Exes Play Fear Pong (Brianne & Andrew) | Fear Pong | Cut

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- That's not gonna work. (ball bounces) It's probably gonna work. (laughter) ('Symphony No. 9' by Beethoven) - I'm Bree. This is Andrew. Do you wanna tell them how we know each other? - No you got it. - Okay thank you. - We dated on and off for like three years. We've been broken up for about two years. - Yeah. - We're just like awkward homies now. - No, I'm not. - Nope. Okay you can go first, ladies first. - Wow. (ball bounces) - I'm not chasing your ball. (ball hits cup) Ooh! - Call your parents and tell them you're pregnant and your ex is the mother/father. - You have to do your mom! You have to do your mom! (chuckles) His mom hates me. (phone rings) - [Mom] Hello? - What's up mom? - [Mom] What's up chicken little? - I got Bree pregnant. - [Mom] What? How is that possible stupid? - Yeah I know. But, yeah, I'll talk to you later about it. - [Mom] What are you talking about? - Love you. - [Mom] Huh? - Love you, miss you. - [Mom] No you don't call me and tell me that shit and then hang up. Where are you at? - I'll call you back. (laughter) Oh God! - You better put your phone on silent! - I have to call her back ASAP. (ball hits cup) - Apologize to your opponent for the worst thing you ever did to them. I'm sorry I dated Jordan so close after we broke up and kind of blasted it all over social media. That was a douchebag move. He was one of our mutual friends that we started hanging out with. And then Andrew and I broke up and then Jordan and I started dating like two, three weeks later. - I was like the most angry person in the god damn world. - How did you feel about the apology? - It was a long waited. - Was that good enough? - Yeah it's fine, it's chill. (ball hits cup) - Put it in your mouth. (laughter) (ball hits cup) - [Andrew] Yes. - Cool! Finally you make one. Let your opponent cut off any one item of clothing. Alright, do the thing! (scissors snip) - Here you go. - Thank you. (laughter) (ball bounces) (ball hits cup) Let your opponent remove your pants with their teeth. Alright. I'm happy I put on pretty underwear. This is gonna be really hard. These are really tight. Take a side. Ow! (laughter) You bit me! - Eh wouldn't be the first time. - I'll help you. - There you go. - You're welcome. (ball hits cup) Ooh! - Let your opponent crack three eggs onto your head. Bust a nut. (egg cracks) Agh! (egg cracks) (egg cracks) Oh my God. - You look beautiful. - Yeah. So how do you like your eggs? - Fertilized. - I feel like Nickelodeon slime. (ball hits cup) - Call your family and tell them you and your ex are getting back together. Let's do it! I'm calling my big brother because he knows both Andrew and I the best and will not hold back on any of his emotions. (phone rings) - [Brother] Hello? - Hey so you know how I was doing that thing with Andrew this morning? Andrew and I talked afterwards and after spending time together I think we're gonna get back together. - [Brother] Oh boy, okay. - That's it, that's all you have to say is oh boy? Why oh boy? - [Brother] I mean, I'm not gonna make or break the relationship right? You guys are, so. - No, I just wanted your honest opinion. - [Brother] You need to be open to being wrong. And he needs to grow up as well. I'm happy for you. I would choose him over your last guy or any of the others you dated for sure. - Hey I actually gotta run, I love you. - [Brother] I love you too. - Also I'm pregnant, k bye! (chuckles) (ball bounces) Uh I hope me. I kind of need it. - I kind of want it. I got some things I could buy. - I want more tattoos. - Hey! - Ooh, that's a drink one. Good job. No that's good for me. I have my secret weapon. You know how many times I've won at beer pong just because when I get down to a couple cups I bring the butt out? - Take a body shot off of your opponent. - Hell yeah. - Hell yeah. (squeals) (lips smooch) - Ugh. (ball hits cup) Spread mustard all over your face like a mask and wear it for the rest of the game. That is not happening. (ball hits cup) - We've had this talk multiple times in the past. - There would have to be a lot of growing on both sides and a lot of forgiveness on both sides. (ball hits cup) You should know, you've been there. Okay. (ball hits cup) (ball hits cup) - Oh! - [Bree] Dammit. - That's not gonna work. It's probably gonna work. (giggles) - Oh he's winning for sure. - For sure. - For sure! - You gotta believe in yourself. Cuddle your opponent for one minute. They choose big spoon or little spoon. - I wanna be a little spoon, I'm cold. - Are you sure 'cause I got like egg yolk. - Oh yeah no, I'll be big spoon, I changed my mind. - Jesus your hands are like ice! - Yeah! - Like yuck. Yeah get the leg up. There you go. Ho, your hands are so cold. - Do you like cuddling with me? - Geeze what are you doing? (mumbles) - Ah! You can't finger it! - Alright I can't do that, I was about to. - You can't finger it! (ball bounces) (ball hits cup) Oh oh! - Give me a gentleman's. - What? - Gentleman. - I don't know what that means. - Like a dick. - Thank you. I never really played beer pong by myself. I'm the team handicapped. (ball hits cup) - Hey! Describe to your ex in detail the first sexual experience you had after you two broke up. Hey! - French kiss your ex. Oh hell yeah we're doing that, come here. - Yes. - He don't care. - That was a long fucking make out. It's been a while. - This is how people get started in porn I guess. - Make the cup right here. - I can't make that cup. No I'm gonna stand over here too now. - Ugh! - Fuck. Well, you win. - Can I read this last dare? Let your opponent tear off your shirt. (fabric rips) Oh that was a good tear! - [Man] Yeah and just be right centered. - Yeah! (laughter) - [Man] Oh oh! - [Bree] Ooh! We're good. Yay! - [Man] Dance dance. - You're like a stripper but it's not the same.
Channel: Cut
Views: 33,136,031
Rating: 4.8563962 out of 5
Keywords: Watch Cut, WatchCut video, would you rather, line up, storytelling, relationships, Interviews, Firsts, couples, Kids Try, games, challenges, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, strangers, HiHo Kids, Hiho, kids, kids videos, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty, fear, exes, fear pong, beer, watchcut, cut, funny, game, dare, drink, dare pong, love, dating, truth or drink, drinking, drinking game
Id: -fAbjBM6phY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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