Ex-Muslim: Why I left Islam and became a Christian? Amazing Testimony

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[Music] my name is Paul I was born and raised in a Muslim nation actually my birth name wasn't Paul but after I left Islam I sensed that God was calling me to take the gospel to my own people just like the Apostle Paul did so I changed my Muslim name growing up I never heard the gospel or saw a Bible I was raised to be a Muslim and to die as a Muslim sometimes I would ask my dad questions about our religion like why does Allah only hear my prayers if I pray in the direction of Mecca he would just say don't ask questions this is Islam but after my wife and I moved to Chicago in 2002 I met a former Muslim named Mohammed Ghazali he gave me a book he'd written about his testimony it changed my life I had heard of Christians converting to become Muslims before but I had never heard of a Muslim converts into Christianity he gave me his first copy to read and in Arabic Bible the entire book was a list of references from the Quran and ancient Muslim historical books which exposed many shocking things about Islam he claimed I will see many contradictions if I just studied for myself one example from his book is the claim that the Prophet Mohammed married a six years old girl when he was over 15 years old and that he consummated that marriage when she was nine this was impossible for me to accept today a man will go to jail for that another claim was that Mohammed was married to ten woman at the same time if true this world mean he was breaking the law of his own religion that allowed for a maximum of four wives there were many claims I couldn't believe but gastly was wise he included courts from many ancient Muslims books as support and give a references so anyone could go check for themself but I didn't have all the spokes because Allah quoted from they are very expensive so I used Google and the very first search brought up many Arabic websites with all the reference books and it confirmed the contradictions about Islam but I was very skeptical I told it could be all a conspiracy by Americans and Jews to deceive Muslims ghazali was very bald he keeps calling me asking me if I had any questions about his book asking me if I wanted to get together to discuss it but I told him I wasn't ready yet you see I was thinking I'm gonna keep investigating this so I can prove him wrong so because I couldn't trust what was on the Internet I made a list of all the Muslim books he caught it from and want to a large Muslim book store in Chicago I left that store with two boxes full of books and I only bought copies that were printed in Saudi Arabia because I was thinking American publishers could have added errors to trick Muslims at whom I checked each reference one by one and they all match I could not believe it it was impossible Islam was full of lies and this caused a lot of stress for me I had been a happy Muslim why was God giving me the struggle so I studied and prayed and kept searching for the truth then at one point I bow down in the floor and I said creator of heaven and earth I knew you are real I believed in you but I don't know who you are please reveal to me who you really are if you are Allah and if Islam is true then I will spend my entire life committed to you and to convert in many Americans to Islam but if you are the Christian God I will serve you for my entire life I kept reading and studying three things especially touched me from the Bible first that Jesus commanded his followers to love and pray for their enemies saggin that God loves both the righteous and the sinner and the third that he wants his people to worship Him as their father these things are not in Islam I had never heard anything like this before after months of struggling and praying and studying but religion deeply I finally come to the conclusion that Islam is Muhammad made a religion I admitted my need for forgiveness and put my faith in Christ as my savior and Lord at first my wife was very upset in her opinion our marriage was over but after four months she trusted in Christ as we she was the first person I helped to lead to Jesus since we have gone on to use the latest internet technology and a social media to share Christ with tens of thousands of Muslims around the globe especially those in countries Klaus - missionary and private chat rooms away from the watchful eyes of family members and governments our team in the Middle East and North Africa are having hundreds of conversation every month with Muslims seekers and skeptics they are also monitoring Arabic believers who desperately need discipleship and fellowship I am blessed to have been rescued from Islam and like the Apostle Paul I have the privilege to take the truth to my own people I praise the Lord for that [Music] you
Channel: From Islam To Christ
Views: 173,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Muslims, Quran, Christianity, Jesus, Christ, Bible, Convert to Islam, Convert to Christianity, Testimony, Story
Id: zrg9J9_5IUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2017
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