts it looks like some apples dried cranberries so something a little more unique let's go for it let's try it and also balance omg i'm dazzled because that bread is so garlicky and buttery and delicious the filling is so creamy it's not super hot i'm gonna try dipping it in the sauce to see if i can kick it up oh there it is that buffalo sauce definitely adds the heat so if you don't like heat that's the best buffalo sauce i've ever had disney world normally buffalo sauce here things in general are not hot no heat and that definitely has heat so if you don't like it but if you don't like hot but you like buffalo just eat the sandwich but if you like hot i'm not saying it's like melt your face off the hottest you're gonna ever have but for disney world there's actually some heat on that that's amazing is that my new favorite quick service meal here in hollywood studios it might be i'm gonna try the salad now um it also has plant-based parmesan on it and so this is a plant-based side if you are a plant-based eater but i'm not obviously but i love arugula i think it adds such a fun bitter flavor and i love the freshness good crunch from all of the toppings the walnuts and the apples nice light oily vinaigrette no complaints here obviously fries are better no they're not well our fries better than salad i think it depends on both the fry and the salad like a mcdonald's french fry probably the best versus like a generic caesar yeah but a brown derby cobb salad versus a generic fry maybe not anyway that's not the point of this the point is this salad is very good it's very light it's a good complement to the buffalo chicken so if you're looking for something a little lighter or you're a plant-based eater might as well give this a whirl but yeah well done abc commissary we have eaten my belly's very full from that delicious sandwich and salad and i am now going to hit up mickey and minnie's runaway railway frankly because anything else we want to do might make me nauseous after having just eaten a big lunch but mickey minnie's runaway railway has a posted 40-minute wait right now we're going to go ahead and clock that looking at the wait times slinky dog dash still has the longest line in the park at 80 minutes followed by smuggler's run in rock and roller coaster and then tower pair star tours only has about a 15 minute wait and toy story mania is pretty low as well right now so we'll see 40 minutes if it's accurate or not here at mickey and minnie starting the clock mickey and minnie's runaway railway is the newest attraction here at disney's hollywood studios it is a chance for you to enter the cartoon with mickey and minnie and goofy and pluto it's very very cute it is a trackless attraction just like rise of the resistance i think this attraction is adorable i say that a lot a lot of people didn't love this attraction when it first came out they were either great movie ride stands or this was the first thing to open afterwards at the resistance we've set a very high and hard bar but i think it's really really cute it's a family attraction there's no height requirement which i desperately think hollywood studios needs more of but we're gonna see if 40 minutes is accurate in this very lengthy humid queue one thing you may be wondering is why are the lines all so long in hollywood studios and that's because they don't really have any of their shows open right now there's not a ton of attractions in hollywood studios about half of the things that they offer are some kind of show and shows like indiana jones spectacular voyage of little mermaid beating the beast live on stage they aren't running yet those literally will suck up thousands of people at a time so when you don't have those shows for literally thousands of people to go to everybody goes to the same attractions that's why the lines are so long here this is another attraction that you can use to play disney parks app also i see a lot of people when they're waiting in line play heads up or i spy or other fun games with their parties a lot of people ask what do you do while you're waiting in line those are great tips you can i like to have weird conversations with my friends and family like if we were gonna create a disney attraction what would it be or we could only one food for the rest of our lives what would it be um duckfish says sandwiches which i think is a very good answer because you have a lot of variety in sandwiches but the real question is if you choose sandwiches do you get hamburgers too what about hot dogs debate that next time you're waiting in the line it's been 20 minutes and i am headed inside the theater the wait time has also gone up to 55-0 since i got in line but we're already moving in groovin and working our way towards that pre-show which i'm so excited is back bt-dubs because it's one of my favorite pre-shows in all of disney world it's actually my favorite part about this attraction 28 minutes later and we are in the pre-show so we can go ahead and stop the official clock and get really excited to see the pre-show are you really excited i can feel it can you feel my excitement i hope so because it's high high level excitement right now [Music] oh hi folks excuse me the screen it's open we're gonna go into the cartoon [Music] do mickey and minnie's runaway railway check 28 minutes into that awesome pre-show and then about 36 minutes to physically get on the car so definitely under that 40 and that 50 that it went up to i do think that attraction is so cute my favorite parts besides the pre-show are the squid that plays the trombone trumpet trumpet and the daisy part there's also so many hidden mickeys and easter eggs in that one definitely check out our runaway railway video and we'll point some of those out but what a cute ride and uh let's keep on going we got more rides to do we're scooting down sunset boulevard now because we've got two headliners tower of terror and rock and roller coaster of course right now tower of terror has a posted 30 minute wait rock and roller coasters supposed 60 minute wait that's the second longest in the park behind slinky dog dash which has an 80-minute wait um mickey and minnie's is 40 again star tours is 20. so things are definitely dropping it's uh in the four o'clock hour now which means people can park up so probably people that rope dropped here have park popped out but i would guess a lot of people park topped in because this is the hardest part to get a park pass reservation at so we're gonna go check out both tower terran rock and roller coaster and see how they stack up okay we have found the end of the line here for twilight light zone tower of terror it's right out here posted 30 minute wait so here we go you may notice that they are no longer using the extended q back behind phantasmic which is where they were putting people for both tower of terror and rock and roller coaster when the lines were more distanced but now they're just putting people out here and into this extended queue 30 minutes on the clock let's go 19 minutes in and we're in the lobby so i think we're very easily going to be under 30 minutes to get into the pre-show this lobby is so so cool i love it i love checking out all the details it's just the way it was left on october 31st 1939 when tap lightning struck the tower so this attraction is so much fun i can't wait 22 minutes to get into the pre-show so we could stop the clock there for the official count i'll keep watching um to see how long it takes to actually get on an elevator but i'm so glad that if he shows back it's so spooky creepy and it totally adds to the theming of this attraction fun fact about that creed show um they imagineers along with um rod sterling's wife actually interviewed for the voice actor to play um rob sterling to narrate this and then the imagine and his name was mark silverman by the way his um rod's uh widow picked him out um and then the imagineers also watched all the different episodes of the twilight zone and they picked clips out to patch together the image of him to have his voice moving the right way like have his mouth moving their way in that wild think of how long i would have taken um but i actually did a whole video about this attraction all the cool easter eggs and details and things you can look for we will link that for you because this has one of the best themes in all of disney world and we're very close to boarding i've said it a lot a lot a lot since the parks reopened but the wait times were a real gamble for a while things that normally never had weights suddenly had really long weights things that normally had really long weights weren't having long weights without fast pass the only two factors that determine how long you're gonna wait in line are how fast they can load and unload people and the ride's capacity so attractions like tower of terror take a long time to load and unload people into those elevators and when they were running unlimited capacity you didn't fill that many seats on the elevator so this attraction had a very very long line for the majority of the time since the parks have reopened now that they have increased the capacity on this and they are not um blocking off seats or anything anymore the capacity and the wait times have the wait times have gone way way down so you can get on this ride in less than 30 minutes like we are now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the people on my elevator were loving and by that i mean favoring there were so many people screaming so loud which makes it way more fun um the fact that we waited over an hour to ride smuggler's run and less than 30 to ride tower of terror feels unfair but yeah that was great tower terror absolutely must sue especially the fact that you can ride in less than 30 minutes amazing you know what i think we need before an hour long line at rock n roller coaster jackpot coffee acquired let us take it to go see our friend steven tyler rockin roller coaster is an excellent thrill ride here at hollywood studios it right now has a 6565 posted weight so we'll see how long it is it has a 48 inch height requirement which is pretty tall for a disney attraction and that's because it goes upside down it also goes zero to almost 60 miles an hour in 2.8 seconds and as the names would suggest stars aerosmith so let's go okay the cast member sign says 70 minutes as we get in line right here the posted weight on the front still says 65 though but as we all know the clock starts now scooting into the main part of the queue it has been 18 minutes so far it now is posted at 60. remember when i got in line it was 65. so we'll see looks like we still got a ways to go either way it's been about 45 minutes between 45 and 50 minutes and i am in the building aerosmith is in the building we are in the building and we are about to go into the pre-show so i will hang out right here excellent so we're it's almost our turn it has been about 52 minutes and we are inside studio c with our friends aerosmith so we can stop the clock now but we'll keep it going as we have this entire video and i'm just delighted to see our our friends aaron smith here wow all right hey don't mind us we'll be finished in just a minute okay you'll never believe this but i just got backstage passes to the aerosmith concert which like can you believe it um that weirdly happens every time i come to geforce records wow wow honor five foul three two one that's what it sounds like i can't film on the ride because i uh you're not allowed to for safety but that's what it'll sound like in your ear holes just over an hour about an hour and four minutes since i got in line and i am next to board a limo to rock and roll once again it was about 10 minutes under the posted wait time about 55 minutes to get into the pre-show an hour and 10 minutes i'm sorry an hour and five minutes ish to get actually into the ride vehicle so so far the wait times have been pretty accurate here um slinky dog dash has been the biggest gap so far but we got one more to do and it doesn't really have a weight but we're gonna go see if that's true it's about 6 20 in the evening right now we're headed over to star tours which is the final attraction of the day now because it's later in the day a lot of things have dropped in wait time smuggler's run is down to a 40 minute wait um so like i said earlier i think you either want to rope drop that one get there bright and early or wait until the mid afternoon early evening to check out smuggler's run because throughout the most of the day it's going to have that longer weight mickey and minnie's has a 55 minute weight that's one i think you can catch lower like we did earlier today tower of terror still has a 30 minute wait rock and roller coaster and our toy story mania 35 so things are pretty steady right now and then um slinky dog dash is temporarily closed i'm assuming that's because of this star tours the adventures continue tm has a five minute wait right now which essentially means it's a walk-on a walk-on means you just keep walking until you're on the ride you don't really stop but we'll check it we'll make sure it's not longer than that of course star tours is definitely one that is a great filler attraction because it has a relatively low weight all day even throughout the day today even at the peak weights today you see it over 30 minutes wait a little bit and it'll drop it's also a great one if you're a star wars fan to ride again and again because it is a simulator but there are over 50 different stories you could see there's different beginning middle ends and they have different characters so you likely are never gonna ride the same one twice or the odds are not in your favor to do that so if you're a big star wars fan you may want to enjoy it more than once we hit a little bit of a wait a little bit of a snag we stopped moving for about four seconds well maybe five maybe six but we're still yeah we're gonna keep right i know you are but what is that computer i don't have time for this destroy destroy computer destruction complete good you need passengers [Music] [Music] options [Music] i just got off star tours the adventures continue tm posted wait time five minutes actually took 10 minutes still not that long of a wait that attraction makes me so cautious it is like on level with mission space orange for me i don't know why smugglers run doesn't do this flight of passage doesn't do this but as far as disney attractions go this is at the top of my list for things that make me want to throw up um and i don't think it's fun enough to feel that way but if you're a big star wars fan and especially considering you're not gonna have to wait that long in line i definitely think it's worth it for the star wars fans and as a little kid i loved it so maybe my constitution is just more delicate in my old age but again 10 minutes not too bad definitely a good filler attraction though well friends that is a wrap on today's wait time experiment here at disney's hollywood studios for the most part we found that the wait times were pretty spot on within 10 minutes of their posted weight is how long i waited to get on them the biggest outliers were mickey and minnie's runaway railway and slinky dog dash which were actually more like 20-ish minutes um shorter than the poster weight so that's good news hopefully this video was helpful for you hopefully you learned some tips and tricks on how to best navigate and avoid long lines here at disney's hollywood studios we're gonna do these at the other parks we've done this at some of the parks already we'll link those videos for you in the meantime friends make sure to rate review subscribe to our channel follow us on social media at all ears net and until next time i'm molly and it's been magical want to see more of my videos click over here want to subscribe you can do that right here and also ring that notification bell to make sure you get instantly notified anytime we post a new video thanks for following see you real soon
Channel: AllEars.net
Views: 65,791
Rating: 4.9585114 out of 5
Keywords: Disney World, Disney Parks, Disney Travel, Disney Trip, Disney planning, disney vacation, disney vlog, disney vlogger, disney video, Disney tips, orlando vacation, universal orlando, universal studios, islands of adventure
Id: Xp5NNakCQaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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