EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Renowned EXORCIST Fr. Chad Ripperger

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and father have you seen the devil in real flesh has appear independent but one of the reasons they like to attack women or possess women is because of their hatred for the Blessed Virgin Mary women are in that same image can you share about your experience about St Michael Relic oh yeah that's great to have one by the way that's awesome to see I'm glad you have one of the way that Michael she was holding the stone both of this experience just this popping sensation you have absolutely no uh diabolic medling or any level of spiritual warfare whatsoever that's it's not a good sign there's do I have an authority to perform Deliverance over my family Yes actually you do so well what we're discovering is the demons are attacking people precisely because people are what we you know what would you call soft targets I think so I mean it was a real turning point for my spiritual life because I realized the seriousness of what I'm doing as an exercise I mean do all sorts of things like threatening to kill you and stuff like that but it's usually idle threats and we do a lot of wanted to be an exist I tell people I still don't want to be an exorcist I res myself to being an exorcist at this point but she went down on the ground manifested that she completely changed that the shape of a man started screaming um but it wasn't that loud of a scream was probably not much louder than I'm talking now but then um also that that's what hell looked like and so it's only time I've really been afraid being an exorcist is like living the Christian Life RIT large like one demon that I've dealing with right now his one of the things that just completely crushes him is in having to reflect on how exhausted Christ was during the passion and yet he kept going and actually cursed texts that they would send to people certain people come to us to be are be possessed because they're watching pornography online pornography is cursed so the Satanist uh satanic uh rituals and Witchcraft are now being posted online to be talked online there's whole chat rooms there's whole websites stuff now so it's um we were just talking before we started this she just said the rosary saying the rosary on a daily basis those are the types of things that keep us protected is probably one of the top actresses world why and um he uh he noticed that a lot of the moslims are actually coming for help to him because Christ name itself has a certain force a spiritual Force to it and so um we've noticed that among Protestants that they can drive out kind of lowlevel forms of even possession and so we really encourage the parents to provide the spiritual protection for the children by blessing them commanding the demons to leave them alone same 80% of problems in marriages are either because their marriage is invalid and they need to get it sacramentally cleaned up or they not that God will use the demons to draw the person back to him so that they have to fight the way out they grow in virtue they grow in Holiness he said that if you have a Devotion to under that title she will protect you and your family from diabolic incursion so our L's been very good GI it given signal Graces in our family regarding our devotion to her um I did the total consecration to Our Lady shortly after I was out of high school that's been significant for uh so for example an example of a signal Grace to my own father's life my father had a lifelong Devotion to Our Lady he prayed to her every single he prayed every single night before he went to bed always saying the rary every single day was considered a sign of predestination to Heaven get to a session I probably played for at least an hour in some cases up to two hours before I start session I can honestly say that that people who are possessed find it more difficult to go to the old mass than the new so you know it doesn't mean that the no is evil it just means that we have just it's just by way of observation we've noticed it's harder for the demons to sustain be in the traditional Latin Mass in the name of the father son and the holy spirit amen amen direct Lord our by thy holy inspiration and carry them on by thy gracious assistance so that every pray and work of ours may begin from thee and by thee through Christ Our Lord amen amen virgin most powerful father holy spirit amen hello father Chad Reaper Jer Welcome to our program father and I am so excited to this interview and I know many of our viewers are so excited to hear uh and to share your wisdom to us right now good well thank you for having me yes father and I know you're such a busy man but thank you so much for uh this opportunity um I'm curious father do you have a chance to invite here in the Philippines I was actually invited um about two years ago well three years ago it was about um there was a priest there that actually runs the um uh he does conferences for exorcists and for priests there in the Philippines and he invited had originally accepted and then Co H which me it got put off and then um by the time we cycled back around to the point where I could actually be present there in the Philippines my schedule had kind of shifted around so I told them it was going to take a little while before I could get worked back into um when I'd be able to be there with them ah I see uh but is there any followup after that um not yet but it's just part of that is because uh the priest knows how bu so he's he's kind of G me a little bit of time thank you so much again uh for this opportunity uh can you share some uh brief background about yourself who is Father chadri perger um well I was a priest who was ordained about it's 26 years now 26 years ago I was actually ordained and then um I was ordained for the Priestess attorney of St Peter I taught well I worked in one year in a parish and then I taught for four years for the diois and Seminary in Lincoln and then I taught for seven years at the ferity of St Peter Seminary um and then at a certain point I was actually transferred to Idaho at the request of my superiors to do which project there once that was finished then um I uh was invited by Bishop Slattery who's in Tulsa Oklahoma to come and found a society priest that does exclusively exorcism work so uh we're a semi contemplative order that does we pray about three to four hours a day and then um the only other pastor we work we do is exorcism um after Bishop slatter retired the bishop Archbishop of Denver invited us to um found our community here so we actually moved to Denver at that time and we've been here for about six or seven years so that's kind of where I'm at I've done a lot of writing in this area I've done just spent a lot of time trying to promote um the church's tradition in a variety of different ways but uh that's pretty much it I think I'm father uh why did you choose to become a priest I think God when I was four years old I was actually attending Mass with my mom um I was the youngest in the family and so all the my um brothers and sisters went back to uh when they were going to school and my mom decided to go back to going to mass every day and so she took me along and it was when I was about four years old I was sitting in a Pew and I saw the priest and thought came me that's what I want to do it just St with me the rest of my life so it's kind of always been there um it's uh started taking it very seriously as I started getting towards the Empire school and entered the Seminary shortly After High School and can you tell us the moment you you you realize that you are called to be an exorcist and what are the early challenge uh you face yeah those are I uh I never wanted to be an exorcist I tell people I still don't want to be an exorcist I res myself to being an exorcist at this point but it basically boils down to um when I was teaching at the fraternity seminary in um which is just outside of L Nebraska um I was also uh in Residence in Omaha Nebraska which is just a little ways from there and the pastor asked me to take a look at somebody who'd come in to visit him and um I had not got training as an exorcist but I had done enough Deliverance work and I had done enough um just you know praying over people and knowing generally I written stuff on how demons interact with the psychologically so he asked me to pray over the guy prayed over him immediately manifested in a prayer natural fashion I told him to contact the dases in the end the dases asked me so as soon as the dases asked me that's when I realized that okay this is what God wants me to do I was hoping it was going to be temporary but I ended up becoming their Exorcist for about two years and then um kind of still did it off and on and then I did um uh then with Bishop slatter asked me to do it now it's my full-time job what has been your most harrowing experience with exorcism and what impact did it have in your spiritual life probably has to do with um particular case I've had I've mentioned this actually in other public conferences uh just recently there was a interview by chrison which I did but I can kind of discuss a little bit now because your viewers may not be familiar with that but basically what happened was um I was I had this one case that has that had beb as a possessor and he wouldn't obey me he was just being obnoxious he wouldn't do anything so I got annoyed and I turned to God the father and I said punish him in a way that he's never been pun punish before and so he just went down on the ground it was actually a woman who was possessed but she went down on the ground manifested that she completely changed into the shape of a man started screaming um but it wasn't that loud of a scream it was probably not much louder than I'm talking now but it reverberated throughout the whole church the church church church even my sa went running out of the church because he thought we were having a nurse or something he went running out and uh what the most hering part about it was actually the fact that when I was looking at um the face the face of this woman which it's now morphed into the face of what be would actually look like I could see that um two things one is how exacting God's justice is but then um also that that's what hell looked like and so it's the only time I've really been afraid and it wasn't that I was afraid of the demon it was just actually I was afraid of looking at that like that is serious so that's that's the most harrowing situation I've ever had I mean demons do all sorts of things like threatening to kill you and stuff like that but it's usually idle threats and we do a lot of praying in our community as I mentioned we pray three to four hours a day so there's a series of PRS that we do to keep ourselves protected and our ladies been very good in keeping us protected so that we don't have you know those same kinds of close calls that you might see or hear about it it do your btis on fire yeah yeah I think so I mean it was a real turning point for my spiritual life life because I realized the seriousness of what I'm doing is an anness the second is um the reality of God's justice um also his Mercy because he's he was very merciful to that woman too woman and so over it's kind of set in motion a real long uh a very long um reflection over the course of years on how just got is but also that how merciful he is so both of those kind of how they interact and how they interplay um but it's like anything with an exorcist when you probably one of the best descriptions I ever heard of being an exorcist was uh from a Roman Exorcist he said being an exorcist is like living the Christian Life RIT large me it's so impacting the the church's teachings become so real to you you know like for example the reality of Christ's presence in the Eucharist or the fact that you know he shed his blood for us because the demons have this tremendous horror about regarding the blood of Christ and things like that or just even facets of Christ various parts of Christ suffering um like one demon that I'm dealing with right now his one of the things that just completely crushes him is in having to reflect on how exhausted Christ was during the passion and yet he kept going and he kept doing what he needed to do so it's things like that that it gives you a real sense of how true the Catholic faith actually is and father Can You discuss the signific ific of exorcism with the modern church right now and its confrontation with the reality of evil yeah I think it's uh I think there's two parts of it I think there's a lot of people who are living life sinful lives acting like evil doesn't exist or that hell doesn't exist because that's one you give and you're you're dealing with these things they're in hell right and so you you do get a sense of that so I think that in our modern context brings back to the reality I think the fact that exorcisms are increasing and the number of exorcists at least in the United States and I think even uh worldwide to some degree depending on where you're located I know the Philippines has uh se you know a number of them so it's one of those things that uh the fact that there's kind of this increase is a recognition that God's letting the reality um evil and how the stuff is actually there despite the fact that in the modern world it's very easy to live your life as if evil doesn't exist or did I have to worry about sin or things of that sort when in point in fact we actually do have to those things and that we are and that hell is real so I think it and so I think that helps quite a bit for us especially in the modern world especially in technology which is a good thing it's not a bad thing but it can sometimes cause us to think that you know this stuff isn't real Etc and I this really helps to drive a hope that it actually is very real and speaking of the modern uh technology father uh right now in in social media especially in in our Young Generation how how can the devil use this modern technology to put curse or inflict someone I mean especially our young our Young Generation yeah there's uh there's quite a few different ways actually that's a pretty there's a lot of stuff that's almost an interview on its own but it's one of those things that um I'll just talk about a few of them so one of the that started coming across it was is that um Satanist would actually curs t that they would send to people we also know as exorcists we're get we're seeing um certain people come to us to be are be possessed because they're watching pornography online pornography is cursed so the Satanist actually talk people who make pornography that if you curse the um the master copy of the pornography when it Mak copies are made when people they can become if there's open doors Etc usually just the porn watch the pornography itself is an Open Door they can become subject to the curse so we've actually seen men become possessed and the part of the reason they do that is because it boosts the addictiveness Of The Addictive Dimension to the pornography so the guys become even more involved in the pornography watching it uh and things of that sort we're also seeing it um just the amount of um uh satanic uh rituals and Witchcraft are now being posted online to be talked online there's whole chat rooms there's whole websites stuff now so it's kind of proliferating on that line there's sometimes I'll get asked the question is AI demonic and not in itself artificial intelligence is just it's a form of programming it's still withing the S of limitations determined by the programming and also the character set or the code set that's into the in the machine itself which can determine what it can and cannot do so It ultimately boils down to what how it's being programmed and also the data that's put into it because if you put certain kind of data in you can get that kind of thing so there can be demotic stuff to that but it has with whether the data input is demonic or and or if the people are programming it specifically for that purpose but outside of that which is not that common so outside that context we just haven't seen it in that but it's um so technology unfortunately is a good thing um it's a useful good St thomasus calls it it's just that it's like any other useful good it can be used it's also one of those proofs of the of the principle that the more powerful a tool is the more dangerous it can be right so it's one of those things that even though it does a tremendous amount of good like this interview right here um it can also people can use it for also very nefarious or very bad uh purposes how about father Chad uh watching horror movies is uh what can you say about that um I think it largely depends on the nature of the horror movie and what the person intention is behind it um if it's done in order to just uh have a certain level of entertainment and you're not there to get yourself all worked up emotionally like that I'm a little bit more benign and provided there's not something that's disordered in the thing but some but some people actually watch the hor movie because they really want to get excited and get worked up emotionally but I think that and some of them actually contain Ault material or they contain things in it that are not healthy for us psychologically so um I'm more concerned about uh the psychological impact even though those things and open the door to the Demonic they don't necessarily do so by Nature what specific guidance would you have to give Catholics in the Philippines on engaging in spiritual warfare and discernment uh yeah there's two parts if you're talking about Discerning trying to discern you know if there's spiritual what you're combating what you're dealing with in your spiritual life or in your day-to-day life is spiritual nature that is diabolic in nature um there's two ways that you can actually do that the first is and this is the thing I recommend the most is asking Our Lady of Sorrows so just asking her on a daily basis it you know real to me if this is spiritual in nature and if it is what the N what it is what the nature of the demon is that I'm dealing with because in spiritual warfare procision is everything so when you can understand precisely the the type of Dem that you're combating it's much easier to combat him and a lot of times they'll create diversions in one area of your spiritual life and then actually in another and so want to just ask our native s reveal it comes in the form of an ordinary Grace it's not going to be like some Supernatural Revelation we'll just get a Grace to see this is what the problem is so the first thing is it's like any kind of warfare you need reconnaissance you need to ask your lady what's the what's the nature of the the demon that I'm dealing with and then as far as engaging in the spiritual warfare once you kind of find out what that is but even if you're just trying to keep yourself protected in the spiritual battle or you're just trying to keep your family protected the most efficacious thing that we have discovered in the last two years even though I've been doing um solemn exorcism for 17 years the thing that we have found the most effective is that what we're discovering is is that most people lack an elementary discipline in their spiritual life and by Elementary I mean elementary but what does that actually look like well what we're discovering is that demons are attacking people precisely because people are what you know what would you call soft targets they're the types of people who they don't have good discipline they don't have a lot of virtue they're not really doing that much in their spiritual life and so the demons are attacking them because the person is they know the person is less likely to respond with in in some kind of a crushing manner to the demons so they type people like that whereas if a person has discipline and what's what's that discipline what we kind of noticed it is um and this is why we recommended doing the Angela 6 noon and 6 every single day and then saying the prayers of the O CH if a person did that every day the reason for the 6 noon and 6 is because you have to get up in the morning and so that requires um discipline in order to do that so the main thing that we discovered is it's it doesn't have to be that it's just that we recommend that because it's a it's a traditional practice that has been very um beneficial for people but uh what we discovered is it's that every that practicing self-denial each and every day in something doesn't have to be anything big even if it's just like every day I'm going to stay away from some particular kind of that I really like or I'm going to cut down a little bit on how much I eat or every single day I'm going to get up in the morning and I'm going to do my prayers um at 6:00 in I'm going to do the angance or I'm going to do my prayers or I'm going to say the Rosary every single day at a specific time so we found that it requires um every single day even just a little bit of self-denial that discipline that they build up is the most effective means of their protection um just because of the Dynamics of the world today I mean obviously praying to our lady for protction St Micha and all those things are key um as well but this is one of the things that people can do on their own to keep themselves protected but then also if people are under attack what we have found is doing that on a regular basis if it's um if it's kind of that creates a diabolic Obsession or oppression or even just Temptations and things of that sort but so if it's kind of lower level stuff not obession but if it's lower level stuff we found if you do that on a regular basis over the course of time it'll clear that out so that's uh it's just that Elementary discipline is the thing that we're promoting the most now but obviously leading a Catholic life making sure you are always in the State of Grace making sure you're getting the mass on Sundays and holding alligations to getting confession on a regular basis um we were just talking before we started this you just said the rosary saying the rosary on a daily basis those are the types of things that keep us protected and so basically leading authentic Catholic life and staying out of mortal sin is your greatest protection uh how frequent uh do you recommend uh our viewers to go to confession father well historically what they would always say is that if you're um getting to uh conf if you're not if you're not calling into moral sin getting to confession once a month is what they used to recommend that was back in the 1950s 1940s at least here in the United States I think that was kind of a general recommendation worldwide in a lot of places but I think thing has gotten a little bit more a little bit more difficult through you know to maintain your Catholic identity and practice and staying strong in a world that's getting worse and more evil disordered and more secular and all that I usually recommend a little bit more if you're struggling with mortal sin even more but I A lot of times the people that are my spiritual dires they will often go to confession once a week not because of committing anything seriously bad but just because The sacramental Graces help them to advance more rapidly in the spiritual life so usually I think it just depends on the particular person where they're at in their spiritual life that if you're staying out a mortal c a minimum of once a month if you're falling in a you get to it more frequently or get to it as soon as you fall as soon as you can but then um but if you're trying to advance your spiritual life once a week and once every two weeks that's just my recommendation wow thank you so much father and um how do you view the Deliverance practices in other religions do they hold any validity or efficacy okay so there you have to make it there's a threefold distinction in relationship to that if you're talking about um non-jewish or non-Christian our experien is just by observation I'm not passing judgment on those religions Say by observation they do not have we have not noticed any real success in fact usually it makes things worse so one of the exorcists with the first two years I was an exorcist I would consult this one that lived in Trinidad and he was probably one of the top Exorcist worldwide and um he uh he noticed that a lot of the moslims are actually coming for help to him because um they said that their people even though they would want to help liberate them couldn't liberate them and I do know that the Muslims actually have a process of exorcism but I my my my observ is just not it just doesn't have the efficacy that these others do so if if you talk about a non-Christian or non-jewish it's another matter the Jews have actually had forms of exorcism all the way from before the time of Christ even Christ said if I'm casting them out by the power of who are you casting out which is an indicator that the Jews were already doing forms of exorcism in fact their exorcisms are are have there's a lot of the Catholic practices which actually was taken over by the Jews and purified and added to because our understanding in the Christian culture uh and Christ teaching so it was Amplified and given greater understanding Etc but for example one of the things that the Jews would often do is they would read parts of the Old Testament like one of the Psalms they just keep reading it over and over again if the possession was in a location they would take that part they would write it out on a piece of paper which we actually do once in a while too and they'll hold it on the particular part of the person that's so the Jews I think have a certain amount of success with that I don't think it's still on the level even the chis or the Catholics the Christians Christ said that by my name you will cast out demons and so as a result Christ name itself has a certain force a spiritual Force to it and so um we've noticed that among Protestants that they can drive out kind of lowlevel forms of even possession and so they do have a certain kind of a modum amount of of success the biggest danger that we've seen with them is that if they keep doing it for a certain amount of time because they're not really operating within an authority structure like we do in the Catholic Church a lot of them end up themselves getting retaliated and getting attacked and end up with all sorts of problems either with themselves or with their families and so that's uh we're actually seeing and so the Christians we we've noticed you know like the Protestants they do have it's even more efficacy than say the Jews the non Christians and the or the non um Jews as well but yeah but the there are certain level there are certain kinds of possessions certain kinds of diabolic infs that are only going to be able to be broken by Catholic priest because Christ gave the church jurisdiction which is a form of authority and the deons know they have to obey it and so it has a kind of an efficacy so um we don't see them too often but once in a while Pro will actually show up on our divorce because they can't seem to get liberated um and so we're able to to help liberate them a vast majority of the of Catholic but that's um but that's usually how kind of works M and this is common uh question here in the Philippines uh father Chad if I'm a father do I have an authority to perform Deliverance over my family Yes actually you do so demons actually I talk about this in my book Dominion um which is um which you can get I me I know you can even give it in the Philippines it's just that shipping costs are just ridiculous which I'll talk about that there's actually a publisher that's um just started publishing well they my stuff in the past um I would like to see them actually publish it in the Philippines too because I think it would be a good work to do but but anyway there's a book I wrote called Dominion in there there's a chapter on Authority so if you actually look at the way demons actually function psychologically they also have a natural law and so built into their minds just it is beings as an understanding of the authority structure and so they recognize that for example and this Authority structur is either in one of either by the natural law so a father has natural right authority over his wife and his children the wife has a natural right authority over the children but not her husband so she can't bless her husband and she can't command the demons to be her husband based on the authority but I'll get that in just a minute but he the father actually has the right because of his authority over the children and his wife to command the demons to leave his his his wife and his children alone so he can actually say prayers command the demons and he can actually provide them a certain amount of spiritual protection he just has to make sure he his own spiritual life is over because he doesn't want to be doing this if he's leaving a life of mortal sin or something get that cleaned up and then really hunker down and protect his wife but the demons know that he has a right because of the natural law in relationship that because of the nature of marriage when uh the sacrament of matrimony the two exchange bodily rights that's the very structure of marriage that it's an exchange of bodily rights it's in contract in which enter into bodily rights um even even though the church talks about a covenant the Covenant is just a solemn contract according to the tradition so but basically what that means is that the wife actually has rights over the husband's body so she can command the demons to leave in relationship to that but she doesn't have the author so she does have the right to command the demons believe over their husband's body because of the rights of marriage and so to see in relationship her but he has authority over her and that's why he can actually command the demons but he can he can also bless her and the children we see this from the time of the Old Testament all the way up through the New Testament and then the church's practice In some cultures it's still already very much practiced and so we were constantly encouraging people it was never much practice in the United States among the Catholics but we were encouraging we're trying to get that buil up over here um but then also um she has she can also bless her children from the office of mother because of the natural law rights and authority over the children you know as long as of their minors so anyway that all um they do have that Authority and so we really encourage the parents to provide the spiritual protection for the children by blessing them commanding the demons to leave them alone St honors for their protection that has a great deal of efficacy uh does it work only to get married in the church uh how about if the couple just get married in in civil wedding uh if you're talking about Catholics or technically speaking in the eyes of God married and so we've actually found that that's an open door to diabolic influence we've actually seen this where people ask us to come to their house we discover they're not actually married with the conf church the Catholic and that's the actual cause of the D diabolic stuff so then what we've just it's very interesting is we actually keep statistics which is funny you wouldn't think Exorcist would keep statistics but we actually do because we're watching for patterns because we're trying to figure out how demons are functioning and where they're functioning and why they're doing this and one of the things that we actually discovered was is that 80% of problems in marriages are either because their marriage is invalid and they need to get it sacramentally cleaned up or they're not following the natural law white order within the family where the husband's the head of the household he's governing he's using his authority not for his benefit but he's using it for the benefit of the wife and the and the children because he loves them and then the wife commits in a rightly ordered way not like a slave or something like that but in a rightly ordered way um and and having a certain respect for his authority just doing those two things C that 80% of the diabolic influence we've seen in marriages so getting back to your original question they don't um even if they uh if they do have children technically speaking they can bless they really need get their the children the husband can't bless the woman he's had the children with because he's he technically in the eyes of God she is not his uh wife so he's got to get that straightened out and that's one of the reasons why people look just get this straightened up get to the church get it cleaned up and then from there the braces will start flowing and the spiritual warfare is significantly um uh it's much better because you're just not fighting the demons because you you don't have you don't have an open door in your marriage wow thank you for sharing that it will be helpful to our viewers who are uh watching right now father this is a problem that we're just seeing worldwide you know it's not even it used to be like in certain cultures like in South America and stuff you see people living together more frequently or come up here they would live um they would get married before but I um I tell people you know the number of people just in the United States live together before they get married is 98% not the Catholics it's 97 so we're not much better so I tell people look this is a phenomenon that we're seeing worldwide and it's something that uh people really need to to address and why do you think uh even the good people sometimes undergo profound uh experiences of evil well the ultimate reason is twofold um the first is I actually talk a little bit about this in my book Domin where I talk about the reason there's 17 different reasons for possession for example but the primary the two primary reasons are um that God will use the demons to draw the person back to him so that they have to fight their way out they grow in virtue they grow in Holiness um and so they actually and they have to depend on him more they grow become much closer to him and that's the principal reason why he actually allows it so even in cases of possession so two of the women I'm working with right now are some of the most holy people I've ever met right because they have they have to be it's they're going to fight their way out of this you know it's either sink or swim as they say so she's they doing what they're doing what they're supposed to be doing they're becoming very holy they don't necessarily see it that's fine but that's the point so and also even like with oppression where they're attacking people from the outside you know like attacking their finances their income their job situation their family relationships those kinds of things a lot of times demons will attack that and the only the primary way they used toist used to say that um that that was dealt with is the person just simply had to increase her spiritual life your prayer life and go closer to God and that would actually do it and that's actually one of the things we still recommend so it's the primary reason is for our sanctification demons they'll even ADM it in session under dress that they are the of this person's becoming holy and gaining certain levels of virtue that they wouldn't otherwise the other part of it is we are instruments of Justice to them yes because every time we combat them and fight them and defeat them they're humiliated and God's justice has served them and so this is uh the two principal reasons uh why um you'll you'll see even the best of people the J will actually attack them it's kind of funny because usually de first of all demons don't want to attack good people because they know they're likely to get beat up however uh we call it conscription sometimes God says hey go do your job you got to you you have to test these these people we call it description so the demons are like well God told me I had to do it so here I am you even cases of possession but a lot of times to they'll still attack even good people with the hope of that they'll be able to kind of take them out but that's one of the reasons why I tell people if your life is hunky dory and you have absolutely no um you have absolutely no uh diabolic medling or any level of spiritual warfare whatsoever that's it's not a good sign uh there's always the the more good that you're doing the more the demons are going to try and sabotage yeah and can you share how how your Marian devotion and the rosary have supported supported you in your ministry on uh exerc yeah as far as the rery itself your P used to refer to it as the weapon I mean it was the one thing that he would refer to that he would always resort to in order to gain um protection from the diabolic to he would pray the rosary if he was being attacked things of that sort and so we have found the rosary to be a particularly effective um thing in the uh in in the spiritual battle in our community in addition to the regular Rosary we also say the the cite Rosary or the do Rosary which is um a reflection of Seven Sorrows so there's seven decades so there's seven um hell said for her Seven Sorrows and the principal reason we do that and it's actually the reason why our community is called our lady Society most sorrowful mother is because of the fact that um when she appeared under that title she said that if you have a Devotion to her under that title she will protect you and your family from diabolic incursion so obviously strong Devotion to our lady is going to be one of the principles means by which you're going to maintain um that protection uh my entire life I've had a very strong Devotion to Our Lady um from the very early time my mom fostered it my dad had a lifelong Devotion to Our Lady um and so our lady's been very good GI given signal Graces in our family regarding our devotion to her um I did the total conentration to our L shortly after I was out of high school that's been significant has a huge impact on deepening my spirituality providing the grace to you know Advance my own spiritual life overcome my own defects and things of that sort so our lady plays a very key role not just in the spiritual warfare but in the advance of our spiritual lives so obviously in our community uh we wouldn't even consider you to have a vocation unless you had a very strong Devotion to her and you you said about signal Grace father Chad uh can you share brief explanation because many of our viewers are a bit confused about uh signal Graces so a signal Grace is basically it's uh it's basically a Grace that God gives to you as an indicator that either he's pleased with what you're doing or that what you're doing is um that that particular devotion is a sign of predestination each one of these a little bit um or that the devotion that you're practicing is pleasing to him or that wants it to continue so for uh so for example an example of a signal graise to my own father's life my father had a lifelong Devotion to Our Lady he prayed to her every single he prayed to her every single night before he went to bed he was on pie of the presentation which is February 2nd he died on the Feast of um he died the Feast of Lady of Mount Parmer um there were certain things that we were asking for my father to have a happy death our lady fulfilled every single one of those those are kind of signal Graces given to my father that she loved him and she appreciated the devotion and she was going to bring to Heaven type of thing um there could also be signal braces like for example people can receive if they um they're destined to be like say um a priest or a nun or something like that God will give them indicators Graces inclinations to doing certain things developing certain practices other people saying you know You' be a good n that me so those can be kind of Graces kind of come outside outside that God will give to give you an indicator that this is what you're supposed to do people have to be careful though because sometimes people can go to extremes and they something happens and they say Okay God wants me to do act sometimes it takes a little bit more discernment yet sometimes it takes a little the time and that's one of the reasons again I recommend the Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows because it's specifically under that title that she reveals certain things and so I STS and ask her what is it that your son wants you to do with your life is it that her son wants you to do as far as the next thing in your spiritual life to work on but these signal Graces so for example one of the things that they used to say is that saying the rosary every single day was um a sign of predestination so it was a great because to do it every day requires a Grace God L has to give Grace to maintain that practice for your lifelong and so if you do that your whole life long that's pretty a good sign that uh it's her indication that the grace is necessary for your final perseverance and salvation will be assured so this is what so it was always saying the rosary every single day was considered a sign of predestination to Heaven our lady does there's other ones like that so for example I um had a woman recently that I knew who one of the signs I think of signal gracism she was receiving throughout her life even though I don't know if she really recognized it very much is that she was given a Grace to always have Good Will in virtually every circumstance and that's just we human beings we're PR you know getting angry and mad and hurt she just never did that and so that um benignity or that benevolence and her will consistently to her whole life I think is also kind of a signal Grace So signal Graces are just um Graces God gives us therefore sanctification are building up our spiritual lives but they can also be an indicator of what God's will is for us regarding like our Salvation or and we're not absolutely their signals they're not we're not absolutely conern about them to give us an indicator um another s of Grace would be someone who um you know for his whole life has always made in the State of Grace which just or even if he fell he stopped and then you know for the last 20 years he's always remained in the State of Grace he's maintained his Catholic life that's kind those are same of Graces as well can you share about your experience about St Michael ricone oh yeah that's great to have one by the way that's awesome to see I'm glad you have one thank you so this is something I came across very early on in uh my work as an exorcist one of the exorcists that trains me gave me my first stone if I remember right or maybe he told me to contact um the um Shrine of St Michael which is in gargo Italy this is where St Michael appeared five times uh to three separate archbishops if I remember my history correctly so he appeared in the cave and he told the Bishops the archbishops that um the cave was considered sacred ground and that he wanted people to take the stones of it so they're kind of like quics with St Michael and those stones um have tremendous uh impact in our line of work and I think they they're great for people to get get because they actually provide people a lot of protection um spiritually but uh the first time I really noticed its impact was I had a woman who was um in my own estimation she had a very low level form of possession she was always trying to lead a good life but certain things she was victimized in certain and that was the open door she ended up becoming obessed but it was kind of lowlevel stuff and so she came to me for help so I prayed over her three times the third time she prayed I actually had just gotten the stone I said well here hold this and so I started the exorcism With postive Angels by Le 13th which is actually a PR of St Michael it starts out with a PR of St Michael um and so I started out I got a third of the way through that PR of St Michael as she was holding the stone both of us experienced just this popping sensation wow and uh we both kind of just jerked at the same time and we finished the prayers and from that point on she was liberated so it does have a tremendous impact you see the demons can't stand it in section it just drives them nuts so it's a very powerful Relic and this is one of the reasons why we actually uh recommend it you can actually write them and get them usually you have to send a a bit of a donation because they want to recoup their cost for the little that you had and then also the cost of shipping so they'll um uh if you're a priest you're over there they'll ask you that you take larger parts of the stones and stuff which is one of the reasons why at some point I mean I go to Italy from time to time at one of these days I have to I have to stop my schedule and just go down there um I also have uh obligations to Padre PE because he's been so helpful in my sessions and in our work that uh I really should uh thank him by getting down there to visit him at some point even though I pray to him every day practic him actually one of the patrons of our society that that stone is definitely something people can obtain it it does provide it's not superstitious obviously you know as long as you're leaving Catholic um life and you're using devotion and with faith it'll provide you a lot of protection what type of uh Relic is this father is this first second third um well would be first class CU first class is if you actually had part of him while he's a it's that you know it's not exactly it's not a third class because third class implies that it's just something that's been touched first class Relic so it's probably some form of a second class Relic U and I think that's kind of generally how they're treated why do you think God allows uh the devil the devil possess a person um well as I mentioned I don't know if it's in the lay version but it's in the the priest version there's a pre priest can actually get um version of my so the book I wrote was called Dominion but then there's a priest version which is 300 Pages longer 280 Pages actually so it's 280 Pages longer and the reason is is because it's got all the diagnostic material it goes into much more depth about the structure of The Liberation process and the patterns that you'll see as people are liberated through each of the different kinds of diabolic influence but uh but in there I talked there's 17 different reasons why God allows someone to become possessed and um in uh in most cases like I said it's because God wants the person to become holy there's other times where it's because there's a generational Spirit there's some kind of spirit in the family that he's displeased with and he wants this thing out and so can allow The Possession to kind of come to the surface in order for the to get this thing out of the family lineage or out of the family tree so to speak till um sometimes it's to um to so something can be learned um if by the family person's possessed by The Exorcist or even by the church in general in relationship to that um a lot as I mentioned sometimes it's just to punish the demons like I got one case now where the demon um he's possessing this woman but he in the process of her becoming holy he has to watch her reach a level of Holiness where she'll get his place in heaven as far as her level of sanctity and so he just can't stand this woman so he's the instrument of her s ification to reach that so there's a variety of different reasons if you're talking about actual causes why they become there's three the first is that person commits a mortal sin so the person mortal sin and as a result the demon gets her foot in the door not everybody who commits moral becomes possessed but every mortal sin can be an open door to possession then sometimes people are victimized or something some great evil occurs to them you know so a lot of the ones that we see at least here unit states are women who have been raped or molested or something like that they become possessed result a lot of people say well that's not very fair like well no it's not that those are precisely the women who become very holy they develop a strong sense of forgiveness um for the people who did it against them but actually pray for the person's conversion you so you'll see a tremendous growth in the person's Spirit life so something gra has occurred to them and that's about half our case Lo actually and then there's a very small percent I've never personally seen a case of it I've only read of cases of it and that's where the person becomes possessed either Nei because someone's done something Gravely against them or because they've committed moral sin so there was a case of a nun in Iowa here in the United States M became possessed as a result um well once The Exorcist got to the point where he command the demon to tell how did you get in and um you know why what did this woman commit a did this n sin he said no and he said well why are you here and he said because there's a sin in the region and God wants reparation the reparation was for the sin of divorce in the region there in Iowa and so the bishop set up Eucharistic adoration and about two days later the woman was liberated once God and felt that the reparation had been made so but those are extraordinarily rare I've only read of a couple of those cases but the rest are because people either commit mortal sin or some grave Evil's been committed against them and why do you think father Chad that most of the victim of possession is uh woman I think well I should say there's two reasons why we see more women than men yeah that's by the way that's my experience that's most experience I do have a close friend he's probably one of the best exorcists in the country and he he that's just not his experience it's mostly men but I think he's kind of the anomaly most of them see women I think there's two reasons one is because women are more victimized they're easily to pray upon than men as a general rule so I think there that's just a failure of men to keep them protected but the other part of it is uh and this is what I always say is that women will actually stop and ask for directions in other words women are more likely to ask for help than men are so we see guys are possessed but a lot of times they won't seek out to help because you know it's unly or it's or you know or what human respect or all sorts of other different reasons and so a lot of times you'll see that uh actually happening in relationship to the men so I think Les man as for help but I also think less men are victimized however as to the number of possessions I think that you're starting to see a rise among the men particularly because of that the issue of pornography being cursed and things of that sort so I think you seen kind of a rise among the men but I still think the women predominate uh the demons will sometimes say under dress that one of the reasons they like to attack women or possess women is because of their hatred for the Blessed Virgin Mary and the women are in that same image W it's nice to know that father Chad and father what spiritual uh and mental preparation do you undertake before an exorcism and what practices would you recommend to others facing spiritual adversities um so we um first of all we got confession pretty frequently we just try to do it once a week if we can but the other thing is so that's part of it just going and that's one of the church's recommendation um during session weeks I also fast uh six days a week on one meal a day for six days so there's that so we do fasting um and then our prayer like as I mentioned we pray three to four hours a day and so we we do a lot of meditation which helps with diabolic attacks when they attack us our emotionally or psychologically so that helps keep us strong and minimizes those we say a of prayers for our society which priest says a set of prayers that keep they're all designed to keep us protected in that actual um process um we're also a lot of the priests take on specific devotions especially if there like particular St comes to the surface as the N the demon or particular aspect of our lady like under particular title so um uh recently I've been working on a case that has um it's our lady's title Mir of justice so I've been doing a lot of prayer reflection on that develop your Devotion to that virgin most powerful is one of them that we see quite a bit so uh a lot of it is just making sure that um our prayer life is consistent that we're practicing that self-denial that self discipline as I mentioned before on a consistent basis but the meditation the daily rosery and then those prayers and then um we find that that in addition to the mass and office are the things that provide us the most amount of protection and so before we even go to sessions a lot of times we are spiritually prepared Because by the time I get to a session I probably play for at least an hour in some cases up to two hours before I start a session so there's a lot of P spiritual preparation beforehand and then when we start the session before we actually begin the Sol light of exorcism there's a one prayer that we pray specifically for our protection and everyone else is like our lay assistants that are pres for their protection so we say and for the person who's possessed we pray for our protection and then there's a series ofay we do to lock the demons down so they can't do certain things and then at the end we actually say prayers against retaliation so the demons can't come after us and retaliate because they're unhappy because they took their beating so to speak but then um as far as made people go I think the main thing as I mentioned is Liv a big Catholic LIF in the State of Grace giving to mass regularly confession regularly but then maintaining a regular prayer life so you know as I mentioned praying the Rosary every day but then also if you can do 15 to 30 minutes of meditation every day that will make a huge difference in being able to deal with the psychological attacks that demons will very often or even The Temptations um and also by doing meditation um and also fasting if you're finding that you really got a lot of spiritual warfare during fasting or absence and things like that will help quite a bit but that daily meditation is one of the principal ways that we find that people maintain that interior peace and when the attacks come they're very quick to recognize it as an attack because they're very uh spiritually um sensitive and prepared because of their daily meditation and then um uh and also the rosary and the rosary goes on the strength to do it so we found those are the principal some of the principal means and uh in your extend extensive experience in spiritual warfare and exorcism how do you perceive the difference between the Latin Mast and the no or do terms of spiritual efficacy what I actually say I actually think that you can you can site objective criteria show that on an objective level not necessar on an objective level that the old Mass actually does provide a certain level of protection that you're not going to see in the new just by way of observation I can honestly say that that people who are possessed find it more difficult to go to the old mass than the new and the reason for that is because and the demons will admit as much in SE that it's the sacredness and the reverence and also just the fact that the prayers have been around the prayer of the church for almost 2,000 years some of them at least 1400 years since the time of St R it's precisely for those reasons the demons find them so painful and difficult to deal with so you know it doesn't mean that they no s evil it just means that we have just it's just by way of observation we've noticed it's harder for the demons to sustain being in the traditional Latin as it hard to be there as a general W thank you for sharing that father and that's the common question I always heard from our viewers so a quick promotion brother Bo Sanchez uh multiple income streams how I created seven money machine and how you can to buy brotherz pracher influencer motivational speaker brotherz teacher mple income streams good news brother Sanchez brother shinge through card ortion thank you and God bless we will entertain some of the question from Jessica milag father Chad I've heard that witches in America perform a black MK on November 1st to curse people is this true um I'm not really sure about the specifics of it but usually they will do they will do black mes on November 1st um you know a lot of times they they say that they're like their their Easter is um Halloween that's true it is an important Feast for them but actually other feasts during out the course of the year that they'll actually do those things so um November 1st is one of them that we've actually seen But usually the the dates that the Satanist and the witches do the most rituals are the days before major Maran feasts those seem to be the ones that that in their calendar they consider the most important the most appications on their side of the equation are the ones the day before a major Maran Feast this is one of the reasons why a lot of times people who are possessed will find the day before major Maran Feast they're just a mess they have a heart to them function the demons are attacking they going nuts and then on the actual Maring Feast everything kind of calms down and everything's fine so um but I have heard that um and you know they're probably doing them every day but uh so November first yes I have for that oh there will be a a Marian Feast approaching December 8 so they will um perform yeah so like dece so like December 7th is when they would do a major wind up on their feast days um Feast of denunciation in March is one of the big ones the day before is one of the big ones they might even if I'm not mistaken though I could be they might actually do it on March 23rd because March 24th is St Gabriel and they don't like that they might still be doing that i' have that's something I have to check but they usually do it but know the Feast of anunciation is one of their major ones um the Feast of the Assumption the day before the Feast of the Assumption this is actually the reasons why I wonder the church a ritual practice of having um vigil days on the day before major Mar important or major these days would have vigils where people actually do eight days of penance um I'd like to see that the church kind of go back to that practice for requiring it because then it would help mitigate that side of things but it would also um uh make reparation I think for those things that are to and from erinda Hofer father is is it is it true that evil spirit exist in other parts of the universe such as and other planets that they may appear to us as aliens or are they only present here on Earth that's actually a really good question okay so um the uh the general consensus among the uh the excists is that they you'll I I've never seen them because they know I think it's I know what they're up to if they do it so they don't appear that way they demons will test people and do certain things when they when they think you don't know something so there are there were and you only see this among inexperienced arists where they'll manifest like like the what we would view as alien big eyes round head and all that and they claim that they're like this they're not they're they're not Angels they're not demons kind in this middle ground and that's just not true they're just demons that's that's just what they're actually doing you know the the Earth um be accoring to the fathers and as and I think one of the things that do do they exist on other planets not the demons they do they do know do they pay attention to the planets probably not because of the fact that they know that this the Earth is the center of the spiritual warfare this is where um the spiritual and War center of the universe if it's not the physical St it's this is where the primary battle and God's activity and everything is happening so this is where they keep their focus and my experience in dealing with them is they don't pay attention to any of that stuff they're just their my primary focus is what's going on here and from Janet father rerer is it safe to watch television shows where priest perform exorcism rights on people who are allegedly possess exhibiting behaviors like screaming levitating and speaking Latin words there's uh three parts to that answer the Vatican has forbidden the vide taping of any exorcisms done by a Catholic priest so if someone else is doing it that's not Catholic that's I mean but the Catholic Church the the Vatican itself has said no you're not supposed to do that there's a whole series of reasons why that's that's the case that you are permitted to audio tape them for study purposes so the only time I've ever uh there's only two times I've ever record something it's because the demon was speaking in a language I couldn't understand um and so we would record it and then have someone who's a linguistic expert say okay it's this language but it means this or that so that that's the only time that we ever used it um if you're talking about rep representing them on screen the Vatican does not have any restrictions on that so the person isn't actually possessed but you're just um you know it's like shooting a movie you're shooting a film and so this is what it's looking like you're not actually filming an actual possession exorcism that's going on um that would be another matter should people watch it if your intention is to actually learn and become knowledgeable about these things that's then perhaps but if you're doing it out of curiosity you want to see the things that are you know other worldly stuff like that that can be an open door you can get yourself in trouble spiritually for that um and then uh the other um would be if they're Rec kind of creating representing some actual historical event that's one thing but if they're and then or if they're just doing a movie that's just kind of made up that would fall into the same category as the second one you know if you're you know I wouldn't necessarily try and learn my theology from a movie um especially about how spiritual warfare works because most of the time they get it wrong I mean movie nefarious is about as much as you're going to get I think but um and actually that's a movie that would be good for people to watch because they actually learn how demons interact psychologically and manipulate people Etc be good so there's certain ones that can actually be beneficial for people to watch for their education but they have to just be care be careful they're not do for curiosity sake because they want to get the thrill out of seeing something that's otherworldly and what can you say about the Pope's exercis oh boy well first of all I I couldn't bring myself to even watch the movie I did see several of the trailers and I did watch an extended trailer I think it was like five minutes long and I could hardly get through because the problem is is that Mor who is probably the father of modern day exorcism in the church because he was even though father K and even before him there was another Exorcist who father morph considered probably one of the top Exorcist in history right um but he trained father candida and father candida change change father more but um you know the the father of Mor is supposed to be its base on the life of father Mor there's nothing about that movie whatsoever that has anything to do with that and so the movie is is so Divergent from a how things actually happen that I tell people just you know it's I wouldn't waste my time even watching I I just I never bothered watching yeah I I watch it father I I think it's more on entertainment yeah yeah exactly it's not and it's trailer like it's ENT it's not even that good of entertainment this is one of the things I've talked to some people that actually know when following what I tell them you know what you guys can your creative license never compares to what I've seen in real life so don't even bother trying to I'm gonna spice this no you're just G to dumb it down so if they would just forray what actually does happen that's actually more uh you know more educational and more ENT is probably not the right word but it's more you know captivating I would say and there's a part there father Chad that the possessed person and the Russell Crow commanded the the demon and that possessed person to go to a pig and then he uh he killed the pig so is this uh a practice uh well first of all I always felt sorry for the guy that had all the pigs made the gospels right because he lost his whole herd and they they say it was like thousands of pigs he lost I'm like wow I can see why he asked I take you to go somewhere else I mean not that he should have say because he ex our Lord he would want him present but this the uh there's two parts that why Christ allowed it because when they asked to go into the P the first is um to show us that demons can infest that is take possession of animals and inanimate objects they can do that under certain circumstances and so um we just have to kind of be aware of that it's not very common I've only seen it a few times but it does actually happen usually they try and kill animals more than they do anything else and then so uh but the second so that the first is to let us know hey they can still actually do this the second part of it is to show us in the killing of the pigs that the that the demons are um uh they're just bent on destruction it doesn't matter even if they get something good they never retain it they just destroy it again they're compulsive in that regard so once they got into the pigs they just drove them into the water and then that that's was just a sign that that's um the pigs just and the Latin phrase is animous Deli they just have this desire to destroy everything they get their hands on and they just can't seem to help it now one of the things that I do serve too is that there was a humiliation the pigs they asked to go into the pigs but the re one of the reasons Christ allowed them to go into the pigs is because in the Jewish religion the pigs were lowlevel creatures I mean they were was basically entering into you know you know the lowest of the low kind of a thing and so there was a kind of a humiliation um or an embarrassment in that sense that's one of the reasons Christ actually allowed it is for their humiliation on the other hand but the primary reason was to teach us they can't afflict animals and they can and infest things thank you so much for the father and from a Deb a father reper what immediate action should be taken if a demonic possession or manifestation occurs in a public setting such as inside a classroom where there is no exorcise available the school administration does not acknowledge demonic possession and even the local Parish priest is a nonbeliever in such occurrences yeah that's a really good question because it's not that uncommon not necessarily that the that would see a preder natural manifestation like in a classro it does happen from time to time usually my recommendation to if you find yourself in a situation like that is just stop everything especially if you're praying out loud stop that because that's what the demons reacting to and coming to the surface and then just start praying quietly asking our lady to quiet everything down to get everything to settle everything down and just pray quietly to Our Lady and just kind of leave it at that to quieten the situation down once the um the manifestation stops it's the manifestation is called the period of Crisis once the period of Crisis stops and the period of Lucidity that's where the person kind of comes to and you can kind of address them then my recommendation is even if the school doesn't even if the parish priest minut it like in the Philippines I know there's a lot of priests that actually do believe in it and actually approach so you know talk to either the Chancery or some of the priests that you know um and ask and get the person some help you know try get them to that priest so that he can begin the process of getting them liberated o and from me Fair uh good evening brother Adrian I hope my question can be included to Father Chad how do we combat demonic oppression there are times when I feel very afraid even though I have overcome it I've experienced it twice while praying the rosary the first time a demonic figure resembling a monster appeared before me but I wasn't scared because my child was awake at around 11: p.m. the second time around 2:00 a.m. I was wide awake and and I felt a warning from God so I started praying while lying down due to extreme fatigue and sleepiness as I reached the third decade a demon suddenly appeared and my fear was overwhelming I prayed to St Michael to block it and then as I prayed the Hail Mary it didn't seem to intervene okay uh if the person is experiencing those things um from time to time then what that's a sign of is if they haven't gotten their foot in the door the demons are trying to get into him and so that it's a good sign that they're not in yet but it's also a sign that there's something that needs to be addressed because they're kind of lurking about so that's when I would ask our lady s you know reveal to me what I've got to do to get my life straighten out and and sometimes it can be something very minor sometimes it can also be because someone in the area or in the family or some like that is engaging and occult activities and so you're just kind of on the receiving end of this but usually the most effective thing that I've seen is something which um we discovered in a particular case where the demon said you will not break the oppression or The Possession until you break the oppression so I said okay you're going to tell us what it's going to do to break oppression now as I mentioned before oppression when I was first trained as an exorcist The Exorcist should trained me and the stuff I read from father aor all the Exorcist which is true is you just increase your pray life the person who's being oppressed just increase prayer life which I would still recommend as well but increase your prayer life for becoming disciplined in your prayer life like I mentioned before and doing that on a regular basis and then what you'll find is that that will slowly kind of get it to taper off and keep it at Bay however at a certain point I read out of him okay what do you got to do to stop this and he just said well you just have to command us to leave and we leave which is true um I there's a conference actually talk more about this at length if people want to listen to it on YouTube but then he would go from thing to thing and so I said well how do you stop that he said well look as long as you retain the right over your possessions Christ will give us a certain amount of accidents but if you consecrate them to our lady and give them entirely to her now that doesn't mean by the way that you're not the steward of these things or that you don't take care of them or use them for your own necessities and things of that sort but if you give them entirely to her he said once she accepts them we cannot touch them so in the prayer Deliverance prayers to the Ley which is a book that I've written actually it actually it's so it's actually printed right there um we we let them print this there it's the only other place in the world to get Reas it is because it makes it affordable for the people in the Philippines because obviously get books from the United States over there is just ctive but in this book is um it's called Uh consecration of one's exterior Goods to Our Lady and if you consecrate your exterior things like sleep or just your house your presence um or what have you um or even the things that the demons you think are attacking if you consecrate those once you do that what we noticed is there would be an immediate sensation of the activity and if you keep doing that conentration every day a lot of times that will just stop it all together and you're just not going to have to deal with it uh follow up on that question father is it possible that he has a third eye the uh the one who asked that question because he see demons she see demons yeah I that is all the Exorcist put that in the category of Oppression because it's outside if they were attacking her interiorly she would be she would be emotionally being attacked and psychologically being attacked or this is something on the outside and the reason they're doing that is we're try and get the is to get her to obsess about it or get concerned about it and so in that particular case not Obsession because they haven't got their foot in the door which is a good sign um they're just trying to do stuff so if she just um consecrates her external presence or her house where where feels these things are occurring like her bedroom or things like that if she does that then a lot of times that will it'll stop that and speaking of third eye father Chad what is the difference between the third eye and a charism um okay back to the back to the third eye part of the difficulty with the third eye is so sometimes people can actually be seeing demons legitimately you know and it's not a matter of the third eye in the sense because the third eye is more of an ult thing where the demons act on um that particular part of the brain the person that part it's the part of the brain that's in the front that's why they middle in order for the person to to influence them so that they think they see certain things so the third eye is one those it doesn't really give you a true access into the spiritual realm my observations and experien watching that stuff happen and people experiencing it it usually it's usually just wait for the demons to kind of feed stuff to people it's also the inversion of baptismal um the seal on the soul of baptism so that's one of the reasons why the the person is sealed here at the time of their baptism um and also at the time of their confirmation so that's this the reason it's done there so the third eye is considered the inversion of that why is it the third eye well is it the inversion of it it's because it's through baptism and Confirmation that we receive the Holy Spirit which gives us the gifts of the holy spirit which gives us knowledge about God and the things that rain in spiritual life Etc and so the third eye is like the diabolic inversion of that and so that's one of the reasons why I tell people if there they've ever had been medaling in relationship with the third eye or they they feel that that's actually happening they can talk to a priest who can actually do some pray with them to stop demons from acting on them in that particular Manner and how about father um yeah okay so so third eye is demons giving people information now sometimes they can give people information about stuff that's actually accurate but a lot of times it's it's partially accurate not fully accurate um whereas gra which God refuses in the intellect or the will but it's usually in the and so like for example in discernment of spirits grace of God In by which person is able to know with certitude what the nature is of the spiritual thing that's present and that can be in a variety of different ways so I've seen some people actually have a charism I I I've actually written books on charismatic Graces where I say these things do exist they're not as common as everybody likes to think you can't ask them and get them ET there's a there's a structure that the church has always understood how people receive them it's not well understood today but um that mean because I have seen them everything from people just being knowledgeable about I think there's a spirit of anger here or what have you but I've also and it so it kind of runs a bit of a gamut but there's usually degree of certitude and there and one of the ways you'll know it's a true terrorism is they're right almost every time all I'm fact all the time especially when it gets behind forms of that charismatic Grace whereas when you get people say well I got the gift of ter of spirits they're wrong time well that's not a gift that's more like intuition it can be Grace so I'm not necessarily saying you should ignore those things I'm just saying that it's you have to be careful ascribe charismatic Grace I did know a woman who actually had a charismatic Grace of discernment of spirits you can just tell her I know a woman who's 40 years of age that I'm working with that's all you would have to say tell you how many demons there were what their names were how they got in where they're located the body most likely what's going to get them out what they're sensitive to Etc and she was never wrong right and one time I asked well how do you know this and she said well you mention the person and then all of a sudden I have an image and I see it and I start describing it and so we stopped using her we only used her for on a couple of cases we stopped using her because even though she had a charismatic Grace her spiritual life just significantly improveed to get to the point where she could sustain the spirit Warfare that was involved in making use of that gift so that being said the charismatic Grace gives you knowledge is from God it's from the Holy Spirit and it has a degree of certitude that's actually how you would discern it from so to say like a third eye or a diabolic or ult knowledge the charismatic gra is always going to be right the diabolic side is going to be right A lot of the times but not always I see and from irn balagot hello Adrian could you please ask father Chad whether the supposed secret society known as the Illuminati truly exists and if they indeed worship the evil ones as some people claim furthermore were they intentionally created to sway public opinion as a part of of what we refer to as as spiritual warfare okay uh there's two aspects to that question the first are there Illuminati the answer is actually yes but it's there's that term is being used two different ways publicly right now the original Illuminati were a part of the Freemasons in the 1700s reach a certain level um and they they segmented off from the Freemasons even though they remained in the suing and they basically formed a group hold it's its goal was and by the way this is there's public testimony about this you can find documents they openly talk about this stuff themselves um but it's documents we found later and things like that that their goal was to influence the flow of human history especially in the geopol realm and things like that um and so yes they are there how much of the Illuminati are still present um I've read an enormous amount of stuff on that um I my my my opinion is they are still there they're not as as organized as they used to be um it's the information about them is not clear in other words in the sense that you don't get a certitude about where they're present who's actually part of it ET you don't get that sense even some of the world figures at the top of the head the head like the head of the wfw or even you know some of the high political figures people say well these part of the Illuminati well it's hard to tell you would possibly never be able to know there's question about whether Ultra rich people are part of it that seems to be probably more likely the case but you can't have certitude about this stuff precisely because it's a secret society or secret group of people and so do they have an influence yes they are but it's hard hard to track them that's one of the Geniuses of them it's hard to know exactly with Clarity who is who isn't how much of it is still there what are they doing Etc a lot of times we only really know because of the fact that they they start moving things along and then we say okay this is where it's headed so there's that there's also the term illumin is also being used by um a group of people so this means a bit of background this is sound like conspiracy theory but it's actually was revealed in the documents alter documents that um Trump required them to release so what happened is when the um during the second world war when the Nazis fell the United States um and and Russia as well but the United States under there was a um a military activity called Operation Paperclip it's a wellknown thing you get information on the thing but what they did is they brought some of the best scientists from Germany over to the United States sponged their war crimes and one of them was a guy by the name of green now green was the guy that was put in charge by Hitler to master a particular thing that the Nazis have caught wind of which is that between 1600 1900 The Satanist had discovered that if you traumatize people to a certain level it causes dissociation if fra a personality and then once the personality is fra this is what is what the goal of Satanic ritual abuse is once it's fractured you can take the alternates or parts it's called Uh used to be called multiple personality disorder it's a well-known phenomenon it's chronical the psychologist it structure and all that but now it's called disassociated disorder which I think is a better nomination what they discover is this mechanism that you can actually train some of the Alters well the Satanist had discovered that if you traumatize young kids then you can train them to when you traumatize them they go into this alternate you train that alternate to be very submissive very particip they don't know what happens when they come back out of it and so you can do their satanic rual abuses on them do this well they taught that the nazzis taught wind of it it was then um green was the guy who was put in charge to perfect this associative disorder in inducing it the United States brought him over here under um operation paper clip they began um a a program called MK alra which the documents are now on so this is not conspiracy the you can read the documents yourself right online and he they brought him over here to help perfect that and the military in the United States got involved according to the documents they kind of gave up on it at a certain point because it was just unreliable as far as being able to train say somebody to the urion candidate is the movie that it's based on um is based on these this activity that was done well the problem is that and this is another thing that's well known it's Chronicles you can read it all you can actually read about it online books they talk about the CIA is actually even admitted that they trying to be this involved door with certain people in Hollywood and things like that and then the music and the entertainment industry and so that mechanism that was learned in dissociating people um was taught to some of the people in the music industry and in Holly again this is not conspiracy theory you can read this stuff right online and you can verify it by various sources it's also in the actual documents the M documents okay so that being the case what happened is the people who that this was that these the methods of disassociating people used on them uh it was used on certain people in the music industry and in Hollywood they um they took on the name of the Illuminati and so they actually talk about it um openly about actually having gone through these rituals Lady Gaga talked about it yeah um there's been a couple of other people that have talked about it having gone through these rituals um Etc so the Illuminati sometimes you'll hear people in Hollywood or in the music industry or kind of in the lower Fair talk about yeah I'm one of the Illuminati but it actually just means I've gone through this ritual that's a different thing from the actual Illuminati that are part of the geopolitical thing um it's again it seems to be pretty clear from the documentation they're there what they're doing who they are and stuff is I think difficult to prove and father do you think that Hitler is possessed by the devil um if the um so the movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose is based on a Woman by the name of analis was actually a very devout German who became possessed um in the latter part of the 60s and early 1970s and um one of the possessors claims have been um Hitler but also um in some of the accounts I can't get claims to be the spirits possessed Hitler um Hitler did show some of the secondary signs but without actually pray it would be very difficult to prove when humans can lie so it's hard to know um is he is his behavior that well kind of reveals it but that doesn't matter but that um you could be people can be evil and pretty evil very evil without being possessed so yeah um but in his particular case um my own personal opinion is and I think if I remember right father actually had a case where the demon said that he was the spirit that had possessed heiller oh wow thank you so much for that father and from Momo I have a friend who was involved in occult activities as long a long time ago specifically ghost hunting now he is experiencing paranormal activities in his home I constantly remind him to confess to a priest and to undergo Deliverance prayers my question is by helping my friend learn about spiritual warfare could I possibly attract retaliation from the devil uh no as long as you're staying in the State of Grace receiving the sacraments and saying person for your protection and maintaining your pro life your odds of being retaliated are very slim it's only if you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing that you're more likely to get retaliated against and usually if you're just telling them hey I think you should go see a priest and even if you make a recommendation I haven't seen I seen virtually I haven't seen anybody really that's retaliated for doing that thank you for that father and from Helga is it true that your guardian angel has a name he does but church has said you're not committed to name him because you want to name something El to actually have authority over him what his name is we will find out when we get to have them their name is the same thing as their essence or nature and so we will know that when we see them and from Lee and Samson often refer um often referred to us uh the modern St Thomas aquinus I would like to ask father child about his perspective on Visionaries such as loose de Maria Pedro Regis and others thank you um well you know a lot of the people that are Visionaries currently I tend to just tell people look just that's um it depends on what you're talking about modern day if you're talking about those that that their apparitions have been approved um like in Venezuela B which is a more recent one or a Japan or things of that sort um you know obviously the churches approved them so uh I tend to think that they're authentic but otherwise when it comes the other ones I've studied some of them but I really don't weigh too much in on them because my attitude is that's really the place of the church the local Bishop specifically on this room uh dgates it for themselves so I just tell people wait until the particular Bishop says anything I tell people I wouldn't give too much Credence in any Apparition until the church gives approval to it so um I usually tell people just spend judgment and just wait um until the church actually gives approval and then when it does take the time and read it and see what our Lord or lady want us to know uh what can you say about father Chad about a weeping image of just like a weeping image of our Lady a blessed mother just like what happened in Akita um yeah I mean there are certain circumstances where it's actually authentic someone just sent me a notification I don't know if it's true or not but actually the stones and the holy Seer are actually um there is uh water and oil coming out of them I don't know if that's true I just haven't been able to verify it there are in so there's three ways in which this there's three parts of this sometimes it's just a natural phenomenon so here in the United States they there was a statue that they thought was weeping and they found out it was actually the BR leaking you couldn't really tell until you got very close Etc um so it can just be a natural phenomenon sometimes um the demons can cause it so you have to kind of be careful this is one of the reasons why the churches you know does a thorough investigation into these situations make sure that they're actually at what is the possible cause of this it could be something that's diabolic can cause that that's not very common but they do and then of course it can actually be authentic and in that particular case if you see Statue where Lady Weeping it means she is expressing sorrow at some sinfulness of man or some disorder that we need to address and usually when those um the Weeping occurs like in the case of we that our our lady said well Chas coming and um and so there's it's a it's a warning it's basically I've always taken aita to be the Fulfillment of or one of the the apparitions that's connected to him the Fulfillment of Fatima and so because there they're in tand and they kind to work together um so I think that's obviously the Weeping statue is drawing attention to the fact that she's weeping over man's sinfulness and this coming chastisement and in there she she's very clear that the chastisement will be very severe and what are your thoughts on on ANM especially in the context of Catholic married couples okay well obviously the church is yeah um the church has um condemned that um the technical Latin term historically in the tradition was quite us interrup you actually stop the the pra the the conjugal Act and the church is always said the tacal Latin term is pollutio that is climax what we would say has occur in normal Union so um so that particular the onism in the context of marriage was always considered bravely sinful and it can actually we've actually seen um people have diabolic influence issues wouldn't cleaned up until they started following natural law right did that their diabolic issue clear how many Catholics practice this they are not NFP or natural Family Planning or yeah I know NF but I i' I've known many Catholics that they did not know that on an is mortal sin I mean they're not aware of it yeah most yeah actually a lot of people don't know that it actually is but the Conant teaching of the church has always been that it's grave matter and so that's um uh that's one of the reasons why we try and educate people on it it's very important to sh to know more about that especially you talk about that yeah it is even it's not the cause of demons getting into the marriage sometimes drive that kind of thing and so a lot of times they can't get the demons out of their marriage or out of their family life until they kind of stop doing those particular practices and father have you seen the devil in real flesh it hasn't appear dependently of manifesting through somebody so in that sense no but I have seen um Satan for n it's called morphing it's where the person changes shape and St Thomas says they take the the manifestation is to show the characteristic personality characteristics of the possessor and so I have seen manifest and so um uh and so they do have distinctive character istics that you actually see on that so it is like looking at him if he was to appear to you and father maybe this is this will be the last question why you love being Catholic I love being Catholic because um if I had to boil it down to it's um it's kind of like GK said it's the Catholic V isn't true we should make it up anyway because it's so Noble and fantastic but I just find that the truth of it is makes sense of our lives and it's the only thing in the end that I have found in my own personal life that gives any sense of fulfillment enjoy and happiness it's going to be long term and I think it's it's the it's the one thing that that as I got to study philosophy because my doct in philosophy and study all sorts of different religions and things like that it's the old and also just studying other science and things like that it's the only thing that I thought you know this is something that is Noble enough and is um is beautiful and good enough for me to be able to dedicate my entire life to it so it really boils down to the fact that and especially as an exorcist you as I mentioned kind of in the beginning you get to know how true it is and so the teaching of the church as especially as an exorcist is you see the beauty of it and how um joyful it is just to be able to contemplate the various doctrines of the church so It ultimately just boils down to the fact that as something that's true it just naturally appeals and father child is there anything you want to promote our viewers or there do you have any upcoming projects um no other than I'm just uh just I'm continuing to write um I'm hoping again I should probably contact the the editors of the Philippines or the holl who are actually doing um printing in the Philippines and see if they would be willing to publish the book Dominion because I think if we could get it over into the Philippines it would help a lot to get people about how spiritual warfare Works how the Angels work how demons work and what they can do to kind of help themselves but other than that um my project that I have coming up is I'm driving um so I wrote a book on the introduction science mental health I wrote diabolic influence which is absolutely a discussion of the intertwin between human psychology and diabolic psychology and so last book I'm going to write on psychology is on the psychology of masculinity and femininity and um I started it years ago put it on high so I'm I'm piing it back up so my hope is to have that out in a couple of years that's a long project so but that's all I'm working on and that in my normal podcast and thingss of that sort what is the name of your podcast father Chad well I I do most almost all of my um conferences and HS and everything are on cus fidelium the YouTube channel you can also if you don't want to watch on YouTube there is a place online called spirit. TV they have all my conferences they actually have conferences there that do not appear on YouTube and um I do have my own Channel that I put a few things on um I'm just about to post I have a series of conferences or series of shorts that I did on communism I have another one that's coming up it'll be about two hours long on showing how diabolic psychology is identical to to communist psychology and why people have to be aware of this this is why you get involved get in charge it goes B well this is part of the reason why but um so those are I just it's called C Trad you can also go to my website Trad um as I mentioned I do have a press called send Trad press sen n Tad d press.com the difficulty is though is for us to ship books overseas we do have some books available out Australia so I don't know if you can get them cheaper through Australia then obviously it's going to be cheaper than probably sh shoing them through here but over the course of time we're hoping to get stuff printed actually in the Philippines so that it's more affordable for the people there it got avoids the shipping cost and um it's kind of funny because I'm I almost told the guys publishing this one in the Philippines hey why don't I buy these books from you and sell them over here because they do a better job at it and it's a more beautiful book and it's well done and um and it's a lot cheaper so but anyway so that's kind of Our Hope going forward well we're looking forward that father and uh any last word to our viewers who are watching right now um no just other than keep the faith doesn't matter how bad things get uh God is always in charge and stay faithful to him and he'll always provide you everything you need um to be faithful to him so um would you like a blessing before we leave yeah yeah uh in a closing prayer father amen for amen wow thank you so much father chadri perer for this uh amazing interview and uh to all your Insight that you shared to us and it's very helpful and uh thank you so much father Chad and rest assured that we will continue to pray for you we will pray for your ministry and please continue to pray for us Filipino I will yeah and we are looking forward to see you in person here in the Philippines yeah I think it's gon to happen it's just a matter at some point it's just a matter of how my schedule is going to start slowing down here the next year this year so hopefully I'll be able to get invited again over and surely I will be there to see you to hold your to shake your hands there you go thank you so much father and uh you are always in my prayer and God bless you I know it's already late there and thank you for your generosity for all the wisdom as you share all right thank you Father God bless God bless see you soon [Music] I'm sure bless INSP make sure and Rel make sure or even strangers Newser I'm sure we will spread the good news Okay so thank you and God bless
Channel: Adrian Milag TV
Views: 28,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adrian Milag TV, Lion of Judah, Ascension Presents, Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!, Faith Watch, Breaking In The Habit, Abide - Sleep Meditations, Dr Taylor Marshall
Id: jZYLWU4pvcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 9sec (6189 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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