Exciting Scrapyard Finds! Repair-A-Thon!

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[Music] is [Music] i remember about 15 years ago it must have been around the year 2006. i was ridiculed by a bunch of people for still using a discman considering that the cd was initially introduced in 1982 that medium had a lifespan of 25 years before it turned from cutting edge to something people apparently made fun of how long does it take today for something to get sold fashion that you get ridiculed for it whatever the exact answer maybe we as individuals should start to turn this game around and ridicule others for only ever buying the latest thing that will probably have lost its value two years from now in that sense we are here at the scrap yard to retrieve items that have been discarded but shouldn't have ended up here in the first place so let's see then what we find down at the bottom of this container i spotted a rather modern looking cordless drill and i will keep that this black shelf here is probably from a store of some kind and i think it will make a good addition to my workshop as well down in this old bathtub someone dumped a bunch of car stereo equipment and these two radios are something special and i will buy them as well this looks like a box that you can put on the back of your truck for example and it could also be a good storage box for my garden it's a keeper in this box here i found a stylish old fan just what i need at the moment and here is something really awesome another old school signal horn and i will certainly buy that as well and what do we have here looks like a small atv and of course we're going to play around with that as well so let's get back to the workshop then as usual we'll start with one of the simpler jobs a pretty stylish fan which judging by its other appearance was probably designed and built in the 1970s it is labeled astron taurus and was apparently made in spain which might be a first in any of my videos to be honest so my greetings go out to the viewers in spain have you ever heard of that company leave a comment below in typical fashion the power cord was cut and we're simply going to replace it now in some cases a cut power cord can be a sign that a certain item didn't pass a safety test and that the cord was then cut but with scrap and even with stuff you find on the streets these days it is way more likely that the court was cut to sell its content as copper scrap and as expected the fan simply spins up and even oscillates there just appears to be nothing wrong with it and it's beyond me why you would throw something that stylish away even if it wouldn't work the next patient is this makita brand cordless drill it's a dhp-482 which is an 18-volt hammer drill that is still sold by makita and this one is around two or three years old there are rust spots on the chuck and on that clip the cost of the rust was probably the rain pouring on it after it had ended up at the scrap yard let's do a brief test with this 18 volt battery pack though and you can probably hear that that doesn't sound right at all and at least i can smell certain olfactory emissions i would describe as charred magnet wire so i proceed by taking it apart and i'm doing that using one of the drills i converted in my last repairathon which i recommend to watch as well this is the 23rd episode of the series by the way and all other episodes are linked down in the video description you can find them there and we can see already that there is also rust on the inside here on the stator of this brushed dc motor as well as on the lamination of the armature though rotor windings have severe heat damage and this is the cause of the malfunction it would be possible to rewire the rotor with new magnet wire but with the additional rust on the rotor and a very crusty looking bearing on top of it a new replacement rotor is the best choice and fortunately makita parts are readily available and for about 20 euros i was able to acquire a new one but before i get on with repairing that motor i proceed by cleaning the enclosure from the inside as well as the gearbox and the brushes the rust on the stator pack is first cleaned by hand and then wire wheeled before the rotor is then inserted into the old stator pack the motor is reconnected to the gearbox and the whole machine is put back together time for another test then the drill seems to run normally again but the chuck is still rusty but at least on the outside that can be taken care of rather quickly now that the motor is running again and i must say that i'm actually quite impressed by the performance of this drill let's just hope it holds a little longer this time around our next item is this old signal horn or klaxon i'm starting by cleaning it and i'm almost certain that it works it was made by sel which is short for standard electric lorenz which back in the day was part of itt the power consumption according to the nameplate should only be around 15 watts and these things sure generate a lot of noise for having such a low power rating upon opening the plastic cover which also has a rubber seal we find the mechanism inside in pristine condition this horn is based on a vibrating steel diaphragm that is moved by two cylindrical electromagnets or solenoids and a self-interrupting contact so to speak all it needs is an ac voltage and it will keep itself in motion upon connecting a power cord we can have a first brief [Music] test [Music] when testing one of these things make sure to wear ear protection and indeed it works just fine i want to set up an alarm system around the shop and i want a very loud horn but also an optical signal that can be seen from the street and in order to add this to the klaxon i have just the thing this rather whimsical looking signal light apparently came from a runway on an airport in east germany or another of the eastern bloc states back in the days of the soviet union the german name for this type of signal light is apparently hinderness foyer and you can also find them on smokestacks or other tall structures signaling a possible obstacle for low-flying aircraft for example i want to combine the signal horn and the signal lights to one unit but i want the lights to flash rather rapidly and the collection to generate slower periodical bursts rather than one long uninterrupted signal for that i will now build an arduino-based circuit that i will integrate into the old enclosure upon connecting the old light bulbs to the isolation transformer we can see that they still work having a really important job i can imagine that these bobs were designed to have a very long life but leds will be better suited for periodical flashing than these incandescent light bulbs and that is why i have now started to solder a number of red leds in clusters onto small pieces of perth board since the horn will be fastened to a wall facing the street it is not necessary to have a light source that will emit light equally all around in all directions someone standing in the street watching at the source of the noise must be able to see the flashing light normally i would recommend to add a current limiting resistor to every led but in this case i connected a few leds in series and then have several branches run in parallel running on a 12-volt power supply using just a few power resistors limiting the current to those branches the resistors are oversized but they were simply what i had at hand here when you want to do it right you have to make sure that the current through every branch of leds connected in series has its own resistor limiting the current for all the leds in that branch two little bipolar transistors rated at 500 milliamps maximum current will be used to switch the led clusters because the eye opens of this arduino nano clone here cannot provide enough current for a load like that after that the microcontroller board can be programmed to flash the led clusters individually or both at the same time at any interval that might make sense here and that's what it looks like from a meter away from 5 and from 25 meters away good enough i guess at least in the dark in the next step i removed the old sockets and glued the led boards in their place the next step is now to switch the klaxon on and off with the microcontroller as well it's an ac load directly running on the mains while the led clusters run on a 12 volt dc power supply or switching ac loads relays or triax would be the most common choices for many applications i have come to appreciate triax they are quick inexpensive and they have no mechanical parts that can wear out but unlike a relay where coil and switches are isolated from each other using a triac would force us to create a connection between the ground of the microcontroller and the mains well unless you isolate the triac from the rest of the circuit that is this can be done with a small driver transformer or with an opto isolator a special form of opto isolator is an opto triac like the moc 3063 that i'm using here in order not to get depth during the programming process i'm using a 230 volt light bulb as a placeholder for the signal horn just like with the leds it is now possible to switch the klaxon or heal the light bulb on and off at various intervals but the microcontroller and the led cluster still need a power supply and that's why i decided to integrate a small flyback converter into the old enclosure as well a pcb like this must be properly insulated from the enclosure and you should also connect the enclosure to protective earth in a final step i waterproof this assembly by closing holes with emma's polymer and also built a little roof that will hopefully add further protection now in order to act as a proper alarm system more elements like motion sensors ip cameras or remote control would have to be added in the future but for now i'm happy if this component of that possible system is loud and can flash so i'd say it's time for a test uh let's take a brief look at those two car radios then these are both relatively old-fashioned radios from the 1990s they are for radio and audio cassette only and the casual observer might think that they are worthless because they can't play cds or mp3s and of course have no bluetooth capabilities when in fact they are actually sometimes more valuable than radios which have all those features but it does not so much depend on the features than what car they belong to originally see these are both rather rare original bmw radios and if they work they are worth a pretty penny because they are collectors items for people who restore those bmws now or maybe in the future up here you can see the standard connectors we usually use around here the odd proprietary connectors bmw used here make it a little harder to test them but essentially you just need a 12-volt power supply one loudspeaker and a cassette tape since i test car radios a lot i built this tester a few years back and there also is a video about that built in the video description it can supply 12 volts to various pins selectively measure the current that the radio draws has a loudspeaker with selector switch for left right front rear and some other features i found the pin out for these radios online and you can find that for almost any car radio i also improvised a few wires that will fit onto the pins on the back of these radios they are just crimp connectors from a standard box of cable lugs all you really need is in this case to supply 12 volts to two pins then connect one to ground and two more wires to connect at least one loudspeaker to at least one of the outputs the radio asks for a code and normally only the owner is supposed to know that code but in today's world you can just buy the codes on ebay from someone who is in possession of the software that can generate the code from the serial number of your device i think i paid three bucks and i forgot to connect an antenna i'm just using a piece of wire here so that's guns and roses but i can't play that because the copyright's okay but you can see here that works as you can see the same sound quality ain't great but it's probably because the cassette not because of the radio so what you can do now is to connect these wires here to the different loudspeaker outputs the four ones and and just check if it works and i've already done that here so you can fast forward you can reverse you can play it receives radio so i don't think there's any problem here and it's essentially the same with a second radio both radios work just fine a great score so in case you own an original radio like that that came with a car when it was new just keep it for a few more years and it might eventually become a collector's item as well and what you all been waiting for the electric atv well at least it used to be electric before the motor battery and almost everything else electric was stripped from it judging from the size of it it's clear that this is basically a toy for children it's not the cheapest toy though since it actually has a steel frame and proper tires and so on this could be a great platform for an oversized rc car but of course i also try to drive around on this thing i start by removing the plastic covers and i will not reinstall them next i'm cleaning the frame and this allows us to have a closer look for a moment it has two disc brakes in the front and also used to have a disc brake on the rear axle also connected to that axle is a sprocket or chain wheel where an electric motor can be connected and it was actually not a big problem to get replacement parts a 36 volt dc motor rated at 800 watts plus the speed controller and a pedal for only 60 bucks it also came with two different sprockets i'm choosing the smaller one for more torque the motor can simply be fastened on this red plate here and you simply have to put tension on the chain before mounting it in place permanently i had busted one of the tires and need a replacement it actually turned out that it was cheaper to just get an entire replacement wheel for 20 bucks in the next step i connected a 36 volt electric bicycle battery pack to the atv and experimented with a self-made speed controller but the results were too violent so i installed the speed controller that i had bought before let's go and well what can i say you can actually drive with this thing you can even drive so fast that gets kind of scary but mostly because it's way too small for an adult and you feel like you could roll over at any minute so yeah as you can see i only patched this together with a bunch of zip ties and it can stay like this permanently but i think you'll see this thing again in a future video so i hope you liked this little video and if that is the case then please give it a like to let me know that i should produce more of this type of content and if you want to support this channel more actively you can make a donation via paypal link down in the video description or become a supporter on patreon.com tpai see you soon [Music] hello you who waited past the credits because here's a little extra for you i don't know if you've seen the video but a couple of weeks ago i made a video titled my hunt for a cabin in the woods in that video we explored a number of abandoned houses and cabins that i had found in the forest this one here out of the four or five objects that i had shown seemed to be the most mysterious one as it had basement rooms that i couldn't enter at the time but now weeks later a friend and i have returned to solve this mystery before we could actually enter the basement we first had to free that well manhole size hole in the ground that would lead us down there was an old really rugged door that we first carried out of the way it was made from redwood with like steel reinforcements on it and then we pulled this piece of spruce out of the basement which blocked the way and now we were able to actually lower down a letter that my buddy had brought so we climbed down into the basement and what we found here was a weird mixture of uh for one thing children's toys which well kind of made me concerned because i really hope that no child was ever tripped down here which would be really screwed up but i think it's rather the case that children just played down here which is also a little scary but this place is not that far away from the next settlement now going into this next room through an opening that is unusually low i would say 1.5 meters so that's lower than even a small human would be and i i don't think that this is a normal doorway over here we might have found the remains of someone eating and drinking and probably also making fire which is not a good idea down here i guess and then we found this third room here which was basically empty but for two well let's call them vent holes so i'm still not sure what happened here i still believe that this might have been some kind of water storage room but it could be a bunker it could just be that this place was plundered at some time so i don't know if you've seen the original video if you haven't then i recommend you do so i also put the video down in the video description and i'd like just like to hear your opinion if you still think that this might have been a bunker because i am none the wiser so this time for real see you soon
Channel: The Post Apocalyptic Inventor
Views: 209,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7gXJs6MeS5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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