Avoid these Biggest Mistakes Newbies Make When Choosing Binoculars

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[Music] welcome to base my name is Jason today I'm going to be taking a look at some of the biggest and most common mistakes that those new to the Wolves binoculars make and what we can do to avoid them first up is one of the biggest and most common mistakes that I see and that is choosing the cheapest binoculars available don't get me wrong I'm not suggesting that you have to go out and spend huge amounts of money on your first pair of binoculars but it's really important that you stay away from the cheapest options aren't they because in many cases you're far better off than having no binoculars at all so low cost yes but jeepers no for more information and how you can avoid falling into this trap yourself take a look at the following guides that you can find on my website by clicking on the links either here in the video or in the description below another common mistake that I see is people choosing binoculars that have a magnification that has way too high in almost all scenarios and most users but especially with lower costing binoculars you are far better off opting for moderate or magnifications then looking through binoculars that have very high powers there are a number of reasons for this but I'm going to quickly go over the three most important higher magnifications require thicker glass to be used this thicker glass lets through less light which results in a dimmer lower quality image being produced on cheap optics that use low quality and cheap glass this can be very bad the higher the magnification or the more zoomed in you are the less of the overall picture that you can actually see this can actually make it really difficult to find and track the object that you're looking for and if this is especially important if the object is small or fast-moving say something like a small bird in the trees next is the problem with image shape the higher the power the harder it becomes to give the image that you see through the binoculars completely still which has a huge effect on how well or how clear you can see clearly you can see the image that you're trying to look at so unless you invest in some really expensive digitally stabilized binoculars you will probably need a tripod or something to keep your binoculars still with magnifications anything 15 times or higher so just keep in mind and a good rule of thumb there for most users 8 or 10 times magnification it's the ideal choice obviously there are exceptions to this rule so if you are specifically wanting your optics for long distance observation be there for astronomical or terrestrial use there are a number of key points to look up or to that'll ensure that you don't end up with a melon for more take a look at the following guides on my website once again links you can either click through here on the video or on the description below and now the huge mistake that I see are people buying cheap zoom or variable magnification binoculars now I'll admit it there have been a few cases where I've come across some reasonably good quality zoom binoculars but in general the only good ones are expensive so if you have a tight budget you're much better off with a fixed magnification binocular so why is this especially when you consider that most telescopes and spotting scopes enable you to adjust the magnification and thus zoom in and out well it all stems from the fact that a binocular is essentially two separate telescopes connected together and each of these has to be perfectly synchronized to get a clear and crisp image this is technically difficult to achieve even with a fixed magnification and it gets significantly more complicated to achieve with variable or zoom magnification because the mechanism has moving elements in each of these telescopes investment must maintain the synchronization even while swimming in and out so my advice is unless you can afford a really high-quality and expensive zoom binocular you're more likely to end up with a device that is disappoints you either have a fuzzy image or the alignment will go out of sync I'm soon off to purchase so for more details on us and good quality options that you can find please take a look at the link I have on my site to zoom binoculars and now the massive mistake people make are choosing binoculars that come with a built-in digital camera a binocular with a built-in camera that enables you to take video or photos of whatever that you're looking at sounds like the perfect idea in theory but in reality unless you're prepared to spend a lot of money it is a really bad idea there are a whole bunch of reasons why this just does not work in fact there are too many reasons for me to go through on this short video so if you want to know why I say do not buy a digital camera binocular please check out this link that will take you through to the relevant article on the bbr website so what's the alternative is there a good way of taking video or photos of what you are looking at through your binoculars my advice is to either get yourself a really good quality camera and a large telephoto lens or for a cheaper option I have had some really good results with using either a digit bending or digi scoping adapter and taking photos with your cell phone or indeed your your small compact camera through your binoculars or spotting scope there are a number of links here to my reviews I'm on these on such adapters and here are three of my favorite so there you have it I hope that if you're a youtuber not clear that this video is of some help if you have anything to add or to admit to some of the mistakes that perhaps you have made please feel free to comment down below once again thanks for dropping by and I'll see you again next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Best Binocular Reviews
Views: 315,331
Rating: 4.4035397 out of 5
Keywords: binoculars, advice, zoom binoculars, digital camera binoculars, cheap binoculars, buying advice, optics, high power binoculars, binocular
Id: WqVT4qrkZqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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