EVERYTHING You Need to Know for the Imperator Rome 2.0 Marius Update

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hey what is going on ladies and gentlemen my name is corbett and i'll be your host today talking about some imperator rome it sure has been a while since i've touched on imperator certainly at least a year or so not since like 1.3 or something i think but today we are finally getting the 2.0 marias update which will bring a ton of new stuff and with all that new stuff of course comes a little bit of confusion a little bit of stuff that needs explaining and a lot of stuff that you would have missed out on if you haven't been keeping up since the 1.0 version and there's no need to lie i think a lot of you haven't been keeping up since the 1.0 version which is perfectly fine the game has been doing pretty okay that's of course not amazing by any standards but it certainly has come a degree further than which it started at the very beginning before we get into it of course i'd like to thank paradox for giving me this early copy of the game so that i can learn a couple of the new features and hash out some of the details before i make this sort of video so shout out to the team for handing me a copy i really do appreciate that alright there's no need to delay let's get right into it now right off the bat of course you'll see a couple of different things uh the map hasn't changed all too much it was already very detailed from the very beginning at launch only a couple of new tags over here maybe like one new religion there really isn't too much to talk about some of the things with the andegonids are of course a little bit different we're going to be touching a little bit more on what's happening over here because this has to do with the dlc that just launched as well the heirs of alexander but for the sake of today's whole uh little pseudo tutorial we're going to be taking a look at thrace which is one of the more interesting uh nations that we have in the newest update this is just a little blurb about the history you can go ahead and read this if you want to essentially uh we're going to have all of the successor nations of alexander's empire trying to kill each other so basically they sell you kids the antagonids egypt thrace macedon you know the whole deal but what i want to focus on today is more of the basic level stuff because if you haven't been keeping up since 1.0 you're going to be confused by a lot of stuff obviously first of all the interface is different all of your things are on the left sidebar now which is much nicer than it was before in my opinion now all the icons are you know easy to tell what they represent and it doesn't confuse you with random portraits of gods or whatever and of course like most other paradox titles you're gonna have the important stuff come up here in the top left when you have to address them alright let's start very simply by talking about the resources at the top obviously you have your treasury which each month increases or decreases based off of how much you're spending then of course you have your manpower which is increased each month depending on things like your pops and your subjects we'll talk a little bit more about pops later they have changed significantly since 1.0 and then now we have something called political influence political influence has yeah in some sort of a way taken the role of mana so instead of having like four different you know mana categories now we just have this thing called political influence it's kind of similar to hoi form but also kind of not and we'll get more to that a little bit later then we have military experience this is generated each month and you can also get it based off of things like your legions and your levies and how well they fight and when you disband levees you get more of it i'll talk more about military experience later on but what you need to know is that military experience is what you use to go over here and get yourself some traditions we'll cover these in a lot more detail later but basically these are the things you want to go down to improve your military and stuff like that so more military experience more traditions you fight better that's good to know stability is now a zero to 100 sort of thing it's been like that for a while uh there are various things that can change where it's going to rest things like your ruler's zeal might increase it each month and the higher it is the more stable you are but also the harder it is to become more stable stability is kind of used a lot like a currency in this game it generates each month or decreases each month but you'll also be spending it when you do stuff like change laws or if you have to integrate a culture for instance and then we have aggressive expansion if you are an eu4 player and you're coming over to imperator you're probably confused why is aggressive expansion a resource on the top bar that's because coalitions would be really hard to sort of simulate in this time especially with all of the tags around you so coalitions don't really form in this game not the same way that they do in eu4 instead your aggressive expansion is going to have a bunch of penalties on your internal stability and stuff like that so think of it more like over extension in eu4 then as aggressive expansion it's gonna have more of an effect on stuff like your stability and your pop happiness than it will uh on other nations really or exhaustion is pretty similar to eu4 the longer you're at war the more exhaustion you get more exhaustion affects happiness it affects uh stability and i think a couple of other things and then of course you have tyranny tyranny is sort of like if you do terrible things that your population generally wouldn't agree with you're gonna get more tyranny security affects your stuff like your stability for instance so you don't want too much tyranny but tyranny can also increase the amount of goods and the taxation and stuff and the amount of output from slaves especially so high tyranny can have some good benefits um but it's especially bad if you're like a republic for instance you don't want to have a lot of tyranny and then legitimacy which is for monarchies it's pretty self-explanatory the more legitimate you are then the more people are going to like your air and the more your common free man is going to you know approve of your rule and stuff like that if your legitimacy isn't high enough then you're gonna have a lot of loyalty issues from characters uh characters of course play a massive role in this game as you might remember from 1.0 but things like civil wars and unrest and revolts are a lot more common than they used to be i found i don't know if that was a 2.0 version or if i missed something from before then but it's definitely um you know more noticeable these days all right i will get to all of these things eventually but i'm actually gonna do it going down this left side here it's gonna be much easier to explain things and remember them as we go down the left side rather than with pop-ups so let's start more with the map for instance because the map has changed a little bit but not geographically per se it's more like how population is organized and stuff since 1.0 there's been a lot of changes to territories which they're now called there there's no longer a city and everything now you have settlements which are the default and make a lot of sense and then you have these cities which are where your populations will congregate with each other and generally you'll have big cities that produce stuff like research and manpower and stuff like that while your territories might produce things like goods you might have for instance more slaves in your territories and they might produce things that you can trade to others for some more trade income there's also a third type of territory but those are very very rare i think there's only one at the beginning of the game actually we can check that out if we go to our territory rank here all the blue are the cities that we have there are even a couple of cities in tribal nations as well but there's one i think there's just one yeah there's one uh i think metropolis yeah over here in india there's a single metropolis it's the only one in the game at the beginning from what i can tell but metropolises are really the same as cities they just have more building slots um more taxation and stuff i think more goods produced as well and they have different you know requirements for what kind of pops are more likely to be found there so let's talk about cities and territories here we have the province of europa here we don't actually need to look at the province interface right now what we're more interested in is this stuff here these are your types of pumps there are five types of pops the newest one was actually added to this update we have nobles which tends to produce more research than citizens citizens produce research and manpower free men they produce tax and manpower tribes tend to produce more manpower than tax i think if i remember correctly and then your slaves just produce tax but slaves also produce like overabundance in uh let's say salt for instance because we have enough slaves we produce a second salt you can check out the rest of these stats yourself i'm not gonna talk too much about them because they're very easy to figure out without any exploration but what we want to talk about is buildings buildings have changed massively um i don't even remember how many buildings 1.0 had like six maybe and they were all the same for every territory and stuff but not anymore we now have a bunch of different types of buildings that you can build for cities and some of these aren't you know unlocked until you do certain things and research certain technologies but most of them are available from the beginning here they all do a variety of different things you know like increasing your research and you can build more forts and you can now build ports that's a nice addition we didn't have that before so i encourage you to explore each of these things there used to be a really important meta about libraries and academies but i don't think that matters as much anymore so we'll see what you know the general trend of building buildings is going to look like in the uh the next few weeks i guess and then we have tactical which really just shows uh the number of forts you have you can actually take a look at this this is new i think now fort infrastructure is very important now because before you could build pretty much as many forts as you wanted i don't think there was a limit before but now there is a definite hard limit which can be increased going over it is going to give you great penalties for your forts so at least we're not going to see you know level 25 forts down in egypt like we used to that's a lot nicer moving back to pops here we can also take a look at the info we have on our pops here this opens a great big menu that's maybe a little overwhelming at first but it's really simple it's basically just the culture the religion and your class these are the things you really need to focus on now everything is done automatically nowadays it's been like that since like 1.2 i think mana doesn't exist so you can't promote or demote or convert pops anymore basically the system runs itself and i find it beautiful to be honest i really like the dynamic cultures and dynamic religions that are now added in because basically now you'll have pops which will automatically convert to your state religion and your state culture not all the time some of them will you know if they're too unruly if there's too much unrest then they won't convert of course but generally now they'll just do it by themselves and you can change how quickly it happens through various modifiers which we won't go into depth with today but you can explore and find those yourself they're all over the place really here we have the pop class now i should have mentioned with cities there are actually things like desired ratios for citizens free men nobles and slaves for instance where your cities and your metropolises and your territories i suppose are going to want to keep a general demographic of pumps now they'll automatically shift themselves about you know you'll have some pops demoting some will be promoting and stuff like that but they'll generally trend towards a specific demographic which will be shown here and you can of course change that with a couple of buildings for instance in academy will increase the desired local noble ratio by five percent oh yeah and pops will now just move themselves i don't think uh slaves are allowed to automatically move but things like free men and citizens and nobles will freely move between territories uh tribesmen as well i think provinces haven't changed too much you're gonna have your governor they're gonna have a policy you can change governors you can change policies and all that stuff a lot of this works the exact same as it used to before you just change this change it to whatever you want you can centralize your population for cities you can decentralize it to move it away from a city if you're planning to for instance demote a city back into a territory and you can of course decide to import any random thing here most of these they just produce happiness for their various pop type as you see here they also have secondary bonuses which you can check out for yourself but like you want more i don't know attack investment or something then you click on papyrus and you're like hey egypt i want some papyrus that'll earn us a little bit of money each month because we're importing it and there you go it's just that simple this can be increased through various different means for instance we have something new here which are the province investments these cost 80 political influence as a base each but you can of course decrease that cost see we have 72 here for instance and you can do something like uh how about i want an extra import route then you can go ahead do that it'll take about a year and it'll be done okay territory stuff done let's move on to our nation overview of course you can take our ideas these are the exact same as before you just pick one it doesn't really matter which one you go with you know corruption you get loyalty and stuff like that but there you go you just pick whichever ones are slotted here and you're gonna get your extra little bonuses if you don't you don't get the bonuses it's pretty simple these are your decisions they've now been moved into this menu which is a godsend i really hated having an extra menu for this but here it is now and if there's anything that you're not particularly you know um well versed on what i like about 2.0 is that they brought in something from ck3 that was really really nice and that's the ability to actually hover over these things and now i set mine to lock in uh with a mouse click with middle click so you'll see that with the little white bar on the right side there when i click middle mouse button then it locks in and you can see that this is now white meaning it is locked in uh you can actually do the same thing with characters which is really really nice you can just keep on opening a bunch of these menus and this i mean it's really really nice i just like how the system has been implemented so if there's anything you need clarification on the game has a decent explanation of things i find that not everything has a tool tip but many things do so be sure before you look things up just you know look around and see if there's anything that you might be able to find before you just have to open up google chrome or something one thing about province is i actually did forget to mention is now that there is a food system in the game obviously provinces need food because your population needs to eat if there's no food people start starving your population decreases and everyone's having a bad time this here will just let you see a bunch of your provinces to very easily figure out if there's a province you need to go to to figure out any problems next we have the government tab which looks a little snazzy these days i really like the artwork they have in the background so a lot of these things are similar to 1.0 there's not actually too much to change here a couple of new buttons here you can just go and discover these yourself there's nothing too much to talk about except maybe the war council which just gives you free claims on one of the neighboring nations it really is just that simple and of course you can anoint someone to be your actual heir of course republics are going to be a little different in this menu mainly with like the factions and stuff but this isn't really as much of overview about the government types just showing off the menus of course same as before we have all the offices you can just go and select whoever you like see we have this guy over here and there we go he's got nine finesse he's got some good statesmanship by the way statesmanship is how they determine how good at their job they actually are so we get thirty percent of nine here so it's going to be i might round to three no okay it actually needs to become 33 percent to uh to get to three out of nine so as the statesmanship of these guys increase they will slowly be able to reach their maximum potential a lot about laws hasn't really changed you'll just be spending some political influence and some stability to change some laws of course at the very beginning most of your laws are locked behind stuff like technology you can see here you have to get the certain invention to get a certain law we'll talk more about inventions later that entire system has also been reworked let's talk about the economy this is one of the tabs that i don't think actually has changed literally at all like it's the exact same you can increase your pay you can decrease your pay you know increase taxes and stuff like that various different um benefits and debuffs for deciding to work around with your money here but uh nothing here has really changed that much next we have religion which i believe changed significantly two updates ago or it might have been the last one i don't really remember but religion's very different now what you have are four deities here you can pick whichever ones you'd like you can even pick from yeah outside of your religion but you do get conversion debuffs for doing so so i don't recommend that but you basically pick you know what if i want to swap the zelmoxian deity of economy over to let's say hellenic one there we go it costs you a little bit of stability you swap that out and you won't be able to you know get your blessing for a while essentially the way the system really works is you have a deity of war economy culture and fertility of course they all do various different things but there are certain extras you see this top effect is the one that applies all the time by default right you can actually click on the little icon here to unlock the second bonus for five years um how effective it is depends on your omen power which can also be increased over time with various innovations and your religious unity and stuff like that doing so locks the rest of them but i will have access to that second bonus for those five years next we have the temples these are kind of important but they won't directly affect you too much basically if there's a deity that exists but there's no temple for them yet then you can create a temple of course whoever owns this temple can decide to put treasures in it and those treasures will basically affect the territory that they're in so um these things here they don't actually affect us these don't actually do anything you'll basically just have them for whoever owns it i think so if you have some relics in your treasury and you conquer a holy site of the religion that you're following of course make sure it is for the deity each deity has their own i don't think there can be more than one for each deity but basically you can just sort of slap him whatever you'd like into there and it'll give you a small bonus if i decided to conquer acragus here which is the temple for the hellenic deity of war heracles then i could decide to put this into here and it would give a small local bonus so they don't matter too much the only thing is you can actually decide to sack these holy sites you can just burn them straight to the ground and of course everyone of that religion will hate you for it but there is an achievement for doing this so i mean it's up to you what's important to note is that the level of a temple is directly linked to the level of the territory so because olympia is a settlement you can put one sacred treasure in the shrine abia is of course a city so you can have two if it's a metropolis you can hold three and so on so forth next we have cultures which have gone under a massive change since you've last seen them probably cultures can now have a bunch of different things let's start with something very simple so these are the cultures in your nation what's important to note is the way your pumps are integrated and various other things you can do with them so because we start off here with propantic and macedonian integrated you can basically have them happier they produce more and they can be used for levees and such the more cultures you integrate the more upset that your main culture will become so the game plan is basically you can accept a culture you can help to assimilate them and then eventually you can you know phase them out entirely to keep your main culture group a little bit happier but it is important to manage your cultures now more than ever beforehand i played an entire campaign without ever once touching these right but now they actually tie in a lot with your military we'll talk about that a little later but yeah you will have to manage these so if you want to change the civic rights of one of your cultures here let's say odorisian so let's say i want to integrate them well that's very simple all we have to do is click on this little thing here you can change the civic rights and when you integrate a culture all you need to do is move it towards citizen or noble basically you can just grant them some rights to citizenship that'll make them a little bit happier it'll take some time once it's done they'll be happier you can use them for your military and your integrated cultures will be slightly more upset about it of course you can also do a bunch of decisions this could actually help to improve the speed at which this happens at the cost of stability so i'm basically going to be tanking my stability here you click this it makes them happier but it also makes this a little bit faster and you'll see this down here i think you can also revoke some of these but not always for instance i don't think you can revoke the right of intermarriage but you can revoke a couple of other things i think so that's the gist of all of it as you're integrating a culture it will actually slow down your stability improvement in fact it might even make it start to decay each month but once it's done that'll go back to normal and let me have trade all of this stuff is just you can explore mainly for yourself um but one of these things i like to turn on is accept all trades and block surpluses surpluses give you a small bonus for different things depending on what trade good it is if you have more than one of it in your capital now we get to the fun stuff all the stuff that's been reworked is sort of like down here-ish so military that certainly has been reworked so let's talk about levees right now we can't levy more pops because we are using them for our legions i'll talk about legions in a second here levees are essentially just temporary fighting units which aren't as powerful as legions and they will automatically be assigned their own different uh you know unit types essentially you're not going to be able to pick them they're just going to be assigned to them which is kind of why they're not as good as legions they will also be led by their governor which for this instance is our basilius so if you're a republic or you are a kingdom and you don't have access to legions yet then your king or your leaders essentially just gonna be charging into battle alongside them now levees are actually based off of governorships so for instance we would have one for the entire region of thrace if we owned macedonia then we'd have another you know set of levees here another one for greece and all that kind of thing and then of course we also have legions legions are very interesting because you actually see the entire battle history of a legion legions can also have multiple commanders basically if your legion is split into like four different groups you don't have to manually assign more commanders which is amazing they'll essentially just pick from this little pool here of four that you can make you can also edit the composition freely which is something you can't do with levies and of course they are you know standing armies so they will cost you maintenance each month what's interesting is um i actually don't know if there's even a way to like remove the composition here you can add things for instance if i wanted to add like you know uh engineers if i want to add in heavy cavalry or anything then i click this button this would add six to it but there doesn't seem to be a way to remove them from the army that exists like i can't right click these to decrease this number so you might have to fully dismiss the legion army if you somehow mess that up which would really kind of suck and yeah each governorship can only handle a certain number of units that's why we can't levy any more pops because the legions are already taking up all nine of our cohort slots here that number is increased by the pops i believe you have as well as things like your culture acceptance one last thing for legions here you can actually get a couple of interesting bonuses over time um i don't think there's a limit to how many you can have but there are a couple of bonuses and a couple of debuffs actually which will give you various effects on each legion so a very old legion might have a bunch of effects which sort of makes it unique from another legion if you lose a bunch of battles then you might get poor negative effects and stuff like that but generally speaking you'll probably get some solid ones over time and these cannot be removed i don't think so you know once you have a distinction on your legion it's sort of stuck there then we have traditions which have changed massively even if you're coming from 1.5 over to 2.0 you can already tell this is a very different menu so you're no longer locked to your one set of military traditions and i don't even remember how far back traditions were a thing they might be 1.0 still i can't really recall but now you have a bunch of different things here essentially you can now unlock different tradition trees you're no longer locked to the one or in this case two that you happen to have there are a couple of things you have to do for instance if you want to embrace the graco persian influence then you're going to need a certain province or a certain invention and you're going to need to integrate certain culture groups of course traditions no longer just give you a couple of bonuses as well they can also give you uh various other things so for instance if you grab forged for war then you can get a free navy as well over here you get another free navy you can get a mega poly rim and very similar to before you will have to go down certain traditions to unlock uh certain navy unit types as well that's a thing that's been around for a while but it's not always about you know military bonuses for instance you can get military colonies through here and when activated certain things might get you know migration attraction and pop assimilation speed and stuff like that so you can go ahead and discover each of these traditions yourself to unlock one of the traditions on each of these trees of course it will cost you some military experience i believe it's a hundred per and i don't think that number changes but obviously even if it costs a hundred uh there's no way you're going to be able to go through all of these so that makes each individual nation rather unique as you evolve over time and you adopt new traditions if you don't use your military experience let's say you're satisfied and you don't want any more traditions then i'm pretty sure just increases your you know your fighting morale and stuff like that next we have mercenaries these aren't too different you just hire them you know you fight with them you ditch them when you're done they're often very very expensive now if there's one thing i didn't mention about militaries it's that um units here right the units themselves you can also build roads but these are different now you can build regular roads and military roads i believe military roads can be built in enemy territory if i'm not mistaken i haven't checked it out myself but that would make more sense that would be the distinguishment between these two features here what i really like actually is the new interface you can see here um you can select what you're going to have as your primary your secondary and your flank this is just really nice i like how it's visualized here as well one of the things i did forget to mention is of course the food capacity on armies this has been around for maybe two updates i think they will automatically grab food from the area that they're in uh based off of the food production in that one territory that they're standing in but it'll also draw from the province food capacity if need be essentially food will be consumed instead of manpower for attrition which makes it different from let's say eu4 once your food runs out then you'll start losing men each month and you know obviously that's the worst outcome because in imperator you get a lot less manpower than you do in the u4 each cohort is also only the size of 500 men it used to be a thousand but they changed that now i don't know what kind of ramifications that has on the whole system yet then we have diplomacy which hasn't really changed too much it just sort of looks like a much better menu than it did before and then we have technology which is by far the most changed thing in this update i think technology is extremely different um now you're gonna have these trees here which i'm pretty sure are the same i don't think there are any differences between the there might be a couple but none that i'm aware of so far so basically you have these things called innovations you get a new innovation every single time you make a new advance here how quickly you make those advances are based off of the monthly research that you get from stuff like your citizens and your nobles and that is multiplied based off of how good your researchers are at their jobs each advance gives you the exact same thing as before just a slight bonus to various categories but what's different now is that you're no longer given four options to pick from and you don't have to spend money on any of these things now now you get innovations and you spend innovations on these technical advances so let's see if i want to grab uh astral navigation here i click on this let's say i want to buy this with one of our innovations then of course we click ok and that unlocks the next two things for us so you go down the tree you can discover a bunch i haven't explored the whole thing myself but particularly in religious through a couple of interesting things it's not just limited to small bonuses and stuff at first it might look like that but no there are really quite a few extras for instance you can have this thing called major syncretism which essentially stops your ability to convert other pops but it makes all unintegrated cultures a lot happier and it increases your omen power on the opposite side of those things you can now basically just destroy religion which is crazy you can just decide no more and you can desecrate temples which restores stability but your omen power is ridiculously low calling omens basically does nothing which sort of makes sense because you're sort of going on an anti-religion crusade you'll of course have to go down to certain inventions to change different laws as well we talked about laws before and how you'll need to pick up a different inventions so there's the religious one right there and as you can probably imagine it is not possible to pick up every single advance in the game at least that was the intention that the devs said there's probably going to be some madeline out there that is going to break that and find a way to get every single one in the game except of course for a couple which are mutually exclusive but yeah you're actually going to have to think about which you're going to want to buy they're very different from each other you have the four different categories with lots of different things to pick from so you're gonna need to just figure out what you need to prioritize right now and choose accordingly you can also plan for the future with this little planning mode here which allows you to select these and be like okay i plan to go down to this path and once you're done planning mode you can decide to turn on or off that plan you can also decide to search different things if you can't find it so let's say i want to find militant epicureanism then we have that right there it's outlined it's very easy to find on this whole thing next we have characters which haven't really changed that much i feel like they tend to be more disloyal these days but that might just be me the only really big difference from 1.0 is this thing called the great families these matter a little bit they wield a lot of influence and it's one of the reasons civil wars tend to break out so often as long as you keep them happy by giving members within those families enough jobs on your council or you know in your military and such then they probably won't be as much of a problem but of course you know big families can build a lot of influence and simply by being influential they might just plunge your entire nation into a civil war and finally we have missions now missions are kind of more like the eu4 missions except you don't have just one set of missions for your nation you can actually select a mission tree which is dynamic over time now some of the mission trees are specific to different nations a lot of them are dlc for instance i believe these three that i'm showing off here numbers one two and three uh come with the heirs of alexander dlc and these will deal with stuff like let's say i wanted to take down the antagonist or something which will soon be collapsing then i can go down to crossing the hell's point here i can start this mission doing so will give us this little mission tree here which we can move around in and stuff like that some of these things are mutually exclusive one thing i don't like is how some of the interface sort of obscures that so it might be hard to see actually but taking this would make this you know impossible to grab so these two are mutually exclusive and stuff uh but essentially yeah the whole point is to go down this entire tree and then to finish the mission you have to finish a specific one in this case it's pontic hegemony so once we finish this then we'll grab this and we can move on to a different tree alternatively you can abort the mission tree but you can't use it again for 20 years a lot of the mission trees will be based off of your regions a lot of them are based off of development some of them are based off of conquering and again we have a couple of unique ones there might be few more added in which i'm not aware of but those are generally the three types i know of so far so there's your sort of brief overview into imperator 2.0 i wouldn't consider this a full tutorial if it were a total tutorial i would maybe be going through a couple of the first few years of the game and showing a little bit of the warfare one of the important things to note about warfare is that all you have to do is occupy the capital of the uh region and that will occupy the rest of these right afterwards unless of course it has a fort on it forts will take precedence and just like eu4 forts will actually siege back territory surrounding them so keep in mind where your uh regional capitals are they do matter a little bit so you know make sure they're well defended i tried to make this as simple as possible while not taking up too much time so there are definitely things that i glossed over maybe some things that didn't explain too much for instance i didn't talk about navies at all because navies play a little bit of a lesser role these days there are some things you can do with navies but a lot of it is later on and stuff so they don't matter a great time so i didn't you know bother to mention them very much of course if you enjoyed this overview of everything that's been included like since 1.0 up to 2.0 then of course subscribing would be a massive help i do plan to make a couple more imperator videos if this one does well otherwise i do make a lot of e4 content if you're more interested in that and if you found this video helpful at all then leaving a like would be super appreciated of course if there's anything that you know you need clarified or you have a couple of questions then um you know drop a comment down below i'll try my best to respond to all the comments in the coming days after this video is released but for now this is corbett signing off and as always have a fantastic day i'd like to take a second to thank all the patrons we have for the month of february starting with those we have in the general tier quiet guy brandon arsenault ben greenhagen tour evolved and dire avenger those we have in the prince tier snow raven and rock box 2020 those we have in the king tier chewie shoot and natsuki in the elector tier we have tf lj martis and in the conqueror of world's tier we have the watcher it really does mean a lot to me so thank you guys so much for choosing to financially support the channel really i just can't thank you guys enough
Channel: Quarbit Gaming
Views: 15,834
Rating: 4.9469695 out of 5
Keywords: imperator rome, imperator rome review, imperator rome gameplay, imperator, imperator: rome, grand strategy, paradox, pdx, imperium, strategy, hellenic, rome, quarbit, quarbit gaming, map, alexander, seleucids, imperator rome 2.0, imperator rome tutorial, imperator rome 2.0 update, imperator rome 2.0 review, imperator rome 2.0 update release date, imperator rome guide, imperator rome 2.0 guide
Id: Syz9Hpo9crM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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