Expensive Premium GACHAPON Capsule Toy Shop in Japan

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[Music] we're in shinsekai and we're going to try to find a shop that has high-end gachapon the capsule toy machines and here it is this store is called premium gacha and capsule toys are referred to as gachapon gashapon or gacha gacha in japanese so this store uses the term gacha and the premium comes from the fact that they only sell items for 1 000 or 2 000 yen approximately 10 or 20 american dollars so you end up spending quite a bit of money here for each try whereas the usual price is between 100 and 500 yen approximately one to five american dollars but the premium comes in by the fact that you win high-end items such as ps4 a nintendo switch a dyson vacuum cleaner or expensive animation type figures so i came here for the challenge of trying to win items worth more than the money i spent and i will check online later to see how much the items i win are [Music] worth [Music] let's see what i can win with 10 000 yen which is about 100 american dollars goodbye 10 000 yen note all right so here's the electronics goods let's give it a shot black ball came out usually gold would be better [Music] just open it up 500 yen comes in at the same time [Music] this the same usb cord as before yen chance come on [Music] if it makes a noise that might mean there's a key inside okay here's number 88 [Music] it's a one piece japanese animation character type toy here but i don't have the key to open it so i have to find the staff okay so i just asked the staff lady that works here to open up door number 88. [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] second try another somewhat higher end number so maybe it's a good price 74. so number 74 is this sega probably video game figure my gambling spirit left me i only spent 6 000 yen but i got a three-piece uh one-piece animation figure set and another kind of evangelon 2020 sega video game possibly figure as well as two sets of uh wireless earphones so maybe pretty good not sure what the resale value on this stuff might be probably better online this might get some money [Music] this figure i don't know if it's worth the 2000 yen i spent so i checked online and the one piece three character set was being sold for 5 800 yen the evangel on character was being sold for about 1 400 yen and the wireless earphones were going for about 1 000 yen a piece so i spent 6 000 yen but the items i won were worth a little more than 9 000 yen did i really want these items not really but i think i'll be able to sell them online for at least an equal price to what i spent so in that sense i didn't really lose and it was an interesting challenge [Music]
Channel: Japan Experiences
Views: 245,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Osaka, anime, capsule toy, figures, Shinsekai, gachapon, gashapon, gacha gacha, premium gachapon, expensive gachapon, One Piece anime, Evangelion, electronics
Id: 1h84o2ybVWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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