Ex-Boss Didn't Realize I Walked In As A Customer. I No Longer Work Here! - r/MaliciousCompliance

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welcome to r malicious compliance where we share stories of people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of request thank you friends for subscribing likes and supporting in the comments and today's first story is when we say it's not pumpable that means it won't work with the pump i'm a truck driver more specifically i drive a concrete mixer that means a large part of my job is dealing with people who know nothing about the material nothing about my equipment but still think they know better than me since i'm obviously just an evil smelling gap 2 tillbilly who didn't graduate high school in short concrete is what happens when malicious compliance goes for a drunken joyride down the dunning-kruger parkway so on this particular day i was pouring at a school out in the middle of nowhere our plant was the closest one to the job site but it was still a half hour away it was also over 110 degrees schools usually do their renovation and repair work in summer the order indicated that they were going to use a concrete pump and the manager we'll call him bob told me to throw in some fiber there are a few different kinds of fiber we use but the only one that works with the trailer pump consists of small squares woven out of a cotton-like material that comes apart in the mix i throw that in because it's a pump job so we get onto the job site and start pumping everything's going well for the first couple yards then the pumps reducer a pipe running across the front of the pump snaps swings out and slams into my foot i wasn't hurt but it turned out the pumper knew the pipe was getting thin and ran with it anyways now i'm peeved those pumps operate at massive pressures and i've seen them blow concrete hard enough to knock a man over 20 feet away if i hadn't been wearing steel toes it very well might have broken something eventually the customer comes over to see what the problem is he looks down at the pile of concrete dripping out of the broken pipe prods it with his foot and asks where's the fiber we ordered i explained that the buckeye fiber can't be seen after it mixes into the concrete but i assure him that i added it personally he then starts yelling at me he didn't order buckeye fiber he ordered plastic fibers he pulls out his paperwork and sure enough that is what he ordered i admit it was a mistake but also tell him that the fibers he ordered won't work with the pump he's using the inspector tries to explain that what he got is is good or better than what he ordered and he's willing to sign off on the change customer isn't hearing any of it we finished the load and the customer orders another 10 yards i call it in adding the bit about the broken pipe and that the customer was upset that the first load had buckeye in it instead of plastic fiber bob can hear the guy swearing at me over the radio now bob tends to be very protective of his drivers he's also more than willing to let customers hang themselves with their own lack of knowledge i once watched him batch about 1 400 of liquid stupid because a customer ordered concrete with both an accelerator and a retardant in it bob could have loaded another truck right there and then and shipped it out instead he noted that only one truck was scheduled for that job and waited for me to drive the half hour back to the plant then he batched the load with plastic fibers and brought the ticket down personally as he handed me the ticket he said don't forget they ordered it a 4-inch slump concrete slump is a measure of how wet it is it's measured by packing it into a 12-inch tall cone setting it on the ground pulling the cone off and checking how far the pile of concrete dropped slumped 4-inch is something of a default order but the only thing you pour that dry are footings and curbs and you don't put it that dry into a trailer pump so i load up and drive back to the job by now they've been sitting out there for over an hour and 110 degree heat the pumper is panicking because the concrete is setting inside his pump and the patches sidewalk they're doing is going to have a great big cold joint fresh concrete poured against set concrete makes a weak joint it's more likely to crack down the middle of it as soon as the concrete reaches the back of the drum the pumper tells me to stop and add a bunch of water the inspector authorizes 10 gallons it's still drier than the pumper wants but the inspector won't allow more then the concrete hits the pump's grate everything is fine for a couple seconds then it just starts piling up without going through all those plastic fibers were getting caught on the grating and clogging it up the gravel can't get through with the fiber blocking things up so all that's getting pumped is cement and water customer comes out furious he accuses bob of spiking the load with extra fiber and tries to reject the load i point out that we warned him the load would not be pumpable and besides that by having me add water to the load they've already bought it so now we're pumping a few seconds clearing the grate then pumping a little more it took about three hours which translated to about 300 of standby charges most of the fiber didn't go through the pump the pumper didn't want me throwing the giant clots of plastic in his hopper along with quite a bit of the gravel the inspector ended up taking a couple samples from the pump hose normally they only sample at the truck chute because he knew what was going into the form wasn't what was coming out of my truck a month later when those extra samples failed their 28 day test the school had to tear out that sidewalk and redo the whole thing this time they ordered it with buckeye fibers the second story is you want me to roll burritos lose your bonus check so a while ago i commented on a post a shortened version of this story on r mclounge and got a resounding response to post it in all its glory here also please bear with me i use a grammar checker that isn't always right and sometimes i don't catch its replacement text long time lurker changing names for protection and the like the backstory i work at a corporate mcdonald's in michigan and i won't get into too much detail because it'll definitely give away where i live the most important part of this backstory is that it's a corporate store and it's definitely harder to get rid of a problem manager because they have company protection this means that issues keep getting brought up with no resolution and we lose employees as a result our store fluctuates heavily between being overstaffed and being so understaffed that we can't function most of the reasons for quitting at my store are the result of one manager the manager in question let's call her jane pretty regularly won't let employees clock in if they had an altercation on jane's last shift jane is a department manager in charge of the kitchen with two other department managers taking over guest service and people management now a fellow crew member terry had recently changed her schedule because of class and was mistakenly scheduled four shifts outside her new availability no problem right wrong all four of these wrongly scheduled shifts were jane's shifts they had a three hour long fight about clocking in on terry's fifth shift for the week because our scheduling manager and general manager both weren't answering their phones terry and i are both cross-trained and grilling in service and most of the time i'm stuck back in the grill maybe two or three more people and terry being scheduled outside her availability did screw me but i didn't blame terry for leaving me a man down it's safe to say that these two hate each other very much malicious compliance something to understand about mcdonald's in the u.s is that most of the stores don't roll their own breakfast burritos we're given the sausage pepper egg mix tortillas and cheese we place the tortilla on a wrap place one slice of cheese torn in half on the tortilla use a three ounce scoop to put the mix on the cheese pile the mix in a line and roll the burrito then roll the burrito into the wrap get the process good this is something that the afternoon shifts are supposed to be doing to fill seven-ish large trays for the next morning no big deal until they don't get done a few shifts after the clocking in debacle maybe a week or two later the concept of time passing is a real struggle for me terry and i are working in the grill together we run out of burritos and find out when terry goes to roll them that we're out of the mix and that we just weren't told that because communication across even two shifts breaks down pretty fast no problem right well jane thought that terry was just being lazy and didn't want to roll any burritos and told her such and then to stop being so dang lazy and just do what i tell you now go roll burritos so terry did without the mix it took probably 40 only cheese burritos handed out to customers and four phone calls before jane realized that she made a mistake terry had made about 140 or so seven whole trays worth terry knew what she was doing wasn't going to end well but she was told to roll the burritos so she did if anyone has worked fast food you'll know about something called food costs it's how much waste food is produced on one shift and has a significant impact on if a manager is considered for promotions and raises and is a factor in overall effectiveness as a manager jane's responsible for not only all the waste from this shift but as the department manager for the kitchen also overall store waste 140 tortillas is a lot of waste for one ship to produce as is three-fourths of a block of cheese what we didn't know at the time is that it was the last day of accounting for food costs to receive a bonus check that little spike of extra food waste lost us our bonus check it lost us the extra money for the store aside from the bonus check for things like renovations uniforms whatever corporate deems it budgeted for at the time of the disbursement that corporate will give us for meeting certain criteria like food costs amazingly terry didn't get sent home and we all got to watch the fallout jane is currently on probation because of this mistake and if something else major happens she could lose her job she also isn't allowed to run any shifts on her own during probation because another manager has to be there if something else happens i've since left for college but i'm sure that jane isn't going to be there when i get back it is hard to change eight years of anger in one day all because she didn't believe terry that we really didn't have the burrito mix and the last story is i used to work here now solve your own problems a little over a decade ago i worked for the local hardware outfit as the storm and slash stores manager i took the job because it was local paid okay and was supposed to be relatively stress-free unfortunately the reality of it was that the assistant manager colin was a d-head with an inferiority complex who had it in for me because i was more qualified than he was although i had absolutely no interest in climbing the corporate ladder or taking his job the job itself was over tasked and understaffed and things were only getting busier as there was a building boom happening in the area at the time as a result i quickly ended up being run off my feet every day trying to keep up with the constant influx of goods and outgoing orders to make matters worse the overall manager john decided to reassign my two offsiders his delivery staff leaving me on my own when i protested i was told to solve my own problems i somehow kept up with the workload just but knowing this was not going to work in the long run i continued in my attempts to get more staff in my area even just one off-cider would have made a huge difference i tried reasoning with john saying what if i get sick or injured how will he get the orders done then his solution was that he would have some of the casual staff from the front retail area fill in if that happened i laughed in his face and suggested that they could not find their own a's using both hands probably not the best way to handle things once again i was told to solve my own problems okay then fine i'll do just that the situation continued becoming more difficult each week the incoming goods were increasing in volume to keep up with demand think two semi-trailers per day and as outgoing orders were to take priority the incoming goods began piling up colin decided to rear his ugly head and make a fuss about stock not being checked in and stored on time and in one of our more robust discussions i seriously considered rearranging his face and told him so he decided to go on an early lunch run away and hid from me in his office for the rest of the week that was the day i realized i needed to get out of this place as for solving my problems while obviously i was looking for a new job i answered an ad for correctional officers and attended a meeting for applicants then sat the psych tests interviews and was finally accepted for the training to begin in one month perfect timing the next monday i walked into john's office and gave two weeks notice john was absolutely appalled that i would consider leaving such a good job he tried offering me a raise of a thousand dollars per year i laughed and said my starting pay was already fifteen thousand dollars more than i was getting here and walked out now you would think a smart manager would immediately take steps to cover my position and begin training a replacement nope nothing happened for the next week and a half until on my last thursday jon finally showed up with a replacement some entirely forgettable teenager who plainly had no chance of keeping up i trained him as best i could and the next day said my goodbyes two months later i walked in as a customer flush with my new job money the place was an utter mess there was sh everywhere unprocessed goods still in sealed boxes pallets of sheeting just dumped in the truck yard and no one could find anything the original guy i trained was nowhere to be seen and four new young guys with haunted looking faces were madly scrambling about trying to sort their sh out no one knew where anything was where anything goes or even how to do a basic invoice check total disaster which brought a warm glow to my evil black told you so hard upon seeing me john quickly pulled me aside and asked if i can help out and show the new guys what to do i took great pleasure in reminding him that i had repeatedly warned him that this could happen and that not only did i no longer work here but he will have to and i quote solve your own problems i hope you enjoyed those stories and if you liked it please make the red button gray and hit the bell button have a good day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 107,437
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Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit cringe, /Start, malicious, compliance, reddit story, funny reddit stories, reddit top post, r/MaliciousCompliance boss, r/maliciouscompliance ex-boss, r/MaliciousCompliance I'm The Boss, r/MaliciousCompliance Customer, boss, I No Longer Work Here, I don't work here anymore, I don't work here
Id: ih1zIIDWoDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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