EVERYTHING You Need To Know About Set 6!

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what is up everyone welcome to the set six reveal where we are going to dive into the nitty-gritty of literally everything okay if you guys take the time to like or subscribe appreciate it a lot we're gonna be playing a lot of set six games starting now all right shout out to the league partner program let's get into the new game mode alright we're gonna speed run everything new game mode double up it is a 2v2v2v2 mode okay health is shared the first time reaching zero health is forgiven after that any loss ends the game for both players okay winning around will send your units to help your teammate win their round that's pretty crazy and new items and armories can send sl items slash champions to your teammate this gimbal is gonna be so much fun i actually asked riot how well hyperworld did and they were very happy with how it did and they're gonna be incorporating again maybe not in this set but future ones for sure okay but this 2v2 mode looks very promising all right 2v2v2 whatever you want to call it but this is the big mechanic with the entire set it's called augments okay appear three times per game during minions before wolves and before raptors they're divided into three power levels everyone sees the same power level but not the same specific augment options okay we're gonna dive into all of these real soon but yes this is the new game mechanic that is gonna change everything it's gonna make every game feel extremely different you'll know what i'm talking about once we dive deeper into it okay but as you may know champs all across the board this is a new fortune it's called mercenary we'll dive into that there are some champions colossal champions that actually take up two units which we're gonna dive into euros are back the list goes on i don't even know some of them yet that we're gonna be uh taking a look at all right but traits there's a lot of them this doesn't really show us much so we'll just start talking about them items though few item changes okay archangel staff you now gain 25 ap every four seconds this is obviously during the round pretty cool 600 hp shield that blocks one spell pretty cool pretty interesting death blade i'm not that much of a fan of this death blade if i'm being totally honest i like the previous one but you just get flat a d based on your star level not that amazing dragon's claw 18 of max hp damage with a little cool down yadda yadda quick silver sash also gives attack speed now pretty cool um also gets 1580 no longer procs on it dude finally the day is done where no on hits whatsoever are now on hurricane ha i honestly thought it'd be more fun keeping the on hits but whatever static shiv also gives 15 attack speed nice little buff to that force of nature has a new name and a new look pretty cool okay got a little crown going on kind of like force nature but this works too anyways let's start off with academy all right academics have bonus attack damage and ability power they also learn from their allies okay so you gain an additional bonus whenever the ally casts their abilities okay 2 15 uh four from allies when they cast and then ramps up so on and so forth pretty cool it's kind of weird if you like put your items on one carry the more they cast they don't get buffed up but their whole team does so lots of blue buffs in this academy shenanigans are probably going to be solid to buff up the other units that'll be interesting to see what kind of build variations go with this but chem tech after dropping below 60 health chem tech champions gain 25 percent damage reduction 50 attack speed and regenerate four percent of their maximum health every second pretty cool stuff last eight cent last 15 seconds okay the more you get the harder these suckers look to kill victor is crazy by the way we're gonna dive into him later but pretty cool stuff chemtex seems interesting clockwork your team has increased attack speed with an additional increase per augment in the hex core so as you know we talked about the augments earlier uh early on mid game late game that's when you get more of them and it looks like this will scale really well in the late game especially with the double forecast units in a team comp don't see that very often but i'm happy to see that gin is back gotta love me some gin all right here we go cuddly we're gonna dive into i guess this is not diving into champions but only one champion has this at the start of combat yumi attaches yourself to the nearest ally or the lowest health ally after being unattached for two seconds attaching to an ally grants them a shield equal to 75 of yumi's maximum health interesting uh you mean detaches if the shield breaks while attached yumi is untargetable and cannot attack but gains 5 mana per second and 10 mana 10 mana whenever the ally attacks yo attack speed team comps letting you fire off for ulti is going to be nutty okay enforcer enforcers stun the enemy at the start of combat they break free after four seconds after losing 30 of their maximum or after losing 30 of their maximum health interesting this goes through all types of cc whether it's colossal or qss or whatever but um the enemy who has the most health that's you stun but this number four is the coolest in my opinion um the and the enemy who dealt the most damage last round this is so cool yeah what if what if they have the most health and they dealt the most damage does it just only stun that one target then maybe it'll go to the second most who knows but moving on gluten an ally can be fed to tom kench once per planning phase permanently granting um him either attack damage ability power health armor or magic resist this is interesting so let's watch it okay you just snag your champion throw them in their belly and uh what does he get does he get spit out or what's going on here we'll have to learn more about that one but imperial imperial at the start of combat the imperial who dealt the most damage last combat becomes the tyrant the turret deals bonus damage when the terror dies the imperial has dealt the most damage this combat becomes the new tower this is so cool because no matter who you itemize is gonna be popping off like crazy this is gonna be one of my favorite carry comps to run all right gotta love it mercenary oh my gosh i am so excited to mess around with this one okay gain a treasure chest that opens when you win combat against a player okay at the start of combat of each planning phase a verse a player dice rolls add the loot to the chest okay the longer you've gone without opening a chest the luckier the dice this i already know is going to be amazing during the presentation riot said some of the drops that we have in here probably shouldn't be in here so that gets me really excited because similar to 12 lost fortune back in who knows what set that was um things got a little wild except for i think it was but roll two dice yada yada uh the dice are even luckier upon winning roll a third die that grants bonus loot so excited for all these i cannot wait mutant this one gets a little crazy okay mutant effects change from game to game so this is where things get real tricky they have so many different options it is ridiculous okay there's a hp and a d version there's a chance to attack more like the old blade master from set two or something like that or set three or whatever um get extra a d and ap oh boy each time an ally dies they get that it's like a dark star mutant there's even more of them too omni vamp mutants deal true damage this is ridiculous every two seconds mutant grow gaining a bonus that stacks up to five times ridiculous how many are there are there more okay nope that's all but mutants gonna be an interesting one all right good luck meeting that team comp but at the start of combat scrap this is scrap at the start of combat components held by scrap champions turn into full items for the rest of combat your team also gain a shield for each component equipped including those that are part of a full item pretty interesting very interesting uh this is going to be an early game uh shenanigans i'm curious if all components if going thick scrap is ever going to be a good idea seems very rng heavy considering you're getting pretty random items thrown into the mix but all those champions up there pretty fun to mess around with we'll see how well they go into other team comps but sister this one's weird sister gain empowered skills to combine with each other okay advisability range increases by two hexes interesting jinx gains 50 attack speed for three seconds after scoring a takedown she gets her passive from league lego that's pretty sweet all right gotta throw in the sister mister sisters that'll be fun socialists reveal a spotlight on the battlefield the units standing in the spotlight at the start of combat gain unique bonuses put in one of these bad boys 15 bonus damage put in two five mana per second and the third one heal for twenty percent of the damage they deal this is so cool one of my favorites you actually need four item or four champion slots to put in these three champions though because galio will get into that in a second alright syndicates certain allies are cloaked in shadows gaining 40 armor 40 mattresses and 25 omni vamp sneaker champions with the lowest health percent all sneaky champions your whole team and this effect is increased by fifty percent oh my gosh putting in seven though seven of those is nuts but all these champs kind of scary wow transformer jace adopts melee form when placed in front of two rows and ranged from the back to rows that's sweet that is so cool curious which one is going to be better which one you like more all that good jazz but yordles after each player combat a random urinal is added to your bench for free and your abilities cost 20 less mana all right so if you restart everyone you'll start pooping out of veigar which is nutty i think that's who's up next yordle lord okay vygar is summoned from a yordle portal when every yordle is a three star this is messed up on the powerpoint don't read that but vygar's nuts you can only get them when everyone's three starred okay gotta love that one all righty arcanist arcanist increases the ability power of your team um two gain twenty percent ability power four gain additional forty percent six eight and so on bonus ap who says no to that you know what i'm saying assassins we know these very well okay when combat starts assassins leap to the enemy's backline assassin's abilities can critically strike and they gain bonus critical strike um chance and bonus critical strike damage all that good jazz okay you guys know how this trait works no need to go crazy on those guys bodyguards bodyguards have increased armor shortly after combat begins bodyguards taunt adjacent enemies forcing them to attack the bodyguard pretty cool lots of armor added on gotta love it alrighty bruiser this is basically the brawler of this set [Music] gains bonus health for being a bruiser gotta love it 150 300 500 900. these numbers can change we'll see how that ends up being a thing but challenger challengers get bonus attack speed upon scoring a takedown challengers dashed to the new target and doubled this bonus for 2.5 seconds pretty cool attack speed's like crazy and uh all these champs look like they go crazy with attack speed so this will be a fun one to play for sure alright colossus this is what i was talking about with each one of these units take up two champions okay colossus are bigger more powerful and immune to crowd control effects however each colossus requires two team slots pretty crazy all right go to two and colossus champions take 25 percent less damage putting in cho'gath galio one of my favorites all right i ran a few carry comps of those guys and my gosh it is fun enchanter your team have bonus magic resist enchanters gain bonus healing and shielding pretty cool stuff uh not too much magic resists curious how well this whole bonus healing slash shielding actually does that'll be interesting to see but innovator innovators build a mechanical champion join the battle i cannot wait to see all of these okay got a mechanical scarab mechanical bear and a mechanical dragon my gosh okay protector protectors shield themselves for four seconds whenever they cast their ability um the shield doesn't stack unfortunately you can't stack it like crazy get the fattest shield imaginable but uh gotta love protectors i know they were back in set three i think it was one of my all-time favorite sets so who remembers zinzal rakan back in the day dude that's throwback that's a throwback uh scholar your team gains two man every two seconds pretty cool stuff i'm curious how gaining mana over a certain period of time is going to change how things happen considering they're not um like invoker from the previous set where you gain more attacks per auto attack now it's just per second which could benefit a lot of slow attacking champions so that'll be cool to see how this all fits in and whatnot sniper snipers deal bonus damage for each hex between themselves and their target pretty cool stuff bonus damage this is going to add up quickly considering it's each hex between themselves and their targets so champions that are far away are getting sniped out of their mind jin's new ability is awesome you'll love it we'll dive into that soon okay twin shot when a twin shot attacks they have a chance to attack twice instead pretty cool stuff imagine six where you're just double attacking everything yo that with 2.5 attack speed must be crazy or 5.0 does that mean it's going to be 10 attacks per second that's gonna be so sweet anyways let's start off looking at or let's start by looking into champions now starting with the tier ones and going on down but caitlyn takes aim to the furthest enemy finding a deadly bullet towards them dealing a large amount of damage it's magical damage to the first enemy hit all right this will be fun to mess around with gotta love caitlyn she was in a previous set same ability all that good jazz ace in the hole gotta love it camille camille gains a shield blocking 250 damage over four seconds then sweeps her leg dealing 150 magical damage to enemies in a cone while this shield holds camille's attacks restore 30 health pretty interesting pretty all over the place uh lots of stuff scaling with ap making a carry camille might be similar to like a yasuo or a previous set who knows how this champion's gonna go or what the heck build path there is paired with augments it's gonna be wild but darius darris swings his axe in a circle dealing uh x amount of magical damage and heals himself for x health per enemy hit pretty cool stuff make sure lots of people are around them to maximize his potential okay uh ezreal i forgot i should be talking about what classes they are as well because that's huge but ezra files a missile at his target dealing 150 uh of his attack damage plus 40 bonus physical damage add it all up check this out if his missile hits he grants himself 25 bonus stacking attack speed up to 225 at five stacks so hopefully he hits his q or else he's not getting that bonus and come later on in the round since attack speed's going nuts but scrap plus innovator this is the one that you uh build that mechanical dragon pretty cool stuff i want to see how that ends up going garen okay academy plus a protector garen shrugs off all crowd control effects empowering his next strike to deal 200 of his attack damage plus an additional 20 of his missing health and bonus physical damage pretty cool stuff this ability can be cast while stunned that's awesome all right graves academy plus twin shot double autos are going to be awesome can't wait to see that but graves launches a smoke grenade towards its current target the grenade explodes on impact dealing x amount of magical damage to nearby enemies and disarms enemies who remain within the smoke cloud for two seconds that's gonna be awesome duration scales up damage not so high i'm throwing a freaking spear sodium on the sky that smoke cloud seems so annoying for enemies allowing um mercenary plus bruiser mercenary is the one where you're getting gold from all that good jazz but allow he slams her target uh linking her soul to it for the next or for five seconds and dealing x amount of magical damage when linked allow he is healed for thirty percent of the damage taken by her target so interesting malawi is healed for thirty percent of the damage taken by her target okay gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha pretty cool stuff gonna be annoying to 1v1 i'll tell you that much all right casadino i really missed the old casting where he would just have empowered auto attacks and steal mana as you would auto but this one's all right i guess too casting fires an orb avoid energy at his target dealing x amount of magical damage and granting casting a shield that reduces incoming damage by 30 for four seconds enemies hit by the orbs suffer a 35 increased mana cost for their next ability cast so kassadin still draining mana it's just with his ability this time and the whole four second thing is gonna slow down um him getting mana while it's on cooldown so i might hate kassadin we'll have to play him to see him to find on out but oh my gosh the extra mana scales dude casting hitting someone with a 65 extra mana cost is disgusting going against the tier three kassadin is not going to be fun let me tell you all right poppy another tier one poppy throws her buckler at the first enemy you guys know how poppy works nearly two percent of her armor and madrid resist damage oh poppy yorl and bodyguard poppy throws her buckler at the furthest enemy dealing 200 of her poppy another tier one a part of the yordle and bodyguard family okay buckler toss poppy throws for buckler at the furthest enemy dealing 200 of her armor as magical damage dude scaling with armor that's gonna be so sweet the buckler then bounces back granting poppy a shield that blocks x amount of damage super cool stuff i cannot wait to see that it scales up to uh a whole lot of armor up here i can oh my gosh dude full full-on bodyguard did a lot of armor poppy's the carry i'm calling it now singed another 2-1 part of the innovator chemtech family okay singed flings a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies stunning his target for 1.5 seconds when they land all adjacent enemies take extra damage and are briefly stunned oh added in some cc on top of singed dude i miss since running around with poison i think that was one of my favorite sins tier five poison man with the morello oof that champion slapped but wild cards twisted fate throws three cards in a cone that deal x amount of damage each enemy they pass through pretty plain and simple we know how he works twitch is actually an assassin and a chem attack him jumping to the back line and being in range is pretty cool twitch fires a powerful bolt towards his target that pierces through enemies dealing x amount of attack damage as physical damage okay add it up there and reduces healing by 50 for five seconds this guy is going to be a very interesting and worth one cost lowering healing from abilities is always so nice to have in your team comp let me tell you ziggs not likes other ziggs we've seen in previous sets okay ziggs hurls a bomb at his target after a moderate delay the bomb lands dealing x amount of magical damage to the enemy in the epicenter and half to adjacent enemies so throw a bomb on them everyone around them will take damage as well that's why the mana cost is much higher than previous sets 60 is pretty high for our boy ziggs okay we're on to tier two scrap protector bodyguard there's actually a lot of champions that utilize three different traits in this set which is pretty interesting okay what's great pulls us for this enemy dealing x amount of magical damage and stunning them for 1.5 seconds his next attack knocks them up for one second allies within one range will prefer attacking blitzcrank's target pretty cool stuff nice targeting blitzcrank's back baby katarina part of the academy plus assassin family i love running this katarina i've played her a few carry games so far katarina blinks behind the enemy with the lowest health within three hexes and slashes all adjacent enemies dealing x amount of magical damage katarina gains 20 mana for each enemy killed by shunpo blue buff plus the kill equals reset which is awesome maybe blue buff is overkill if you're going to a tier 3 because you get that extra 40 bonus mana which is nuts kog'maw with another triple trait champion mutant sniper twin shot pretty cool stuff 4-3 seconds kog'maw gains infinite attack range eighty percent attack speed and his attacks deal four percent of the target's maximum health as bonus magical damage craziness this is why they fixed hurricane not to deal on-hit effects or else kogama would literally melt the world okay pretty cool stuff he's gonna be fun to play euro plus enchanter lulu enlarges one low health ally granting them x amount of health and knocking up nearby enemies near them if the allies already enlarged they are healed instead pretty cool stuff number of targets go up with the more levels gotta love some lulu in the mix all right i like this version of lulu a lot quinn a mercenary plus challenger quinn sends valor out to the target with the highest attack speed dealing x amount of magical damage to the target in nearby enemies the main target is disarmed for 2.5 seconds that goes up damage goes up pretty cool stuff swain got the two classes right here death hand swain unleashes piercing bolts of elder witch power in a cone towards his target dealing x amount of magical damage to enemies within and healing swain for x amount of damage per hit or x amount of uh enemy per hit pretty cool stuff damage healing both scale gotta love it this dude's gonna be able to carry real hard okay talon imperial plus assassin blades end passive talon's first attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for this is interesting it scales with ap for 550 magical damage over seven seconds every third attack on a target applies an additional bleed so interesting how this is going to work maybe like you want to build ap but can you get them to switch targets i'm so confused how this works if you can just go stab everyone that'd be amazing go full ap and stab stability stab that'd be cool yordle tristana tristana yordle sniper buster shot tristana fires a massive cannonball towards your target dealing 200 of her attack damage plus 100 physical damage to the first enemy hit um if the target is within two hexes of tristana they are knocked back one hex and briefly stunned pretty cool pretty interesting ability unfortunately this one can miss so uh hopefully we'll see how that one goes but knocking people back as a sniper will help you uh deal more overall damage and it takes time for them to re-run at you which is pretty cool which is definitely something people are going to overlook but pristana seems promising trundle chompity chomp baby trundle bites his target dealing 175 percent his attack damage and reduces the target's move speed by 50 for 3 seconds each bite also steals 20 attack damage for the rest of combat yo that's cool and it scales with ap oh my gosh how are you going to build these champions i don't even know what to think right now alright scrap plus the bruiser brawler whatever you want to call it pretty cool stuff oh another triple unit champion or trade champion they're everywhere lots to set but denting blow fi empowers her next attack to blast through her target dealing 350 magical damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their armor by 40 for eight seconds pretty cool stuff pretty plain and simple with that sister combo though this is gonna get real interesting warwick a chem tech challenger passive warwick's attacks deal an additional six percent of his targets current health as bonus magical damage and heal him for 25 uh 25 health i was gonna say 25 health but no that's uh that'd be a little much skilled with ap rage blade is gonna be amazing challenger bonus plus chemtech this guy's gonna be so annoying to kill he's gonna be like olaf 2.0 from last set i'm excited to see how well this guy does zyra summons vines in a row with the most enemies dealing 300 magical damage and stunning them for 1.5 seconds pretty cool stuff grasping your spines gotta like it gotta love it all right um interesting ability though once you see it in game you'll be like oh not what i was expecting but pretty cool stuff zillion clockwork plus innovator zillion places a bomb on the closest enemy stunning them for 1.5 seconds when the stun ends or the target dies the bomb explodes dealing 250 magical damage to adjacent enemies and reducing their attack speed by 20 for three seconds pretty cool stuff um attack speed reduction scales up stop stun duration scales up pretty cool stuff we'll see how good xilian is damage wise probably won't be that good but the stun is amazing my favorite champion joe gath yes please dude i cannot wait to make so many champions on this video he's probably gonna be the champion that we make the most videos on hands down cho'gath devours the lowest health enemy within range dealing x amount of magical damage if this kills the target cho'gath gains a stack of feasts up to 10 each stack of feast permanently grants 2 bonus health and size check this out the more you level them the more stacks you can have the more stacks you can have the crazier things will get i cannot wait to make this guy an absolute monster echo scrap plus an assassin okay parallel convergence echo invokes an after image that blasts a device towards the largest group of units upon landing it deals x amount of magical damage to enemies within and applies 35 reduced attack speed for 4 seconds allies inside gain 50 attack speed 4 4 seconds scaling all over the board here pretty interesting pretty cool stuff we'll see how useful that champion is okay seems more of like a buffer more than anything else but uh who knows how itemizing will go but gangplank attacked his target with his gun dealing 150 of his attack damage plus 120 bonus physical damage hold on up you get what you get and if this attack kills a champion gangplank plunders one gold i cannot wait to become a gold farmer with this gangplank that's going to be fun all right mercenary plus twin shot we'll see how that one goes but here he sounds so much fun heimerdingdong part of the yordle family uh innovator and scholar pretty cool stuff i forget what scholar was but um we'll see what that is down the road however fires a wave of five rockets that converge onto his target each dealing 60 magical damage the first target they hit every third cast heimerdinger summons three waves instead really curious to see how this works i hate this ability in normal league of legends maybe it'll be better in tft who the heck knows but leona a tier three tank hasn't she always been in tier one in the past or something i swear to god but leona calls down a beacon of light upon herself granting herself 500 shield for four seconds leona and allies within two hexes gain 30 armor and magic resist for the same duration pretty cool stuff interesting to see how that one goes maybe the one out they'll end up changing her around who the heck knows all right she like stuns herself with her ultimate league of legends wise doesn't make sense tft wise makes sense and then uh buffing up units around her maybe you put her in the back with a rapid fire who knows probably not but anyways moving on lisandra sandra encases your target in an iron maiden stunning them for 1.5 seconds and dealing x amount of magical damage to enemies within a large area damage from the iron maiden reduces enemies attack damage by 40 percent four or five seconds pretty cool stuff if lissandra's below 50 health she encases herself instead dealing damage to surrounding enemies and becoming untargetable and vulnerable for two seconds this lissandra is so broken having your ability to do multiple things when you want it to happen she becomes so strong a headset gunblade on this champion goes such a long way you're gonna see what i'm talking about all right love that this lissandra's back mutant plus arcanist alrighty so malzahar tier three unit mutant plus arcanist male thick visions malzahar injects the mind of the closest unafflicted target dealing x amount of magical damage over eight seconds and reducing the magic resist of enemies by 40 if an inflicted target dies male fake visions spread to the nearest one unafflicted targets with the remaining duration so this is gonna get added on and malzahar is gonna poison everyone around him it's gonna spread if they die and this one ability could kill the entire team this super fed with the mega tank so the round doesn't end could be the move we'll see how crazy that gets all right excited the tier three malzahar and making me carry that's for sure miss fortune make it rain which fortune reigns four waves of bullets down around a random enemy dealing x amount of magical damage to enemies in the area and reducing their income healing by 50 for six seconds pretty cool stuff pretty basic we've seen this mf before sniper plus mercenary combo gotta love it oh this is where things are wild samira part of the imperial plus challenger traits okay if a target is adjacent to samira she slashes with her blade in a cone towards them dealing 150 percent of her attack damage and physical damage to all enemies within and reducing the armor by 10 this armor reduction can stack that's pretty wild that's pretty wild otherwise she fires an empowered shot at her target with the same effect and gains 20 mana really curious to see how well samira does we'll see in game much easier to understand but shock goes back baby syndicate plus assassin this is gonna be a wild one i know this champion can carry a big time shako dips into the shadows briefly becoming untargetable his next attack instead deals two of his attack damage plus 75 as physical damage or 75 damage that scales with ap as physical damage and guarantees to critically strike below targets below 50 health interesting interesting interesting all right figuring out how to itemize this guy will be interesting as all heck do but terrick hello hello my friend he's back terrick starlight bastion tara heals himself and the lowest health ally for 200 any overhealing is considered to have or converted to a shield that lasts for four seconds the fact that there's over heal involved and still gets utilized is going to make tarik very very useful let me tell you all right vex pretty cool front line champion i actually love planer um personal space vex shields herself against um 500 damage over four seconds scales what they p when the shield expires it deals x amount of damage to all allies within two hexes and an additional damage if it wasn't destroyed wow pretty cool stuff getting that shield stacked on up sounds pretty freaking good if it was destroyed personal space becomes 25 percent stronger this combat this effect can stack yo do you want the shield to break or not what's going on here you get benefits for both that's awesome all right vex is going to be super fun and zack attack yoink i like that ability zack stretches his arms up to three hexes to pull the two most distant enemies towards him dealing x amount of magical damage zach takes 60 percent less damage while using this ability that's a lot i like yoink broom vault breaker braum slams his vault door into the ground creating a fissure towards his target enemies within two hexes of brom and those struck by the fischer are stunned for two seconds and take x amount of magical damage stun duration goes up the more you level hot dog you're probably not gonna be tier three in this problem but if you do lots of stuns and damage going down but like i said probably not gonna happen we're into the tier fours now blade waltz okay fiora becomes untargetable and strikes four times at her target's vitals each strike deals 200 percent of her attack damage as physical damage uh bonus true damage and heals her for 15 of the total damage dealt if her target dies fiora will change targets to the nearest enemy okay this champion's gonna be slashing and dashing going absolutely wild especially with the challenger trait she wild she wowed janna scrap enchanter plus scholar monsoon janna summons a monsoon knocking back nearby enemies and stunning them for one second this monsoon heals you for x amount of health over three seconds all right this parable snipers is gonna be sick because you push them back snipers get more range they get more damage i like that speaking of snipers we got the coolest one of them all baby clockwork plus sniper gin no more fourth shot but curtain call jen transforms his jin transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for the next four shots each shot deals x amount of his attack damage as physical damage reduced by 33 percent for each target it pierces through the fourth shot is guaranteed to critically strike and deals 100 more bonus damage um on his target's missing health so it's just like league legends works very similar um passive jinn attacks uh or jin always attacks 1.9 times per second he converts one percent of his bonus attack speed into point eight a d i cannot wait to run attack speed buffers on this dude that's gonna be so sick each tier 4 champion is so unique and has their own form they wanted to give all these tier 4 champions such unique identities and i think they're doing that very well okay after gathering energy lux fires a beam towards the furthest enemy target dealing x amount of magical damage if she kills a unit within her beam she gains 30 mana brah if she gets a double kill she's insta-casting again imagine a fed luxe just round over so sick she's gonna be getting some nerfs for sure okay dr mundo we got a long one chem tech mutant bruiser gotta love it zapdos dr mundo injects himself with medicine restoring twenty percent of his maximum health and becomes and becoming energized for eight seconds while energized he restores an additional sixty percent of his maximum health over this duration and deals x amount of magical damage to a random nearby enemy each second when the medicine expires dr mundo expels a burst of electricity that deals 20 of his current um health as magical damage to all enemies within two hexes so think of his w in league of legends if you guys play that game you can be able to visualize this if you don't probably seems very interesting or hard to understand but don't worry once you see it in game pretty similar or pretty easy not too bad oreo command shockwave baby orianna sends her balls towards the largest group of champions um then commands it to release a shockwave allies within two hexes gain a shield for four seconds while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and dealt x amount of damage enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn to the inner drawn in and stunned for 1.5 seconds pretty cool stuff curious uh how the shield along with this is gonna be going but sounds interesting sounds very interesting seraphine baby sorry sarah fine all right encore seraphine projects her song towards the largest group of units the song deals x amount of magical damage to enemies and reduces their attack speed by 35 for four seconds allies it passes through are healed for x amount of health and gain 30 attack speed for four seconds interesting lots of beams going across the map you'll see yumi's in a second but the first colossus champion we're going to be looking at or sorry second we passed over choking i love all colossus champions all right i don't care that they take up two units they're awesome all right son winds up for a moment and smashes the zax down all enemies within a large area are knocked up and stunned for one second and dealt 375 magical damage okay sunduration scales up colossal unit gotta love son they should give this guy permanent stacking as well dude just make all colossus champions broken please ergato purge part of the chemtech twin shot family for the next five seconds ergot's attacks the closest enemy at a fixed rate of five attacks per second each attack deals x amount of physical damage the ability the abilities damage scales with the attack damage and attack speed pretty cool stuff ergod will probably be able to carry pretty hard too young academy and a challenger soul unbound yeon summons his spirit to attack an enemy up to three hexes away for four seconds the spirit is untargetable and vulnerable copy of yawn and heals him for 40 percent of the damage it deals if fion dies the spirit dies with him yo this is pretty freaking dope scales with ap deals a lot of a.d crazy champion we'll see how well this champion does in game i smell nerves coming all right i call you moving on to the tier five the carly dashes in a line towards the most enemies dealing x amount of magical damage and marking them for seven seconds when marked a target drops below 50 health akali dashes through them dealing x amount of magical damage two enemies she passes through and executes the marked target no wonder the champions of tier five unit that sounds ridiculous okay colossus entrance gotta love it galio welcome to the crew galio another triple trait unit pretty interesting colossus entrance galley becomes informal and leaps in the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies enemies within a large radius takes x amount of magical damage and are knocked up into the sky the lower the enemy's maximum health is compared to galio's the further they are knocked up that's pretty freaking sweet passive galio's critical strike slams the ground dealing x amount of magical damage to enemies um around his target pretty cool stuff extra damage on top this guy's gonna be sweet jace another triple trait unit pretty cool stuff jace overcharges himself becoming unstoppable and gaining a x health shield for three seconds jace then attacks twice cleaving enemies in front of him for 225 percent of his attack damage as physical damage before leaping to the skis and slamming down on his target enemies within two hexes take the same damage and suffer a fifty percent reduction in armor and magic resist for five seconds passive j scans 50 armor and magic resist oh that's pretty cool stuff wow so remember melee in the front range in the back jason's gonna be so cool to mess around with and here's the uh range jace we were talking about so if you backline him jace summons an accelerator gate granny allies within the same row attack speed for five seconds he then replaces his next three attacks with orbs of electricity that deal 170 of his attack damage as physical damage in an area around his target the third orb has an increased area of effect passive jace jason's range is increased by four hexes and he gains 20 attack damage dude this champion does it all man gotta love me some j's wow jinx believe it or not surprise surprise another triple trip cost unit pretty cool stuff super mega death rocket jinx rides a rocket into the sky then comes crashing down near the center most enemy dealing 500 magical damage to enemies around the epicenter and 50 to all other enemies in a large area the epicenter burns every unit except jinx for five seconds dealing two percent of the target's maximum health as true damage and reduces healing for 50 for the duration she then swaps to a rocket launcher then for the rest of combat causing her attacks to explode for 200 of her attack damage in a small area around her target dude this champion like recalls that's the animation jumps into all of them goes in rocket for him starts going crazy i don't even know what to think about this champion what if she just goes melee range and dies or is it the most broken thing ever who knows okay but this champion is wild let me tell you kaiser mutant plus challenger kaiser dashes away from all enemies then fires a volley of 15 missiles spread evenly amongst all enemies that deal x amount of magical damage to each for each time kaiser has attacked this combat she will fire an additional missile dude she literally nukes the entire map and it looks wild tom cookie kush baby this is what we saw earlier tom kench devours his target soaring them into his belly dealing x amount of magical damage over three seconds uh during this time they are vulnerable to other sources of damage and tom takes 40 percent less damage if they die while inside tom kench either spits out a random component they were holding or the cost of the unit in gold otherwise he spits them out towards the for this enemy briefly stunning his target on impact yo that sounds fire i love that give me some free components or gold don't mind if i do dude the mercenary trade so much fun to mess around with it seems like wow anyways chaos rays from victor this champion goes wild victor summons multiple singularities that fire death rays which cut across the battlefield and align and melt enemies defenses the enemies caught in the path death rays deal x amount of magical damage destroy 25 percent of the remaining shields and reduces the armor by 40 armor shred for six seconds your shredding armor lasers everywhere lots of people dying you got to see this champion in action and get a full grasp of what's going down okay the more you level the more lasers you get wowzer i can't wait to see your tier three victor dude that's gonna be so much fun to mess around with you me yumi and book detach and launch four waves towards the furthest enemy uh each dealing x amount of magical damage and stunning enemies for .5.75 seconds she then attaches to the nearest ally so very annoying because she's hard to kill she has a stun and throws waves out that stun people yep this is uh this is gonna be hard to deal with moving on moving on let's see what it looks like in action shall we here's yumi attaches gain the shield she's gaining mana per second she's on an ally hops off let the stuns fly more steel for days and i got us this is next up the yordle lord you cannot forget about this guy but veigar calls down 20 fury horns over a few seconds uh near random enemies each dealing x amount of magical damage literally just starts raining w's down on everyone all right wild champion restart your yordles and have a lot of fun all right oh this is the mechanical scarab of the family where you start making things happen but the scarab creates a barrier on itself and ally targeted by the most enemies then taunts all enemies who have the scarab within his attack range forcing them to attack the scarab the barrier lasts for four seconds reduces incoming damage by 25 percent and enemies attacking the barrier take x amount of magical damage enemies may only take damage from the barrier once per second pretty cool stuff that guy's going to come in handy let's talk about the tippers baby the bear the mechanical bear the bear surges with power getting a hundred uh percent bonus attack damage and granting x amount attack speed for four seconds to your team oh attack speeding up the team i like that but the mechanical dragon the dragon lands and lets out a blowing roar causing all enemies within three hexes to flee for three seconds your team is energized and gains fifty percent critical strike chance and fifty percent critical strike damage for three seconds the passive is every third attack is charged with lightning dealing x amount of magical damage to three enemies dude this dragon is gonna carry people hard i'm excited all right moving on to augments oh my gosh there are so many of them so remember you get one early game you get one mid game you get one late game you get offered three of them and they have over i think 120 different augments something crazy like that let's dive into all of them i'm so excited for this we'll start with the tier ones and move on down calculated loss after losing your combat gain two gold and a free shop refresh so you rewarded for losing which is pretty interesting lost streaking with this could snowball real hard i guess you're not going to be losing that much because you get a free shop refresh but interesting stuff curious how popular this one will be dominance after winning your combat gain one bonus gold for every two surviving units dude if you snowball with this bad boy that's gonna be nuts alright hyper roll if you have less than 10 gold at the end of a round game three gold this is so sweet if you get mid game because you can spend all your gold on leveling it up and then you're higher level than everyone getting a pretty decent amount of gold and you rolled all the way down in terms of how much gold you got going i think this one is very underrated alright wise spending gain one experience point when you refresh your shop super cool stuff get to reroll while leveling nuts binary airdrop your units equipped with two items temporarily gain a random completed item at the start of combat really random pretty cool sure um item grab bag one okay gain one random component item and reforge i don't like ones that are just like a one and done type deal so i'm not the biggest fan of this one but uh hey sometimes i might grab the bag who knows ho ho phony front line gain two target dummies this one's very underrated ran it in one of some of the games i played so far and it is oh so nice all right especially if you're trying to run a very strong backline when it's hard to frontline some champions pandora's items okay gain a random component at the start of each turn items on your bench are randomized excluding force of nature spatula and consumables huh interesting very interesting ascension after 15 seconds of combat your units deal 100 percent more damage what yo if you run this with the mega tank front line this could be so nasty i love that build different your units with no traits active gain 200 health and 30 attack speed what this is definitely going to be a built different team comp wow that seems out of this world celestial blessing your units heal for 10 of the damage dealt by attacks and abilities exif excess healing is converted into a shield up to 300. i actually really like this one all right just because everyone's benefiting no matter what even if you're full hp you're still getting that shield which is going to come in clutch later on all right nice edge one your units that start combat in the front two rows gain 30 attack damage we're just gonna front line everyone don't play snipers run this go crazy alrighty cybernetic implants your units equipped with an item gained 300 health and 20 attack damage cybernetics are back baby exiles one your units that start combat with no adjacent allies gain a 40 maximum health shield for 80 sec for eight seconds wow pretty cool stuff featherweights one your one and two cost units gain 40 move speed and attack speed i actually am loving the move speed buffs they're given recently i think they're so cool first aid kit all helium shielding received by your units is increased by 35 oh pretty cool stuff there makeshift armor your units with no items gained 30 armor and magic resist i actually like this one a lot i do what do i do it's going to make champions that you think are useless not so useless and it'll give you a bunch of free tanks if you're not itemizing your front line scoped weapons okay double the hex range of your ranged units and their attacks cannot miss bro what this is old rapid fire cannon to literally everyone and it's a tier one augment this set is going to be wild right stand united your units gain three attack damage and ability power per trait active across your team pretty cool stuff if you spread your comp thin then this could be one for you thrill of the hunt your units heal 300 health on a kill i absolutely love this one gives you healing when you don't have it and your champions that are getting the kills are probably the ones that might need heals so uh yeah especially if you're not just have a backline carry that dies at the end if you have someone getting into the mix into the nitty-gritty like a bruiser brawler whatever you want to call it they're like more of a more of a bruiser someone melee range getting kills this is going to be massive for them massive underdogs whenever your team has fewer units alive then your opponent your units will generate 15 of their missing health every second i loved running this when i wasn't going crazy on levels and i had a few units in because 15 of their missing health every second is nuts absolutely nuts weak spot your unit's attacks ignore 25 of the target's armor and reduces healing by 50 for 10 seconds no that's anti-healing galore i love that um academy heart your team counts as having one additional academy parkinson's heart same thing one more for the arcanist gotta love it i'm sure it's gonna keep going down the line just kidding no it doesn't ruining shield argus start combat with a shield equal to 400 of their ability power whoa throw on some death cabs who knows what's gonna happen there assassin heart gave me assassin bonus pretty cool stuff cutthroat assassins mana reeve the first unit they attack increasing the momentum uh maximum mana by 65 until they cast yo that's gonna annoy a lot of people especially assassins jumping in the back line hitting those carriers who actually have to cast their ability that's going to be annoying for the people who actually get this when they're running assassins smoke bomb the first time assassins dropped below 60 health they briefly enter stealth becoming untargetable and shredding all negative effects pretty cool stuff very annoying bodyguard heart gain one bodyguard you gotta love that stand behind me at the start of combat bodyguards grant 100 of their um armor bonus to non-bodyguard allies directly behind them does not stack bruiser heart gain another bruiser gotta love that shrug it off bruisers generate two percent of their maximum health each second yo these guys are gonna become unkillable challenger heart game the challenger um and garde i probably said that wrong the first time an enemy is attacked by a challenger they are disarmed for four seconds yo spread out your team comp this is gonna be going nuts let me tell you chemical overload one uh chemtex explode on death dealing 50 of their maximum health is magical damage to enemies within two hexes what your whole tim's just gonna be nuking the map dude that's gonna be crazy kem tech heart gotta love that clock work hard know what that is um enchanter heart know what that is enforcer yada yada imperial all four one when an ally dies they grant the tyrant 25 of their maximum health yo that's pretty cool uh innovator heart that one helps a lot self repair when the innovation dies it becomes untargetable and repair itself as an innovator is still alive if an innovator is still alive what that's crazy it becomes a targetable and repair itself if this is too good there's no way it works the way i'm thinking it works huh anyways mercenary heart gain one mercenary pirates mercenary units have 50 chance to drop one gold when they kill an enemy dude please let me run this team comp now it is going to be so much fun gold raining everywhere all right mutant heart know what that does unstoppable evolution mutants randomly gain one of the following when they reach two stars 500 health 35 attack speed 35 attack damage 35 ability power um these bonuses stack yo i like that protect your heart lifelong learning scholars that survive combat permanently gain three ability power dude i love this those long ones make it so fun uh scholar heart yep scrap heart yep um tinker everyone combat round slash rounds with scrap alive gain a magnetic remover and reforge yo that's gonna be fun to mess around with wow snipers nast snipers gain eight percent damage per round they've started combat in the same hex so if you don't move your board around this one's gonna be perfect for you getting free damage sounds nice sniper heart know what that is oh someone one additional uh spotlight that's pretty cool um so that class that summons that spotlight that buffs up people you get two of them pretty cool stuff more hearts more hearts one for all win your syndicate dies they grant you other snickets 20 attack damage and ability power gotta love it so small i've ran this one euros gained 35 dodge chance my gosh rich get richer we're moving on to tier 2 augments gain 10 gold your maximum interest is increased to 7. so cool high roller gain 2 loaded dice not the biggest fan of this one but i'm sure it's really practical come late game when you're looking to finish off your three stars and whatnot ancient archives gain one tome of trades tomes are so good i'm probably going to be picking this one quite a bit clear in mind if you have no units on your bench at the end of a round gain four experience points bro that sounds so wild what i'm so curious this is the best one or worst one in the game who knows high-end shopping champions appear in your shop as if you were one level higher if you get this and go to level 9 yes you have level 10 roll odds on what to get which is craziness all right woodland charm at the start of combat your highest health champion creates a 1 500 health copy of themself excluding items what this is wild all right march of progress gain four bonus experience points per round you can no longer use gold to gain experience points yo what that's wild hey good way to save money on not spending uh gold on experience points interesting stuff trade sector get a free shop refresh every round i love this one because it lets you focus on experience and gives you a whole lot of rerolls to work with all right you make your gold back big time uh sunfire board at the start of combat burn all enemies for 40 of their maximum hp over 16 seconds and reduce healing by a few percent this is nuts wait that's so good metabolic accelerator your tactician moves faster and heals two health at the start of each round that's your little guy you gain two health per round they're finally making it so you can finally get health back in the game i love that right uh salvage bin gain a random component item selling champions breaks the parts they're full items into components excluding force of nature yo this i was wanting them to add it in for so long i love it dude item placeholders with this are gonna be so sick nice edge too your units that start combat in the first two rows now they gain 45 attack damage pretty cool stuff cybernetic implants too your unit's equipped with an item gained 450 hp and 30 attack damage exiles 2 units that start combat with no adjacent allies gain a 60 maximum health shield for 8 seconds featherweight 2 getting even stronger your one and two cost units gain 60 move speed and attack speed built different too your units with no traits active gain 300 health and 45 attack speed stand united too your units gain 4 attack damage and ability power per trait active across your team titanic force your units with more than 1200 maximum health gain attack damage equal to 4 of their maximum health i ran this with cho'gath and he was consuming so he was getting more health every round he was having this give him more uh a.d every round it was crazy i threw a bloodthirster on him literally came in second place versus a bunch of challengers it was not so alright makeshift armor two with uh or your units with no items gain 45 armor and magic resist cool stuff celestial blessing too you're unsealed for 50 of them damage dealt by attacks and abilities excess healing is converted into a shield this one's even bigger throw the hunt too your units steal 450 health on a kill gotta love it um gain and i could uh academy honors gain an academy emblem pretty cool stuff arcane ciggy single gain and arcanist emblem all right runic shield 2 arcanist stark combat with a shield equal to 600 of their ability power what if someone has two death caps on what's going on huh what's going on there spell blade arches attacks deal bonus magical damage equal to 30 of the ability power on hit you can make some crazy builds with this crazy crazy build hidden blaine gate and assassin emblem safety vascular bodyguard beef up gain a bruiser a new challenger approaches um element x gain a chemtech emblem chemical overload 2 temtex explode on death is dealing 75 percent of their maximum health as magical damage this is too good dude i actually think this is too strong we'll see instant injections chemtex now um additionally trigger their bonuses at the start of combat oh that's pretty cool stuff tick-tock any clockwork emblem not the app armor plating colossals become invulnerable for two seconds for the first time their health drops below 60 and 30 pretty cool stuff ardent sensor allies healed or shielded by enchanters gained 15 stacking attack speed for the rest of combat pretty cool stuff maximum once every two seconds yo helios shield spams with this bad boy attack speed is gonna be going wild by the end of rounds which i love all right getting a little imperial emblem gotta love it duel rule there are now two tyrants oh that sounds so sweet hired gun gain a mercenary emblem gold reserves mercenaries deal one percent more damage per one gold you have what maximum 60 that's so cool gold reserves is awesome experiment 13 through 37 gain a mutant emblem all right really interesting name whatever bulwark again a protector emblem pretty cool stuff against scholar emblem metal detector getting a little scrap going on dead eye gain the sniper emblem i wish they don't add in many emblems like this i kind of like the random bonuses more but we'll see how it goes in the game allies adjacent to a spotlight at the start of combat and gain 50 percent of its bonuses pretty cool stuff share the spotlight gotta love it shady business gain a syndicate emblem okay sharp shooter twin shot twin shots ranged attacks and abilities can bounce once dealing 20 less damage sharp shooters are back baby that is awesome so awesome wind ball gain gold based on the number of augments you currently have what uh interesting this is a tier one augment pretty cool stuff that's a lot of gold tier three augments are gonna be wild let's see what they're all about portable forge open an armory and choose one of the three equipped artifacts crafted by orn yo warren items are back baby that's what i love item grab bag two uh gain two random completed items and two reforges whatever fan of thieves gain two thieves gloves okay you recruit your gain one team size free force of nature sounds good to me golden ticket each time your shop is refreshed you have a 35 chance to gain a refresh a free refresh dude lots of chance going up to this one lots of chance that's pretty interesting level up when you buy experience points gain an additional four experience points you can now reach level 10 level 10 gotta love that exiles three your units that start combat with no adjacent allies gain an eighty percent maximum health shield for eight seconds gotta love that featherweights three your one and two cost units gain 80 move speed and attack speed nice edge three we know how this one goes more attack damage cybernetic implants too bigger health shield or uh more health and more attack day but you gotta love that built different more bonuses added on to this bad boy stand united even more across the board all right makeshift armor three we know how these work champions with no items gain a whole lot of goodies which is nice all right celestial blessing uh three you're using seal for 20 of the damage dealt by attacks and abilities excess healing is converted into a shield up to 600 health a 600 health shield is nice i'm gonna like this one a lot um it kind of be soul your team now count as two additional academics that's crazy getting free bonus 2 is nuts cram session after casting their first ability academics or academics restore 80 of their maximum mana whoa that's crazy which is gonna snowball into giving more ap across the board too that's nuts rubix shield two are gonna start combat with a shield equal to eight hundred percent of their ability power that is disgusting and i meant three not two i think i said two here we go your team counts as having two additional arcanists gotta love that got all of that assassin's soul get two free assassins don't mind if i do bodyguard soul gain two of those bruiser soul we know how that works game two brawler bruisers whatever you want to call them challenger soul two free challenger icon emblem trait bonuses whatever you want you can't actually uh you can't actually put these on people or do you i'm not sure i don't think you can but you get two free bonuses one chemical overload oh my gosh yo i'm gonna build the fattiest tanks and just send these suckers in to blow up and die that's gonna be so much fun symptomic soul get a free tube bonus there clock works same thing broken stopwatch eight seconds into combat all enemies and non-clockwork units are frozen in time for four seconds this paired with some of the late game get into earth bonuses could be pretty nuts enchanter soul gain two and sanders no modified two enforcer soul thank you imperial we know these work rito come on let's get creative okay screw this bonus soul shenanigans give us some like if you get 150 gold you get a free nuclear win around get out of jail free card or something you know what i'm talking about let's get crazy with these come on they're tier threes mutants sold gain two of three additional mutants yadda yadda yadda protector same difference scholar screw you scrap here we go junkyard every three combat rounds with the scrap trait active gain a random component that's pretty cool sniper soul get two free snippers don't mind if i do um your team counts as having two additional socialites yep yeps in the kit same thing payday after winning your combat gain one bonus goal for each surviving syndicate dude this one's gonna be fun for sure twin shot soul two free bonus twin shots don't mind if i do and that wraps us up guys fatty thumbs up would help a lot subscribe the channel we're gonna be uploading a whole lot of set six i am beyond excited and let me know which team comps slash champions you want to bust out as soon as possible because we will get that done thank you so much for watching and uh until next time peace oh and real quick uh if you want to buy some merch it's in the description all right this is one of the pieces you can buy i love it myself the fabric feels amazing i think you guys will like it as well i partnered with cloud9 to get this shipped out to you guys as soon as possible so feel free to check this kind of stuff out if you're interested peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu TFT
Views: 128,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, bunnyfufu, bunnyfufuu, new, best, build, comp, composition, set, six, set 6, tft, team, fight, tactics, reveal, teaser
Id: qXU29a6EvAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 19sec (4219 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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