Example of Simultaneous Interpreting

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you have the right to remain silent anything that you say can and will be used against you in a court of law do you understand that was TCM do you attend a school see yes you also have the right to counsel if you're unable to afford counsel this court will appoint counsel to represent you are you able to afford an attorney well you stay close to this well we'll value no no do you wish me to a boy's counsel you know what I could never be the same thing see yes and toward that end have you filled out this financial affidavit don't pull dinosaur this was renounce us see yes can I be satisfied that the information here is true and correct cause techies a squid like they made us see yes raise your right hand you know at the time I knew a teacher do you solemnly swear that the information on this financial statement is true correct and complete so help you God - Cormac they complete the horrible news see lo Juro yes I do
Channel: United States Courts
Views: 163,021
Rating: 4.9318638 out of 5
Keywords: Language Interpretation (Literature Subject)
Id: 2vfpRO2mw9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 7sec (67 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2014
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