Excellent natural immunity confirmed

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Apparently now there’s no difference in protection between natural infection itself and natural infection + vaccination. So people who had no trouble with the virus took the shots for absolutely no reason other than getting their freedoms back…

Anybody with half a brain knows that natural immunity is always as good or nearly as good as vaccination for most diseases. I saw somebody on Reddit a few days ago say natural immunity Isn’t real. I’m losing hope for humanity….

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/HaveMersyy 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Yeah dude science changed again. They didnt lie. Its just that the silly science keeps changing smh 😥😥😥

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Ok_Character_2257 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Lmao I am loving all these walkbacks and the mental gymnastics Pfizer squad b doin, lads.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/frankiecwrights 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

Maybe next year they'll suggest we get some exercise and up our vitamin D levels. I won't hold my breath on that one.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/beetstastelikedirt 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

I dont think Dr.Campbell is part of "them". By today's media standards he has been a reckless rebel by touching on taboo subjects like ivermectin, vaccine injury and waning vaccine efficacy.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/EmergentVoid 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies
well welcome to today's talk it's monday the 24th of january now really quite a significant paper to report today people have had natural infection with sars coronavirus 2 have got very high levels of ongoing immunity protection against disease and protection against hospitalization so if someone's had the natural infection and then they're subsequently vaccinated it really doesn't improve their level of protection so people that have been infected then vaccinated versus people that have been infected and they're not vaccinated their levels of immunity are essentially the same and this is really quite a profound uh paper it's it's actually from the centers for disease control and it's here in their weekly uh magazine the uh morbidity and mortality weekly report for the 19th of january now as usual with the cdc i find these i don't know it's just a cultural thing but i find these remarkably difficult to read and decipher so it takes me a long time but i think i've worked out what this what what this paper is saying so we'll we'll delve into it now what they did was they took a lot of data um from california and from uh new york so that's where the data's from so um this is the this is the reference here do check it for yourself so using using patients um from california and new york and this is a big area so i mean california alone i believe accounted for 18 of the population of the states now what they did here is quite quite clever really they took four cohorts four groups of people from those from those um millions of people in those two states and they actually combined the data and they looked at the data separately and we'll look at the data mostly separately for california and new york in this video so one cohort unvaccinated no previous diagnosis so people who had not been exposed to the virus via a vaccine antigen and people that had no previous diagnosis in other words they were completely naive to the virus they had no recognition of the virus at all because it's a new virus second group vaccinated with no previous diagnosis so these people were vaccinated but didn't have a diagnosis so they'd been vaccinated but hadn't got the natural infection in other words next group unvaccinated with a previous diagnosis so these people were unvaccinated but had a diagnosis and this is the group here that they found to do remarkably well in terms of ongoing immunity and protection again i've seen nothing of this in the mainstream media these things that have got really profound input for what's going to happen over the next few months and what's happened over the past few years just seem to be completely ignored i haven't seen this on the bbc i haven't seen this on on nbc i haven't seen this anywhere i might be wrong but i haven't seen it and i do monitor quite a few of the uh the mainstream channels and the fourth cohort vaccinated people with a previous diagnosis so vaccinated with a previous diagnosis in other words they had the advantage of vaccination and the advantages of natural infection so what happened to these people during delta now this actually was reported on this data goes up to november the 30th 2021 so important to realize this is pre-omicron but this is people who've had the natural uh infection or or the first virus out of wuhan what we normally call the b11 virus strain and people who had the alpha how did they do in terms of protection from delta is the question now here's the first graphic that starts to answer this now this one's from california now this is uh laboratory incidents confirmed covered 19 people that were diagnosed when they were hospitalized so this is the risk of hospitalization so twice the risk four times the risk six times the risk eight times the risk ten times the risk twelve times the risk of hospitalization they don't actually say that but that that makes sense with what their figures are showing in the body of the paper for california so first of all this group here unvaccinated and no previous diagnosis have covered 19 so if someone's unvaccinated no previous diagnosis they are completely naive to the infection and therefore really quite at risk so when delta came along a lot of those understandably were infected and of course it went up here and it went down there just rising and falling with the way that the wave of the um the delta wave went so that's the start of the delta wave then it went up and that tells you what happened as they went along but what we're looking at here is the wrist so these are people that are unvaccinated with no previous diagnosis of covid19 highly at risk and this is adjusted via one thing that the cdc is really good at is its statistics they've adjusted this for age and comorbidities and as far as i understand that they seem to have done it very well i think they have a complete statistics department so um they are good at that now so these people obviously at high risk of hospitalization now this this next line here let's just zoom into that this is this is that line there so that solid blue line there again we can see massively lower risk massively lower risk this is people that are vaccinated with no diagnosis so vaccinated with no diagnosis so that's the protection from the vaccines there at least in california then the line below that is unvaccinated previous covered 19 diagnosis so in other words people in this line here have only got natural infection they haven't been vaccinated but they have been exposed to the virus and of course it does vary slightly as time goes on but the general trend there does continue and then the final group there in the black in the black is a vaccinated previous covered 19 diagnosis so they vaccinate and they have previous carbon 19 diagnosis but we see that these people do know better than the people that were unvaccinated so for people that have had previous infection whether they're vaccinated or not the vaccination is not further reducing their risk of hospitalization this is the power of natural infection now the cdc have not strayed into this territory before but but it's here now so if you've had the natural infection whether you get vaccinated or not doesn't improve or reduce your risk of hospitalizations it stays equally low the only the only people that had a slightly higher risk here of hospitalization with this group here with a vaccinated but no previous covered 19 diagnosis so that their risk was higher so we see that the natural infection is given greater protection or slightly greater protection than vaccination if that vaccination is not accompanied by natural infection now this is data here from new york we see it's on a different scale because this is looking at the risk of being positively diagnosed whereas the california data that they chose to publish was looking at the risk of hospitalization so this is the risk of becoming a diagnosed case and again we see that people that are unvaccinated with no previous covered 19 diagnosis by far most at risk the next at-risk group was much less at risk but that was vaccinated no previous covered 19 diagnosis but right down here unvaccinated people previous covered 19 diagnosis and vaccinated people with a previous covered 19 diagnosis so we see by far the lowest risk here and i think you'd have to say these lines essentially overlap these people are by far the lowest risk whether or not they've been vaccinated if they've had previous covered 19 infection so we can now put our cohorts in order results starting with the most at risk going down to the least at risk so the most at risk are people that are unvaccinated with no previous diagnosis so this shows it has been a good idea in the past to get vaccinated because you don't want to be exposed to this virus with no cover from vaccine and no cover from previous infection next at risk vaccinated with no previous diagnosis so people who are vaccinated with no previous diagnosis were second most at risk so they were most at risk they were second most at risk and really we could see say equally low risk for these two so so these are third and fourth together with not in really in any particular order um because the data's not that they're basically the same the data's very very similar this is unvaccinated with previous diagnosis and vaccinated with previous diagnosis indicating that vaccination doesn't really make any difference to the risk of hospitalization if you've had previous infection it's quite a profound quite profound statement this really is this data valid uh well unvaccinated with no previous uh covered 19 diagnosis so how many people were actually unvaccinated well in california it was 18 and in new york it was 18.4 so we can see it's going to be several million people in each cohort so i'm really happy to say that that data is is very is the most valid data we've had published on this so far conclusion to draw from this natural immunity with or without vaccine provides robust protection against hospitalization in the age of delta we can say that for sure we will be talking in a minute about the relative risk of course now we are in the age of omicron um just note here the people who died uh had no risk of reinfection so obviously the people that were left alive who'd uh who'd survived this uh that they're the ones that are left to tell the tale so we don't want to use this to say that the vaccines were no good at the time the vaccines did save a lot of lives at the time because this is this is by virtue of the fact that this is data of those that survived um so this data is about those who survive the infection so questions if i've not been vaccinated or infected should i seek out natural exposure well clearly we know that if you haven't been vaccinated or infected your risk of hospitalization your risk of catching the disease has increased your risk of hospitalization is increased as well so that will be a very dangerous thing to do so if you haven't been vaccinated or infected you should not seek out natural exposure absolutely not you should get vaccinated first to greatly reduce your risks of when you are naturally exposed would some higher risk groups still benefit from subsequent vaccination well the answer to that is probably yes but we don't know that for sure the data doesn't show as that so this applies to the whole population are there some particular groups that could be selected for third or even fourth doses well we know there are actually because some people are immunosuppressed so the answer to that really is yes but they need to be selected on an individualized basis is there still an advantage in younger people getting boosted if they've had an infection well in terms of protection against hospitalization the answer to that is it would appear not wouldn't it it would appear not so is this whole booster program that we're doing in the younger age groups going to keep more people out of hospital from this information it would appear not and this is data driven this is data driven professor clancer yesterday i hope did you get the chance to watch that video yesterday professor robert clancy amazing amazing science amazing guy do try and watch that if you possibly can and uh he was making this very point that people panicked into boosters rather than going by data of hospitalization but another point from the professor's talk in a minute um is there still an advantage in young people getting boosted if they've not had the infection well if they've not had the infection then it becomes slightly more ambiguous and this data doesn't actually answer that do we need to change the one-size-fits-all recommendation so let me think about that of course we do um the idea that we're saying boost the doses for everyone rather than selecting people is just it just doesn't make any sense we need to be much more selective about what we're doing not just treat the whole population as a whole should there be a modified vaccine recommendations for those who've been infected well clearly the answer to that is yes because it completely changes the risk benefit dynamic completely changes that um is it worth getting uh antibody checks to membrane protein envelope protein nuclear capsid protein and in other words getting an antibody test to tell us if we've had the natural infection or not see at the moment we're not doing that at the moment we're saying get back vaccinated whether you know you've been infected whether you don't know you've infected whether you've got antibodies whether you don't know you've got antibodies we're just we're just doing mass booster campaigns uh completely blind at the moment this is the policies that we're adopting whereas if we knew that someone who'd had the natural immunity because they had n-protein antibodies e-protein antibodies or n-protein antibodies then that would greatly change the risk benefit analysis because we know that the vaccination after they've had the natural infection is not going to improve their chances of keeping out of hospital so the answer to that is absolutely yes and again we saw we saw this yesterday when we were interviewing dr cohen he he frequently orders these tests so he knows if people have been positively diagnosed and it also allows him to make a differential diagnosis because just someone because someone's reporting respiratory symptoms in this age of omicron does not automatically mean that it is coronavirus two omicron so yeah we absolutely need to start doing antibody tests so if someone tests positive for antibodies meaning they've had natural infection they don't have particular com comorbidities then why would you want to give them a booster dose of vaccine because it's not improving their chances of keeping out of hospital and making virtually no difference to the chances of getting infected anyway how well this wild type so this was the wild-type immunity and the alpha-induced immunity from these previous waves that protected against delta how will this work in the age of omicron well the answer to that question is we don't know but again if you watch professor clancy's video from yesterday we learned about the uh the mucous membrane sort of compartment for immunity that there are specific cells and specific antibodies in the nose in the mouth in the pharynx in all of the airways that are protecting us against the virus and of course if you actually are exposed to the virus by breathing it in for example by breathing in omicron that will greatly stimulate this mucosal level of immunity as well as stimulating systemic immunity as well because we swallow some of the virus that goes into the intestine into these pairs patches into this um immunological lymphoid tissue in the gastrointestinal tract and from there it can go all around the body which i only learned yesterday but so in other words exposure of the virus in the mucus gives us extra mucus mucosal protection which is great but for me at the moment being protected from um severe disease by uh two vaccines and a booster dose of the vaccine i think i would get much longer protection levels of protection for longer if i was exposed to the omicron which would give me the mucosal protection and give me the systemic protection i can't make that recommendation for you i'm just saying that would uh i believe that would apply to me and of course the other thing this data doesn't give this only goes up to the end of uh november 2021 and it may well be that the natural immunity has much greater longevity than the vaccine acquired immunity and there's already intimations that that could be the case so where does this leave us given that everyone is now being infected with omicron and everyone is now being infected with omicron meaning they're going to get immunity in their mucosal compartment meaning they're going to get immunity systemically so that that's doubly good everyone's getting infected with it we we now know that at least with the the b11 the wild type and with the alpha that produced good levels of immunity is there any reason at all why this exposure to omicron won't provide equally good levels of immunity i don't think there's any reason at all why it shouldn't and i fully expect that it will provide equally good levels of immunity but of course we don't actually know that yet because this this data is not there so yes i believe that this is going this is really good news for omicron but in absolute scientific terms i don't know i would say from what we know so far it's likely this is going to provide really good levels of herd immunity from omicron against omicron and we know that omicron already provides back protection against delta which is one of the reasons that delta disappeared so i think this looks remarkably promising for herd immunity and uh basically the fact that this virus is going to become endemic and for most of us we can just get on with living life as normal the the proviso is people with particularly high risk that this doesn't really answer the question on so people at high risk certainly need to have their antibodies tested to see if they've had the virus if they've had the virus and survived it that's really good news because we now know that's going to give them enhanced levels of immunity so natural infection looking really good and that's really uh very very good news uh just before we finish a quick uh look at what the faff is up to in our partner community health project in uganda hiv is another pandemic of course human immuno deficiency virus um one to two million people probably nearly two million people still infected every year uh 40 million at least living with the virus so let's have a look at uh refaffer going to the villages and giving community health advice so um let's uh let's watch that now uh so friends i started by asking them what they knew about hiv stroke 8 and they gave me several responses which included an hiv being a disease that doesn't heal and that is very dangerous so after them giving me what they knew about hiv i also started explaining to them what hiv means and how it can be spread from one person to another and then i also talked about the myths that are surrounding the spread of hiv so i told them that the hiv is spread from one person to another through several ways which include having unprojected sexual intercourse with a person who is having hiv who is having hiv infection and then i talked about sharing of shapes like razor blades needles and then also i told them it can be spread from mother to the baby i maybe during breastfeeding or even during a child's birth most especially if the birth is connected from home i like most of the people in our communities are still doing so most people still produce from home which is very dangerous because they use bare hands and they don't have sterile instruments so in such a way there is a risk and that's why we need to keep sensitizing people to make sure that uh they don't get these violence [Applause] as i told you i also talked about the myths surrounding hiv like i believe that if you share a plate with someone who has hiv you can also get hiv because in some homes children who have hiv and they separate for them calves and you know plates and that causes stigma in them and it affects them of course psychologically so i talked about at that and then the idea that maybe when you greet that person who has hiv you may also get it when you hug that person and many other myths that are surrounding this disease and in that shortest moment people learnt a lot of things i also got a chance of checking on ben and we took for him some things for using otherwise everything went on well uh i thank you all for watching and thank you for uh subscribing liking and always sharing our videos i love you all see you in the next video [Music] i'm going out into the world [Music] taking hope to the whole place and i need god will guide me unto the end if you don't mind please come and go with me i'm going down excellent after thank you uh very much for that um if you listen to rafa's songs a couple of times they are strangely addictive they really are and he writes them and plays them all himself so that's great so it's it's amazing all the things that we now just think a common knowledge in western countries like how you get hiv and importantly how you don't get a hiv from normal social contact you don't get hiv from hugging someone um these things are all so important to know and that you can get hiv from sharing razor blades as well as the obvious uh the sexual transmission so um really important uh primary health education prevention is better than cure and hiv of course is really still very very common in uganda so um interesting i'll put the original link to welfare's uh video and the reason that rafa was able to spend all this time doing this is because a lot of you have made donations to his work so we'll put a link on there as well um and i know quite a few of you are following it do subscribe to his channel he needs a few more subscribers he's struggling a bit so so that's us for today um natural immunity i think is the way to go and as well as that of course we look we looked yesterday um again from professor clance's work showing that the repeated vaccination can actually stimulate the suppressor cells and actually uh reduce the amount of vaccination that subsequent doses of vaccine are the the amount of immunity that subsequent doses of vaccine will give so either even if it were advanta even if it were logistically possible to carry on vaccinating people every few months um we know that's not going to enhance the level of uh protection after the sort after the third booster dose essentially from what he said yesterday and we now know that natural immunity works and i believe is the way to go so um thank you for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 2,035,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: 25-iJKPA1CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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