Exodus Chapters 3 & 4 Bible Study

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well god bless you my brothers and sisters welcome and welcome back my name is Clarence and I'm pastor of United body of Christ Church it's an honor to be before you one more time we give glory to God for making this day possible you know the very fact that we were able to to rise up from the bed that we laid in the night before that's that's the glory of God the reason our hearts beat it's because of the energy and the power supplied by God that's why we have no batteries no courts no extension cords hooked up to this thing up in here it's because of the Father the creator of all things seen and unseen so we definitely thank God our children being okay being more than okay you know we bless God so once again this is our Bible study today we'll be teaching from the chapter 3 of the book of Exodus and quite possibly chapter 4 we don't review anymore nevertheless you definitely want to have some some background tap to Exodus and when I mean by background being that we're starting on chapter 3 you want to make sure that you've covered chapter 1 and chapter 2 with me if you haven't go to our website www.videoculinary.com of page you'll see the media you'll see the media content options you know the need different media players hit hit the one for exodus and you'll be able to to have access to that to that media content 24/7 and that brings me into to have been that we just talked about our website obviously because this is a Bible study you definitely want to have Bibles if you don't have Bibles don't worry about it we've got you covered once again going over to our website click on the online Bible tab once you click on that tab it'll bring you to a page with a box in the middle of the page you'll see a blank field in to the box click in that field to drop down the different books of the Bible you want to click on Exodus and then the next line you'll see the option for different chapters again we should be teaching out of chapter 3 and 4 of the book of Exodus here and you'll be able to follow us verse perverse amen those of you that require prayer if let's be frank if you know a lot of us or come to a lot of different things that we need not sir come to a lot of us you may have problems at work problems at home but if you want answers if you want solutions because I'm gonna do understanding that everybody who know what the problem is but the way we go about resolving different problems we try to dissolve we try to resolve and dissolve problems naturally or carnally a lot of things have to be done spiritually this is where your prayer life comes in you want to make sure that you are talking to God your father is able to do everything everything exceedingly abundantly all that we can add something that means whatever is going on in your lives whatever is going on in your family whatever is going on that work why go to man if that man is not leading you to God then you better watch out because these is adding more problems to you make the right man should be trying to take you to God who was able to solve and correct all your problems amen so a lot of that has to do with your prayer life a man you want to make sure that you have a prayer life because God is the one that desires to talk with you he's desires to walk with you when you when your children call you those are you with the older children and they call you a lot of times the children calling you for consultation don't you know that God is your parent and he wants to just like you call your earthly parents God is waiting to hear from you you know so that you he can give you some consultation nevertheless you definitely want to have a prayer life you prayer life is essential it is required it is needed if you want to continue to walk with God if you want to be successful if you want to have peace make sure you have a prayer life there may be times that you will need people to pray with you and pray for you we can help you with that if you go to our website www.videoculinary.com art you know if you're praying a lot of thing it's not to say that you won't be moved by things when they come your way but you won't deal with them in the aspect or the manner that you used to deal with them once you start having walk walking time and talking time with God he opens up your understanding to what's going on and why things are happening and what to do about it amen right before we go into the Bible study let me also make mention towards the end of every recording we have what's called the opening to the Kingdom of Heaven or the kingdom of God and at that time we believe that God is always offering citizenship and membership to the kingdom of God and we make sure that that that that aspect of the kingdom of God is always made available towards the end of every recording by some chance if you're not there with us at the end of the recordings you can always go to our website and click on that salvation tab that has different steps for you what's required for those of you that are leaning toward salvation amen so now that we've got that out the way oh one more thing faith challenge my wife is over the faith challenge as far as our men our ministry goes you may be saying well what are the faith challenge fave challenges are different exercises Christian exercises that God gives to our ministry who my wife is over and she's over the aspect of the faith challenge there I believe the Lord works with her to put these faith challenges out to get us to be more Kingdom conscience you know the way he does things amen and that's what the faith challenges are for they are to challenge you but when it's doing this is exercising your faith in God and has nothing to do with you giving money or anything like that it's more or less about the way we think as as Christians or the way we are supposed to think according to the kingdom of God amen so you definitely want to check that out they're not longer the videos aren't alone like our Bible studies our Bible service could be like an hour and a half or so these are the seven or eight minute exercises if you will it definitely would do yourself some good if you would check that out anyway I have nothing else I won't keep you I've already prayed over this this is a table that was prepared by God a meal prepared by God I am the server if you will I've already prayed over the bread that's about to be broken so if you are all set we'll go right into the Bible study again we'll be teaching out of Exodus third chapter beginning at verse one amen now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of God which is called horid and the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in the flame of a fire out of the midst of a bush and he looked and behold the bush burned with fire and the but the bush was not consumed it wasn't consumed by the fire in our dances now now says the angel of the Lord and you ever see these science fiction movies and and and forgive me for lack of a better example but you'll have like aliens I thought one movie that that comes to mind is is Independence Day and do you remember when the alien took control of the president's mouth to begin to talk or he took control of somebody's mouth and began to the other it was the professor of the scientists in there and he began to speak through these scientists there in the you know and the voice and everything or what have you nevertheless when you see the angels here they are speaking as representatives of God in hits in the authority and the capacity of the office if you will and so he speaks through they are mouthpieces anytime you see the angel they are there representing God and it is again when you see them they are operating in the in the capacity of the office and when I say office I'm even the holiness of God I'm the the kingdom the throne of God they are operating in the capacity as such amen so now you see as Moses is there he sees this burning bush he wants to investigate why why this bush why there's fire lumen ad from the bush but the bush is not being burned it said it's not being consumed in this case is not being burned verse three and Moses said I would now turn it aside and see the great side behind the bush is not burned he wants to investigate the matter verse 4 when the Lord saw when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see God called a God called him out of the midst of the bush and said Moses Moses and he said here am i and and remember they are the as the angels appear and you got to understand something you got to understand it is the the reason why God had these representatives coming to the forefront like this it no man can actually lay eyes on God and live so he still is able to come and make an appearance but the appearance have to be in something else something else has to come for him if understand that that man won't be consumed of the glory of God amen so then but God still his presence and still there is just in the midst of the angel do you understand what I'm saying so this is Major and so as Moses begin to to turn and want to investigate the Lord is telling them that the holiness that's present is enough to take them out watch this let's read on here verse 5 remember he's calling towards Moses because he know Moses wants to turn and come toward this bush and he says draw not near here you know don't dunk don't come closer he says put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground you know first of all don't come closer because my holiness in the midst of this angel is enough to take you out furthermore you've done treaded in all kind of stuff I'm the Bob as holy as they come you know and because I'm holy the least you can do is take the dirty sandals off yeah this is holy ground this is this is sacred holy ground the reason why it is because the Lord occupies the ground that you are standing on and that's what he's telling them and there's another thing that we ought to get from this God is a holy God number one he requires us to be holy but number two don't be coming at him with a bunch of stuff going and with a bunch of mess because he ain't for no games he's you know you come to him crying because you're trying to get somebody else you're trying to get him to discipline somebody because of what they did but God is holy and he expect us to be holy amen he expect us to come not not by worldly standards Moses got on these sandals and I'm not trying to make a big issue a big deal out of the sandals I'm saying that God desires us but not the carnality you gotta said what I'm saying we ain't gotta put on no jazzy suits you know to go be before God he wants you and not the stuff that comes with you amen because he's only Amen well going on with this moreover he said I am the God of thy father's the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob and Moses hid is faithful he was afraid to look upon God that's that reverence that's that fear of God a lot of us it seems don't fear God as they did back in the day you know why because it's like you don't believe that gotta get up off his throne to kill you but as we're going to read but Moses life was in danger at least twice you know at the beginning here a lot of us don't believe that that the God we serve today is the same guy from me but there is a day of wrath that has been stored up and there's a certain time that it's going to happen and when that time comes the way that that Moses is afraid of God is a whole lot of folk room but don't remember God from the Old Testament when the day of the Lord's wrath come amen going on with this once God identified itself to Moses Moses was afraid and he said unto Him this and the Lord said I have surely seen the affliction here's why I'm coming to you because I've seen what's been going on in Egypt concerning my people he says the Lord said I've surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt and I heard their cry by the reason of the taskmasters for I know their sorrows he says here's this is why I've come to you this day Moses I know what's been going on in Egypt the the Hebrews those are my children and they have been enslaved by the Egyptians and those Egyptians have been cruel to them they have burdened them they beat them they've oppressed my people and enough is enough it's time for them to come on out of that so this is so this is why I'm coming to you because I need your help going on with this in verse eight and I'm coming down to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large unto a land flowing with milk and honey a place of the Canaanites of the Hittites and the animal rights and the parasites and the Hivites and the Jebusites now this is major this is actually saying a couple things here God didn't just come on off his throne and going to Egypt and pull them up on a dare he sanctioned he ordained a man to do it why a lot of things that happens in this world God the will of God is imposed through man if you understand what I'm saying God had given Dominion of this planet to mankind so a lot of tasks that have to be done for man or two men has to be done by men by inspiration of the Holy Ghost amen which is the Spirit of the Lord operating in man it needs a man to to to occupy that it can handle the the daily affairs if you will that's why the Spirit of the Lord is always looking for people that's willing to allow themselves to be occupied by God a lot of times as he comes and he searches to and fro trying to see who could make himself known to a lot of the people that he find is already occupied by spirits of the enemies amen and they're complaining about how bad their life is but when it's time for them to shed it when it's time for them to choose God and to choose his ways according to of the acceptance of His Son Jesus they rather they rather still do what they want to do which continues to pacify the enemy that's inside of them amen so nevertheless God wants to do things but he wants to do it through a man a man so going on with the Bible study and then he's saying that he wants to he wants to bring the the children of is he wants to bring the children of Israel on Egypt because that's not their home there were temporary residents there and their landlords hid in Egypt begin to inflict them he says I've got a land already prepared for them as a matter of fact there's people that's been on that land that's been cultivating the land for them the only thing they have to do is when they passed through these lands I have temporary tenants staying in the land that I want to give them I want to give them the land of Canaan you know but it's it's inhabited by the Emirates and the Hittites and the do besides the perizzite but don't worry about that I've had them there cultivating the land that I want to give my children so therefore Moses I need you to go back and and go get them so I can move them to this land that I've had all these enemies prepare for them a man verse 9 now therefore behold the crowd the children of Israel has come unto me and I've also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them he says come down therefore and I was saying unto Pharaoh that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt verse 11 and Moses said unto God Who am I that I should go unto Pharaoh and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt Pharaoh Ain don't listen to me the last I heard is a contract up for my arrest he goes on to say in verse 12 and he says certainly this is God certainly I will be with thee and this shall be a token unto thee that I've sent me when thou has brought forth the people out of Egypt you shall serve God upon this mountain now a couple things that we can get out of this verse here one of the things is that those you can see here that Moses is called and Moses and what we say Moses is called what we're saying is that the Spirit of the Lord has sanctioned a mission for Moses he's chosen Moses to do the will of God particularly amen so that's the calling of God for Moses life but the be the evidence of the call of Moses is not based off the education that Moses have it's not based off of of the calling of Moses is not based off this and does a seminary in school that he went to God said that the evidence of you being on this mission that the evidence of you doing the right thing is based on me being with you he said certainly I will be with me and this shall be evidence unto thee that I have sent thee because I am with you those of those of you that are called of God is not based on the education that you got it's not based on who you know it's based on the Spirit of the Lord being with you to help you accomplish that which he's purposed you and your calling amen it's his Spirit being with you you can get a lot of people preaching and teaching a lot of people have expertise based on the education but the gift of God is not by the experience of it's not by the experience or the understanding that man has received from some institution the ability for the man to do the gift is based off of the Spirit of God being with the individual that's his calling the Lord will power the calling through the through the obedience of man allowing God to go within him and and function within them so we want to make sure that we make mention in those things there amen versa verse 13 and Moses said unto God behold when I come unto the children of Israel and they say unto the end say unto them the god of your father's has sent me unto you and they shall say unto me what is his name what should I tell them you know Moses this you can tell that Moses is overwhelmed and I cannot think you know in the sense I would be too because you want me to go Pharaoh wants to kill me you want me to go and stand before him you wouldn't even let me turn around and look at this bush but you won't want me to trust you and and and go to Pharaoh and say hey God told me to tell you you need and let the Hebrews go you know so so Moses is trying to rationalize this whole thing you but do you understand you gotta understand something this man is comfortable he's got his wife he's got his kids everything is wonderful he's got it's it's what we call the good life he gets along with his food is his in-laws his father-in-law he gets along he's living off the fat of the land why doing mess all this up do Moses it seem like he's still trying to hold on to the good life let me tell you something everyone has a purpose even Pharaoh as we're going to learn here in Exodus even Pharaoh had a purpose this man Moses his purpose was not to live off the fat of the land it was to go back from which he came to be used to to make sure that an exodus take place an exit take place amen we're going on with this verse 15 so so the question of or actually we're at verse 14 the question that dad that Moses has to God and when I go and talk to Pharaoh even when I go and talk to your children they don't want to know who sent me what am I gonna tell them and verse verse 14 and God said unto Moses this is what you tell them you tell them I am that I am and what that is saying I am that I am is I am the god the only guy I've always been here and I've always will be I've always been here for them and I will always be here it's only me I am that I am it's me there is nobody else and he said thus I'll say unto the children of Israel I am hath sent me unto you verse 15 and God said moreover unto Moses I say unto the children of Israel the Lord God of your father's the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob has sent me unto you this is my name forever this is my memorial until all generations God is saying that he is the only true and living God what he did is he went to the fine in the in verse 14 he let him know who he is in verse 15 he defined what he'd said in 1415 as the definition of 14 amen here we are at ward in verse 16 go and gather the elders of Israel together and say unto them that the Lord God of your father's the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob appeared unto me saying that I'm surely visited you in seeing that which was done to you in Egypt and I've said and I have said I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt unto the land of the canaanites and the Hittites and the animal rights to parasites to his vice to Juba sites and onto a land flowing with milk and honey and he said that this land he says I need you to go alert the elders the you know those those that are in position I need you to let them know that this thing is real and and their prayers are about to be answered and that I've got a place prepared for them what they would never have to worry about anything again they will never have to worry about working and and being fed portions that's not fit for the dogs not even fit for dogs to eat below that the standard I've got things set up to where they've got milk and honey you know although all the greatness all the the all that this world can provide it's already ready verse 17 announces yeah verse 18 rather and they they show hearken to thy voice and thou shalt come thou and the elders of Israel unto the king of Egypt and you should say unto Him the Lord God of the Hebrews have met with us and now let us go we beseech thee three days journey until the wilderness that we may sacrifice to the Lord our God and I'm sure that the king of Israel the king excuse me the king of Egypt will not let you go no not by mighty hand he's saying that when you go and talk to Egypt can tell you right now that he's not going to let you go and it's going to take many works many signs of wonders when he said no not bow mighty hand even after all them the mite that comes forth Pharaoh was not going to let let let the children of Israel go he's not going to let the Hebrews go verse 20 and I would stretch out my hand and I will smite with all my wonders which I would do in the midst thereof and after that he will let you go and I will give I will give this people favor in the sight of Egypt and it will come to pass that when ye shall go you should go you should not go empty so as we go back as we revisit this verse when he say he's not going to no not my mighty hand you got to look at it also in the sense that you going there telling Pharaoh to let them go Pharaoh be looking at it by man's hands he's looking at it by by man himself and that's not going to be good enough and it's going to take some mighty works but when God decides to turn up the pressure you know the ultimate is going to happen and that's when you know the that's when the children have been let loose we're going on to this he says in verse twenty one wants to peep once Israel do leave they're going to leave with we know with samantha people will envy them they will know that their god came up off his throne and delivered delivered his children up out of there so much so that they'll be giving you gifts out of envy you know that's what he's saying here that I will give the people favor in the side of the Egyptians and it'll come to pass that when you go you should not go empty you should go out with more they'd have what you came in verse 22 but every woman shall borrow of earnest but every woman of a bar over neighbor and back and heard that sojourneth in her house Jews of silver and jewels of gold and raiment and put them upon your sons and put them upon donors and you should spoiled Egyptian the day the Lord is saying that the day comes when when when the the Hebrews will leave Egypt that if they don't have if they don't have gold or silver they're going to borrow from their neighbor to get these things and put them on the children of Israel that's how much favor and envy they'll have on them lot on their lives as they leave amen now now watch this this is major - because they they didn't have to invest in no stocks do you understand what I'm saying and as you see here there didn't have to pay any tides and in a sense that as as we see here they didn't have to do much investment to be able to walk away with when a time comes with the with the gold silver and clothes the Lord is going to cause the the rich to transfer their wealth over to the - to the children of Israel to the rifle rifle Belongers of this this stuff here now I'm not a prosperity teacher to the to the extent I don't teach about gold or silver you know my deal prosperity is peace family and a close relationship with God now God want to give you houses and cars that's between you and him but they didn't live for these things they live to be let loose and to walk with God and because of that God is going to bless them to make them make them look as his children do you understand what I'm saying so what I'm saying is I'm trying to walk carefully you carefully here to let you know it's not all about this wealth but those things God will allow people to give to you without you having to pursue those things do you understand what I'm saying he will take care of you and allow people to put into your hands into your heart what aren't you happy to pursue houses and cars and all those other things he will bless some money to give to you and that's what will happen as we near towards the you know towards the exodus or towards their their leaving out of Egypt amen let's go ahead and go through chapter four and then we'll call it quits after that and Moses answer God is his verse one of chapter four Moses answered and said and said but behold they would not believe me nor hearken unto my voice for they will say the LORD hath not appeared unto thee and the Lord said unto him what is that what is that that's a nine hand and he said of rod and he said cast the rod upon the ground I'll cast it upon the ground and he cast it on the ground and it became a serpent and Moses fled from before it and the Lord said unto Moses put forth thine hand and take it by the tail and they put forth his hand and caught it and it became a rod in his right hand now that's major because you know the enemy is always depicted as you know as a viper or or here as a serpent if you will and so he's letting you know that the serpent won't even have power over you those things that you fear as as the case is being brought forth to God you know they're kind of like in negotiations if you will bargaining and and Moses is addressing his concerns he's saying that they won't believe me but what I actually believe is going on here that Moses himself is not it's not in in in on the same page as God is as far as him believing you know what's happening you know and and and the power of God that's that's willing to come and work through him to make sure these things get done I think that even Moses has doubt so those things that God is performing he's got a win Moses over first so that Moses is able to sell it do you understand and it's to say that who God calls he qualifies but you've got to believe in yourself you got to know that I don't care how big that job looks if God called you to handle daddy he's gonna handle it you could see some valuable time was being wasted here just to convince Moses that he's chosen if you will amen and the Lord said unto Moses put forth their hand and verse 4 take it take that serpent by the tail and he put forth his hand and he called it and it became a rod back in his hand that you may believe the Lord God of your father's and the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob that he had appeared unto thee and the Lord said further furthermore into him put now dying hand on thy you know into thy bosom and he put his hand into his bosom and when he took it out behold it was lepers as snow and he said put our hand back into the bosom again and he put his hand into his bosom again and plucked it out of his bosom and behold it turned again until it as it was to his other flesh verse 8 and it should come to pass that if they would not believe they neither hearken to the voice of the first sign they will believe the voice of the latter sign verse 9 and it shall come to pass that if they believe not also these two signs neither harken unto thy voice that thou should take of the water of the river important for upon died dry land and the water which thou taketh out of the river shall be come blood upon the dry land so God is also addressing the doubt or the unbelief of the Egyptians you know he's letting these let Moses know look you know we got the snake we got the left wrist you know but let me also you know if they don't believe these things i'ma hit them hard with something they're drinking supply I'm going to turn it into blood and it's not just food coloring that will actually be blood Amen so that's what he's saying here verse 10 and Moses said unto the Lord o my lord I'm not eloquent neither hitherto north's install has spoken unto that servant but I am slow of speech and of a slow time so he's still in the midst of compromise and negotiating why can't you choose somebody else man you want me to go talk to Pharaoh I have a speech impediment I can't even talk you know he said I haven't never been able to talk and my talking haven't changed since this visitation you know I sure you got the right person collide you know I know what you want to do but have a look trying to talk to Pharaoh man that man don't laugh at me soon as I open up my mouth verse 11 and the Lord said unto Him who has made man's mouth who has who has made man's mouth or who maketh the dumb or the death or the scene or the blind have not the Lord now this major because we look at being by being death being as the scripture says being dumb but it's you let's be politically correct I say mentally challenged if you will we look at these things as has been defects if you will but the Lord God forever reason never deemed him as defects he said he made them purposely so for some for one reason of another they were made for his glory for one reason of another we see through a glass darkly and what that means is we don't have the answers to everything right now why certain things were done in the manner for which they were done but we can say that they were no mistakes I don't care what kind of scientific evidence that we produce to say well this chromosome reacted this way and this is how we got this and that I don't care scientifically how we come up with the next one nation for what we deem as a defect if you read this verse there in chapter 4 and verse 11 the Lord said that he makes the death he makes the blind he makes the mentally challenging in our own interpretation he says he is the one who makes them people that have speech at pet him he's the one that makes your mouth and he's and he whatever reason he did is for it was not it wasn't by accident and it wasn't deemed a defect a man so all I convinced a Terp to what the scripture saying I got faith to believed and of God allowed this to be written then he wants us to understand this verse 12 now therefore go and I will be thy mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say and he said o my lord send I pray thee by the hand of him whom well that wound I will sin he's still trying first God had to convince him that that he wasn't you know that he wasn't crazy that this is an actual visitation from God then he had to let him know look I'm visiting you because I need you to do something for me then he had to convince him that that he was bad enough to work through him to get this thing done now he's having to tell them your mouth don't worry about that I'm the one that made you I'll speak through you and after all these concerns are dressing the concerns with Moses going back and forth Moses still at the end of the day after God has addressed and mercifully taken time to address all of Moses concerns Moses still want them to send somebody else you know now a lot of this is people not wanting to get out of their comfort zone your comfort zone is is its major comfort zone P you don't you may not you know the pastor to church actually to do something maybe you don't maybe the pastor want you to do something or Church at you know out there at his place of worship after service and you may want to turn them down because of the game coming on he taking you out of your comfort zone being able to don't see the sick being able to go clothe the naked or feed the home visibles and prisons those things will surely pull you out of your comfort zone you know if you got your flesh and check if you were able to resist and do what you're supposed to do but if you find yourself reasoning these things out of why you shouldn't you know you kind of no different than Moses here and you can see as the angle of the anger of the Lord is going to be kindled against Moses for this maybe God may be a little angry with us when we begin to rationalize and reason why we shouldn't move when we know we're supposed to do this or we know we're supposed to do that amen verse 14 and the angel the anger of the other Lord was kindled against Moses and he said it's not Aaron the Levite thy brother and he says I know that he can speak well and also behold he cometh forth to meet thee and when he see if thee be glad in his heart and that's made you cuz God end up compromising with him if you will that's the mercies of God he is the creator of all things seen and unseen but it also shows you something else it also shows you something else that God if he has it for you to do he don't want nobody else to do what he gave you life to do do you understand what I'm saying when he gave you life he gave you purpose and he won't nobody else doing whatever it was that you would be assigned to do when the time comes and that's why he's angry he could have been like man please I'll just go get somebody else but that's not the case he purposed Moses to do this so as he began to address Moses he tells Moses I'll tell you what you know instead of killing you you know you go you know you got a brother from you know remember Moses is from the Levites you know and he tell them he says okay got a brother coming from there which is Aaron he said Aaron can speak well I'll tell you what I'll pair y'all up and I'll let y'all operate together but that's the best I can do for you verse 15 and thou should speak unto him and put words in his mouth and I will be with them and I would be with thy mouth and with his mouth and he will Tian and we'll teach you what ye shall do he says and he would be thy spokesman unto the people and he shall be even he shall be to the instead of the mouth and thou shall be to him instead of God and so what he's saying is when when you and him go up to Pharaoh he will speak and you will perform the works however I'll perform the works in you the relationship that God has with Moses God is going to do everything through Moses right well he's saying that when when Aaron and Moses go to Pharaoh it's going to the same relationship that God has happened with Moses as the relationship that Moses is going to have with Aaron it's going to look like that Moses is doing things through Aaron the same way God is doing things through Moses amen so this is the image that God is telling them this is what he's saying he shall be even he shall be to the instead of a mouth and and thou shall be to him instead of God you you know you're going to be like God to him as I am to you and he's going to be like a mouth to you as you are to me amen and thou shalt take this rod in thy hand wherewith thou should do signs and Moses went and returned to JETRO his father-in-law and said unto him let me go I pray thee in return into my Peyton and return to my brother which are an agent and see whether they be it yet alive and Jethro said to Moses go in peace now again I wonder if you will if you let me go back to verse 15 through 17 because remember I've already said that bad god don't want nobody else doing what he conditions you to do but it goes back to also validate what we talked about earlier that God operates in this world through men do you understand what I'm saying they do the things that have to be done he operates through men and that's why it's important for us all of us to be in position to get things done for for the kingdom of God and a lot of times he has to you know we're always trying to impose our will no different than Moses and God is so merciful he is he is long-suffering and you do know alone some it means so patient it means excessively patient you know if our kids would have talked to us like this man you need to go find somebody else how many of us would have snatched him up I'm the old mommy-o daddy you know but God is merciful he's patient he's long-suffering with us you know and and but he still wants to have his will done on earth as it's done in heaven and he operates through men that's why you don't want to impose your will because you're delaying it you you you know you the advancements that the kingdom of God it's going to make it's going to make the kingdom of God will prevail but don't you be the cause of the hindrance of the prevailing of the kingdom of God you want to make sure that that when he calls you that you're saying Here I am and I'm ready for you god amen going on with this in verse 19 and the Lord said unto Moses in Midian going to Egypt go and return unto Egypt for all the men that that soft by life they all did that contract that you had on yourself there ain't no more witnesses so they like you know they can don't hand and snatch you up you know somebody testify against you to say that you've done this and you've done that then folk that don't worry about it they go on verse 20 of Moses took his wife and his sons and set them upon donkeys or or Nass and he returned to the land of Egypt and Moses took the rod of God in his hand why is it the rod of God because remember this does rob was in his hand and God allowed it to be a serpent and then Moses grabbed the tail of the serpent and it became a rider God said that rod will use so now is the rod of God because he's gonna work through this rod the power of God amen verse 21 and the Lord said unto Moses when thou goal is to return into Egypt see that I'll do all those wonders before Pharaoh which I've put in thine hand but I will harden his heart that he should not let the people go that's major because the Lord will supersede the will of man that's up now look at what he says here let's read this verse again I will harden his heart that he shall not let the people go why would God want to supersede man's will you know I think this is an extraordinary case here you know I'm not going to attempt to explain in a way like people do we read it he says that I'm going to supersede him to the point that he's not going to eye my heart and his heart I'm gonna make him so mad that he will not let these people go and i'ma see to it that he's stubborn that's what a hardened heart is is being stubborn and I'm gonna make sure that this man is so stubborn that he won't do it why because the Pharaoh releasing one of the things that we're going to find out is God want the whole world to know that He is God and that he stands with his children he wants them he wants them to know three things that he is he was and he'll always be number one number two he is God all by himself - number three that he is the god of his children and he will always be therefore his children those three things he want to establish he can't get these things established and Pharaoh just let them go at the first God want the world to see that he is terrible and I don't care how the world pray to who they believe their God is these signs and wonders will still happen and the only one that commemorates intercede for man is man you know you know he can is its Lord Jesus Christ man asking God and Jesus can you open can you stop he is the only one ain't no other God coming to God and saying and you need to leave there ain't no other god but God so the only one that can intercede for was is what what was man and now the son of God and and we're going to see that Moses is going to intercede on behalf of Pharaoh we're going when I'm going to discover that right now but we'll see that later so this is the love that God has for mankind to allow himself to receive counsel from man he allowed me he allowed men to say like he's going to listen to Moses from time to time and God is that merciful not that we control God we don't control them that's not what I'm saying here but we have a bigger place in God's heart than we know amen well anyway let us go on with the lesson here and this is my a great lesson verse 23 or actually we're here at verse 22 he says here and thou shalt say unto Pharaoh thus saith the Lord Israel is my son even my firstborn and God means that he's not speaking fictitiously here or what's the word he sees not uh he's not speaking metaphorically he believes that that Israel as a whole is his his child uh his that we're not talking about could be gotten we're not talking about that but God chosen children as a whole his firstborn amen and I say until they let my son go that he may serve me and if if thou refuse to let him go behold I will slay thy son even thy firstborn he means that if you don't let my firstborn go I will slay I will kill air all the egypt's firstborn and it came to pass by the way in the end that the Lord met him and sought to kill him he talked about Moses this is the second time well that the anger of the Lord grew against Moses on verse 14 so I think his life was in jeopardy because he was mad now we see here in verse 24 that the Lord is actually wants to kill him here because he's angry at him but why is he angry we're about to find this right now look at verse 25 then Zipporah this is the wife of Moses took a sharp stone and cut off the foreskin of their son and cast it to the feet of Moses and said surely a bloody husband art thou to me so let him go so he let him go then then she said a bloody husband ow r because of the circumcision what had happened is as Moses is coming to work for God he is part of this covenant amen and remember the Covenant of God that he gave unto Abraham that you got to cut you got to cut these kids kids got to be circumcised Moses didn't circumcise his son well the Lord God was going to kill him but being disobedient he was gonna take him out you know what happened you know what the wife did this is that this is a help that's meat for you she realized that that the anger of the Lord is against Moses to where his life is in jeopardy and she did what Moses procrastinated about doing she cut she circumcised their son and then after she circumcised their son she took the remain scans that she cut off and threw him and said what good you see how bloody that is you were about to be just like that well good to me if he dead and bloodied up like do your job it's what she's trying to tell him but do you understand what her place was she didn't leave him hanging she was there but she reminded him of the Covenant and of the Word of God that's when you know that that that you got a good person that's on that that's equally yoked with you because they will remind you not trying to beat you with Scripture but they will remind you of who you are to God you know and let you know that you need to get with it amen now they ain't gonna be quote description trying to control you with the scripture but they will let you know you and your importance and the repercussions and ramifications of you not being obedient towards God because it affects them too amen so going on with Bible study here we're in verse 27 and the Lord said to Aaron go into the wilderness to meet Moses and he went and met him at the mouth of God and an amount of God and he kissed him and Moses told Aaron all the words of the Lord which he had sent him which he had sent him and all the science which he had commanded him verse 29 and Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel and Moses spoke all the words which the Lord spoken unto Moses and did the signs on the side of the people because you gotta you know look God sent me excuse me so you tell the people God sent me but he want to make sure that that you know for those of them that doubt it you know that such as Moses probably did here at the beginning that that these signs and wonders will let them know that that God is coming up off his throne to see to it that they get up out of the situation that they're in verse 30 and Aaron spake all the words with the Lord I spoken unto Moses and did the signs on the side of the people and the people believed and when they heard that the Lord had visited the children of Israel and that he had looked upon their afflictions then they bowed their heads and they worshiped because he answered their prayers amen so lord willing our next recording will pick up chapter 5 I want to take this opportunity and tell you that there's may have been a lot of things going on in your life it may seem like things are out of control may seem like you don't have a handle on things but there's or maybe there's another side of this whole thing maybe that things have been just fine maybe you're just fine you know not going to a place of worship you know not being bothered you know going to church and you know doing the whole Sunday thing maybe you're all okay with that maybe you okay without you you know maybe you feel like I'm not out here doing I don't go to clubs I don't drink I don't do that I just don't go to church and you know I don't you know maybe okay so maybe there's a group of people that that their lives are out of control and maybe there's a group of people that you feel like your life is more than in control but the diff but but the things that that that that makes you guys equal in a sense as far as you've been a candidate of death is the fact that you haven't taken an opportunity to accept the Lord Jesus Christ maybe you who don't go to church on Sundays maybe you may say it don't take all that and maybe you whose life is chaotic may say that I'm just not ready to commit but one way or the other you don't have Jesus which means you're gambling and dice and you yield Isis is coming up with numbers on the side of death because if you die that's the first death you still have a second death coming and that's the worst one and that's when you just don't die you're in a lake of fire and you may say oh I've heard those mythological stories before that's the person that sang my you know my life is in control and I don't bottle buy into all that the other person on the other whose life was chaotic me say I'm already living in hell it don't get no worse than this I Got News for You you're both wrong yeah you're both wrong he's God has been trying to reason with you to the point that he sent his son he seemed he sent to son Jesus to give you some time you know to give you time you know that if you accept his son the Lord Jesus Christ you'll pull you out of the chaos and he'll give you purpose because you were never purpose you on this side who don't go to church but you feel like I got a great job great career my kids are in college and I did all this without going to church I did all this because I made the right decision little did you know you keep making the wrong decisions because you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ nor have you introduced your family to Jesus you you're in a fabricate you have a fabricated existence because you think that you are living in purpose and you own the other side you think that they can't get no worse than this and and and this is held in this color trust me don't gamble that way I don't know what I can say to convince you that this thing is real but I can tell you that there's more to life than yo kids going to college and there's more to life than you having a good marriage and you having a successful career it's more than life than that there are some things that need to be done and maybe you grew up in a bad area and then you gravitated to a good area well guess what just like Moses did you may have to go back you may be purpose to go back and to take your resources from which you accumulated through your successful life you may have to go back to finance your journey back to get the rest of those people that you left behind so that you can have this fabricated lifestyle you won't you that dancer got the chaotic life have you ever thought that maybe your life is chaotic because you haven't given your life over to the Lord Jesus Christ and you're coming to that time in your life that that God is trying to get you to come and the enemy is trying to get you to stay and and and you're all discombobulated you know but there is a peace for you you just refuse it right now because you believe that you maybe you feel like I'm used to this turmoil at least I know what to expect he's still gambling you still gambling I'm telling you you don't have to live with turmoil you don't have to live with chaos you just have to live with Jesus let him live with you he's trying to get you to come he's been trying to get you to come in you can't tell me you don't know this I think you've just been avoiding maybe you feel like you're not good enough Moses was man you got the wrong person I'm not the one that you won't but whoever he whoever he sanctifies which means whoever he set aside for his purpose he qualifies them maybe you're fighting because you you think that you're not worthy maybe you believe that you you just did something else that you're going to mess up but I'm telling you if he chose you to do whatever it is that he's trying to get you to do you won't mess it up the only way you'll mess it up as if you choose not to do it if you do it and you let him he'll see you through but one way of another you to those that I'm speaking about the two different lifestyles you have to make the right decision before the time runs out peace in your life worldly peace is not the right decision if you don't have Jesus you don't have the right decision so how do you make it easy because I guarantee that that's fictitious and why I say it's fictitious is because the the bottom is gonna fall out it's going to fall out sooner or later hmm it's not you that's not true peace if it doesn't have Jesus in the picture it's not peace I want to introduce you to the Lord Jesus Christ and you'll gain your creator the only way you can meet the father is that you get introduced to the son and that you accept the son as your personal Lord and Savior so those are you that are ready here we go I'm not going to take time if you are ready here we go you say God I'll come to you just as I and you tell God you said God I know that you know my sins and I'll come to you with the multitude of sins but I'm asking for your forgiveness right now God I'm asking in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who was your only begotten child it is the only begotten child but the Christ that you sent to earth God and that you loved me so much that you sent Jesus Christ your son to earth to die and then the mist of his death God you resurrected him from the dead three days after he was put to death and God you soon descended him up into heaven I believe that Jesus resides on your right-hand side right now today now you have to call on Jesus Christ you say Jesus I call on you right now clean me up and clean me out you say God I pray that my sins that you forgive me for all of my sins you say God I'm sorry you asked Jesus live in me and lift the room from this day forward in Jesus name Amen those of you that said that and you mean it and you confessed it praise God he just been saved now he is going to come in you and do what you felt that you couldn't do he's going to get you to live up to the Kingdom standards you can never do it by yourself this is why you needed Jesus because you could never be released from the dead that's why you always circum he dwelling in you it's going to enable you empower you and enable you to do some great things make sure you're baptized if you haven't been baptized baptism is is us we live in Christ we die in Christ and we are resurrected in Christ it is a it is the symbolism you are back you are taken and you are placed you are submerged totally in water which represents our dying in Christ and then a man of God will bring you up from the water which represents the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and those being brought or quickened made alive in him amen great Bible study had an opportunity had a great opportunity to - to render or to allow myself to be used I hope that you receive as much as God put into it I hope you've got out of what he put into it and I'm just I bless God for the opportunity I feel like Moses I don't have such great speech but I feel like you know allowing God to do what he's going to do it's got to be all right my brothers and sisters until we meet again I love you thank you for allowing United body of Christ Church to be part of your Bible studies and once again until we meet again my brothers and sisters peace be upon you and your family in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - God be the glory amen and amen
Channel: Clarence Hardin
Views: 12,799
Rating: 4.840909 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, LORD, JESUS CHRIST, bible study, Exodus 3, Exodus 4, Moses, Horeb, burning bush, holiness, fear of GOD, called of GOD, I AM THAT I AM, children of Israel, Egypt, Aaron, harden Pharaoh's heart, Zipporah
Id: Q_yXIbeQXus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 9sec (3969 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2012
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