Possible 20% Bitcoin drop Incoming? Perfect short & Long BTC price targets & Technical Analysis

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okay guys i'm gonna try to get this video pretty quick i've got a busy day today i i am planning on making another video soon it'll be there today or tomorrow morning uh explaining why i expect there to be a lot more downside i think when you see that video it's gonna make a lot of sense for now i'm gonna give you surprise targets to pay attention to uh we're going to cover as you saw on the thumbnail i gave you two perfect entry points to put in a short and actually if you had access to the charts you i gave you a perfect entry point to put in along and i'm going to show you this as well and as i mentioned the 20 percent drop now there's that's not guaranteed i'm going to show you why that is possible and why it matches the target so this chart right here i have price for going back notice this target right here 48 283 so this is a video i put out on october 1st i'll put a link up this video now if you want to check it out the link for this video dependent first comment and description as well but if you notice right here uh this this line was the one i was referencing and said look if we push up your target is forty eight thousand forty eight thousand two hundred and seventy if you'll notice right here i have pricing went back had we pushed up that would have been your target too short understand that these these lines are an upper angle the longer it takes to hit the higher the price had we pushed up your point too short within eight thousand two eighty three if you make contact right here your point too short be forty eight thousand three hundred ninety four again if you have access to the charts you know exactly when to short exactly when too long if you're going by what i put out on the day of the video you know as price moves along that target changes so let me show you how this played out i'm gonna hit play here so again your first perfect entry point was right here right here at when you make contact with this line 48 407. so again we hit a little later but again that was where you would short so you short right here and look what happened we came down and found perfect support so this is where you went long 47 995 and notice we pushed up above this resistance level i had a target for right here let me find my arrow tool here i had a target for this point as well if you'll notice the same video notice this blue ring right here and guys i would not have put out a video saying you know we're possibly topped out at 48 000 for a drop remember 48k is a range by the way but i would not have put out this video if i wasn't confident that we'd be coming down yes we push up to 49 000 but that's where this blue ring came in and i also covered that in this video you notice this blue ring right here we had a perfect touch price label here for you right here we got a perfect touch right here at 49 179 and got rejected and that is this chart i was referencing here i said if we push up this is i said around 48 700 again this is on the weekly but i was giving you an idea like this this is the same blue ring it was copied from this chart if you notice this is on the weekly right here this is the charts on the weekly you can see the next candle the next weekly candle is above the ring but this was created on the daily so if you notice if i put this on the weekly you can see you get the same thing you'll notice that it's out past this blue ring but on the daily we got a perfect touch and we got rejected so i'm going to cover the 20 drop before we do that if you'll notice i made a post on twitter you know that's what i do my twitter is private you have to have access to my charts you get access to my twitter but right here 17 hours ago g1 blue g1 blue ring tested let's see if we push through if this was a fake out now saying look this might be an ideal point to put in a short i'll show you about this possible 20 drop and guys if you're subscribed i i make post in the community section on youtube i think you have to be subscribed to see these so make sure you subscribe if you want to be kept updated occasionally i'll make post in my community section but i also told you here i said not to scare anyone but last time we touched this previous blue ring we had a 20 drop and i was telling you look this is a likely point to put in a short i hope you guys did i hope you guys listened but we got rejected at this point now let me show you why i think it's possible no there's no guarantee that we have to drop 20 i just want to see why it seems like it's possible and i would like to point out also before i get rid of this rsi macd if you'll notice this looks like this is topped out about to level off even the moving averages you can see it looks like they're about to level off as well and possibly get across soon and you can see the rsi is way over extended to possibly come down so it is very possible we're headed down now let me show you why i think a 20 drop is possible and why that matches the target uh and again i'm going to cover the support level here but if we go back i'm going to show you this blue ring right here is the same this this ring right here this ring and this ring these are this the same fib circle if i move it you can see both rings move together this back here if you'll notice when we make contact with this ring right here where this arrow is at this is where we we hit this blue ring and this is let me get rid of this you see we made contact with the blue ring here around 34 716. and we dropped all the way down to 27 703 that was a drop of uh roughly 20 so i'm not saying we have to drop 20 i'm just saying we hit that blue ring and got rejected so it is very possible that we are headed down again as i told you guys rings are possible reversal points if we do drop 20 from where we make contact that takes us right down to this next support level and i've talked about the support level multiple times you can see we almost got a touch here a touch here and you can see how what price has been respecting this this uh green support level we've been respecting this since this goes all the way back to the beginning of bitcoin support support support support support support support resistance resistance flip that support be pushed up so if we come down that is your next sport level to watch find a price label here uh where's that right here so again what i'm saying is if we drop a likely point to catch a bounce if if we're going to drop 20 not saying we have to all right you know your first support level to watch will probably be this trend line right here we got rejected once twice so if we come down your first point to watch will be look if we drop straight down forty three thousand five hundred you know if it's out here it's forty two thousand six eighty eight but if it plays out like the last blue ring look your next major support to watch and again if you have access to the charts when you make contact is when you long and if we drop straight down 38 618 out here is 39 467. but i'm just saying this ring the last time we hit it we got a hell of a correction we could move down this ring so your next major support level is this line right here to watch so again just want to show you that so let me give you surprise targets to pay attention to so look on this chart your current support right now is right here and look you can see you got support right here you got support right here so look at the support level breaks 47 236 your next support level to watch is forty six thousand one twenty five an export level below that is forty five thousand six hundred thirty one if we push up your resistance is right here at around forty thousand six seventy one and on the c one chart you can see our we're breaking support now your next support level two watts forty five thousand five hundred ninety one the export level below that is 44 771 an export level below that very very strong support you see back here we had two perfect touches this is where you should have bought in right here to write it up so if we come down and we break the support remember guys you have access to the charts you know where to buy again if we drop straight down it's forty one thousand eight seventy nine about here it's forty two thousand three hundred fifty one but this is a key sport level that needs to hold uh you can see currently our resistance now depending on what happens with this candle is right here forty seven thousand six hundred sixty one next resistance level above is right here at forty nine thousand nine hundred seventy two uh that pretty much gives you your price targets to pay attention to just just remember guys i think it's very possible we have some downside and i think this is a likely point you do have again it's possible we could test this trend line you know if we come down sideways forty one thousand eight twenty three might be a point too long but if you break below that the next point you potentially went along is down here about 39 325. right now you can see the markets are down so i think it's likely we have some more downside also pay attention to the dxy and i will be making the video i have a lot of stuff to do today i'll be making a video either later today or tomorrow morning showing you why i think we have a lot more downside and i think when you see that video you'll understand why we could possibly have one hell of a correction coming but guys remember if you do want to sign up to these charts it's 39 a month you get access to um all the bitcoins and the all coin charts plus you get access to our discord and my twitter which is private guys that's it trade safe trade smart to the next video i'm out
Views: 7,197
Rating: 4.4818182 out of 5
Keywords: bitcoin, btc, bitcoin crash, 2021 bitcoin crash, bitcoin bull run, bitcoin bull run 2021, bitcoin crash 2021, bitcoin price dropping, bitcoin drop, bitcoin price crash, bitcoin dropping, btc crash 2021, bitcoin bullish, bitcoin price prediction 2021, bitcoin price analysis, trading bitcoin, swing trading bitcoin, btc dropping, bitcoin price pumping, trading btc, bitcoin pump, bitcoin analysis, bitcoin ta, bitcoin pumping, bitcoin price pump, btc price pumping, btc pumping
Id: Hqsrb73IX3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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