[CC may contain inaccuracies] You talked about how it is an unofficial
tally. It is done by pretty much independent
pollsters. Even though it is unofficial, it is
significant because past quick counts have been pretty accurate.
So it is quite a true reflection of what can be expected in the official account.
Now you're talking about that 60% majority.
It is significant. 60% is higher than all the estimates
given before the election. 60% is also higher than the performance
of Jokowi himself in the last two elections.
So it is by any margin a landslide and by any margin significant for pre-poll
added for a third time. Third time's the charm.
Now it shows that his strategy has worked, a strategy that relied a lot on
social media, on TOK in particular, and revamping, reshaping his own image.
Now remember, this is the man linked to the death in East Timor, in Papua New
Guinea, linked to the abduction of student protesters.
Yet he is on the cusp of being the next president of Indonesia.
So that strategy to show himself as a soft man, if you take a look at the meme
on Tik Tok, he is reflected as a chubby, cuddly grandfather and that's appeal to
the younger generation. Remember that more than 50% of the
voters of the 200 million voters are under 40 years old with no knowledge,
with no memory of what happened back in 1998.
It also shows how critical Jokowi support endorsement has been for
Prabowo. According to some calculations, that
translates to more than 20% of the votes he garnered.
So he has Jokowi to thank. Now, in his victory speech, he thanked
just about everybody. And a lot of those people were linked to
Suharto back in the 1990s. But the one who garnered the most cheer,
the loudest cheer was when he sang Joko Widodo.
This is the man who played a significant role in a turnaround of all of his
office prospects. One thing to note, during his speech, he
talked about representing all of Indonesia.
He called for unity. He called for the people to put aside
all the differences to move the country forward.
This is quite a total run as well from what we're used to hearing from from boy
himself, a very fiery man with a temper that is shown whenever he speaks, a very
nationalistic man. Yet last night in his victory speech, he
called for national unity. Has.
Have we seen any reaction from the other two candidates?
Well, they have not conceded defeat. In fact, on his and Gunja both said that
they will wait for the official numbers, but they were disappointed, obviously,
because the numbers were way lower than what the polls suggested.
And it also means there is very little room for them to squabble with Prabowo's
win. But what is worth noting really is not
so much the numbers are the reaction from the two other candidates, but the
unease in the country. One, the resurgence of Prabowo or
perhaps a backsliding of democracy in the country.
Now, this is hard on democracy. You may not know this, but it is a young
democracy, about 26 years old. It started only in 1998, so it is hot on
and they paid for it in blood. So there is a sense that there's a
backsliding of democracy with Prabowo back in power.
There's also a sense of betrayal of some sort by by Jokowi himself.
He has put his son as a vice presidential candidate.
He has his youngest son leading a political party and his son in law,
who's also now the mayor of Maiden. So there is the sense that his build a
political dynasty, he came to power as the first person who is non elite,
non-military, with no connection whatsoever to a political
dynasty. Yet he is leaving office, putting in
place a political dynasty. So there's a bit of unease.
And I think if there there would be any protests that were that we may see maybe
linked to that he will propose expected to continue
with Jokowi business friendly policies, how investors looking at this victory.
Well, investors, in a way, have already reacted.
If you take a look at where the rupiah is right now, it increased its strength
in half a percent on the back of Prabowo's win.
What is crucial really for investors is that it was a single round victory.
There was no suggestion of a run off in June.
That was what some people were concerned about, that, you know, there would be no
unity. There's also been stability.
If you take a look at what's happening just behind me, it's business as usual.
If you compare this election to previous elections that we have seen, we've seen
the incidents. But this went without a hitch.
No. No reports whatsoever about any
violence. And I think that is allaying a lot of
concerns among investors and that may just propel markets to go high.
Ever seen the JCI are up 45% in the nine years of Jokowi Rule
administration. And some say we may see it get to 7900,
which is quite, quite a run up from here.