Everything You Need To Know: Resto Druid TBC

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Good guide start to finish.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Maxvla πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Very nice video, well done. Better than most because you actually go over the spells and how they'll be used.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Siddown πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Been thinking about going resto druid but still not sure. Anyway, nice video and earned a sub from me. Keep up the good work!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PUG111 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I started leveling my Druid for tbc healing a few months ago and this video just made me realize I made a good choice!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/daveP92 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why is this and almost every new thread about anything downvoted?

People don't like content in their half dead sub?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dunderman35 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh I saw the title and thought this was more of WillE’s β€œWas it any good” series.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/neckos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up everybody in this video i'll be covering the resto druid and all of the reasons why it may or may not be the right healer for you as with any of my other class picking guides the goal here is to make your decision easier so feel free to leave a comment if you have questions so with that out of the way resto druids in vanilla they were known for being generally an undesirable healer but that does not follow them into tbc and that's partly due to the several changes that were made to the way that healing over time spells worked there can now be multiple applications of the same healing over time spell on a single target and bonus healing from gear has a much greater contribution to their effects but that's not the only thing that changed with druids they received a new talent called tree of life which drastically changed their play style this is a new shape-shift form that's exclusive to the resto druid and like any other druid shape-shift form it grants enhanced capabilities for your role while limiting your ability to use spells outside of your roll while in tree form you have a 20 reduced cost on all healing over time spells it's hard to state just how good that is the secondary benefit that treeform provides is the aura that it gives to your group members it increases their healing taken by 25 percent of your total spirit and that ends up being quite a significant bonus because of the amount of spirit that resto druids have on their gear like i already mentioned there are some negatives that come with any druid shape-shift form and tree of life is no exception while in tree form you're limited to casting only healing over time spells swift men nature swiftness innervate battle rez and cure poison effects that means you can't cast any damaging spells crowd controlling spells healing touch or decurs without being kicked out of tree form that sounds bad at first but most of it doesn't really interfere with your role as a healer for the most part tbc raids don't require healers to deal damage and healing touch is only used in one specific scenario so that leaves de-curse as the one minor annoyance that you'll notice with this restriction you're still one of the only two classes that are able to decurse so it's just something you'll have to deal with when it comes up the other downside to tree form is you move 20 percent slower in this form but if you know the mechanics of the fight you won't actually be affected by this very often as a druid you have the incredible perk of being able to heal while moving and this allows you to pre-position yourself for mechanics before they actually happen the benefits of tree form far outweigh the negatives and outside of very specific scenarios you'll always be in this form so you'll have to get used to this onto the druid's healing spells lifebloom is rester drew its new healing over time effect with this expansion it's easily their most mana efficient heal and it's incredibly versatile once the druid understands how it works the spell ticks every second for 7 seconds if the druid doesn't refresh the lifebloom by the seventh tick the effect delivers a burst of healing as it expires however if the druid does refresh life bloom before it expires the effect gains an additional stack and the healing over time portion is doubled this effect can be stacked up to three times for up to triple the initial periodic healing a three stack life bloom is an incredible tool for dealing with heavy and sustained damage particularly on tanks but lifebloom has other uses a one-stack life bloom can be used to top off raid members who have recently received moderate damage rejuvenation is another instant healing over time effect and it offers similar healing to a single stack of lifebloom but it delivers that healing at a much slower pace than lifebloom and at a significantly higher mana cost too that doesn't mean rejuvenation doesn't have its place for tank healing it's used in addition to lifebloom but maintaining its effect is not nearly as important but raid healing is where rejuvenation really shines even when you compare it to lifebloom that's because rejuvenation enables the use of swift men so if mend is an instant cast burst heal spell with a very short cooldown the catch is that you can only use it on targets with an active rejuvenation or regrowth effect so when a party member is in critical condition and has no active hots your best course of action is usually to use rejuvenation and then swiftmend this combination produces a ton of healing in the span of a global cooldown but like i mentioned before a single stack lifebloom is also a great tool for raid healing and this choice between rejuvenation and lifebloom comes up a lot while it's pretty obvious that in situations where a large amount of spot healing is required rejuvenation is the correct choice what's not so obvious is the proper spell to use when only a moderate amount of healing is needed it's this judgment call that defines the skill ceiling for the rest of druid lifebloom heals faster and for much less mana but rejuvenation gives you the option to swift men the target for the next 12 seconds it's up for the druid to anticipate whether or not swift men will be needed or could be needed on the target in the next 12 seconds in order to make the correct call all of the time the drude needs to have an intimate understanding of the damage patterns for every fight so like i said this is a huge part of mastering the rest of druid regrowth is another healing spell in the rest of druid's arsenal it's a two-second casted spell that has a high initial heal and leaves a moderate heal over time effect the initial heal of this spell is actually quite strong due in part to the improved regrowth talent the talent gives you a 50 increased chance to critically strike with the initial heal that's before factoring in your base stats and gear the heal over time portion of the spell has its place as your third priority hot when assigned to healing a main tank we'll talk more on healing assignments in a later section but a lot of the spell's value comes when the druid is raid healing you see swift men has a 15 second cooldown and if several raid members are taking heavy amounts of damage you can't use swift men on all of them that's where the initial heal from regrowth comes in it also has the benefit of leaving a 21 second hot on the target giving you a much longer window to use swift men should they need it the next healing spell on our list is tranquility it's a group healing spell that heals up to 4 of your nearby party members every 2 seconds for 8 seconds this spell does have a lengthy cooldown of 10 minutes and it requires the druid to stand still and channel it for the full 8 seconds this cooldown is so valuable that you'll probably be assigned to use it at a certain time designated by your raid leader last up is healing touch which is a very niche spell for the druid and tbc the spell heals for a massive amount but it has a ridiculously long cast time of 3.5 seconds and like i said before it cannot be used in tree form as a result there's really only one practical application for it and that's to be used in conjunction with nature swiftness nature's swiftness is a resto talent that makes your next nature cast an instant cast so combine that with healing touch and you've got the druid equivalent of lay on hands as for the important non-healing spells you have innervate which is a three minute cooldown that can be used on any raid member including the druid it works by increasing the target's spirit based mana regeneration by 400 and allowing them to fully regenerate mana while casting for 20 seconds while the druid does get a lot of mana out of innervate due to their high levels of spirit they're pretty mana efficient on their own this cooldown is often best used for the holy priest which is another healer that uses a lot of spirit but has a much harder time with mana compared to druids rebirth is the druid's resurrection spell and it has the advantage of being usable in combat at the cost of having a 30 minute cooldown in 25 man rage where there are tons of other healers having a cool down bass resurrection spell is typically not a problem however it can be very frustrating if you do a lot of 5 and 10 man content so if you like what you've heard so far let's talk about the raid assignments that you'll typically receive as a resto druid sometimes you'll be asked to be a primary raid healer while druids are definitely serviceable in this role shamans and priests are typically better but there are times where it makes sense for a druid to be a primary raid healer one example that comes to mind is during the reverberation effect during the grueling counter you may also be asked to serve as a maintained killer this responsibility is typically reserved for holy paladins or improved divine spirit priests but it's sometimes delegated to a wrestler druid especially in situations where the maintained keeler is going to be crowd controlled in these cases the druid keeps up all his healing over time effects on the main tank before the crowd control lands these effects stabilize the main tank's health long enough for the druid to come out of the crowd control and use swift men to recover while druids are great main tank healers it's still not their specialty the druid truly shines when he's assigned to healing multiple tanks as well as light spot healing they can do this efficiently by keeping three stacks of light bloom on each tank and then using the remaining globals to either heal the raid or pump more healing into the tanks this assignment is where druids are the most flexible and fun to play which is a nice segue into the last section where i'll give you my pro con list for the rest of druid and tbc as a disclaimer this list is based only on pve content i made a pvp guide for healers which you can find by clicking on the top right of this video frame so as i just mentioned druids are probably the most fun and flexible healers to play with priests being a very close second there's also a lot of decision making on which healing over time spell to use in what situations and that makes the druid feel very skillful compared to other healers and they bring excellent utility with mark of the wild tree form aura innervate battle rez and tranquility on top of that they're just excellent healers their mana efficiency is unparalleled and their throughput is very strong as for the negatives you're probably the worst healer for daily questing and gold farming also needing to shapeshift in and out of tree form to perform tasks such as decursing and buffing may annoy some people and if you're looking to play the all-around best healer you probably won't find that in a druid they're very strong but not as strong as rest of shamans or holy priests so are you going to play a wrestle druid in tbc if so leave a comment if not still leave a comment thanks for watching guys i'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: ZGT
Views: 42,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TBC Classic Beta, Best TBC Healer, shadow priest pve guide pve, holy priest tbc raid guide, Holy Paladin TBC raid guide, Moonkin TBC Raid guide, TBC Classic Arena Guide, Resto Shaman TBC Guide, Dreamstate Resto Druid, Resto Druid PvP TBC, best healer TBC Classic, Best Healer TBC Classic Beta, Restoration Druid TBC, TBC Classic, Elemental TBC Guide, Enhancement TBC Guide, Karazhan, Magtheridon's Lair, Gruul's Lair, Black Temple, Dps rankings TBC, healer rankings tbc
Id: VZRLldT0388
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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