Top 50 Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

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hi everyone my name is Kevin today we're going through a very fun topic and that is the top 50 shortcut keys in Microsoft Excel now I've been using a bunch of shortcut keys for a long time in Microsoft Excel and it's made me work a lot more efficiently however I've recently spent the time going through all the different shortcut keys and a lot of the top shortcut keys and let me tell you since I've learned them my productivity in Excel has gone up a ton and I think your productivity could go up too what I'm gonna do today is we're gonna run through these shortcut keys one by one I'm going to show you what they do how you can use them and hopefully you pick up a new one or two along the way so your use of Excel can also become more efficient and my company requires me to say this but I work at Microsoft as a full time employee I have to mention that any time I talk about Microsoft software all right well enough talk why don't we jump into learning about some Excel shortcut keys Here I am I'm on my desktop this is the latest and greatest version of Microsoft Excel that comes with office 365 however many of these shortcut keys haven't changed in a while so even if you're using an older version of Microsoft Excel you should be able to follow along so what we're gonna do first is we're gonna jump in and we're going to go through a few different categories of shortcut keys we're gonna start with the most frequently used then we're going to talk about navigation shortcut keys formatting shortcuts and then selection and action shortcuts so let's jump into the most frequently used shortcut keys and the first one here is close a spreadsheet so if you just want to close a spreadsheet you press ctrl W I'll go ahead and press it real quick tour so you can see what it does and yes it just closed my workbook I'm gonna go ahead and open that again real quick so I'm back in my workbook and we're gonna jump back to the sheet that I was on and what you can also do is similar to closing a spreadsheet you could also open a spreadsheet by pressing ctrl o that'll bring up the open view in the backstage reek and then select one of your worksheets that you want to open now this is a little bit more of a dated one now but you could save a spreadsheet by pressing ctrl s so when I press ctrl s you'll notice this save very quickly the save dialog appears here the save the save progress if you haven't yet saved your work but at the book it'll ask you to name it I'm using I have this file stored in the cloud you can also access it in the description if you want to follow along but I have it set to autosave and pressing ctrl s doesn't really matter for me since it's just automatically saving for me now these are probably some self-explanatory ones that I'm sure many people already know but just for completeness and because it is a frequently used one we have the copy key you press ctrl C and so what I could do is here I could press ctrl C and now I've copied it and it's on my clipboard well what good would copying me if you can't put it somewhere and so we have pasted with ctrl V what I could do is I'll press ctrl V and there I've pasted it and I can paste it again and I could paste it again now the thing with copy is it leaves the original copy in place now what I could do here I have this undo command ctrl Z so let's say I delete this oh I didn't actually mean to delete that I could press ctrl Z and that'll bring it back well maybe I actually did want to delete it so I could press ctrl Y to redo what I just did and then I'll get rid of it and then ctrl Z brings it back again if you go up to the top of Microsoft Excel you see these two arrows you have an undo key here and a redo key here this is the physical key or the the key on the screen that you could press or you could just use the shortcut key to save a step of moving your mouse up there now another thing you do is with copy you're leaving the original in place with cut what I could do is I could take the original so here I'm going to press control X and now I'm going to press ctrl V to paste it somewhere else so I'm taking the original and I'm moving it to a new location now one thing I want to talk about is there are many many shortcut keys in Microsoft Excel and really the foundational thing you need to know is to use a shortcut key the Alt key will basically open your world to many more shortcut keys so I'm going to go ahead and press alt and you'll see on my screen all these letters appeared so each one of these letters corresponds with a different control on the screen so here now I might press alt and I want to let's say I want to delete this column well to delete the column there's this option right here the but that's within the home pivot so I'm gonna press H and then I'm gonna press D and then I'm gonna press C for that column and let me actually get in this so I'll press alt H DC and that will delete that column so with the Alt key let's say I want to go to the formula tab I press alt and then the formula tab over here has an M associated with it so I'll press M and that brings me to the formula view and then I can press any other key as part of this shortcut so maybe I want to insert a financial formula and I press I and that brings me into this view here similarly if I want to go home and do any controls from there here what I do is I press alt H and then I could select any one of these options here so this is kind of a nice thing to know if there are any keys that you use on the ribbon all the time this is kind of a handy way to figure out what the specific shortcut key is for it simply press alt' figure out what the letters are and you could reconstruct the shortcut key from there I delete columns and delete rows a lot and so this is one that I've remembered with all 2hd and then C or R whether it's a column or a row but these are some of the most frequently used shortcut keys now we're going to jump into some more fun ones and we're going to go into navigation now one of the nice things is you know you could switch between cells using the arrow key or you could use the tab key so here I'm going to press tab and then I'll jump me across so why would you use tab over arrow well here let's say I type in test for if I just press the Enter key it brings me down a cell but let's say I type in test 4 and I hit the tab key that'll bring me to the right so it always brings me to the right which is a nice thing to do especially if you're entering numbers or or let's say across the row you might not want to always go down after you enter the value if you click enter so that's kind of a nice little thing and just like you could tab to the right you could also tab to the left with shift tab so here I'm going to press shift tab and so what I could do is let's I'm in this cell and I have test six I can press shift tab and then I could type in test five so nice way to move between cells as I'm entering values now what I could also do if I scroll down here to the next shortcut key this allows me to move to the rightmost so basically the rightmost column and the very lowest row in my sheet and I press control end so let's go ahead and press control end and here I have some text down here in the very bottom that says you found me here yes we found it and if I want to go back up I press control home so there that brings me to the the top row in the leftmost column and here you can see the shortcut key right here control and home what I can also do is not only can i navigate within the worksheet but I can also move to different sheets within my workbook and I do that by pressing ctrl page down so here we're going to press ctrl page down and there I jump to the next sheet and there are jumps in the next sheet and you could probably guess how to get back but you press control page up to move in the other direction so here I could move back and forth between all my different sheets a very quick way to just navigate throughout my workbook and so those were these two shortcut keys right here another very nice shortcut key is pressing ctrl together with the arrow key and so what that does is it moves to the edge of the current data region so what does that mean well this is a data region right here and so if I press ctrl it'll move to the other end of the data region so I'm just doing a control arrow key but now this is kind of blank space between these data regions so here I'm going to press control arrow and you'll see it jump to the next data region and so it's very quick if I press control arrow key to jump between all these different data regions works very nicely now what I can also do is let's say I want to move up and down the sheet you know I could use my my mouse wheel or I can press my mouse wheel and I could scroll or I could use the arrow keys to scroll up and down but let's say I want to move a page at a time what I could do is I could press the page up key so here I'll press page up and that goes one page at a time I could also do page down to go down a page at a time so that's up-and-down but how do I do left and right or we combine page up and pay with the Alt key so here if I press what I'm going to do all page up there all page down what it'll do so all page down goes to the right and then all page up goes to the left so I could I can move right left and I could also move up down using the page up/down key and then in certain cases combining it with alt okay so that is navigating in cells now we're going to talk about formatting cells so what I can do this is a nice one so I have this number here fourth forty-three thousand eight hundred sixty-three it's kind of a random number but if I press control one that brings up the formatting dialog and what I could do is I could format this as a date I'm gonna go ahead and click on okay and actually turns out that was a february 2nd so a few days ago and i've now formatted that as a date and what i could also do now is let's say that i'm working with someone else on a spreadsheet and i want to add or edit a cell comments so i press shift F two and I'll say hey this is a cool comment I don't know why I would ever say that but what I could do is that comment now appears within my spreadsheet so kind of a nice one especially if you're reviewing data and you want to leave a comment behind or maybe instructions for someone who's working on the workbook another nice one is Microsoft Excel when you work in tables sometimes it's a lot more easier to get sums and to get averages and that sort of thing so you might want to insert a table well you press ctrl T or ctrl L to do that T is a little easier for me to remember because T for table not sure where that L came from but I'll press ctrl T my table has headers and they're just created a table for me so kind of a quick little shortcut key another nice one is especially as you're working through spreadsheets you need to either enter the time or the dates or to insert the current time you press control-shift colon and that will insert the time right now it's 148 p.m. or if I press ctrl semicolon that'll insert the date and today's date is February 5th 2020 and that's a nice way to insert the date so in this example I want to fill down and so you'll notice that this cell has nice formatting I have a black background white text and so what I could do is I'll select that top cell drag it down and press control D and that'll copy down the formatting to all the cells below let's say that I want to do it to the side what I can also do is I could press ctrl R in this next shortcut key and so let's say I select that formatting pull it off to the right and now I press ctrl R and that 2 copies the formatting and the content so it fills right in the other case it fills down now this is one of the this is one of my favorite ones that I recently learned about this is a quick way where you could apply formatting so one of the typical ways you apply formatting is you could go up here and you can apply dollar % comma or you can do the example where you press the control one to apply formatting but this allows you to do quick formatting with just a few clicks of the keyboard in this case we're gonna do the number format and just look at your numbers across the top of your keyboard where you have the exclamation point the @ sign we're just gonna kind of go across those numbers on the keyboard and so here for the first one we're gonna do ctrl shift exclamation mark and that applied the number format with a comma here and then a decimal point for this one we want to apply 0.63 as a time so i'm going to do the at sign ctrl shift at and that shifts that into a time here now i'm going to do the number sign and this will apply it as a date so control shift number sign applies to date format control shift dollar sign applies the dollar format control shift percentage applies the percentage format with no decimal places and then the little caret symbol control shift caret that'll do the scientific number format so just basically going across the number keys and hitting exclamation mark ad number sign dollar sign percent and you just keep going across and you can apply different formats and the the format's all makes sense the dollar sign goes with a dollar format the percent goes with a percent the Karen it goes with scientific formula or the scientific number format so they all kind of make sense but kind of quick ways where you could format numbers on your spreadsheet now this last one the last worksheet that we're going to look at here this is make selection and perform action a few other things that you could do is let's say you want to select the our worksheets may be copy 8 or maybe you want to delete contents you press ctrl-a that'll select everything another way you can do that I don't use this one as often the ctrl shift spacebar will do the exact same thing you have a lot of duplicate shortcuts where you have two different ways to do it but I like ctrl a just to two keystrokes instead of three one of the things that's nice is let's say that you want to select numbers on your worksheet so what you could do is press shift and arrow key and then you could select multiple items on here or what you can do is you combine that with the ctrl key this one here and you could select the entire set so ctrl shift arrow key and I can highlight the whole batch of numbers moving down one of the things that's always been difficult or one thing that I had trouble with early on is well I have this so I want to type content but let's say I want another row in here all enter is a way to do that so I press alt enter and then here's another row and then I'll hit enter and so now I have two rows in there but you press alt enter to do a return here and create a new line now one of the nice things with ctrl enter let's say that I highlight this set of cells and I want them all to have let's say 453 if I press ctrl enter it'll copy that to all the cells and I highlight it so earlier I showed the fill down technique with this one let's say you haven't entered the value yet you could enter the value then press ctrl enter and then I'll bring it to all the other cells let's say you want to select an entire column in a worksheet so you want to copy one column you press ctrl spacebar and if you want to do the entire row you press shift spacebar so ctrl spacebar control spacebar and then we have shift spacebar so for the column and for the row and lastly this is the last set we're almost at 50 but we can combine with shifts to copy items so what I can do is let's say that I want to copy this whole sheet from this point up and over I could press ctrl home shift so we're gonna press ctrl home shift and similarly if I'm starting up here I could press ctrl home or control shift end and that will go down to the last cell of act data that I have within my sheep all right well those are some of the top 50 Excel shortcut keys I've recently learned about a number of these and it's made my productivity and Excel a lot better hopefully you too found these shortcut keys handy if you did please give this video a thumbs up and if you want to reference these shortcut keys that we walk through today I included a link in the description so you can get this sheet and you could practice these different shortcut keys if you want to see more videos like this in the future please hit that subscribe button that way you'll get a notification any time new content like this comes out and lastly if there are any other topics that you want to see me cover on this channel in the future leave a comment down below I read them all and I'll add it to my list of videos to create alright well hopefully you learn some good shortcut keys and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 109,949
Rating: 4.9409075 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft excel, office 365, 365, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, excel, spreadsheet, shortcut, short cut, short cut keys, key, keys, shortcuts, top, quick, efficient, save time, ms excel, excel tutorial, tutorial, guide, how to, cheat sheet, hide row, select a row, printable, key list, list, pdf, keys for excel, formula shortcuts, top 20, top 50, top 10, common, frequent, chart, quick keys, important, ctrl, shift, alt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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