Executioner & Jester Plays that shouldn't work, but they do | Among Us Town of Us Mod w/ Friends

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i hate this game jesus come here joke come here truck [Music] i'm a giant jester for my first game all right okay am i just going to die or what oh jesus hi cara hi junk hi brood oh god oh god should i just hang around the button who's that anyone dead here well vince is on that for a long time hi hi children cara no no no no i'm just a big target okay where are the bodies hi brood oh god you know what hello thank you oh wait there was anyone dead oh no i don't think so oh beautiful thing we're all working we're gonna hit the button because i assume there were five dead bodies uh platy are you going to vote the person or no oh the person waiting or no because because i i i am suspicious i am not you better not be talking about me don't say my name either here we go well yeah yeah yeah no no don't don't don't what is going on here children tell them what you saw tell them what you saw platypus tell them what you saw i do you know what dude are you talking about don't tell them don't tell us i'm talking about in the last five seconds what just happened to you tell us platypus i want to hear this oh i can be assassin that's what i'm thinking about and i'm being very careful could be assassinated you could be assassinated platypus i'm just telling you yeah tell them yes what we saw sure sure so i definitely saw don't claim don't say go kill and fail and then vent nice i saw her i saw her that's a lot that's a lie and there's a reason why i saw her vent and that's it let's see because it's just car vented so unless you're close you're going to think about it three yeah [Music] wow how does he know she can't be engineer though i also don't know what the assassin percentage is at let me see what maybe i'll just hit the button again let's see oh my god i kind of feel like you guys spent way too long like spitting that out so you guys want to have a full meeting and actually talk about it yes only one of us could engineer vent and and i was trying to get platy to say did you see it without saying that i'm the other engineer and now i have to say it because we just can't keep our mouth shut no all right you know what no i love these mind games it's well no because oh boy you guys just killed the engineer okay good luck that was i skipped okay so that wasn't an execution replay this is such a great start to the session it's like just button button button hey let's go what's good [Music] no i was just because she couldn't you don't need to explain to yourself okay yeah there's just okay you're good no you get it because there's legitimately no logical way unless she was evil she vented while i was in all right i'll see you all [Music] good for the imposters okay do do do do do i'm just gonna go into here and just pray i don't die plat i hope you're not an evil person and you're just colluding of chilled oh i thought i had card swipe well i guess i don't okay i platt don't kill me hi vince please don't kill me i have to go fake tasks well there's scotch uh oh the lights are out that's not good oh no well someone just walked up okay i survived that's okay i'll just go back over here because there's probably a body down there that's fine i'll just hang out i don't need to report bodies yeah did you see brother vince you're being a little weird man what are you doing vince finally someone oh my god okay the thing is i don't think you're i don't think you're a baddie i just think you're weird the lights come back on i go to do my wires in top calf i move over the right a little bit and chilled just chilling on the top of cafeteria that's what yes no because when the camouflage went off i immediately ran up there that way it couldn't be spotted because it's a great time to get killed so i went up there while the camouflage was going away where were you before cafeteria uh i was navigation then weapons and then was the cafeteria okay so that was navigation so that wasn't you who i passed coming out of admin okay so are you saying that you're trying to avoid the cameras then yes maybe it's 20 20. man i don't want my face everywhere but no that was my my exact movements right vince vincent i can actually confirm that he was in now right before the camera okay the toms went off or whatever thank you and we we only have one one engineer below and i blew it the first game the first round i believe i've kept you alive for a while um do we have assassin at 100 sorry guys my therapist told me to tell the truth on everything now dude speak your truth it's nice though be real at least you're getting better you're really worried kara actually wasn't interested guys thank you so much guys before we need to be really worried about it hey so uh this is another meeting is that yes nobody's found 21 by the way no no poor drunks will never be found [Music] dude um i don't know what to do 2020 i'm gonna find the glitch for you oh my god wow this is getting a little nerve-wracking on them and i got an imposter out but we don't know that we do know that wolf hunter 3k thanks for the six months when your response is well she vented well yeah engineers do that you could just be uno reversing on on kara right there i don't want to hang out with vince vince has uh he's got murderer in his eyes is this the end of the line for me no bro don't do it i'm a good person i swear high dk no dk don't oh god oh god oh god dead body dead body dead body anywhere no okay i'm going this way shovel don't do it don't do it has it has a dead body been found okay at all no he's dead but no listen listen listen listen listen dk altruisted me vince killed me oh oh i feel like that was that he killed me he killed me in the top engine as the lights were going out good enough for me so you're saying that dk clutch this yes yeah yeah i was gonna say that um it stepped on video yes this is i agree with been a really interesting first game it has been it's very nice to meet you vince okay what is god's name was i gonna do well game may not be nice there's probably an arso now someone else better hit the button oh boy i think it's just an arso oh man well i might as well try to make myself look like an arso okay so i saw scotch let's try to find someone else someone better hit the button please we're all going to explode okay so i kind of doubled back on trouble someone please hit the button someone please hit the button someone please hit the button someone please hit that button scott what are you doing over here all right i'm gonna go hang out by the button because i don't think the they're thinking about the current situation here and i yep i have no buttons left oh my god guys please is no one thinking about this wait you know he doesn't have a button chill doesn't have a button bro does anyone have a scotch what are you guys doing oh god does no one have a button oh i don't know no this is this is plat plat plat plat have you hit the button jenny dutton thank you for the 200 bits oh i thought we had an arsenal i'm just trying to tell people like someone hit the button please oh my god oh my god no i think we i don't okay see i don't think we have any more buttons oh okay yeah everyone here is actually that was nerve-wracking that was nerve-wracking i think it's scotch so why do you think it's because platt platt reported the body i don't think he would report here i think he would just go for the win because i'm slow it's like i can't find bodies i'm just hoping someone's going to hit the buttons and i don't have a button anymore i felt helpless you know why i you know this role is real uh well whatever i mean i i feel like i need to say this information uh so i don't think it's scotch due to the fact that uh i saw two oranges at one point in the map so oh it would be well then practically well then it has to be no that's right i knew you were the spinner then it has to be you then if it's not scotch right right dude it's you know what i'm voting for myself voting for myself just vote for yourself man god damn it i well well well well played ambulance well played flat fat jester will play flag wait [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] uh bay positive thank you for the three months if i didn't thank you already term one as mayor as my first act i declare my word is law oh god oh perfect wires it's platypus uh-oh i'm just going to pray i'm not going to hit the button for this uh let's go just right there gotcha gotcha gotcha there's brood gotcha gotcha okay i'm gonna go in the med bay i was thinking about platypus remember that probably an evil person or are they or is that person clear uh three four five six seven eight nine ten hi shovel oh oh i thought they got fixed for a second wait all right everybody great news and bad news some nervous killers i like this i like this if there's an assassin dk is the engineer guys i would like to uh i would i would like to talk to the assassin one on one right now please spare my life please okay chill i'd like to consult with you real quick yes perfect wires i got them i was thinking about platypus no no no now does that change does that mean he's innocent or guilty that means so the rules of perfect wires is we think it's who we're thinking of is actually guilty but it's actually who you're thinking of as the innocent person in what he's thinking because platypus has the correct information okay looks like there's no assassins cleared uh yes hold on let me get out my notebook hold on he's just clapping uh that information was correct that's what my notes said oh great also i'd be really remiss if junkyard's not a killer this round like i need to clean your room left testicle that junk's a killer but i'll get it i didn't know you were arrested so when the lights went off for the second time you were like in electrical and just ran out as they were off using them why didn't you i wasn't electrical huh no no i was already out of electrical like going towards the lower engine you weren't going lower engine you know why because that was an event in cafeteria and you went top right in your face yeah she was going in electric when i yeah she's alive she's live it's car and junk you got those two oldest people here yikes okay almost voted me out or they voted for me oh no vote me why is it so yellow outside what the you don't have dust storms here in austin or maybe it's just sunset time what time is it yeah it just looks really yellow outside right now oh oh brood oh that just got fixed awesome [Music] i'm almost done with my oh oh jesus vote junkyard for guessing everybody who i don't know what to do did you see who that was just dropping oh sorry see what so i'm running from storage i'm seeing from cigarettes okay i'm running from storage and i see the blood fly all the way to storage this body's on the vet in admin i see the blood and the vent flap so i walk into admin oh that's gotta be scotch and dk's dead right on the ground i left scotch and admin like five seconds ago yeah he was standing right there with me like five seconds ago i'm in med bay now i know i i i saw you running from car swipe car that's why i wanted to know what you saw i'm in med bay i'm in mexico i didn't see it was scotch and edmond i don't remember uh i don't know i just went for it did you see dodge no i was in med bag by myself if you could see someone right now because they're clear it's already done i'm in med bay right now oh well johnson's in reactor actually that's possible so when did you get into med base college uh i'm literally like walking through the doors right now okay because i just got into the top left storage and i think trouble was there question mark trouble in storage uh on her way to somebody was in reaction i'm just i'm just letting you know when junk is going around dousing people i am not doing anybody you know i have not seen him do a single task i have not done one single task i believe him i believe him no no no no no you guys i have not doubted a single person did you see anyone else in admin cara no okay well i know nothing junk combined age is 112. i am not [Music] this is too much talking for my liking in that meeting okay upload do do do do do i'm almost off my task surprisingly i wish i was the snitch all i'm doing i'm just waiting and stacking votes that's all i'm doing hopefully i'll get to use them hopefully hi brood brood kind of just walked into electrical and walked out that's kind of weird oh lights are out that's not good oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy here we go uh who's that okay that's vince the shovel shuffle what are you doing why did shovel go to gas oh okay i didn't kill him but i don't really care either i didn't kill him so i just found him so chilled platypus and myself we were walking together i know chills cursing and just cursing and then platypus killed chilled when the lights went out and that's all i saw and so now it's dead yeah wait okay whoa okay huh platypus killed chilled john what do you think it was you're saying planet kill killed like in front of you yeah the lights went out and all of a sudden i got it chilled platypus and i we were in a little circle and then all of a sudden i got a report button i was just like right you didn't think maybe unless somebody did a swat unless and now now there could have been a a a a swooper that came through all three of us there could have been a swooper that came through between but like i think this is a self-report only because i'm walking i was walking with junk and children you know what was the entirety of the game i did not kill chilled chaos i wasn't nervous about brood okay he's the odd man now where was the body again this is true it was in cafeteria right at the uh okay that's why that was i don't think he would have killed did you see the body fall like you got the report button actually i just got the report but it was dark i just i think you should see me in shields if you're on an admin table vince just died there was only three people in cafeteria yeah which means you should see me and shields shield shielded me and i feel that she'll try to kill them jesus right here oh that's not good we just lose this god damn it i shouldn't i should have sent it on someone with my votes i am a man of inaction right now i could have saved shovel but i got greedy and i wanted more votes that's so sad that's so sad that's so sad well who's going to come over and kill me oh wow wow wait wow it was brood it was brood wait so are you saying you sheriffed him i've been sheriff the whole freaking time so i killed brood um and i was following bruce so obviously i was hoping that was the end of the game but i guess not because we got one more but it's either the arsonist or it's a glitch that's still a fool a foot so i don't know who so i'm with junk by the way i'm with him i'm standing with him yeah and i killed bruce 100 i shot him who do you think the other one is do you think it's just plat it's well it's good it's not platinum no platypus could have killed me a few times so it's either vince or you well and like see if he shoots anybody like i want i'd rather just i don't know which one it is junk i kind of want you to take a shot here my dude uh i want to skip this it's okay i am i put full trust in junk you know what i mean junk you can shoot me if you want because you can just report your body and vote z if you'd like to just do it that way i don't want to why you know how often i i cannot tell you the last time last time i got to the end of the game it's been like we hang out with you man i'm gonna i'm just being like you hang out with me then i'm going to shoot you two it's either you or z yeah look i'm going to bear my chest it could be platinum i'm going to take that shot you'd be so dick you didn't report that body instantly junk so i kind of was like i walked away from you actually that was a bizarre turn of events [Music] [Laughter] oh what oh no so it was plat junk why did you why did you let yourself get marinated by platelet i trusted you man well so much for that hello vince here you go take care of that i'm just going to run away i'll just run away goodbye i want to live unless he's a glitch now he was imposter let yourself get married and i trusted you i'm not gonna lie i'm so sorry dude okay two things happened two things happened one i had no idea i was tiebreaker i was like i'm just gonna vote for somebody random and voted shovel and trouble goes and then i'm like oh i guess we win and then three seconds later junk shoots me i hate this game jesus come here joke go be your truck [Laughter] what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing [Laughter] we'll just hang out let's just hang out man this is hangout so [Music] so i didn't i didn't see like who all rinsed out so you had you had me scotch cara and dk all run south i'm hanging out with scotch because he's big and it's funny yes uh and then we go down a little bit more south and cara's dead and dk's no longer there where is she where is shelf i'm wondering why my name's been called because i went straight down into the dude bro get him yeah that's where the body is yeah no rex it's him i know wait it's in the bottom left yeah where's the body it's like it's right next to weather kind of between comms i did the weather node and i know that he was like above me so this could not have been chilled i didn't i mean so dude wait wait so did you see dk do it or you're just no ruling out he's the only other person who ran that path no no no no no what i'm wondering is that kara was either shifter or uh sheriff yeah sure because i i hate voting unless you unless it's a i don't want a heart accused not a hard cues he was just i don't want to vote then honestly okay no all right is that your buddy junk is that your buddy okay no you're nimrod so is anybody next to somebody right now yeah scotch yes yeah oh yeah where's vincent i did medbay first so as the mirror right now i could send chilled out if i wanted to for just saying my name you could have yes yes how many reserve votes do you have already at the start what's that you'll have four you have four or five the next round you're getting sad no because you're evil my dude you would have died this round i would not because i didn't even i can't believe it you're probably obsessed there hasn't been an assassination attempt yet uh gekko in a suit thanks for the five months prime by the way an h rat man with the five month prime thank you too okay wait oh that's right i don't have tasks to do as the executioner oh boy the lights are out i don't know where junk went maybe i just be patient what did i just see it i could have sworn i just saw the ghost of cara oh my god i'm just gonna run that's so funny dk hacked me i don't know if he's gonna like hunt me nice oh i'm actually oh there you go i'm actually really sad that dk's dead i was gonna go to the button and dk hacked me at the bottom on the button on the button oh my god oh then who shot him wait a minute button well he's dead on there an imposter sure is oh because he he hacked me and i left and i just ran away okay all right then does that mean we have a good noodle with a gun sounds like potentially no it could have been an imposter because he just said he got hacked right so yeah that must have just happened right after accidentally killed dk i just i just you uh he is maybe something that i would call a more than friend more than friends [Music] no jokes okay yeah seven to ten i did my reboot in comms and i came out i don't know exactly where it is but i got the report as i came into office on like the left side of his word yeah he was singing i'm gonna take i'm gonna take it did you give you an imposter yeah probably no i was shocked that he was dead there i thought he i like i didn't know if he was gonna like chase after me he must have just died right there right after i left and that's why he didn't chase me i probably could have caught a killer okay i plat oh that was weird he just kind of like did a weird double back right there is there a body over here maybe ooh why is this closed oh jesus are you kidding me okay scotch is big in there brood just came out of admin oh junk junk oh if brood self-reports it's not going to kill him oh no i actually think it's awesome i actually and i just passed each other yeah i don't think this is junk i think brood actually might have done this i saw you walking out of office left side and i was like oh oh oh oh where's so i went where's the body i went around office i went through like the between office and storage and i came through the right side and i found platt dead around vitals uh i never went there i went to i went on to admin table with platt and i was actually entering outside left office time got re-rounded put me back in office and then i went outside did the webinade right next to weapons and i was just heading up boys so never on that side brother i don't think this is scotch though i only saw z yeah he's in weapons i think or somewhere near otherwise i never had anybody else i saw you walking in there i saw your name your i didn't see your big gummy thing toward the end but i don't know where he came from before that here we go person's allowed to talk about my dummy thick ass that's right that's my game thick ass i mean it could be drunk but like i i don't think it was no no i'm i'm doing gas i was doing the gas uh top top and then we got rewound and then nice uh the lights were where'd he go after that junk i was up north the whole time where are you vince where are you vince i'm outside vince so if you're on the admin table that's why you can't see me no no i'm all i'm asking because i'm also outside in the north area and i didn't see you but i wasn't sure if we're in the different spots what were you doing in the north area outside yeah the north is forbidden north's forbidden yeah south is where it's at from i did lights i did o2 and i was running back toward o2 to collect my vials i never saw you in o2 i never saw you know two either oh did you see me oh [Music] i have to say before i found that body junk you did have burger in your eyes executioner's hard i'm gonna go on specimen maybe junk will die just go in here especially when you keep clearing your target yeah i mean i don't know the thing is like i don't want i don't want to look obviously like an executioner because i don't get assassinated it's like i kind of feel like the best way to go is to like for one i want to make sure my target doesn't die oh god this could be bad why is this not going on oh boy oh come on am i gonna i'm for sure going to die if i leave when the lights are out oh no guys is no one oh me all right hopefully someone's about to get there well here we go you know what oh there we go okay junk's alive do you want to be my lover hey i was expecting more bodies god you're hilarious shovels yeah likely story you were checking the office in the darkness by yourself i have no one i just know that lights are out for a very long time i am not going to lights right now so let's assume vince is telling the truth right yep and scott you're with me you can play some people i just want to point out one we got split up for a little bit there yeah the only unfortunate scenario that i see right now is the fact that two people that die a lot at the beginning of the games are alive right now ie chilled and jumped thank you no i trust you i die a lot first what were you doing what was zion doing well let me tell you okay i was hanging out with scotch and i was very excited because we're on our fourth year which is we don't make it that long uh but then he had eyes for brood after the time rewind so i went and hid up in the snow saying if they kill me they'll never find me it doesn't matter because he's gone and then bruce specimen i need you to understand it was dark under those sheets it's hard to tell who's here oh my god you guys are back at it again you and z had this fair one time and now you're showing no no [Music] yeah and who was on cams no idea didn't even see kim's on not me i was just specifically and i'm walking up the hallway did you just get there yeah you said you were in space the whole time though what are we doing here because he said he was there the whole time whoa whoa whoa no no no no z i'm voting z i'm skipping i wasn't saying i was expecting 90 of the time you said skipping and i wanted to vote you for that [Music] all right term two term two what am i gonna do as mayor in my second term of the night here we go am i gonna get killed by a squirrel am i gonna get killed by an evil viking am i gonna vote out the wrong person hello caro now there's shovel all right i'll go to specimen because i have a task in there free taxes i agree i propose free taxes whatever that means in my second term everyone gets taxes for free you get taxed for free there's no fees to get taxed you can freely give your money to the government no charge no charge let's all go to the movies dk you good yeah what's up you good yeah yo what's up dude are you good just in case it gets called bruh i got yeah i got you bro no no more questions your honor left door of office scott is dead nowhere near there dude where did you come from what do you mean you ran out the right side of office where did you come from from admin and then vitals i saw that scott was dead i looked on admin didn't see his blip oh and then i went to the left so you went in from the right and then went out through the right no i went through the left but i'm also the flash so three guns for the homeless jesus christ why where's the body left door left side of admin where did you come from before you went yeah you got an accusation 20 minutes i've been muted the whole time what's that yeah junk where did you come from before o2 thank you for the slow clap thank you i kind of remember i don't know i don't remember because i was talking i was irl something was going on so i wasn't right everything okay yeah it's just you get another drink are you just pouring no no she's driving so sh so a tree fell on her car oh no so she got a re a convertible rent car so she's going out she's telling me she's going for a drive with a convertible so she would love that for her not a man with a convertible they got money [Laughter] [Music] uh i didn't vote for him uh okay i'll do this sure i have water wheels okay i don't get the water reveals very vodka reveals very often i still feel nasally my nose like tickles probably shouldn't have streamed today because i do feel kind of yucky whatever oh junk please don't not the mayor anyone but the mayor well junk is just kind of stalking me which is weird oh this is the perfect place to die oh wait i don't even have a task oh oh i thought it was junky dad shovel's dead okay um yeah this is up in labs where's everybody at oh this is not jumping yeah i was just saying i saw a big person doing in the tree room z was doing water wheels and i was filling up the water for the uh conference room so when we're done here i will be filling that up and you guys have fresh water to drink everybody easy yeah i'll drop some knowledge i'll drop some knowledge where's this body dude yeah you have 100 a killer between platy and chilled nice nice what no in that one game when i was killer and he was next to me the entire time like it's so impossible to have somebody for the entire time so there's just like no way somebody can be the killer children you're not the killer right you're doing some weird shifting lots of brood from last round okay but hear me out here okay yeah shovel chilled platy all in lab together correct or not correct [Music] all right mid sentence all right what's it gonna well where have you been okay where have you been huh you haven't been i've been hiding why would you be hiding because i don't want to die i have the roles in this game i love hiding because i like the roles i don't want to can i just love life because am i allowed to do that is he jester [Music] but he gave me a shield you dumb nuts we are good guys together oh no hey ring this one in buddy what if what if brood was just like maybe maybe he took a random shot as assassin maybe brood was the assassin all right so second term is mayor not going so well not going so well i think i'm going to not turn on the lights i'm just going to finish my desk oh wow oh there's another meeting i'm okay with that because i have two things to talk about i still have my shield and i was 99 percent sure platy gave that to me oh oh wow that's right i wonder if you're right oh my gosh i gave you that shoulder i gave you that bro uh-oh no you didn't because then you would have thrown me out you would have known that i was a good guy then no i i think i i i know that i shielded you i made a mistake no that that no it's not you i think there's a glitch in the game no i'm actually the medic brother no way you don't sound like you believe that come here come here give me a hug i'll wear a mask i don't believe it i'm just saying unless there's a glitch in the game i still have my shield so maybe platypus was the bad guy because i was 99 certain that he was a good guy because he shielded me i regret shielding you know honestly no i think it might have been platy then i turned the lights on you're welcome thank you so much thank you wonderful i was just like one task left i know you'll never believe me at this point but i honestly just killed you i won't if if i'm lying you don't have to invite me okay what's the plan here he didn't dk he didn't invite you i know that's why i said that shout out to the mayor because i thought he was an idiot but i think he might be a smart guy i love chilled story i think it's i think it's just stellar um i think i don't know stellar you think it's just exceptional i haven't heard that i was gonna say is that that's from the eighth very it's nifty bro that was classy i like that wicked all right yeah that's like so kind of just trusting the pair i don't know i don't think i want to focus i don't know i could be wrong i am uh i'm genetic and i shielded the world i'm so sorry you've thrown me under the bus so many thousands of times did you save my life by voting with 18 votes because i appreciate that okay what can i finish my sentence yeah the only ten seconds before you vote me out yeah um screw it i'll vote you okay oh my [Laughter] oh my god okay okay second term in office a little bit better than i thought a little better than i thought okay good who's shielded me i still have it on me look at this are you sure you could be killed so was i knew he was killer and i was like you know what i'm going to camp him like he can't me and i'm going to make it really hard for him to get these pills well he just didn't know i was assassinated so i was okay with it wait did the sheriff kill him what happened wow wow i did not spam clicking [Music] wow i was running around i was the altruist i was looking for somebody to revive i was gonna give my life up for somebody and then junk was just i don't know man you seemed okay so i ran north hoping that i might bump into somebody and just there you go people i killed
Channel: ZeRoyalViking
Views: 154,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zeroyalviking, among us, among us gameplay, zeroyalviking among us, the derp crew, among us the derp crew, the derp crew among us, among us impostor, impostor, chilled, chilledchaos, live, commentary, tips, tricks, funny moments, among us funny moments, among us stream, among us twitch, among us prop hunt, among us mods, among us prop hunt mod, town of us, among us town of salem, among us town of us mod, among us airship map, among us new map
Id: 1b-Wko7qDRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 52sec (3052 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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