Evolution of home made gold sluice riffles

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so this is a video about the evolution of a homemade sluice box which started just with that shell you know four feet long 10 inches wide has the backpack straps on there anyway where the backpack straps bolted on originally so right there that bolted in there and I had five of these riffles just made out of Z flashing you can see the holes that were left over from the original so originally it was just yeah it was five of those riffles on that which would clamp down and come back down so you could clean the whole thing out easily um then I bought a big piece of this miner's moss which not knowing much at the time this stuff is two there's two biggest spaces and stuff can wash out from underneath it but I ran that for a little bit and then I watched a bunch of YouTube videos a lot of the doc from gold hog videos talking about um you know if you're doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results yeah that doesn't work so I started cutting my own riffle systems out of leftover Cedar trim from a job site and just trying all kinds of different things and so that lock into this loose box like that and this part would fit right at the bottom of that vmat so you know dump in your material hits the vmat then it would hit this and ramp up and hit all the riffles on the way down you can see this got pretty beat up and rounded over anyway should I ran that for a while and then this is the most recent I took this I put this in recently but there were two wooden riffles which I couldn't find before I decided to make this video and this is some punch plate that I saw on different High Bankers yeah I've got the hold down screw right there so I can take that screw out and this is just I call this the Nugget Ripple not that I've found any nuggets or anything but you know that's your first big riffle that will catch anything big and then all the smaller stuff will theoretically fall through there catch more flakes or Pickers hopefully I've found because I've been running this loose box hot the last couple of times I used it that nothing really catches in here in there and this um sorry doc I borrowed I wanted to test your your your wave um Theory and I haven't had any luck with it so that one is going to get pulled out for the next iteration although I don't know what that is right there um anyway yeah I got this at the local hardware store just some doormat carpeting which you know run in the stripes Crossways help slow everything down catch fine gold so I've been thinking about taking this out and getting expanded metal that is a lot bigger like you know the soup may be too wide like really kind of a taller riffle or just going back to a wood riffle system in there um I'm not sure remains to be seen so yeah that's the evolution of a homemade sluice box and that is a whole different project that's a video to happen at some point I don't know if any of you have ever seen a Rhoda pan Roto pan Rhoda pan but look it up there's videos of them on YouTube um maybe you can guess
Channel: norcalnonsense
Views: 7,522
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Id: AI2auDbuwCI
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Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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