Makeblock XTOOL D1 mirror tile laser engrave tutorial

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hey how's it going guys today i'm going to show you how to laser engrave on a mirrored tile now whatever mirror tile you just like to use uh doesn't really matter as long as you know the size is what you want and everything but the mirror tile that i'm using today is a 12 by 12 mirror tile from lowe's which basically for a pack i believe costs about 12 or so so with that being said uh let's get started i'm assuming that since you're watching this video you know your way around the laser and pretty much you have the software and a laser in your possession so the laser i'm using today is the make block x2 d1 and let's get started so uh first thing i did before i actually started this video was i went online and i picked an image that i wanted to use and pretty much i decided to go with something that has a lot of detail and it's a decoration that i would actually like so i decided to go with this line here now the next thing you're going to do is go into your browser and go to that is image now what you want to do on imager is basically upload your photo and imager will help you prep it to laser engrave so you come down here once you get there hit the upload button and i've already got this set to go to the folder where i have my picture so you might have to locate yours on your computer so there's my pick i select it and i hit open now imager probably it uploads your photos in like maybe like 10 or 20 seconds so you might have to give it a little bit of time before you actually see your photo pop up okay the page has refreshed itself and if you scroll down you'll see my image here now here's the thing about that the image i uploaded was colored but once it got up here uh imager changed that to black and white it would do that because well basically that is you know you prepping an image to get engraved images have to be in black and white so now that i have this up here uh the first step is done next uh depending on the size of your tile is best for you to resize the image now since i'm gonna have to uh what is it i'm gonna have to change from pixels to inches because well i'm using the 12 by 12 tile so i want to just keep the metrics the same so i don't kind of confuse myself and mess things up now saying my image here is 11.54 in width and 7.30 in height i am using a 12 by 12 tile so that is fine as far as like the width and height i can live with that you know i just got to make sure i center it once i get it out there but what i do want to do is kind of reduce this width a little bit make sure this box is checked right here fixed aspect ratio because that protects you whenever you change the size of your image uh you don't have an odd looking image the proportions remain so i want to change this to 10 inches wide instead of 10. i mean instead of a 11.54 as you can see it changed the height to match the width which is fine by me hit ok and let imager do his thing imagery takes a little time sometimes so just kind of give it time to let it work okay now that uh that is done the screen has refreshed again and if you scroll down you will see your before and after image just for the resize basically and now you have this option that has popped up on the side now here you can make any kind of uh changes that you want to which is fine you know if you want to sharpen it and do all that i usually don't mess with it if i am gonna mess with it the only thing i might mess with is the contrast maybe bump it up just a little bit but nothing too crazy and it'll give you a visual as far as you going uh you will see your changes in you know not exactly real time you know give it a little bit to actually apply your changes and from there you know whatever pops up pops up as far as that goes but just know that whenever you're working with imagers certain things depending on how many people actually on the server might take a little bit more time images running a little uh well extra slow today it usually does not take this long i don't know what's going on probably just a lot of people on little site okay all right it seems like uh changes have been added and as you can see my line image got a little bit darker from the last uh from the previous so basically just kind of makes the image pop just a little bit now the last thing that i do here is i come down here to material i click material and this option pops up basically what i do here is i select norton and since i'm engraven on glass i just go ahead and select norton glass now some people might come in here and use different settings it just depends on what you actually want to do and i hit ok once again give imagery a little bit of time let it work at magic all right seems like that is done let us take a look now as you can see uh this has actually mirrored the image for me so you don't have to mirror anything you don't have to mirror anything because it's already done it for you and as you can see this is your final product right here so i'm just going to hit download and since i'm using a light burn i'm going to download the bmp now depending on the program that you're using if you're using the lightbox software itself then you can download png but or jpeg but i'm just gonna take the bmp now with imager of course it's a free website but ads do come up when it's time for you to download images uh so what i just do is uh if it doesn't interest me i just click out of it and if that doesn't work well oh it looks like it works okay and as you can see down here the image itself has already downloaded so now uh what i want to do is i want to move this file i'll just go show in folder and cut then i just go and drop it into the same folder basically you can drop it into whatever folder you want to but you know for me that is it okay so you are done with imager now you come into light burn or whatever software it is that you are using for your engraving so now you want to get that image in here and what i do is i there's two ways you can do this you can literally just uh make imager smaller open your folder and just drag and drop you know boom you're good to go no extra steps or you can go to file open navigate to the folder open navigate to the folder and boom pull out whatever image you want from there but this image is here already uh right now it is good to go i just always like to center my image now once you're in here this is actually sized to do what you wanted to do uh you know for me for mirror tiles what i see that works for me is as far as like the power settings uh double click on that layer here the power settings for the speed i like to go a little bit faster so i set the speed to 50 millimeters per second yeah turn off the air assist because i'm not even using air assist right and then i come down here as far as power i do a 60 for the power now if you set the power too high what it's going to do is it's actually just going to frost the glass also uh it depends on the look that you're going for but as far as the look that i'm going for i want it semi-clear maybe a teeny bit frosted you know so it doesn't absolutely show through everything and i've got these two settings here that actually work for me and then you come down here and you enable pass-through mode once you hit ok boom that image right there is good to go you don't have to do anything else to this make sure you save your work save your work that is something that always screws people over they don't save their work computers are not that dependable most of the time and sometimes they are just depends but yeah save your work just in case something happens i'm on a laptop so a battery can die at any time and i could lose power save it in whatever folder you want to save it and just title this line burn and save it okay so now it is saved uh just looking at my image the size has already been done for me you can verify your size up here so i've got my 10 inches and 6.3 333 in height you know and now that this is ready we are ready for the laser portion all right guys as you can see that is my mirror tile right there and if we flip to the back this is what the laser is actually burning off to actually create the image that projects onto the front so we're going to do is we're going to set this up in the laser and like i said earlier my laser is the x2 d1 i'm going to set it up in here and we're going to go ahead and get this burnt okay so i'm actually satisfied with that framing i've got my goggles on you know safety first protect your eyes uh all my settings look right from here i am good to go and it is now actually time to fire this up i'm not doing multiple passes i'm just doing one pass and this should be fine so i'm just going to go ahead and get this started right now so just go ahead and hit start uh cut might be out of bounds continue anyways uh tells me this all the time and i've already framed it so i know it's going to be inbound so i just hit ok to continue and the laser has already started firing it's gonna go ahead and do its thing i'm gonna step out for a good minute let it just you know do this thing and then i'll come back and check on it when it's actually done all right so it looks like the artwork is finally done a nice image there you can barely see it because well i guess the lighting in there let's go ahead and take this out careful all right we're still looking at the back here you can see it i'm gonna put it through a little bit of a cleanup and then you get the final best image pretty much but if you look to the front [Music] if you look at the front you can see it but you can barely see it unless you place it in the light so if you place it against the light boom image pops up so i'm going to take it to the bathroom and i'm going to clean this up a little bit all right how i like to clean up my images is i take an old toothbrush uh this is my son's old toothbrush i take an old toothbrush i put my artwork under uh running water if there's some material that i could run under water and i just make the water a bit warm and i take the brush and i scrub don't worry about damaging it you won't damage it i kind of scrub you can see it getting cleaner as we go it's cleaner [Music] so i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna clean up the whole thing and then i'll be able to show you the final product once i get it all cleaned up all right and this is the finished product here as you can see when you turn off the light the image gets a little dim and it functions more as a mirror but when you turn on the light this is what you get you get something like this looks pretty good actually and the laser was able to get all the fine details well that wraps it up uh if you have any questions feel free to leave them below like comment subscribe uh if i get up to 15 likes on this video what i will do is i will make another video of me putting together a backlit shadow box for this lion portrait here thanks for watching goodbye
Channel: Laser Rookie
Views: 40,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Makeblock X-tool D1, Laser engraver, Mirror tile, Tutorial
Id: 6kAGS7WebIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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