MY BEST ASSASSIN GAME YET | Among Us Town of Us Mod w/ Friends

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[Music] there's a joke here somewhere but i can't seem to find it just click it glad you're here [Music] oh the predictions the predictions oh my god the predictions [Laughter] oh my god i'm going right to specimen oh wow that was quick that was quick she tried to shoot me i'm just going to give my side of the story i go to the rocket ship and there's a dead tay and cheesy runs out of there cheesy's claiming okay i believe yeah yeah shoot me and tay have this like unspoken agreement but i'm i'm speaking about it now so maybe it's not anyway she always tries to shoot me i always try to shoot her uh never works out for either of us uh she's until it does we could skip i jumped on cams right at the beginning there and i happened to flick over to the entrance of labs yeah what did you see what didn't you see you feel like uh kim's modifying the story they're a bit cheesy easy this is a lion among us this is a skit this is a skip hold on this is a cycle change okay so for what it's worth for what it's worth i didn't see any of this happen oh okay i was able to confirm after she was already i was able to confirm the cameras were on so i was [Music] that was good i don't know the way he said this is his skip got a little like heated there like it felt like he was really good now i'm not so sure i'm not so sure now i'm not so sure so eyes in the sky all right all i know is these worlds don't turn on their own you keep me safe vince you're gonna keep me safe oh yeah jesus i got you buddy vince will you vouch for me no matter what we're just nice we're just uh z is hard cleared i'll remember just go boy is that what's going on i okay i mean i i know and thank you as the jester i don't like being hard cleared i don't believe you're the jester i voted for vince due to his premature story good man [Laughter] all right so i'm willing to say cheesy was probably telling the truth and tay tried shooting [ __ ] that was definitely something sheriff related i don't think that was glitch related and if cheesy was the sheriff and then that would make tay the glitch and i just feel like that'd be so unlikely i think tay tried shoot and cheesy so i don't know i don't know uh who i don't have an idea of who anyone's roles are basically that's what i'm saying i don't know why i'm in specimen is anyone coming in back again keep up the good fun [Music] and i think junk killed him i did no such thing but thank you for thinking about me can you and why scott you were the last two people in the that room and now it's not just dead who's on cameras i was on cameras okay then it can't be junk oh yeah i was just on cameras i got off the camera the lights were out i started going over there and cheesy then the lights went on and she's he walked out of yo jesus how did you know that in storage yeah how did you know that wait what why'd you shake me off so quick buddy i'm all-knowing and all powerful and junky yeah why'd you jerk them off so strictly why'd you jackson why'd you give me the old tug well it was more you i kind of got there you know why it's good i i just kind of sketch man kind of sketch that's all i have to say just kind of sketch i don't like it you speedy i love you but junk it seems to me like that you are giving me a smile in your voice oh why are you happy because it's because i love you i love being here wait a minute does giggle theory apply does giggle theory apply to anybody wearing shovel's outfit i think so let's do it oh cheesy guys she's good for you cheesy good for you i think cheesy is bad man i think batman cheesy no dude so weird he knows scotch was dead in storage cheesy was close to the button he wasn't on cams which makes me think speedy's spy and junk could be the glitch and he pop maybe he just buttoned because he was closer to the button actually where's dumb dog at i need to meet up with dunn dog because i'm really the one who should be killing and he should be cleaning up my bodies is speedy down here let me see okay speedy spy speedy's 100 spy has to be oh you know what no oh okay wait a minute i guess we're just gonna fix lights together okay oh my god i'll just go button i'll just go button i'll go button [Music] actually i don't think it would be because an arsonist would if they get a wet dream that means he would put all the fire out and it would not be a good slow killing well is gasoline wet what's going to say yes it is yeah this could get you're feeling okay now right you feeling better uh why do you ask feeling better oh you just you kind of seemed you kind of seemed like you were having you know you weren't feeling too great though you're having a tough time i hope you're doing better now uh i appreciate it i'm not sure what the why or what but yeah no i feel better man cool awesome buddy i dig it i'm happy to hear it hmm gun killed scott go on the jungle the junk thing huh oh my god i love you am i taking away from this i don't know i just want to make sure everything is okay i want to make sure everyone wants to say i hope that would save a life i probably saved a lot of cameras how's your new office i got to use a nail gun today and that was really fun i'm just trying to figure out i want to hear about the nail gun though what this here amongst two votes i got another believer geez you didn't actually kill tay right you didn't murder her and then just go on to undercover that was definitely sheriff related i kind of just want to get two kills of dumb dog and then make it to the meeting and then like like i really think that it's probably speedy spy junk glitch and just assassinate them both and go for the win that way that's kind of what i feel all right i just don't want to kill speedy oh is no one in here well we're probably gonna end up killing speedy oh man wait oh is that medic oh god i can't [ __ ] that means medic knows i don't want to kill speedy hmm i'm still slow killers he was just alive wasn't he was he with you i think he turned the lights back on yeah with you cheesy i just saw you guys we were together yes i think pink and junk platypus and junk are your killers i believe okay i just saw cheesy with vince did that not ring anything i just said so hold hold on one second before you know accusations are sent out yes i'm coming from the bottom and the lights are coming back on and i see okay i see dumb dogs on the left z is right on vince's body oh no no that's that's actually it incorrect i mean unless he's been adjusted but the the colors were blue brown and pink uh that were with vince and this was in the light cage and then they went down towards o2 cheesy went down 302 then he went through admin passed up through admin uh upper decontamination left through med bay went left yes he knows he knows exactly where i was this man oh nice try junk i was actually the medic and i saw you i shielded cheesy and you attacked him this is bad and i just decided to go for junk first thank you [Music] oh i'm sorry i look like everybody did you attack cheesy i attacked cheesy multiple times and i was like [ __ ] i was hoping to get someone to reveal there was a medic about that because you got stuck with the um i you said that i killed scotch but you were watching my colors obviously on the the machine oh but it'll do real good around halloween i'm i'm hiding in specimen i'm going to specimen the more the more often i get this role the more i just feel shame i feel shame no i'm a hiding and specimen i need to gather intel okay i don't i don't i don't even have tasks in here okay okay okay um this isn't gonna last for very long oh vince you a baddie you about it oh thank you you saved from myself what yes wait no cheesy's dead i don't know why i said no one was dead okay that means he just died that means he just died yeah i was on vitals and i saw susie literally just died and just got cleaned up so we can actually like super clear some people oh that's not z yeah not vince unless vince came from killing with his buddy in lab who did i see it i thought yeah hi yeah hello hello um i did walk up to dumb dog he was on vitals i don't think he did this so and i also saw the dc as well so i think yeah i think yeah he just like altruisted somebody i shielded maybe a baddie no one believes that you're medic no one believes your medic no one believes somebody knows i have a shield i specifically don't believe you but even if i still wouldn't believe you anyway okay well i'll just tell you in case you're trying to attack them tay has my shield oh okay hey is this true hey is this true are you shielded i just want to be sure before i click you're welcome you're welcome in case you thought it was somebody else she just has a shield i mean it's a little insane [Music] if it's none of them it could be chilled entei and they're just doing a weird ass thing while they're evil okay oh what the [ __ ] what just happened holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yo speedy you saw that too right i don't want to talk about it which is prediction there's been a sheriff of some kind but there was also a retribution eye a retributional retribution closest to when that happened i think speedy is our other killer he was in my bubble i thought that was me it was you okay vince is probably bad then oh no no he popped on me um yeah who popped on you that's why i'm laughing uh chilled so two people popped like in super quick succession uh wait was it [ __ ] was it you standing next to me or was it speedy oh god i were both standing next to you oh god okay and the thing is that's why i was laughing because children popped and then junk immediately popped right next to it are they really weirdly together for anyone else uh so just like i was pretty sure junk just like tried to shoot me yes jug also pops so i'm not sure who's who so i think there was a shifter and a sheriff who just died right there and someone here is evil yeah you're claiming chilled popped on you that means you're bad goodbye i mean you're also in that bubble i don't know but chilled might be the sheriff and junk might be the shift the thing is junk pop between junk popped on me but i think he was sheriff a vote for vince is it good he either either chilled with sheriff and popped on me or he didn't pop on me so much cowardice interesting oh i mean it's i i would agree but you're also like wrong i don't know who to shoot i don't know who to shoot but everyone totally bought that that was a sheriff and a shifter i think i wanted i think i want to try shooting vince i thought maybe it was speedy oh god where is he at where's he at there's still another one oh my god ice god who's the only one who's the last one i don't think it can't be speedy i'm kind of thinking scotch [Music] what's good what's good what's good what's good scared and i knew that again i didn't know anyone else yeah i'm pretty sure that he was dead in o2 ripping perhaps weren't we all saying speedy what's up speedy vince is dead dude he's fine speedy's fine so if it's if it's z vince so z you're saying it's you me vince with junk and chilled i'm gonna go ahead and skip right here because i have a story to tell there's still a [ __ ] like i'm just praying that there's no assassin but i've killed two people it was actually me who shot junk after i saw chilled pop so it's either it's either like there's a chance that there was a swooper who killed chilled but i'd say chilt was a shifter and he shifted on vince because i just shot vince this round i believe you scotch how did you call this meeting aren't did lights get turned on immediately no i'm scared oh you can button barry through button life that yeah you can do that when lights are off no no no i i know that he can do that but like why not because lights were going off and i knew one was dead already that's a good button i didn't know if that was a sign that just real quick z could be 200 iq in this um because he knows that i know i'm good and then there's one person that could have been bad if it was a combination of vince and z and events was actually bad then we should probably vote z no i guarantee you i saw chilled pods i thought i thought i thought popped on speedy but i guess it was vince and i sh and i just shot junk because i was just right on top of junk i'm like screw it uh and then i believe it because i kind of like speedy morning so and that was right well i know for a fact that chilled with shifter i haven't been assassinated yet and i wanted to make sure to make it clear but i wasn't assaulted [Music] and it always happens when you're having the first game i'm having a great once the sheriff claims like two victims it's always like oh are you getting played here it was i was surprised uh i mean speedy was right there and witnessed that yeah and that's the thing because i speedy shifted on to me so i knew that he knew i was shifter i'm like i'll just shift on somebody and then if i pop you know okay all right uh but yeah i'm surprising the shot on junk i thought vince had then just killed junk right there i i had every intention of killing junk like right there anyways and then i saw you pop the mic all right let's go it was it was just like the read i was getting on people in that meeting like it seemed like it was high probability that you were bad so i shot you what's the plan planning we were friends you just wanted to join us the only friend that he has is just because i was like i didn't want to take around one shot i decided to take a round two shot with you with your nail gun and but you shot me with your nail gun yeah right in the butt in the butt right in the butt is gonna have to make a play sooner or later claudia's moonwalking on myself oh yeah he looks amazing where is he where is he always hey attaboy attaboy oh he's going so taste the worst person to find his body but we'll see the speed don't let batman die in vain uh dead outside of med bay frankie b thank you for the twelve months most recent lights went off it's funny is i thought it was speedy oh [ __ ] i don't know why you could say this i'm almost certain this is a glitch left over because we knew there was a janitor assassin combo so i'm pretty sure if junk and vince were hanging out together they would have been that combo um i was on cams and i did see tay where where's the body sketch like exactly uh i don't know i got the report button the second i got to like the left side of the rock so i'm guessing that means it's in front of me sam joe shields but that's weird seven months i don't know did you come from o2 when you went on camera for all the fun uh i came from o2 yeah this means a lot to me um it's it's either tay or platt i think but i don't know which i actually don't know honestly i think it's tay only because she's been right super i think that you very either you would like you are really good at like figuring out who the [ __ ] it is so you've kind of like held your cards a little bit let you know i did [ __ ] kill myself last round on accident my concern right now is that killed myself last game because i chose the wrong thing if it came from too right i'm smart what's your concern you asked dump dog if you came from o2 right and he said yeah yeah i never saw anyone on the admin table during that time what dog's been honestly all over the place and i've definitely seen him i was definitely an o2 and i definitely was in games uh yeah let's skip that's so strange because you know what no it's not sure actually crammed me thank you for the three months you're scaring me homie no spooky push why are you weirdo i hope they don't let batman die in vain don't let batman die in vain i don't know you killed so many people i think claudia's going to kill tay because he's afraid of the jester win yeah i think that's why man die in vain maybe but then he's gonna be the only suspect right i know it's rough though but he's gotta know tay giving bad information i actually yeah i actually think killing someone who's not tay and then doing a play to make him right yeah because um it was more you know what it tastes like if you can just lost my shield and now i'm scared like she's afraid because she still wants another chance to get votes keep her alive because you know how she's gonna vote no okay anyway that's all i'm just scared and now i'm going to kill the kill cool down again okay well it's definitely that's relaxed my shield's gone and i was like i'm confident oh no i won't say it but i know scott just roll and so that's why i know he's not bad oh um what is it oh yeah that's what that's why you're bad what what scotch i don't know it's gosh thanks getting my head dude the light was on dude i saw you check vitals dude i didn't see the camera oh wait that just means that i'm wrong about timing okay i'm just stupid yay okay thank you sweet little squirrel you're a sweet little squirrel i thought i was a chipmunk is that where you are he's a chipmunk what if it's actually dumb dog this whole time oh god let's get that but the past few i mean he's gone here we go here we go [Music] my yeah you can go find the body instead where's the body at i'm always going right to it oh there's just gonna be a sabotage when that could happen too here we go oh the problem is four k he's not i think this is gonna oh okay now i'm even more confused it's um it's plat what you're not gonna taste [ __ ] up from vitals and i saw you walking up from vitals and then you should have altered i should have called it actually the door was closed doesn't mean anything that's that's fine i'm just telling you my pathing so when you saw me on cameras okay all right going north from vitals um i went north i walked into med bay and then i walked out as soon as the uh sabotage was called and i went straight to the left generator and i didn't see anything at all just because i know that the farther i want is easier to get to and also like i don't know it scares me a little bit more i'm more afraid of the last one this is just going to be a three-way tie you really shouldn't be afraid of either of them because killing on them while it's going will usually end up i always i'm going to try the left one because there's that long walkway and if you don't get it you can die and just jump in the hole and go across well okay yeah well where where were you like 10 seconds ago tay um i'm actually in a specimen um i don't think you were in specimen oh no oh scotch was in specimen no he wasn't no yes he was where'd you find him dumb dog no he's really playing i think he might be jester i don't know i have to go plat i think i think he's just gonna skip i'm voting today who the [ __ ] yep i knew he knows how you guys did i'm sorry i literally wanted to hope for that yeah [Music] they voted out batman [Music] oh man oh my [Music] just decided to shove the uh gun up my butt again i was sniffing yeah it was round two i sniffed you out i did the math in my head i likely heard yourself i was like i should uh thank you speedy thank you very much of course you're welcome you guys voted out batman batman dotted democracy just like the movies i can take it though actually also ali sweets thank you for the five months uh we have keys yes uh and also uh leia winchester thanks for two months as well oh here we go scotch scotch scotch oh god oh god oh god oh god oh [ __ ] is there an altruist over there all right so we fixed lights i did uh it's mooney they swear to my friend and then and then buddy dies we all look and we asked yeah we asked his ass screw it we started walking away and they just exploded shelled children was already gone he said yeah i'm gonna be real i only reported this because the doors got closed and right you and i did that's why i did and then i went i hit the report button the exact same time yeah goodbye platy did a got a bad guy where's the body again or chilled is a killer oh i was there with all of you okay i think it could have been i think it's more likely to be a shifter didn't it because if we have a sheriff now would be a good time to shoot junk scones your eye if there is want to say that they exploded on them the fact that no one was oh my god [Laughter] all right well that was a nice clean kill right there z you didn't do your common task true true zero love as a luna thank you for the four months hello tay god if she was sheriff right there that would suck just doing my tasks in the dark you know okay okay this makes more sense well it makes more sense okay well god didn't die for some old stuff to say this round got it all right okay what do you got first off i saw i uh i think i saw the killer but i'm not sure all i saw was yellow but i don't know like i didn't see like definitively oops okay no no no it's an admin oh okay it's in offices because i think i saw tay on my screen as i was leaving drill um what's what's even more ridiculous though is at the beginning of the round there was a big stack of us on the the [ __ ] admin task i got hacked i got hacked on the admin task i was like why would they do that nice the only ones i remember were scotch speedy tay and cheesy i think there might have been more take notes there's a glitch but yeah there's a there's a glitch between them no no no i turned lights on i got a weird question though um well we went and fixed lights in the first round chilled is now uploading when did you ever download shield oh my god uh i think that was that was legitimately my first test that's where i came from the go do lights oh i didn't do the common task by the way i didn't do so i had a dial over there and then i went to go do lights and now i'm doing my upload this is an observation just watching are there any vouchers because obviously i'm pretty sure i saw recently outside a lab that's all i got i was gonna say because i think i may have seen z's crown i may have seen junk's feather there's a lot of yellow stuff i didn't know before you we skipped i got absolutely i'm stepping here somebody killed her you want me to skip she must be an arsonist no you keep away from me all right every time you say that because cheesy your days are numbered you gotta take the shot on someone hey what's up jimmy uh thank you for these six months by the way i hope you're doing well and x minus girl thanks for the five months prime junk did you get all right i thought he was coming to kill me i'm so to say thank you for the seven months of z royal merch okay there's dumb dog all right we're together oh god nope nope nope nope nope nope sorry i just hang out here nice ever think of hosting a murder podcast mashed on your among us oh my god jesus [ __ ] jesus [Music] child are you killing everybody oh there's a lot of dead people not reporting old man a lot of dead people but it's not vince i wasn't special i just saw speedy run by me because i was just in specimen vibing turn the lights back on so cheesy uh oh my god so much happened uh what chill where's the body node no but speedy just speedy just entered weapons uh maybe 10 seconds ago and now he's dead so that's where speedy is dead weapons speed he's dead in weapons more than likely i crossed him into admin is when i went about four maybe five seconds ago he was coming from that area i i left you in admin whenever i went up to go you left who fixed lights you john z can anyone test that you are in spas like can anyone verify that i saw junk at the beginning of the round and he can maybe verify i went out right side office towards lab and then next week i went off the specimen from there didn't see anyone else maybe i wanted to vote cheesy but chill's also weirding me out i want to vote vince dude i'm going to keep it like above 50 with you right now yeah i've been hiding at the reactor for almost the entire jaunt i might just vote for myself i think junk is jester i think vince is bad i don't know what cheese is i'm really excited i've been hiding it i've ordered cheesy i think i'm going cheesy really well look at them see they're grouping together we gotta be careful [Music] all right um they're gonna get some spicy kills here get a little nervous ugh maybe i should have just coordinated cheesy who'd you vote for we just need a one kill wait [Laughter] i thought i was just gonna get a nice kill on junk because i saw him going up to the reactor like he's jester or something i thought [Laughter] [Music] all right i follow you around my master and i will pick up your bodies track them oh god oh god oh god oh god lights are out lights are fixed has there been a murder no where we going interesting interesting i need to go kill down an admin or something and just pray there's been a murder this is this is an instantaneous report yeah it's gotta be like now hey uh i would say a skip oh who can say i would say it and i would hope to god we would just i boo yeah i'll do it i'll do it i'm into it i'll do it i'll do it he said skip i skipped when he says i'm very easily influenced all right who what's going on here [Music] oh [ __ ] you know what it could be that taylor shifter oh god i am nervous oh [ __ ] i think i need to stay in admin he called lights [ __ ] oh [ __ ] why does that body not get reported hi there um there's a dead cheesy um in the middle of the office right as you come into the left side may concern dumb dog uh was who i was with at the end of that round yeah i don't think it can be plaid either actually there's nobody up in med lab at the moment um so this is an admin there's no one in spss um this is right below the table but in the hallway like directly below the button table but in the hallway um yeah i didn't get to see anything though because i was like it got called right as i was flipping to what would have been the important camera i'm pretty sure you're good dude i was just gonna say the doors are closed in admin so like obviously they're like killing clothes don't captioning not [Music] we respect you available practice self-care and i'm sorry i'm not gonna do a face mask tonight thank you guys i'm just weirded out by there were two or three people on temperature and not one of you guys came what is this october of last year with this level of sweat where's uh where's vincenzia i'm in specimen no dead bodies in here i watched z going to spes i was on admin table for most of the round um i ended right below lab by the node got the voucher was it plaid did you see vince no i did not you're gonna i can vouch vince went to admin table as i went into specimen yeah well yeah the doors [Music] bro dude wait i'm practicing self-care don't worry about it so i didn't get caught dragging a body wow okay i i picked oh [ __ ] oh no hey what's up oh okay uh well this is weird because i thought dumb dog is who killed speedy speed he's dead on the button uh oh [ __ ] there's probably been a more fluffy platypus yeah well you could have had a cliche a glitch that kills dumb dog uh huh well so but here's the thing yeah dawn dog was my medic why did you think he why did you think he killed speedy oh okay so he was my medic until just now that i found that who died just now and that's the reason my shield went away so wait you think you think do you think a glitch killed dumb dog this is not i was originally thinking that he could have been a dumb dog could have been neglected except for the fact that my shield disappeared which means that he had to have been my medic so who killed speed let's go i ran all the way through o2 and electrical when the reactor went off ran up to do it you were coming down and i doubled back and i was in specimen for like 90 percent of the round i'm leaving like i'm about to go with the top decontamination is this just chilled no i gotta tell disguise because the reason why scotch you should be asking where i went right scotch i know i'm sheriff i'm sheriff but i'm i'm wondering why scottish isn't asking where i went wait because we crossed over each other assassin's creed i i remember very specifically i'm trying to think i'm sure i think the assassin i'm so sorry who was who did a top right reactor since since round one oh vince's killer he killed dumb dog and then he came over to try i really didn't i ran all the way to the left side dude uh this has got to be either chilled or z i think chilled more likely i think it's vince oh god you guys you gotta wait what what oh we still have an assassin like i said we'll see if the game ends oh god i was the engineer why did he do that right at the very end do you think he was a platypus executioner what that's not good oh man scotch uh scotch is a killer 100 it's got just a killer 100 yep he's hacking me he's hacking me he's hacking me he's hacking me he's hacking me he's hacking me he's hacking me a second god damn it oh i almost got away from scotch right there almost w go nerd thanks for the seven months i see well yesterday so if you want to find that you deserve this look at me dude okay all right judy yo i'm gonna be real though imposters i'm [ __ ] running so you guys want this you guys want this win i'm about it okay all right i'm gonna do it don't do it it's a race it's a race oh [Applause] oh i was just running on top i'm surprised he got there so fast i went to admin table i saw there was one in ballast that i wasn't moving for a while so i went to go to the elevator to go check the house comes down the elevator and then the body gets recorded and balanced yeah but cara [Music] i did lights and i did the duct tape next time
Channel: ZeRoyalViking
Views: 127,867
Rating: 4.9697099 out of 5
Keywords: zeroyalviking, among us, among us gameplay, zeroyalviking among us, the derp crew, among us the derp crew, the derp crew among us, among us impostor, impostor, chilled, chilledchaos, live, commentary, tips, tricks, funny moments, among us funny moments, among us stream, among us twitch, among us prop hunt, among us mods, among us prop hunt mod, town of us, among us town of salem, among us town of us mod, among us airship map, among us new map
Id: OhLge-DqFIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 28sec (2968 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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