Ex-polygamist Reacts To Latest Episodes Of Sister Wives: Season 18, Episodes 11 And 12

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Mary's opinions about things like the shapes you know circles do you see what is that it's a circle I hate circles circles are the worst shape in the world they're a horrible use of space which just so funny because she actually has a very strong opinion about it and she was talking about lighting too like a light fixture you could put a a globe as the light fixture and it wouldn't use up any like it's not you need more space around that or something it was just hilarious I found it funny and happy to see that Mary is able to still make light of certain situations and still seems to at least try to be as happy as [Music] possible welcome back everyone my name is Sam and I'm Melissa I grew up in the flds community it is a polygamous group run by Warren Jeffs and I moved out when I was 18 years old I was raised LDS and I've been married for 9 years now and have to awesome kidos yes we do just a heads up if you're interested in just listening in today we do have our podcast and please don't forget to like And subscribe today for our next episode of fresh eyes on Sister Wives season 18 episode 11 and 12 and you know all of season 18 basically we start out with the dumpster fire continues and hopefully at this point you know if you are coming back to our Channel we really always try to focus on the religious aspect of the Browns how their polygamy compares to the way that Sam grew up in his polygamy and how Cody and Janelle's upbringings in the ls Church compared to up bringing in the LDS church and we try to talk about um a lot of religious comparisons and that's the angle we normally go at this episode doesn't both of these episodes barely have any type of any religious things honestly we'd be grasping at straws so instead we were like we'll still go through it and review mostly because there's some hilarious sayings this the these were the episodes of funny sayings by a couple people circles are stupid circles are the worst shape ever that was by Mary quote and if uh Cody could get his poop in a group by Janelle y I literally had to pause and I don't know why that was so funny to me because I feel like potty humor like you stop that when you're like I don't know in first grade and so when she was like you could just guys poop in a group and I just lost it like I was laughing so hard you don't hear like grown people talk like that sorry it just clicked the whole getting your poop the poop poop in the group if you could get your poop in a group do you think that's their way of not swearing and saying get your sh together yeah probably together right like instead of swearing and saying that word I don't think about the fact that when you say get that together that's like such a common phrase right poop in a group would be poop in a group would be the same word yeah you're right oh my gosh it's so funny that's I didn't even think about that right now so maybe that's what it was all about maybe from so here's the thing about religious groups they always try to say similar things to swear words without saying the swear words yeah right they're like well we can't say the swear word so how can we use a a different term that sounds similar I'm not saying all religious groups but the ones that we're familiar with yeah definitely like in Utah we say a lot of heck dang shoot um like any type of I mean normally like in high school we would say you need to get your shiz together we'd say shiz if you put a z at the end then you're not swearing just so funny and makes you sound cool and edgy cuz you almost swore but you didn't right there at the end it's just so funny because you are basically saying it and everyone knows what meaning but you're not actually saying it so therefore it's okay so anyway or fudge yeah Frick people would say Frick all the time was that common in you growing up too it was very very common so what were yours that was those are the main ones frick was one that was very common that's why I didn't realize you said it as well that's fun leave in the comments below your substitute swear words in whatever religious community or even just your community that you grew up in let us know the funniest yeah swear non swear words and we're not bashing on the fact that people use oh not at all different words than the actual swear word you know I mean we understand there's always situations where you really need to say something for whatever reason and there's kids around and maybe you don't want to say the actual word so we toally get it but we just find it kind of funny to hear it throughout some of these different episodes with the Brown family well and to hear how different people have different substitute words like I knew kids who weren't allowed to say like instead of saying shiz you weren't allowed to say that cuz it was too close I knew people that growing up that weren't allowed to say the word crap so they be like oh crap and they like oh don't say that that still is like an a bad word has you know you're just replacing so there were even some replacement words that they still were like no we don't even want you saying that yeah I there's very common ones too that weren't allowed in certain families like we weren't allowed to say but that just wasn't allowed right I don't know about your family probably definitely was and our family would have a hard time with that because our little boy is four and he thinks that but right right now he's learning his alphabet and doing preschool and he's like the B says BB like but and he just thinks it's a funny thing and he'll just Giggle and giggle and giggle cuz he's four-year-old boy right so yeah yeah I know that uh in your family I believe as well if I'm not mistaken what was it suck that sucks you weren't allowed to say that right yeah we couldn't say suck yeah so just funny words that it's a very common word but when used in certain context all of a sudden it's bad they're like oh that just as bad as if you're trying to swear so no trying to swear either so very interesting but there were a couple things that we'll go through that uh were semi religious aspect of of their beliefs and kind of the reasoning for what they're doing still to this day yeah Mel's having twins which is super exciting super cool um I thought it was hilarious that Cody's like there's no twins on anybody's side and then Christine's like so there's twins Cody has a niece and nephew that are twins and my so and so has twins I mean they are around those husbands know nothing about the family right that's honestly I I could kind of relate to him in that situation where I don't I feel like you know more about my family than I do by a long shot so it's interesting how just some things don't really stick in our brains well and if I want information about Sam's family or family lineage or certain situations I have to go to his sisters or even sometimes his sister-in-laws who also grew up in the community and left like they can give me way more information about genealogy and who was married to who and how this happened and how that happened than what Sam ever could yeah so there were I I know there were a lot of marriages going on all the time and uh I feel like also Mel's announcement this was like producers trying again to try to like put a wedge you know focusing on the fact that she told Robin first Robin how does it make you feel that she told you about the twins first Christine how does that make you feel that mckel told you know and Mel is saying hey I was feeling morning sickness my mom didn't this mom didn't have morning sickness Robin did I was asking her about morning sickness so she found out first and I'm like such typical television stuff where they're going to try to blow that up luckily nobody bit nobody was like Christine was not like oh that hurts my feeling she was at least not on camera at least not on camera but still and then Robin was like oh we feel honored you know and that was it and I'm like good don't feed into the political TV garbage speaking of that at least once again on camera it it seems like Christine once again is very supportive of her her children having a close relationship with Robin she doesn't seem to have an issue with that I mean it's not just a relationship with Cody because he is their dad but also she's okay with the relationship there with Robin she just personally Christina personally or Christine sorry doesn't want that relationship with Robin but she's okay with the kids having it so once again I found that interesting that she doesn't seem to have something really against Robin other than just they don't click and she doesn't want her in her life necessar she doesn't seem bitter towards Robin she seems sometimes bitter towards Cody but it seems like she's F she focuses her anger towards Cody instead of Robin at least in the interview so far in season 18 yeah Mary's anniversary dinner I mean we're all just waiting around we just are like please Mary please just go right like please just leave they've actually has to call Cody but and this is probably the only thing that she said religiously the whole both of these episodes was she was just saying like when he finally said the words like I don't know why you have hope we're not even married and you almost said we weren't even married and she was like I have two options I can stay and keep doing what I'm doing I can terminate this marriage but that goes against my religious values that goes against my values and my beliefs and so obviously she's still holding on to that thread purely for religious reasons at this time I thought Mar was going a completely different direction with her being super upset about Cody not even calling her on her anniversary and she had to make that effort and then once they actually did get together very grudgingly for uh Cody's part he basically said yeah I don't even feel like we're married so I thought that Mary was going to take that and talk about how okay you know it's very clear now he doesn't want me what's the point and she even made a comment it's not really worth it you know to keep yeah he's worth it he's not worth it and then after all that she says but my beliefs don't let me do that my values and beliefs tell me that I need to continue on and try to make this work so at least at this point she hasn't committed to just leaving but she's obviously still very torn because then at one point she did say too it was an eternal Covenant but why would I want this for eternity which we had said before right like if this is what your Eternal future looks like why do you even want to be a part of it way better to lose your eternity with him than to be stuck with him for eternity really right It's Tricky though because the Eternity for them in their religious belief does requir that they are sealed to a man in order to gain that eternity so either she needs to have the confidence to leave him and find someone else to seal to if she is really that concerned about her etern eternity yeah religiously religious her religious belief in eternity anyway she needs to be with someone else and be sealed to that man so I can see where there's the conflict and how difficult that would be for her to make that decision yeah and she talks about the fact that like Cody tries to say that he never loved her and this this episode was a lot of like flashing back now a lot of you know and I'll put a link above we've been also at the same time that we're reviewing this every couple episodes in season 18 we've gone back and started from the beginning and so we just finished watching the first three seasons in these last couple weeks I'm like he is such a liar because he had mentioned in one of them Mary's the love of my life and this was after having married Robin Mary's the love of my life we're two piece in a pod we just click I just love her you look at the way that he looks like he wants to jump Mary's Bones the day that he's getting married to Robin I chose I chose Mary you know she was the first wife yeah yeah like having romantic moments with her the day getting married like I was like okay he obviously loves and cares about Mary so maybe he's forgotten it maybe he feels like it's always been like that Cody if you need some fresh eyes on Sister Wives feel free to come and like go go back and watch and see because if you try to say that wasn't real love and that you're pretending it's just B yes it's not and other people mentioned no no no it was Christine that mentioned that when they first got married they were the the it couple the it couple they were the couple that everyone wanted to be like and just the love they had for each other Cody and Mary when they first got married it was perfect and so that was one of the reasons that Christine wanted to pursue Cody and be a part of that family because he was this perfect example of a happy marriage with Mary right so now he's saying now he's saying no no no I never even had those feelings towards her and Janelle said the same thing she's like you look at if you're going to go into a plural marriage you're looking at how they're treating their first wife and Cody what they were always together they were always this so both of them can also attest so it's just flat out like honestly it's just flat out lies and I think he just has it so far in his head at this point that it doesn't matter some the things that he's just so off on that's just so frustrating to watch is when he's like I can't fix it so whatever and they don't reach out I hate that because the idea that like parents that children it's a children's job to keep a good relationship with their parents I don't personally agree with and everyone might have differing opinions but I think that as a parent if you want to continue to have a good relationship with your children as they become adults then you need to be putting forth the effort at least equally at least equally yeah but I mean if you're having a problem with your child because you had a fight like you are the older parent you are their parent it should be your job to go and try to fix that not your kids like oh if my kid doesn't come to try to fix a relationship with me I'm just going to drop them and not even care and that's his attitude right of course we understand that there are unique circumstances where yes where blanket statement exactly there are a lot of families that that fall apart for very good reasons and sometimes never talk to each other again but that is very unique situations based on what I'm seeing here with Cody he does not have that right he does not have the right to put the blame on them and expect them to be the ones to reach out he is just as much to blame here if not a lot more that the relationship between him and his kids is not great at this point so well and the victim mentality behind it the well I wish I could do something about it but I can't do anything about it I think that's probably more frustrating exactly he's like yeah I wish I could fix the family but at this point I just can't hint I can't do anything about it and you know I don't know there's something about that that I feel aside from Christine at this point I feel like he could fix everything else he could fix the relationship with Janelle he could fix the relationship with Mary he could fix a relationship with all of the kids that are having the issues with him if he manned up and chose to do it you know just I guess accepted that he's not perfect like he thinks he is sometimes or at least it seems that he comes across that way even with Janelle so Janelle invites him over to her new apartment and he's so awkward so so awkward to watch this right and he even says he's like most of my life is with Robin I can't talk about anything to do with my life around her and Janelle feels completely separate and doesn't really want Cody there although and I don't know just their interactions was like so cringeworthy it was so like hard to watch in the apartment yeah and he's like I don't you know I don't really understand why she want a different apartment but yet he's going in realizing this is such a nicer k kitchen this is so much bigger this is so much nicer why wouldn't any woman want a bigger kitchen with a nicer apartment and it's hard for you to realize why she want an apartment well he's coming at it as oh she's trying to get rid of the memory because in that apartment we were together uh hello not everything in this world is revolving around you Cody there are some reasons like ah a nicer bigger kitchen a nicer bigger apartment a nicer bathroom all that there are other reasons other than just oh that she's just trying to get after me you know it's just so silly yeah it's a lot again and then just yeah at in the words of Janelle he just needs to get his poop in a group his poop in a why is that so funny is everyone else familiar with this with this are we the only ones who I've never heard it before I've never heard it in my life a single time that you're poop in a group and anyway man we better to watch our potty mouths I seriously that is potty talk right there so we apologize for everybody's ears having to hear all of our substitute swear words and our potty talk and then Mary's opinions about things like the shapes you know circles do you see what is that it's a circle I hate circles circles are the worst shape in the world they're a they're a horrible use of space let just so funny because she actually has a very strong opinion about it uh which is and she was talking about lighting too like a light fixture you could put a a globe as the light fixture and it wouldn't use up any like it's not you need more space around that or something it was just hilarious I found it funny and happy to see that Mary is able to still make light of certain situations and still seems to at least try to be as happy as possible with her other things like her business in peran peran and so anyway it's nice to see that she's still in a way moving on while still holding out hope for the time being to get back with Cody and obviously in the next couple episodes um we normally do every two episodes we will be hoping for Mary to finally let go and move on so we will be hoping for that in the meantime if you'd like to hear what it was like for Sam to grow up in polygamy please like And subscribe we once a week do a fresh eyes on Sister Wives whether it's the current season or we go back and watch past Seasons with those fresh eyes please like And subscribe if you want to watch us go through all these as well and if you are someone Le a community uh polygamous Community specifically or other highd demand religions feel free to reach out to us if you would like to share your story as well yep and thank you guys so much for watching we'll talk to you all soon thank you all so much we'll talk to you [Music] soon
Channel: Growing Up in Polygamy
Views: 16,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polygamy, polygamist, flds, lds, mormon, sister wives, growing up in polygamy, escaping polygamy, warren jeffs, hildale, colorado city, sister wives reaction, meri brown, kody brown, sister wives season 18, christine brown, janelle brown
Id: HReTmKz6t5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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