EVIL BOYFRIEND Imposter Role in Among Us...

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today the crewmates have to go up against me evil boyfriend under girlfriend's orders i have to corrupt the crewmates with my dark powers as my corruption bar fills up i gain access to new even more powerful abilities and my appearance changes trust me my final form is super epic so stick around because you will not believe how this game ends let's do this oh hey oh whoa girlfriend you're looking crazy what's happening with you the corruption spread the corruption boyfriend i guess i can do that let me uh or do i oh i do i do have some special powers over here oh god hey oh god you're in your ugly friday night [ __ ] form i wanted i wanted you guys to meet my friends skin and pump uh [Music] oh this should protect us right no wait no it makes me slow i don't make sure you go slow now makes you go slow player you're mean now no we gotta do our tasks that's the only way that we could end the game gnome all right congratulations you know i've explained again no thank you slash boyfriend i don't really know who you are i bet i could get there faster than you okay i've gotta hide from him right yeah now you're all slow nick's trying to get in your reaction here we should go to the other side go down come on now all right wish it's got that one i get it correct i got a corruption he's shooting an actual machine gun at us that's crazy oh no i'm out of here he's got a gun he's like mega man ow how'd you like that one mr egg huh how'd you like that one mr egg i got that one stop it oh god his bar is filling up the corruption's spreading okay gotta hurry so i can stop the corruption what happens when the fire reaches the top oh you're in my trap now poopy farts oh i miss you how do they miss you that doesn't it's ridiculous shooting at the leaves eh needs a little bit more i guess hurry boyfriend corrupt this world i'm trying girlfriend i'm trying as much as i can i gotta spread the corruption by talking to me wow players are simp you went deeply oh no no no no let me do my leaves let me do my leaves no no no no no i'm just avoiding the boat i have a wizard after all oh oh no he's almost corrupted he'll slow down no no she's slow it's fine you fedora white knight cover cover my sticks biggie booby farts i don't want you i want the good guys stupid pumpkin ah it's not even halloween hi um oh my gosh she turned into the goop thing yes i'm in my new corrupted form why are you doing this stop it that's rude wait where am i now ow no there oh it ran over me i'm suing you no ow and the bingo was sir wait i did that completely wrong oh god oh god this is crazy i don't want to be here this dog stinks freak stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck please i just want to cross the street like frogger oh why are you doing it you don't look you don't look good there you're looking uh a little sick today nope this is this is this is fine corruption's good everyone likes a corruption maybe he ate some bad ravioli wait if he's corrupted then what's that question mark is he gonna become a giant question mark oh my gosh you're scary now extra frozen oh i just avoided that one whoa rude yes hide before it's hide and your hat looks dumb you can't even this is dangerous ah these pumpkins keep falling hey can i get a ride can i get a ride back to the scout please many times i've found myself an alien ship full of goop this has gotta be one of the worst times why do you have to do this to us player i thought we were friends oh oh i'm right here good good good i really don't want to see his question mark oh geez hopefully they can handle it away on the other side of the ship yeah me too captain oh oh no this is not good this is not good i'm going to get hit multiple times is anyone getting that i'm so close i'm almost corrupted okay good good job um poopypods me girlfriend can you like chill you're being a bit much girlfriend like it's not cute yeah i agree your makeup's awful it's everywhere well you're rude stay there i'm stuck i don't want to be here my bar is almost filled what happens do i die her lipsticks what the heck is happening here do your tasks everyone hurry i can't even get to the question mark i think i only have one more task please oh i'm stuck oh this is the end of me no not the pumpkins and bones skid and pump you are rude people boyfriend is so obey so i'll be that reminds me go check out my shirt at newscapro.com yes yes i have a corrupted minion you i am corrupted be my corrupted minion go kill kill him i'm gonna get mr egg what's wrong with you i don't know i'm not feeling so good the sun's getting real low just take it easy you'll be over easy soon you'll be over easy don't worry i don't want to know what happens when we reach that question mark what if he's even uglier oh no i'm corrupted now all right i got my test done hunter i'm sorry i have to do this to you oh hunter you've been dodging me so far freeze freeze yes i get so many minions now who is these people this is no good oh now i'm one of you oh man i want my mama we were once friends we hung out all the time come back hunter looks like the hunter has become the hunted oh get out of your captain i know these pumpkins are crazy captain you're gonna have to hold them up what is this you leave my best friend alone who are you people yes my ultimate corrupted form daddy dearest power you're in your final form i'm so fast i already have a stalker leave me alone oh you're ours hunter oh my god why are there so many of you come on hunter i'm coming for you leave me alone coming forward oh no what's going on oh ow ow i'm so close to being corrupted get back hi i'm doc no maybe if we take out everybody and then we're all corrupted okay sweet let's do it oh my god run away our leader minions attack minions attack oh get out there oh no no no no no no okay all right just this last task all right we did it uh we did it why is the game not ending oh i'm feeling a little corrupted guys guys uh why didn't the game end oh you want to know why the game didn't end captain oh god you're freaky cause the corruption can't be stopped no what are you saying i'm saying minions
Channel: GameToons Gaming
Views: 8,861,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GameToons Gaming
Id: GReVXbzU_aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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