Everything You Need To Know About Binoculars

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[Music] hi guys Cody with go hunt your optics authority we get a lot of questions on really kind of just basic knowledge of the binocular and I just felt it was important to you know give you a little a little education on what's what the main question we get is power versus objective lens size so whenever you hear the term 10 by 42 or 8 by 56 or 15 by 56 the front number the first number is the power and what the power means is is that it's 10 times greater than your I can see some basic things to know about power is this typically speaking higher the power the more narrow the field of view so let's talk about field of view if you have a 10 power binocular like these vortex razors you're generally at about 330 feet sometimes they're you know they can be a little less and sometimes they can be a little more but generally speaking a 10 but 42 binocular should be around 330 feet so if you compare that to an 8 by 42 binocular you're gonna be about 400 feet your view where the 10 power may be like this but with an 8 power it's gonna be like this okay so again the the higher the number the less field of view so to give you an example just to compare this this is a 330 foot field of view if you go to a 1556 here at to 232 240 foot field of view so a couple other things the objective lens so when I say 42 the objective lens is the lens that's farther away from your eye and I always think of objective as its it's the one closer to what your object of viewing is so it's your objective lens you'll hear these in terms of thirty two millimeter 40 millimeter 42 millimeter 45 millimeter 43 millimeters you know 50 s 56 s so that is the objective lens that's farther away from your eye so on the reverse side of that you have the ocular lens the ocular lens is always what's closest to your eye it's also what gives you your exit pupil in most spec sheets it'll say exit people is you know for point - okay and the reason I say 4.2 is is because this is a 10 by 42 binocular if you divide 42 your objective millimeter by 10 your power you're gonna wind up with four point two millimeters and that's gonna be your exit pupil number which is the band of light that reaches your eye that's the width measurement in millimeters so what does that mean in real terms the larger the number of the exit pupil the more light that's getting to your eye you know you might ask yourself well why don't they make a binocular with a ten power at exit pupil well the truth is is that your human eye generally speaking it's you know when it's fully dilated or you know your pupils depending on on each individual purpose you really don't get much past like six millimeters so that's why you don't see a lot of binoculars with really like crazy numbers that you know are just ridiculously bright because your eye can only accept so much anyway but if you've ever picked up an 8 by 56 binocular and you thought oh my god that's the brightest binocular in the world well it is because that's like a seven millimeter exit pupil okay a couple other things is you know this is your eye cap cover for your ocular lenses these are your flip up covers for your for your objective lenses you've got a center focus here you've got a diopter setting here that helps you focus we've done other videos on that I'll take this little cap off here real quick and you'll see that there's a quarter twenty thread in there that is that's there so that you can generally speaking just about any binocular adapter or a way to mount them on top of a binocular there are companies out there that build those and that you can mount these on a binocular with a little little stud that goes through that screw you'll notice that these eye cups go up and down so like you'll notice the difference there you'll see the upper and the lower right I happen to use my eye comes down a lot a lot of people ask me that in the the number one reason is is because it gives me a better what I like to call it a perceived field of view again it's I relief you've got cups that move up and down your eyeglass wearers you guys you've got to use your eye cups in the down position your glasses have already you know kind of created a block between your eyes and and you're gonna have to you know use those cups to get the the lens closer to your eye to make for a better fit and it will greatly increase your field of view by doing so so again guys just the basic knowledge of a binocular if you guys have any questions please reach out to us on our youtube page and subscribe to that you can call me at 7:02 eight four seven eight seven four seven extension number two and you can also get us at optics at go hunt calm you
Channel: goHUNT
Views: 41,718
Rating: 4.858881 out of 5
Keywords: deer hunting, bow hunting, hunting (interest), go hunt, gohunt gear, elk hunting, insider, how to, strategy, information, goHUNT, rifle hunting, hunting technology, draw odds, Filtering 2.0, hunting maps, backcountry, hiking, outdoors, gear junkie, buy now, best gear for hunting, binoculars, fitting, swarovski, vortex, zeiss, leica, optic, gear review, gohunt gear review, how to glass, optics, binoculars basics, binocular specs, exit pupil, binocular magnification
Id: VTaPXhUNyv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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