Exhaust Cut Outs Give Your Vehicle a Split Personality

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greetings viewers ere at the car guy here back again with another fairmont project video don't worry I'm not going to take the channel over with Fairmont videos but this one has been much requested and it is about my loud button which is actually an exhaust cut out that I have on my Fairmont now an exhaust cutout is a device that you can put into the exhaust before the muffler and all that kind of stuff mine is electronic so you can push a button and bypass the muffler and everything and basically have a straight pipe exhaust push the button again it closes up and allows the exhaust to pass back through that muffler and be nice and quiet again so that's what this video is about now I've run two different types of exhaust cutouts on the Fairmont in this video I want to be removing the first one that I put on and I'll talk a little bit about why I did that and why switch to this new type that I like a lot better but first let's go over the operation of my exhaust cutout this is all you see when you look inside the car is this button this is the button for my exhaust cut out you push it this way it opens you push it this way it closes it doesn't matter if I'm driving down the road I'm stopped at a stoplight whenever I can open this or close this at will now I won't be covering the wiring or the installation of this switch in this video I will be covering that in another video but the wiring is really simple it's really just power and ground and figuring out a place for this switch what I will be covering in this video is the replacement of the old exhaust cutout for the new exhaust cutout and why I did that this is my old exhaust cut out it's a Doug's exhaust cut out it was recommended to me by the guy that bent up the exhaust for the Fairmont he said that they were reliable they worked well for him for years and it did work well until it kissed the ground so this this part was protruding down and and I hit the pavement somewhere and invent this the way this works and I'll take this apart here for you in a minute is there's basically a flap that closes and opens and allows exhaust to pass through or close it off the minute this got bent that couldn't move freely so it didn't work well anymore so that's why I went to the design that I'm going to show you in the remainder of this video I've removed all the screws that hold this Doug's exhaust cutout together and you can have a look inside it's really simple there is this these spacers on both sides that are the same thickness as this flap this flap is what moves back and forth so it can either be open or closed and these are like little little bearings that this rides on now I can activate this real quick for you to show you its operation to give you an idea what's happening when you push the button on the dash there's this electrical connector it's just a simple electric motor that's on the other side here and it depends on which way current is flowing through it which direction it moves so it's either going to move this way or this way depending upon how current is flowing through this I'm just going to take a wild guess and use this as my ground and this is my power and now I'm going the other way so I need to switch this back around so I need to make that my ground and this my power and you can see it opens up so and then you flip then you do the switch the other way and this is what happens now this thing is limited by the inside of the device so in other words when this comes into contact with these outer pieces it stops moving and this still works but here's the problem I was running into you can almost see this little ball bearing that that this rides on has sort of sunken in and this one over here well some of these are rusty and not really moving all that well but my main issue with this type and this was really mostly after it hit the ground it things were fine until then I had to go back in and bend everything straight and get it all to work again but as the car was running was rattling like crazy was driving me nuts so just just sitting there and I'll he'd get this you can kind of hear what I'm talking about in this clip do that rattle that's where we're getting rid of [Applause] I don't like that point is that's the main reason I switched from this style to the other style but yet you'll see the other style has a much lower profile and does not extend below the vehicle like this one does this is my new exhaust cut out and it works very different so as you can see it's got a very different profile than the old one did and I'll see if I can get a light down in there so I can show you it opening the closing on the inside there now let's have a look how this one operates when you push the button now that you've seen the comparison between the two types of exhaust cutouts and how they work let's see how this new one got installed I don't want to replace the switch in the dash and all the electronics given that it's just a simple electric motor that's just getting this 12 volts here I'm just gonna reuse this wiring that goes up to the - cross my fingers and hope everything works I think job 1 is really just going to be to remove the old exhaust cut out and start fitting the new one my new unit is an r RP race ready performance and I just checked the instructions and then the cutouts are reversible so relative to the flow of exhaust gas there is not a front or back so I can mount it in any way I want now that I have it unplugged I'm just gonna remove this whole thing and well I'm gonna claim to remove this whole thing but the truth of the matter is I really need to get the correct size wrenches for that to happen alright that works better having the correct sized well one of the correct size wrenches you know what's cool about being at this part of the build is yes I'm doing all these little annoying things but it seems easy compared to like totally fabricating or redoing something even though I'm gonna have to do some fabrication on this my downturn pipe this pipe right here I came up with an idea on that because I don't want to just shoot it straight up under the body of the car I want to point it down towards the ground like what does it seem like it's missing a fastener well look one of these has already worked its way loose okay good thing I have new fasteners right and it's off just that simply the old gasket seems to remain intact so I'm just gonna leave it this is what comes in the box I've got some new fasteners as you can see some wiring that can go down to the motor assembly then there is the switch assembly which looks extremely similar to the one I already have mounted in the dash and a fuse now what I have in the dash already has a fuse here it looks like the way these are set up is this is for a single so you can just plug into here however there's two so if you had dual exhaust you could use the same switch for both cutouts I think that's the way it's set up but I'm only using one and in fact I will probably just use this and I will splice in this connector so that I can just hook these two things up under the car and we also have this gasket now for my turndown which I wanted like the old unit so I want to basically shoot this towards the ground when I turned down I have to get a little more creative so here is what I got don't need anything I couldn't find a turndown that I could just bolt onto a three bolt flange like this I just couldn't find one it's there for I had to get creative just like we often do when building custom cars you're likely going to have to make something therefore what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this which is basically a blank that can go and cover up this hole but instead of covering up the hole what I'm going to do is I'm going to go into my plasma cutter and I'm gonna cut a hole in here to match up with this and then weld this turn down onto this plate so cut this hole put this on here weld it together and that way I'll have a flange but I can just bolt onto here for my turndown so what I think I'll do is I'll just take this over to the vehicle and just mock it up to get an idea where things are going to be you can see this guy here there's a way lower profile than what was on here come in like that turn down yeah this can this can totally be shorter let's just check the new bolts see how they fit they're fantastic in fact I think I will definitely use these new bolts I want to cut this even all the way across I think the best way to do that is to lay down a masking tape line so we're just going to cut it at that line what the now we cut well I did make a good cut because this is fitting on there nice and solid but I'm gonna take it over to the wire wheel so I can get this all wire wield up so that it welds on there nice one more thing I do while I'm here is I'm gonna try to bevel this edge it seems that that is a good thing to do so that when the weld goes in it also fills and makes a really nice strong surface not that it really matters with this I could probably just tack weld this on there and it would be fine even though it leaked around the outside so what but I'm gonna try to do a nice job cuz I like to practice my welding whenever possible now I'll try to send is this up on this plate that seems right but when I cut this I'm going to cut on the inside of this line because I don't want it to be right to the ragged edge I'm really just gonna make this up on here like this I don't need this to fit down inside here I can but I don't think it really matters if it does or not you can't just go with plasma cutter and just start blasting through I suppose you can but they don't recommend it so I'm gonna drill a pilot hole first right in the center it doesn't really matter where I just need a hole big enough to you know get the things going plasma cutter I sort of got a little wide so it was gonna be some filling in with the welder but I think the first order of business is to try to get all this slag knocked down [Music] now I'm gonna take it over with the exhaust cut out both it up and then lay this in place so that I can tack it and I'm actually gonna take this over the wire wheel and get that marker off but tack it down and then take it back off then do a full beater on the outside we can call it done well we can jump to the wire if I've learned anything in my short welding career it's that the cleaner the metal you start with the better your welds are going to be and I want the nuts on here so that I know how far in I can weld ooh and I can even angle it off to the side a little bit so it's not just straight down I can put this wherever I want maybe a welder gonna tack it into place let's builders to turn the well girls [Music] now mine I could have weld around the bolt holes on this side I'm going to flip it around and weld from the backside on those because there's precious little room in that area so I'm just going to do what I can to try to weld around it and I'm going to jump back and forth because this metal will warp as I'm working also I just realized when I was tacking it down over there I forgot to turn the gas on that's why those walls are so ugly gas is on now though way better I'm just going to fill in the gaps towstee as it is I'm gonna put this up on here now pick the right size socket Eric it's on there now I need to transfer this end on here so I can connect these two things up taking virtually the same path although this can come down here like that and do both wires right there I'm gonna take this giant piece of shrink tube and run it way up past all this now I've discovered that my crimpers are failing I fixed it by doing that some of you better ask Eric why not solder well sardine can work but I've wired up this entire car and I use these connectors and I'm not saying they worked a hundred percent of the time because they did not but it's just quicker and if you think about it how many connections do manufacturers solder not many these crimp connections which in essence is a cold weld that said because I'm doing it this way probably the best answer to give you fantastic and that right there is one of the primary reasons because with the shrink connectors boom it's in there it's done that wouldn't completely seal up we're gonna have to do a little taping a little zip tie just to secure that down let's see if we can hear it moving first seems you've been working this will it closed that's just driving around normally this is open yeah like that better it's quiet again which one do I like better hands-down the race-ready that I have on there now I like that one better than the Dougs now I got the Dougs on the recommendation from my exhaust guy who said it's the fastest opening whatever and and I don't doubt that but honestly I didn't notice any difference between the amount of time it took the Dougs to open and close and the race ready to open and close I guess it's just a personal preference but for me the Dougs hugging down a little too much I hit the ground more than once and as a result it kind of messed it up also the Dougs and and I'll blame this on me for hitting the ground with it it rattled and and that just really really really annoyed me that that thing would just sit there and rattle it idle it just bugged me but the race-ready one haven't done that however I did read on that style that the race-ready is with that throttle body type of plate up in there that sometimes the screws can come out and I didn't read that specifically about the race-ready version but that style of exhaust cutout and when that happens that that plate comes out and then you've got no exhaust cutouts so that's kind of why I avoided it to begin with but I've been driving on this race-ready version all summer no issues whatsoever but you need to know this no matter what style you choose they will leak so you if you've got an exhaust cutout I've noticed that on both different styles even this race-ready version it leaks now I'm okay with it it doesn't rattle it doesn't really make that much noise and sometimes when I really get on the engine hard it will open up a little bit but a little push of the button it closes back up and quiets down so I've gotten used to it I like this style I guess it just depends on what your preference is this is not sponsored these are all my opinions and even if it was I'd still give you my opinions but I'll put links in the description to both the dugs on the race-ready versions any other information it might be useful to you as far as this goes as I stated I'll cover the wiring and everything in a future video it's not hard it's just power and ground and find a place to put the switch that's it so it's it's a pretty easy setup but as I said we'll cover this later on down the road additional information down in the description if you have automotive questions not covered in this video I asked the head to air at the car guy comm also linked in a description don't forget to Like comment subscribe do all those things that help make a living and also ring the bell you want the notifications you know how to know when I'm posting new videos be safe have fun stay dirty thank you very much for your time and watching I will see you next time greetings video greetings videos greetings video I did it again
Channel: EricTheCarGuy
Views: 2,166,999
Rating: 4.8507147 out of 5
Keywords: exhaust cut out, Doug’s exhaust cut out, RRP exhaust cut out, Race Ready Performance exhaust cut out, installing exhaust cut out, how to install an exhaust cut out, how to add exhaust cut out, #FairmontProject exhaust cut out, how exhaust cut outs work, how to exhaust cut out, exhaust, 3” exhaust, turbo, turbo Fairmont, Ford, fast Ford, turbo Ford, #FairmontProject, #ETCGVideo, automotive education, how to auto repair, EricTheCarGuy, Eric the car guy, ETCG
Id: cKgTuIFKAvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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